#I’d have you be my personal jester if I was a princess
chuuyascumsock · 1 year
I'm Lithuanian, but I will not be called denial chan. What if I called you horny creator?
That’s too bad, Denial-Chan. Also, why AREN’T you calling me horny creator, huh?? I think you could be a little more creative than that my little Lithuanian fairy princess/prince 🥰
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jaimes-2am-thoughts · 2 months
Poem/rant incoming
(self harm mention)
no one can hurt your feelings quite like your mother
the kind of hurt that makes you feel 3 again sitting on the steps while your mum argues with dad about you She agrees with everything leaving his mouth while defending you behind his back. it’s builds a kind of hatred of oneself, they only argue because of you if you left it would stop a loathing build’s the sort that made you cut yourself in your teens and sleep around as an adult and you are now, an adult i mean but really you always were an adult weren’t you? you push yourself to be an adult, to protect her she needs it she needs you you’re everything to her you’re what saved her but you’re only an adult right up until you see her again, and then you're taken right back to the kitchen table, twelve years old doing homework sitting there until you get it right she’s been trying to help you for hours but you’re just too frustrating stupid worthless nobody has said the words but they’re in the air they permeate your skin burrow deep your pulling at your hair and nails trying desperately to crawl out of your skin to vacate to infect any other host but the one you’re in you’re panicking anxiety builds it bubbles up like the bile in your throat you’re spiraling.. but it’s not your fault you’re trying your best you think that right up until she just tells you to just stop it to cut it out maybe you could stop it? maybe you’re missing something? maybe your just stupid? but youre too distracted loosing sleep you're tired from constantly taking her hits for her distracting her husband like a court jester taking the princess’s lashes always lightening the mood comforting her making jokes lifting spirits always blaming yourself in the stead of your mother and you can’t complain she’s sensitive she’ll kill herself she had an awful life growing up she’ll take it personally she’ll bring it up in arguments it’ll make you feel terrible she won’t mean to though will she? no.. she won’t mean to but you’ll never know you can’t know what she’s thinking it will always kill you cause people lie she lies after all, she’s just another woman traumatized by her mum promising to break the cycle I would say it stops with me but that’s what they’ve all said, isn’t it? i know if i made my daughter feel half as bad as the ones before have made me feel i’d kill myself ...but isn’t that what mum says? ...that’s exactly what mum said... i can’t escape it i’m her aren’t i? a quiet desperate realization and you cling to every good thought, she does things that are so wonderful sacrifices that mean a lot holds you gently while you cry brushes your hair does your nails things that she knows make you feel better she holds you so gently tenderly the way she wishes she was held and you cling to the good memories and their are good ones and if you think about them long enough you almost forget she was the reason you were crying
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endingboyhansel · 1 year
okay I have done something
concept for PJSekai x Evillious Second Collab
obviously all fanmade by me
may do lil card stories
Hatsune Miku - Michaela
The Peasant of Green
“I wonder why humans are the way they are…”
Skill: The Call of the Forest
There is a girl I’ve met when I became a human. Her name is Clarith. And I cannot picture not being by her side anymore. She is truly one of the nicest people I have ever met.
There was a sorceress who turned me into a human. Before then I was a forest spirit. Even though I’ve spent time as a human, I still don’t understand many things…
I don’t believe you’ve met Master Freezis. He is a very welcoming man, and I’m glad to be in his employ. However his wife… I don’t understand her distrust of me.
Kagamine Rin - Rin Chan
The Princess-Like Diva
“Oh ho ho! Is that how it goes?”
Skill: Glance In A Mirror
My singing? Well I’ve always enjoyed singing, ever since I was at the orphanage. You should ignore those rumours about me lip synching. You know how people are.
Lemy… I heard he was adopted by the President. He must be having a life in luxury then. I wish I could say the same for myself. Well, if he’s happy, then I’m glad for him.
Oh ho ho ho! Now bow with me! No wait it was bow to me… getting the appearance of the infamous Daughter of Evil is difficult. Maybe I should ask Mr Corpa if I can buy a tea set for my performances.
Kagamine Len - Lemy Abelard
The Fifth Pierrot
“If only I hadn’t been reborn…”
Skill: Through a Ring of Fire
Haha! The jester strikes again! May the town feel fear at the hands of the Fifth Pierrot! Yes, I think that’s fearsome enough! Wait until I tell Miss Santa!
Some time ago, I was saved by the former Fifth Pierrot. He was wearing an extremely impressive clown suit. I wonder if I’ll be as famous as him one day!
Pére Noël is an organisation with less main members than the public would probably think. Only a few are used for any… real purpose. Like Sixth Venom for example. He only does chores.
MEIKO - Julia Abelard
The Bewitching Sorceress
“The world… it is full of mistakes.”
Skill: The Mother of Malice
Of course I can manage the next speech. I am after all the president of Elphegort. I have the draft written and I’d be happy to show it. Please, take a seat.
KAITO - Kaspar Blankenheim
The Doomed Marquis
“I barely remember any childhood promise.”
Skill: The Wooden Ring
My father abandoned my family when I was a baby. Good riddance to him, I say. I do not know if he is alive or dead, but he has not been seen since that fateful night.
Margarita? Ah, she is an interesting person. But the fact she cannot sleep is… it is so unusual. I would rather keep my distance, I only married her for my own reasons after all.
Fifth Pierrot
Tree Maiden ~Millennium Wiegenlied
Gift From The Princess Who Brought Sleep
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legendofzoodles · 2 years
LU Character Design Analysis 1
The incredible designs for each of the heroes was the first thing that sold me on this story and concept. I love analysing things in stories and character design is something I haven’t talked about yet. I got this idea from watching character design analysis videos on youtube, and those creators sometimes put the designs into a tier list. So I thought I’d do that with the LU designs.
I’m going to rank them based off of aesthetic, (i.e. how good the character looks and how well the colours and textures go together), how well the represent the character and how practical the garb would be for the kind of travel and environments in LU- which will be mostly my opinion so take each placement with a side of salt. I’m not an expert on this stuff, but I’ve seen a few videos on colour theory and stuff like that, so I’m going to try my best at applying that here.
Onto the list! Starting with...
9th place: Wild 
I’m sorry but there has to be a last place, and for me that goes to Wild. There’s a lot you could do with a redesign of his character, although it’s impossible to mix in every aspect. That being the polished knight aesthetic, the wild survivalist thing he’s always had going on and ancient Sheikah aesthetic- maybe some Zora and Zonai stuff too. 
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Pros: I love the long ponytail, aesthetically it looks great and it gives the impression that he is somewhat of a rebel, which would reflect his unpopular opinion of the Master Sword and King of Hyrule. Long hair can also act as a shield that symbolizes a lack of maturity or toughness. Wild is as tough as old boots- he is a survivalist after all, but as shown numerous times in the comic he does lack maturity, often acting childish and impulsive. 
I will point out that while it is a bit of a shame that the hair is so long because the shorter hair made a similar silhouette to the one the pointed cap made, at the same time it makes sense. The cap is part of the hero’s garbs right? But Wild feels like a screw up, he doesn’t believe himself worthy and therefore still feels like he needs to redeem himself more before he can proudly carry that title.  
I love that he’s still wearing the champion’s tunic. I feel like it would hold a lot of importance to him, as it’s a tether to his past self, so he’d worry about making sure it doesn’t get damaged. I feel like in BoTW he wouldn’t have worn it much only when speaking to leaders or those who knew him 100 years ago. He’d wear it all the time around Zelda, as a sort of visual representation of his duty but also to help show that he’s still the same person deep down.
I also really like that he’s wearing the amber earrings, not only because they’re my personal favourite but also it’s a nice nod to the colours of the ancient Sheikah who’s technology played a large role in BoTW. 
The guardian scars are well placed too, having them be primarily on one side makes them easy to keep track of. Plus they’re bold and distinct, one of the first things someone’s gonna notice when they see him. The fact that they stand out so much and can’t easily be hidden reflects how Wild can’t hide from his past and has to constantly pick up the scattered pieces of his lost identity. His body is broken and torn like his sense of self, and while those cracks will never quite be the same they can be healed with time. 
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Cons: Gonna be honest, the dark and light blues of his tunic aren’t really doing it for me. It doesn’t show me that he’s an accomplished knight travelling with the princess, because to me it looks a little like he’s the court jester who happens to train with a sword. 
From a character standpoint it could symbolize how much he relies on others (especially Zelda who’s royal dress is that same dark blue) to validate his identity, hence creating a mismatched and stitched together sort of self image- like a mosaic of different people’s expectations and opinions. But to me the two-toned colour scheme doesn’t look very good visually and it doesn’t look very ‘put together’, which I assume is how Wild wants to present himself. Besides, I think the scars do a great job of representing all that on their own. 
I do like the style though, the flared sleeves and tunic make him look a little more androgynous, which is I think is one of the best parts about his look from BoTW.
Keeping the hooded cape was a great design choice. Although keeping it short would’ve been much more practical and shown that he still has to do some learning and growing as a person.
I’m a little conflicted by the fact that he’s not wearing any armour or chainmail. On one hand it keeps the essence of his original design from the game and helps him stand out amongst those in the chain wearing chainmail, but at the same time I feel like he would. 
He’s been through many near death experiences, if he wouldn’t slap on a bit of chainmail or some metal arm guards for himself, he’d surely do it to put the mind’s of the people he cares about at ease. 
...but maybe it would be better to keep his armour as just tough leather which would help him look like a survivalist, but at the same time I like the thought of it being polished metal, but at the same same time I kinda want it to be modified ancient Sheikah material. Like I said, I’m conflicted. 
Wishlist: There’s no such thing as the perfect design, but if I could add anything I’d give him a little more of an ancient Sheikah motif. The orange flaps on his boots don’t look right to me. I get that they’re there to balance out the orange in his earrings and arm guards, but I’d like it if it were maybe on the very bottom, or as laces or as little stellar constellation patterns like the ones in the shrines. Those patterns could also maybe be on his quiver or painted on a shield. 
I don’t like that the trousers and undershirt are the same colour. I get that they have to be light coloured as too not blend in with the hooded cape, but if it were shorter, his trousers could be a darker. 
Ok so, I once saw AoC Link fanart where the artist put the champion’s tunic over the Zora armour, and other than making me gush about how sweet it was, it also made me realise that a dark blue undershirt would go great with the tunic. Since Mipha is dead in BoTW, it wouldn’t really make sense for Wild to have any Zora motifs in his design (unless you ship him with Sidon I suppose)- but that undershirt could also have some ancient Sheikah inspired patterns on it. That could maybe be echoed on his trousers too. Also, instead of having ancient Sheikah armour- which is bulky and can look strange- have it be metallic knight’s armour/or leather and keep the Sheikah elements strictly on the clothes and colour placement. 
Last minute thought here but hear me out: what if Wild wore turquoise? A mix of the traditional hero colour and the colour of the Champions. Just putting it out there. Maybe he can wear a turquoise tunic, or cloak or scarf once he fully grows up into a competent and confident adult at peace with both duties. 
Btw, all that being said I do like this design for what it is. 
Aesthetic and visual score (/10): 4 Character representation score (/5): 3  Practicality score (/5): 3  Total (/20): 10
I didn’t mean to score him low, I had to set a precedent for the others to follow. But this doesn’t mean I think his design is bad, it’s good, I just think it’s the weakest compared to the others. 
Sorry I had to give 8th place it’s own post, cuz this was too long:
See 8th place here
7th place
6th place
5th place
4th place
3rd place
Thanks for reading! What modifications would you make to their designs? And do you agree with me or not? I’d love to know :)
Relevant character analysis/rant posts:
Hero of the Sky, Hero of Time, Hero of Twilight, Hero of the Wild, Hero of Warriors
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elijahrichardwrites · 2 years
Can I get a drumroll, please?
After spending a fair amount of time on it, I introduce you all to my masterlist of writing! Please note, that this is still technically a work in progress and will be updated throughout time.
While I do plan to use this Tumblr to eventually talk about pretty much everything on this list, I am more than happy to answer any questions about any of the stories on this list! (As well as any other questions someone might have in general)
Once I get a little more Tumblr savvy (it's been about 4 years since I last even had a Tumblr!) I will make this list easy to access as well as use it to link any post regarding my stories back to this list.
Without further ado,
Eli’s Masterlist of Writing
This is a list of all my writing. From current wips, things being put on hold, works needing to be rewritten, concepts yet to be written or developed, and characters that have no plot surrounding them.
I have put mini descriptions under each work. They are very much vague as to not give away too much but I will happily answer any questions in regard to them. Please note that the majority of these do not have proper titles, so please forgive me.
Warning: I do write about some heavy topics in general and although I rarely mention anything explicitly in the descriptions on the masterlist, there are mentions of death. If this triggering for you, I’d recommend skipping over any works with * in front of it.
Current Writing Projects
These are works that I am currently in the process of developing and/or writing, as well as things currently being put on hold.
Please also note that “on hold” simply means I’m rarely active with these WIPs but still plan to do something with them.
Being written:
These are works that have been developed enough to begin writing the first drafts.
In the developmental stages:
*Fantasy Story (Unveiled Dissolution)
As the title suggests, this is a fantasy story particularly a high fantasy one. This story follows various groups as they travel across the lands of Saeman/Aestar in search of the princess of Elderia who killed her father.
Daye & Nite
This story follows Daye Nouvel and Amoris “Nite” Rien, “twin” brothers who band together to take down a woman planning on destroying the world.
On hold:
A story about young children in an alternate Britian where people create beings known as Dolls and Corpses. They are sent to London after the Queen declares every doll/corpse maker come to the palace so she can find her own personal maker.
Jester Story
Many years in the future after Fantasy Story takes place, the rules of the world have changed. Magic is all but forbidden and those with dark hair and/or pointed ears are ostrazied. This story follows a prince who teams up with a Jester and his mysterious ally to rebel against the crown to return things to how they once had been.
Before The Fire Burns
Takes place many years before the events of Fantasy Story and follows various characters as they fight to establish a world without prejudice towards their brand of magic, Avilok. All in all, basically the history of how Zimore came to be.
Masked Academy
A story inspired by a certain popular series regarding magic users and their school. However, minus all the not so great things. 
Current Reworks
These are stories that are in need of reworking. If they cannot be reworked, they will be thrown in the “Old Works” section. If they can, they will eventually be moved to my current writing projects section.
Please note that anything being developed may have anywhere from little to major tweaking. Also, the things on hold will eventually be gotten to, it’s just that I’m not actively doing anything with them, at least not until the other projects get done first.
Being Developed:
The Saints (Onion)
A story about Orion, a man taken in by an infamous “Saint”, known as The Dark Saint, who’s been shunned by the world. He, alongside his adoptive brother and family bodyguard must take down The Great Saint and restore The Dark Saint’s honor.
The Hundred-Year Labyrinth
Every few decades, 7 people gather to take on the ultimate test, “The Hundred Year Labrinth”. The Labyrinth is said to hold many treasures and to anyone who can leave in one piece, they’re greatest wish shall be fulfilled. But what happens when instead of 7 people, a mysterious 8th person appears. A person who happens to have knowledge or the Labyrinth or what it means to fo through it…
We Have Some Beans
One of my first works to ever be written and is very dear to my heart. This story is about a girl, Kaila Crawford, and her journey through the zombie apocalypse.
On Hold:
In The Darkest Night
Pluto agrees to help his long time friend with protecting her younger brother. He gets much more than he bargained for when he learns who exactly is after them and what it they want.
The story of young man, Dmitry who is in search of an object his lost sister was looking for that could bring peace or war in a world of demons, dieties, and humans.
After falling asleep one night, Crash wakes up in a desolote world he has no recollection of. As he progresses, he is chased by shadows and a man set on killing him, in which they often succeed, causing Crash to “respawn” in other places. Crash must figure out how to get out before one of his deaths become his final one.
*Aberrated Eyes
A story about a woman’s last 24 hours and the boy she meets that day.
2018 NaNo
LeBlanc is a young man who was sent to find a magical item that was believed to cure an ailment affecting all creatures of the world. Along the way, LeBlanc meets a strange man with connections to the magic object who could ultimately decide the fate of the world. (Takes place in the same universe as Daye & Nite)
Old Works
These are works that have been retired and therefore will not be written. At least, they’re most likely not to be written. They may be used as inspiration or even starting points for other stories, but for now, they will remain simply as reminders of my past writing. 
The Bicycle Club
Inspired by 80s movies, this story is about a group of kids, the new girl in town, and their bicycle club. One of my first stories!
A first attempt at a high fantasy story. Three girls going on an adventure to find one’s possibly alive mother and one’s forgotten memories. Has dragons, magic, and lots of other fun fantasy elements.
Princesses & Refugee
A young princess takes in the princess of her enemy country and a refugee who has suffered from the war on the border. Many things ensue.
Tells the story of a pair of twins as they navigate highschool and recovering from past trauma.
Fire & Rain
My first attempt at romance about a boy and girl who find themselves vastly different from their peers and taking solace in one another.
*Oak Falls Mystery
Inspired by a certain popular TV show also involving teens and mystery, this story follows Miller and her band of friends become slueths after one of their classmates is found dead behind the dumpster of  Miller‘s dad’s bar.
*The Nightwell Chronicles
After the death of their mother and the disappearance of their father, brother and sister are taken by long lost relatives
*Dark Haven
My very first supernatural romance. Haydence is the only “normal” girl in a world of supernaturals, finds herself the next target in a string of murders. Discovering a dark evil lurking in her once beloved town who may have connections to her deceased mother, Haydence runs into a man who holds the very secrets she’s been looking for.
*Hidden Darkness
Armania lived a very normal life until one day she is nearly assassinated by an unknown figure. Suddenly thrust into a magical world by a woman believed to be a tyrannical leader, Armania must face the secrets of an unknown life, a raging war, and love that could very well nearly ruin her.
*Death Story
Four teenagers find themselves severvents of Death herself and must fight against a fellow highschooler as he brings beings back from the dead.
Essentially, the story of woman named Athea who alongside a man she just met, Grayson, have to investigate strange happenings in their town.
Underdeveloped Concepts
These are concepts that I’ve either had in my head and never written down, thus never properly worked on and developed, or they are things that have been written down but have never made it past the point of being a story idea.
Ask me about underdeveloped concepts and I can talk about plenty of them! I have too many at the moment to list them all here.
(if anything is hard to read or understand, please don't hesitate to let me know, I always love hearing advice and/or constructive criticism)
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arrowflier · 3 years
What if Debbie made them have a Halloween party with costumes. What would they all be?
In retrospect, they should have known it was a bad idea to go along with Debbie’s plan.
“Come on guys,” she had begged them. “Franny wants to do a family costume, and it won’t work if it’s just the two of us!”
“No way,” Mickey said, but Ian was already speaking over him.
“Sure, whatever,” Ian agreed, and Mickey smacked him on the arm.
“What?” Ian asked innocently. “It’s for Franny.”
Mickey relented almost immediately, even if he did keep scowling.
“Fucking fine, then,” he grumbled. “But only cause it’s for little red.”
“Thank you Mickey!” Debbie said, trying to hug him, but he hid behind Ian’s larger frame.
“Didn’t mean you,” he muttered into Ian’s back, gripping Ian’s shoulders and spinning him bodily to keep a barrier between himself and Debbie.
“You would have done it for her, too, Mick,” Ian laughed, and Mickey whacked the back of his head as Debbie beamed.
“Keep your thoughts to your self, asshole,” Mickey ordered, then sighed as both redheads snickered at him.
Now, standing in the living room of the Gallagher house and looking at the costumes Debbie had laid out for them, Mickey wished he wasn’t such a sucker for red haired Gallaghers. Because right there in front of him was the gaudiest outfit he had ever seen.
