#widowmaker x male!reader
wisteriaiswriting · 7 months
𝔻ℙ𝕊 𝔻𝕒𝕥𝕖 ℍ𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕔𝕒𝕟𝕠𝕟𝕤
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Type of date | Location | Are they romantic? | How much money will they spend | What happens after | Blurb
Words: 3161
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Due to Ashe being, well Ashe. You’d think she wouldn’t do dates or much romance, but surprisingly yes! Much preferring calmer and simple dates.
Has set up your private room at her base, [Whether you live there or just visit] so she’ll set up in there.
She has very little experience, but with you she tries, and often succeeds. Flirts a lot, but you get all her real attention.
During her Deadlock days she’s gathered a pretty penny, and she’s willing to spend plenty of that on you. Even if you deny her, it won’t stop her.
Absolutely adores when you cuddle up to her, holding you back and closer. All the while making sure both of you are comfortable before falling asleep herself.
Ashe’s day was rough, and returning to you made the world around her seen non existant. Able to fall into your arms and the many, many blankets. Tugging you closer into her arms as she got under them.
Quickly enough she noticed your breathing evening out, looking just in time to see your eyes shut. Only able to chuckle at that, she just arrived and you were already out like a light.
Leaning down to leave a gentle kiss on your forehead, pulling away, and in the dim lighting was barely able to see the mark she left. Her thumb brushed over it as she thought.
It didn’t take long for her to do it again. And again.
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If he’s being honest here, he had and still does, no clue what to do. But likely he found something, and that was heading out for a drink and maybe some food.
Mostly takes you to some bars and a few pubs when hungry.
He tries, and comes off real smooth yet kinda awkward. (He hasn’t done this in a while.)
Has very little to his, nothing legally. So he won’t spend much of the little he still has, but he will steal anything for you. (Be the distraction, please.)
Still awkward, but now he’s calmed down a bit. He’ll walk you to your residence before asking for a second date.
“C’mon now darlin’, don’t let this old dog down.” There he went again. You weren’t sure what would happen if he had a few drinks, but definitely not a flirty drunk. But luckily enough he stuck with you no matter what.
Also meaning you were subjected to all his flirting.
“Cassidy, again, you brought me here.”
“Did I? I mean why wouldn’t I, a catch like you with me, obviously.”
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She’ll adapt to what you enjoy, but if she was given the choice it would be a movie.
While she would prefer staying at home or base, wanting your time together to be, well together. Although she wouldn’t be against the movie theatre.
Has no experience. But throughout your time together and even before, she’s always learning, especially what you prefer.
It’s likely Winston finds out and gives her the money. Using that on snacks and tickets if needed. Otherwise most of it is spent on you.
Will walk you to your room before leaving, finding Winston or Mercy to talk about it.
“Echo!” Turning around to find Winston making his way closer, one hand was closed, holding something likely for her.
“Oh Winston!”
“I was informed about the date, and was able to gather these.” He dropped the things into her open ones, revealing plenty of money. Especially more than enough in notes to pay for anything needed.
“Thank you, I’m sure Y/N will also appreciate the help.” With that she floated off, on her way to your room. Now she had this, all she needed to do was confirm with you.
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He’ll drag you to a nearby arcade. But if you’re up in Japan he’ll bring you to one he frequented as a child / teen.
Either place will be loud, bright and flashy. Unless you become uncomfortable with anything he’ll actually enough the kids.
Hasn’t really lost his spark, but due to his death and scarring he might need some help.
Has a bit more than needed, so he’s paying for the whole night. Please don’t try to argue with him.
Afterwards he’ll take you out for food, your choice.
Compared to the cold winds outside Genji’s metal hand felt warm, likely from your own heat. Never changing or letting go when you entered the arcade, only pulling you around the place.
And you’d think someone who fights for his life almost every day would be able to win at a basic claw machine, right?
Well you’d be wrong. You watched as he failed time after time before almost giving up, before he finally caught one. It was small and simple but he beamed at you while holding it towards you.
It was a cute [Favourite animal] that held a heart, and there were plenty of other animals inside. Once he realized, now not focused on yours, he was determined to have a matching one.
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He’ll much prefer something calming but able to be sentimental, like painting together.
Depending on the activity you’ll either stay home or go to a private studio for the time.
Has very little experience, he tries by giving you gifts. (Please let him know it works.)
He will spend plenty of money on the tools and wood, willing to get anything for the date and you.
You’ll be walked back to your house / room, and when he gets back to his own he’ll place all your gifts onto their dedicated shelf.
The day was spent just silently hanging out together. He sat across from you doing his own thing, which used a few tools. All had been brought in a small bag. While you continued doing your own hobby.
About an hour goes by before he moves from his spot. Turning around to gain your attention, using his empty hand to open your own. As he did his face became red and he looked away slightly.
Only looking back to place the item in your open palm. Which turned out to be a small wooden bow that he just carved. But before you could pull your hand away he also placed a few more things next to the bow.
Revealing them to be smaller, also carved arrows. Each one had either your names or your initials engraved.
This man would be the death of you.
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He’ll drag you into his workshop, whether you join him or watch he doesn’t mind.
As a criminal he can’t go very far, so you’ll stay in his workshop.
He fully believes he’s romantic, tries but ultimately fails. Has no clue what he is actually doing.
Jamison has almost none, but he can’t use it anyways.
Being secretive the whole time pays off, even if he almost blew it many times. Showing off his project while beaming.
For the first few hours you willingly stayed with Jamison in his workshop. But after a while it was clear he wasn’t going to let you see, so without him noticing you left. The rest of your time was spent sitting outside the room while you heard him working away.
Before you knew it he had left the room, almost rushing past you. Luckily turning around in time.
“Oi, why’d you leave?”
“Takin’ to long Jami.”
“Well don’t do that…” He started pouting while reaching into his pocket, pulling out a small box. Placing it into your hands.
“Go on, open it!” Which you would, except there was no way to. Spinning it around until you heard a ‘click.’ The lid opened revealing a small heart rising and spinning, made of scraps and crappily coloured in different shades of red.
“I love it Jami.” Leaning over to give him a quick kiss.
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She focuses on getting to know you rather than an activity or certain place, wanting you to do the same.
You’ll spend that with each other and away from the others, likely at her place or a nearby yet kinda private park.
Due to, you know, being frozen for years, she doesn’t have much experience, even before that but she tries.
The most she spends is on any food and drinks, but is willing to spend more if needed.
Not much, but she won't let you go until you accept the snacks she made for you.
It had been hours since you arrived at Mei’s place, and it was finally time to leave. But it was clear she didn’t want you to leave yet, though she wouldn’t stop you. Surely you have plenty of things to be doing.
As she watched you walk off she suddenly remembered her gifts, the cookies!
“Y/N, wait!” And you did, letting you grab what she needed before rushing out. In her hands were a container, only able to see when she got closer. It was full of cookies.
“I made these earlier, almost forgot.” She giggled as she spoke, flushing red.
“Thank you.”
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She much prefers simple and calmer date ideas. Turns out building Legos is a good idea, one she should’ve done earlier.
She’ll have you both sitting in the living room, making sure you’re both comfortable as possible. With enough lightning and the tv as background noise.
Work has always gotten in the way of any romance she’s ever tried, so the only things she knows are from asking Ana. But she still tries, even if they cause her to flush red.
Is absolutely willing to spend plenty on different sets. She makes sure you can finish any set you want.
Helping you find the best placement for them. When you leave she takes pictures and sends them to Ana, fully prepared for any teasing from her.
When you entered the first thing you saw was another Lego set, it was from the botanical collection. Specifically the Orchids. All built and setting in a [favourite colour] vase. Footsteps pulling you from the scene.
In the doorway stood Fareeha, frozen while her face quickly became red.
“I can explain,” Stepping forwards as she spoke, taking your hands into her own. “I am aware we built some yesterday, but I saw these and they reminded me of you.”
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Everyone assumes it’s a meeting, unaware (Except for Sombra) of what is really happening. Just you two spending quality time in silence doing your favourite activities.
He’ll have it set up in a private meeting room further down from the others, or invites you to his room.
Has plenty of experience (Had a wife) so he has learnt his love languages, being acts of service and quality time, although only with you.
Doesn’t need to spend any of his money but will buy anything you want or need for your hobby.
He’s a knitter, so before he leaves he’ll hand you the item he made. Please find him later for thank you cuddles, he will melt, literally.
A hand dropped onto your shoulder, if you weren’t a Talon agent it would’ve taken you down. But the metal claws gave away who they belonged to.
“Meeting room 6.” Smoke covered the area as he left, not wanting to stay around longer than necessary. Listening, you also left the area, everyone quickly became quiet.
The room's lights were off, the only light being a lamp behind him and the curtains pulled slightly open. Across the table sat Gabriel, gauntlets removed and thrown next to the yarn.
He was part way through knitting something, a stack of already finished squares. Just next to them sat the items for [activity], seemingly ready for you to start. And start you did, both of you sitting in silence for the next few hours.
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She’ll spend a few hours setting up the perfect movie night, snacks, blankets and a selection of movies or shows.
All this will be set up in your shared bedroom so neither of you will have to walk far for any reason.
She’s aware she’s trying to be romantic, just unsure if it’s succeeding. (It has been for a while.)
The only money she’ll need to spend is on the snacks, buying all your favourites.
Likely one of you two will fall asleep during your bingeing, with the other following soon after.
You were both on your 3rd movie after finishing a while 4 seasons of an old yet interesting tv show. But by now your eyes started to hurt from all the lights, and your eyelids were starting to shut.
You knew you couldn’t prevent yourself from falling asleep, especially when you were so comfortable. Vivian had set up everything, so she was aware this would happen and was prepared.
