#solo taichi
thegoggleheadgamer · 2 years
Taiora Week 2022, Day/Prompt 5: Recreating iconic movie scenes!
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Left- Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back
Princess Sora: I love you.
Tai Solo: I know.
Right- Star Wars: Return of the Jedi
Tai Solo: I love you.
Princess Sora: I know.
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icharchivist · 2 years
ohmygod i was relistening to Living the Dream because of all this and the autoplay immediately put The Contract and. and I never paid attention. 
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minecraftgender · 1 month
amalgamania fucks hard
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drtoniho · 1 year
dear bears in trees i hope you enjoy the anime boy character playlists i put you on
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ashxketchum · 7 months
Lots of Digimon news today!!
But for me the most important bits are all the new merch content I can turn into graphics! (Poll at the bottom of the post)
We get new Paint War themed art (Previously had a similar theme for Tri)
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A bigger Taichi solo version.
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And a vertical version!
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A3 GraffArt style featuring the kids in party wear.
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And most importantly, we now have a decent quality of full sized version of the previously released Food Sharing art!
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Icons, lock screens, Tumblr headers, I’m about to go crazy on the weekend 🥰
Please vote for otp content you want to see (my own otps will be featured regardless, top voted will get featured based on the number of images i need to complete a set)
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tobiasdrake · 4 months
Digimon Adventure 01x06 - Palmon's Angry Evolution! / Togemon in Toy Town
Previously on Digimon Adventure: Deep inside the Factory of Redundancy Factory, our new zapping bug pal bug-zapped the bugs out of Robocop. Also we may not be on Earth anymore, something the American team already knew but they don't get to be smug because they spent twenty minutes panicking about being in an unlocked room.
Now Andromon's guided us into the sewers, which he insists will help us but I'm half-convinced it's just a more civil way of flushing the intruders away like waste.
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The kids pass the time in the sewers by playing a singing game I'm not quite familiar with. They're divided into two teams: One team of children and the other team of Digimon. They sing a couple verses then pass to the other team, who has to start their verses on the same sound that the previous team left off on.
Agumon briefly stumps Team Kids by ending on an 'e' sound, though Mimi chimes in with a curious little tune.
Jou: What is that? Mimi: It's Enka! My Dad sang this in karaoke a lot.
But since nobody knows the tune, they can't follow her. Koushiro's able to find one they know, and soon they're back to marching and singing.
The dub doesn't preserve the game, but it keeps the singing. The kids are singing a song Agumon wrote for them. Then Agumon singles out Mimi and asks her to do a solo performance. She sings a verse of Home on the Range off-key.
Mimi: ~Oh give me a home, where the buffalo roam! Joe: ~Avoiding your drone! Mimi: Hey, come on! I had singing lessons for three years! T.K.: Oh, you did? Did it help? Izzy: Mimi, you should get a refund, that's what I think. Sora: Then let's sing as a group.
Dub Sora defuses yet another round of Dunking On Mimi by bringing us back to the group song, and the kids march on.
Suddenly, Sora lets out a shriek.
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Water dripping on her from the ceiling freaked out her. Another drop lands on her shirt. The dub puts a fruit squish sound effect jere, like you'd hear when a tomato or watermelon or something gets crushed, which doesn't seem like the right sound.
The grossness of the moment sends the kids spiraling, starting with Sora lamenting that she wants to do laundry. This opens up the rest to fantasizing about what they wish they could be doing right now.
Sora: I want to do laundry. Taichi: I want to relax in the bath. Takeru: I.... (pantomimes playing video games) Yamato: Takeru, this isn't the time to be thinking about video games, Ahahaha!
Yamato laughs at Takeru for that, but concerned looks from the rest of the group bring out the sincerity in him.
Yamato: I guess I can't laugh at him. What I want right now is sizzling barbecue. I want to eat until I'm stuffed! Jou: Don't laugh, but I miss studying. I want to do loads of homework! Mimi: That's weird. I want to drink ice-cold Cola! Takeru: Mimi-san, that sounds great! I want that too! Koushiro: I want to send emails back and forth with my friends.
Each of their wishes comes with a fantasy sequence, where we get to see what the kids want most visualized onscreen.
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In the dub, Sora skips over wanting to do laundry because of gross sewer water on her clothes and ties the singing into her homesickness instead.
Sora: I used to sing at home. I used to sing to myself all the time when I would do my chores. Especially when I'd hang clothes to dry outside, I'd sing really loud 'cause nobody could hear me then. Agumon: (offscreen) It's okay to miss your home, Sora. What do you miss, Tai?
Which then sets the dub kids down Reminiscence Alley.
Tai: I miss playing sports and then taking a nice hot bath. T.K.: Games. My games. I wasn't far from beating Matt on my video games! Matt: Beating me, T.K.? I don't think so. Maybe in your dreams, kiddo!
This is what Matt laughs about in the dub. Unlike the original, where silent stares from the rest of the group make him feel self-conscious, the conversation just continues on from there.
Agumon: (offscreen) So you don't miss anything from home, Matt? Matt: Well, actually, now that you mention it... I've been dreaming about Sunday, when Mom grilled us steaks! Mmm, makes my mouth water! Joe: I miss doing my homework. If I fall too far behind, I might have to go to a junior college! Mimi: I don't miss school, but I do miss going on vacation! Nothing beats having a cool drink on a summer day at the beach! I just love the ocean air! T.K.: Wowee, that sounds like fun, Mimi! Mimi: It is! Izzy: *angrily* Get a grip! *calmly* I miss accessing satellites to look at the stars and planets.
It's mostly the same, with some added detail to fill dialogue space during the fantasy sequences. Except for Izzy, whose internet activities are questionable and who also snaps at Mimi for no reason. Because being mean to Mimi is everyone's favorite pastime in the dub.
Suddenly, the kids hear a sound. A scuffling sound in the sewer tunnels that sets the Digimon on edge. Gabumon ID's the sound as Numemon.
The Digimon explain that Numemon are weak, disgusting creatures who enjoy dark, slimy places. They're the most loathed Digimon in "Digimon Kai", or the Digimon World - A terminology we have officially begun to use as of this episode, since Koushiro made that discovery back at the factory.
At the Digimon's behest, the kids run for it. Taichi doesn't understand why they're running from weak Digimon, but he gets his answer shortly.
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The narrator chimes in to explain. Numemon are Adult-stage Data-type mollusk Digimon who attack with their own droppings. His typically stoic voice falters and he sounds incredibly distressed to have to explain that they throw poop.
Mimi takes over narration for this one in the dub, explaining that they throw "Nume Sludge" and have bad breath. "Nume Sludge" is probably the dub's attempt at plausible deniability. It's not poop if it's Nume Sludge! Even though it's clearly poop and uses stock cartoon poop sound effects.
Running for their sanitary wellbeing, the kids take a side passage and emerge from the sewers.