It was a deep blue, at least, but the color was the only thing Mickey could get behind. The rest of it was a complete travesty, with three-dimensional silver piping, shiny buttons, and leggings—fucking leggings—meant to be tucked into the silver boots currently laying on the floor.
“No,” he stated immediately. “Nuh-uh, not wearing that.”
“Mickey, it’s just for one night,” Ian tried to reason with him.
That was all well and good for him. Ian was the lucky one—his costume was mostly grey and black, with cool patterning and thin plastic bits meant to make it look like armor. It even had a helmet, and, best of all, a plastic sword.
“Why do you get to be the knight?” Mickey complained. “I could beat your ass any day, man.”
Ian just raised his eyebrows.
“Will you shut up and get dressed already?” Debbie demanded, wandering into the room with Franny. She was holding up an outfit similar in taste to Mickey’s, but pink and glittery and child-sized.
“Franny won’t wear her princess dress unless you guys do it with her, come on," Debbie pressed, and Mickey scowled at her.
“Should’ve known you were up to something,” Mickey groused. “No way the kid picked this shit out.”
Debbie sighed.
“Will you please just wear the damn costume?” she asked. “It’s too late to find another one, Lip and Tami will be here any minute.”
Ian took one look at Mickey’s sour face, and decided to try a more diplomatic approach.
“Don’t you want your me to be your prince?” Ian asked, kneeling down next to Franny and tugging on a lock of her red hair. “We could match, how about that?”
Franny pulled back, stomping her foot.
“No!” she insisted. “I can’t marry you silly, it has to be Uncle Mickey!”
“You can’t marry Uncle Mickey either…” Ian tried to reason, but one look from his niece stopped the words in his throat and he coughed.
“Yeah, okay, sound logic,” he agreed instead. “Sorry Mick, guess you gotta be royalty tonight.”
Mickey wants to argue some more. Franny never even liked this shit, why should he have to play along? If she was gonna be a princess, her mom could have at least let her be Xena or somethin'. Now that was royalty he could get behind.
But Debbie was glaring at him, and Ian and Franny were both watching him with their damned big eyes, blue and green and faintly wet.
"Whatever," he finally said, and grabbed the offending outfit from off the sofa. "But if I get a single comment about this tonight, we're leavin', got that?"
"Sure Mickey," Ian and Debbie both agreed, and he frowned harder.
Liars, the both of them.
An hour later, Mickey was crammed into the corner of a booth at the Alibi, nursing his third beer of the night. If one more person had anything to say about his costume--Tommy had called him a fucking pillow prince, that fucker--he was gonna take Ian's fake sword and stab them with it.
"Doin' okay over here?" Ian asked as he sat down beside him. Mickey just grunted in response, and took another sip.
"It's not that bad," Ian tried to say, but Mickey's glare cut him off short.
"At least you're not the jester?" he tried again, nodding his head toward Carl, whose multicolored, belled hat could be heard across the room.
"Fuck off," Mickey told him, flipping him off with the hand not holding his beer. "Never thought I'd be wishing I was with your asshole brother instead of you."
"What, Carl?" Ian asked, confused, but Mickey shuddered.
"Fuck no," he asserted. "The one with the badass family costume, you moron."
Ian looked around, still unsure, then spotted Lip and Tami a few tables over. Lip had on homemade Mandalorian regalia, complete with a helmet that Mickey had earlier said was a brilliant choice for hiding his ugly-ass face. Tami was dressed as a blonde Cara Dune, the fake tat on her arm on prominent display as she held Fred in his little Grogu costume.
"What," Ian asked with a smile, "you wanted to dress up like a woman?"
Mickey snorted. "A fucking badass woman," he corrected, "but no. I coulda been Boba Fett or something, man. Instead of this...," he paused to wave down at himself, almost spilling his beer in the process.
"This gay-ass thing," he finished, and Ian smirked and scooted closer.
"But you are gay," he pointed out, forcing an arm around Mickey's shoulders and ignoring the responding eye-roll.
“And besides,” Ian murmured in his ear, “your gay ass looks amazing in those tights.”
Mickey flushed.
"Yeah, well," he muttered back. "Better stay close, Mr. knight in plastic armor." He leaned closer to Ian, letting his husband tighten his hold.
"Nobody better look at my fine ass but you."
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ariel-seagull-wings · 3 years
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@princesssarisa​ @superkingofpriderock​ @sunlit-music​ @mademoiselle-princesse​ @amalthea9​ @theancientvaleofsoulmaking​ @astrangechoiceoffavourites​ 
Lips red as blood. Skin white as snow. Hair black as ebony. The fairest woman of all.
Snow White is one of the most iconic fairy tale characters ever created. And also  one of the hardest to portray. This happens because, the story is less about her as a person, and more about following her exploration of the world and how this world reacts to her. The tale calls her a princess, but really she is more meant to be a common everygirl for a variety of readers and audiences to see themselves in. So the greatest challenge to portray the character becomes how to make at the same time universally relatable, and an individual character, and today, i’d like to share my favorite portrayals, that camed closer in acomplishing this goal.
12º Laura Berlin in Sechs Auf Einen Streich (2009)
Berlin’s Snow White acts as an outgoing, playfull young lady who deep down is trying to deal with the longing for her dead mother. And then, her father marries a new, vain and cruel woman, and sayed woman orders that the portrait of the previous queen be trown out, wich obviously makes the princess verbally snap against her father weak-willed and her tyranical stepmother. And then her father has a stroke and her stepmother orders her death. Here is a young lady in an emotinal turmoil and distress, wich makes her very relatable to audiences.
11º Nicola Stapleton and Sarah Paterson in Canon Movie Tales: Snow White (1987)
One of the first times that we see the fair princess explicitly growing up from child to young adult. Nicola Stapleton is probably more charismatic as child! Snow White, having more time on scene where she gets to sing with her father, explore the room where her stepmother keeps the magic mirror, until finally having to run trough the woods and meeting the dwarfs, but Sarah Paterson also makes adult! Snow White likable, singing about her desire to someday leave the dwarfs house because she is growing and may need her own space, and showing the doubt between fear and curiosity in her interactions with her disguised stepmother. This highlights more the themes of coming of age and confronting ones fears from the tale.
10º Yuri Amano/Donatella Fanfani/Eileen Stevens in The Legend of Snow White (1994)
In this italian-japanese coproduced anime, the twelve year old Snow White is an inquisitive, merry and kind girl, that has to adapt to a more scary reality when she has to run away from the castle to not be killed. At the dwarfs house, where she is so hungry and tired she takes all bread from a basket and sleeps for hours, she decides to give her hazelnuts and try to do shores to compensate for entering the house and eating the bread. Unfortunally, being a princess who lived in comfort all her life, she fails hard when she tries to do domestic shores, burning bread and cutting lettuce that she tought were garden plagues. But she is so sweet and kind, that it doesn’t matter. Conquering the affection of people for who she is, and not for what she can do in exchange, is the greatest strenght of this encarnation.
09º Elizabeth McGovern in Faerie Tale Theatre (1984)
A lonely girl who just wants some atention and love. Those are the characteristics that McGovern’s Snow White extablishes for herself in her first appearance, trying to impress her stepmother with juggling tricks learned with the Court Jester. Later, in the forest, when she is about to be stabbed, she prays to God for the soul of the Huntsman who is about to kill her, and to her surprise this act of kindness is what changes the Huntsman’s heart and convinces him to spare her life. In the woods she finds the dwarfs cottage, and can finally have friends to talk about things like her nostalgia for swiming in the castle moat/pit. She won’t feel alone again. 
08º Kristin Kreuk in Snow White: The Fairest of them All (2001)
In this Hallmark TV Movie, Kreuk gives a 16 year old Snow White who searches friendship in garden gnomes. In a way, she expands the theme of loneliness explored by McGovern, and goes deeper about it, relating sayed loneliness with beauty: she is an awkward and melancholic person, who feels that people only care with her pretty appearance, but don’t actually come close to truly meet her as a person. In a lesser hand, this idea of a person who thinks being considered beautifull is hard could sound absurd and over dramatic, but the screenwriters and Kreuk’s sincere performance make it a compelling dilema.
07º Natalie Minko in Schneewitchen (1992)
An energetic fifteen year old, who likes to run around to play with the Court Jester, and mess up the kitchen while doing pancakes that glue in the ceiling. Minko’s Snow White is one of the few Snow White’s who is allowed to act as a normal teenager: she makes messes, she sometimes verbally fights with people, she constantly questions the adults around her, all the wille still being a genuinelly kind hearted person pursuing the path of truth.
06º Tamara Rojo in Emilio Aragon’s Blancanieves (2005)
I loved watching the DVD of this ballet production over and over as a kid. Trough dance movements, Tamara Rojo gives us a gracious and fun princess. Whetever she goes, a party will always start.
05º Adriana Caselotti in Disney’s Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1937)
My first portrayal of Snow White. The Disney version was raised working as a palace scullery maid, wich her stepmother hoped would make her ugly. But that didn’t work. She grows beautifull in body and soul: her singing voice is so sweet it is enough to make a dashing Prince fall in love with her, the animals are always engaged by her joyfull and sassy conversations, and she has a firm way of talking that assures a position of leadership among both the animals and the dwarfs who later befriend her. Really, she is awesome. What can i say about her that hasn’t been sayed already?
04º Marguerite Clark in Snow White (1916)
The version that inspired Walt Disney to make his version. Based on a 1912 stage play, this is the version that extablished being raised as a palace scullery maid as the reason Snow White is good with domestic tasks despite being a rich princess. Clark’s Snow White is also compassionate, sweet, romantic and dreamy, and she mix those qualities with some energy and spunkiness, being an almost wild girl.
03º Carol Heiss in Snow White and The Three Stooges (1961)
The sass, spunkiness and sweet romanticism are back, but with a new adition: an athletic hobby. Carol Heiss was originally a golden medal winner olimpic ice skater, and this movie was made to capitalize in her popularity at the time (along with reviving the Three Stooges popularity). So, we extablish in this version that the heroine who is linked to the snow loves the winter, and one of the most popular sports in this season. No other version before or after that did this, even tough its the most obvious and most awesome thing to do with the character. Ad to that the (uncredited) singing voice dubbed by Norma Zimmer, and you have one of the most complete portrayals of Snow White: she is beauty, she is grace, she can sing, she can cook and she can ice skate. She is the most interesting woman that ever lived.
02º Sakiko Tamagawa/Julie Maddalena in Grimm’s Fairy Tale Classics (1989)
Orphaned from her mother at birth and having a father who is always too busy rulling the kingdom to pay attention to her, this version of Snow White grows up raised by a nurse named Doris, and playing on the garden with a young boy named Klaus. Her favorite pass time is to climb trees to pick apples, her favorite fruit. But one day her stepmother, who for years has been ignoring her, calls the princess to her chamber, and asks if she thinks herself to be most beautifull than the Queen. Annoyed with the absurd of the question, Snow White calls her stepmother out in her vanity. What follows is her running away, having to survive as a fugitive. Getting lost from her Klaus and stumbling in a root, she crawls for her life, until being saved by the seven dwarfs and their wolf friends. Time passes, and she finds a bit of fullfilment while slowly learning to do domestic chores to help the dwarfs, and finding friendship in the wolfs and a giant black bear. But she still craves to reunite with her friend Klaus and to find some love, while the Queen’s menace lures in the air.
And now the moment everyone was expecting... My number one favorite portrayal of Snow White is:
01º Camryn Manhein in The 10th Kingdom (2000)
I know what are you thinking: “Wait, a two episode cameo in a tv minisseries, instead of a protagonist, this is your favorite”? Yes. Yes, she is. In the Hallmark minisseries The 10th Kingdom, a young lady from the real world comes to the magical world to help to disenchant a Prince that has been turned into a dog. This dog prince is Snow White’s grandson. And then the heroes arrive at the Dragon Mountain in the 09th Kingdom, and Virginia has a conversation with the spirit of the late Snow White for counsel. And Snow White counsels Virginia by simply telling her story of once being an afrayed, lonely lost girl in the woods, finding new friends in the dwarfs, suffering three murder attempts from her stepmother, being aesleep for years with the poisoned apple in her troat, until the Prince’s servants stumbled with her casket so she could trow away the apple piece, so she could finally live happily ever after. While she narrates the tale, she says that she knew the danger presented by the ribbons, the comb and the apple, but she also knew that she could hide in the dwarfs cottage, afrayed to be hurt, forever. And her husband was a good man, but she saved herself from death. With that dialogue, Manheim’s sensitive and wise Snow White ressignified the fairy tale for me, making me appreciate better the story and her character. And that is why she my number one portrayal of the fairest princess of all.
HONORABLE MENTIONS: Elke Arendt in Schneewitchen (1955), Maresa Hörbiger in Schneewitchen (1971) and Elaine Bilstad as White Snow in Happily Ever After: Fairy Tales for Every Child (1995).
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anothertimdrakestan · 4 years
Stop Talking And Kiss Me  -  Jason Todd x Reader
Words: 1.7
Requested? Yes! From a lovely anon!
“can i request 7 (no i'm not in love with him i like you idiot) and/or 8 (kiss me already) with jason? thank you!!”
I love this request! It’s super open so I hope I captured the energy you wanted to create in the studio today lmao. I went for the “will they won’t they” kinda thing because I like the idea of Jason thinking you like Tim but you really have been going after him for months. Jason is too cute I can’t Hope you enjoy!
“Hi. Yes Timothy the Luthor family comes in a week, no they won’t come earlier. No, I’m not calling anyone ‘again’ Tim shut up you’ll do fine we aren’t postpoining. Ok see you in 40 I’m going to another one of the finance meetings I know damn well you won’t be at” you tapped your earpiece, hanging up with your CEO. As the CFO you attended every meeting the higher-ups had about money, it way your job after all. Somehow being Tim’s right hand man meant making excuses to the board about his whereabouts and often his brother’s actions during meetings that were supposed to be money centric. Rushing to the meeting you felt a couple of the papers you were carrying fly off the top of your stack. Deciding they weren’t worth it you continued on not noticing the tall figure following closely behind you.
“Y/n! Hey! I got these uh - papers for you that you dropped” you skidded to a halt coming face to face with Jason Todd, currently the bane of your existence after his last social media storm where he vividly described a pornographic video he was hoping his following could find for him. The “Toddsters” always pulled through for Jason, to the Wayne Ent. board’s disgust. “Hey Todd, thanks.” you smiled up at him as he loomed over you. You really only knew him and Tim, obviously you were close with Tim but you were older than the teen-genius and so it was nice getting closer with Jason over the months. Months, this was because he used to never come in until a couple months ago when you requested he get brought in because you needed him to try to sell new W.E. tech to the “Toddsters”. After that he’d been coming in more frequently, sometimes he sat in on meetings with you and Tim, he was often bringing you and Tim lunch and the three of you would eat in your office while you prepared Tim for afternoon meetings.
Jason was surprisingly reliable. Occasionally you would ask him to bring you coffee or post a video of him asking his following for something, he always complied even if it took some coaxing from you, making promises to dinners together you assumed would never happen in return for W.E. paid promotions. He had grown on you, his goofy smile, aggressive finger guns, and occasionally dark and brooding persona was fascinating. You were constantly enamored by him, and since he’d been coming around the office way more you were beginning to fall for him. Tim knew since you two saw each other and was always trying to play matchmaker even though you both thought the other didn’t like the other, bringing you guys together was a task too difficult for the world’s second greatest detective so Tim just shipped the two of you quietly now. 
As Jason stacked you up with your papers he saw you could barely carry all of them. “Hey let me take these for you, anything for the princess of Wayne Ent” Jason took then out of your arms as you smirked at his nickname for you. He loved calling you princess, noting that Tim was the jester he never really asserted his own position. After an attempt at stopping the nickname it stuck, and you now answered to it happily, but only from Jason. Tim never tried it and when anyone else questioned it, either you or Jason just explained that it just fit. 
“Sure Jay but the board is gonna drag you into the meeting, it will be nice if you go! I’m sure we all want an explanation for your most recent social media activity” you poked his chest while he replied with a wink as he followed you into the meeting. You sat down as Jason dropped the papers on the meeting table with a thump. “Ah, Mr. Todd. Please we have just a few questions do join us” An older man looked up from his laptop, demanding Jason’s presence. Heaving a sigh he slumped into the chair next to you. 
As the second presenter for the meeting got up to walk you through slides at a turtle's pace you realized there was no sneaking out. Even though you were up to date on the company’s finances the rest of the room wasn’t and it was far too rude to leave. Looking over at Jason he had pulled the hood of his sweatshirt over his head, rested his hand on his chin, and was asleep. You watched him draw in deep breaths and exhale, slightly blowing the corner of his hood with each breath, it was nothing short of adorable, but because this was a meeting you couldn’t snap a picture meaning you had to drink in every moment of cuteness. 
As the third presenter got up you considered faking a heart attack. Jason was awake now meaning you couldn’t steal anymore glances in his direction. Anytime you looked at him he was making a goofy face, winking at you, or trying to touch his tongue to his nose. Constantly concealing giggles, by the end of the third presentation your cheeks hurt from smiling. 
When the fourth presentation began you felt a little piece of paper poke your hand. Looking down you saw Jason trying to pass you a note like a fifth grader. Unwrapping his folding-job the note read: Y/n this is a boring meeting why do u go to these? You smiled, pulling a pencil from your bag you flipped the note over and wrote: because Tim makes me so he doesn’t fall asleep like you did. Jason smirked, tearing off a large piece of paper and writing: If you need to sleep you can rest on my shoulder. You scoffed looking at him as he gave his shoulder a little pat, grinning uncontrollably. You glared at him before deciding to shoot your mini shot: Flirting are we Todd? Your heart skipped a beat when a light blush appeared across his cheeks as he wrote: Not unless you’ll let me steal you from your boy toy Tim. Confused you looked at him replying: More like best friend Tim, I’m not a cougar idiot. 
Jason read the paper, his head snapping to you, blurting out in front of the whole board “wait you don’t like Tim!” You felt your own face redden when all heads turned to you. Quietly you mumbled “no I don’t like him” before grabbing the paper and finishing your thought: i like you idiot. Carefully sliding the paper to Jason, you cleared your throat. “Please continue Mr. Smith about the importance of gauging inflation” Willing yourself not to look at Jason you pretended to listen to the presentation while the rest of the board slowly lost interest in the little interruption. 
Deciding the coast was clear you glanced at Jason who was re-reading your note over and over again. He looked up, making direct eye contact with you, mouthing “I like you too princess” you couldn’t help but grin. His hand slip over, dropping the paper and grabbing your hand, pulling it below the table so as to not cause any drama. 
You gave presenter five no attention, too focussed on the fact that Jason Todd was holding your hand. Presenter five finished with a mini lecture to Jason on the importance of keeping his social media pg, he rolled his eyes but eventually nodded, effectively ending the meeting. You pulled your hand out of Jason’s and began organizing the papers you’d brought in as the rest of the board left the meeting room. As the last person left the room Jason practically ran to the door, shutting it quickly. 
Unable to process your excitement you began rambling “so uh, pretty eventful meeting huh? Did you hear anything the second guy said or -” Jason grabbed your hand, pulling you into his embrace. “Stop talking and kiss me y/n” he mumbled, leaning it. As his lips caught yours you could feel him smiling into the kiss, his hands snaking around your waist and pulling you in closer. Pulling away you couldn’t stop smiling. “I think I’m gonna come to Tim’s work more often” Jason admitted, winking at you. You hummed as you moved the papers into the storage system, moving towards the door to leave. “Hey princess lemme get that!” Jason dashed to the door, opening it for you and grabbing your hand as you walked out the door. 
