#some sort of creepy music was playing in the background. like i'm thinking 'get happy' by barbra streisand perhaps ahahhh
mad-hunts · 1 month
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fivefriedtofu · 2 years
↳ ❝ ahoy there! ❞ | #thoma headcanons ; normal + modern au.
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thoma w/ chubby cheeks? his fav petnames?? simp rambling??? & more!
ft. gn reader, the kamisato siblings, +1 bonus childe.
cw: none! completely sfw. only cringe romantic scenerios & maybe lots of mentions of kisses because i'm in love w/ him.
♡. edit: the link to the tiktok i added to the last headcanon (normal au) got deleted oh my god 😭
an: thoma go brrr. had to squeeze my brain like a powdered orange just so i could make this coherent enough to post.
i also wanna apologize if i've written some things that are suspiciously familiar to other works before. i only just noticed. i swear i don't know how it happens!! i've just never had an original thought i think _( ༎ຶ⌑༎ຶゝ∠)_ please forgive my sins.
pics: 🐶 🍡 🌿 (fun fact: the shiba's name is marutaro!!)
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we are married.
please consider... thoma with chubby cheeks.
irresistibly cute and soft.
ge ntly h olds... 🤲
the grannies at the market like to pull on them from time to time whenever he goes for groceries.
by the end of those days, he'd come home whining with aching cheeks.
"whining" i.e asking you for healing kisses? 🥺👉👈
he does not know how to swear.
thoma: "gee wilikers...", "oh to heck with it!", "gosh diddly darn it!"
ayato, tears in his eyes: pls,,, ju,,st say fuck,,
"he's a grown man with a job and pays taxes" ok maybe he does and just chooses not to BUT listen—
he says bejeebers in one of his voicelines 😭😭😭.
a cheesy romantic, the type to greet you with hand kisses. however ☝️👀
turn the tables and kiss his hands and he'll be reduced to mush.
secretly it's actually one of his favorite places for smooches. such hardworking hands, they deserve all the loving, don't they?
speaking of favorites, his favorite nicknames!
pretty boy, my prince, handsome — casually, politely, LOVINGLY he will pass away.
to be fair, he's a sucker for any sort of praise you give him but something about being called those just makes him feel so special.
he makes me feel so soft and happy, he's like the song 'cloud 9' but personified.
this goes with any genshin character, but i'm a thoma simp. just,,, p,, please just imagine.
let me tell you, as a short person, i started screaming. rolled around my bed even, clutched my phone to my chest. at this age of mine. absolutely no shame, embarrassing ✋.
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modern! thoma would probably enjoy the waitress musical.
his fav songs are 'what baking can do' and 'you matter to me.'
cried the first time he listened to the latter. cried again the next time he listened to it. they... were emotional days 😔.
enjoys musicals in general.
thoma/kamisato siblings theater kids canon i'm the left shoe of one of hyv's soundtrack artists.
he likes listening to them whenever he does chores and ends up singing along when he gets really into it.
doesn't really have the best singing voice, but he doesn't care. all that matters is that he's having fun 💪 king mentality.
and if you, as his s/o, decide to sing along with him ESPECIALLY IF IT'S A LOVE SONG DUET— shee, he just might propose to you then and there.
idk why but i feel like he'd be a swiftie. loves almost every one of her songs but lives for her 2010 era songs. gets so hyped for sparks fly.
his favorite animal crossing character is goldie and i will die on that.
i think he'd be a horror fan. specifically for spooky folklores and cryptids.