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The Numemon stop following as soon as they see daylight, instead retreating back into the sewers. Agumon explains that Numemon can't stand sunlight, just in case that wasn't clear.
Which it wasn't; Like, they could have been freaking out because we crossed into some really dangerous Digimon's territory or something. So I appreciate the clarification.
Back above ground, the kids get to walking again. In time, they come upon another strange anomaly of the Digimon World.
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You know, there are worse things we've run into out here than a metric fuckton of vending machines. Maybe this is where vending machines go to reproduce or something, IDK.
You know what that means, though. You know what they have in vending machines? You know who specifically wanted what they have in vending machines?
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Wish granted!
Of course, since the dub changed Mimi's lamentation to wanting to go on vacation rather than wanting an ice-cold Cola, this doesn't connect as well. They're forced to generalize it with a bit of extra dialogue.
Mimi: I bet there's enough snacks to last us a lifetime, at least. Tai: Mimi, they probably don't work. Don't you remember the phone booths? Palmon: Hey, that could be. I bet it's a trick, Mimi! Mimi: I won't accept that!
They don't have to write too far out of their way to make it work, but it's nonetheless a solution to a problem created by earlier writing choices removing points of characterization that later scenes were going to do something with.
As Mimi races to the vending machines, I want to call special attention to this exchange.
Taichi: Mataku... (general expression of annoyance) Sora: It can't be helped. She's still just a kid.
And its English counterpart.
Tai: Mimi! Sora: You can't stop her. She's so stubborn!
Mimi descends into the nesting grounds of vending machines and picks out one she licks. Then she inserts a coin. Rather than dispensing cola, however, the front of the machine falls off and nearly crushes her.
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Oh, I suddenly regret not being crushed to death. Can I have a do-over?
The Numemon immediately hits on Mimi, but she aggressively shoots him down and calls him a lowlife. Dub Mimi goes even farther, calling him a "short, slimy, sewer-sliding sludge-slinger!"
(Probably a good time to remind everyone that Mimi is 10 years old. So. Y'know. Fuck this guy.)
Mimi's response is so blunt, in fact, that Palmon worries about Mimi upsetting him. However, Mimi points out that the bright sunlight means he can't do shit to th--
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Oh. Well.
Numemon Chase, Round Two begins as not only that Numemon attacks, but all of the vending machines open up and pour Numemon out into the plains, who descend upon the kids slinging even more poop.
(A fairly accurate metaphor for being hit on in public. "Why can't women just say no directly?" Because this is what happens when they do.)
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Yamato suggests splitting up, and the kids break off individually with their Digimon Partners.
(Surprisingly, Yamato does not try to stay with Takeru; Instead, they go completely opposite directions.)
Palmon tries to fight off the Numemon with her signature move, Poison Ivy. But before she can even attack, the Numemon freak out and flee for their lives. Mimi initially credits this to how cool Palmon is, but the true source of their terror quickly becomes apparent.
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The narrator introduces us to Monzaemon, a Perfect-stage Vaccine-type Digimon.
Narrator: Although he looks like a stuffed animal, he's actually a Perfect-stage Digimon. His special attack, Lovely Attack, even makes his enemies happy!
For her part, Dub Mimi's narrative has this to say.
Mimi (V.O.): Monzaemon looked like a cute big ol' teddy bear, but he wasn't very cuddly!
But this is only for our benefit. For her part, Palmon has to explain Monzaemon to Mimi too. He's the Mayor of Toy Town and a lot stronger than he looks. She assures Mimi that he is a good Digimon.
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Monzaemon immediately opens fire with eye lasers while rambling out salutations.
Monzaemon: We've been waiting for you, Miss. *fires* Enjoy yourselves! *fires* It's an honor to meet you!
Like Meramon, he just sounds like he's spitting out words senselessly. Dub Monzaemon comes off just slightly more coherent.
Monzaemon: I must say, so pleased to make your acquaintance! *fires* Please, come spend a fun night at Toy Town with me! *fires* Why are you running? Did I startle you? Sorry!
Dub Monzaemon seems at least to some degree cognizant of what's happening around him, but the vibe is about the same.
Forming an unlikely alliance, a Numemon offers Mimi and Palmon shelter from Monzaemon.
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As soon as he's passed, Palmon wonders aloud if something's happened to Toy Town. Numemon presses his luck by asking Mimi to go on a date with him at Toy Town. She rejects him immediately, and then she and Palmon crawl out of the trench to go check out what's going on in Toy Town without him.
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No sooner do they arrive than they find the rest of the group that split up earlier. The other kids are here in Toy Town, being played with by the toys. Forced to run around and pretend they're having fun. Emotionlessly regurgitating sentiments like "This is fun" or "Banzai" or "I'm so happy", but visibly exhausted.
Their Partner Digimon, on the other hand, are nowhere to be found. Though a bit of poking around quickly reveals what's become of them.
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Oh, they're locked in a chest. That was easy. Entering the warehouse, Palmon confirms with Agumon that the rest are in there with him. Agumon then recaps the story of how they got here.
It's exactly what you'd expect. Monzaemon came after each of them, and they were powerless to defend themselves against him.
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The bubbly hearts from his Lovely Attack - or Hearts Attack in the dub - scooped up each of the kids and their Digimon, then whisked them away to Toy Town. The Digimon were imprisoned in the chest, and we've seen what became of the kids.
An interesting note: When the kids split up, Yamato and Sora departed off the left side of the screen while Jou, Koushiro, and Takeru left from the right side. Taichi and Mimi went straight down, though they clearly got separated from each other.
However, when Monzaemon attacks, he takes Taichi alone, Sora alone, and then takes Yamato, Jou, Koushiro, and Takeru together. This implies that Yamato realized he fucked up and doubled back for Takeru.
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Once he's collected his prizes, he issues his decrees for the fates of his prisoners.
Monzaemon: The Digimon will go in the Toy Box. The children will have their emotions erased and serve as toys for the toys!
Dub Monzaemon has... a bit more confusing of instructions.
Monzaemon: So all of you will now serve us! You're all going into our community Toy Box! Our Toy Box is only filled with children!
...no, the Digimon are in the Toy Box. Also, what do you mean, "Our Toy Box is only filled with children!" That implies that you regularly put children in the Toy Box, but there are no humans in the Digital World outside of our Isekai'd kids.
Absolutely butchered that set of lines.
The Digimon don't know how Mimi and Palmon can get them out of the Toy Box, but they don't want them worrying about it; The other kids being played with to exhaustion are the priority right now. In order to save them, Palmon and Mimi will have to do the impossible and defeat the Perfect-stage Monzaemon.
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Leaving the warehouse, Mimi and Palmon talk shop. Palmon doesn't understand what's happening; Lovely Attack is supposed to be a happy move, not to do all of this.
Then the toys find them. A monkey with cymbals starts clapping his cymbals together in Mimi's direction, as if trying to make her play. Mimi stomps on the toy instead.