Walking past your company hand in hand with their CEO’s older brother was a lot. For everyone. You blushed as people stole glances in your direction. Jason led you to your office where Tim sat in your chair, feet propped up on your desk.  “Uh hey Timmy” you sheepishly laughed as Tim took in your situation. “Todd I told you she liked you. Same goes for you Y/N. I just can’t believe I lost the bet with Roy I thought you were gonna be pining for each other for at least another week. Dammit” Tim feigned anger but then admitted how happy he was for the two of you. Sitting down for lunch you were exhausted. Finishing your meal you leaned back in your chair, resting your eyes for a few minutes while Jason stroked the back of your hand with his thumb. 
As you slowly woke up you felt your head propped up against something. You realized it was Jason when he gave you a light shake saying “Y/N while I did say you could rest on my shoulder I didn’t think it would be for half an hour, my shoulder fell asleep!” Your few minutes of rest had turned into thirty, jolting up from your position against Jason you checked your calendar realizing you’d missed a meeting. “Relax princess Tim took the meeting, you really think I’d let you sleep through another business meeting?” you snorted “yes I know you would Todd”
“You really do know me too well princess”
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Issue 14! Special thank you to everyone who came to our impromptu meet up for a photo!
Image ID Below Read More
Title: EXCLUSIVE! Interview with the Mad King Thorn
Story: Courica: First of all I’d like to thank you for taking the time out of your very busy fall schedule to speak with us King Thorn.
King Thorn: Well of course, what better way to let all of my wonderful subjects know that their beloved king has returned than an utterly exclusive interview.
Courica: Now, I don’t know that you’ve heard but in your year of absence you have gained a new form of popularity thanks to a certain well known author.
King Thorn: Oh really? Do tell.
Courica: You and your romantic past have become the subject of a new novel by the critically acclaimed and critically panned author Snargle Goldclaw.
King Thorn: Romance? Hardly interesting wouldn’t you think? A history on my glorious and permanent reign would have been more fitting? (laughs)
Courica: We have a copy on hand here if you’d like to take a look?
King Thorn: Ohhh don’t BIND if I do. Get it? Bind? Laugh or this interview is over and I’ll feed you to the spiders.
Courica: (extremely nervous laughter)
King Thorn: “The viscount purred.” He Purred? That bastard has never informed me that he’s capable of purring... Rotten corn cob has been holding out on me.
Courica: Wait are you confirming there are accuracies within this story and that it’s not entirely fictional? 
King Thorn: Aw now where’s the fun in spoiling the end of the story, now if you excuse me I believe it’s about time to acquire a new charr rug.
Title:  Kuritata’s fashion reviews: SCARY SHINY?!
Story: Oh oh oh, it’s time for the friends to wear the spooky outfits! This one comes with shinies! The shiny gloves look like they should be hot and would burn skritt if she touched them. Do they hurt? Is the shiny worth the ouchies from the gloves? Very grabby grabby looking  must come in handy for grabing onto shinies. Friend also has big scarf! Skritt is proud that friend is wearing weather appropriate clothing since it’s getting cold out. Very functional and it has spooky colors too! You look like a very soft and friendly looking pumpkin to  skritt. Speaking of pumpkin friend has pumpkin face! Sharp teeth and shiny glowy eyes! Skritt thinks that she could look into your shiny eyes for days . Skritt would also like to request, to borrow, your weapon, forever. It is very shiny and would be good to hold and appreciate for its shinyness. Overall a very soft looking shiny spooky holiday friend 13/10 but only if skritt can keep your sword.
Want to have your outfit reviewed?Submit your fashion photos to us! https://lions-arch-chronicle.tumblr.com/submit
Title: You have all this candy corn now what?
Story: We were originally going to provide our beloved readers with some various recipes and helpful guides on what to do with the excess amounts of candy corn obtained over the holiday season but in our research, we realized that candy corn can barely be considered food and advising any sort of consumption of it or the use of it as an ingredient would not be in the best interests of our readers. Rather we have decided to recommend a simple yet effective solution to all excess candy corn.
1. Prepare a double boiler pot of your choice and bring the water inside up to boiling temperatures.
2. Insert leftover candy corn and let it melt until it becomes soft and malleable.
3. Remove the candy corn from the heat and begin to shape into your weapon of choice.
4. Let cool and enjoy your free candy corn-based weapon.
Title: The Boasting Hall: Quaggan wants to make a new afterlife for quaggan.
Story: Coo Quaggan has something to ask of the people of Lion’s Arch. Quaggan thinks that he should be given another chance for a good afterlife. Now, foo on quaggan’s previous mistakes from his lifetime. Quaggan only needs a few more pieces of candy corn to start a good life. Consider finding me in Lion’s Arch during the festival and donating at least 100 candy corn to a poor ghostly quaggan in need ooooo. Yoooou won’t regret helping quaggan. Quaggan has made a series of questionable afterlife choices but would like to make up for it by offering my wares as well to kind people who would like to shop from quaggan. I only have the finest Prickly Spider Legs and Globs of Globby Gloop available, but later. Quaggan will need to restock so gifts of candy corn will do for now coo.
Title:  How to fully commit to your costume this year 
Story: If you’re anything like me, you might be struggling to find a costume that feels right for this year’s festivities. After all, how is one to improve on perfection? When you look this good year round, it can be hard to find something that looks better than what you wear everyday! Halloween is a time to go above and beyond, even if all you do is kick your feet up and read the paper. We all know the classics, devils, jesters, witches, royals, assassins, all that jazz. But have those tried and true options really achieved true perfection? Of course not, I say! If you’re looking for a costume, take something that’s been done before, and do it to the MAXIMUM! Jester? Learn to juggle! Learn to juggle KNIVES! Why not? Have you ever tried? Royalty? Go all out. Start writing flirtatious letters to members of the monarch’s line. Marry into a noble family. Wait a couple years. No one can tell you you’re not really a princess NOW, can they? We’ve all tried our hand at magic once or twice, but do you really need it to be a witch? NO! Move to the swamp! Say ominous and dreadful things to strangers! Eat strange grasses! Wear rags and scowl! I, personally, am going as a Charr, and while the Blood Legion sent my resume back unopened, I am still waiting to hear from Ash. This is the season to be whatever you want, but why must that only be a month? Become what you wish to be! Who’s going to stop you?
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eak8753 · 4 years
May 11: Royalty/aristocracy/feudal AU
Damian Wayne was the heir to more than just one crown. His Father, Bruce Wayne, was the king of Gotham. While his Mother, Talia Al Guhl, was a princess of Assassins. From a young age he was to rule over the Assassins, then everything came crashing down when he turned ten. His Mother and Grandfather had been killed, and he was sent to live with his Father. At first it had been difficult to adjust to life in Gotham. No one, not his Father or adoptive brothers, seemed to realize that he had grown up on the outside his entire life. Had seen and done things most of them couldn’t comprehend. Eventually this led to him leaving in the middle of the night.
Now his Father had known where he had gone, but realized that he would come to him in his own time. Now, with his eighteenth birthday approaching soon it was his time to take over the crown. Despite having three older brothers the burden of becoming king fell on the young man's shoulders. While his brothers were able to refuse the crown, and did so quite quickly seeing what it had done to their Father, he wasn’t able to refuse as it was his birthright. He didn't want to be king, not after he had lived as a civilian.
“Damian'' was the first thing he heard that day “Damian Wayne, you open up this door immediately” he heard banging on the door. He looked around at his surroundings, not remembering a thing that happened the previous night. He looked over to the other side of his bed only to find a naked woman laying next to him. Looking at himself he realized that he too was undressed. It didn't take a detective to figure out what had happened. He had a pounding headache and the banging on his door didn’t help, so he just laid back in bed, pulling the covers over his head to block out the sunlight.
The next thing he knew the covers were ripped from his face, revealing his body from the waist up. What greeted him were two dazzling amethyst orbs looking down at him. He scoffed and turned around. “Go away demon” Raven, the young girl he had directed the comment towards, chuckled softly. At the sound he sat up to look at her. He loved hearing her laugh, it was light and breathy. “Come on damian, in a few days you’re gonna be the king while I'm gonna be at the bar drinking away the heartbreak of never being able to see you again” the violet haired girl said with so much seriousness in her voice that he almost believed her, but he knew better. So instead of responding to her he fell back into bed with a thud, waking the women in his bed up. She sat up using the blankets to cover herself, looking up at Raven. Slowly Raven had turned her head towards the future king, raising her brow. “You didn’t kick her out? That's a first” all the response she got in return was a glare.
Sometimes he wondered how they had ever become friends, of course he knew the answer to that. Just like him she had left her family, who lived in The Undergrounds, for a different and more understanding life. The Undergrounds was a few kingdoms away. No one knew anything about them -except that their future ruler had disappeared a while ago- and very few people were actually allowed to leave. From what he knew Raven had left illegal. Of course when he first met her he didn’t like this. However, as time went on he realized that unlike him, who left his home because he felt misunderstood, she did it to escape an abusive household. She told him that the king of The Undergrounds was an evil dictator.
The lady narrowed her eyes at Raven and looked at him with a pout and started batting her lashes. “Oh Damian, shouldn’t you kick this wrench out-“ she said looking at Raven “-so we can continue where we left off?” she started to touch his chest and was leaning in for a kiss when he had stopped her. He never understood women like her who thought that they meant more to him then a meaningless fling. As cruel as it sounded, he would only hook-up with someone when he was shit-faced drunk, and he always felt guilty about it afterwards since he knew that it was just driving a wedge between the one person he’d actual pursue a relationship with. He got out of bed, making sure he kept the blankets to his waist. He asked the lady to leave and after a couple minutes of her throwing a tantrum she finally did. “Well as fun as that was to watch” Raven started up. “Hurry up and get dressed” she told him, walking into his kitchen so she could make some tea.
He was eighteen, he had been for awhile now, and was forced to live with his Father again. He wasn’t allowed to leave the castle and if he was, then he had two guards by his side at all times. He wasn’t allowed to go out and do frivolous things, which meant he wasn’t allowed to visit Raven. His coronation was in a couple of weeks and he had somehow managed to get his Father to agree to let him bring a plus one. He assumed his father meant for him to bring a princess, or a person of royal blood at least. But he decided that his time would be spent better with a friend. So he had bribed his guards, which was surprisingly easy to do, and they let him go do anything he wanted, still being by his side of course.
He had walked into a bar that he came to be fairly familiar with. Knowing Raven was here, his eyes scanned the room. She was being hit on by some guy, she didn’t seem very comfortable though. He wanted to march up to him and tell him to back off but apparently he didn’t have to. The guards had yelled for everyone to leave or they would be punished, and he was the first one out the door. While everyone was rushing to leave, including the bartender, she was looking at him. Taking her sweet time to finish her drink. By the time she was done there were only a couple of people left in the bar, all of them gathering their things to leave. After putting her glass down she looked at him one more time before grabbing her jacket off of a stool. “Stay” Damian's voice broke the silence. She looked up at him for a moment before she sat at a table, motioning for him to do the same.
“So…how have you been?” He asked, trying to lighten the mood. “Six months Damian. I haven’t seen you in six months and you wanna know how I'm doing?” She said with a face of disbelief. “Look Raven, I know that you’re mad at me but I have a favour to ask” he said looking at her sheepishly. “If you ask me to dress up as a jester I'm going to punch you” she told him with a raised brow. “You know I'm your future king, correct” “you know I don’t care” he glared at her, knowing that she wasn’t afraid of him.
“I need a date for my coronation ball on Friday” he said, not being able to look her in the eye as he did it. “If you want me to hook you up with one of my friends then you’re out of luck” was it bad that he was relieved? Seeing as the one he wanted to go with was sitting across from him. “Besides, shouldn’t you be taking a princess?” She questioned. “Well that is what father expecs, but I'd much rather go with someone I am comfortable with” he informed her, resting his hands above hers. “I was wondering if you would accompany me?” He asked, looking her straight in the eyes knowing that would make her more likely to agree. “I have work” she said, retracting her hands from his. He looked disappointed for a moment until he remembered the second reason he had came.
“About that, I was wondering if you would like to be my general?” The shock in her eyes had told him that she didn’t expect that at all, which surprised him considering he had always joked about her being his general when he was king. “What about Clark?” She asked, knowing that the formal general hadn’t died. “He retired, something about wanting more time to spend with his family” taking her hands again he continued. “Raven, you’re one of the strongest people I know with a brilliant mind to match. You’re the only person I trust with such an important task, so either you accept the job or we don’t have a general. You wouldn’t want that now would you” he teased.
She was quiet for a moment, making Damian think she was going to turn him down until she met his gaze, and shook her head up and down. “Good” he smirked. “That means you can accompany me to the ball after all, since the general's attendance is mandatory” he said leaning back in his chair. “You sneaky bastard” she told him, but the smile on her face said all he needed to know; yes.
Raven was so out of her element she was considering from resigning. Sure it had only been a couple of days of being Gotham's general but god she couldn’t attend anymore of these. As soon the ceremony was over Damian had taken her to meet his Father. At first he was disappointed in him for being with a peasant. That was until she opened her mouth. Everyone in the kingdom feared Bruce, and although she was afraid that he may throw her in the dungeon -as he had a no-killing policy- she decided to speak her mind clearly. He was surprised, and he was never surprised. When he found out that she had become the new general he couldn’t help but feel pride for his son, having chosen such a brilliant young woman. of course he couldn’t tell her any of this, so instead he dragged Damian away to meet some of the other leaders.
So here she was, awkwardly standing in a corner. She could feel the stares from some of the guests. Whether that was because no one knew her or for her attire she did not know. She had on a black floor length dress with red undertones. It was off the shoulders, the top portion being two long pieces of fabric crossecting each other. Her hair was curled with one side pinned behind her ear. A simple red gem on a silver chain was around her neck with small matching studs in her ears to match. As she took a sip of her drink a girl in a scarlet coloured ballroom gown, followed by two other girls; one in light blue and the other in light pink.
“Hello there, I'm princess Emiko of Star Kingdom” said the girl in the red gown, “and this is princess Kara of National-“ she said pointing to the one in blue “-and this is princess Dawn of Central Kingdom” she pointed to the one in pink. Turning back to face Raven she asked “and you are?” With a wide smile on her lips. “Raven,” she said as she took another sip of her champagne. The young girl's face fell for a moment, realizing that the girl in front of her wasn’t a princess, or had a title. Then her eyes brightened up as she looked at the purple haired girl. “Have you met him?” at her inquiry Raven raised an eyebrow. “The king!” the princess answered the other girl's silent question. “He’s so handsome,” the one in pink said. “No matter, you know if any of us have a chance it would be Emiko” at Raven’s confused face Emiko spoke. “King Oliver-“ the ruler of Star Kingdom “-is close friends with Damian's father” the girl clarified.
“Oh my god, he’s coming over here” the one in blue spoke. as he approached Raven stiffened, quickly finishing her drink. “Princesses” he nodded at them, taking and kissing each of the young princess's hands. turning to Raven he grinned. “General” he said slowly, his smile growing ten folds. “General? I didn’t know you were…” the young princess in front of Raven trailed off. “Oh yes, Raven here is the new General of Gotham, and-“ he let his eyes roam over her form as he stood beside her “-my date” he said putting an arm around the young woman. At this the princesses eyes widen, not understanding how a king could be with someone of non-royal blood, whether she was a general or not.
“I'm not your date” she deadpanned, shrugging his hands off her shoulders. “I'm only here because it’s mandatory,” she said, turning to face him. At that his smile fell, his face turning into something like guilt. “Yeah, about that…” he trailed off, chuckling a bit. Her eyes widened in shock “You mean I don’t have to be here” shaking his head he averted his gaze. “Well then” he heard her speak up. “I'm out of here” she said, walking forward. Forgetting about the princesses, he ran forward. Stepping in front of her, trying to convince her to stay.
“Look, I don't like being here as much as you do,” he sighed, hoping she wouldn’t be too mad that he tricked her. “Your presence is required. Plus you don’t have to walk around in heels all night” she really hated her choice of footwear that evening.
“Raven?” Damian heard a voice from behind him ask. He turned around to see prince Zilevo of The Undergrounds.Damian concluded that he had just arrived, since he still had a present in his grasp and hadn’t bothered to take his coat off. “You’re alive” he exclaimed with a clear amount of anger in his voice. “We had search parties out for months looking for you. Father even debated going out himself” at this Raven scoffed, clearly not believing him. “He’ll be thrilled to find out that you’re not dead. Then you can take your rightful place as the ruler of The Undergrounds” he informed the young girl, with jealousy clear in his voice. Unlike other kingdoms in which the oldest son inherited the crown, The Undergrounds new ruler would be whichever child was strongest.
“Prince Zilevo, I’m afraid you’re mistaken” Damian said, intervening. Ignoring him, Zilevo looked to Raven, questions in his eyes. “So you aren’t Raven?” he asked, raising a brow at her. “No, she is-“ Damian answered for her “-but she’s not a princess…” he trailed off connecting the dots. It explained a lot, like why she was so against prince Zilevo and his family, how the princess of The Undergrounds had gone missing around the same time Raven told him she left. “You are, aren’t you? Their future ruler” he asked in a cold tone, not facing her. He was upset, but not because she had lied to him. When they had first met he made advances towards her. Although he was alway thoroughly ignored, he didn’t lose hope, as he could take anyone he wanted to bed. Along the way he started to develop real feelings toward the purple eyed girl. He once asked why she didn’t want to sleep with him, seeing how people basically throw themselves at him. She had said it was pointless since he had to marry a royal. It was a logical rebuttal. However, it didn’t stop him from continuing to flirt with the young girl.
She nodded, even though he couldn’t see it. Looking at her brother she scoffed again. “I don't want the crown, you can have it” “you know that’s not how it works” the prince stepped forward standing beside Damian. “Father will only give the crown to you, Gutizia already tried to take it after you left” he said referring to another one of their brothers. Despite all of them being the king’s offspring, each had a different mother. While Raven's brothers' mothers were people with money and power, her mother, Arella, had been a peasant who met the king by chance. In her early life Raven lived with her mother, it was a quiet and simply life. That was until her mother was killed after Raven had visited her Father for the first time, exclaiming she was his child. Before her death, Arella had confirmed this, then she was hung for “treason” as the king put it. After this her father had forced her to train, realizing that having a royal-peasant hybrid rule the Grounds would help open the demons -people who lived in the undergrounds were called- minds.
“Well I'm not going back” she said, crossing her arms. “He thought you were dead, we all did” her brother said, raising his voice slightly at her. “Well make sure the bastard still believes that'' she said before walking away, going on to one of the many balconies. She was furious that she was found out. She also knew that Zilevo couldn’t keep his mouth shut and she’d be forced to leave Gotham and rule over that revolting kingdom, or witness a war break out. She also wanted to talk to Damian and explain. She knew that he was upset and would have a bunch of questions. As she was debating going back she heard the door for the balcony open. Standing there was none other than the new king of gotham.
“I'm sorry” she started immediately, not giving him a chance to speak. “Despite what you may think, I didn't like lying to you. Everything else I said about my family was true -the abuse, the crimes, the greed and anger- it was all real. I couldn't go back and telling anyone, even you, made my chances of getting caught significantly higher” she pleaded with him, trying to make him understand her reasoning. “You know,” he said, coming to stand beside her. “By law if you marry a king before you inherit your kingdom then you have no obligation to them” he said looking at her, bringing his hand to rest on her cheek. She leaned into the touch a bit, glad that he wasn’t mad. Taking his hand off and placing it on the railing, he looked out to the midnight sky.
“If that was your lame attempt at asking me to marry you. Then no” she told him after a moment of silence. He turned to face her, giving her a small sad smile. “But, if that was your lame attempt at asking me on a date…then I wouldn’t oppose” she said the last bit so quietly he almost thought he dreamt it, but the smile on his face and the twitch of her hands assured him he hadn’t. He couldn’t help the smile that crept itself onto his face as he spun her around while they embraced.
