#some yumiyari in there
You got any shippy headcanons? Not any specific ship, just any ship or ships you feel like rambling about!
...Do you know what you have done? The power I now hold -
Ship Headcanons (FGO)
Fsn Cú and EMIYA just? Compliment each other so well??
(Plus I'm pretty sure one of the writers said that they were compliments on purpose so - )
When they both get summoned to Chaldea, they just take one look at each other and go "are you serious??"
Proto Cú is the mediator between the two of them in the beginning, since he's friends with EMIYA and he's a part of the Cú Squad
Fsn Cú and EMIYA only start to interact more after EMIYA finds out Fsn Cú is the one challenging his place in the kitchen baking at night (@oddnub @sequel-to I'm tagging you both for this because we are now the Baking Cú Squad). He had confronted him about it, and once he got him to admit it he...just gives him tips and leaves?
And Fsn Cú is like what???
So, he (begrudgingly) listens to his advice and starts baking with fervor. It's still at odd hours of the night, but that's how he prefers it to be and wait who is that walking down the halls -
"I figured you'd be here."
"Archer." Fsn Cú says, thankful that Proto Cú had already gone to his room so he couldn't witness this trainwreck of a conversation
"Do you mind if I assist you?"
That's...not what he was expecting. Fsn Cú would've teased him a bit more if he wasn't currently doing a job meant for two or more people.
He nods. "Yeah, thanks."
EMIYA washes up, looking over his shoulder as he mixes the batter, keeping an eye on the oven timer. "What are you making?"
"Russian Teacakes." Fsn Cú explains. "Master told me that it's a tradition they have with their family, and since it's summertime I'll let them cool in the fridge."
EMIYA hums his approval, putting on his black apron. The sight is doing things to Fsn Cú's heart it really shouldn't be doing, so he turns away.
"May I add a suggestion?"
"Well, I plan to be here all night. Shoot."
"Strawberry milkshakes with the berries we picked from the garden."
Fsn Cú's eyes widen. "It's a good idea, but isn't Master allergic?"
EMIYA gives a deep, world-weary sigh. "They are adamant that they have some. They mentioned it to me in passing, but they won't tell me why."
Fsn Cú snorts. "That sounds just like them."
And so, the next half hour is filled with a comfortable silence. It hits Fsn Cú at how domestic this is, and does his face feel a little warmer?
He flicks some batter at EMIYA. "Keep up those frowns and you'll end up looking like an old man in no time."
EMIYA raises a brow, wiping the batter off his face. There's a strange gleam in his eyes as he replies, "It seems you've forgotten which one of us is the elder here, Cú Chulainn."
Fsn Cú opens his mouth to retort, but something hits his chest and cheek. He wipes it off, dumbfounded.
It's batter.
A grin forms on his face. "Oh, it's on!"
And that's how Robin and Proto Cú found them, laughing at the mess they made while three trays of Russian Teacakes sit untouched on the counter.
Speaking of Robin and Proto Cú...
(@oddnub I blame you for getting me into this ship, and yep I tagged you twice)
These two are so obviously in love that it physically hurts
Robin wants go play some cards? Proto Cú is there, along with Billy the Kid as they talk smack to each other
Proto Cú goes hunting by himself? Robin's in the trees, keeping an eye on him
(Proto Cú has no idea he's there. He just thinks that his Luck is turning around, that or some deity is watching out for him)
Robin gets teased about it by Fsn Cú
"Robin, are you alright?" Proto Cú asks him as they sit down for lunch one time.
Robin raises a brow at him, stopping mid-chew. "Uh, yeah? Why?"
Proto Cú gestures to him. "You look like you fought a bear. And lost."
Robin chokes, Fsn Cú laughing loudly across from him because he knows.
(Yes, he did indeed fight a demonic bear that was slowly circling around Proto Cú's location during his latest hunt for boars. He won, but just barely; the thing had steel plating all over despite it being a bear, so his arrows couldn't make quick work of it)
Proto Cú frets as he slams his hand into his back, thoroughly dislodging the piece of meat that was stuck in his throat. Fsn Cú is cackling, damn him, and now Cascú is chuckling because he knows too.