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Just then, Monzaemon arrives, stomping around the corner to greet Mimi.
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Mimi lets him have it.
Mimi: Be quiet! I don't know what happened to you but you can't just take away my friends' feelings! Give them back!
His answer is eye lasers.
(On the one hand, it's not fair that everyone else gets Lovely Attack but Mimi keeps getting eye lasers. Man, even both versions of Corrupted Monzaemon are mean to Mimi! But on the other hand, given what we've seen Lovely Attack do to people, it's probably for the best.)
Suddenly, the Numemon swarm appear to fight Monzaemon and defend Mimi.
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It does not go well. He stomps and swipes his way through the swarm. Mimi is genuinely touched by the sight of the Numemon.
Mimi: The Numemon are fighting for me... Even though they can't to anything but throw poop....
Dub Mimi doesn't quite convey the same emotional sincerity.
Mimi: Well, Palmon, what can I say? When you've got it, you've got it! ...oh no, I don't think the Nume Sludge is working!
Yeah, not really capturing the touching emotional moment there.
Palmon joins in the fight, attempting to entangle Monzaemon with her signature move, Poison Ivy.
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But he's too strong and easily throws her off.
Finally, Monzaemon goes for his Lovely Attack. However, the Numemon form a wall, blocking his hearts from reaching Mimi and Palmon, and getting captured themselves in her place.
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Palmon: They're useless and cowardly, but the Numemon are desperately trying to protect Mimi!
Again, the emotional sincerity of this moment gets lost in the dub, where Palmon just shouts a battle cry.
Palmon: Time to take it to the next level! I may be a lady, but I am not a pushover!
The sight of the Numemon sacrificing themselves provides Mimi and Palmon's trigger for evolution. Palmon SHINKAAAAAA!!!
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Palmon's evolved form is Togemon, an Adult-stage Data-type Digimon. "Toge" or 棘 is the Japanese word for "thorn"; She's Thornmon. An appropriate name, given both her prickly exterior and her signature move Chiku-Chiku Bang Bang, which the dub calls Needle Spray.
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Despite Monzaemon being Perfect-stage, Togemon's able to overpower him in this fight. Showering him in needles, she hits him hard enough to send him hurtling to the ground, and to dislodge the Black Gear from him.
(It helps that she has Type Advantage, as a Data-type against a Vaccine-type.)
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With Monzaemon defeated, he unpacks what was going through his head with the kids.
Monzaemon: When people get tired of their toys, they break them readily, without a single thought. I couldn't forgive that. That's why, as Mayor of Toy Town, I wanted to raise the social status of the toys. Mimi: "The social status of the toys"? Jou: I think he means making us realize the importance of toys. Monzaemon: That's right. Toys shouldn't be toyed with, but played with. Taichi: So that's why you made us play with the toys! Monzaemon: I'm sorry. I got carried away with myself.
As the kids watch the Black Gear disintegrate, the sight of it fills in the rest of the explanation for Monzaemon's behavior. They're familiar with this concept by now. Dub Tai remarks, "Y'know, I'm beginning to take this whole Black Gear thing a little personally!" which is a line I really like.
Once he's finished apologizing, Monzaemon offers up his ultimate apology: A true and proper Lovely Attack, bathing the kids in pure concentrated happiness.
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Briefly interrupted by one more person, ready and eager to receive his reward.
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It was nice of the Numemon to put up a defensive wall against Monzaemon and stuff but, like, nobody asked them to do that. We close on a straight-up riff on romantic entitlement.
(Ten. Years. Old.)
Assessment: As with the other kids, this episode serves as our proper introduction to Mimi's distinctive qualities. Mimi is open, honest, and direct. She wears her heart on her sleeve, speaks her mind, and doesn't think about the consequences of her actions. She knows what she wants and she reaches for it without hesitation. There are both positives and negatives to that way of being, but that's who she is.
Mimi is closely associated with a childlike innocence, which is why hers was the episode that featured something as juvenile as Toy Town. As Sora said, Mimi's still just a kid - even compared to the rest of the group, who are still kids themselves.
So far as the dub goes, some questionable decisions were certainly made. They make extra work for themselves in the sewers when they remove Mimi's desire for Cola, and they butcher a few parts of the third act in Toy Town. Also, of course, a Mimi-centric episode is a perfect time for the dub to bully Mimi some more.
But there's some parts I really liked. Mimi's extended version of her insult to the Numemon is great, and the actress's delivery when she realizes the sun isn't protecting her anymore is perfect. Tai taking personal offense to the Black Gears is also funny, especially given where this arc is going with that.
This episode probably isn't the best of the character introduction episodes. But it is Mimi's episode, and she was my relatable character from when I was her age, so that automatically makes it the best by default. Sorry, I don't make the rules. Take it up with the Fandom Parliament.
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renm1nt · 4 months
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Since I love both japanese BLs and jpop I have wonder how many jpop idols/japanese artists have acted i BLs for quite some time now. So here’s a list of jpop idols/japanese artists i j-bl. This list was so hard to make so apologies in advance if I missed anyone.
List of Jpop idols in BLs (updated as of June 2024)
2016- Kasa wo motanai aritachi wa (role: Maruta Keisuke) - Kato Shigeaki (NEWS)
2019 - Shujin-ko (role: Ikeda Yujiro) / 2024 - Love is better the second time around (role: Miyata Akihiro) - Hasegawa Makoto (the rampage from exile tribe)
2019 - His-Koisuru Tsumori Nante Nakatta (role: Igawa Shun) - Kusakawa Naoya (One n’ only)
2020 - Love stage (role: Sena Izumi) - Sugiyama Mahiroi (JUNON SUPERBOY ANOTHERS)
2020 - The corned mouse dream of cheese (role: Otomo Kyoichi) - Okura Tadayoshi (Kanjani8)
2021 - Given (role: Sato Mafuyu) - Sanari (solo)
2021 - Utsukushii kare (role: Kiyoi Sou) - Yagi Yusei (Fantastics from Exile Tribe)
2021 - Utsukushii kare (role: Koyama Kazuki) - Takano Akira (solo/ex-Dream5)
2021 - My love mix-up (role: Ida Kousuke)- Meguro Ren (Snow Man)
2021 - My love mix-up (role: Aoki Sota)- Michieda Shunsuke (Naniwa danshi)
2021 - Zettai BL ni Naru Sekai VS Zettai BL ni Naritakunai Otoko aka Zettai BL (role: Takimoto) - Kusachi Ryono (ENJIN)
2021 - Zettai BL (role: Usui) - Kondo Yohdi (solo)
2021 - Zettai BL (role: Ryouta) - Yabe Masaki (DISH//)
2021 - Zettai BL (role: Mayama) - Wada Hayate (Da-ICE)
2021 - Zettai BL (role: Toma) - Kobayashi Ryota (ex BOYS AND MEN)
2022 - Mr unlucky has no choice but to kiss (role: Shinomiya Naoya) - Sato Yusuke (lol)
2022 - Old fashion cupcake (role: Nozue) - Takeda Kouhei (ex PureBoys)
2022 - Minato shoji coin laundry (role: Minato Akira) / 2020 - Cherry magic (role: Rokkaku Yuta) - Kusakawa Takuya (Bullet train)
2022 -Amagi-kun and Takara-kun (role: Amagi Taichi) - Oriyama Nao (Shonen Ninja)
2022 - Amagi-kun and Takara-kun (role: Takara Shun)- Sato Arata (IMP.)