(based on that one voiceline of his - thoma's hobbies. also occasionally, he'll utter 'spooky stories...' if he's in your teapot.)
his youtube feed reccomends stuff like 'creepy urban legends from around the world' or 'inazuma's terrifying monster stories.'
when he's not in the mood to listen to music, he lets those vids play in the background instead.
thoma just vibing in his apron and cleaning gloves, waxing and polishing the floor with earphones in, listening to horror podcasts.
he is ANNOYING if he ever gets in a playful mood before going to bed.
both of you could just be peacefully cuddling, innocently talking about whatever until you fall asleep when he'll suddenly bring up a scary story he just learned. and as a result, ends up scaring you a bit.
too creeped to sleep now, you give his chest a soft smack, whining his name.
but then he just laughs! 😡 he's quick to apologize, but he's still laughing!!
as if pulling you in closer against himself, burying your face in his neck, and nuzzling into you will easily let that slide — nah, scoot away from his mean ass. ignore how he whines for you to come back.
he rolls across the bed and follows you. immediately wraps himself around you once he reaches where you placed yourself by the edge.
"noo, 'm sorry." he mumbles, lips brushing against your skin, you could feel him smile. "i'm sorry."
he sighs then plants a kiss against your temple. "here. this way no monsters will get you."
like an inconvenienced cat, you huff, burying your face into his chest. "cringe."
you turn back up and quickly press a kiss on his collarbone, before shoving your face back to where it hid.
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ok but on the topic of the waitress musical, 'never ever getting rid of me' gives me huge childe vibes.
sorry if this ain't much, i'm fighting demons (ง。•╭╮•。)ง​ plus school just started.
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patrickbaeddman · 2 months
went to a show for the first time since neutral milk hotel in 2014. so it's literally been 10 years, not counting places where bands were playing in the background or that i was dragged to and didn't care about or like, raves. it was very interesting, i learned a lot. some observations
it's not that loud. my speakers at home can almost get that loud. i was right next to the speakers, too. i was also right next to some girls. the girls were way louder than the bands. girls can scream really loud, huh? so powerful.
it's a losing game to try to dance to shoegaze, but, other people clearly don't care about the drums as much as i do. they literally don't dance to the drums. i thought that's what sort of set the pace and style of dancing
i guess, unless it's very interesting in some other way, i need music to be kinda fast to enjoy it live. this was like normal alternative rock music and i was trying to dance and the fact that literally nothing happens musically was really messing me up. it's interesting that most normal alt rock sort of pauses the music part to allow us to hear someone singing lyrics written in the 1,000 most common english words. i don't usually listen to this sort of thing so it was sort of extraordinary to hear it.
girls love music. there were like a million hot girls there and it wasn't even like a girly band, i was under the impression it was an internet band for internet boys. and they weren't just with their boyfriends, they were with other girls. or alone. or lesbians. inspiring
kids love music. there were a bunch of teenagers there, i'm pretty sure. two people behind me looked like, 14. they acted 14 also. they seemed confused and were constantly asking each other about why things were the way they were. 'why are there people like, right up front...' one said weakly. i almost answered some of their questions, but i decided to just keep listening in
you have to go early if you want merch or to be in the pit or to see the band. i basically knew this but it's good to confirm. also how you open up a pit at this kind of show is a mystery to me but if i was in there i definitely would have moshed
i mostly focused on spying on other people, not the bands. one group of girls next to me were so excited for these middle aged rock men, it sort of filled me with awe. they were screaming and everything. for normal alt rock men. i think that's beautiful. another pair of friends were talking about being autistic and how they were bored and should have brought stim toys. hot girls. hot girls were talking like this. i may need to go out more often
i did try flirting with some girls by getting in the merch line and then offering them my spot since i didn't want merch. i was going to do this to the hottest girls that walked past, but then i realized i would defintiely have to tap them on the shoulder to get their attention, so i decided to give it to the hottest trans girls that walked past, so as not to cause an international incident. indeed, the pair of trans girls i picked needed to be shoulder tapped to get them to talk to me, and they did not seem happy about it. i think they didn't realize i was trans, i must have just looked like a creepy gynecomastia band guy. i did wear a band t-shirt and cargo pants and boots. the type of girls i want to flirt with and hang out with would be nice to creepy guys, anyway, though, so i chose wrong. nevertheless, i told them they were beautiful, which was true, and left to go up to the stage.
something extraordinary happened towards the end of the show. everyone was filming with their phones, and as you know, the most notable things tend to happen at the end of shows. like, songs everyone's excited about, or whatever. the finale. so, when the band began playing a certain song, everyone got out their phones, held them up high, and began filming. of course, i was surrounded entirely by women. who all simultaneously lifted their arms... perfume and deodorant can't cover up all body odor after one has been dancing (or, at least, standing sweatily) for more than an hour. i smelled something incredible. it might have been all worth it for this.