"Just fell out of bed weird this morning." Robin says weakly, taking a swig of water. "Didn't bother to brush up."
"Ohhh, gotcha." Proto Cú nods, and now Cascú is wheezing as Fsn Cú lays dead on the floor. "Oi, what's so funny guys?"
"Oh nothing, nothing."
Alter Cú grunts, leveling Fsn Cú and Cascú with a stare. "Don't. If they want to be idiots, let them be idiots."
Seriously, these two are so inseparable they have inside jokes
You like the idea of Baker Fsn Cú? Get ready for Gardner Robin
He doesn't tend to the vegetables, no. He grows flowers because he knows flowers make Master happy
(He also lets the child Servants make flower crowns and, on occasion, makes bouquets if he gets a request for them)
Atalanta and Achilles come every so often to help him, although Achilles is there usually because Atalanta is
Merlin just, chills there?? And sometimes gives tips to Robin???
"Hey Robin, what happened to Sapph?"
It's a nickname for Sapphire, the blue bird that's always perched on his shoulder. The two are never separated - until now, apparently.
The Archer doesn't look up from his work, watering the hyacinths. It's quiet but peaceful, which is exactly his kind of environment. "She's with Proto." He mentions offhandedly.
He misses Merlin's smirk, but the smug tone in his voice is enough to tip him off. "She doesn't like anybody except for you. Strange for her to not be by your side."
Yes, Robin can read between the lines. Sometimes, though, he wishes that he couldn't.
Now is one of those times.
"You know what? Mage of Flowers? Shut up."
Merlin laughs at his grumbling, thankfully not saying more on the matter.
Asterios comes to help him tend to the garden and Robin never turns him down
Seeing the gentle giant cup a bud in his large hands, taking care not to crush it as he pats it into the earth with a smile as he whispers "I hope...you grow into the beautiful flower that you are" is so pure that Robin's respect for him skyrockets in .01 seconds
Asterios usually gives the flowers he grows himself to Euryale, who never fails to accept them with a soft look in her eyes
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For the OTP Drabbles Ask thing. 21- Proto-Cu and Robin Hood
- And so it begins.
I hope you enjoy, @oddnub!
21. "Jinx, you owe me a coke." *Can't speak until they buy the other a soda*
Proto Cú's Luck was as abysmal as ever.
First, he woke up and fell off the bed. After untangling himself from his blankets, he padded towards Chaldea's mess hall only to accidentally bump into Gilgamesh -- yes, the one from his older self's Grail War. The Gold Archer then proceeded to mock him, pointing out his messy hair (that was hastily put into its ponytail, give him a break it's his day off - ) as well as his clumsy footing while laughing in that condescending way of his. Proto Cú hurried around him to grab a bite to eat, only to slip in the remnants of last night's Food War and fall face-first into a pile of molding cheese. Gilgamesh howled with laughter, and Proto Cú felt his cheeks burn as he stood up and went to the sink to wash his face off.
He didn't think it could get any worse than this.
Proto Cú whipped his head around to see Robin Hood wave to him, the Green Archer situating himself on one of the very few untouched seats. All the others had some form of ketchup, eggs, or relish on them (Nobu knew how to utterly vandalize a place).
"Yo..." Proto Cú sighed out, wiping his face off on a dish towel. Robin's mouth quirked in amusement at seeing the Lancer's miserable face, eyebrow raised in concern.
"You look awful. What happened?"
"Goldie happened."
"Ah." Robin tilted his head towards him in sympathy, and Proto Cú felt a wave of gratitude for the Archer. Ever since they met, they hit it off almost instantly. It was similar to how his and Emiya's friendship worked, actually; the main difference was that he apparently shared a single brain cell with Robin, considering the amount of memes they casually throw at each other.
