#some royal dude cheated on his wife and slept with one of the maids
chuuyascumsock · 1 year
I'm Lithuanian, but I will not be called denial chan. What if I called you horny creator?
That’s too bad, Denial-Chan. Also, why AREN’T you calling me horny creator, huh?? I think you could be a little more creative than that my little Lithuanian fairy princess/prince 🥰
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hockeysweetheart · 4 years
Discribe a movie Badly See if anyone gets it...   
How it works there are 10 movies I wont give anything In the hashtags. 1-10 Movies I discribed badly. Number them 1 to 10 of what you think the movie I am talking about is ...  Some might be a series so I’ll take the name of it.  Just comment below 
1.Two Canadians meet He  lives in the Country  The she  is from the city. They met at the  fair. They fall in love. She moves away. He builds a house. She falls in love with someone  who was in the war they get engaged. She goes back to the country after she sees him. They fall in love again.  Also the narator is telling his story to his wife with dementa. So she remembers. 
2.Women who’s been nominated  for many oscars has three possible baby daddies For her daughter . Now her daughter is due to get married and did some sneaking around invited all three so she can find out who her real father is to give her out. They randomally break out into songs and have 2 supporting Aunts who don’t know their friend slept with all these men. But are supportive even fall in love with the 2 when its windled down... This girl and her fiance sing a song on the beach and it’s a whole musical number... Its until the evening before the wedding she doesn’t know who the father is.  All she wants is her father to give her away... Its greek to me... 
3.Boy wants to be king. The only problem is his skechy evil Uncle wants to be king as well. But the Boys father is the king. So they both Hatch a plan to kill the father. The boy is like no know what did I do runs away. Is raised by 2 men with prob a few mental issues. The girl of his dreams comes and finds him  doesn’t know its him at first  they sing a love song ...  then tells him that the kindom  and the lands in charge of is fu**** up with the uncle in charge so the only way is if he retains his title because hes next in line. 
4.Girl lives in a poor town. She is mocked about it. Becuase shes the Prettier Smarter  then the others and Lives with an inventer who is strange. Oh the town are anti readers too. This guy who thinks he can move her to his side hit on her and wants to marry  her. She is like ha not a chance. He father goes off to the invention fair and she is on her own which is normal. He runs into wolves his horse throws him under the bus He trespasses  into this big house. Which is owned by someone who really needs to shave Who can only do so if he falls in love if he can’t find love by a certain point he will look this way forever . kidnaps him  away She knows something is not right the horse takes her to the big house.. sees her father in a jail cell. The man who owns this place says if you take his place I’ll let him go but you stay. Okay  because her father is old she takes the deal. But then he gives her an actual room in the house instead of the prision cell. Because shes pretty lets make her feel like home.  Then she meets her maid, her dresser, the house keeper The mans of the house  chief steward. and basically the entertainer. And a the house keepers child and the pet dog. And together they all come and show her this hairy man is not evil as he may seem they fall in love on their own however.  He lefts her go be with her father who is sick. Still hairy man but he let her go because he loves her. And she goes back home realizes  the man who wants to marry her has locked her ill father in  a cell... throws her in too because she refuses to marry him. Goes and kill this hairy man with the whole freaking town. She gets out goes to the hairy man. But the dumb ass man who wants to marry her shot him. Hairy man almost dies but is saved when she kisses him... 
5.They lived in a poor town. Once a year they get a chance for a few of them to become Royal. They have a team of Drunky, Perky , Stylish, who guide them to their guide to be royal. ...For a bit Until  the day the evil dictator  locks them in an escape room but says the only way you will live if you murder people you just met. And only one shell live and go home. Its a trap... Until this girl falls in love with this boy  and evenually both of them are allowed to live because it would be slap in the face if no one came out alive. which they were gonna do because they love each other that much. Now the only problem is back home this guy loves the girl. So she must choose who to pick one shes been to hell and back with and a pretty boy who suddenly wants her... Oh and the evil Dictator hates her because she broke the rules... Forces her into marrage of this boy and expects them to have children to so he can be like pay back is bitch and throw the ones who surived the escape room for the first time ever two of them their child into the room. And be like the biggest you have zero control over this ever. But then he gets the idea to send them  back into the escape room with other people who already escaped the room before hoping they would die this time only there is a plan to pick the lock and half get captured half are free... And these two  lovers are seprated due to this. And she is a hot mess. And unknownly the plan to over take this evil dictator. So she agrees to do it because duh.  But then when she gets her man back he trys to kill her and she trys to write him off but all she can think about is him and says I will kill this evil dictator if its the last thing I do. The man who wants her heart kills this girls sister and she is like easy choice learns to love the guy who tried to kill her again and they live happly ever after... 