2022 - Candy color paradox (role: Onoe Satoshi) - Kimura Keito (Fantastics from Exile Tribe)
2022 - Candy color paradox (role: Kaburagi Motoharu) - Yamamaka Jyutaro (M!lk)
2023 - I cannot reach you (role; Ashiya Kakeru) - Haru Kasiwagi (Bullet train)
2023 - Tokyo in april is…(role: Ishihara Ren) / 2024 - Love is is better the second time around (role: Shiraishi Yuto) - Aloha Takamatsu (Bullet train)
2023 - Tokyo in april is… (role: young Takizawa Kazuma) - Takeno Sena (ICEx)
2023 - My personal weatherman (role: Tanada Yoh) - Atsuki Mashiko (Genic)
2023 - If it’s with you (role: Kaido Amane) - Okara Takato (Genin wa Jibun ni Aru.)
2023 - Takumi-kun series 6: nagai nagai monogatari no hajimari no asa (role: Hayama Takumi) - Morishita Shion (S/TEAM BLOOD)
2023 - One room angel (role: Takashina Takashi/Angel) - Nishimura Takuya (lil Kansai)
2024 - Sahara sensei to Toki-kun (role: Toki Kanade) - Hachimura Rintaro (Watwing)
2024 - I became the main lead of a BL drama (role: Akafuji Yuichiro) - Abe Alan (7ORDER)
2024 - Ossan no pants ga nandatte ii janai ka (role: Igarashi Daichi) - Nakajima Sota (Fantastics from Exile Tribe)
2024 - My strawberry film (role: Ichikawa Ryo) - Fukada Ryusei (Shonen Ninja)
2024 - My strawberry film (role: Toyama Hikaru) - Yabana Rei (7Men Samurai)
Note: Some of the jpop idols/jpop artists are not in BLs (movies/series centred around MxM romance) but are included because the have played gay roles.
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emeraldmew · 1 year
One of the things I really like upon rewatching Digimon Adventure is a bit of development that's split between a very early episode and one later into the series.
In something like the third (?) episode, the kids settle in for the night and collectively decide that the boys will take watch throughout the night (in the sub they explicitly make this a gender thing, the dub avoids mentioning their reasoning). There's no arguing or debate or anything: they just all agree because that's sort of what they all expect.
Then later into the series we get a scene where Taichi swapping with Sora after her solo night watch.
Just that. No big deal made about her having been on watch. No scene between those points where the group discusses letting girls do it. Just the subtle implication that somewhere between those two points the gendered expectations of the human world fell away and the kids just dropped them in favor of practicality.
It's so subtle but it's a huge indicator of how they've changed their minds about things from being away from a status quo environment. The change in perspective just happens naturally and without fanfare.
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jujumin-translates · 1 year
Event | 5th Anniversary: The Way Back Home | Chapter 3 - Autumn Planet Story
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*Contains spoilers for Act 12 - eternal moment*
Banri: …Aight, looks like everyone’s here.
Banri: So let’s get this training camp location decided on.
Omi: I wonder what kind of place we should go with.
Juza: It’s gotta be somewhere where we can think of ideas for the spin-off performance.
Azami: Then it’s probably better to go with a place that’s different from the usual one. That way it’s somethin’ new to help us come up with more ideas.
Omi: I bet we could get some great ideas from seeing some beautiful scenery and experiencing things in person.
Taichi: If it’s possible, I wanna go somewhere with good food! And somewhere where we can all have fun too~.
Sakyo: I already have a place in mind.
*Papers being passed out*
Juza: A pamphlet…?
Omi: Oh, this place is close. It’s only about an hour or two away by car.
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Azami: What the hell is it?
Sakyo: Although we have a budget in place, we don’t want to put ourselves in debt. So I’m making cuts where I can. That’s why I looked for somewhere as close as possible.
Taichi: Eh! This is where we’re going for the Autumn Troupe training camp…!?
Banri: Already figured that with Sakyo-san around, there was no hope of having a luxury plan.
Sakyo: It ain’t the place that matters, it's what we get done there.
Banri: And what we get done is mostly just rehearsals and meetings.
Omi: I hope we can still get the training camp experience, even on a budget…
Taichi: Ah! Then how about wint-camping!?
Sakyo: Hah? The hell is wint-camping?
Taichi: Winter camping! I’ve seen a lot about it on social media lately and it seems to be pretty popular.
Taichi: They say the prices are cheaper than in the summer and the air is cleaner too, so the scenery is even prettier!
Taichi: Umm… Here! What about this place!?
Juza: There’s a special feature on winter camping in the pamphlet, huh.
Sakyo: I see. If the prices are cheap and the budget can afford it, let’s go with that.
Banri: Won’t campin’ in the middle of winter be cold as hell.
Omi: Well, there’s lots of physical activity in camping, so it’s something that’s perfect for Autumn Troupe.
Juza: And it’s gotta be better than campin’ on that deserted island.
Taichi: I’m sure it’ll be great! Let’s all go wint-camping!
Azami: Guess it’s a better change of pace than just rehearsing and discussing things than our usual training camps.
Banri: Guess you’re right. We can def probably get some good inspiration from there.
Banri: Aight, then Autumn Troupe’s training camp will be wint-camping.
Taichi: Woo! Now that that’s decided, we’ve gotta get ready! We’ve def gotta have curry when we’re camping.
Azami: We eat that all the time and you still want to have it while we’re camping.
Sakyo: The only thing that we “def” need to do is discuss the content of our spin-off performance.
Sakyo: We also need to express our gratitude to those who have supported us up until this point. And we need to make it clear that we’re going to continue to protect MANKAI Company.
Sakyo: Not to mention that this special performance is also to reaffirm our commitment to winning the Fleur Award.
Omi: Of course.
Juza: Yeah.
Banri: With the new theater, it might be a good idea to keep in mind our origins.
Banri: Sakuya said that his solo-trip was a good experience…
Banri: And it was a good experience for me to think about why it had to be our theater during the MANKAI performance.
Sakyo: Not bad. If it’s coming from our leader, guess we need to keep it in mind.
Omi: I agree.
Azami: No objections here.
Juza: Sure.
Taichi: Our origins… Well then we can’t forgot about our naked socializing!
Banri: No, that wasn’t what I was talkin’ about.
Azami: This pamphlet says there’s a lot of places to go sightseeing around there.
Taichi: Look, look! There’s a pirate ship there!