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your-turn-to-role · 4 years
Thoughts on ace (possibly aro too but not sure on that one) Jester? Idk to me she's always read as someone who's just following what she THINKS love is supposed to be about and with her mom being the Ruby of the Sea she just figured that she should be all romantic too.
was actually talking about this with @ayzenigma the other day, and i think she definitely could be, yeah!
my personal opinion, don’t have a lot riding on it (i’m not fully aroace im an aspec lesbian and beaujester is kinda where that part of me goes, so i’m down for that ship if it happens), though just in general i’ll take aro/ace character wherever i can get them, so i’m definitely on board for this too!
and yeah, i definitely went through that phase as a teenager too, i was in an all girls school until i was 15? and i hadn’t realised i wasn’t straight at that point so the first time i went to just a normal mixed school i was suddenly like oh god boys, i have to romance one of them, now i need to find The One i’m going to romance, and i’d just, never really interacted with teenage boys before then, so it was a bit of a mess
but i think that thought process is 100% what jester went through, regardless of how you headcanon her sexuality, like, she’s grown up entirely isolated thinking she knows what romance is (and it’s definitely not a healthy view of it bc her only examples are romance novels or the fact that she grew up in a hotel belonging to a sex worker, so she’s very used to the fact that sex exists despite never having had it herself, but also still sees romance as like, the prince and princess fairytale)
and also i realised later all of my “crushes” on boys had nothing to do with sex or romance and were just, people i wanted to pay attention to me? and nothing beyond that, i was just mistaking it as romantic feelings because i didn’t have anything else to compare it to. and i think jester did go through that with fjord, like... she was looking for a romance and he was the first male friend she had and she was a bit of an attention starved kid so she assumed what she was feeling was having a crush on fjord, when it was more a combination of thinking she needed a romance and having a friend who paid attention to her for the first time and therefore obviously they were destined to be together
and i think she’s gotten over that in canon, and since she hasn’t really shown any obvious romantic interest in anyone else? so while you can ship in any direction from this point, it’s also very easy to relate that to an aroace experience (and one thing i did say in that conversation was i’d be down for fjorjester if it lead to them both realising they were aro and maybe romance isn’t what they wanted? i think that could be a cool storyline)
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From the random prompts "I swear I’ve met you once before. Maybe it was in a different life?", if you have the time. I mean, the bees kinda ARE soulmates in canon 🤷‍♀️
@catwinks and @martinjh999 brought up the past life thing as well so here ya go!
Set before Velvet comes across Blake in After the Fall, feat. Some sassy Blake, playful Yang and soul mate vibes.
“So… do you always carry a book on you?”
Blake glanced up and watched her new partner sit across from her at the table. She felt her ears twitch at the sound of their fellow students enjoying the after initiation party. Blake tilted her head curiously. It certainly seemed like Yang’s scene… so why wasn’t she where the action was?
“Yes. Do you always impede on other people’s peace and quiet?” Blake said with a quirked brow, marking her page and placing her book down before crossing her arms.
“Only the ones that I find interesting.” Yang retorted easily, a friendly grin on her face.
“I’m hardly interesting.” Blake said, rolling her eyes. “Unless you enjoy literary analysis, I’m afraid that you find yourself rather bored with me, Yang.”
“What makes you think that I don’t?” Yang said with narrowed, lilac eyes. “Wait… lemme guess… it’s the blonde hair, right?”
“No, it isn’t.” Blake said, treading carefully, the familiar fear of misstepping setting in. “I simply… don’t know of many people that do enjoy literary analysis. I apologise if I insulted you.”
“Don’t. It’s fine.” Yang shrugged nonchalantly, an easy smile crossing her face. “I’m used to it.”
Blake frowned. Being used to certain beliefs and stereotypes because of of one presented oneself was a familiar story for the closeted faunus. It left a sour taste in her mouth.
“Hmm.” She hummed thoughtfully, quietly examining her partner. Pretty, athletic, friendly… and certainly a surprise. But there was something about her that bothered Blake. “Have… we met before? Before Beacon, I mean.”
“Nope. Pretty sure that I’d remember meeting somebody like you.” Yang said with a playful wink before her expression sobered. “But I get what you mean. I’m actually glad that you brought it up because… I swear that I’ve met you before.”
“Maybe it was in a past life?” Blake said thoughtfully, leaning her jaw in her palm and staring at Yang curiously. “I was often told as a child about past lives. Perhaps we knew each other once upon a time?”
“Huh. Like… friends or something?” Yang said with a small head tilt.
“I was thinking more like sworn enemies.” Blake smirked, lifting her head and examine her nails. “Probably after you interrupted my reading one time too many.”
“You wound me!” Yang gasped dramatically, placing the back of her hand to her forehead. “I would never let that happen! I would never sacrifice our friendship like that!”
“And yet…” Blake sighed, pointedly tapping her book with a finger. “I appear to not be reading.”
“Maybe I’m just more interesting than that book.”
“In the same way that a clown is, Yang.”
“Rude!” Yang laughed, her lilac eyes gleaming with delight and mirth. “Damn. You’re pretty feisty, huh?”
“To tolerate a fool is to become a fool, oneself.” Blake felt her lips shift into a playful grin. “But you amuse me. So I might make an exception.”
“What am I, your personal jester?!” Yang snorted, a light giggle escaping her. “D’you want me to juggle? Sing? Dance? What can I do to entertain you, Princess?”
“Never call me “Princess” again, for starters.” Blake said stiffly, distinctly uncomfortable with the title. If only Yang knew how close she was…
“Right.” Yang studied her for a moment, a concerned crease between her brow before she grinned brightly. “I know! How about a drink? Vale has the best Strawberry Sunrises, like, ever. You have to try one!”
“Sure, as long as there’s no alcohol.” Blake shrugged. She had never been much of a drinker in the White Fang, only ever really drinking with Ilia. But she gave that up when she ran.
“Goody goody.”
Blake rolled her eyes. Yang had no idea how wrong she was. An ex terrorist being a goody goody? Please. The very thought.
“Yeah, yeah.” Blake muttered as she made to stand only to be stopped by a hand on her shoulder.
“You can stay here, I’ll go grab them.” Yang smiled kindly at her. “I’ll be back in a minute.”
Blake watched her leave and shook her head. She was certainly a character, wasn’t she? It wasn’t until Blake opened her book and started reading that she came to a startling realisation.
Yang had placed her hand on her shoulder. Yang had initiated physical contact… and Blake hadn’t felt the instinctual urge to cringe and recoil. Every other person that touched her was often met with a flinch. But Yang’s touch hadn’t.
Blake frowned down at her page. What the hell was it about her that made Yang so different?
Maybe their little theory wasn’t so far off, after all.
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Jaskier's Confession Doesn't Go Well
"I guess it's not too bad. A little itchy-"
"Geralt, there's only enough room for one whiner in here and that's me. Just come out already." Jaskier encouraged the witcher from his seat on their bed. The witcher struggling into the tailor's shirt given to them earlier behind the bath screen.
"I look like an idiot."
"I'm sure it's not that bad." Geralt paused before walking out. Jaskier looking over the doublet in shock. It was dark blue with puffed out shoulders and open sleeves at the elbows. The back tails were long, stopping around the white haired man's knees. "You look...."
"Like a jester?"
"I was going to say amazing but now that you mention it, I kind of see it." Despite his jest Jaskier had yet to look away. It had almost definitely been a dress at some point. Jaskier knew enough from his mother's sewing lessons to identify the stitch work. But it had been altered just enough to emphasize Geralt's frame in a flattering way. "Definitely an improvement from that old rag you called a shirt." It was more than an improvement but he dare not say anything further.
"You said you wanted me to wear it for something special," Geralt said as he pulled at the sleeves. "Got something else planned too?"
"Actually yes!" Jaskier excitedly pulled out two tickets from his purse, handing one to the Witcher. "A college friend of mine, Elizebetza, she's in a play this afternoon. I thought you'd might want to go."
"It's not like I have a choice, is it?"
"Not particularly no."
"Alright, but don't be surprised if I fall asleep halfway through it." Jaskier beamed as he took Geralt's good arm and led him down the inn's stairs. Outside Roach was waiting. Geralt looking between Jaskier and the horse. "I can't ride her."
"Alone! I'll help you."
"Jaskier, the last time you attempted to mount Roach you ended up with your voice an octave higher." Jaskier winced at the memory. He still thought back to it on the occasion he needed to hit a high note.
"I have faith she won't now that you're at my side."
"Hmmm." The bard helped lift the witcher on the mare. Geralt didn't notice Jaskier slipping Roach a sugar cube before following. Behind Geralt, feet in the stirrups, Jaskier reached for Roache's reins. The horse neighed, jolting forward and knocking Geralt further back in Jaskier's lap.
"Umm..." Jaskier's face flushed at their proximity.
"Don't worry about, she gets nervous with new people." Geralt adjusted and the bard nodded.
"Right...let's head off before we miss the show." Jaskier flipped the reigns. "Giddy up." Roach complied, running down the city street like a bat out of hell. Jaskier praying he'd survive the night.
"Whoa there!" Geralt watched Jaskier attempt to control Roach. The mare slowly coming to a stop in front of a large building. People were milling about, in and out of the building. Bright lights illuminated the front glass doors.
The crowd stared at the duo as Jaskier climbed down before helping Geralt off Roach. Whispers could be heard as they walked past. The Witcher trying to shrink away from the attention Jaskier seemed to be basking in.
"The viscount?"
"It's been years..."
"Who's that man with him?"
"Look at his eyes-"
"A witcher?"
"How scandalous."
"Fuck," Geralt breathed in as they finally entered the building. "Everyone's staring."
"Of course, the best way to make an entrance." Inside the theater people were milling about the lobby. The witcher was ready to retreat into a dark corner. Entering the seating area, Jaskier found their seats on pews near the front.
"Care to tell me what we're actually going to be seeing?"
"Oh it's a rendition of Sleeping Beauty."
"Ah, a tragedy."
"What no, it's a romance."
"What's romantic about a king breaking into a tower, raping the princess and her waking up to twins?"
"Are you sure we're talking about the same story Geralt?"
"I'm talking about the real story."
"You know, sometimes you can be really morbid."
"Hmmm." Geralt grinned slightly as he watched Jaskier turn to the stage. The pews around them were unsurprisingly empty. Geralt grabbing a stray playbill and fiddling with it. Minutes later the candle light went out and the stage lit up. The play was about to start.
"-and lo, I have found thee, my Briar Rose." The play had felt like ages to the tired witcher but in reality it couldn't have been more than two hours. By the time it finally ended and the crowd, Jaskier included, had stood up and started to clap he was snapped out of his haze.
"Is it over already?" Geralt asked, using the pew in front of him as a crutch to stand up.
"Yes, and I just say I'm surprised." Jaskier snorted as he began to lead Geralt out to the lobby. "When you started to snore sometime in the second act I was sure Lady Leorna was going to strike you dead."
"Oh ugh, sorry."
"Don't be. It was a dreadful performance. The man playing Prince Florimund was so intoxicated he almost fell off the stage multiple times."
"That bad?"
"Honestly the theater department here has gone down the drain. There's only one person worse who could've been cast."
"Let me guess, Valdo Marx?"
"How'd you know?"
"I have a sense for these kind of things." Both the witcher and Jaskier laughed as exited through the back of the building. Geralt looking at the other man confused.
"This way we can avoid everyone going out the front." Jaskier leading Geralt through a well groomed garden. Candle lights spaced out through the area. If Geralt didn't know better, he'd say this is romantic.
"You seem to know this place pretty well."
"Used to hide here from my professors. I'd come here to write poems for my beloved...s."
"How many girls you bring around here?" Geralt asked as they walked past the small pond.
"None. It might sound weird but it always seemed to personal to me." Geralt hit his foot, almost tripping on the ground when Jaskier caught him. "I wanted to bring someone special." There was a pause as the two stared at each other. Before Jaskier began to lean in. Only to be stopped by a hand.
"Jaskier, I...we shouldn't." The bard's face fell. Geralt struggling to get up as he refused to look the bard in the face. "I'm sorry..."
"No. It's okay....let's just go back."
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phantomphangphucker · 4 years
Ectober Day 28: Fall - Sinners Are We Chap.6: No More Idle Hands
And Dove could stay silent no more.
Neither he nor his brother got their father’s infamous wail. For Russet that made perfect sense, he simply didn’t hold up in the power department for such a powerful ability. And Orrin didn’t find such a brash brazen ability to be suited to him, so he rather didn’t care if he developed it or not. But Dove having it, and so young, was truly a surprise. And he loved those. So he feels he is quite justified in laughing as everyone else grasped their ears and collapsed, even father fell to the ground as everything shook. Everything around bursting, exploding, pluming even more smoke and ash into the sky practically blotting it out.
Who would have thought she’d have such a destructive ability.
He summons enough ectoplasm around his ears to muffle the sound, father wasn’t honestly smart enough to think of this quite yet. Then again, father was never on the receiving end of the Ghostly Wail. Orrin stands up, defying gravity to keep his balance on the shaky ground, sticking his arms out to the side and laughing, “WOW! I MEAN REALLY! WOW!”, grinning wide and a bit wild, if everything’s descending into madness and chaos then might as well behave a little mad to match, “KEEP THIS UP AND YOU MIGHT JUST KILL EVERYONE YOURSELF! HAHAHAHAHA!”. He absolutely knows father looks to him and notes his little trick to get around the wail, and will, of course, utilise it himself in a few seconds. The pressure’s on Dove, what will you do? What will you do.
But again she catches him by surprise, picking an option he never realised was on the board at all. She doesn’t stop, or aim it; no she changes octaves. Which, was father even capable of such a thing? She, she might just be stronger than him. Well fancy that. This octave though, oh it absolutely makes Orrin drop to his knees; the ectoplasm doing nothing to muffle the sounds.
All the mortals groan and roll over, many simply watching or backing away in stunned silence as three of the -apparently- four present Gray-Phantom’s pass out, the little girl- the princess losing the human disguise in the process.
Rio pushes herself up, staggering to run over to the little glowing gray-haired girl with her little head tilted skyward as green/purple sound-waves pulsed out of her mouth, sparkling pale blue tears streaming down her face from amber eyes. Rio collapsing next to her and hugging the little girl she’d grown to know as so gentle it almost hurt, “ROBIN! DOVE! STOP! SWEETHEART IT’S FINE! IT’S FINE! NO ONE’S HURTING ANYMORE! BUT YOU NEED TO STOP!”, and practically smushes the girl into her as the horrific sound peters off and the girl shakes violently.
Rio looks around as everyone starts to stand, some very cautiously looking towards the downed Gray-Phantom’s and chucking things at them from afar. Rio squeezing Dove/Robin closer and snapping her head towards Rex as he walks over, “she’s never hurt anyone”.
“She’s one of them”.
Rio snarls, “do I look like I care?”. Rex just huffs and wanders off, waving over his shoulder, “this is your problem then. Remi’s fine though”. Rio sighs at that. Then looking around as she stands. What the Hell are they going to do?
Spotting one of the hunters moving to put anti-ecto braces on Lark -Orrin, she staggers over, minding her twisted ankle and other injuries, “wait. This- this utterly insane nutter is to thank. He did this. Planned this. He-”, glancing to the girl she’s carrying in her arms who looked to just be staring blankly, “-got her to take them down. At least wake the twit up”.
The hunter huffs and cuffs him anyway but does give the... prince a good zap to wake him up. The guy groans on the ground in a way that makes it sound like he had simply been taking a nice afternoon nap, “well. That was certainly interesting”.
Rio grunts down at him, slightly out of pain, “and that was a stupid choice of first words. I don’t think I need to point out that you’re at gunpoint, cuffed, and surrounded; Orrin”.
He chuckles faintly, sits up, and crosses his legs. Cool, calm, demeanour never faltering, “well I would certainly hope so. These fellows wouldn’t be doing what they’re supposed to otherwise”, he looks around and shrugs a little, her following his gaze towards Russet. Him chuckling faintly, “well damn, that imbecile’s still alive”.
Jester loses it at that, “you wanted us to kill him?”.
“Arguably, why not? He’s a real bastard”.
One of the hunters makes a wheezing sound, “oh gods”, looks to Rio, “how in all the worlds did you turn one of the princes. Seriously”.
Orrin apparently won’t let that statement fly, “oh no. Blame the little missy. Real gentle doll that one”.
Rio looks to the side as Dove/Robin stirs at that, looking down at Orrin. Rio holds on to her, unsure, when the girl moves to reach for him. Orrin just chuckles and stands up while the cuffs just fall off and takes the girl from her in a swift motion. Everyone near -who aren’t helping with clean up or medical care- gape at him and follow him with their guns, Rio turning around gapping herself. Orrin chuckles again, looking at them with a smirk, “what? Did you really think I wouldn’t have altered everything to have little to no effect on me?”, he grins, “I’m the smart one you know. The sneaky shadow. Guess it’s true what people say that no one notices what their shadow does until it does something they don’t expect”. One of the hunters shoots him in the foot as if to check, which he rolls his eyes at. It, of course, does nothing more than leave a bit of ash on his black spandex high-heels.
Everyone looks to the two Gray-Phantom’s that could actually be cuffed. One guy clearing his throat, “so... what are we supposed to with this? Did... did we just win”. It takes only a bit of murmuring for most of the people around to break out into cheering or crying. No one stops pointing weapons at Orrin though, which he obviously ignores as if they don’t even exist.
Rio does smile at Dove when she seems to hum slightly happily over the cheering. Though Dove straightens up and leans away from Orrin a bit, reaching her fingers out towards Russet. Everyone jumping and staring as both Russet and Phantom move across the ground to the other two Gray-Phantom’s inhumanly fast, yet never waking. Orrin putting Dove on the ground who goes over, takes off her teddy bear backpack, and bops Russet on the head with it; pointing at him with puffed out cheeks like she was scolding him. Then moving to do the same to Phantom. Orrin blinks at the scene, “I do not claim to understand that girl”.
Rio is the only one willing to stand anywhere close to him, her crossing her arms, “I think you just don’t understand being nice and innocent”.
“You may be right there. Though I doubt most would be any different in my shoes”. No one really argues him there, because he was probably right. How could anyone be raised by those monsters and not wind up one?
Rio scowls at him, “I almost feel bad for you. But you’re probably as much a murderous monster as the rest of your family”, scowling more when he chuckles and grins meanly. Making it very clear to everyone that he was perfectly fine with that fact, and that he has, in fact, actually killed people. Rio draws her eyebrows together, “then why, why effectively save us”.
Orrin quirks an eyebrow, “didn’t I already tell you? Oh well, mortal minds are hardly of quality”, then steamrolls right over multiple offended objections, “me and brother dearest started out like terrible terrors”, pointing at Dove, “she, did not”, smoothing his jacket, “be a shame to turn gold to brass, don’t you think? Further, this seemed like a far more interesting course of action, I dare say”.
Everyone pauses and looks to Dove and Russet as the latter stirs. Orrin actually smirking when Russet spots Dove glaring down at him with crossed arms and Russet actually flinches. Orrin saunters over with a very wicked-looking grin on his face, “now what was that? Did the big scary bad Rusty flinch at the sight of a little girl?”. Which fine, more than a few people around laugh at slightly. Though many find this to be incredibly surreal and way too mundane after everything; petty sibling bickering between those framed to be the worst of monsters in the middle of what was just a battleground that had promised nothing but death for all the mortals there mere seconds ago.
Russet scowls up at the younger prince, “fuck you you fucking piece of shit demon child bastard. Ancients fuck you are a psychopath-”.
Orrin cuts him off with a shrug while everyone else just watches wide-eyed, “I appreciate the compliment, though really this seems more like a situation where you should be aiming to be insulting”, he shoves Russets head with his boot, making Russet squirm and start spewing profanities at noticing the cuffs and everything. Orrin just talks over him, “be glad I’m not power-hungry like you. Otherwise-”, Orrin grins and everyone tenses as he bends down, “-I’d find it quite tempting to take advantage of this and just do away with the first prince entirely. I find doing so would hardly be difficult, considering your current predicament”. Everyone relaxes when Dove hits Orrin with the plushie backpack, and he just chuckles faintly and gives her a head pat as he straightens up.