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aquariusshadow · 2 years
Live!Blogging Legacies s4x10
It's been so long...Legacies how I've missed you.
Gimme that Hizzie goodness. I'm finally here and I'm finally ready.
....new character?
im sorry the background music in the opening scene just reminds me of harry potter music ahaha
how ive missed you
yesss cleo, jed, MG super squad trio
"i do not consider ethan a friend anymore"
gdi my methan heart
yall i wasnt prepared for that
look at jed sticking up for cleo
i do really like their friendship
limbo squad
i forgot about them
"dead. ted" hehe
oh good christ what the hell is that
oh i just remembered
this is aurora in hope's body, right?
i still dunno how i feel about the body-switching storyline tbh
lizzie bby
oh great is this another therapy box thing?
oooooooo the keys have my attenion
did...did she just ignore the rest of the keys to look at lizzie's?
"two bros, sittin five feet apart in a barrier spell cuz theyre not gay"
okay im already really vibing with this dynamic
idk sometimes theres just that natural chemistry that's just there
and it's pretty evident with ben/jed so far
aw noooooooo poor ashur
ah yes lets bring the young college students into the supernatural clusterfuck
well that was fast
she just
went for it
im really getting some caroline vibes when she first became a vampire
thats pretty neat
okay the song playing with hope and the keys is really cool
look at lizzie showing off her fangs to hope ahahaha
god i adore the heretic!lizzie and tribid!hope dynamic rn
okay this is actually kind of an intersting back story of some of the monsters origins
look at jed sticking up for ben
is she
is she sired to hope
oh god this better not turn into a delena thing
i really hated the sirebond plotline in tvd ahaha
still wtf is that monster even supposed to be
i cant get past the fangs
......hope and lizzie's keys are each other's names
_*the bibrid to your tribrid*_ lmfao
okay this sire bond dynamic is already so much better than delena's
lizzies actively trying to refuse
and her commentary constantly calling it out
jed and cleos hi-five/fist bump ahahaha
oh the creepy creature is now a pet....
im not sure how i'm feelin about jen tbh
oooooooooo he's prometheus
duh okay
i probably shouldve caught onto that alot earlier
"I've come to like Ben. It's simple, like Jed. And I've come to like simple things."
"Well, buddy, I'm your guy"
i cant go through this again
look at them look at each other
is mg gonna forgive ethan
i shouldnt have laughed when mg failed to hug lizzie
okay see this exactly is why i dont like mizzie
"If there's one thing I've always been able to do, is manipulate Milton Greasley"
i'm supposed to root for that???
i just
its such an off dynamic
theres nothing really mutual between these two
yes i've actively ignored the limbo scenes
no i dont care about them
except for landon
Alright this episode was pretty strong overall! I'm vibing with Ben/Prometheus as a new character plus I adore his dynamic with Jed. Heretic!Lizzie is pretty much what I was expecting and I'm very happy about it.
The sire bond thing did make me nervous at first but there seems to be a strong self-awareness with what having that bond means for Lizzie as she tries to constantly push some sort of autonomy over herself and make it clear every chance she gets as to what she actually wants/doesn't want--feels/doesn't feel. Plus her dynamic with Hope still feels very balanced so I'm super curious to see more of these two now that Lizzie is a heretic.
I forgot a bit about the previous episode before the break and I think it shows in my commentary but I still seemed to follow along the plot fairly well.
I...I really like Hizzie now ehehe. Hello Hizzie fandom, I'm here to stay.
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Season Two Episode Four
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A 1918 timestamp ushers us into one of Downton’s more slow moving episodes where three parts painful banality has been mixed with one part life-or-death peril.