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Juza: Pirate ship?
Omi: The photos of the ship’s interior are beautiful.
Taichi: ANIMS are space pirates, so it’s perfect for us. Since we’re gonna be around there, we gotta head onboard!
Sakyo: True, we might be able to get some good inspiration for the spin-off’s content there.
Sakyo: We’ll try to go there.
Taichi: Yaaay! It’s settled then!
Sakyo: Tch… We’re not going to have fun.
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Omi: I’ve got all the cooking stuff packed.
Juza: Got all the tent stuff packed too.
Izumi: There sure is a lotta stuff needed for camping, huh. Is every okay? Do you need any help?
Omi: Thanks. But we can handle this.
Izumi: By the way, where did all this authentic camping gear come from?
Juza: Borrowed it from Yosei’s camping club.
Taichi: It’s the perfect way to cut down on costs!
Izumi: I see.
Taichi: When I realized how fun camping is, I was invited to join the club.
Sakyo: All the luggage is packed. Time to head out.
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Omi: Got it.
Banri: No one forgettin’ anything? Then let’s head out…
Banri: Wait, oi! Why’s the driver’s seat empty? The hell, when did everyone get in?
Azami: Didn’t you hear when we said that you’re the one driving today, Banri-san?
Banri: Who the hell decided on that!?
Taichi: Don’t worry about it. C’mon, we’re all counting on you, Ban-chan!
Banri: Tch, whatever…
Banri: Aight, let’s go.
Azami: We’re off. Don’t stay up too late, Director.
Omi: There’s leftovers in the fridge for you to eat.
Sakyo: Make sure to call if you need anything. We’ll be keeping in touch too.
Taichi: We’ll get you lotsa souvenirs!
Juza: See ya.
Izumi: Bye! Stay safe.
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Azami: We’re finally here…
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Taichi: S-So cold…!
Sakyo: You’re the one who said winter camping was a good idea.
Banri: Yeah, it was your idea, don’t act so surprised.
Taichi: But~…
Omi: Well, the air really is clear and the scenery is beautiful.
Azami: True. The wind is pretty cold, though.
Juza: So, what should we do first?
Banri: Can’t get anything else done until we get the tent set up.
Omi: Right. Alright, let’s get to work.
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Omi: Put this here and… There.
Azami: Nice that we got a high-tech tent that stays warm in the winter, it’s a pain in the ass to set up though.
Banri: Oi, I told you that goes there!
Juza: Haah? Don’t tell me what to do.
Banri: The hell!? You’re the one fuckin’ things up in the first place--!
Taichi: Aah, they’ve started already.
Azami: So this is them camping, huh.
Banri: Wanna try me? I’ll drop you in that lake in a heartbeat.
Juza: I’d like to see ya try.
Banri: Bastard…!
Taichi: Oh, no, no, no, they’ve grabbed onto each other! They haven’t been this bad in a while…!
Omi: This might not end well.
Azami: Chill out!
Sakyo: Tch, didn’t think I’d have to use this again, but…
Omi: Hm? Sakyo-san, what are you…?
Taichi: Aah! Those handcuffs look familiar!
Banri: !?
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Juza: --.
Sakyo: You’re the one who said we should keep our origins in mind… Right? I’d be happy to bring you closer like I did back then.
Banri: That ain’t what I meant!
Juza: …Sorry.
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haru-desune · 2 years
Even if you haven't seen the blooming live recording, go with vibes?
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otakween · 11 months
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Digimon Adventure 02 Best Partner Series - Part 1
More image songs! This time for Adventure 02, but I'm starting out with the older kids. I had a lot of fun listening to all of these. They really went all out this time. 12 CDs with 3 songs each (solo human, solo digimon & partner duet)!? Madness!
Taichi & Agumon
New Sun - Taichi (listen here - subbed)
Taichi singing to Daisuke (or maybe the whole new squad) about how they're taking over the original kids' legacy. The lyrics make him sound very wise.
Took me a second to adjust and picture Taichi singing this because his VA kinda sounds like a granny lol
This had very "Mufasa talking to Simba" vibes. The chorus was catchy and empowering.
Agumon Ondo - Agumon (listen here - subbed)
Agumon singing about how he needs/wants to eat a bunch to grow big and strong. Also, apparently he dances to help digestion lol.
Agumon talking to random kids during the song and then having them sing along was adorable. Also made me feel old.
Team - Taichi & Agumon duet (listen here + translation here)
A very generic song about how Agumon and Taichi make a great team, but it's always charming to hear digimon/partner duets.
Yamato & Gabumon
The Key to Granting Wishes - Yamato (listen here - subbed)
A cheesy shounen song about following your heart and friendship and what not. Comparing it to Yamato's image song from the first season, you can see he's grown past his emo, lone wolf phase.
Wasn't crazy about the song itself, but the music was great, especially the guitar solo. Had a nice bombastic intro too.
It's Alright - Gabumon (listen here & translation here)
Gabumon singing about his bond with Yamato. They both hide behind facades (Yamato's coolness, Gabumon's fur) and are misunderstood. I feel like this was a lot stronger as a character song than Yamato's solo song.
Gabumon's one of the quieter digimon so hearing him sing is a treat!
Our Melody - Yamato & Gabumon duet (listen here & translation here)
A touching (and CHEESY) ballad between Yamato and Gabumon about all the good times they've had together. It had strong drunken karaoke vibes haha.
Although cheesy, the lyrics did warm my heart a bit :') I think digimon/partner bonds get to me more than human/human bonds.
Koushiro & Tentomon
Open Mind - Koushiro (listen here - subbed)
Meh, not a fan of this one. I felt like the lyrics were clunky and didn't flow well with the song's melody.
The song is about Koushiro learning new things about himself and his emotions through his journey in the digital world. Even though I didn't like it, I'm happy to hear Koushiro's voice again :')
Dengeki Rhapsody - Tentomon (listen here - subbed)
Tentomon 😭😭😭❤️❤️❤️ I love him so much. This song was really cute and plucky. Basically just Tentomon singing about being a good partner and appreciating Koushiro.
The only thing that bugged me (hehe) about this one is that it implied that Tentomon is always obsessing over food but like...I don't remember that ever happening?
The Scenery of the World! - Koushiro & Tentomon duet (listen here - subbed)
Another banger! Mostly just because I love these two and relate to Koushiro's passion so much. He's singing about how excited he is to absorb all of the world's knowledge and to see the whole world with Tentomon. Koushiro would make a good librarian haha. I too have strong urges to learn everything ever (currently reading every page of Wikipedia).
Tentomon's part of the song is kind of exasperated but in a loving way. He sings about how Koushiro is always staying up late glued to his computer, but that he'll still always stick by his side and pep him up when he gets tired. So wholesome <3
Joe & Gomamon
Towards the Wind - Joe (listen here - subbed)
A lot of these solo songs have the same, general theme about growing as a person. I wonder if the vibe will be different for the younger 02 kids?