After a second though, all the hunters and rebels nod to each other, marching over and move to grab up both the still unconscious Phantom and snarling Russet. But Dove grabs both of them and squeezes them, somehow knocking Russet back out, and puffs out her cheeks defiantly.
Everyone glancing at each other awkwardly. Orrin breaks their awkwardness slightly by sighing, “and she still doesn’t know how to snarl properly”.
Rio shakes her head, personally glad for that, and walks over the kneel in front of her, “sweetheart, we can’t just leave them in the street. And remember what I said about bad people needing to be punished?”, when Dove nods she continues, “well we punish people by locking them up. Besides-”, side-eyeing the hunters, “-I doubt you’d let us seriously hurt them. Right?”. Dove nods immediately and repeatedly, puffing her cheeks more. Rio can tell that the hunters got the damn message that this was a losing battle. No Gray-Phantom was dying/being destroyed here today. This tiny girl just effectively took out all of the ghostly Gray-Phantom’s with one attack and practically instantly, even nearly destroyed the city and everyone in it at the same time. They were very lucky she was a kind gentle soul. Very. It would be better to not tick her off or do something to change that. Not that Rio was entirely sure it was possible to piss that girl off. Annoy? Sure. Piss off? No.
Dove huffs again, turns almost dramatically, and starts marching off in the direction of the -probably wrecked- jailhouse; dragging Phantom and Russet under her arms across the ground.
One of the hunters pointing out, “she does realise we can’t put them in regular cells, right? Like, those things need special ecto-containment cells. Especially Phantom”, grumbling, “with that bloody crown of his”.
Orrin grins and turns to him, sticking his hands in his pockets and giving a smile that’s close to charming, “actually, no”, tilting his head, “well, yes, but no”. Rio glares at him so he explains himself without any further prompting, “I think it is fair to say that father was quite efficiently and effectively bested, yes?”.
One of the hunters scowls, “your point, monster”, scowling a little more, “and know that regardless of this, you still belong in a cell or obliterated out of existence”.
Orrin only chuckles instead of seeming even slightly threatened, “oh I’m well aware how others feel of me, no need wasting your breath. After all, you need it and you have so very little of it”, grinning meanly, “why it could be snuffed out just like that”.
Rio pinches the bridge of her nose, “for the love of- stop being threatening just because you can be now that it won’t make you suspicious”.
Orrin rolls his eyes, “you have no idea how many times I’ve wanted to tear off your pretty little head”.
“Uncalled for”.
“And yet you still seem to put up with me. Strange”. Rio absolutely scowls deeper at the Gray-Phantom for that. “Anyway, my point is, when you best a royal, what is it that happens?”, he taps his chin in obviously fake contemplation before sounding rather condescending, “why you usurp them of course. You take their throne. Their crown. I do believe you get the message this time”.
Rio blinks at him, bullshit, “there is no way your... mother will go for that”.
He wags a clawed finger at her, “ah but her role as Mortal Queen is entirely made up and her claim as High Ghost Sovereign is that of a Consort”, shrugging, “normally in chess, you kill the queen, you win the game. But in this case, it’s the king”, smirking, “or was”. Needless to say, everyone starts freaking out.
Rio watches him smirk as people panic, it was mostly a good or confused panic though. “You just like chaos, don’t you”.
He doesn’t even look to her as he speaks, “I find it enjoyable yes. It’s more that I like to be entertained. I’m a creature of novelty and I had been rather bored as of late”.
Rio squints at him, “I can’t figure out if you’re genuinely on our side or are just dicking around”. Scowling when he winks before sauntering off in the direction of the jailhouse. More than a few hunters and rebels following largely to ‘keep an eye on’ the Gray-Phantom they could do nothing about; though some were conflicted on their feelings over the halfa that they had become familiar and even friendly with over the past while.
They walk in to Dove sitting on the floor attempting and succeeding at braiding Phantom’s flaming hair. Orrin furrowing his eyebrows at her, “why? What purpose does this serve”. She predictably just hums at him, rocking a little. Many of the hunters and rebels mutter, “you've got to be kidding me”. Rio and a few others barely hold back cooing ‘awww’s at the girl; the fact that it was Phantom getting his hair braided rather killed the cute effect of the scene.
Everyone but Orrin and Dove jumping at a portal swirling open on the wall and the FrightKnight waltzing through. All of the fully living aiming their weapons but doing nothing when the ghost bows to Dove, who pats his helmet with a small smile.
The FrightKnight looks to Orrin, “I must say, you frighten me. It will never cease to amaze me how so many call the first prince the demon rather than you”. Orrin bows very exaggeratedly with a coy grin, “you flatter me so”. The ghost shakes his head before turning and kneeling before Dove, “shall I take these two to the dungeon for you, my queen”, she just hums but the ghost seems to understand and before anyone can do anything the two captured Gray-Phantom’s are whisked away by the ghost.
All the fully living around are stunned stupid, Rio looking to Orrin, “you were serious”, then screwing up her face, “wait”, throwing her hands out to the side and scowling at Orrin, “Dove obviously doesn’t have a mean bone in her body. Isn’t she just going to let them loose?!?!”. The group giving the halfas panicked looks as they come upon the same worry. The princess -Queen?- was practically a newborn and those two monsters were her family.
Orrin waves everyone off, “oh it’s no matter. Crown’s hers all the same. Dear brother isn’t strong enough to beat her and father wouldn’t bother to even try. He never genuinely harms family in any long-lasting or permanent ways”, Orrin looks around and gives another mean smirk, “though you should thank little Dove for stopping you from killing Russet. I sure wouldn’t have”.
One of the guys squints at him, “why? Also, them being free is the problem, not them trying to challenge her. Though fine, that would be an issue too”. Everyone had officially decided without question that they’d take the sweet little Dove as a ruler over her monster parents or siblings.
“Why that’s so very simple. You may think father is bad already, but that is nothing compared to what he’s really capable of. I wouldn’t put it past him to annihilate everything he could get his claws on if one of us were destroyed”.
Rio almost can’t believe that she’s hearing the Phantom, the mass-murdering monster of monsters, had a ridiculous soft spot for his family. A genuine one. Turning to look at Dove and going wide-eyed at her floating/walking over while tugging at a flaming glowing green crown. Which pulls down over her face before springing back over her head every time she lets go of it. The girl humming and purring in clear joy and amusement. Then kneeling down to poke Rio’s ankle which suddenly doesn’t hurt. Rio blinking, “sweetheart... did you just... heal me?”. Dove hums and nods before running off poking people.
Orrin sighs and shakes his head a little, guess she thought the hiding game was over; he does follow her with his eyes though. Which doesn’t go unnoticed.
One of the hunters kneeling down to let the little glowing girl poke his head, then staring off after her as she moves on, “this is going to take some getting used to”, then noticing Orrin’s staring that’s boarding on a glare, “chill out ah... for the love of everything take your human form again, this is too weird”. Some others nod, some laugh though it’s weak.
Orrin rolls his eyes but promptly shoots the guy lazily with an ecto-beam; the guy hissing from the impact and being caught off-guard, “that’s for proposing the idea of kidnapping Dove”. Unsurprisingly everyone points their guns at him again before lowering them and glaring at the halfa after he spoke. He just grins, “just keeping things interesting”, the grin turning rather mean as the guy brushes himself off, “besides I think you’d prefer a weak little ecto-beam over my original idea. Which involved cups, mice, and your eyes. Make of that what you will”.
Rio scowls, “I think I preferred when you didn’t randomly threaten people, let’s go back to that”, sighing and glancing to Dove, “at least you’re protective I guess”.
Everyone goes silent, which becomes slightly awkward till Remi comes running in looking for her ma only to get practically tackled by Dove. Gently tackled, but still tackled. Remi just looks confused and kinda scared, “w-who”. Resulting in Dove looking almost heartbroken and making gestures at Orrin, who rolls his eyes but twirls his fingers dramatically; both of them suddenly looking as everyone was rather more familiar with. Remi gets over her shock instantly and starts worry babbling at Dove.
Orrin grins faint and amused as he leans his arms on the windowsill, watching as Dove finishes poking people outside, everyone exchanging glances before basically shouting, “LONG LIVE THE QUEEN”. Oh there were so many possibilities to be had. Especially when father wakes and mother hears of this. Would she be proud ‘her little girl’ bested the ghost she never could? Would Dove ‘talk’ them into being peaceful ‘or else’? Would the dead accept her as a High Sovereign or would she need to prove her worth?
Looking down, she obviously had little idea what was going on. Possibly none at all. She was simply smiling and moving her hands around because she was enjoying their happiness and cheer. Such a strange thing. Her enjoying... joy. He truly has little clue how their parents made her. And he rather doubts they understand it either. Even when those two were ‘good guys’ they certainly weren’t able to be called ‘innocent’ or ‘gentle’. While those were the first words that came to mind with Dove.
Turning his head slightly as Rio comes in, her closing the door and leaning against it with crossed arms, “so... are you guys going to be staying or...”, and quirking an eyebrow.
“Is this your mortal way of asking me to”.
She huffs, “Remi would be sad, that is all”. Which Orrin isn’t even close enough to a fool to believe for even a second, “yeah. Sure it is”.
Orrin shakes his head a little and turns to look back out the window. The mortals were giving her sweets. How quaint. “I doubt I could keep Dove away. As I find I doubt she would really let me try to in genuine”. She had clearly grown fond of this place and it’s creatures; and clearly not as simply pets, servants, or loyal manipulatable underlings.
He can hear the raised eyebrow in Rio’s voice, “wouldn’t ‘let you’? You don’t seem like someone who’s controllable”.
He elects for vague, not as if he needs to explain in the first place, “there are ways”. Far be it for him to mention that the Crown makes the wearer able to control the dead, or part dead for that matter. He doubts Dove would make much use of that, which is quite fine by him. Not that that wouldn’t make things interesting regarding father.
He outright ignores that. Him speaking again as she joins him by the window, “regardless, no we will not be staying. Dove has her castle and throne to attend to”, grinning both mean and mischievous, “and I have a brother to torture”.
“... I can’t tell if you mean that literally”, she sighs, “so she’ll come back then”.
“And you?”.
That does catch him just slightly off-guard. Apparently he wasn’t completely deplorable to these people. Fancy that. Though he had a level of feeling that this particular member of the living was more than just tolerant of him. “Oh I doubt Remi would care if I did or not”, him smirking a bit, “unless of course, that particular question has nothing to do with her happiness at all”.
He glances at her as she audibly scowls at him, “you’re an emotionless asshole without a caring bone in your body”.
Which only makes him chuckle, “then clearly you’re rather nuts for getting feelings involved”. This entire escapade was bringing plenty of interesting surprises and twists that he hadn’t yet experienced it would seem. “Particularly when you know said asshole has wanted to at the very least mildly murder you on multiple occasions”. Why that of all things gets her to promptly give him a chastised kiss he isn’t going to claim to understand in the slightest. Instead he furrows his brows at her, “I find I don’t understand you much either at times”. Did Phantom’s just have a habit of attracting living women? That could be an idea to look into at a later date.
She rolls her eyes and looks back out the window, where Dove is now chuckling flowers at people. “Good. I’d probably bore you otherwise”.
He dips his head slightly to acknowledge that is rather true, “accurate”.
“... so, will you come back?”.
“Well I dare say my curiosity is rather peaked now, so I hardly can find a reason to not”.
She scowls at him, but even his moron of a brother could tell she wasn’t actually upset with him. “Yup. You’re still a jerk”.
He snorts, “don’t go expecting change. Dove’s the ‘sweetheart’, not me”, running a hand through his hair and smirking, “I’m definitely more charming though”.
“Annnd there’s the ego”.
“It’s far too late for you to make denials-”, pausing and tilting his head at sniffing mothers scent. Looking up to spot the red suit and hoverboard far up in the sky, clearly she was watching, was seeing this. Dove frolicking with a bunch of mortals, a green crown flaming over her head all the while. “Mother’s here”.
Rio immediately jerks to attention and puts her hand to her blaster in preparation for assault. Orrin tilts his head though, watching as mother seems to shake her head and laugh before shooting off into the distance. “She... left”, he’s never felt genuinely shocked by something before. Why?
Rio blinks at him, obviously in shock herself, “what?! Why?!”.
“I... don’t believe I know”.
Rio blinks at him before shaking her head and stiffly leaning on the windowsill again, “well I'm not about to look that particular gift horse in the mouth”.
He squints before smirking after a bit, “she may very well be going to mock father and berate brother for being a moron again”.
“Still not even glancing at the gift horse”. He chuckles at that.
Suddenly Dove’s floating in front of them, tugging gently on Orrin’s sleeve. ‘Come’. He feels the unspoken command deep into the core of him, and he can’t very well deny it. Now can he? So he floats off the ground and moves to head out the window, though smirking meanly and grabbing Rio at the last second to yank her out too.
“You bastard!”. That only makes him chuckle more.
Him speaking quiet enough that the living won’t hear, “you truly ought learn to be more sparing with the KingSpeak, being forced to do things is hardly enjoyable. Particularly for a Gray-Phantom”. Dove just hums pleasantly at him as he’s effectively dragged into the silly dancing thing. And while the mortals keep their distance mostly, they don’t outright flee from him. How quaint and a rather peculiar turn of events.
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gryffindorcls · 5 years
Meant To Be:  Chapter 4 (Your Voice)
(I’ve come to terms with the fact that I’m a day behind.  Thanks for your patience!) Thank you @lovesquarefluffweek​ for organizing this event!
Welcome back!  Today’s prompt is “Your Voice”.
This chapter is a song fic.  I used the song “Runnin’ Home to You” from the musical episode of “The Flash”.  You can listen to it on Spotify here.
I also collabed with @flashflashitsash!  She made some STUNNING art for this chapter.  You can find it here.
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Chapter 4: Your Voice
With the tape measure in hand, Adrien stood at the other end of the table and kept his eyes glued on Marinette. His heart melted when he saw her stick out her tongue while trying to get an accurate measurement. After they finished, she smiled and bounced on the balls of her feet, causing Adrien to nearly combust.
While he watched her write down the measurements on a piece of paper, his mind began to wander. “She’s always been beautiful, but my lady is the only one who’s ever made me feel this way. What changed? Why now?”
“Adrien?” Marinette said, cutting through the haze in his brain, “Are you okay?”
He nodded. “Yeah, why?”
“You looked kind of out of it for a second there.”
“Oh, I was just...thinking.”
“Cool! I do that sometimes...ugh...wait, that was probably the dumbest thing I could have said.” She shoved the paper with the measurements into her purse. “Please just ignore me.”
“She’s adorable. Maybe Plagg is right. The heart wants what the heart wants.”
He took a step toward her. “I don’t think I could if I tried. If anything, I think I’m finally seeing you for all that you are.”
“No! What are you doing, Adrien? What about Ladybug?”
She squeaked. “Oh! I...um...d-do you see what you like? I mean...like what you see?”
“Marinette, I think I always have,” he said without thinking.
“Maybe my heart wants her.”
Marinette’s face turned bright red, and her eyes grew wide. “School...us...go?
Adrien held out his arm for her to take. “Shall we?”
“Mmmhmm.” She tentatively took his arm.
An explosion of warmth radiated throughout his body when she finally hugged his arm against her chest. For a brief and fleeting moment, all of the confusion from before melted away.
It felt familiar.
It felt safe.
It felt right.
Like the moment they’d shared in the classroom earlier that day, Adrien was struck by the strength of his feelings for Marinette. Just as he was about to let himself completely fall for her, visions of Ladybug flashed across his mind. His arms tensed involuntarily while he let out a frustrated huff.
“Is everything alright?” she asked quietly.
“Um, yeah.” He scrambled to find an answer. “I...uhh...just remembered that I have to go home before I go back to the school.”
“Oh, I can walk with you!”
“But you live right here. I don’t want you to go out of your way.”
“I don’t mind. Honestly, before I met up with you, my plan was just to go back to my room and watch YouTube videos. It’s a beautiful day, and I’d love the company.”
Adrien’s pulled his hood over his head. “You mean, you wouldn’t mind walking with someone who has to hide their identity from nosy fans?”
She giggled and pulled the strings on his sweatshirt, cinching the hood around his face. “Nope. I wouldn’t even mind if you were wearing a mask. I’d still hang out with you.”
He loosened the hood and met her gaze. “Wait...really?”
“Of course. You’re still you, no matter what you’re wearing.”
“Sounds like you have experience.”
She turned her head and coughed. “Uhhh...no m-more than you!”
“It’s getting awkward,” his mind yelled, “Change the subject!”
He tapped his chin. “I wonder if Ladybug and Chat Noir act differently when they’re civilians. Being able to hide your identity like that must give them the freedom to do things they can’t usually do.”
“No, Adrien, what are you doing?”
“Well,” Marinette began, “everyone has a tendency to act differently when they’re in different situations. It’s probably the same for Ladybug and Chat Noir. For example, I can’t imagine civilian Ladybug doing half the things she does when she’s transformed.”
“You just said that a person is still themselves no matter what they’re wearing, so even if she’s not swinging between buildings every second of the day, I’m sure she’s still brave, selfless, and creative. I bet she’s an everyday Ladybug...just like you.”
Marinette took a sharp intake of breath. “We are going to run out of time if we don’t get going.”
Adrien pulled out his phone and looked at the screen. “Yikes, you’re right. We only have an hour. Let’s go.”
As the duo made their way to the Agreste Mansion, they chatted about school, video games, and their hobbies. Even though Adrien did his best to stay away from topics that had to do with Ladybug and Chat Noir, he couldn’t help but hear his lady in Marinette’s voice. He found it amazing how both girls sounded so similar.
“I must have a really specific type,” Adrien mused inside his head.
“Hey Marinette,” he said, stopping at the wall behind his house, “why don’t we talk more? I love hearing what you have to say.”
She looked to the side and tucked a stray hair behind her ear. “Well, we usually don’t get the chance to hang out alone with each other. Most of the time we’re with Alya and Nino. And then you weren’t there for a while because you were with…”
“Yeah. I heard about you two breaking up. I’m sorry things didn’t work out.”
“It’s for the best. We were too alike.”
She let go of his arm. “Oh?”
He took a step back. “Is everything alright?”
“Yes, sorry!” she said quickly, waving her hands in front of her, “It’s just that a friend of mine said the same thing to me last night. You remind me a lot of him actually.”
“That’s interesting. You remind me of someone I know, too.”
She smiled. “What a funny coincidence!”
He nodded. “I guess you and I just have certain qualities that we look for in friends.”
“At least you don’t pun as much as he does.”
“I hate to tell you this, but I love puns.”
“You do?” Marinette laughed. “Oh, no!”
He feigned mock hurt. “Excuse me, but I think you’ll find that my jokes are quite claw-some. Why even the Queen of England liked my puns when I went to the royal wedding.”
“You told puns to the Queen? Look, I’m not against puns, they’re fine. My dad uses them, but my friend has terrible timing. I hope yours is better, Prince Charming.”
“Oh, so, I’m a prince now?”
“Only a prince could tell puns to the Queen and live to tell the tale.”
“And how would you know that? Are you a princess?”
“I’m not royalty.”
“You could be.”
“I’m just a baker’s daughter. I’m not special.”
Adrien leaned in. “Yes, you are. You’re purr-fect.”
Placing her index finger on the tip of his nose, she pushed him away. “I take back what I said before. You’re not a prince. You’re just a trusted knight who learned one too many jokes from the court jester.”
He took her hands in his. “What if I was both?”
She let go of one of his hands and ran her thumb across his cheek. “That sure would make things easier.”
