#sombra gabe and amelie have a found family relationship and i will die by this dynamic
A Fresh Start
Requested by: @widows-knight, who asked for a wedding-day request with a male reader and a pregnancy announcement at the end.
Word Count: 3,462
A/N: I originally tried to keep the request relatively simple, but the prompt developed a mind of it’s own and I kind of ran away with it! I hope you enjoy it!
Also- ngl, I must have spent what felt like a day researching flower symbolism for this (; v ;)
For as long as she had been in Talon, Amélie  never dreamed that she’d live to see the day she’d  see the familiar sight before her again; albeit, she looked just a little bit different than her first wedding. 
She stood before a mirror in a white dress, hair neatly done and tied and braided (courtesy of an incessant Sombra) into a bun, and lips painted with a dark plum-purple lipstick. White silk and lace flowed over blue skin like water, pale roses sewn delicately into the lace sleeves. Cheekily enough, Amélie  found a few spiders hiding among the sea of roses, and she just knew that you had slipped in an extra request to the tailor. 
She chuckled at the thought and briefly wondered how long it would take you to notice the small butterfly woven into your boutonniere. 
Behind her, Amélie  can see Sombra idly fiddling around with the thin bride’s veil while Gabriel leaned against the wall. 
It had been surprisingly easy to invite the two of them to her wedding, Sombra practically jumping at the opportunity; though Amélie  had to keep a close eye on her to make sure the younger woman didn’t cause too much mischief. Gabriel, on the other hand, hardly batted an eye at her request.
In fact Amélie  thought the broody man wouldn’t even come- as he was never one for social gatherings, anyway. However, he had showed up to help her get ready in a suit that looked like it had seen better days, and seemed to at least try to be more sociable for her sake. Which, truthfully, was enough to make her almost crack a smile. 
Even whenever the two started their bickering (“Oye, viejo, quit slouching-” “Oh, be quiet, you brat.”), it hardly dampened the mood. Instead earning an eye-roll and a low chuckle from her while she did her eye make up. She’ll let it slide just for now. If anything, it only added to the strange little family dynamic they had.
It helped her take her mind off knowing that you were out there waiting for her, likely nervously fiddling with the buttons on the cuffs of your suit, and blissfully unaware of the little surprise in the making.
She lowers a slender hand to her stomach and gently bites down on her lower lip. 
Your relationship has always been...active, to put it lightly. Not that she was complaining. Oh no, far from it. It wasn’t even the highlight of the thing you had together.
Around you, Amélie  was able to actually feel. Every moment spent around you gave her the sense of normalcy that had been ripped away from her. You didn’t shy or cower away from her the first time you met her; even going so far as to learn French to grow closer to her. Though you were more or less tongue tied after you had oh-so boldly approached her, and that had gotten her attention. 
She gently chuckles to herself at the memory, the buzz of pleasurable warmth growing stronger and her cheeks flushing a light purple. At the time, Amélie  had no idea what it was about you that interested her.
Perhaps it was the way you seemed so earnest in your attempts to get to know her that intrigued her. Or maybe it was because of cute you looked all flustered and stumbling over your french- and she hardly ever used to word cute for anything. 
Whatever the reason may be, she had let you come closer to her- a choice she never once regretted. And neither did she regret saying yes when you had quietly kneeled before her to pop the question. 
The hand on her middle tenses and her brows crease as she gave her reflection a tight-lipped smile. While her heart rate was still worryingly low from Talon’s poking and prodding, Amélie  swore that she felt it race. 
And it wasn’t just because of wedding-day jitters. 
“Have you told him yet?” 
Gabriel’s sudden question snapped her from her thoughts, causing her gaze to move to his reflection behind her. 
He hadn’t moved at all from his place on the wall, but his normally stern (or as Sombra dubbed it, his “resting bitch face”) had softened a fraction as he gave her a small frown. From her place on the armchair not too far behind Amélie , Sombra piped up before the bride could answer.
“No, she hasn’t.”
Amélie  turns from the mirror to give the younger woman a hard stare, which merely earned her a shrug. Gabriel sighs and pinches the bridge of his nose, his brow twitching; the sight not too far off from an exasperated father. 