I liked the mellow vibe of this song. A nice, easy listen. Joe definitely has the most mature vibes of the gang, despite being dweeby.
Invincible Flutter Kick - Gomamon (listen here - subbed)
Gomamon singing about how helpless Joe is and how he'll always be them to protect him and lighten his load. So cute :3
News to me that Gomamon has an "invincible flutter kick" lol. I mean, I can picture it, but usually he just summoned fish.
Crawl the Sky - Joe & Gomaon duet (listen here - subbed)
Joe and Gomamon singing about their unlikely friendship. They balance each other out. I kind of wish the chorus wasn't the usual, cheesy "we can do anything if we're together!" lines. The first part of the song was a little stronger when they were comparing each other's characters.
These songs are making me wish I had a little buddy to explore the world with :'(
Mimi & Palmon
Super☆Girl - Mimi (Listen here - subbed)
Mimi singing about her personal growth. It was a pretty generic, motivational song about being brave to be yourself and not fear mistakes.
I do really enjoy how unabashedly girly Mimi is and her songs always reflect that.
A Little Pinkie's Fantasy - Palmon (Listen here - subbed)
This one was just weird. The lyrics were super awkward. I think they're alluding to a pinky promise when Palmon talks about a "pinkie's fantasy," but the metaphor doesn't really work. Also the line about glittering lips also seems like a non-sequitur.
I've never been a huge Palmon fan, so I think that's mostly why this one was no good for me. (She's also a little tone deaf lol).
Happy Smile - Mimi & Palmon (Listen here - subbed)
It's nice to hear a song where Mimi and Palmon are talking about their friendship cuz Mimi could honestly be kinda nasty to Palmon in the anime lol.
Some of the lyrics in this were a little clunky (they basically said stuff like "fun things are fun!" "Smiling is nice!" "Pretty things are good!") but I liked the sentiments about distance not weakening their bond. That resonates with me as an adult who doesn't have many opportunities to see my friends in person.
Sora & Piyomon
Shiny Days - Sora (Listen here - subbed)
Uhhh I think mostly this one was just poorly translated because it was literally like a word salad. Like, read the lyrics here (or in the video subs) and you'll see they straight up make no sense --> https://www.animelyrics.com/anime/digi02/shinydays.htm
Sora is my least favorite Adventure character so it checks out that here song kinda sucks lol (sorry).
Wait this song has the same title as the Yuru Camp opening!
My Music Score - Piyomon (Listen here - subbed)
A nice straightforward song about Piyomon's love for Sora. I like how they incorporated her name into the song with all the "pipipi" and "piyo piyo." Very cute.
If We Fly Together - Sora & Piyomon (Listen here - subbed)
I feel like there was some nice harmonizing on this one. I hope the VAs had fun haha
The lyrics in this one were sweet. I especially liked this line about "telling each other secrets we hide from the stars." That really illustrates Sora and Piyomon's close bond.
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dutchforstrangers · 10 months
Sixteen minutes left - Taiora one-shot
For @taioraweek 2023 Day 3
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8]
A/N: This is me finally writing about Taichi secretly being more of a Ryan Evans kinda guy than a Troy Bolton. Just kidding. But for real, let Taichi be proudly in love with (high school) musicals. And openly teach it to his children. Also; hair braiding.
And Sora’s there too. Taking the kids to soccer and being the loud mother on the sideline that protects her little duck babies at all costs and will punch you in the face when you tackle one of hers, you’ve been warned. Adult!Taiora, taking place in my "About all the times" universe [x][x].
Rated T for sexual innuendo.
Summary: Akiko and her siblings are preparing for their upcoming school musical try-out and soccer game. Their parents however have their head in some other... "game"...
Day 3: Musical | Characters: Taichi Yagami x Sora Takenouchi, OC babies (POV) | Genre: Family | Rating: T | Wordcount: 1.177
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The three teenagers were sitting in a train in front of their father, Akiko comfortably sandwiched between her sister behind her and her younger brother in front between her legs. Her hands were putting the finishing touches on the braid she was braiding in her brother’s hair.
A relaxing atmosphere had colored the room, until her father suddenly interrupted it by speaking the important words:
“Okay, lightning round!”
Born with the level of competitiveness from both of their parents, all three kids were immediately highly alert.
“We start easy. ‘Conceal, don’t feel, don’t let them show’,” Taichi dramatically spoke, earning him a laugh from Yua and an eyeroll -with a concealed grin- from Tatsuki.
“Ooh ooh! Let it go, Frozen!” Akiko answered way too enthusiastically.
“I’m gonna learn how to fly… HIGH!”
“Fame!” Yua quickly stole the answer before Akiko could answer it again. From there the two competitively took turns guessing the musical lyrics their father was throwing at them with thunder speed.
“I got chills, they’re multiplying,”
“That’s Grease! You’re the one that I want—”
“Ooh ooh oooohh!”
“I wanna know, can you show me?”
“I wanna know about these strangers like meeee. Tarzan! I love that musical.”
“I was lost till I heard the drums, then I found my way,”
“Ah, that’s Hairspray…”
“You can’t stop the beat!”
“I did not live until today…”
“Les Misèrables, one day moooooore,”
“Two more! It’s time to trust my instincts…”
“Close my eyes and leaaaaaaaapp!” Akiko, her father and Yua belted out together, followed by loud laughing.
“Dad, you said one more,” Tatsuki interrupted the laughs while trying to contain his own enthusiasm.
“Oh don’t worry Tsuki, this one is especially for you,” her father his index finger pointed at her brother, “tell me -one, two or three- in which High School Musical is my favorite Troy Bolton solo?”
Tatsuki thought deeply. Akiko and Yua impatiently looked at him with wide eyes waiting for the answer as if they were watching the most exciting movie ever.
“Hmm, that should be either two or three…” Tatsuki thought out loud.
Unfortunately however, he never got the chance to answer.
“Movie three of course,” their mother answered, arms crossed in front of her chest while she leant against the doorpost with her left shoulder. She smirked. “Do you kids have any idea how hard he cried at that Scream-song?”
“You will never let me live it down, do you?”
“Never. ‘I can’t choose, so confused, what’s it all mean? I want my own dream, so bad I’m gonna scream’, it was all just way too fitting. You silently cried like a little kid being scared of its own reflection in a funhouse mirror and you were losing it like that Troy Bolton guy, punching and kicking the air all dramatically. Still lives rent free in my memories.”
Akiko chuckled, trying to imagine her father in the role of Troy Bolton, wandering through a school that was spinning, being all confused, punching and kicking the air like a true American high school musical teenager.
She was definitely grateful for her father’s incredibly cheesy musical-loving side. He had been the one to teach Akiko and her siblings the wonders of musicals, musical movies and all the lyrics from his all-time favorite songs. He had inspired her to discover theater and today was the first try-out for the musical she and her brother Tatsuki played in. She was excited to say the least!