She let you lean onto her, wrapping her own arms around you. And when your eyes finally shut, breathing evened out she leaned over and gave you a quick and gentle kiss. Finally following shut, letting the movie play as background noise.
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𝕊𝕠𝕝𝕕𝕚𝕖𝕣 𝟟𝟞:
He enjoys simpler date ideas, the chosen one being a walk in the park. Managing to find a quiet and pretty empty day.
While the majority of your time is spent in the park, he’ll take you to a nearby food place. Ice cream or anything else you might crave.
He doesn’t have as much experience as he lets on due to work, he knows what to do. Just a little awkward about it.
For the chosen dates he won’t need much but is willing to splurge a little during so.
If it’s late enough he’ll take you out to lunch or dinner.
The air gained a slight chill whenever it passed you, causing Jack to lend you his jacket, sticking close even then. Without realizing the end of the trail arrived, letting both of you stand outside the park.
He looks up before down at his watch, looking for the time. Apparently it wasn’t late enough to finish just yet, so he invited you out for lunch.
“How about lunch, I’ll pay?”
Of course you accepted, free lunch and time spent with Jack. A win-win situation.
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She tries as much as possible to keep you away from Talon, so she takes you to a concert of your choice.
The stadium is large and unsurprisingly loud, but she makes sure you feel comfortable during all of this.
Is much more flirty rather than romantic, but can be romantic if either of you feel like it.
There’s no need for money when she has everything at her fingertips, although if you really want to she will.
She’ll ‘book’ you two a shared hotel room, putting off returning to Talon. Also wanting to spend time with you.
“Ángel~” Her voice would’ve shocked you if she didn’t already blind you with her hands over your eyes. “I have a present for you, and I know you’ll love it!”
The air became cold but only in parts around you. Although she didn’t move it seemed everything else had. The once silent air changed, people talking, walking, even cars were driving.
Her hands were removed revealing the new location. It was a stadium, but not for their normal sports game. Banners and posters showed your favourite band/singer, as they were playing here, today!
And Olivia brought you here, you needed to thank her somehow.
Ángel - Angel
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She plans everything for a fancy dinner date, willing to compromise for something just as fancy but smaller for your comfort.
As long as the place is fancy to a certain degree and has food you both eat she’s willing to have a date there.
Her romantic won’t be noticeable to others, if so won’t be taken as romance. But she prefers acts of kindness, helping you with work and grabbing you things.
While she’s willing to spend a lot on you and your hobbies she does have a limit, although it is pretty high.
Afterwards she’ll have someone drive you both to your place, making sure you’re able to get inside before asking for a second date.
As the car slowed to a stop her hand lifted off yours, holding it during the ride. You knew not to open the door, quickly finding out her habit of opening it for you. Only doing it for you though, but neither of you would change that.
When the door was opened she reached for your hand, gently helping you out. Again, her hand didn’t let go of yours until you stepped inside.
“I hope you enjoyed tonight, as I want to ask for another.”
Of course you agreed.
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She’ll take you to the movie theater to watch a movie of your choice.
Will go to the theater but also enjoys having home movie nights.
Often enough she’s interrupted by giggling, but she can and has been romantic.
She lets you see the amount, being enough for popcorn, drinks and the tickets.  Before surprising you by buying you both some candy.
On the way home she’ll be ranting about the movie whether it was good or bad. When you both get home she’ll continue on while making sure you’re listening, that’s by trapping you in a cuddle session.
“C’mon Love!” Her hand had slipped and was holding onto your wrist instead, but she didn’t let go. The line was surprisingly short, only being a family and a few teenagers so you got to the counter quickly.
“What do you wanna watch?” A quick glance at the options revealed a few good ones, except one stood out.
“How about [Movie]?”
“Yeah, two tickets for [Movie] please!” She continued ordering, getting popcorn and drinks. At first you thought she wasn’t going to get candy, only after she ordered everything else did she get some. Both of you getting cups to choose your candy.
“C’mon then, can’t miss any scenes!”
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As she is a known criminal she won’t be able to take you very far, but will go stargazing with you.
The chosen hill is far enough from the Talon base but still safe enough, especially when with her.
She tries to be romantic, won't ever be the best due to her transformation but she tries for you.
For any date there won’t be any need for money.
If you’re not part of Talon she’ll make sure you get home safe, if so then she’ll walk you to your room.
The air has grown cold, but never becomes freezing. Staying at a comfortable kind of cold, the kind Amélie had grown used to over the years so it didn’t bother her. Yet it affected you, you shivered slightly as if trying to hide it from her.
You should know better by now, when it comes to you she won’t miss a single detail. Wrapping her arms around you, pulling you closer. When you shivered ceased she let you return to watching the stars.
And instead of doing the same her eyes never left your figure. To her you seemed to shine brighter than those stars.
387 notes · View notes
amphibiahawks321 · 8 months
Can you do Widowmaker x Male Reader pls?
Widowmaker : Niiiice~
Tracer : Hey widowmaker!
Widowmaker : Huh?! What?! Oh yes Tracer?
Tracer : What are you looking at? You've been using your scope to look at something for the past 10 minutes
Widowmaker : W-whaaaaaa? I was just testing my scope that's all!
Tracer : Oh okay..... Oh! By the way! Winston wanted to talk to you about something in the headquarters
Widowmaker : Really? Okay
Tracer : I'll guard your sniper for you!
Widowmaker : Oh okay thanks tracer
Tracer : No problemo!
[Widowmaker leaves the scene]
Tracer : Yeah I definitely wanna know what she was looking at...
[Took a peek on the scope]
Tracer : Let's see what she was looking at-.....
Tracer : .....
[Reveals in the scope to be Y/N jogging]
Tracer : widowmaker you absolute-
136 notes · View notes
cornsoupflavour · 4 months
Hit List (Overwatch NSFW Smut) [LORE]
Widowmaker, Amélie Lacroix x Male Reader
Tags: 2.4k words, enemies-to-lovers, multiple creampies, mention of breeding & assassinations
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Image credit: Qi Sheng Luo on ArtStation
In the late hours of the night, you, Y/N, a relatively new recruit for Overwatch right before it collapsed, found yourself locked in a scuffle with none other than the infamous Widowmaker, Amélie Lacroix. The chase through the city finally came to a halt when you managed to trap the assassin in your own residence.
Panting, you dragged the stunned Widowmaker to the living room. Your hands had been stained with the remnants of your heated confrontation. The adrenaline from the chase was slowly dissipating, replaced by a sense of weariness.
"Lacroix, Amélie Lacroix," you stated, pronouncing her full name as you tied her to a chair. Once she was secure, you took a seat opposite her, your eyes never leaving the Talon operative. "Who sent you here?"
The only sound in the room was the ticking clock, emphasizing the silence that enveloped them. You crossed your arms, your tone neutral. "...and why?"
Widowmaker, however, remained stoic. Her purple-blue skin and yellow eyes stared blankly ahead, giving no hint of the information you desired. The silence was thick, an uncomfortable tension between the two.
That's when you remembered the recall Winston sent. You hang your head with a long, drawn-out sigh. "You know I'm not gonna let you finish your mission, right?"
You could feel beads of sweat trickling down your forehead, but you wiped them away, maintaining your stern expression.
You leaned back in your chair, the creaking of the wooden frame filling the room. A vein on your forehead pulsed as you glared at Widowmaker.
"Listen to me, Lacroix," you said, your voice dry. "I'm not in the mood for games. You're lucky I'm not going to just leave you here, roped up like a prize catch."
A long moment of silence passed as you stared her down. Her yellow eyes, so lifeless, still didn't betray any sense of emotion.
"You've got a pretty face, for a Talon operative," you remarked, your tone trailing off, hinting at sarcasm. "If only your brain wasn't so thoroughly corrupted."
You couldn't help but glance at her voluptuous figure, strapped into the wooden chair. Widowmaker's plump ass and hourglass figure were accentuated by her tight-fitting purple and silver bodysuit.
Suddenly, Widowmaker's tone shifted. Her voice was still cold, but there was an unexpected edge to it.
"Why don't we skip the questioning and do something more... enjoyable?" She suggested, her voice low and husky. "After all, I find the scent of your lust intoxicating."
You raised an eyebrow, taken aback by her proposition. In this tense moment, Widowmaker's suggestion seemed almost farcical. Yet, there was an undeniable attraction between the two of you.
"As if I'd give you the satisfaction," you responded, your voice full of disdain. "I'll be taking you straight to an interrogation facility."
You stood up, ready to escort the bound Talon assassin, but the thought of her twisted, alluring suggestion lingered in your mind. The quiet room was filled with an overpowering tension that seemed to hum in the air.
You hesitated for a moment, the thought of Widowmaker's proposition lingering in your mind. You remained standing, your body just a few inches away from her bound form. The scent of gunpowder and sweat filled the air. Your breathing was heavy, and your heart pounded. The room felt oppressive, the tension thick enough to cut with a knife.
You leaned in closer, whispering into Widowmaker's ear.
"Alright, Lacroix, I'll give you a deal." You spoke in a hushed tone. "If I allow you to expel my lust, I'll let you go. You'll walk out of here on your own two feet, and I won't track you down. We both forget this happened. But I want your word, here and now."
You could feel the heat radiating from her body, the scent of her perfume intermingled with the lingering stench of combat. Her stillness was eerie, and the only indication of her response was the rise and fall of her chest.
Widowmaker's lips curved into a small smile, exposing a set of sharp, white teeth. "A fair offer, Y/N. I accept your terms." Her voice was as cold as ever, but the seductive tone was unmistakable.
You hesitated for a moment, the deal seeming too good to be true. But, with a deep breath, you decided to go through with it.