6. He was the trouble maker. She was a goody goody christian girl. Whos daddy was the pastor. One day they meet becuase she is volunteering and he is doing community serivce... as part of it he has to do this school play and  he realizes he is crushing on her and he crushing on him. They fall in love. She changed his life to take a better path. Then he founds out she is sick doesn’t have very long to live. Goes to his father hes not talking to. Asks him for help because hes a doctor.  And she gets treatment at home because his father agreed to help out. Anyways they kill two birds with one stone get Engaged and Married pretty fast. A few months later she died of her illness. 
7. She has been home schooled her whole life. Moves to a new area and the parents decided to put her in high school.  And she goes in and to be in this high school you can’t be a sad loner because there is no lunch room table for that your eating in the bathroom stall. So she  becomes  friends someone who has it out for the popular girls.. And uses the new girl to befriend the popular girls to get revenge on them.. One of them is Canadian... But  she is after one guy who is an ex to the popular girl... they get back together and she is Jealous of them. Tells the boyfriend that shes cheating on him... and They have this boolk talking about everyone... And this girl wants this the ex but he doesn’t want her. she has this house party where the friends who put her up to this come by tell her off pretty much. then the  popular girl walks in on the girl and boy talking..  also  this girl becoming a part of the popular one  she is sabotaging the popular girls  in doing that she is making the popular one who wants to loose weight become fat girls new boyfriend tells her what she is eating makes her fat. and she is pissed when she finds this out and goes home angry puts her self in this book and tells the pricipal about it the next day Pin it on her friends and the new girl. Then she breaks into the copy room  throws the copies shes made all over the school. While the girls are being talked to and everyone who is in this book sees what is written on them... Then  they have this meeting in the gym and they say their feelings and the girl who put up the new girl to do everything  tells everyone and then the popular girl gets hit by a bus and is okay but  then the new girl says she wrote everything in that book  and got in trouble for it and has to do some math thing for it gets grounded by her parents and her dad lets her go out she wins prom queen and bam shes liked again
8. A  talking  donkey finds a new owner in the middle of no where because he is to be sold. He befriends his new owner. Who doesn’t want him. and Then the king thought the donkey needed a friend and sent everyone who was un normal to this green dudes house to be firends with the donkey. Then Green dude is like one pet is enough. Goes to the king says  give them to a reserve but he and the donkey have to save a princess in a tower and bring her back to the king to be married. This king has  a sweet tooth because he took the legs off a ginger bread man... Anyways This donkey and green dude go on this adventure to save this princess. But shortly the green dude and princess fall in love. And are just over how annoying this Donkey is  and this princess at sunset she turns green to and the donkey finds out they talk green dude gets mad then gets the king to get her princess. they are to married before sunset. Becuase she keeps her being green quiet...  But then the donkey and green dude crash the wedding. Green dude admits to being in love with her and she feels the same and they get married. and once they are Married both are green...
9. This dude whos got beef with anyone better then him has more power. Wears all black  his minons dressed in white. He is pissed his wife left him years ago after he learned she gave birth to twins one girl one boy.  And it’s a world you don’t know your parents. Because they agree to fight because a robot and grown teddy bear and some alian guy help them realize they have more power then this guy...  okay so its 1 girl 2 dudes after this girl and  one of the dudes is a sibiling to this girl. She gets kidnaped by this dude whos got beef gets saved. Finds out that she is sibilings with this  one of the dudes. The dude finds out this dude whos got beef also done so much evil is his father and he’s like I kissed my sister  nooooooooooo... And they have a sibiling realtionship after that.  Oh and dad wants the son to join the dark side.... 
10.  This rich dude who owns a factory.  Shut the doors until one day he is like I want to retire soon lets give it to a kid whos about 10. But before that happened he had an easter egg hunt and people who find the golden ones got a chance to tour his factory which has been closed for the longest time. Then this poor boy finds one. and Is meet in a creepy ally but this creepy dude saying he wants to know the secerts inside. The boy runs off. Home tells his family who cannot afford 4 beds. That they could go to the factory. He picks his grandfather who was bedridden can suddnely walk... And they are in there with a spoiled brat, A Kid who eats everything. A girl who chews gum. A kids obessed with tv. and Him a poor boy.  And one by one they get taken off and these orange men sing a creepy ass song each one who gets “ lost”. And  each area they are tested until one comes out. Tho this boy broke the rules he kept the secert that  the owner of the joint said to keep to themselves. and Gives the favtory to him 
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