He’s interrupted before he has the chance to lecture her. 
“Chut toi. I don’t plan on hiding it from him.” the hand at Amélie ’s side tightens into a fist as she  shoots the taller man a curt look. “It’s just..”
She trails off, her lips falling into a tense line. 
Talon had broken her down mentally and physically, taking her whole being and filling it with poison that burned away at her core until a fleshy, twitching wound was left. The pain excruciating as it tore away inside of her and molded her into the perfect little pawn Talon wanted: a living weapon. 
Already pale skin turned a sick, chalky white until it took on a blue hue, giving her an unnatural appearance. Her skin was now cold to the touch, almost as if she was a walking corpse. Had it not been for the fact that she could very faintly feel her pulse every now and then, Amélie  would’ve thought her heart had stopped a long time ago. 
So naturally, Amélie  assumed her body just wasn’t able to do certain things anymore.
Then the two little pink lines on her pregnancy test had to completely blindside her, throwing her for an emotional loop. 
It wasn’t that she didn’t want to have children; she had played with the idea of starting a family before Talon’s influence, after all. Having a child to teach ballet or proudly show off their feats had especially warmed her heart enough to almost propose the idea to Gérard. 
Of course, that was all before she had her life destroyed and her first husband killed at her own hands. 
A bitter smile formed as she crossed her arms, nails digging into lace. 
Well, if she had thought parenting would be stressful before, than she was certain that it would be a downright disaster now. Would the child even be healthy? What if it would only bring regret, causing a strain in your relationship? 
A slender, warm hand claps onto her shoulder, forcing Amélie  back into the present. 
Sombra at least had enough manners to give her a somewhat sheepish smile. Just as the younger woman opened her mouth, Gabriel interrupted her.
“You do realize this is him, we’re talking about, right?” Gabriel’s gruff voice takes on a note gentle enough to catch the attention of both women before him. 
His face hadn’t changed much, but the concerned frown was enough to emphasize the thin scars and lines littered across his face- showing off years of stress and strain.
“The guy has it bad for you, Guillard. If he’s stuck around long enough to get the balls to propose to you, then a pregnancy won’t be an issue for him.”
“..It also helps that you have the man whipped.” Sombra grins beside her as Gabriel rolls his eyes. Though Amélie  can see the ghost of a smile on his face before he covered it by coughing into a closed fist
“Oh, did you want me to get mushy with it, old man?” Sombra snorts, gently turning Amélie ’s head towards herself. Purple eyes glance over to Gabriel and motion towards the door, staring at him before he relents with a huff.
“I’ll wait for both of you outside. Try not to take too long unless you want to give the soon-to-be husband a heart attack.” 
“Well, when you say it like that-” She’s cut off as Gabriel shuts the door, leaving the two women alone. A few moments of silence passed before Sombra hears a slightly muffled “ahem” next to her, and she turns over to meet Amélie ’s slightly squished face.
She grins and the frenchwoman huffs before promptly prying herself away from Sombra’s grip.
After briefly checking in the mirror to see if her makeup was smudged, Amélie  turns back to Sombra, brows furrowed. 
Yellow eyes meet purple, neither women saying a thing as the two of them stood in silence. A few moments pass and Sombra is the first to break the silence, her voice uncharacteristically quiet as she grabs onto her taller friend’s shoulders.
“He loves you a lot, you know.” Amélie  quietly nods, more to herself. Sombra gives her a tiny smile, quietly laughing to herself as she continues. 
“Did you know he asked me if I knew any French so he could talk to you? Me of all people! And he didn’t think I would mess with him when he did- even after I told him whatever bullshit came into mind!”
Suddenly, your stuttered and near-nonsensical phrases made a lot more sense. 
“A part of me almost felt bad when I did it; pobrecito bebé just didn’t know any better,” Sombra waves her hand, a small smirk on her face. “To be honest, I was expecting you to shoot him down like you did the others.” 
Her brows furrowed as her smirk fell slightly, a smile taking its place. 
“So imagine my surprise you had this funny look on your face-” “You were watching us the entire time?” Amélie  already knew the answer to that question, but she couldn’t help but feel the tiniest bit of annoyance flare up at it.