"Alright," you stated, your voice firm. "But don't even think about betraying me. Once we're done, I'll set you free, and you leave. No turning back."
Widowmaker's stoic expression didn't change, but a glint of desire flickered in her yellow eyes. "Of course, Y/N." She responded, the promise of wicked pleasure in her voice.
You stepped back, adrenaline coursing through your veins as you contemplated your next move. The tension between the two of you was palpable; the room felt like it was about to explode. With a final, deep breath, you decided to proceed, ready to fulfill your end of the bargain.
Your hands tremble slightly as you unbuckle your belt and lower your pants, revealing your arousal. The anticipation of this encounter had been building, and you couldn't suppress the excitement coursing through you.
You moved closer to the chair and untied Widowmaker's legs. Her plump ass remained firmly planted in the seat, but her legs now dangled free. You spread them apart, giving you access to her most intimate area. The fabric of her suit was tight, but you managed to tear a small hole right at the entrance of her slit.
"Looks like I'll have to do this the old-fashioned way," you panted, your voice thick with lust. "I bet your body's itching for some relief, Lacroix."
Without waiting for a response, you positioned yourself between her legs, aligning your throbbing member with her soaking entrance. You slowly sank into her, the sensation of her tight warmth enveloping you sending jolts of pleasure through your body.
"Mmm, yes..." you moaned, your voice hoarse. "You feel incredible, Lacroix. I never knew you were this tight."
You began to thrust, your movements slow and deliberate, savoring the sensations. Widowmaker's body was a perfect fit, her folds clenching rhythmically around your length. You couldn't resist the urge to cup her plump ass, squeezing the firm flesh in your hands.
"Your ass is pure perfection, it feels amazing in my hands, Lacroix," you groaned, leaning down to nip at her earlobe. "I could spend hours just massaging it."
Your thrusts grew more aggressive as the passion between the two of you grew. Widowmaker's head rolled back, her body responding to your every touch. You leaned down, your mouth trailing kisses along her neck, causing her to arch her back in pleasure.
"Uungh, Y/N, I need you, deeper, please... Ah, nnn..." she moaned, her voice thick with desire.
You couldn't help but let out a groan of your own, your grip on her hips tightening.
"You feel so good around me," you panted, voice deep with need. "You're gonna make me lose control, Lacroix."
Your thrusts grew harder, more urgent, the air thick with the scent of sweat and lust. Widowmaker's moans grew louder, her body trembling beneath yours.
"Ahh, Y/N, I'm cumming, cumming hard, yes, Y/N, yes!" she cried out, her body convulsing as an orgasm ripped through her.
Watching her climax pushed you over the edge. With a final, powerful thrust, you let out a guttural moan, filling her with your release.
"Fuck, Lacroix," you panted, your body trembling. "You're going to cost me an entire day of work."
You collapsed, panting, onto her chest, your heart pounding in your ears. The room was filled with the sounds of your heavy breathing, the aftershocks of your intense encounter still coursing through your bodies.
Slowly, the reality of what had just happened began to sink in, but for now, you basked in the post-coital haze, the tension between the two of you replaced by an unspoken understanding.
As the afterglow of your first encounter began to fade, Widowmaker leaned in, her lips brushing against yours. Her soft, warm breath mingled with yours, and you felt the familiar pull of desire returning.
You broke the kiss, your eyes locking with hers. "Do you want another round, Lacroix?" you asked, your voice thick with lust.
Widowmaker nodded lustfully, a devious glint in her eyes. "Yes, Y/N, but this time, I want to be in control," she purred, her French accent thickening.
You untied her bonds, and she dropped her legs to the floor. Her costume was still partly torn, revealing her wetness. She grabbed your hand and led you to the couch, pushing you gently onto your back.
Widowmaker straddled you, guiding your still hard member to her entrance. You felt her tightness enveloping you, and she began to rock her hips, sliding you in and out of her at a slow, teasing pace.
"Mmm, Y/N, you feel so good," she moaned, her hips grinding against yours. "I love how you fill me up."
You reached up and cupped her breasts, the weight of them in your hands feeling perfect. Widowmaker arched her back, her head thrown back, her body moving with the rhythm you'd set.
"Oh, Y/N... Ungghhh, your cock is hitting all the right spots!" she cried out, her back arched, her ass undulating.
Widowmaker guided you to the edge of the couch, the change in angle providing even deeper penetration. You could see her plump ass jiggling with each thrust, the sight driving you wild.
She leaned down, her lips brushing against your ear as she whispered, "Mmm... ahhh... fuck, yes! Keep going, baby."
You pulled her up, your lips meeting hers in a hungry kiss, your hands gripping her hips, guiding her body up and down your length.
Widowmaker pushed herself up, her eyes locked with yours. "Uuhhh, I'm close, don't stop, Y/N!"
You gave her hips a firm slap, feeling a delicious shiver run through her body. You flipped her over, positioning her on her hands and knees on the couch, her ass still presented to you like the perfect offering.
"Uahh, you are driving me wild, Lacroix," you growled, giving her ass a firm smack.
You plunged into her from behind, the tightness of her pussy sending a shockwave through your body. Widowmaker's moans grew louder, her hips bucking to meet your thrusts.
You lowered yourself to her ear, your breath hot against her skin. "Fuck, Y/N, harder! I want to feel that cock pound into me!"
You obliged, your thrusts becoming more forceful, your balls slapping against her ass with each movement. Widowmaker's cries grew louder, her French accent thickening, "Ugh, Y/N, you're breeding me like the wild stallion you are."
As you watched her body tremble beneath you, you felt the familiar pressure building. Widowmaker's eyes locked with yours, her face a mask of pure lust.
You gave one final, powerful thrust, your release spurting into her. Widowmaker cried out, her orgasm washing over her.
"Oh, Y/N, pound my pussy, I want that cum!" she shouted, her back arching as she came.
You collapsed onto her back, your chest heaving, sweat dripping down your temples. Widowmaker's body trembled beneath you, her breathing ragged.
"Ahh, Y/N, your cock... I can't take it, I'm cumming!" she cried out, her body convulsing, her release coating your cock.
When your breathing had returned to normal, you looked down at Widowmaker, her hair tousled, her makeup smeared. Your heart raced as you realized what had transpired between the two of you, but for now, you savored the moment, the heat of your bodies still entwined.
"Uhhh, yes, Y/N, fuck me, don't stop, don't you dare stop," Widowmaker whispered, her voice heavy with satisfaction.
You didn't respond, simply pressing a soft kiss against her neck, content to linger in the aftermath of your heated encounters. As she caught her breath, you trailed your fingers through her damp curls, her body still humming from the orgasm you'd just given her. She looked up at you, her eyes unfocused, her lips parted in a soft smile.
You leaned in, your lips brushing against her earlobe before whispering, "Lacroix, I have a proposition for you."
Widowmaker met your gaze, her eyes piercing into yours. There was silence for a moment, the only sound was the soft rustling of her breathing.
You slowly inserted a finger into her wetness, gently massaging her inner walls. Widowmaker gasped, her eyes fluttering shut.
"Ah, Y/N, you're still so... insatiable," she said, her voice heavy with lust.
You continued to stroke her, the rhythm slow but deliberate, your thumb teasing her clit. Widowmaker's body began to tremble, her breathing became labored.
"Mmm, Y/N, don't stop," she murmured, her voice thick with desire.
Your finger began to move faster, Widowmaker's moans growing louder. "Ahh, Y/N, I'm close, I can't... I can't take it!"
You withdrew your finger, then replaced it with two, curling them to hit her g-spot. Widowmaker's back arched, her legs trembling.
"Oh, daddy, stopppp... Ahhh... ahhh, don't... stop...!" she cried out, her voice almost a plea.
Her walls clenched around your fingers, the waves of her orgasm washing over her. You continued to stroke her until her body stilled, her breaths shallow and shaky.
You removed your fingers, leaning down to kiss her softly on the lips. When you pulled away, you looked her in the eye.
"Lacroix, your talent is wasted on Talon. I'm offering you a chance to join the good fight, to make a difference. It's time to leave your past behind and start a new chapter."
Widowmaker stared at you, her eyes reflecting a mixture of thought and uncertainty. Her stoic expression didn't falter, but her eyes hinted at the inner turmoil she faced.
You waited, allowing her time to consider your proposal. The silence stretched on, the tension in the room palpable.
Finally, Widowmaker nodded, her voice low and firm. "Y/N, I'll consider it."
A smile tugged at the corner of your lips. "That's all I can ask for, Lacroix."
With that, the two of you lay entwined on the couch, the night still young and full of possibilities.
The future was uncertain, but for now, the promise of change lingered in the air. Widowmaker's stoic yet sultry demeanor remained, but perhaps, just perhaps, a small crack had formed, allowing hope to seep in.
And so, a new chapter began for Widowmaker, one that would test her loyalty and push her to confront her past.
[Let me know if you want a part two or if you want me to make this a long running story. And let me know who else you'd want to see a fic about.]
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jacobblack3751009 · 9 months
Amelié: I’m not the jealous type.
Y/N: You attacked Sombra
Amelié: She was trying to hold your hand.
Y/N: It was a handshake.
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Romantic Headcanons for Symmetra, Zarya, Widowmaker, and Pharah with a soft, emotional Male S/O, Please? Because Soft Emotional Bois need more love.
Hi there!
I have never written a male reader yet, so I hope you like it :)
Symmetra would wear the pants in your household. Everything in your home has its order and structure to which you bend. While she does not say it, she is thankful that you are so accepting towards her need of order and control.
Symmentra tries to be there for you when your emotions gets to you but sometimes she can't truly follow how you are feeling. But even then, she will be against your side, taking your hands in hers and tell you, she is there for you.