Another thing they shared was their love of pranks. Proto Cú had waited until he felt that their friendship was on a more secure level to hide Robin's cloak (it...actually smelled pretty nice) underneath Alter's mattress. He did it with permission from the Berserker, of course; he didn't have a death wish. He then got to watch with amusement as Robin sent him a withering glare for the rest of the first day, the May King scurrying around Chaldea and asking numerous Servants if they've seen his cloak. The Archer eventually found it a week later, looking like he fought four lions to get to it and flipping Proto Cú the bird once they saw each other again.
"I won't forget this," He had declared. Proto Cú remembered waving him off, too busy wheezing as he took pictures of Robin for future blackmail to really consider the implications.
And now, he wishes that he had. Proto Cú wasn't an idiot; he'd get his due eventually from him. The questions were when, and how.
Actually... Proto Cú frowned. "What are you doing up this early? You're usually walking around in another hour or so."
"Can't a Servant change their schedule up a bit?" Robin said innocuously, and immediately warning bells were ringing in Proto Cú's head. Robin prided himself on the amount of sleep he got; while Proto Cú rose with the sun, the May King waited until it was nearly all the way up in the sky to even consider moving.
Crimson eyes narrowed. "Uh-huh."
Robin snorted in laughter at his suspicion. "Nevermind that; let's eat some breakfast!"
"Like what?" Proto Cú asked as he grabbed some dish soap and a sponge, wiping down the seat next to Robin and drying it off before sitting down.
Robin looked around, stopping his search as his eyes landed on something. "Well, we'll just ask the Red Archer himself."
Proto Cú followed Robin's line of sight to the dual-wielding Archer, who scrunched his nose up at the sight of the destroyed mess hall. The Lancer lifted his hand and waved to him, calling out. "Yo, Archer! Do you know what's for breakfast?"
"I was going to try my hand at a Western-styled dish," The Counter Guardian began, making his way over to them, "But it seems that it will have to wait until a new shipment arrives. The only thing left should be the leftovers from yesterday..."
The Red Archer stepped into the kitchen, opening the fridge and pulling out a plate of dumplings. Robin and Proto Cú stared; they knew that it was enough food to fill one Servant, not two.
Silence. Then,
"Gimme that bitch!"
"You better STOP! STOOOOP!!"
Emiya grunted as the two Servants pushed each other out of the way to reach for the plate, the taller Archer holding it over his head as they jumped for it. They were arguing all the while, and slowly he was developing a headache because of it.
"Let me at least set down the goddamn plate first or so help me I'll - "
He didn't finish. He didn't need to; Robin and Proto Cú stilled, drawing back and looking at him.
They spoke in perfect unison, seeming to sing the two words. "...You're angry."
Emiya blinked. The duo locked eyes with each other, shouting in tandem. "JINX! DOUBLE JINX!"
Robin then kicked Proto Cú's shin hard, making the blue-haired Servant double over in pain. He grabbed the plate of dumplings, Emiya letting him with a sigh as he dropped back into his seat to eat.
Proto Cú could hear the smugness in his voice. "Triple jinx. You owe me a coke."
"Son of a bitch!" Proto Cú cried out, Emiya sending him The Look as Jack and Nursery Rhyme chose that time to enter the mess hall themselves. The Lancer couldn't believe that he fell for it; Robin was known for playing dirty when it was required, and he's seen him do it numerous times to their enemies.
"You know the rules." Robin sing-songed, and Proto Cú gritted his teeth. He then mimed drinking a bottle, favoring his injured shin as he all but ran out of the room.
Emiya turned to Robin, anger forgotten as curiosity took over. "Mind explaining that?"
"He's jinxed." Robin stated matter-of-factly, taking a bite out of another dumpling and humming in content. Emiya didn't even know that he liked cold dumplings. "He can't talk until he gets me a soda. Specifically, Coca-Cola."
An ominous smile stretched across his face. "Little does he know that I've hidden all of the Coca-Cola Chaldea has in the last place he'd ever think to look."
Emiya blanched. He then paled in horror, eyes wide with disbelief. "...You didn't."
Robin cackled. "I did."
"But - That's - "
"Suicide?" Robin poked a dumpling absentmindedly. "Well...he should've thought about that before stealing my cloak and putting it in Alter's room."