“Ssshh, that’s our secret,” Taichi said a bit shamefacedly as he stood up, patting Yua on the top of her head that way letting her know her hair was all set with braids for her upcoming important soccer game.
He walked towards Sora who was still standing in the opening of the bedroom door and once arrived at where she was, he playfully pushed her outside the opening and into the hallway. As her mother walked to the master bedroom next door, her father turned around before he followed his wife.
“We’re leaving in twenty. Make sure to be all braided by then!” He then shut the door behind him.
“Mom will always find a way to tease dad, no matter how narrow,” Yua grinned as she finished the braid in Akiko’s hair. Akiko let her head fall back into her neck to look up to her older sister to force her into leaving a peck on her forehead. Yua rolled her eyes, but gave Akiko the peck anyway.
“Are you ready for the big game?” Akiko asked while she returned her focus towards Tatsuki’s hair.
“I guess so,” Yua sounded a bit nervous, “I’m a bit sad dad won’t be there since he will have to go with you guys to help backstage during the tryout. And mom always gets way too loud which drives me insane.”
It was true, their mother had her moments once on the soccer field’s sideline. Even though it frustrated her sister, Akiko admired her mother being so passionate about her children and their hobbies or sports.
“It’s not that I’m not happy she’s there, I mean, she’s actually right most of the time. She’s just so unnecessarily noisy, and— wait…” Yua interrupted herself, one finger in front of her lips and one ear directed to the wall adjacent to the bedroom their parents were in.
Both Akiko and Tatsuki became quiet again, listening closely to what Yua had heard.
“Too far?” Came their mother’s muffled voice from the other side of the wall.
“Yes. And therefore I have to punish you,” was their father’s response.
“Ouch!” Tatsuki cried as Akiko in reaction to her father’s words pulled the strand of her brother’s hair in her hand a bit too hard.
“Oh? And what exactly is that punishment?” They could hear their mother tease back.
“That you have to wear your ‘soccer mom’ shirt to the game.”
“Fine by me. Then how about… I change into it… right now… in front of you…”
Yua’s ears turned bright red, mirroring Akiko’s cheeks, upon hearing their parents flirt like that, every pause between their mother’s words filled with sloppy kissing sounds.
“Please do. I mean…”
Another kiss.
Akiko covered Tatsuki’s ears, having a hunch about what was to come after looking at the clock and noticing how much time had gone by since their father had said they’d leave for the respective tryout and soccer game in twenty.
Exactly four minutes…
“… We have sixteen minutes left, better get it done. Sixteen more minutes, get ready, game on…”
“Right now I can hardly breath…”
“You can do it, just know that I believe~”
“And that’s all I really need…”
“Then come on~”
“Make me strong~”
“OKAY.” Yua cleared her throat, trying to cover up the squeals from both their parents and one certain bedroom-furniture-piece.
“W-I-L-D Wildcats. They’re really putting the now in ‘now or never’,” Tatsuki said with the smug face he inherited from his father, ears still covered by Akiko. Yet aware enough of what stageplay (or game) their parents were currently playing.
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eisa96 · 11 months
Rewatching back Digimon Adventure Psi and wow..The more I watch it, the more I can easily see the universe in an omegaverse setting 🧎🏻‍♀️Yamato fits the lone wolf so well with him being the one going solo to protect the people he cares for and Taichi just fits—The leader of the pack but in twist—-
He’s the omega, Yamato is the alpha 😩👍🏻 I cannot see it any other way. There were so many really good moments in this series that highlights their dynamic but instead of following the traditional a/b/o setting, yamatai here are equals with Yamato having, especially a soft spot for Taichi. They’re the “sun and the moon”. The “you’re my first important friend”. The “I’ll be the sword to your shield”.
Although, Yamato was solo in the beginning. In the middle of the series he starts to be more open with the kids. And especially Taichi, whom is the first one he calls by their first name 😭 He’s the first person that warms his heart. Taichi on the otherhand, may be the one that extends his hand to Yamato and to others. But towards the boy, he especially showed a great deal in worrying over Yamato and cares for the boy so much 🥺 I can see the a/b/o setting with 01! yamatai as well but the reboot! yamatai is so good, it’s so easy to see elements of it here and there
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digitalgate02 · 2 years
Why BelialVamdemon was the final enemy:
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As many people know i do not like Vamdemon as the final enemy in 02, though i started to understand the said decision in some recent rewatches.
Short answer: it's because of Daisuke's backstory. Vamdemon is Daisuke's nemesis.
Long answer: It's a bit more complicated than you think.
Many people love to claim Daisuke had no development in 02, or that his development is limited… But as my friend Shiha had written before in her 02 metas, 02's development is not by individuals and yes by relationships. Which means you only realize Daisuke's growth by watching how he interacts with the kids.
As for the statement of "wanting Daisuke to not change" -- this does not mean no progress, but rather his personality would still be the same. He does change through 02 and 02 material, and if you try to claim he didn't, please rewatch the series with caution.
Anyway, one of the three peaks of Daisuke's character arc in 02 material is ep 49-50 -- in which we learn the enemy is Vamdemon and the kids have to fight him in order to save everyone. While the others seem to lose their hopes, Daisuke keeps in front of them and also does not force the others to fight (Daisuke tells Ken the jogress won't work if he loses his nerve, on ep 48.) so yeah this seems like a single solo battle against the final enemy.
As Daisuke and XV-mon gain strength to fight Vamdemon, and Daisuke notices his whole optimism and faith in themselves is turning XV-mon's attacks stronger… Well, this is where Daisuke learns the gist of that bizarre place.
But what does this have to do with Vamdemon, you may ask. Well, it's related to a certain track released in 2003, in which reveals more details of the digimon event Daisuke was involved before becoming a Chosen Child:
If you wear goggles… do you become strong?
Not really… but when I wear them, I guess it’s like, my feelings become stronger…
I…want to be stronger.
I want to become stronger and protect my sister, my Mom, and my Dad! I want to beat the bad guys!
“Bad guys”…?
Like… the light, white ones, or the big, scary ones! The black bad guys that are hidden in the shadows!
Are you talking about… Digimon?
They rounded everyone up, and threatened us. Then they made us go to sleep…
That was from… three years ago… when Taichi-san and the others were the first Chosen Ones. Vamdemon was attacking Odaiba back then. I was captured along with my dad and the others…
I wasn’t enough to stop them myself. But… I saw him. A person wearing goggles and riding something that looked like a huge dinosaur! I saw him beat the bad guys!
You saw that? I… by the time I woke up, it was already dark. But you’re right. In that night sky—
These big, shadowy, bad guys were all spread out across the sky! But the person wearing goggles… and his friends… they combined their powers and defeated them all!
I forgot about that. Yeah, I did see that. Dad, Mom, and Sis don’t really remember much about that time… and I only have faint memories of it myself…
If I have that kind of power, I can protect everyone. With power, I wouldn’t have allowed us to be captured in the first place. I would have stopped the tears!