Symmentra is really thankful that you are a very understanding person and that you are not angry when she needs some alone time because she ist too overwhelmed. You even try to help her and remind her of some of her soothing routines.
Zarya loves you dearly and is not afraid to voice it.
She loves how you are always at her side, giving her some protein snacks and water when she is training and weight lifting.
Sometimes she even jokingly uses you as her weight but more often than not it leads to ofther certain things.
Zarys loves also that you don't feel intimitated by her strength and sheer massive muscles. Nonetheless, she tries her best so show her love towards your body which is not as toned as hers - Which is no problem, since she loves your softness.
Widowmaker admired your persistence, even while she was not very nice towards you. You however were kind and caring.
Even though she can not feel the cold, she appreciated your gesture as you handed her your jacket.
Since most of her personality is repressed and with that many of her emotions, it is nearly imposssible to come close to her.
Her demanour towards you is very mean and she often says that you are annoying and that she wants to kill you - yes, you cried many tears because of her treatment.
But after all this, you are still supportive because you know that she went through living hell to become who she know is and so you take your time, slowly cracking one wall after the other until she breaks and all the manipulation will reveal itself.
Your first meeting with her would have been when she saved you from some robbers or something along these lines since Pharah has a stroing sense of justice.
She would make sure to walk you home, to ensure you are being safe and that no harm will fall upon you.
While you two walk, you are very thankful for her help. You two talk, you invite her towards you, making her a strong coffee since she wants to go back to patroling after that.
It takes a long time until she lets you in since her main focus is saving other people and her private life has no such focus for her.
but you could wiggle into her heart and with that you became her number one priority to protect.
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satorhime · 2 years
front row seat + gojo satoru ── ◜ ⪩⪨ ◞
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── ◜ ⪩⪨ ◞ content : minors do not interact, f!reader, explicit smut, pussy drunk!gojo, hentai tropes ( internal view / satoru uses his six eyes ), messy sex, squirting, mating press. w.c ˓˓ 2k ˓˓
── ◜ ⪩⪨ ◞ synopsis : sometimes you forget that your boyfriend sees everything.
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“h-honey, i ever tell you how pretty this pussy is?” 
he has, multiple times, because satoru is obsessed with watching you while he fucks you. 
in a way, you don’t blame him. the two of you are beautiful together and on the days when your boyfriend is merciful enough not to fuck you flat into his mattress, you love lifting your gooey head up to watch the pretty bounce of your tits, the squishy sink of satoru’s cock disappearing into your pussy and how the taut muscles in his abdomen twitches, tensing up whenever you suck him in with a widowmaking squeeze,
but tonight satoru is … tonight, something has him frenzied. 
his quicksilver blue eyes refuse to close down, and no matter how good he feels inside you, he refuses to throw his head back in ecstasy. it’s like he’s watching the performance of the century, one such cinematic masterpiece that he can’t afford to miss and you’re the pretty young starlet acting centerstage.  
his gaze trails all over every inch of your plush body, from the way he leaves his fingerprints in the soft dimples of your hips, the tousel of your hair as you thrash against the pillows underneath him, and now his new personal favorite— a sight only his six eyes are allowed to see. 
a sweet treat he’s never thought to indulge in before now, the fact that if he drags his gaze down to your body and let the six eyes focus a little further, past your soft belly until it becomes a translucent screen to him, he can see everything. it feels perverse, being able to watch the raw way he fucks into you but it’s so intoxicating, maddening and white hot, how heavenly you look spread out underneath him with your cunt laid bare to his eyes, he wouldn’t be able to resist it if he tried–
so he watches, milky lashes fanning out over petal-pink cheeks as his lidded eyes focus below your hips, right between the jiggle of your thighs. “g-god,” he moans out through gritted teeth, lilting baritone low and shaky. he’s sitting back on his heels, chin tucked to his chest and lip bitten raw. sweat drips from his brows onto your belly in rivulets and he’s attempting to rally the last bit of self-control he has in order not to absolutely wreck you as he watches himself fuck his cock deep into your weeping pussy. “wish you could see how easy this little lady’s opening up f’me, angel.” 
“nnngh, i can’t see-!” you squeal, and you don’t know if it’s because of the sticky tears blurring your big doe eyes or because it’s one of those nights where he fucks you flat, where the weight of his cock leaves you writhing and unable to move properly. where the only thing you can do is toss your head back against the pillows and take what he gives.
how such an innocent night ended up like this so suddenly, you don’t know. your head had been on satoru’s strong chest, cocooned in his infinity while his arm was curled behind his own head, scrolling aimlessly through a shady porn website on your phone with the intention of finding a cheesy hentai episode for the two of you to watch and dissect for jokes, a tradition in your relationship when you were in between streaming shows. satoru ended up choosing one from your recently watched, and as the two of you watched the exaggerated, almost comical movements of the animated couple fucking on the screen, you had expected his boyish jokes to begin and make you giggle, but he’d been silent— eyes darkening with something worse than lust at the sight of the x-ray view of the male character’s engorged cock sinking deep into the female character’s pussy while she wailed and babbled incoherently.
this what gets you hot ‘n’ bothered when i’m not around, angel? 
the rest is hazy, lost in the way you’re splayed out on the sheets now, knees bent to your shoulders and fingers desperately digging into the backs of your trembling thighs to hold them in the air for gojo. the position is uncomfortable and you’re not flexible like that, joints in your poor hips aching but you don’t care, not when he’s got your breasts bouncing lewdly with each repeated, dirty slam of the tip of his cock right up against your womb until you can practically feel him in your throat, stealing the desperate screams right from your vocal cords. 
“that’s a real shame, princess,” he coos, an egoistic smirk on his lips but it falters when you squeeze ‘round him just right, sore cunt twitching against the hard swell of his cock. his ocean blues dim, fingernails scratching against your squishy sides for leverage not to fuck deeper but to push you away because while he’s practiced, you feel too fucking good and he needs a minute, damn it, he’ll cum too fucking fast and ruin the perfect view of your cunt and it’ll be all your fault—
“wah-why did you stop-... please, miss your cock so much,” you simper, needy.
but he ignores your sweet little cries, drawing his hips back until his cock slips out of you and he lays it flat against your seam, greedily drinking down how fucking pretty you look beneath him like this, so good for him in the way you struggle to hold those sweet thighs up so he can have easy access to an even sweeter cunt. he wraps one hand around the root of his sticky girth, can’t help himself when he slaps the tip hard against the hood of your clit, just to earn that cute little yelp you make. “you’re so good for me always, sugar. such a good girl, huh? but i’m not sure of that anymore after tonight. you’ve been holding out on me.” 
“w… wh- i am a good girl-”
“but that’s okay,” he cuts you off. “i’ve got a front row seat now. know why?” 
he loves watching the pretty picture that confusion paints on a fucked out expression like yours. you fumble for the answer like a teacher’s pet, even though you’re distracted by grinding your clit against the tip of gojo’s cock for desperate, greedy friction. you’re too drunk on him to understand the true meaning behind those slurred out words and he knows it. head always caught up in the pleasure simmering in your belly that you forget the man fucking you is considered the strongest sorcerer in the world for a reason and oh … oh, there it is.
sometimes you forget that he views the world differently than normal men. the x-ray porn you secretly like may be an unrealistic act seen only in hentai, but gojo satoru wouldn’t be the strongest sorcerer if he couldn’t bring fiction into reality.
“y-you can see inside me,” you whisper, a little awed, and the thought of it is so fucking hot. you squeeze around emptiness when he nods, wanting to suck his tip right back into your tight pussy and you can practically feel the slick dripping out of you as he flashes a devastating, heartbreaker smile at you. “the six eyes. y-you can see how much i want you to fuck me again.”
“smart girl,” his praise warms your veins until your blood feels honeyed, running through you thick and slow. gojo flicks the tip against your clit one last time for the road before he reaches down, spreading one side of your folds open so he can nudge at the creamy ring to your cunt. “i can see everything.” 
“i can see how this little cunt is stubborn, how she never wants to stretch properly f’ me, the way she twitches when i hit it just right. i can see everything,” and he can, his technique zeroing in on his girth sinking in and stretching you wide, his answering whine almost louder than yours, eyes threatening to clamp shut as he feeds you the long stretch of his cock once more. the air in the bedroom of his penthouse makes your bodies slippery with sweat while you squirm underneath him on hot sheets, your breath wheezing out of your lungs until you can’t breathe. “look at that.” 
“i- hng, can’t-!”
it’s a hotter fuck like this, knowing those pretty blue eyes can see every rib and ridge of the inside of your pussy. that satoru knows the exact way your gummy walls, pretty pink against the white of his cock, look when you swell and squeeze for the stinging stretch, smeared in his precum. it makes you feel delirious— expression cracked wide open with pleasure, tongue lolling out of your pretty mouth, gaze fluttering releasing desperate whines as gojo fucks too fast, cockhead bullying your g-spot into overstimulation so that you can’t even fight it when you gush, the lewd sound of slick squelching out of you burning heat into your cheeks.
“look at you, squirtin’ all over me, angel,” gojo groans, stamping down the fast approach of his orgasm as arousal streams down the curve of your ass, wetting his expensive sheets. watching the way your swollen, puffy pussy spasms and tries to force him out but it only makes him drive deeper, his pace brutal— his hips rouged red from the friction of your bodies slapping together. “prettiest pussy in the whole world. you know that?” 
“y'r gonna cum inside me, right 'toru? s-so i'll look even prettier?” you simper under the praise, big doe eyes staring up at him behind a dreamy haze.