"This is an entirely different manner of beast we're discussing here, Robin." Emiya stressed, resting his hands on the (thankfully clean) counter. "You know what she can do, especially considering it's him - "
"He'll be fine." Robin said, a little bit too forcefully, and Emiya could see that he was trying to reassure himself. The May King grimaced, no longer finding the situation as amusing as he had beforehand.
"...He has to be."
Goddamn smug Archer with his goddamn kicks - ! Proto Cú seethed, unable to voice his frustrations out loud as he made his way over to Da Vinci's Workshop. He couldn't believe that he fell for the oldest trick in the book; hell, he should've expected it!
He threw the door open, startling Da Vinci. The genius let out a breath, body sagging in relief.
"Oh, it's just you, Proto...I thought you were Romani for a second. What can I do for you?"
Where can I get some damn Coca-Cola? Proto Cú almost said that out loud, but he remembered Robin's smug look as he jinxed him.
He grimaced. He mimed drinking something, drawing a C in midair before Da Vinci got it.
"Oh, Coca-Cola? So Robin finally got you, didn't he?"
HE PLANNED FOR THIS?! Proto Cú wanted to scream, instead settling for throwing his hands into the air while his face contorted into some form of angered exasperation. I should've known that it was payback for the cloak...
Da Vinci giggled at his antics, looking over her work with a knowing smile. "Sorry, but I don't have any Cola here. You can wait for the new shipment to come in, if you want to; it'll come in...oh, about three months."
THAT'S THREE MONTHS TOO MANY!! Proto Cú silently groaned, burying his face in his hands. Da Vinci hummed.
"Well, try asking Romani. He's the one who keeps an eye on the shipments coming into Chaldea, and also keeps track of inventory. If anyone would know where to find some Cola, it'd be him."
Proto Cú bowed in gratitude, taking off down the hallway towards the Doctor. In his haste he almost ran over Arthur, scaring the Saber.
"Lancer! Why are you in such a rush?"
Proto Cú waved his hands around wildly, mind in disarray. Can't talk gotta go find Roman so he can tell me where the Cola is because for some reason it's gone from Da Vinci's Workshop and this is turning into some Grand Adventure -
Arthur held up a hand, making him pause. "Is this about a bet between you and Robin Hood? If it helps, I heard him in the West Wing a couple of days ago in the dead of night. I was visiting Mordred at the time, and it was late, so I was surprised to see him out and about."
The West Wing. That was where the female Servants resided, and if Robin was there, then -
Oh no. A voice, one that sounded very much like Ozpin when Hazel found him reverberated within his reference-addled mind. Robin had to have hidden the Cola as payback; that much, he was sure of.
If he was in the West Wing, then that left two options: Scáthach, or -
Don't think about the Devil lest she appear.
Proto Cú nodded his thanks, Arthur wishing him luck with a smile and a wave as he took off. He'd go to his mentor's room first; that way, if he had to die at least it'd be an honorable death. He straightened himself as he approached her door, knocking thrice.
The answer was immediate. "Come in."
Proto opened the door. His mentor sat cross-legged on her bed, braiding Fran's hair as a soft tune played in the background. The Berserker hummed along brokenly with it, a smile on her face, and Proto felt as if he was intruding on a serene moment.
Scáthach side-eyed him. "State your business."
Proto Cú inwardly sighed. Was he really prepared to embarrass himself in front of his mentor? ...It was too late to back out, anyhow. He outlined an invisible drink, spelling out C-O-L-A with his hands before stepping back and waiting for a response.
Scáthach paused in her actions, Fran continuing to hum happily. "If this is about that Green Archer, then I don't have anything of value to you. I heard him speak to Medb three days ago, though, in the dead of night."
It really was the Worst-Case-Scenario.
Proto Cú nodded his thanks, and turned to go. Scáthach stopped him, her words giving him pause.
"Good luck, my student. You know what you must do."
Aye. He thought miserably, gently closing the door behind him so as to not further disrupt the serenity. He had two options: either wait for the next shipment to come in, or to brave the horrors of Medb's room.
He didn't think he could stay mute for three months.