The Mexican only gives her a tiny shrug and a sheepish grin as she continues.
“Anyways, you didn’t look like you hated him, so I mostly just left you two be then. But then he just kept coming back to me for help, always so eager to try and get closer to you.”
Sombra’s face took on a softer appearance, a near giddy smile on her face.
“Even when the two of you had your down moments, he stuck by; just trying to understand the best way he can.” 
Amélie  blinks, eyes stinging slightly as her friend reached up to put in the bridal veil; careful not to undo hours of work put into her hair. Thin lace lightly brushes against her bare neck, the fabric the tiniest bit itchy as it falls over her face.
Sombra steps back to admire her handiwork, silent as she places a hand on her chin as she looks Amélie  up and down. Purple lips purse for a moment, before she nods and looks back up to meet her friend’s stare. 
She sighs, her face falling into a look of unbridled warmth.
“What I’m trying to say is that I think he’s going to keep trying to do his best for you. And I say this as the person who had to deal with him fussing over what do to make you happy.”
Though she could feel her chest begin to grow tight and her vision grow slightly blurry, Amélie  breathed out a quiet laugh as Sombra placed a hand on her cheek.
“..Plus the old man and I kinda already gave him our blessing without telling you. I don’t know if I should be saying sorry about that right now, but we just wanted to let you know that we think you deserve something good-” Sombra trails off as cool flesh meets her hand, the pair locking eyes as Amélie  gives the shorter woman a small but grateful smile. 
“..Thank you, Sombra.” 
“Pssh, don’t get all soft on me now, hermosa. You’re supposed to save that for the actual wedding part,” Sombra laughs, but Amélie  can see her wipe at the corner of her eye with her other hand through the lace curtains of her veil.
A sharp knocking fills the air, causing the two women to look over as Gabriel opens up the door. He pauses for a moment, suddenly feeling a bit awkward as he took in the sight before him. He clears his throat, glancing off into the hallway.
“...Do the two of you need more time?”
Amélie  is the first one to collect herself, taking in a deep breath before stepping forward.
“We were just wrapping things up,” She pauses for a moment. “...Where did you two put the bouquet?”
Not too far away from the trio, you were left to wait for your soon-to-be-wife at the altar; your chest tight and heart nervously fluttering as you periodically glanced into your reflection in a nearby window. 
Every strand of hair and small wrinkle was heavily scrutinized, quickly tucked in place and neatly smoothed back; your fingers slightly shaking each time you did so. It was a little tedious, but it was enough to mostly take your mind off how nervous you were while you waited.
Then your eyes would wander to the flower on your lapel. A single, deep-red carnation sitting in the button hole and then to the tiny, silk yellow butterfly carefully placed in the center, and your heart races and a trace of cold sweat begins to form.
To say that you were nervous would be an understatement. 
You let out a shaky sigh and adjust your tie one last time before turning away from your reflection. For what must have been the twentieth time today, you scanned the room of people in front of you.
Oblivious to the groom’s plight, the neatly-dressed crowd of guests chatted and laughed amongst themselves as they waited for the main event, enveloping the room in a relaxed air.
You could make out a few familiar faces of family members here and there, as well as some of the members of your unit scattered throughout; most of which were taking the occasional swig from flasks they snuck in in between conversation. 
A good chunk of the population here were mostly people you invited, which weren’t a lot of people. Amélie , meanwhile, hardly invited anyone at all save for Gabriel and Sombra. Which didn’t bother you, truthfully. 
While Gabriel may scare you a little and though Sombra had messed with you a majority of your time knowing her, you knew well that Amélie  had come to care for them greatly. And in her line of work, friends were few and far between. Most of one’s time with Talon was spent wondering whether or not they’d get to live another day. 
After how far she’s come, Amélie  deserved to have those two by her side on her big day. Where, you hope, it would only be the start of a lasting and happy marriage. 
You take in a shaky breath and ran a hand through your hair. You hadn’t seen Amélie  since this morning on account of your bride not wanting to bring any bad luck, and it’s been stressful. Your mind kept drifting to a hundreds of “what-ifs”; Amélie  getting cold feet and leaving you the most prominent one. 