“shouldn't have said that, sweet girl. ooooh, f-fuck. you shouldn't. have. said. that. fuck fuck fuck, i'm gonna put my cum right here, ” he babbles desperately, a big hand splaying out on your belly, pressing down hard as his thumb dips low, circling your sticky clit almost desperately. the words punctuated by the heavy slap of his balls against your ass, headboard knocking violently into the wall. his spine tenses, orgasm building in the pit of his gut and he can’t wait to see it, the sight of his cum painting against your pretty walls. “and you're gonna take care of it f’ me, aren’t you? promise ‘toru you won't spill a drop?”
“i promise-! i promise i promise i promise, give me your cum- ‘toru- pleas-”
“shut up, angel face. you’re about to make me miss the best part of the movie.”
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thealtoduck · 11 months
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Peter Parker x Male Reader
Warnings: Mentions of murder, kidnapping, brainwashing, child abuse. General violence, gun use, reader is a assassin, people get hurt…
Y/c/e = Your color eyes
Summary: Peter has to save Tony from a cold blooded assassin… + backstory stuff in the end…
(A/n: Reader is based on the character Widowmaker from Overwatch and the story is based on the Overwatch short ”Alive”.)
(A/n: Btw, Hi, It’s been a while)
Peter’s pov…
Peter entered the large convention center, it was filled with banners saying ”STARK” as well as new inventions on display. It still felt unreal that Tony Stark himself had personally invited him to such an event.
Lots of business and investors were in attendence to see what new tech ”Stark Industries” were bringing to the table, making Peter feel slightly out of place among them. He looked towards the big stage, where Tony and Pepper would soon be holding a speech regarding their future plans for Stark industries.
Peter looked around, the security seemed extra tight, which was understandable considering the combined net-worth of the people in the room could probably buy a planet.
Peter went along with the crowd gathered around the stage waiting for Tony Stark and Pepper Potts to come out. As soon as they did applause thundered through out the convention area.
Tony and Pepper stepped up to the podium and Tony Stark spoke up in the mic saying ”Welcome everyone…”
Your pov…
From the building across you looked down on the convention center with an icy glare. Then you jumped and fired your grappling hook and swung to the top of the convention center.
You snuck carefully in to the building and using your recon visor allowing you to locate the guards. You silently knocked out the guards on the top floor one by one. Then you found the perfect angle to set up and you brought out your rifle looking into the scope and searched for your target…
And then your crosshair landed on him, Tony Stark…
Peter’s pov…
As he watched Mr Stark speak Peter felt something, his spider senses told him that something was wrong. He looked around quickly but everything seemed fine. But his spider senses didn’t let up, Peter moved through the crowd towards the bathroom and sprinted inside.
He stripped out of his suit, revealing his Spider-suit underneath, he thought best to wear it since trouble is known to follow Tony Stark. He hid his clothes and started patrolling around. Then he saw it, on the top floor a sniper was aiming straight for Tony and was about to pull the trigger.
Peter quickly reacted swinging himself up to the sniper and he knocked the assassin to the side just as he pulled the trigger making the blast of the gunshot cut through the air. The gunshot had missed his target but alarmed Tony and the crowd. Peter looked as the sniper stood up and looked at him.
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His visor had seven glowing red eyes and the visor shifted revealing your intense cold y/c/eyed stare. Peter said playfully ”Trying to crash the party” thinking he’d make easy work of the sniper. The sniper stood up as his rifle shifted. Peter’s spider sense suddenly flared up again and he dodged to the side as the assassin fired his rifle which had shifted from a sniper to an automatic rifle, firing quick shots his way.
Peter found cover and quickly had Karen cut in to the security guards communication channel. ”Mr Stark is in danger, shooter on the top floor, I repeat shooter on the top floor!”. A stern voice shouted back ”This is a secure channel, no one's a-”. Peter cut him off saying ”Tony Stark's in danger, get him out of here!” Peter commanded.
Peter then noticed the rifle shots had stopped he carefully peaked out and noticed that the assassin was nowhere to be seen, he carefully snuck out hiding towards the edge of the balcony floor to see that they were evacuating Mr Stark towards the exit.
Peter then caught a glimpse of something or rather someone outside on the roof top across from the convention center. Peter knew there was little time to he took a running start and rammed himself through one of the windows and swing to the other side of the street.
He landed a bit away from the shooter and as he ran closer to him, his spider-senses tingled once more but before he had time to dodge a hidden mine exploded setting free a gas that caused Peter to start coughing, he stumbled and fell and landed right before the assassin’s feet.
The attacker pressed Peter to the ground with his foot and aimed the sniper rifle right in his face, saying in a mocking tone ”Such a sweet foolish boy”. Peter stopped coughing as he heard him cocking the rifle. Without much time or thought Peter fired a web at the assasins face making him stumble back.
Peter stood back up as the assassin ripped the webbing of his face and then the two were at a standstill, simply staring hatefully in each other’s eyes. On the street below them Mr Stark had successfully been escorted in to his car that was now starting to drive away.
The assassin gave Peter one quick evil smirk and started sprinting over the rooftop set on following the car, Peter quickly gave chase behind him. The assassin dropped more venom mines but Peter quickly learned to dodge them.
The sniper was fast and agile as he had managed to get a decent distance between Peter and himself. He saw him stop dead in his tracks and take aim on the speeding car below. ”No!” Peter shouted loudly but the sniper took the shoot.
Peter watched in horror as one of the car’s front tyres was shot out causing the car to make a drastic turn and crash in to the side of a building. ”Oh no, nonono” he said to himself, praying that Mr Stark, Pepper and Happy were okay.
The assassin looked at Peter with a smirk and said coldly ”Looks like the party is over”. Peter felt rage quickly build up inside him and he tackled the assassin to the ground, holding him down. ”Why?! Why would you do this?” Peter demanded feeling tears stinging in his eyes below the mask.
The assassin didn’t even flinch at his words and simply started laughing. Then Peter felt a strong wind building up behind him and heard the spinning blades of a helicopter. He looked up seeing a helicopter hovering above the two.
The sniper had used Peter’s distraction to attach his grappling hook to a nearby water tower. He then grabbed Peter by the waist and looked in to his eyes saying ”Adieu, chéri” tumbled backwards making the two of them fall off the building and in to the alley bellow. The assassin quickly let go off Peter and activated his grappling hook, pulling himself up to the roof top once again.
Meanwhile Peter landed flat on his back on the ground as pain spread all over his his body. Luckily for him, thanks to hightened durability he seemed to not have broken anything. He quickly tried to stand up but stumbled and immediately fell again.
He watched as the helicopter swiftly flew away from the scene, taking the assassin with it…
Two days later…
Luckily no one died, Mr Stark, Pepper and Happy managed to get away with only a couple of bruises and one or two broken bones. Peter himself was mostly just covered in bruises on his back from the fall.
He went to visit Tony who was in bed rest at the Avengers compound, he brought a stuffed bear and a ballon that said ”Get well soon”. When he found him Tony had a couple of hologram screens open in front of him. He noted Peter’s presence and said ”Come inside, kid”.
Peter quickly found himself apologising ”I’m so sorry, Mr Stark, because of me you ended up like this”. Mr Stark looked at the brown haired boy in disbeleif, ”Peter, if weren’t for you i’d be dead, i should be thanking you” Tony told him and said ”Thank you for saving me, Parker”.
Peter put down the stuffed bear and ballon by Mr Stark’s bed and found himself asking ”Mr Stark, who was that?”. Tony then enlarged the hologram screen showing it to Peter. ”I had to go through some of Nat’s folders to find out” Tony explained as Peter looked at several notes and pictures of the asssassin.
”His name is Y/n L/n” Tony said. ”About twelve years ago several Shield opperatives and agents grew disillusioned with the organisation and turned their back on it and started Talon, a new organisation who’s methods were rather extreme” Tony explained.
”Shield and Talon fought one another on several occasions but one Sheild agent remained a thorn in Talon’s side, Gérard L/n, Talon wanted him dead but he always managed to get away. So they set their sights on his family. In the dead of night when Gérard was away and his wife was sleeping, they kidnapped his 12 year old son” Tony continued.
”They submitted him to intense brainwashing program, neural reconditioning and torture. They broke his will and supressed his personality, they reprogramed him into a sleeper agent. Gerard devoted Shield's every resource to recovering his son, and it wasn't long before the operation produced results”.
”Shield later sent several agents on a rescue mission where they found him unharmed. His agents saved Y/n, and a medical and psychological evaluation after the kidnapping found him to be apparently no worse for wear and he returned to life with his mother and father. But two weeks later his Talon programming was activated and he killed his father in his sleep” Tony said coldy.
”He then returned to Talon. At his behest, Talon completed the process of turning him into a living weapon. He was given extensive training in covert arts, and agreed to participate in an experimental marksman program, where he was trained by the best in the use of a sniper rifle”.
”Talon’s geneticist, altered Y/n’s physiology to improve his aim, drastically slowing his heart, which numbed his ability to experience human emotion. It dulled the pain of what he’d done, while heightening the charge he felt on the hunt. The slowing of his heart rate allowed him to become an exceptional sniper” Tony finished.
Peter then read Y/n’s field name out loud ”Widowmaker”. ”He widowed his own mom” Tony explained. Peter just stood there in silence after all he learned about the assassin, the only words he could find were…
”Holy shit”.
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ghostheartfelt · 1 year
*:・。☆ tags: damsel in distress!reader, reader will have a father daughter relationship with dutch, slowburn romance, no use of y/n, reader is nicknamed "Miracle" once she settles in with the gang. THIS IS SET BEFORE THE FLEE OF BLACKWATER.
*:・。☆ warnings: mentions of kidnapping/attempts of kidnapping, blood and gore (mostly js people gettin shot n shit 🙏🏼 it's rdr afterall.) period typical undertones of sexism. canon typical violence. mentions of animal abuse/neglect
〔☆〕 desc: during a little break at the saloon, you're interrupted by an O'Driscoll who presses a gun to your back and forces you out of the saloon for a kidnapping. the Van Der Linde group comes to your rescue.