Robin's lucky that I'm not going to eviscerate him with my spear. Proto Cú manifested it just in case, tip toeing towards the Rider's room. Then again, this whole mess is my fault in the first place. I've learned my lesson.
He sucked in a breath and knocked.
Silence. He waited with bated breath, deciding to knock again. No response. He almost knocked a third time before noticing that the door was unlocked. Just as he was about to open it, movement out of the corner of his eye caught his attention.
A dust cloud was seen in the distance, seeming to grow larger with each passing second. A high pitched sound made itself known to him, becoming louder as he turned to face it.
...The hell?
He peered closer. It...actually looked like a person was running -
Oh shit.
Proto Cú let the fear kick his legs into overdrive, turning tail and running back the way he came. He could hear the Rider's footsteps growing closer; was she..actually catching up to him?
If you stop, you're dead. His mind helpfully supplied, making him almost let loose a string of curses. No matter how many turns he took, she was right there behind him. It was like she had a Cú Detector on hand.
I need to lose her somehow!
He was in the East Wing. Think...Think! His older Lancer counterpart yawned as he stepped out of his room, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. Perfect.
Proto Cú slapped his fellow Lancer's back as he ran by, diving behind the couch as the other stumbled. "What the - ?"
"YAYYY THERE'S ANOTHER CÚ!!" Medb's voice made the counterpart yelp and start running, leaving Proto Cú alone as he emerged from his hiding spot. He dusted himself off, sending a silent apology to his older self as he ran towards Medb's room.
It was time to end this nightmare.
He'll be fine. He has to be. Robin paced back and forth in one of the break rooms, Emiya watching him out of the corner of his eye with a knowing smirk.
"Shut up." He retorted, mentally berating himself for not telling Medb to go easy on him. This is the last time I let my anger get the best of me.
The door burst open. Robin's head whipped up to see Cú - not Proto, but the other Lancer version - throw himself into the room and slam the door shut behind him, locking it.
Crimson met steel. "Hide me."
"Pardon?" Emiya asked, confused. Cú gave him no time to respond; the Lancer moved around behind him and peeked over his shoulder, eyes trained on the door. Robin noticed his messy hair, strands sticking this way and that, and figured that the blue-haired Servant just woke up.
"A crazy bitch is after me." Cú whispered, eyes wide yet unmoving. "I don't care what I have to do to make it up to you; just hide me."
Emiya glanced down at him. To Robin's amazement, his face morphed into a strange expression for a split second before going back to its default. "There's a side room tucked away in the back right. Stay in there until I say otherwise."
"You are a lifesaver!" Cú breathed a sigh of relief as he went through the side door, shutting it softly behind him.
Robin stared at Emiya.
"Don't say it."
Robin stared.
"...It was spur of the moment."
Emiya flushed in embarrassment. "It's not - "
The doorknob jiggled.
The two Archers zeroed in on it, falling silent as it rumbled more violently. The readied themselves for a battle they'd rather not have, drawing their weapons -
The knob broke as Proto Cú burst into the room, scouring it for .4 seconds before chucking something at Robin. The Green Archer yelped as the offending object hit his head, falling into his lap innocuously and resting there.
"There's your motherfuckin' Cola." Proto Cú said in exhaustion, closing the door behind him and dropping to the ground. Emiya lowered his weapons, letting them dematerialize as he let out a puff of air to relax his suddenly tense muscles.
Robin opened the Cola, taking a sip. "You're alive." He noted.
Proto Cú bristled. "Yeah, no thanks to you! I can't believe you've done this!"
The British accent made Robin chuckle. "I know, I know. Bringing in Medb was a bit much."
"A bit? A BIT?!" As Proto Cú began his (unnecessarily long) rant, Emiya gave the two a small smile. They really did act like an old married couple, didn't they?
All's well ends well, I suppose.
-------- OMAKE! --------
Fsn Cú: ...Is it safe to come out yet?
Fsn Cú: Oi! Guys? Helloooo?