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Providing more interesting political and cultural conflict than WW1 (at least at Downton) is Isobel’s ongoing grating at Cora’s very soul. Cora has had the temerity to ensure that the staff don’t collapse on their feet and has done something with the linen that I can’t quite fathom which, of course, Isobel takes as a slight upon her medical knowledge. Isobel makes the fatal error of calling Cora’s bluff threatening to ‘seek some other place’ if she is not appreciated at Downton. Major Clarkson also takes sides with Cora and Isobel now has no choice but to throw herself and her messiah complex upon the Red Cross in Northern France. I am sure they will be thrilled. 
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With Isobel’s departure, Moseley and Mrs Bird find themselves at a loss having deep cleaned the house and moaned about their employer’s eating habits. Turns out that one thing they forgot to do was deploy any semblance of a security system as a random man with a drama school limp wanders into the house looking for food. In a manner that would make the current Conservative front bench recoil with horror, Mrs Bird starts up a soup kitchen out of her own (presumably rather small) pocket. In her latest attempt to not do her job, Mrs Patmore drags Daisy out for some fresh air and in the process uncovers this particular bit of well meaning but financially unsustainable charity. Mrs Patmore scales up the operation, creating a “special storage area” to squirrel away surplus from the army’s stock, which O’Brien conveniently overhears (but to be honest, it’s not that much of a coincidence. I imagine most of the kitchen heard it considering that Mrs Patmore practically yelled it). In an effort to try and inject a bit of actual drama into this episode, O’Brien reports this to Mrs Hughes but (un)fortunately, Mrs Hughes could not care less. But after watching the world’s most appalling secret handover of goods in the village, O’Brien rallies and this time is successful in bringing Cora to the nefariously compassionate Bird-Patmore coalition. To absolutely everyone’s surprise (viewers included) Cora orders food to be taken from the house stock rather than army and with all the over-confidence of a consultant sets about re-arranging tables and streamlining the workflow. 
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Feeling much less charitable than Mrs Bird, Moseley heads to the Abbey and attempts to make himself indispensable and reach the dizzying heights of ‘Valet to the Earl of Grantham’. But not long after the peels of laughter that such a notion invites have died down, Bates returns and takes Mr Molesley’s shoehorn which one can’t help but think is emblematic of something. The return of Mr Bates is, naturally, a painfully protracted process that involves key protagonists not talking to each other, Thomas smoking on a wall, and the obligatory invocation of Kamal Pamuk. Robert invites Bates back to help him through the ‘veil of shadow’ and as such I was intrigued to learn that he is a World of Warcraft devotee. Bates reappearance downstairs also allows for the return of two other key Downton Abbey tropes: Anna and (John)Bates having a heart to heart under the cover of darkness, and Thomas and O’Brien’s irrational loathing/scapegoating of Britain’s most infuriatingly lovelorn character (outside of Thomas Thorne) to resume with aplomb. 
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Less happy to be within the confines of the Abbey is Edith who continues to signal that all of this is really a bit beneath her (certain elements quite literally). Ever the teacher’s pet, Mr Molesley reports the sighting of an Officer by the maid’s staircase to Mrs Hughes who hears that there have been lots of rumours on the timeline tonight and comes out to say that she does not live in a sack. Unfortunately, Major Bryant does not live in one but definitely frequents one and, as such, it is of course Ethel is dismissed. As she rapidly packs all her belongings, Anna pleas to Mrs Hughes on her behalf confirming that she is indeed the friend we all want but probably don’t deserve. But Mrs Hughes can’t get rid of her that easily as Edith (and passenger) skulk back to liven up the end of the episode with news of an oncoming baby *Eastenders drums intensify*. 