.. ☆ next part | masterlist (tbe)
—✩ A WOLF’S BANE P. ⅰ ✩—
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word count — 2.3k
a/n: hey! this is part one of my arthur morgan x fem!reader slowburn series. i know it starts off a little funky, but i promise you’re in for a treat!! feedback/ideas are greatly appreciated! 🤭🪭 this part is mostly focused on the reader developing relationships with the other members of the gang. (p.s i promise reader isn’t a mary sue 😭 this is just for build up!)
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Your hands stay busy loading and spinning the barrel of your duel Widowmakers. They were beautifully customized, and you just purchased a brand new cylinder from the gunsmith. There were elk carvings on the wood handle—your holsters having the same stitching as they rest on your waist under your coat—and freshly polished metals.
You were quietly listening in on the discussions that swarmed at every angle in the Saloon. You’d traveled from Strawberry to Valentine to receive your prescription from Doctor Calloway.
Smithfield has tried a fair amount to ask you out for a dinner, or a horseback ride to Saint Denis, and as much as you loved horseback riding, you declined kindly.
He mailed you a letter asking that you come to his office to obtain it. You caught a stagecoach and paid five dollars for the ride, then took yourself to the saloon first for a quick lamb heart stew, which was something you always made sure to grab upon visiting Valentine, making you a familiar customer with the owner, Mr. Smithfield.
As you stood and adjusted your skirt while stuffing your revolver into its holster that stayed hidden under your coat, a barrel of a gun pressed against your back. Your eyes shot open and you refused to turn your head to see who your threat was.
The man stunk of alcohol, cigarettes, and pure grime, and the scent only grew stronger as you felt his face press against your hair to whisper in your ear.
“Act natural, pretty thing.”
His body closed in against your back with his hip bones digging into your waist. He wasn’t very tall, nor muscular, perhaps about five foot six.
“Do you always greet a pretty woman like this?” You hiss quietly as he twists the gun into your back, guiding you out. He makes sure to snatche your purse from off the table you were seated at—which you didn’t mind too much since you were struggling financially with only about thirty dollars to your name—you didn’t even get to pay your tab off. You hoped Smithfield would understand.
“Shut up and move, girl.” He rejoined.
Undoubtedly, your heart raced in your chest as you both stepped out of the Saloon. There’s another stagecoach with a few other men seated, causing your eyes to widen. This is a kidnapping, not a robbery, you thought, and that was when sweat began to head down from your scalp.
“She’s a good one, Welts!” one snorted. He had crooked and several missing teeth, a lazy eye, and his brown hair was greasy, and he just looked downright disgusting.
“O’Driscoll will be real happy!”
That was when you froze in your place as you were turned around and patted down for any extra goods; the male in front of you had managed to find a pearl necklace from the depths of your dress pocket, and you scrambled to try and grab it from him.
“Please, don’t take that, take anything else.” You were surprised to find yourself pleading to this man. To an O’Driscoll.
Welt’s head tilted and he let out a loud laugh before he took his revolver, slamming the barrel and cylinder rough against your cheekbone, immediate pain and heat surged as it quickly began to swell, and your body twists, landing on the ground with your palms flat in the dirt below you.
You reach one of your hands—that had grains of tiny rocks stuck in your bleeding skin—up to touch your cheek, a quick feeling of regret causing you to yank your head away from the pain.
“You’re a scum!” you try to turn your head, yet he grabs a full fist of your hair and unsheathes his knife, cutting off a thick chunk of your locks. You gasped weakly.
The men above you bursted into laughter while instead tears stung your eyes. “Speak when spoken to, woman,” he grimaced. You feel for the hair he sliced, and your lip quivers. These were definitely Colm O’Driscoll’s men.
Welts gripped your upper arm, and pulled you onto your feet. Accidentally, you rip your dress from your feet getting caught in the fabric as you struggle to stand with the man swinging you around like a lasso.
You feel his revolver get pinned into your back once again as he taps the barrel against you, gesturing you to walk towards the coach. You hesitated, which he didn’t take kindly. You heard the hammer click, and that’s when you caught yourself walking.
“Hello, gentlemen!” an exuberant voice joins in, and you turn your head to look at the man. He was neatly shaven, besides just a bit of clean stubble along his chin. His hair seemed slicked back at the top, even with a black hat, and he was in a long-sleeved white and blue striped shirt, a black vest, and black slacks.
His boots were black with brown spurs. He had his hand on his belt, though not over his holsters that you think were home to dual revolvers. You were just about tired of seeing men with guns.
Guns. You thought. I’m as dumb as a rat—you shimmy your arm down to press against your waist, feeling for your Widowmakers. You felt the hardness with your wrist, playing it calm, and cool. Welts was just as dumb, if not more—he hasn’t even realized you were armed, not that you knew how to use them, anyway. Your hand drags away. Most likely, you wouldn’t be able to beat the man in a sharpshoot.
“Now, a little birdy told me you were being not so nice to this innocent woman, is that true?” The black-haired male, being passive aggressive, sends you kind eyes that leave you feeling skeptical.
You notice his friends.
One was in a low ponytail, and had a sombrero on his head, and the other had olive skin and a hat with a small feather in it’s band.
“She’s my wife, she’s drunk, and these men have offered to take us home. Go along with your business.” Welts snarled as he pushed your shins into the step of the stagecoach. Never in a million years would you even think to date or marry an O’Driscoll—especially not him.
His hair was greasy, and there was collected dirt behind his ears. With his gapped teeth, and his uncared for eyebrows. You wanted to murder the ratbag for laying his dirty fingers on you.
“You tellin’ me the little birdy is a liar?” the man asks, his tone lowering.
“Hell is your problem?” Welts’ eyebrows furrowed.
His gun against your back was starting to feel like it was forming a circular mark on your back from the muzzle.
“I surely don’t remember a time where I saw a loyal man pinning a gun to his wife’s back,” another one of the man’s friends appeared. He had darker skin, Native American features, and a braid running down his own back.
His arms were folded against his chest that was covered in a brown long-sleeved tunic.
“Do you know this man, miss?” His eyes drag to yours with a softer expression creasing his features.
Once you open your mouth to speak, you’re silenced with a quick shoulder shove forcing you into the coach.
“She does, now leave us be.” He sat himself down next to you. Your head turns to look at them as your face twists into fear.
There were five men; the black-haired one, the one with the braid, the male with the ponytail, the scarred Scottish man, and another male who was a bit taller and quieter. His hair was more brown, his face was scruffy, and he wore a black gamblers hat.
“Come on now, hold your horses, compadre!” The one with the ponytail waved his hand in the air, though the man standing in the front seat of the stagecoach flicked the reins against the hinds of both of the gray and black horses, causing them to squeal and chase out of Valentine.
Panic surged through you, raising your adrenaline. When you try to crane your head to see if the men decided to leave, your chest is pushed back against the seat by one of Welts’ companions. Suddenly, the one who’d exchanged you the soft look—which you now have come to believe was the leader—yelled out, and all the men followed his command. “Saddle up, boys, we got ourselves a couple’a maggots!”
You heard two, or three, or four, of them whistle a call to their horses and moments later, they were chasing down the stagecoach. You felt a tinge of hope, and trusted that these men would save you.
“Can these sons’a bitches go any faster?!” Welts hands gripped the seat the driver sat on with his head turned over his shoulder.
When the shooting began, you quickly ducked and let out a distressed noise. Bullets flew all around you, and you covered your ears. You looked up, and immediately the driver had a bullet pierce his skull. You screamed, some of the red paste splattering onto your face. The driver fell off the front of the coach, and you gasped as the wheels ran over the body, the lump making you wobble. You lift yourself up, and take a hold of the seats to stabilize yourself.
The horses stressed, unsure what to do, and you looked around frantically. Another one of the men attempted to cross over and take hold of the reins, but he received the same fate, instead his body leaned over yours, and you pushed it off the edge before it toppled on you.
“Girl!” One of the men yelled, catching your attention. “Do ya know how to drive that thing?!” His accent was thick, and his voice was deep with a slight rasp. You’d gotten a more clear look at his face now that it wasn’t half-covered with his hat. “I said, do ya know how to drive it?!” His horse sped up along the side of the coach, and you frantically nodded your head. You used to be a Stagecoach Taxi at fourteen. You just hoped you still had it in you.
You tore the fabric of the hem of your dress some more until the fabric stopped just above your knees, then hopped over before you’re pulled back by the neck; a man’s arm choking you and smashing both sides of your head as he squeezed his arm making you fall back onto the floor. “Stupid bitch,” the man huffed and grunted, shooting off a few rounds.
“Arthur, Arthur, no!” the leader yelled from behind. “You’ll risk shootin’ her! Put that gun down!”
He was right; the coach was teetering from side to side, and would be sure to tumble off the edge of a cliff if it were to get close enough.
They’d be sure to go off-road with the horses only knowing to go in one direction at the speed they were currently.
These horses were abused, whip welts covering both their hinds and backs, it was disgusting.
You sputtered out a few coughs as the man cut off your entire circulation, your fingers to pry at his arms and your nails scratch at his skin.
He drops you and you slump onto the floor. You hit your head on some metal, yet quickly recover. While the man is distracted, you throw your head at his pants and bite on his groin through the slacks, immediately, he lets out a yowl and accidentally pulls the trigger of his Litchfield Rifle as he falls off the carriage, which ricochets off a steel base, and strikes your shoulder.
A cry leaves your throat and you slap your hand over the wound. Blood seeps through the cloth of your ruffled top, but you swing yourself back over and take hold of the reins.