Robin: Just come out of the fucking closet already
Robin: We all know you're gay for Emiya
Fsn Cú, opening the door: Okay, thanks -
Fsn Cú:
Fsn Cú: Wait -
Fsn Cú: WHAT -
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For the OTP prompts thing, 6 Proto-Cu and Robin again? Sorry for asking again, I just really enjoy your writing.
6. "Here, take my blanket/jacket." "I'm not cold." *Shivering*
Ah, thank you!! I realized that the last prompt you asked me barely hinted at the ship at all, which I'm going to make up for here! I should really change up the POV, though...if this pairing is requested again it'll be from Robin's POV!
(Lowkey read the 6 as a 4 and started laughing at the mental image of Robin hissing at Proto Cú like a cat)
Proto Cú loved winter.
The smell of freshly fallen snow, the blanket of white across the landscape, the tiny fluffy crystals floating down towards the ground from the heavens...
He loved it all.
His other counterparts, unfortunately, shared other opinions. Cascú griped about the heat being turned up in Chaldea, which usually upset his concentration and raised his already abnormal body temperature. The layers of clothing he had on certainly weren't helping any. The other Lancer complained about the cold forcing them and their Master off of the battlefield, which meant less fights for Lancer and more time to do anything but fight. And Alter...
Proto was pretty sure that Alter hibernated.
So when Master suggested that they go see the auroras at the North Pole the night of Christmas Eve, Proto Cú was ecstatic. He was so ecstatic that he forgot to bring any extra layers with him, opting for a thin black turtleneck and relying on his own abnormal body temperature to keep him warm. Emiya, with his parental instinct, had managed to give him a pair of dark blue earmuffs to protect his ears from the biting winds before they left.
And protect they did. Proto Cú wrapped his arms around himself, glancing at the other Servants who gathered for the sights. He could see Diarmuid and Jeanne leaning against his Alter counterpart, talking quietly with smiles that refused to leave their faces. To his left was Arthur, awkwardly wedged between Gilgamesh and Ozymandias, the other kings' laughter trapping him in place.
Proto Cú winced. I kinda feel bad for the guy.
"Oi, there you ar- What are you wearing?!"
Proto Cú regretfully let go of his hold on himself to face Robin Hood, who stared incredulously at him as he made his way over.
He grinned, waving him over. Ever since the pranking incident gone wrong a couple weeks back, Robin seemed to hang out with him more often and even gave him a portion of his food for breakfast.
Sometimes, too, they'd visit Robin's forest to talk for hours on end. Proto Cú liked those moments the best; there, Robin was more open, more honest with both himself and others. Those moments always left Proto Cú wanting more, though for what he didn't know.
Robin's voice brought him back to the present. "Where's your coat?"
Proto Cú's grin turned sheepish. "I...may have left it behind."
Robin's eyes glinted, scrutinizing his face. Proto Cú's cheeks started to warm under the intense examination. Wait, what? "You got too worked up about the event, didn't you?"
Proto Cú's sudden interest in the snow made him huff in exasperation. The Lancer spared a glance his way, and was surprised to find something fond in the way he looked at him. What's wrong with me? Why am I thinking like this?
He glanced away, missing the frown that flashed across Robin's face. Before either of them could break the awkward silence, Da Vinci stepped up onto a soap box and spread their arms out wide.
"Hey, everybody! Thanks for coming out tonight! The auroras are supposed to appear any minute now, so please turn your attention upwards!"
Dozens of eyes turned towards the sky...and Proto Cú's breath was blown away.
A myriad of colors painted the sky, flowing and billowing on an unseen wind. The snow that fell into their faces was fluffy but light, allowing them to get a good look at the sight before them.
An uncontrollable grin spread across Proto Cú's face. In the background, he can hear other Servants cheering and the younger Servants playing in the snow.
Proto Cú himself laughed, the sound drowned out by the cacophony of voices that rose up in wonder. This...is what I'm fighting for. Screw Solomon's Grand Order; we don't need it.
His happy mood was interrupted by a sneeze. It was so sudden that it took himself by surprise, and it was only a few seconds afterwards that he felt how cold it was.
He shivered, rubbing his arms in an attempt to warm them up. He was starting to regret not picking a heftier sweater to wear...