He cleared his throat, let go of her other hand, and pointed to the grate on his wall. “Oh, um...we’re here, by the way.”
“Adrien, this is the back of your house.”
“Yes, it is.”
“Can you not walk in the front door?”
“No, I snuck out.”
“But I’m going to go back in and try to convince Nathalie to let me walk with you to school. I think she’ll say yes. Wait for me out front, and I’ll text you if I get permission.”
She shook her head and laughed. “I guess this is where I wish you good luck?”
Adrien patted his bag. “I still carry around my Marinette lucky charm wherever I go, so I have all the luck I need!”
“You do?”
“Of course, it’s one of my most prized possessions.”
“I still have yours. It’s in a special place in my room.”
Adrien felt Plagg poke his stomach from inside his sweatshirt. When he reached inside of his pocket to make him stop, his Kwami shoved his phone into his hand.
He pulled out the phone and looked at the time. “Yikes! We only have a half-hour left. I gotta get going. Hopefully, I’ll see you in a few minutes.”
“See you soon!” She waved and made her way down the sidewalk.
Once Marinette had turned the corner, Adrien knelt down, removed the bars from the grate, and shimmied through the small opening. He ran across the garden, climbed through the window, hopped into the bathroom, and snuck back to his room.
“I guess you’re no longer in love with Ladybug.” Plagg zipped out of the sweatshirt pocket.
Adrien sighed. “I don’t know. Marinette and Ladybug are so alike. I have no idea how to choose, but at least I took your advice. She and I are going to hang out after school today.”
“Good, but what about the food you promised me.”
“Marinette’s family owns a bakery. I’ll buy you something there.”
Adrien grabbed his books, shoved them into his bag, and made his way to Nathalie’s desk.
“Yes, Adrien,” the assistant said before he could announce his presence, “What do you need?”
He fiddled with the strap on his bag. “I was wondering if I could walk to school with my friend Marinette. It’s such a nice day, and it’s not that far.”
“You know your father doesn’t like it when you’re not with your bodyguard.”
“Please, Nathalie? She’s waiting outside the front gate, and I don’t want her to have to walk back on her own.”
“Fine, but you two won’t be walking. She will come with you in the car.”
While it wasn’t what he wanted, he knew arguing wouldn’t help. “Okay.”
She pushed up her glasses with her index finger. “Is there something else you need?”
“Could I hang out with Marinette after school? It’s Friday, and I’m done with almost all my homework for the weekend.”
“You have a photoshoot in the morning.”
“I won’t be out late. I promise.”
Without responding, Nathalie stood up and walked into his father’s office. When she returned, she sat down at her desk and started typing.
“You have until seven o’clock,” she said without looking up from her computer.
A surge of excitement flooded his brain. “Thank you!”
He pulled out his phone, texted Marinette, and ran outside. When he got there, his bodyguard was opening the car door for his classmate. He quickly hopped into the other side of the vehicle.
“Sorry, we’re not walking, but this was the best I could do,” he said with a shrug.
She buckled her seatbelt. “Compromise isn’t the worst thing in the world.”
“You’re right.”
“Besides, we are running out of time. We only have twenty minutes of our lunch break left.”
“We do? I was hoping to buy something from the bakery before we headed back to class.”
“Did you not eat?”
“No, I didn’t.”
“I have to stop by my place anyway to grab my backpack and give my dad these measurements. Come in with me, and I’ll have my mom give you something from the bakery.”
“I have money.”
She crossed her arms. “And it will be useless in our store. My parents are always forcing food on my friends, and my mom would be more than happy to give you something.”
“Your parents are awesome,” he said, feeling a pang of jealousy in his gut.
“They are. They’re a little nosy, but they’re great. My parents treat all my friends like family. You know you’re welcome to come over whenever you want, right?”
“I am?”
“Yeah, I have friends over all the time.”
“That would be amazing.”
The car pulled up to the bakery, and both teens hopped out. They were greeted by two smiling faces when they walked through the door.
“Hello, Adrien!” Sabine greeted cheerfully.
“Sorry it took me so long to get the measurements.” Marinette handed the paper to her father. “I ran into Adrien, and we started talking.”
“That’s fine, sweetheart.”
“Maman, would it be okay if I grabbed a few croissants. Adrien didn’t eat any lunch.”
Marinette’s mother gasped. “Well, that won’t do! Come here, my dear, and we’ll pick out a few things.”
Adrien didn’t try to contain his excitement. “Thanks, Mrs. Cheng!”
While he looked at the case of treats, Marinette’s father spoke to her with a booming voice. “I know it’s short notice, but I’m going to need you to help me with setting up over at the venue tonight.”
“But, papa, Adrien wanted to hang out with me after school.” Marinette drooped.
Adrien couldn’t stand to see her looking upset. “I can help out if you want.”
“It’s okay. You don’t have to,” she said sadly, “We can hang out another time.”
“No, I insist. If I go home, I’d just sit around watching YouTube videos all night.”
“Okay. Thank you, Prince Charming.” She said with a curtsey.
He laughed and bowed. “Anything for you, Princess.”
Once again, Marinette found it impossible to focus in class. She spent the rest of the school day daydreaming of blond boys in disguise.
Nothing made sense anymore. Her heart felt like it was being stretched to opposite sides of the earth, and she didn’t know what to do.
Once school was finally over, she and Adrien made their way over to the bakery. They spent the next several hours carrying various items over to the venue. By the time they were finished, they were sweating and laughing. She never wanted their time together to end.
When Adrien finally left, Marinette sat alone with her thoughts. She did her best to focus on something other than her troubled heart, but memories of the time she spent with each boy continued to dance through her mind. She tried distracting herself by designing, watching videos, and working on homework, but nothing she did was able to calm her down. She felt restless.
Marinette climbed onto her balcony and allowed the cool breeze to caress her face. She closed her eyes and attempted to sort out her thoughts.
The time she’d spent with Adrien today was like a dream come true. It was everything that she’d ever wanted, and it seemed like he was starting to think of her as more than just a friend. At the same time, today made her realize that there were still so many things that she didn’t know about Adrien. It was as if there was a part of himself that he kept hidden from the world. The thought of getting to know that side of him excited her.
As her mind began to picture what a relationship with Adrien would look like, her thoughts wandered to Chat Noir. Last night had been proof that her love for him had always existed, and there was no question that he was deeply in love with her. However, she also knew that their job as superheroes would get in the way of them having a real relationship with each other.
“If only I knew Chat as a civilian, Tikki. That would make all of this so much easier,” she said, looking out at the Parisian skyline.
The tiny red being landed on Marinette’s shoulder. “Well, as the Guardian, you are more than welcome to…”
“Wait!” she exclaimed, cutting off her Kwami, “I think I hear something.”
Marinette closed her eyes and could just make out the faint sound of a piano playing in the distance. When her eyes landed on the park, she saw light pouring out of the gazebo in the middle of the venue.
“It’s Chat,” she whispered, “He came back, Tikki. I have to go see him!”
The kwami giggled. “Then go!”
“Tikki, SPOTS ON!” she yelled, letting the bright pink light wash over her.
She quickly unsheathed her yo-yo and swung down to the park. She landed inside the fenced-off area and quietly made her way to the gazebo. When she reached the decorated entranceway, she found Chat Noir playing the same song he’d played for her the night before.
“Hello, Chat.” She sat down next to him on the bench.
He stopped playing. “Good evening, Ladybug. It’s not a patrol night. Any purr-ticular reason you’re here?”
“I’ve had an interesting day, and I heard you playing. I was hoping you would let me listen to your song again.”
“Anything for you, my lady.”
“Thank you.”
He positioned his fingers on the keys, paused, and looked up. “Actually, I was wondering if you would indulge me for a moment.”
She nodded. “Uhh...sure?”
“There are words to the song, and I was hoping you would let me sing them for you.”
“You mean, it’s not just the melody?”
“Is it okay if I sing?”
“Oh, yes, I would love to hear the words.”
She rested her head on his shoulder, and he simply smiled and turned his attention towards the keys. When he played the first chord, her heart soared.
And then he began to sing.
“Can't say how the days will unfold,
Can't change what the future may hold.
But, I want you in it.
Every hour, every minute.”
Tears began to form in the corners of her eyes. She could feel the ache in his heart, and she suddenly longed to hold him and never let him go.
“This world can race by far too fast.
Hard to see while it's all flying past,
But it's clear now,
When you're standing here now.
I am meant to be wherever you are next to me.”
The depth of his love struck her soul. It was unlike anything she’d ever experienced before.
“All I want to do
Is come running home to you,
Come running home to you.
And all my life I promise to
Keep running home to you.
Keep running home
To you.”
She tried to picture a relationship with Chat in their civilian lives. Ladybug did her best to remove the mask from his face, but to her despair, Adrien’s face popped into her mind, reminding her of the decision she had to make.
“And I could see it,
Right from the start,
Right from the start.
That you would be
Be my light in the dark,
Light in the dark.
Oh, you gave me no other choice
But to love you.”
She was hopelessly in love with both of them, and she had no idea what to do. Tears began to flow freely down her cheeks.
“All I want to do
Is come running home to you,
Come running home to you.
And all my life I promise to
Keep running home to you,
Keep running home,
Home to you.
Can't say how the days will unfold.
Can't change what the future may hold.
But, I want you in it,
Every hour, every minute.”
When the last note faded away, they sat in a comfortable silence. They didn’t move or speak for several minutes.
She sniffled. “Thank you, Chaton.”
“No.” He shook his head. “Thank you for letting me sing.”
“It was beautiful.” She got off of the piano bench and clutched her yo-yo in her hands. “I have to go. I’ll see you tomorrow for patrol.”
Chat kept his eyes glued on the keys. “I’ll see you tomorrow, my lady.”
She threw her yo-yo and vaulted into the night. When she landed on her balcony, she detransformed, collapsed into a heap, and sobbed.
“Why couldn’t they be the same person?” she thought, before a pair of strong, familiar arms gently wrapped themselves around her.
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Chapter 11 - Fireworks/Gunpowder
Pairing: Jason Todd/ Reader
Wordcount: 10,348
A/N: Hey guys! GOD I've been looking forward to write this chapter ever since I first published this fic a year ago, and I took my time with it, and tried to perfect it as best as I could according to my current capabilities. I hope you guys like it! Please leave your thoughts! I’d love to hear what you guys think of it!
TW: sexual content, mental breakdowns
“I’m sorry I’m late,” you breathed out before Jason could even open his mouth, “I would say that school held me back, but actually I lost track of time.”
You wanted to minimize your lying to him, since you had to hide a huge part of yourself from him already.
“That’s alright, sweetheart,” he grinned at you.
You sat down opposite him at the cafe. The table Jason had chosen was one in the back, away from the large glass walls up front with the view of the street.
Jason was wearing a tight black t-shirt that day and a black leather jacket over it. The leather immediately made you think of Red Hood, but you tried to shove that thought away. It was rude to think of another man while you were with someone you were casually dating, after all.
“Do you want me to get you anything?” he asked, gesturing to the counter.
“That’s alright, I’ll go get something myself,” you made to get up.
“Now what kind of gentleman would I be if I let you order your own drink?” he stopped you, flashing you a lopsided smile, “Tell me what you usually get, I’ll go and order it for you. Please?”
He looked at you with his pleading blue eyes, which made you give in almost instantly.
“Alright,” you conceded, “I’ll just have a black coffee, then. Thank you.”
“One black coffee comin’ right up,” he winked, heading to the counter.
You watched him as he walked over, noticing the subtle glances some women from the other tables were giving him. He stood out mainly because of his build, but you thought that his face was your favourite part of him.
You didn’t mean to be shallow, of course. He was kind, funny, and charming as well. And as you just found out, a gentleman.
He came back with your coffee, and you thanked him again.
“Firstly, Jason,” you began, “I’m sorry for replying you so late. Two days late, to be exact.”
“No, that’s alright,” he shrugged it off, “I’m sure you had a good reason.”
“I was going through some… stuff,” you cringed at your own excuse.
“Stuff?” he smirked.
“And things,” you added, “Personal things. Family things. You get me?”
“Sure,” he acknowledged, “Like I said, I’m sure you had your reasons. But, if you want to talk about it, you know I wouldn’t mind lending you an ear.”
“I feel like I’ve been dumping too much on you,” you shook your head, “Like that time at the park too, god. It was so embarrassing.”
“One, that was over a month ago,” he reminded you, “And two, it wasn’t. Don’t be afraid to express yourself with me.”
He looked at you with an intensity you couldn’t tear your eyes away from.
“All of yourself,” he added, “I won’t judge.”
You were taken aback at his sudden seriousness. But when he reached his hand out to gently rest on yours, for some reason, you expected his hands to feel like the smooth cold leather of the gloves Red Hood wore.
You willed your thoughts to stay on the man in front of you.
“Thank you,” you said, “But this time it’s not something I should be discussing with anyone. I’m sorry.”
“Don’t apologize,” he answered, “It’s up to you if you want to tell me or not. All I’m saying is that if you need to talk to anyone, I’m here.”
You smiled at him in thanks.
“ Also,” he added, “You were doing some MMA?”
He lifted your hand closer to inspected your bruised knuckles.
“No,” you gave a shaky laugh, “Since I was going through some things, I needed to find an outlet. So I went berserk on a punching bag.”
It was the closest and most honest thing you could say to him.
“I see,” he chuckled and gave you a knowing look, something you thought was odd. You hadn’t missed the way he was smirking the whole time you were there.
“I’m sorry,” you hesitated, “But am I missing something here?”
“What?” he frowned.
“I feel like you know something I don’t,” you tried to explain, “Like there’s an inside joke I’m not getting.”
“Why would you think that?” he leaned forward and smiled suspiciously.
“See, you’re doing it again!” you laughed.
“I have no idea what you’re talking about, princess,” he grinned, “This is how I always look.”
“Huh,” you narrowed your eyes playfully at him.
“Did I mention how beautiful you look today?” he complimented.
“Way to change the subject,” you chuckled, “But thank you. I put in effort whenever I know I’m seeing you.”
You blushed the minute you realised what you just said.
“Uh- I meant-” you tried to backtrack.
“Too late to go back on your words now, sweetheart,” he chortled, “That’s okay, I kind of make an effort when I know I’ll be seeing you as well.”
“Oh, really?” you doubted. You thought he just naturally looked good all the time, which includes the first day you bumped into him in the library.
The library.
Jerome Miller.
Blood. Adrenaline rush. Excitement. Guilt.
You pushed it all away for now and tune back into your conversation.
“Oh, you have no idea,” his eyes suddenly darkened, his smile gone.
But within an instant, he gave you his smug grin again.
He loved to tease you.
“You know,” you started, “You never told me your last name. Is there something you’re hiding from me?”
“No, you just never asked,” he replied, “It’s Haywood.”
“Jason Haywood,” you tried, “Has a ring to it, don’t you think?”
“I never cared much for it,” he shrugged, “My first name is extremely common. My last? Nothing special. Nothing like Wayne.”
“Please, it’s all just legal anyway,” you waved your hand, “Not like I’m a Wayne by blood.”
“Still, Bruce Wayne is your father,” he pointed out.
“Don’t say that too loud,” you shushed him, “I’m not at the point where people would recognize me in the streets, but one Google search and I’d have people taking pictures of the both of us and sell it to the tabloid papers.”
“Ah, yes, I can see the headlines already,” he joked, “Billionaire Bruce Wayne’s daughter seen with a nobody. You wouldn’t believe number five!”
“A newspaper headline isn’t clickbait, Jason,” you giggled. You were impressed. Only a few months ago, he didn’t know what Instagram was.
“I’m real proud of you, you know,” he suddenly told you, making another 180 turn in subject. He looked at you with a curious glint in his eye.
“For what?” you asked, sipping on your coffee.
“For being you,” he gave you a cryptic answer.
You raised an eyebrow in question.
“You don’t try to hide yourself from me,” he elaborated, “You cry in front of me, laugh in front of me, joke with me, and you let your inhibitions go when you’re with me.”
Your eyes widen at the last one, knowing what he was implying.
“ As a Wayne,” he continued, “I’m sure you need to lie and smile to keep up appearances. But you’re yourself with me. Thank you.”
You blushed as your heart melted at his words. This was one of the reasons you liked him. He was a smooth talker, charming you with random bursts of surprisingly well thought insight.
“I don’t know what to say,” you tucked your hair behind your ear nervously.
“How about ‘Jason, I think you’re a sexy beast, and I’d totally tap that ass’,” he jestered.
“You see, I know you’re just joking, but I wouldn’t be if I were to say that to you,” you replied smugly.
Jason paused, narrowing his eyes at you.
“Someone learned how to flirt,” he smirked.
“I learned from the best,” you breathed.
You saw the way his eyes darted from yours, to your lips, and then back to your eyes again.
“My brother, actually,” you broke the moment on purpose.
He chuckled at your transition.
The hours went by as you talked and flirted with him, all the while still noticing how he was smirking the whole way, as if he knew something about you that you didn’t.
*** God, you turned Jason on so much.
It was obvious you were still messed up and shocked over your own actions, but when Jason saw your bruised knuckles, he almost popped a hard on right then and there in the crowded cafe.
He wanted so much to witness you beating the shit out of Jerome Miller. He could only imagine how your face and hands must have been covered in blood.
Jason never had a blood kink before this, but somehow the thought was so erotic to him, he would be lying if he didn’t go back and jerk off to that fantasy right after the visit to the hospital.
The only downside to all of this was that he was growing increasingly excited, which meant he was increasingly impatient. He found it extremely frustrating to have to keep lying to you. He just wanted you to figure everything out already so he could finally be direct.
So he could finally take you like he knew you wanted him to.
But since he was the king of the underground now, he had to focus on his work, and he was doing a fan-fucking-tastic job at it. He could guarantee with absolute confidence that Gotham’s underground had never been as organized before.
He wasn’t only controlling crime through fear, but he was providing small jobs to those who would have otherwise got involved with real bad shit that would hurt innocents.
Jason was Gotham’s fucking savior.
And he wore that red bat on his chest with pride.
Jason didn’t need you to be his Queen, but he wanted to.
Not because he craved you- but because it would be the last blow to Batman’s legacy.
At least, that’s what he was trying to convince himself.
*** The glaring red ink on your paper reminded you of the blood that you tried so hard to wash off.
You stared hard at the large, capital B written on your history test. It wasn’t your only B. You got a B minus for math, a B plus for biology and physics, and an A minus for chemistry, amongst other subjects.
You maintained a neutral face. You couldn’t let anyone around you read you.
“I guess I don’t need to ask what you got, huh Wayne?” Michelle Myers rolled her green eyes at you from her desk, flipping her auburn hair to the side.
“You’d be surprised, Michelle,” you smiled at her sweetly. You knew she always viewed you as competition when it came to academics, sports, and even social media follower count. You didn’t get why. You always thought she was prettier, more feminine than you. “I’m only human, you know.”
“So what you got?” Robert Laheigh cut in.
“A big fat B,” you sighed.
“Woah, a B? You?” Robert gasped dramatically.
“Way to rub it in, Rob,” you chuckled, “I guess I got distracted by some stuff.”
“Oh yes, it must be so hard to be you, daughter of the richest guy in Gotham,” Michelle snickered.
You looked at Michelle with a cold smile, and thought about wiping that smug look off her face by smashing her head onto the wooden desk.
“Hey, don’t be like that,” said the blond jock, “I’m sure whatever she’s going through is legit. You don’t know her life. And she did just get kidnapped.”
“Of course, Rob, how rude of me,” Michelle sneered at him, “I forgot how much you like to suck up to her.”
Rob was Michelle’s ex-boyfriend. He dumped her because he apparently started having feelings for another girl in class. Who the mysterious girl was, you didn’t know. But shortly after that, Michelle started to become more and more hostile towards you.
“It’s fine, Rob,” you assured him, “She’s right. I’ve really got no excuses.”