You feel your head pounding, but you pull back the reins and attempt to slow the horses down, though they don’t abide. The horses are panicked, unsure how to react.
“Don’t stop the coach!” the man with the feather in his hat, shooting over his shoulder.
”Well, what the hell do I do then?!” Your eyebrows furrow. “There’s more! They just keep comin’!” you turn your head at his words, and your eyes widen to see more O’Driscoll men trailing behind on coaches and horses.
“Jump on my horse!” The man with the striped shirt yells in your direction, and you look at him as if he’s crazy. “I’ll grab you, don’t worry about falling, but hurry it up!” His voice booms, going rasp.
“Now! Now!” He pulls back the reins of his horse, causing it to halt, and with a running start, you jump off the coach and onto his horse, his arm pulling you up as you almost fall off the horse’s hind to sit upright.
The horses to the coach attempt to stop at the edge of the cliff they ran too, though the coach pushes them over. You gasp, and turn your head as your hands grip the man’s jacket that was in front of you.
“Sorry for the inconvenience, sweetheart,” he clears his throat, and turns his horse around. His friends caught up, and their horses skidded to a stop.
“Dutch! What the hell was that for?” The male, who had directed you to not stop the stagecoach, his face was twisted with fury.
“Do you trust me, or not, son?” The man, who now is identified as Dutch, questions him, then elbows you lightly. “John Marston, he’s the hothead if you couldn’t tell, ain’t that right, boys?” He let out a humorous laugh. “Damn straight.” The one with the sombrero howls.
You had to keep yourself from passing out, which failed miserably. “You alright back there, miss?” He nudged your body again. Your eyes began to shut on you, and you slumped against the man’s back, then began to slide off the horse and onto the ground.
“Shit, shit!” Dutch took quick notice of your wounds. “Ain’t any of you tell me she was shot!” He wheezed, rushing off his horse. Everything faded to black.
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fandomnerd9602 · 9 months
Widowmaker x Male Spider Reader
The reader is an ex-member of the Spider Society who joined Talon and fell in love with Widowmaker. He likes to hang upside down and admire his dear lover.
Y/N hangs upside down
Y/N: hey baby
Widow: will you please come down
Y/N: why? The view of you is fantastic
Widow: if you come down, I’ll make it up to you with a better view (winks)
Y/N: what are we waiting for?!
Y/N jumps down
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wisteriaiswriting · 8 months
I stole this idea from another anon on this blog but anyways do you have headcanons for Cole Cassidy, widowmaker and illari with a boyfriend who loves to play with their hair.
ℙ𝕝𝕒𝕪𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕎𝕚𝕥𝕙 𝕋𝕙𝕖𝕚𝕣 ℍ𝕒𝕚𝕣
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Words: 267
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His hair is always a 50/50 whether or not it’s been cleaned, so be prepared in case.
As soon as you place your hands on his head he will melt, and has fallen asleep before.
He’ll let you put anything into his hair. And he means anything, especially when he’s asleep.
Once he finds out how much you both enjoy this he’ll start growing out his hair so you have plenty more to play with.
Over the years he’s gained a pretty sensitive scalp, so don’t go pulling. (Unless…)
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Due to the experiment done, she won’t know unless you actively show her. As she can’t feel any of it.
If she still had her feelings she knows she would fall deeper in love.
She’ll let you put certain accessories into her hair, being any she can fight in. And they have to be either purple, black or your favourite colour.
Let’s you design and mess around with different hairstyles, she has the hair for them anyways.
Whenever you play with her hair she’ll remember a sense of familiarity and comfort she lost long ago.
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Was quickly convinced to let you do her fringe each morning, enjoying having you close and the feeling.
Her hair is pretty thick so you need to be careful not to catch on anything and pull.
She’s another person who just lets you play with her hair, never minding.
Always cleans her hair, never wanting you to mess with dirty hair. Plus it has her sticking to schedule when washing.
After a while she can and will fall asleep on your lap.
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darling-answers · 11 months
WOOF WOOF WOOF I definitely will complete this Very good request! Thank you for requesting after reading my sexy Moicy request and asking for another poly GRRRR also thank you for private messaging me and giving me more for this fanfic, you satisfied my expectations and I appreciate people if you do this!
I did get off topic with the ask and I apologize if I need to rewrite this I will, but idk why I just felt like this fit really well with it. 😭🏃‍♀️
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Working in the lab was hard, everyday it was a new thing and especially spending 75 hours in the lab with no sleep cause massive amounts of side effects to happen, knowing that you were starting to see them such as the beginning of slurring your speech causing even your lab partners to give you a confuse work when you started to ramble on something that they didn’t even understand even being on the same level as you are scientifically, they would just slowly back away and leave you alone to ramble alone to your own thoughts, the next side effect you started noticing was you couldn’t even stand up without your leg shaking erratically, so you option to sitting down and kept working. It got to the point even doctor O’Deoadrin and Kruiper notice the struggles you were having.
The admiration for you dedication and work made you a brilliant scientist the fact you did Blood typing and cross matching donor blood for patient transfusions; Testing blood for drug levels; Finding abnormalities in blood clotting made you a higher up scientist that even Moira admired your work and creation’s even stopping to get a better look of what your doing and to comment on her thoughts but when she started noticing you absolutely chaotic state the first one she notified was your Hacker wife. Without you even noticing she slips out of the lab and headed off towards your bedroom where she knows atleast one of your wives would be.
Knocking on the door at first she heard no reply from anyone, as she was about to walk away she heard a voice no two voices coming from the room, it was widowmaker and Sombra who was whispering about something, Moira jingles the knob than jingles it one more time and open it, revealing the two women who were sitting at the computer widowmaker watching Sombra type away clearly hacking something. Widowmaker is slowly whispering in the ear of her other wife as Moira clears her throat loudly.
It causes Sombra to whip her head around to face the door, cursing in Spanish her native language, “¡¿Qué diablos crees que estás haciendo en nuestra habitación?!” Widowmaker puts a hand on Sombra shoulder giving Moira a side eye and she lifts her eyebrow to make Moira continue. “ May you get your wife out of my lab before she causes my experiments to become devastating, I can’t have a girl running on haft ass sleep to be in a laboratory filled with very valuable materials and information.”
The concern look that was switch on widowmaker face when she heard about her wife condition caused her to stand up instantly , “ she, is not on vacation? We.. were told by her?” Widowmaker spoke out placing a hand on her hip while Sombra looked at her. Running widowmaker back as she curses in French, “ Why the hell was Mi Amor hiding the fact she was not on vacation leaving us behind but she was in the damn base the whole time! We want answers, and you will give it to us before I let Akane on that little secret that you so preciously keep from him.” The growl that was let out from Sombra mouth was one filled with venom, the natural aggression that followed was an uncommon sight but not one that Moira was not aware of.
“ Your Wife is working in a delicate situation that I need done right. Because she one of the best valuable asset to this cause she was the only one I would be willing to help out, naturally if you found out she even stayed up a day, you.. would have a all out effort to get her to bed… and I can’t have my expectations and experiments wasted off on human interaction, so to help me out, I asked her to assist with lieing to you guys and keeping you… distracted without you guys even realizing it.” She lets out a hum starting to walk away from the room when Sombra trails after her not far behind is widowmaker who clearly is frustrated with the aspect of not even realizing her naive wife fell for Moira tricks again.
Bursting into Moira lab before Moira could even stop Sombra with a huff she let them throw to get there wife out of the lab, “ a word with you after we’re done taking care of are wife is to be expected.” Widowmaker mumble as she walked into the lab right after Sombra did, looking at the back of the lab she could see her wife, spacing out while doing a lab experiment, her eyes glossy over as widowmaker walked in front of her wife mumbling some words in French trying to coax her wife to snap out of the haze coming to rub at her shoulder, a shudder is heard as a cognitive sound is heard as the lab experiment tube is place gently down on the rack.
“ What are you two doing here.?” You mumbled as you looked around the room trying to not reach the eyes of your two very clearly frustrated lovers, “ We could ask you the same thing.” Sombra, no Olivia said with a evil smirk meeting the eyes of Lacroix, the Spider women let out a hum as Olivia grabbed your shoulder gripping your arm in a harshly way, almost to harsh as she force you to make your way with her and lacroix on trail to your shared room, as you were pushed inside and on the bed, you knew, even in your tired draining state you knew you had little chance to get yourself out of this situation. They wouldn’t let you get your way not today.
“ Do you know how worried we were, Torado! Well, you had us all worried that you were out on vacation without telling us where you went you were in the lab the whole entire time, and you couldn’t even trust us to tell us the truth and lie to Moira?!? You have a treat in coming for you Puta, Now get up and take off your clothes, I want your lips sealed, not even a peep from you .” Olivia growled out, fisting some of your hair and yanking on it, causing a cry out of mouth which caused you to get slapped in the face.
“ mon amour, tu dois rester tranquille, je ne peux pas t'aider, tu as fait ça tout seul.” lacroix mumbled in your ear coming to gently help you up out of the bed and gently as she runs her hands all over your body laying kisses on your neck she helps you take off your clothes. “ You will be okay, I won’t let her go to far.” Once your naked bare infront of two beautiful women eyes to see Lacroix comes to gently turn your head from Olivia to her, gently grabbing at your cheeks and lean in to kiss her, widowmaker ushering you on the bed.
Widowmaker lays down after taking off her body suit and gently guides you to go on top of her, gently grabbing at the hair that Olivia had wrapped around her fingers and gently push it away from the harsh grip. Lacroix comes to gently guide your face to the most intimate part of a humans life. Her nipples were perky and ready to be sucked on like a newborn baby weaning for milk, as she comes to gently put her nipple in your mouth harsh hands come to roughly lift your bottom up. A strangle gasp and moan leaves your mouth as a harsh slap was given to your ass. The stinging of the pain cause a few more whimpers to be let out as a cold tongue is instantly felt circling around your clit, a shiver and whine is let out of your mouth as your eyes felt like it rolled in the back of your skull when you felt Sombra tongue start giving kitten licks to your Quivering pussy.