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Talking of undeserving relationships, Sybil and Branson receive more air-time than usual, providing the latter the opportunity to demonstrate that at times he really can be a muppet. And a slightly malevolent one at that. Sybil is firmly under the cosh this week with Violet making thinly veiled references to inappropriate alliances and Mary asking probing questions whilst she tries to get on with her job. Mary thinks that she has spotted her sister and Branson having some kind of romantic exchange but in reality, all that she has seen from afar is Branson telling Sybil that she is in love with him which when you think about it, is all kinds of awful and hardly the basis for a healthy relationship. After a long walk through the grounds where I am half expecting Branson to appear on a horse Willoughby-style, Sybil eventually caves and confesses to Mary that she doesn’t know if she likes Branson despite his eminently creepy voice over. Sybil then relays her sororal confidence and rather than taking this as an opportunity to ingratiate himself, Branson for whatever reason attempts to coerce Sybil into a relationship but not before he belittles her job. Sybil looks rightfully outraged as some equally emotionally manipulative strings wail in the background in an attempt to try and make us think that anything that has just happened was evenly slightly dreamy. 
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Threaded through this glacially paced episode has been the looming threat of a both a concert and the death of Matthew and (to a much lesser extent because that is how class works) William. In an effort to break the monotony of walking around the exact same bit of French trench (see previous re-caps for further details), William and Matthew take to wandering across some largely unadulterated land and into the path of some nonchalant Germans. Daisy’s lack of (presumably fawning) letters from William starts off a chain of enquiry which confirms that the War Office has declared Matthew and William missing enabling Mary to once again deploy her signature move: weeping into her gloves. But only one hand this time because she needs to keep a bit of composure for the show must go on! Apparently. Following some abysmal piano playing (I grew up in an appallingly musical household and we all had to endure the torture of other people at the early stages of learning an instrument. It was of course blissful when we got good but, heck, I was thrown straight back to the horror of it all with that ‘accompaniment’ and had an odd sort of stress response which I won’t describe here), Mary and Edith do a rendition of If You Were the Only Girl (In the World) as everyone looks on stony-faced before participating in the millenia’s most morose sing-a-long. With a very good sense of drama, Matthew and (to a much lesser extent) William make their return. Matthew takes his place at Mary’s side and joins in the signing to what is now presumably quite a bewildered audience. Ah, Downton. 
Romantic declaration of the moment 
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Violet raises reasonable concerns about Richard Carlisle but Mary is more interested in expanding her real estate portfolio and agrees to throw her lot in with a fiscal agreement disguised as a marriage. Upon his ‘miraculous’ return, Matthew gives the union his blessing on the condition that Richard remains deserving. Not that he ever really was. But the sentiment is what matters here and what is more loving* than putting another’s presumed happiness before your own.
*there are actually a lot of other more loving things but in the interest of formatting, we’re going to sweep those under a very large rug for now. 
Expressive eyebrow of the week 
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Rather than training as a nurse or being actually pretty useful in a convalescent home, Mary’s contribution to the war effort is being amicable with Edith. Violet declares that she has now “seen everything” as the spirit of Mrs Adelman moves on. 
Wait, what? 
“I wish we had a man” Presented without comment 
“If I am not appreciated here, I will seek some other place” Yes. PLEASE. 
“What must he do to persuade you he is in love with Lavinia? Open his chest and carve her name on his heart” No, Mary. Matthew merely needs to carve her name with a compass on his forehead to prove that… 
“I hate the word ‘missing’. It leaves so much room for optimism.” Robert is a bit emotionally weird isn’t he? 
“We haven't kissed or anything. I don't think we've shaken hands. I'm not even sure if I like him like that. He says I do, but I'm still not sure.” And lo, another red flag is raised. But because Branson is Downton’s version of a Bolshevik, both Mary and Sybil view this not as a warning about the boy’s behaviour but rather a symbol of his political leanings and such signals are duly ignored.
“He always seems a romantic figure to me” Daisy Robinson writes fanfic. Pass it on. 
“Sometimes in war, one can make friendships that aren't quite…appropriate. And can be awkward, you know, later on. I mean, we've all done it.” Once again, Violet, tell us more! 
Bates says that he has returned to “Downton at war” which sounds like a lucrative exhibition name if I ever did hear one. 
Despite Mary’s most valiant efforts, no musical performance had ever gone out to such an impassive audience until Rosalind came along 
Matthew of course is used to a much better quality sing-, sorry, song-a-long 
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