Besides the fact that you’ve been reliving the night you beat someone half to death for the past two weeks, slowly getting numb to the memory.
Besides the fact that Bruce had been acting suspiciously nice to you despite suspending your patrols for the next month until you got yourself together.
Besides the fact that Jason had been kind to you, beaming almost proudly ever since you saw each other at that cafe two weeks ago, but all you could think about when he happened to brush himself against you was how you craved Red Hood’s touch instead.
But Michelle was right, you neglected your studies and didn’t have any excuses.
Rob pursed his lips and walked over to your table, leaning down to you.
“Hang in there, okay?” he frowned in concern, “If you need to talk, about anything, I’m here for you.”
You flashed him a charming smile, “Of course, Rob. I appreciate it. Thank you.”
You saw his cheeks get red, and he straightened up, clearing his throat.
Now you know why Michelle Myers hated you so much.
Your gaze was unfocused, just looking outside the window of the car.
Michelle never got to you like that before. You usually ignored it and brushed her off. But suddenly you got so annoyed by her fucking face that you really wanted to mess it up.
“What’s wrong, my dear?” Alfred glanced at you from the rearview mirror of the sleek BMW, breaking your thoughts.
“Nothing, Alfred,” you smiled at him, “I got my papers back. I didn't do very well.”
“To maintain a balance is a difficult feat,” he said, “Your older brothers went through the same thing. Though, a teacher once complained that Master Todd’s grades were too perfect.”
You didn’t miss his subtle sad tone when he mentioned Todd. Oddly, it didn’t sound as sad as he usually did when he spoke of your predecessor.
But it didn’t change the fact that you really didn’t want to talk about Todd and how perfect his grades were.
You were silent the whole ride back.
“Master Bruce wishes to speak to you in the Cave,” Alfred informed you when you got out of the car. “I suggest you prepare yourself for his news.”
“What do you mean?” you frowned in question.
“It’s best if he explains,” Alfred gave you a tired smile. He looked like he hadn’t slept all night.
You shrugged and went inside, dumping your bag of books onto the sofa of the living room as you made your way to the grandfather’s clock to descend below. You were nervous. Maybe Bruce has decided to lift your suspension, or maybe Bruce has decided that he was better off without you as Robin.
Whatever it was, your heart beat in rhythm to your quick steps down the stairs.
You approached Bruce from behind, he was seated at his regular spot in front of the massive computer screens. This time though, instead of displaying an array of his cases, old articles,or his own notes, it was just blank.
You gulped. He was really going to ask you to quit wasn’t he?
“Hey, Bruce,” you let out a shaky breath, “Alfred said you wanted to talk?”
“Yes,” he nodded, his face more solemn than you’ve ever seen before, “Sit.”
Oh no, you thought, one word replies and commands.
You pulled up a wheeled chair and sat obediently in front of him.
“Firstly,” he began, “I’m sorry. For keeping you in the dark this whole time. I needed to process the information, and make sure. And it was… difficult for me to come to terms with the truth. I’ve only just told Alfred last night.”
“What are you talking about?” you questioned slowly, your previous worries disappearing.
“What do you know about multiverses and alternate realities?” Bruce asked you.
“Uhm, what?” you were taken aback by his seemingly random question, “Are you serious?”
Bruce simply looked at you.
“Uhm,” you tried, “I know just enough from sc-fi movies and comic books?”
“Well, it’s more science than fiction,” Bruce stated.
“Okay,” you nodded slowly, still not understanding his point, “And?”
“Certain events caused by certain… individuals,” he struggled with his words, “May cause certain effects onto our world and reality. In this case, bringing back the dead.”
“What, our next mission involves zombies or something?” you smirked.
“I’m being serious,” he deadpanned.
“Right. Sorry,” you quickly added.
“Do you know what the Lazarus Pit is?” he asked another odd question.
“Sure,” you nodded at the familiar name, “That’s how Ra’s Al Ghul is immortal. It makes you not age.”
“It also heals unhealable injuries,” Batman added.
You frowned again. “Where are you going with this, Bruce?”
“Red Hood is Jason Todd,” he blinked.
You blinked back.
“Excuse me, what?” you exclaimed. “Bruce, how did you jump from alternate realities and the lazarus pit to- oh my god.”
Finally, your mind clicked.
“That’s- no,” you shook your head, “That’s not possible. You’re fucking with me, aren’t you? This is some sort of weird test.”
He pursed his lips, and then turned to the computer. He pulled up some sort of biochemistry result on screen. One side was Red Hood’s blurred CCTV photo, and the other, a young dark haired boy smiling brightly at the camera. You recognized him from the one or two pictures on display in the Manor.
“I ran a DNA test from a blood sample I acquired from Red Hood one of the days where I confronted him,” Bruce explained, “I had my suspicions based on the things he had said, and the knowledge he had of us, but I couldn’t confirm it until I ran the test. Even after that, I had to make sure.”
“And?” you demanded.
“And that’s it,” he finished, “Red Hood is Jason Todd.”
Your mind was racing.
“I understand if you have trouble comprehending it,” Bruce offered.
“No, shit,” you scoffed. You were at disbelief. It made zero sense, yet all the sense in the world.
“But, if it’s Jason Todd,” you looked at him, “Then why is he bad?”
“He’s angry with me,” Bruce explained. He had pain in his eyes. “He’s angry with me for not killing Joker, and for… you.”
“Replacement,” it dawned onto you, “Child soldiers being thrown away and replaced by new ones. That’s what he meant.”
“Exactly,” Bruce nodded, “But I think the Pit had something to do with fueling his anger as well. It’s naive to think that the dead can be brought back without… alterations.”
“It makes so much sense now. Why he’s been targeting me. He hates me for replacing him, he-” you looked at Jason Todd’s picture.
Oh. You really were stupid. You were a complete idiot.
You didn’t make the connection before, because it didn’t make sense to you. Jason Todd was dead, so your brain did not see any sort of similarities between him and your Jason.
But now that you were staring at the picture of the smiling boy, you could see it. They looked different, very different, but no one could mistake the two if they stared long enough.
Todd was very young in the picture, but even at that age you could see the developing deep set eyes and heavy brows. Their noses were the same, except your Jason’s nose had probably been broken more than a few times. Todd’s skin was clear of scars, and had a more radiant complexion as compared to your Jason’s. Jason’s jaw was more squarish and developed, but their smiles were still the same side smirk.
You thought that Jason had smelled of fireworks. But really, it was-
“Gunpowder,” you whispered out loud to yourself.
“What?” Bruce asked.
“Nothing, I just- it’s a lot to process,” you told him.
Why weren’t you telling him anything?
“I understand,” he acknowledged, “If you have any questions, I promise I will answer them all truthfully. No more secrets.”
You looked at the man who adopted you only three months after his son’s death, and saw how he was trying to make things up to you, his concern about you.
“What was he like?” you asked, “I know I’ve asked you this before. I’ve asked Dick, too. And Alfred. But I felt like everyone was just too sad about it to tell me much. So I’m going to ask you again now that he’s back.”
“He was efficient, and he learned very quickly-”
“Not as Robin, Bruce,” you interjected, “How was he like at home when he had nothing to do? Did he go out with friends? What was his favorite flavor? That kind of stuff.”
Bruce fell silent for a moment, the crease between his brows deepening.
“He liked to read,” Bruce said, “I don’t know if you’ve been into his room, but we kept it exactly how it was all those years ago. All those books on his shelf- he read them all. Some more than once. He was very organized and tidy. Cleaned his room so that Alfred didn’t have to.”
You noticed him smile ever so slightly as he recalled the memory.
“He had some friends, but I’m not sure about a girlfriend,” he continued, “He was secretive. He was more quiet than Dick, but happy all the same. Until he got a bit confident, then he became reckless.”
“He angered easily,” Bruce sighed, “He was rash. He acted first without thinking of the consequences later. I remember having lots of arguments with him. There were many weeks where he wouldn’t speak to me unless it was a serious question regarding patrol. But he was good. He’s always been good.”
“I’m sure he still is, Bruce,” you sympathized with him. The Jason you knew was kind to you, but Red Hood- he was a different story.
Was it all a lie? Was the Jason you knew just a persona to use and manipulate you?
Just tell him, your inner thoughts screamed at you.
“So what now?” you asked.
“He’s been very careful with his operation,” Bruce explained, “I need to confront him. I need to talk to him.”
Fucking tell him, your conscience insisted.
Tell him what? That you were dumb enough to not be suspicious of a mysterious man who charmed his way into your life at the same time a new villain came to town?
You were so fucking naive.
“We need to do some interrogating. Maybe he has a base for operations-”
At the same time Bruce started explaining the plan to you, your phone dinged, causing you to jump slightly.
You ignored it, and looked apologetically at him.
“Once we find out, we try to corner him to talk. I might need to get Dick-”
Your phone dinged again.
“- to help. I haven’t told him yet-”
And for one last time, your phone dinged.
Bruce raised an eyebrow at you.
“I’m sorry,” you said sheepishly, “Let me silent it. Hold on.”
You unlocked your phone to see three consecutive messages from Sexy Hunk From Library.
Your heart sank to your stomach.
You put your phone on silent and put it away.
“Who is it?” Bruce asked, “If it’s urgent, we can continue this later.”
“No!” you accidentally raised your voice, “Ahem, I mean, no. It’s just a boy.”
“A boy?” he repeated, “You’ve been talking to a boy?”
“Yeah,” you admitted, extremely careful with your body language and choice of words, “Just a boy I met at the library. Sorry- he’s not important.”
Bruce looked at you for a moment, and then- “I’m still not relieving you of your suspension. I will have Dick with me for now while I investigate. You have two weeks left until I allow you to be back in uniform. As of now, training.”
“Yeah,” you sighed and close your eyes, squeezing the bridge of your nose, “It might do me some good. My grades are horrible. I have to catch up.”
“Good,” he nodded curtly, “Use your time wisely. And do not confront Red Hood alone.”
“Why would I do that, Bruce?” you asked exasperatedly, “Now I know who he really is, it’d be stupid of me to do so. This shit he has against us is fucking personal.”
“As long as you realise that, then fine,” he answered.
You nodded before adding, “Are you going to tell Dick over the phone?”
“No, I’ll have him come here,” he replied, “It’s the proper way. Dick will- he won’t take it as well as you did.”
“Well, I never knew the guy, so,” you shrugged, the thought of the Jason you did know, acted like an anchor on your heart. “I’m going to take a nice long bath. It’s been an intense day.”
“Take as long as you need,” he nodded, turning away to reach for his phone to dial Dick, “I think we’ll investigate Otisburg first. His previous base of operations was there, perhaps we could find some of his men.”
“Let me know how Dick takes it,” you waved, walking back.
*** You climbed into the steaming water, scented with vanilla and sighed deeply.
You stared at your phone which you put on the drying mat on the floor next to the tub, your notifications still on the screen. You gulped, and reached for it, careful not to drop in the water and read what Jason had sent you.
Sexy Hunk From Library: Hey Sexy Hunk From Library: What’re you up to? Sexy Hunk From Library: I’m so bored
You couldn’t help how the corners of your lips twitched upwards, and then you frowned again, thinking of how to deal with your dilemma.
Why couldn’t you just tell Bruce like what was expected of you? Was there a part of you that didn’t want Red Hood caught, or was it because you had fallen for Jason?
Or was it because you liked that your Jason was Red Hood?
You let out a loud groan of frustration.
Of course you didn’t like that the two were the same people. Because Jason had manipulated you, lied to you, and probably would have sabotaged you.
Yet, you didn’t feel angry. You just felt immensely sad for yourself, but most of all for him.
He had hid his true self from you so well, but now that you know who he was, and what he was going through, you just wanted to help. He was a Robin after all, and even if you hadn’t met him prior to this, you felt obligated to connect with him.
You decided to reply.
You: Hey. I just got back from school. I’m just soaking in the tub now.
You blinked in surprise when you received a video call from him instead. You made sure that your chest was submerged in water and hesitantly picked up.
“Sorry, I couldn’t resist when I heard that you were naked,” you saw him grin cheekily on the screen. He was in bed, judging from the blue pillows he had propped up behind him.
“I bet that’s what you say to all the girls,” you tried hard to smile and seem normal.
But he had caught on and frowned. “What’s wrong? I’m sorry, I can hang up if you want your privacy.”
“No, it’s not you,” you lied, “I just got my exam results back. They weren’t as good as usual. Fucking Michelle Myers looked so smug about it.”
“Is she like the popular mean girl who’s secretly jealous of you?” he guessed.
“I guess she is,” you chuckled, but your smile faltered again soon after.
“If you want to talk about it, I’m here,” he offered.
You pursed your lips in hesitation, thinking carefully about your next words and actions.
“Actually,” you said, “Could I meet you tonight? I’m- I’m not alright. I just need to talk to someone.”
“Tonight?” he frowned, pausing for a moment.
Of course. Night time was Red Hood time. He was probably busy when he didn’t have to seduce and manipulate you.
“Sure,” he finally agreed, “Where?”
“Really?” you were taken aback. Why would he neglect his own responsibilities to see you?
“Of course,” he insisted, “I told you that I’d be here for you whenever you need. I mean it.”
Now you were confused. Why was he so committed to gaining your trust?
“O-okay,” you smiled, this time for real. “Do you think we can meet at Robinson Park? Around nine thirty?”
Bruce would usually leave for patrol at 9.
“I’ll see you there,” he responded.
You looked at yourself in the mirror. You had specifically chosen to wear a baby pink sweater over a white collared shirt, buttoned all the way up with a grey plaid skirt that fell to your knees. You needed to look innocent and non-threatening. You kept your makeup light and your hair simple.
You took one of the less conspicuous of Bruce’s cars which happened to be one of the newer Mini Cooper models. It was the least sporty, least big, least out of place. You could blend in well with everyone else when driving that car.
You told Alfred you were going out to meet a friend, in which he responded with an almost offensive shocked expression, and then proceeded to endlessly tell you to have fun, and to not worry about coming back too early.
The traffic was lighter than usual, and the sky clear- the full moon shining high. You parked at Robinson Park’s open parking space and took a deep breath before grabbing your small purse and getting out of the car.
You checked your phone.
Jason was already there because he had sent you a text message saying which bench he was sitting at. Recognizing his description, you started walking towards him, your heart thumping louder and louder with every step.
“Hey,” you called out when you saw him from behind, sitting on the bench. He was wearing his red hoodie and jeans.
You recognized that hoodie all too well now.
He turned around and smiled widely at you, expecting you to sit next to him.
“Uhm,” you nervously said, “Do you think we could go somewhere more private?”
“Somewhere more private, huh?” he winked, making you giggle. You calmed your nerves down a bit, but still remained careful and vigilant.
“Not like that!” you laughed, “It’s just- going out with a guy at night, if anyone were to recognize me, I’d be in trouble.”
“Oh, yeah, sure,” he stood up. Suddenly his height and broad shoulders, the only thing you could see under the loose clothes, started an alarm in your head, reminding you of how easily he could overpower you. “Do you have any place in mind?”
“I was thinking,” you hesitated, “That building right there? It’s just a small office building. We could take the fire escape staircase up to the roof?”
You pointed towards the building across the street. It was only around five or six stories high.
“Isn’t that, trespassing or something?” he smirked.
“It’s not like we’re doing anything bad,” you rolled your eyes, “I just wanted to talk to you without being seen, that’s all.”
The truth was that you knew GCPD had cruiser cars patrolling outside of the park since they found the three bodies Red Hood hanged, as well as a couple of officers patrolling inside the park every few hours. You didn’t want to risk spooking Jason, especially since you were going to properly talk to him.
“Okay, lead the way,” he gestured.
You tried to be mindful of your body language. Hoping to not seem stiff or nervous, you walked next to him closely, your arm brushing his occasionally as you walked across the street.
Once you reached the fire escape staircase, the both of you climbed up smoothly.
The roof was clean, at least. No sign of pigeon droppings, no litter or cigarette butts, and no random puddles of water from the rain.
Jason walked to the edge, put his hand on the ledge, and peered over.
“Now, that’s high! I don’t know about you, but heights make me slightly nervous,” he chuckled to himself before turning to you and giving you a big boyish grin. “So, what did you want to talk about?”
The way he looked, both his hands behind his head in a casual, relaxed pose- you really didn’t want to believe it.
“I’m kinda nervous to tell you,” you admitted.
He walked towards you and gave you a warm smile, “It’s okay. Take it slow. I’ve got all night.”
You took a deep breath, and began.
“I’m confused. I feel like I’m doing the wrong thing instead of the right thing, but for some reason, the wrong thing feels more right than the right thing. You get me?” you finished your ramblings with a question.
The sound of sirens coming from the streets below were an accurate representation of what was going on in your head.
“I’m sorry,” he said in confusion, “I’m not sure I do, princess.”
You took a deep breath, ignoring your thumping heart and your inner voices screaming at you in protest.
“I know, Jason,” you stated, “I know who you are.”
Jason looked even more confused. So confused, that you doubted yourself for just one small moment. But then, against all your hope and wishes you had since you figured it out, his face twisted into a sinister smirk, his eyes no longer the bright and warm and friendly blue, but cold, harsh, and unforgiving.
When you thought of your Jason being Red Hood, it was hard to imagine someone like him as a cold blooded killer, but after seeing his face in a new light, you asked yourself why you didn’t figure it out sooner.
“Finally,” he rolled his eyes, “Did he tell you?”
You nodded, not wanting your voice to betray you and the tears that had started pooling your eyes. You had wished so hard that you were wrong, that Bruce was wrong.
“You look disappointed,” he scoffed.
“Of course I am,” you sighed, looking away, “I thought you were… nice.”
“It’s called acting, sweetheart,” he sassed.
“Well, I’ll be sure to nominate you for an Oscar, then,” you snapped.
The fucker actually chuckled at that, earning a glare from you.
“Anyway,” he started, “Let’s cut to the chase. Where is he?”
You frowned at that. “In Otisburg with Dick, investigating you. I told you, Batman wouldn’t bother us here tonight.”
“You’re telling me,” he responded, “That you came here unarmed, and without backup?”
He looked at you incredulously before barking out a humourless laugh. “You’re either brave or stupid.”
“If you wanted to hurt me, you would have done so long ago,” you pointed out.
“Thanks for you trust in me,” he said sarcastically.
“Jason,” you pursed your lip.
“What?” he snarled, “What was the point in this?”
“To-” you stopped midway, taking a deep breath of preparation, “To try to convince you-”
“To come back?” he interjected, “To come home? Kiss and hug with Bruce and it’ll all be okay?”
“He misses you, Jason,” you spoke softly, “We can help you fix this. Whatever this is.”
“Fix this?” he growled, walking closer to you as a burst of sudden anger appeared in his eyes, “The only way to fix this is to turn back time. To kill Joker. To unadopt you.”
You felt a sharp stab in your chest. Jason, upon seeing the hurt flash across your face, started to mock you.
“Aww, did I hurt your feelings?” he came even closer, “Insecure little Robin, thinks she’s so good, always doing the right thing.”
He reached out and tilted your chin upwards towards him, and leaned in close. You willed yourself to not flinch at his touch.
“I fucking hated you,” he whispered, hot breath fanning your face, “I wanted to bash your head in against the wall. I wanted to see you suffer and make you cry. Hell, I still do sometimes. But then I realise…”
His lips grazed your ear.
“That you’re. Just. Like. Me.”
You slapped his hand away and stepped back.
“I’m nothing like you,” you countered.
“No?” he raised an eyebrow condescendingly, “So you did not beat Jerome Miller’s ass straight into a coma?”
Your eyes widen, your throat tightened. “Wh- How- how did you-”
“Oh, sweetheart, who did you think hired those buffoons in the first place?” he sneered.