She blew a few small air onto your foot causing a squirm to be reacted from you as she comes to lick at your clit harder while moving her slimmer fingers up to your vaginal opening swirling around the opening before jabbing her fingers in your pussy cause a whimper and a sob to come from your mouth, as she mocks your cry she comes to start sucking on your clit that starts to get red and puffy, noticing that your close to your edge she suddently stops and just lets out a hum.
“ i don’t think bad girls deserve to cum for not listening to there mommy?” You hear her say just Barely, to frustrated about the orgasm that was lost. Coming to gently grab at Lacroix breast you make the move to nestle in her grasp as she mumbled to your other wife about how cruel Olivia is being, “ well Puta! next time you should learn that lying to your mommies isn’t a good thing to go for.” Sombra growled out as she rubs at your clit harshly, Lacroix gently soothes out your hair even further before coming to dip three fingers into your vagina pumping in and out, “ It alright Baby, mommy will give you what you want.”
As you feel your orgasm coming up gripping the sheet, your back arch’s even further than you thought could happen “ M-mommy! Mommy! Please! Please let me cum! I’m sorry it will never happen!” Whining out clenching even more of the bedsheets. You felt Olivia bend down and spit on your pussy before bending over even more and start devouring your cunt. A massive squirt of cum came out that Olivia ate all up. Lacroix comes to gently wipe her hands on the sheets as Olivia finish up the mess you made , startling you as she felt you try to push her head away from your cunt making her laugh and coo at you. She comes to wipe her mouth off with her sleeves before she smirks at you cocking her head. Smirking with a huge predator gleam in her eyes, almost stalking your every movement.
“ Now it your turn to return the favor are you ready?”
I had a whole ass heartattack with face flush and everything writing this 😭😭😭👍
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alevicke · 11 months
Hi! Since I love writing x readers sometimes but lack of ideas, I've decided to make a masterpost with fandoms and characters I write for! I will be adding some x readers I already have as well, just give me a moment if you see this being edited because I'm not home ;v;
I want to make the disclaimer that English is NOT my native language and sadly I don't have anyone who can read my posts to verify if they are ok. I try my very best, but it's not perfect and I apologize for this 🙏
WHEN REQUESTING PLEASE TRY TO BE SPECIFIC 💖 Three chasracters as maximun!
💖💖 Cult of the Lamb💖 💖
Team Fortress 2
Dead By Daylight (killers mostly)
My Heket is lesbian! Please keep that in mind ^^ I wouldn't really like to receive a request trying to ship Heket with male characters, it's not my thing sorry! (I respect if you do it, just not my headcanon ^^)
NSFW is fine
Send me scenarios better than "cat!reader" if possible <3
I prefer romantic more than platonic scenes
Yandere is fine???? But I'm kinda too soft on it probably to be considered yandere so don't trust me about this please.
Fluff! With family dynamics and fluff in general <3
Slice of life are my favourite probably
Three characters as maximun!
Minors in NSFW situations
No more TADC, I left that fandom due to bad experiences. I'm really sorry!!!
Minor reader
Asphyxiation or similar (sorry, HUGE trigger for me)
Strong kinks such as scat, watersports...
Nothing with dead people and animals in NSFW
Nothing about abortions (Another personal trigger) nor neglecting the kid or not loving them, same with pregnancy.
Please don't ask " x reader who is like y character from this fandom!" because I will most likely NOT know how they are and won't be able to portray them correctly D:
Fav characters
Ships like Narilamb and Leshycat are accepted <3
The Huntress (DBD)
Pyramid Head (DBD)
Roadhog (OW)
Junker Queen (OW)
Ashe (OW)
Widowmaker (OW)
Posts created!
The Amazing Digital Circus (not accepting more request, left this fandom completely due to bad experiences)
[Req]TADC x Reader who ran away and suddenly comes back with a baby from them (Caine, Ragatha and Jax)
[Req] Jax x F!Reader who teases back (NSFW)
[Req]TADC x Reader telling them they are pregnant (Jax, Ragatha and Caine)
[Req]Gangle x f!reader - Confession and first time 💖
Not so amazing headcanons! (Cassidy, Junkrat, Junker Queen, Ashe, DVA)
Dead By Daylight
Killers getting sick x gn!reader (Huntress, Michael Myers, Ghostface, Spirit)
Killers x gn!reader with acne and low self esteem (Huntress, Plague, Legion [Susie], Pyramid Head)
[Req]Killers x gn!clingy!reader (Trickster, Huntress, Spirit)
Personal info below 💖
Alek! Also called Alevi o Alevick. My artist name is Alevick and Vicketch, be aware that I create NSFW if you search it!
From Spain, 25yo, bd on October 30th 💖
I'll be adding more!
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jacobblack3751009 · 9 months
Widowmaker: This food is too hot... I can't eat it.
Y/N: You’re very hot, and I still eat you.
Everyone at the table: *silenced*
Sombra: One dinner... I just want ONE DINNER!
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nessamist · 1 year
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: ̗̀➛ be sure to be specific in your requests so i know exactly what to do!!
what i will write: headcanons, x readers, non binary readers, fluff, smut, dark content(ex yandere), polyamorous relationships
what i won’t write: incest/stepcest, pedophilia, large age gaps, daddy/mommy kinks, age play, intense bdsm, heavy angst, male reader, rape/noncon
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yellowjackets - (only precrash for teens)
- vanessa palmer (adult)
- misty quigley (adult & teen)
- lottie matthews (adult)
- natalie scatorccio (adult & teen)
- shauna shipman (adult & teen)
- taissa turner (adult)
overwatch -
- elizabeth caledonia ashe
- angela ziegler (mercy)
- moira o’deorain
- amelie lacroix (widowmaker)
resident evil village -
- donna beneviento
- alcina dimitrescu
- daniela dimitrescu
wednesday -
- wednesday addams
- enid sinclair
- larissa weems
- marilyn thornhill (not laurel gates au)
cruella -
- cruella de vil
- estella miller
- anita darling
chucky -
- tiffany valentine
- glenda ray
- glen ray
- nica pierce
misc. characters
- eda clawthorne
- harley quinn
- barbara handler
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bruhhhh-huhhhhh · 1 year
Overwatch 2 Masterlist
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None yet!
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"Leave.” Cole Cassidy x reader angst
“Into the Void” YeeHan angst/fluff
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None yet
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None yet
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None yet
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“Into the Void” YeeHan angst/fluff
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Junker Queen
Junker Queen general relationship/parenting headcannons!
Junker Queen x reader with an ED
Eating her out (NSFW!)
“Rock hard On” NSFW
“You’re Losing Me” (Angst)
“Come Sit”
“Girl Crush” (Angst)
“Such Small Hands” 
“Rough Morning”
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Partner in Crime (Part two to this)
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None yet
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Lucio with a male new recruit reader
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Making him laugh
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None yet
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None yet
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None yet
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None yet
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Holding Reader’s Hand (Fluff)
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None yet
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None yet
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Soldier: 76
"What’s wrong?” Dad!soldier76 x child!reader
“Bad Feelings Before Dinner” Dad!Soldier76 x child!reader
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None yet
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None yet
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None yet
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🎮 with dom, specifically overwatch, please pookie
Laughs and chaos
Pairing: Dominik Mysterio x Male reader
Description: You and Dom play overwatch with friends
Warning: Swearing
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You sit beside Dom as the two of you log in your Xbox's and join the party full of friends consisting of Austin Theory, Sheamus, Finn Balor, your friends Mark and Lydia, Sami Zayn, and Solo. You all get on overwatch each in different matches and the same ones, sitting in dom's lap "Who the fuck took Mccree?!" you laugh at the yell from solo when he realizes austin took mccree before the match starts and chaos ensues with a mix of yells, swearing, laughing, jokes, and cutting out which makes you all laugh even more as the chaos ensues "How did you die from that?!" you facepalm when sami dies by accidentally shooting himself and finn not even a few minutes into the match "WHAT THE HELL AUSTIN?!" you laugh on the floor when austin shoots mark with his sniper trying to shoot an enemy, you jump and yell when you see sheamus with a shotgun behind you "JESUS CHRIST WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" he tries to say he thought you were a random but you immediately ran to where solo, dom, and austin were. "SHEAMUS IS TRYING TO MURDER ME WITH A SHOTGUN AAAH" you hide with austin beside you reloading "Thanks austin!" taking a sip of your drink but spitting it on the floor and endlessly laughing when you see solo as Genji kill sheamus who was playing as Widowmaker "WHAT KIND OF BULLSHIT IS THAT?! SOLO?!" you cheer in between the laughter as everyone laughs when they learn what happened "SOLO I'M GONNA HUG YOU THE NEXT TIME I SEE YOU" you manage to win the match as Tracer and dance in victory making dom laugh while recording you and sending it to all of the group who all laugh and smile at the video before finishing up and taking breaks. You and dom eat lunch together while talking to solo and austin before jumping into the most chaotic, funniest, and truly neverending match that all of you had ever been a part of, "MOTHERFUCKER TURN RIGHT SHIIIIT" you and dom burst out laughing when sami gets hit by a grenade by Bastian then it ended up to both of you sweating and crying when austin and sheamus die by a grenade doing damage and a shotgun blast that excuted both of them to the point you both had to check to see if you had peed yourselves but turned out it was only sweat from your legs as you finish up the match and spend the rest of the day watching movies before dinner and going to bed.
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