#some genuinely and some bc they're fun foils and antagonists
voxmilia · 6 months
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stray-tori · 1 year
trigun stampede reaction compilation & thoughts
it is trigun stampede time. <- can't watch new link click ep
funfact: I called Meryl Merelyn for like. the entire watch. I can't hear :)
finally watching trigun stampede. i enjoy it a lot so far. sometimes the animation is a bit too overly animated (lol) but that's my only nitpick so far.
Meryl going "!!! journalistic integrityyyy, don't flatter meeee" was so cute, she's very endearing.
I didn't think it'd hook me that well, I just kinda wanted something to distract me a bit.
(insect bomb thingies) JESUS CHRIST
(idv reference) breaking wheel crossover spotted.
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i like that the antagonist is just in this wack-ass clothed hood (how is it so big?) and is just.... slowly walking across the desert to the goal, like dude you couldn't get... a vehicle or sth? damn
a funny dude ominously terrifying but kinda funny
nvm absolutely terrifying the hood is still a lil goofy
why's there another kid that has the same hairstyle as the other two as kids......
(Kni obliterating the town) ok but why tho dude
oh hey wolfwood. oh. he ded. epic.
lmao his speech to god with that deadpan voice and wide kneel is sending me he is kinda creepy- i get that hes being nice to this traumatized child. but he comes across. as so creepy lol- "hey kid WANT A LOLIPOP" (this is even weirder in hindsight, like did he know?? he being an actor out here)
well. they ded. rip NO SPLITTING THE PARTY this show is genuinely creepy
???? they were too busy with the flir compliment to notice Roberto just fucking vanishing in front of them?? okay okay i see how it is
Wolfwood: "you fool!!" (proceeds to keep standing in front of the worm too)
fellas does it mean sth to take the words of your thematic foil to heart and eat something again?
awww they're both sleeping in the back of the car lol, adorable
Meryl: im dying of a heat stroke Meryl: (in jacket)
Hello Norton from the 4vs1 asymmetrical game Identity V.
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ooh it was a flashback :0 smooth ... mAN :( NO THIS DUDE. NOT THIS DOCTOR DUDE
why did his death actually bring the wind back i dont understand... like uh, I get that there's some religious theming going on here; but is the show saying that it's actually true and he was needed as a sacrifice? idk about that one chief. Maybe it's "sth sth natural order restored" but hmmm
Subtitles sure would be nice for this silent movie segment (dub was too incompetent to add subtitles for the text, so i had both sub and dub open and alternated as the segments happened. fun times. tbh it probably wasn't that relevant but oh well)
this artstyle and animation of this orphanage segment is SO NICE
that was adorable and way more "eyo?" than i expected from this show. dude smoked as a toddler too though, goddamn.
i…… what about wolfwood being against the cult until they blackmailed him made blue-hair think killing everyone they can blackmail him with would make him a better devotee. Like I guess he's not genuine now but I feel like killing everything he's trying to protect by helping them, is just.... kinda counterproductive.
(the context does make sense but this fucking killed me)
ik that its literal for him bc he doesnt need it but saying he wont eat the food bc its "a waste" just hits different for me.... hng.
im gonna cry bc this "home" segment is so nice and im sure soon ill cry bc its gonna get RIPPED AWAY
NO HIS HAIR- UNDO THIS RIGHT NOW. WHAT IS THIS- WHERE'S SOFTIE- epic callback tho (? idk what the relation to the other trigun media is.)
apparently it's sort of an semi-divergent prequel? according to the comments at least..... which..... probably means the hair is gonna stay... *sob*
okay, what is even happening-
goddamn the fucking burning animation on Knives.... they went insane, that looked so good.
I- what is happening-
I'm assuming the name of the newbie Meryl will take on is meaningful to the franchise bc it was framed like that but I just sat there like... "w-who? should i know them?"
where's vash :(
On characters and dynamics
So, some stuff I didn't really comment on but the whole plants thing is very cool, lots of interesting philosophical arguments. Even if the whole... scientist shows journalists around thing was a little.... well, damn, aren't you nice, huh? IDK THAT WAS SO RANDOM WHAT DHSAJD-
Also the imagery of Vash having cords to all of the plants sure was something. (not negative)
I... was really confused on what was going on with his vine thingies at the end. I'm pretty sure both him and Knives got 1 wing each with their... tentacle... thingies, but they never really focused on it well (or maybe I was too tired to notice) so I was like "?? what is this noise behind him" for like... 2 minutes.