Robin sighed next to him, the closeness of the sound making him jump. "You can be an idiot, sometimes. Here; take my cloak."
Proto Cú's eyes narrowed, his head turning to look at him. "What - "
He stopped when Robin moved to place himself in front of him. He was already unclasping his hood, hands quickly yet gently reclasping it around Proto Cú.
Robin refused to look at him. "Just shut up and let me work."
After a few moments Robin took a step back, satisfied with his handiwork, and Proto Cú's words died in his throat.
It was...warm. It was certainly warmer than he thought it'd be. The cloak quickly warmed him up, and he buried his nose into the fabric with a contented sigh. The fact that it smelled like pine trees, like Robin made the temporary gift all the better.
He looked up, beaming. "Hey, thanks Robin!"
Robin made a strangled noise, turning away. It was then that Proto Cú noticed how red his ears were, not to mention the dark green sweater that looked more like a coat.
"...Don't sweat it. Bathory gave me this to wear, so that was just getting in the way."
"Hey, don't say it like it's something repulsive!" Bathory seemed to appear out of thin air, making them jump.
A knowing smile stretched across her face, as teasing as it was merciless. "Ah, so this is why you ran off."
Robin gritted his teeth, turning away from her disdainfully. "As if. I'll take anything to get away from your energy."
Proto Cú blinked. He wasn't blind; Bathory's teasing, Robin's curt sentences, the stiffness in his movements. A grin threatened to break out on his face as he hugged Robin's arm, pulling him away from Bathory.
"Yup, he's mine, so go find someone else!"
Bathory stood, dumbfounded, until a laugh tore its way out of her body. "Ah, so that's it. My bad, I didn't know he was taken!"
Robin gaped.
Bathory waved them off, still laughing. "Have fun, you two!"
Proto Cú passed by his older Lancer counterpart, who looked ready to tease him when Emiya wrapped a black scarf around his neck. The Archer did it with such care that the other Lancer's words died on his tongue instantly, eyes wide and a blush spreading on his face like wildfire.
Proto Cú grinned. "Having fun with your date, older me?"
"Bite me." Fsn Cú grumbled, even as Emiya turned away with his ears burning. Proto Cú felt rather than saw Robin chuckling beside him, although it came out choppy.
Once they were a considerable distance away, Proto Cú let go. He scratched his cheek, realizing that in their escape they became separated from the partying group.
What the hell do I say now?
That got his attention. Robin usually only ever called him Proto, although now that he heard his name fall from his lips...
He wanted to hear it again.
Shaking his head to rid himself of the sudden, sappy thoughts, he faced Robin. "Yeah? What's up?"
"Did you mean it?"
Ah, that. Proto rubbed the back of his neck, suddenly feeling bashful. "Uh...yeah. You sought me out tonight, so I got dibs on you. Although, seeing your reaction was worth it in its own right..."
Robin fell silent, instead opting to watch the skies above. They stood side-by-side for about a minute or so before the May King spoke up again.
"I need to tell you something."
The seriousness in his voice made Proto Cú pause. He glanced at Robin, who stubbornly kept his gaze upwards.
"Listen...I - "
"I know."
Robin's eyes whipped towards him, mouth hanging open. "You - What...?"
Proto Cú smiled, light laughter leaving him. "I'm no dummy. I'm the Hound of Culann; I can tell when someone's pining."
Robin fell silent beside him. Proto Cú continued to talk, oblivious to the way Robin's frame shook. "Though, you hid it well. I was surprised myself; to think that the one person I was courting would end up developing feelings in tur- mmph!"
Lips, soft and gentle and warm, covered his own. Hands gripped his shoulders, preventing him from leaving. Eventually, Proto Cú melted into the kiss, hand reaching up to tilt Robin's head and get a better angle.
This was...sweet. It felt nice; it felt right. Proto Cú may have only kissed a few people in life, but by far the one he now shared with Robin was his favorite.
It was over all too soon, in his opinion. Robin pulled away first, looking smug. "If that's the only way to shut you up when you get going, then I'm gonna have a hell of a time doing this."