“No,” you squeaked, your thoughts all rushing back to you, “I- I told you… It was my favorite place in the world…”
“And I loved every fucking second of taking it away from you,” he elaborated, “And when you called me, crying- to say it felt good would be an understatement.”
Stupid. You were stupid, and that’s all you were. Stupid and naive.
You couldn’t stop the tears from escaping your eyes.
“Oh no, baby girl, don’t cry,” he rushed to wipe away your tears. You almost mistook him for being genuine, until he added, “You’re gonna make me hard.”
You looked away, remaining silent, disappointed at yourself for showing your weakness.
“Batman may have taken the fall for what you did to Miller, but I wasn’t stupid. I knew you had a personal grudge that you acted on. Just like me.”
“I didn’t mean to,” you still tried to argue, “It just happened.”
“And I just happened to come back from the dead, right?” he snapped, “And I just happened to take over the criminal underground?”
“What I did was an accident,” you protested.
“Yet Jerome Miller is still a vegetable,” he pointed out, “You don’t know much about him, do you? You didn’t do your research. You wouldn’t make excuses for yourself if you had.”
“What the hell are you talking about?” you demanded.
“His family? Ring any bells?” he said, and then his eyebrows shot up when he realised you were clueless, “Holy fucking shit! Don’t- don’t tell me. You never even stopped to think of his family?”
You swallowed the bitter taste in your mouth as your heart sank at that realisation.
“You’re more heartless than I thought, baby girl,” he chuckled, “Anna Miller- his wife- was diagnosed with stage four cancer about three years ago. She’s been in and out of chemo ever since. He needed to find a way to pay the bills. Now, he was already a talented and experienced man- but because Gotham is a shit hole, he, like everyone else, couldn’t find an honest job. So he had to resort to illegal means to pay for his wife.”
“He was a chatty guy, Jerome,” he continued, “Basically told me his life story. Thanked me again and again for the generous pay. He was going to take his 6 year old daughter to see Elsa at Disneyland this summer. Being the saint that I am, I even put in a couple grand extra. But now, I may have paid him a lot, but his wife will still continue to accumulate her medical bills. Who’s gonna pay for them? And poor sweet Andrea would be stuck without a father and a mother who’s too sick to take care of her. Thanks to you, of course.”
It became clearer to you now- the effects of your assault. You took away a breadwinner from his struggling family- and it shook you. The fact that the Red Hood was the one who pointed this all out to you to make you realise what you did, it was humorlessly ironic.
“You’re lying,” you shook your head. Denial was the only thing keeping you from breaking down. “Why should I believe a single thing you say when you’ve been lying to me for months?”
“Believe me or not, it doesn’t matter,” he shrugged nonchalantly, “I just wanted you to open your eyes and see who you really are. Impulsive, explosive, and insecure. And you know what? I can work with that. You’re perfect for my line of work.”
“Your line of work?” you frowned.
“I’m not all bad, you know,” he smirked, “I do this- I do what Batman hasn’t been able to. I’ve controlled crime. I know you’ve questioned his methods. I did. And even if you haven’t, you will eventually.”
“No,” you insisted, not allowing your doubts to resurface again, “What you’re doing, it’s- it’s wrong.”
“Wrong?” he scoffed, “If what I’m doing is wrong, then that would make me the bad guy, right?”
You eyed him suspiciously, unsure of where he was going with that point. The wind was blowing in his hair, messing it up and making him look more boyish. If you squinted hard enough, you thought you could see a glimpse of the younger Jason Todd- the one Bruce had pictures of.
“Then isn’t it wrong for Robin, the light to Batman’s darkness,” he exaggerated, before glaring straight into your eyes, “to want to fuck the bad guy?”
He finished with a smug grin.
“W-what?” you half sputtered, half screeched.
“Oh, please,” he rolled his eyes, “You might as well have spelt it out for me in bold when I kidnapped you.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” you stood your ground.
Jason closed the distance, until both of your fronts were just an inch apart. Your stomach did a flip, your heart beating faster at the movement, almost jumping out of throat.
You gulped subconsciously.
“I’ve heard you moan,” he drawled, “I saw your pupils dilate, and the way you licked your lips when my crotch was right in front of you. You looked hungry.”
It was like you were frozen, yet heat started to pool at your centre as you remembered that the man in front of you was the famous cold-blooded criminal that you’ve been thinking about non-stop ever since your first encounter.
He gripped you by the hips and pulled you closer to grind his front against yours. You squeaked at the sudden movement, but gasped when you felt his cock half hard against you.
You were so close, you had to crane your neck up painfully to see him. He was so much taller than you, his head bowed down, your lips only inches from each other, panting hard before anything had even started.
His smell were clearer than ever, you knew that he smelled like leather because of his alter ego. You could also smell the lingering fabric softener that he must have used on his laundry, which gave you an almost comical picture of him in his Red Hood costume trying to figure out how the washing machine worked. And the gunpowder. You breathed him in, thinking the last one suited him the most, the combination of it and his musky cologne complimenting each other.
The pull you felt towards him- the lust, the want, the craving, hell the fucking sparks- you didn’t feel all of that when you kissed the first time, or the second.
You only felt it now, when you knew that he was Red Hood, that he was Jason Peter Todd- the Robin you never met.
The Robin who died.
The Robin who hated you.
He took his hand and cupped your cheek, surprisingly gentle with his touch. That is, until he closed the gap and kissed you hard, almost forceful with his nips and licks. It was hard for you to keep up with him because he kissed you like he was so deprived, like he needed to.
For some reason, you could really taste him now. He tasted like a mix of dark bitter chocolate and smoke and whiskey and coke.
You let out a soft involuntary moan when he pried his tongue into your mouth, and rubbed his hands up and down your waist, to your back, squeezing your ass and coming back to your hips. Without breaking the kiss, he started walking and guiding you towards the exit door to the stairwell, his grip on you preventing you from stumbling.
He pushed you against the wall bordering on violently, consequently knocking the breath out of you from shock more than anything, and took a step back.
He observed you, his hooded eyes raking your body. His lips were plump and glistening, his gaze piercingly intense.
You could only imagine what you looked like to him. Pupils blown, lips swollen, face flushed.
“Hmm,” he tilted his head as his stare wandered across your body, “Was this get up supposed to have changed my perspective of you? To see you as a sweet, innocent girl? You thought I wouldn’t hurt you if you looked like a good girl?”
You gulped, not knowing how to answer his accurate guess.
“Quite the opposite, princess,” he growled, “Your innocence was what attracted me in the first place. And now that I know what’s underneath all that fucking pink- that you beat a guy half to death. Well, that turns me on even more.”
He stalked towards you in a predatory way, making your breath hitch. He looked like he was going to devour you, and you would be lying if you said it didn’t scare you despite your panties getting moist.
“Plus,” he added, “I like corrupting good girls. Making them dirty. Not that you aren’t already.”
He reached around your head and grabbed a fistful of your hair, pulling your head sideways so he could attack your neck. His other hand roamed your body, squeezing your breasts, eliciting another moan from you.
Then, you felt his hand snake up the side of your thigh, bunching up your skirt along the way, creeping further and further towards your center.
“Jason,” you gasped.
“I know you want this,” he whispered into the crook of your neck, not stopping his hand. “Don’t you?”
He pressed onto your covered clit gently, making you whine at the relief, your hands now flat against the wall behind you. He then pulled down your panties swiftly, goosebumps appearing wherever he touched. Even though you were still wearing your skirt, you still felt bare and exposed, partly due to the unfamiliar feeling of wind brushing up and caressing your naked pussy.
You moaned yet again when he sucked onto the skin of your neck. You knew he was going to leave bruises and marks, but you were too dizzy in heat and lust to care.
He slipped a finger in between your folds and started to lightly stroke up and down, always avoiding touching the spot you really wanted him to touch.
“Fuck,” he chuckled, “You’re dripping, and I haven’t even done anything yet.”
He straightened and looked at you in the eye. “I knew you weren’t the sweet girl you pretend to be,” he stated, and without warning, started to rub your clit at an intense pace.
“Jason,” you whimpered, your hands flying from the wall to grip his shirt tight, loving the foreign feeling of someone else touching you.
”You like that, baby girl?” he panted hot breaths on your skin.
“Please don’t stop,” you breathed, heat and electricity pulsating from your center to your toes.
“Don’t tell me what to do,” he grumbled, stopping his movements altogether.
You let out a disappointed groan.
But before you could say anything, you felt a finger prod at your opening. Slowly, he inserted his finger, drawing a long sigh from you.
“Mmm,” he purred, “So tight and warm.”
You felt that amazing full feeling you felt when he did the same all those weeks ago while you were tied to the chair. Except now, he wasn’t just teasing anymore.
He started to curl his fingers upwards, pressing the spot he did previously, when he fingered you for the first time, but only more intensely just like the way he rubbed your clit and the way he sucked on your skin. It was like he was trying to attack you with a barrage of sensations.
“Fuck!” you cried, throwing your arms shamelessly around his neck for support, “I-is- is that my-”
“You mean you’ve never touched yourself here before? Not even after I touched it for you?” you felt him smile against your neck, increasing the pace, making you moan wantonly. “This is your g-spot, sweetheart.”
Right, your g-spot. You've heard of this biological mystery before- the girls were talking about it in the locker room. And you got even more curious after that particular session with Red Hood. But even when you did start touching yourself regularly, the easiest way was to only stimulate your clitoris, and you felt that was enough for you.
Mainly because Mother would scream even louder if you attempted to insert a finger, pretending it was Red Hood’s.
You whimpered into his neck, one of your thighs hitching higher and higher all the way to hook around his waist and give him more access. Immediately, he grabbed your leg from behind your knee and supported you.
“We gotta get you a bit more ready for me, baby girl,” he announced before slowly inserting a second finger, earning a shiver from you.
With two fingers inside, you felt the wonderful stretch for the first time. You mewled at all the new and pleasurable heat you felt.
“Fuck, how bad have you wanted this, sweetheart?” he whispered into your ear, “Because your slick is dripping down my hand right now.”
You turned away and pursed your lips.
“Answer me,” he nipped your earlobe, “Or I’ll stop.”
“No,” you whined, not caring about shame or dignity or principles anymore, “Please.”
“Then answer me like a good girl, princess,” he breathed, “Be a good girl for me. How bad have you wanted this?”
“Bad,” you choked, “So bad, Jason.”
“With Jason, or Red Hood?” he asked, not stopping his deft fingers.
“B-both,” you stuttered.
“For how long?”
“Since the- the night of the bank robbery-” you struggled to form your sentence, “-when you- t-touched me.”
“So you wanted Red Hood first before Jason?” he pulled back, looking at you wide-eyed and surprised.
You bit your lip and nodded.
He smiled wide, and then chuckled, simultaneously withdrawing his fingers from you.
You pouted at the loss, to which he replied, “Don’t look at me like that, baby.”
He pulled you in for another breathtaking, dizzying kiss. You let your leg fall back down to stabilize yourself. He untucked your collared shirt and snaked both his hands underneath. You shuddered when you felt his heat on your skin as he bunched up your top and sweater, pushing up your bra to reveal your breasts.
He played and squeezed them, pinching a nipple here and there, causing you to take in sharp breaths. He wrapped his other arm around you and descended downwards to give attention to your ass at the same time.
“I can’t decide which I like more,” he grumbled.
Suddenly, he pushed you back against the wall even harder, and hooked the same leg around his waist sharply. You felt him fumble around with his zipper, your anticipation now killing you.
Finally, he looked at you straight in the eye, his eyebrows knitted together, his lips slightly apart.
“I don’t care about you, so I’m not going to go slow, you hear me?” he warned.
You gulped, and nodded.
“I’m just going to take what I want,” he continued, “You wanted to make me the bad guy so much, so here I am. I’m going to be the fucking villain.
Your eyes fluttered shut when you felt him rub his tip up and down your pussy lips. You were slightly disappointed that you couldn’t see what he looked like from that angle.
“And once I start, I’m not going to stop either,” he growled, “You’re going to deal with the pain, like you always do. Like he taught you to.”
“Please don’t talk about him right now,” you groaned, forcing yourself to push away the guilt. What would Bruce think of this?
“Fine,” he smirked, prodding the head of his cock at your entrance, “You ready, sweetheart?”
“Ye- AH!” you screamed loudly for the first time that night, because he immediately thrust himself into you, tearing through you, stretching you further than just two fucking fingers.
It was painful. Very painful. You could feel the sting. But then you felt his thumb rubbing your clit intensely, mixing the pain with pleasure, and fuck.
You liked the combination.
“Shit,” he rasped as he fucked into you wildly, “Shit, you feel so good, baby girl.”
“Jay,” you trembled, feeling the way his cock filled you up, feeling the way your pussy pulled it in, the way your walls clung onto his shaft with every violent drag.
“Hold onto me,” he commanded, and you automatically obeyed, your arms going around his neck. He hooked your other leg around his waist and gripped your hips, so that you were now off the ground and against the wall.
“Jay, Jay, Jay,” you chanted as your mind went fuzzy, your eyes watery from the fiery way he fucked you, hitting your spot again and again with the head of his cock. You were breathless, you couldn’t tell if it was reality or a dream.
He was loud. You could hear his whines, and moans, and grunts.
Hell if that didn’t turn you on even more.
“Fuck, the way your tits bounce, fuck,” he husked, his lips brushing against yours.
Indeed, you could feel your breasts heave and move with the motion, and you could hear the vulgar sound of skin slapping against skin, the wet slick sounds you assumed was your pussy being drilled by his dick.
“So wet and good for me, princess,” he muttered, “So good, taking my cock so well.”
His tongue forced his way inside your mouth again, finding yours. He started sucking on your tongue as he pounded you against the wall, muffling your cries. You weren’t going to last very long. You could feel it.
The tightening of your stomach, the heat spreading from your core to your chest and your toes and the tips of your fingers, your consciousness gradually disappearing as you felt increasingly light-headed.
“I can feel you, baby,” he breathed, “You wanna cum, sweetheart?”
“Jason,” you let out a soft sigh, unable to say anything other than his name.
“Me too, baby girl, me too,” he said in stuttered breaths as his thrusts became even faster but sloppier. He started rubbing on your clit again.
The moment he did, you snapped. You felt the shattering, most intense feeling of pleasure overcome all your senses, whiting you out from reality for those few moments of your high.
“Fuck!” you heard him swear distantly as you came back down. He pulled out quickly from you, making you wince at the slight soreness, and then you felt hot pulsations on your lower stomach as he groaned and grunted his release.
He slumped against you, trapping you between the wall as you released his middle from your legs. The moment you tried to stand up, your legs gave up, causing you to wobble and fall. Jason caught you before you reached the floor, and then gently set you down.
You leaned your head back on the wall and closed your eyes. Your legs still spread wide, hoping the cool air could relieve you of the sudden soreness you felt between your legs.
“You’re bleeding,” you heard him choke.
You opened your eyes to see him look at you with an odd expression- like he was confused and trying to decide something important.
“I’m fine,” you said, “Would it be too much to ask you to pass me my handbag? I’ve got tissues inside.”
You watched as he zipped himself up and walked a couple of feet away from you to take your bag. But instead of tossing it to you like you expected him to, he went through it, found the tissue, and then walked over to you and kneeled down.
With wide eyes, your eyes followed him as he took out a sheet and wipe you gently between your legs, the inside of your thighs, and your stomach. He tossed the tissue to the side. You briefly caught the bright red on the white. He took out another sheet and then cleaned you once more.
Once he was done, he found your panties and held them out to you, not meeting your eye. You graciously took it and slipped it back on, not missing the way his cheeks were slightly red.
You tried standing up again.
You were a little wobbly, but you managed.
He was now a few feet away from you, watching you from the corner of his eye.
The silence was awkwardly deafening. You just stood there, blushing, holding your own arms.
“Fuck it.”
He walked to you, and before you knew it, he pulled you in his arms for a…
He forced your head to rest on his hard chest, as his other hand wrapped around you tight. The warmth you felt was surprising, but comforting, especially after losing your virginity in such an unconventional way.
“Don’t get used to this,” grumbled into your hair, “I’m not your fucking boyfriend.”
You could only silently nod as you tried to hide your smile.
The moment was short lived, because you remembered again how you got there.
“Jason?” you whispered.
“What?” he answered harshly.
“I hated you, you know,” you admitted, “Not Red Hood, not Jason Haywood. But you. Jason Todd.”
He let you go, and looked at you with an angry confused look.
You guessed that was how he was going to look at you from then on. Angry confusion. Angry stares. Angry smile. If that was even possible.
“It was just a deep, dark part of me, of course. I also did wish I got to know you. The Robin that died,” you said bitterly, “Every time someone brought you up, they’d look so fucking sad. Not that I could tell anyone that, of course. Because that would make me a Grade A bitch. But you know what? I hated you. I always wondered if Bruce adopted me just to fill in the hole that you left. And every time I did something right, I’d would think everyone around me is saying ‘Oh look at her. She’s finally catching up to Jason.’ And fuck, when I did something wrong, then it’d be ‘Jason would never have fucked up like that’.”
You looked at him with all the bitter resentment you’ve been harboring for years.
“I hated you, and I hated every time someone brought you up,” you continued, “Like, God, get over it, you know? He’s dead.”
You were slightly taken aback at how he was still silent, listening, and waiting for you to finish.
“But you’re not dead,” you sighed, “You’re here, alive. And I don’t know why I’m not telling Bruce about this. I hate you, so fucking much for making me feel this way.”
He stared at you with knitted brows, and then started chuckling, making you frown.
“Oh man,” he laughed, “I’ve never seen anyone look at me with so much hatred before. I mean, sure some of my men do hate me, but it was always mixed with fear. But you? Baby girl, you make me so fucking proud.”
He changed back into his arrogant self.
“Join me,” he cockily said.
“W-what?” you sputtered.
“Come on. I know you. The deep, dark part of yourself,” he used your own words, “The one who hated her father’s dead son, the one who put a guy into a coma without stopping to think of his family, the one who let me fuck you the way I did.”
He grinned as you remained silently frowning.
“Just one night,” he tried, “Just to show you my world, and what I do. I know you’re curious.”
He was right, you have always been curious as to what was happening on his side. The crazies, the bad guys, the deplorable.
Lately more than ever, with the exponential decrease in certain criminal activities.
“You know,” he continued, “Whenever you feel like you’re tired of being his sidekick, I’d gladly take you up as a partner.”
You chewed on your lip, heavily considering his offer.
“I’ll think about it,” you finally said, and turned away from him, “I’m going back.”
You were tired.
And sore.
“You know where to reach me.”
Jason watched you as you climbed back down the fire escape, putting up his casual front until he knew you were gone. He grit his teeth when he saw you cross the street back to the park, your gait slightly different.
He walked over to the wall where he fucked you animalistically wild.
“FUCK!” he roared, and punched the wall, feeling the pain reverberate down to his shoulder.
Why did he do that? Why did he do it the way he did?
He felt his chest tighten, his breaths quick and sharp.
His eyes were stinging with tears.
Why did he hug you? He didn’t care. He was not supposed to care.
Why did he feel like a fucking monster?
Finally, after so long of trying to hold back, he broke down.
He punched the wall again, and again, until he crumpled down to his knees, his sobs almost choking him.
He ran his fingers through his hair and pulled, screaming loud at how much he fucking hated himself.
He hated you, so much.
No, he didn’t.
Yes, he did.
“SHUT UP!” he yelled, “Shut up, shut up, shut up.”
He was nothing more than a pathetic, slobbering mess. No wonder Bruce had replaced him with you.
No, it was Bruce’s fault. Bruce never loved him. Bruce doesn’t love you. He just uses people and then throw them away.
He couldn’t breathe.
“Please,” he whimpered, “I want to die.”
No, he didn’t.
He still had a job to do, he still had his goals to reach. He’s been working so hard and he got to this point already. He had control of the underground and control over you.
So why didn’t he feel like a winner?
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