It certainly didn’t help that she’s been behaving oddly since a few weeks ago, having been caught more than once staring young couples whenever the two of you were out on dates; especially ones who had a child or two with them. Amélie  had of course tried to reassure you was nothing wrong before changing the subject, but a nagging part of you insisted otherwise.
Your anxiety over the situation only grew worse when you woke up in your shared bed to Amélie  vomiting in the bathroom a week before your wedding. She had insisted that it was just from an upset stomach, but it had done nothing to quell your nerves. 
Someone clears their throat nearby, nearly making you jump. You turn to see Gabriel standing beside you and he moves to pat at your shoulder- stoic face breaking slightly to offer awkward comfort. 
“She’s coming in a bit. We just had some, ah… minor difficulties.” he coughs, moving his arms behind his back. 
Before you even had the chance to wonder just what the hell the other man meant by that, Gabriel looks towards the entrance of the room and Sombra- who had her upper torso poking out between the cracked double doors- shoots him a thumbs up.
Just like that, he gives you one last rough pat on the shoulder before stepping away to stand next to the altar. The officiant, who had silently stood back and waited, cleared his throat-causing you to nearly jump, as you completely forgot he was there- and take his place at the small podium behind you.
The double-doors open up with a groan that filled the room, a hushed silence fell over the crowd. Your breath hitches as you take in the sight of Amélie  making her way towards you, white lace following and flowing with each step. 
A carefully arranged- and from the looks of it, slightly battered- array of blue roses and slender rain lilies sat in her hands. Though their petals had suffered some damage, it did nothing to take away from their beauty; their colors still vibrant and rich, and full of life.
Beside her, Sombra was attached to the crook of her arm- a smaller bouquet of her own in her free hand- as the two walked down the aisle. The two of you lock eyes and she gives you a grin and tried to shoot you a pair of finger guns- albeit failing with her since her were hands full.
Though you couldn’t see it, you were sure Amélie fondly rolled her eyes.
When the two finally reach the altar, you find yourself at a loss of words, your breath hitching as you stare at the veil of lace in front of you. Perhaps it was a bit predictable of you, but at this very moment, even with her face concealed, Amélie  never looked more stunning like she did now.
The officiant’s droning fell on deaf ears as you gave your soon-to-be wife a watery smile. 
You mouthed a small ‘I’m happy that I met you’, chest tight as the situation began to settle in.
It wasn’t until when you finally lifted up Amélie ’s veil and kissed her that you began to feel wetness gather at your eyes, and your cheeks stinging from how hard you were smiling. 
The entire room erupted in cheers and shouts of congratulations all around you, and you were certain that Sombra had shouted something ridiculous because you hear Gabriel burst out into rare laughter.
Though you paid the noise no mind as a cool hand reached up to gently wipe at the corner of your eye, and the sight of your wife- cheeks flushed and eyes soft- with a small smile on her face. Eager, you slowly move her hand away from your face to slide the ring on her finger. 
You fully welcomed the tears gently rolling down your face at this point, you hear Amélie in front of you gently laugh; light-heartedly chastising you for working her up this much as she wipes at her eyes. 
The rest of the evening passed by in a blur, joy and merriment filled the air and creating a pleasurable buzz. Guests gradually began to trickle out as the sun turned a burnt-orange as the sun began to set down the horizon. 
Gabriel and Sombra were the last guests to leave, the two of them shooting their friend a look you couldn’t quite read. Amélie huffs at this before shooing them away and Sombra’s laughs before the door closes; leaving you alone with your new wife.
The two of you were silent, but that didn’t bother either of you in the slightest; too blissed out to let it do so.
As the two of you moved towards the exit, towards the sleek limousine that’ll escort the two of you for the day, Amélie promptly stops just when you were about to open the door. 
Confused, you turn to look towards her, and see her lips drawn into a thin line. 
“I need to tell you something before we go,” her words curt, worry bleeding into her tone as a hand smooths the lace of her sleeves.
“Of course. Is there something wrong?”
“Non, Non. It’s just..” she sucks in a deep breath. 
“I’m pregnant.”
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