Proto Cú stared, dazed. Robin's eyes widened before a blush of his own erupted, causing him to hide his face in his sweater.
"Wh-What the hell are you doing, giving someone that look? I swear, you're gonna be the end of me..."
Proto Cú snapped out of it, instead chuckling as he carefully pried Robin's hands away from his face. Robin refused to look up, suddenly finding interest in the snow on the ground.
"You think I'm gonna let you go after a stunt like that?" He whispered as he drew Robin in for another kiss.
Indeed, winter was his favorite season.
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001; Fate
- And so it begins. (I haven't forgotten about the other ask you sent me, either; I finally have a plot for it and it will be up either today or tomorrow!)
001 l Give me a fandom & I will tell you my:
Favorite Character: ...*Looks at blog* ...Uhh...Cú Chulainn? All of them!
Least Favorite Character: I almost said Medb, but this question asks for my least favorite, not the one I hate. So...I'd have to say Arjuna. I feel pretty neutral about him, leaning towards like. (I'm sorry for any Arjuna fans out there; I just don't know much about him Fate-wise other than FGO!)
5 Favorite Ships: Just 5? Okay, I'd have to say Emiya x Fsn Cú, Proto Cú x Robin Hood, Mordred x Henry Jekyll (and, by extension, Hyde - I'mlooking at you for this ship @oddnub), Mordred x Fran, and actually Diarmuid x Arturia!
Character I Find Most Attractive: Cú. That's...all I'm gonna say.
Character I Would Marry: Robin Hood. As much as I love Cú and Emiya, our personalities in a marriage wouldn't mesh well.
Character I Would Be Best Friends With: Jeanne. Who can't be her friend? (Edmond Dantes that's who - )
Random Thought: If Saber Diarmuid is, in fact, a part of FGO, will we ever get a Singularity where Lancer Diarmuid is forced to confront Saber Diarmuid about his insecurities -- kinda like the New Orleans Singularity, where Jeanne had to fight Jalter?
Unpopular Opinion: All Saberfaces (Minus Mordred, Mordred's cool) are overrated.
Canon OTP: ...The only canon one I can think of is Rin x Shirou...although, Rama and his wife were cute to see in the 5th Singularity...
Non-Canon OTP: Yariyumi and/or Yumiyari. Proto Cú x Robin Hood is a close second.
Most Badass Character: There's a lot...Don't mind me panicking, I'm just gonna choose Achilles and be on my way -
Most Epic Villain: Alter Cú from FGO. C'mon, he stabs a bitch (sorry Rama) upon his first introduction? He even defeated Scáthach. Archer Gil's just an asshole, and Kirei is the biggest douche known to me. Sooo...Alter Cú!
Pairing I'm Not A Fan Of: Any Cú x Medb. I just...She just runs me the wrong way.
Characters I Feel Like The Writers Screwed Up (One Way Or Another): Nobody really comes to mind on the spot, but do you wanna know who they screwed over? Diarmuid. He deserved better than what he got. If that was intentional, then that's some good writing on their part because I genuinely felt angry when I first saw The Scene. (I still do get mad lol)
Favorite Friendship: I don't know if this means canon or not, so I'm gonna safely say Achilles and Atalanta. Oh don't get me wrong, I ship them too; their friendship just...I love it.
Character I Most Identify With: Heroic Spirit EMIYA. ...He hated his past self, and questioned if what he was doing really was the right thing to do. He literally tried to eradicate himself from existence. I haven't, but...I understand why he did what he did. He's cynical and an asshole, but he cares for people close to him and wants an ending where the majority of people are happy. Furthermore, he found some closure in the UBW Route with Shirou, signalling that he's made peace with himself over what he's done up until this point. The small character growth was REAL.
Character I Wish I Could Be: No one. Strange, right? I think everyone has their own personal hell to deal with, and that it's their battle to fight. I can't imagine having to go through what each of them has. (Okay I said no one, but c'mon can you imagine being Astolfo with a big ass hippogrif [I spelled that wrong] as your mount? Fucking awesome - )
Thank you for the ask! I'm about to send you one, so get ready >:D
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