To sum up this whole dialogue: Daisuke meets with his past self, a very different Daisuke before 02 events. Without audio you might not get it, but it's a whole track with Kiuchi Reiko voicing both present Daisuke and past Daisuke.
Well, this whole dialogue points out a few things: One, Daisuke definitely witnessed Taichi and his group on Aug 3, but possibly did not recognize them for some reason (the novel has Daisuke himself cameoing in the third novel's version of those events, in which Taichi has to distract Daisuke to not see the digimon, and later a scene of Jun comforting Daisuke, being witnessed by Mimi who comments "it must be nice to have a sibling")
Two, Daisuke wanted to protect the others. He complains about not being strong enough to protect his own family and the victims of Vamdemon's invasion. So Daisuke from 1999 was seeking for a way to become stronger in order to protect his family.
And what is what Daisuke says when everyone breaks their illusions? Ah yes, "I need to get stronger" huh?
So, okay, now we know all of this... I can finally go straight to the point: Vamdemon is the only digimon enemy suitable for Daisuke's character arc closure. It starts with Adv's Tokyo arc setting, and ends in 02 48-50. As many people would love, say, Daemon or Millenniummon as the final enemy... We have to at least realize those wouldn't have a strong impact on Daisuke's character and his message in ep 49-50.
Because... I don't think if this was planned since 02 got greeenlighted at the end of Tokyo arc but, what's cooler than having one of the kidnapped kids from Vamdemon's invasion be the one to beat Vamdemon alongside his friends and the whole Chosen Children network, including the girl who witnessed Wizarmon die for her and Tailmon? And also with the power of the Dark Seed kids, the recent victims of Vamdemon, who got their power of dream and made them true restored by those six kids?
Really, at least i can see the meaning behind this.
(And before you come to claim this only proves 02 is too focused on Daisuke-Ken -- read Shiha's post about this first.)
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A Day in the Gymnasium 4/9
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Mankai Company is invited to take part in the “VELUDO” exhibition once again. This time the theme is “Gymnasium” and the featured members of this special event are…
This is a collaboration with the amazing an who helped with proofreading, thank you!
[Part 1] [Part 2] [Part 3] [Part 4] [Part 5] [Part 6] [Part 7] [Part 8] Epilogue: Favourite Photo
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Hey director, how do I look?
Do Kazu and I feel like twins?
Yeah, you really do! The costumes look really good on everyone.
The studio is different from what we usually use. I really feel like I’ve been pulled into the gymnasium world~!
Yes, the atmosphere really gives off that feeling.
We designed the studio like the gymnasium classroom. So then, let’s begin the shoot! First off let’s start with taking photos of the characters that have the deepest connections, then we’ll move onto the solo shots. So then, let’s start off with Minagi and Takato.
Let’s do this!
Ohh, yes, that’s it! Now pretend like you two are going against each other.
Like this?
Okay so I’ll do this…
Wow look at that, it looks like a painting! The delinquent and class president, sooo cool!
That’s right, I can feel the chemistry between those two.
They’re a real good match~!
Okay! Alrighty then, let’s do the twins, Nanao and Miyoshi! Can you step into the scene?
Let’s go go go! Twin vibe switch ON!
Let’s do our best!
Hey hey, it's pretty fun being twins, dontcha think?
Sure is!
Alright, how about we try to get some shots of you two laying down and bonding?
Oh... that’s so cute.
Director, your heart is spilling out!
Huh! Oh!
No worries, I was thinking the same thing!
And for the last shot, let’s get childhood friends Citron and Guy.
Wooo it’s our time to whine~!
Our time to pine..?
Citron, could you sit on the windowsill over there?
Yep! Here?
I will sit in this chair.
Yeah, just like that! Wow, what a delicate looking picture!
You can count on those two to make a picture perfect scene.
They really do, the moment looks so fragile.
Alrighty then, now we’re done with the pair shots, onto the solos! First up let’s start with Takato, over here please.
Got it.
– Guy, come sit over here.
Something the matter?
Not at all, just sit!
Hm,  alright.
.. You know, it really feels like we’re classmates when we sit next to each other like this.
Your face looks like a bee that got shot with a watergun.
No, it's just that this is something I never really got to think about when I lived in Zahra.
Well this is just pretend, so we can live this experience now!
Hmm, I suppose.
Hey, it’s your turn, you two.
Oh Guy, look it’s the class president! He’s caught us slacking!
My apologies. We did not intend to ignore our duties.
I mean they called your names!
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Thank you for your hard work today!
Good work everyone!
Is it time to pick which photo should be on the cover?
Yeah, it is.
For this issue, how about this one?
Guy and Citron.
I was thinking of that one!
Same! I was gonna say Citron and Guy too!
I’m so happy~! I’m gonna send this issue to Tangerine and Mika!
I'm sure they'll both be happy to see it.
So with that settled, this will be the photo for the cover.
Yes! Thank you so much!
To be continued...
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a3-supeingo · 11 months
Episodio 3: El retrato de un chico malo
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*Se desbloquea en el rango 30. Se desbloquea por completo en el rango 44
Capítulo 1: Retrato 1 / Settsu Banri
Capítulo 2: Audiciones de la Troupe de Otoño
Capítulo 3: El último
Capítulo 4: Honestidad para actuar
Capítulo 5: Asignación de habitaciones
Capítulo 6: Explosión de un toque
Capítulo 7: Retrato 2 / Hyodo Juza
Capítulo 8: La dictadura del economista
Capítulo 9: Manju de Kamekichi
Capítulo 10: Un hombre frío
Capítulo 11: Compañeros incompatibles
Capítulo 12: Arresto domiciliario
Capítulo 13: El que lo cambiará es...
Capítulo 14: Su nombre es Kamikizaka
Capítulo 15: Enamorado — Otoño
Capítulo 16: Actuación de un solo hombre
Capítulo 17: Retrato 3 / Furuichi Sakyo
Capítulo 18: Reporte de progreso
Capítulo 19: Una clara diferencia
Capítulo 20: Retrato 4 / Fushimi Omi
Capítulo 21: Declaración de retirada
Capítulo 22: Reavivar la flama
Capítulo 23: Compañerismo al desnudo
Capítulo 24: Ultra Yo-Yo
Capítulo 25: Lección de medianoche
Capítulo 26: Un lazo forjado con puños
Capítulo 27: Pasión hecha pedazos
Capítulo 28: Advertencia final
Capítulo 29: Predicamento
Capítulo 30: La seriedad de Sakyo
Capítulo 31: Verdad
Capítulo 32: Confesión
Capítulo 33: Retrato 5 / Nanao Taichi
Capítulo 34: La noche antes de florecer
Capítulo 35: Despedida
Capítulo 36: Dame cinco
Capítulo 37: Una cadena de encuentros
Capítulo 38: El fuego acumulado del primer amor
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