I think the show peaked with everything except the end for me (like all the plants stuff, like everything going on with the morality aspects and all that)- which might be my lack of trigun investment going into it to be fair. I feel like.... they did set it up but then didn't really deliver on it in a way that felt impactful to me, things were just kinda... happening and people were just kinda... there. Which like, i get this is kinda beyond anyone's capabilities but. YOU KNOW-
Maybe I just don't get it (likely), but I feel like it was kind of set up well, but then also not really resolved with the same "pieces"?
Like uh. we had wolfwood and vash redirect the cannon from the orphanage, which is very similar to vash redirecting the core-space-cube-thingy from the city in the end.
And we also had the whole "reach the person inside" aspect with livio, which then kind of came back with vash. But Meryl... idk, her part in the climax felt kind of unearned or... not as impactful to me? She wasn't really involved in the livio stuff at all.
I'm not saying Wolfwood would have made sense to be there in her stead, not rly, but her being there just didn't really do anything for me. She even already had her moment of not running away in the orphanage arc too. And she also didn't really have a huge impact in the end either, because it was mostly Rem's memory? Which like, you could argue makes my whole problem irrelevant which is fair, but idk. felt strange.
So yeah, I do think that i find it a jarring that the ending kinda had this whole Meryl->Vash and Wolfwood->Meryl rescuing thing going on, when I feel like the show almost exclusively focused on Meryl+Roberto and Vash+Wolfwood.
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vyeoh · 2 years
Review of Thor: Love and Thunder
Spoilers below!
first of all, keep in mind this is based on one viewing that I just did so I probably missed some stuff
the trigger warnings: major character dies of cancer, scene depicting hanging, scene depicting severed limb
The good :
the CINEMATOGRAPHY. Omg the movie was BEAUTIFUL which is expected because Marvel but goddamn the lighting is amazing, and there's a scene where they're in black and white and its so cool
Its still very much 80 rock and roll! Lots of Guns n Roses, the music is banging
The movie is very funny, once again as expected. The humor is similar to Ragnorok
I did enjoy that they gave Jane more agency; at the end she is given total control over her own health and treatment, and chooses to have "one last adventure" rather than remaining in treatment and having the chance to live. I'm not terminally ill myself, but based on my experience with family members that were and also chose to forgo the possibility of living longer to enjoy the time they've got, this is a thing that resonated with me.
Thor adopts a child at the end and I do hope they continue down this route because he seems like a genuinely well written model for fatherhood
Korg is back! :D
The bad:
The movie once again focuses on Thor and Jane's relationship and they get back together kinda?? And then she dies at the end and its supposed to be this message of choosing love over revenge and it just didn't really hit for me. This may just be a me thing tho, since I never found their relationship and marvel relationships in general very compelling. The message didn't really feel earned because I didn't feel like I was really ever shown that they loved each other, the movie just told me and I was supposed to go along with it
The pacing felt a bit odd to me as well. There were several places where I felt as if there wasn't enough buildup to events (such as Jane becoming Mighty Thor, or the aforementioned romance)
The antagonist is once again the parent of a dead child which like. I was fine with in Dr Strange because we also got the story of Wanda and therefore I felt like she wasn't meant to be seen as evil ever, but rather that movie as a whole was an exploration of grief and the possibility of what might have been and Stephan and Wanda were narrative foils through their grief (which. i also have thoughts tm about Christine but that's not relevant rn lmao) . However in this movie this guy's just straight up evil and massacres people because the god he believes in left his daughter to die so he's sworn to kill all the gods AND massacre their followers apparently??
Don't go into this movie expecting representation. This is a massive queerbait; the most we get is a background lesbian couple (which idk if they're even a couple bc they're implied to have kids together I think? and nothing else), Valkyrie kisses a nameless woman on the hand once, Valkyrie and Korg have a discussion about Korg's dads and Valkyrie's alcoholism due to her dead girlfriend, and then Korg gets a boyfriend?? a mate?? at the end and they have a son via rock people breeding habits? Don't go into this movie expecting anything because you're not gonna get it
conclusion: I enjoyed this movie, though that may have been because I went in with no expectations. Def not one of my top 3 mcu films and def not as good as Ragnarok. However, if you want a light turn-off-your-brain fun film it's great! I'm very sad that Mighty Thor isn't a reoccurring character, but contracts and all that so I get it. I wish Marvel would stop putting romances as the central focus of their plots- they're not good at writing them and they're not compelling.
Rating: 6.5/10 - solid watch to have some fun and marvel (lol) at the cinematography, but nothing game-changing or perspective altering in the writing department
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