#somebody a bit older recently really validated me & my own experience of my life and ngl it helped a lot
gideonisms · 8 months
I truly do want to validate everyone a little bit younger than me who thinks it's Difficult because when I was 22 I just thought I had to try harder to get things to be easier. does that sentence even make sense logically? No. Did I fervently believe it and make all my life decisions based on it? Yes. Anyway this is your sign to trust what your body is telling you about the amount of rest, food, and sensory experiences it needs
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a-froger-epic · 3 years
The Queen fandom, Freddie Mercury and Characterisation
Or: Why are those anons like this? Why are those writers like this? Why don't we understand each other?
In this essay, I will-
No, I’m serious, I will. And this is an essay. It’s roughly 2500 words.
The friction, concerns and hurt in fandom around Freddie’s characterisation - most recently centred around a fic the author tagged as ‘Bisexual Freddie Mercury’, stating in the notes that they have chosen to write Freddie as bisexual - have given me a lot to think about. And if you have been asking yourself the questions above, this here might be of interest to you.
First off, why do I feel like I need to talk about this?
The answer is not: Because I’m so very influential in fandom.
I think my influence in this fandom has been vastly overstated by some people. If I were so influential, everybody would rush to read anything I rec or write. And trust me, they really don’t. My relevance is confined to a very specific part of the fandom. That part is made up of: Freddie fans, Froger shippers, some Roger fans, a handful of writers who like to support each other and like each other’s work, and people who are really into research.
There are many parts of fandom where my opinions are entirely irrelevant. Looking at the big picture, by which I mean only the Queen RPF fandom, I simply am not that important. Looking at the even bigger picture: the Queen fandom as a whole, the majority of which doesn't read or care about RPF - I am literally nobody.
Furthermore, everything I will be talking about here is in relation to the RPF-centred part of Queen fandom.
So why this public essay?
Because I have been deeply involved for two years in a divide of opinions concerning how Freddie ought to be written and how people think of RPF. I think this is in large part because I - like several other authors currently writing for the fandom - absolutely love research. It's my idea or fun. I love to dig into these real people’s lives. Not everybody does that and not everybody is comfortable with that. It’s a personal choice depending on people's levels of comfort surrounding RPF. But this does put me firmly in the camp of Freddie fans who like to explore who this man really was, and track down every last fact about him.
Freddie Mercury vs. Fictional Freddie
I’ll admit that I am one of those people who have the urge to speak up when they see somebody claim that Freddie was bisexual, and sometimes I will say: “Well, actually, we do know that he didn’t see himself that way, because…” For me, these have often been positive exchanges.
I think there is overwhelming evidence that Freddie Mercury identified as gay from his split with Mary to the end of his life (wonderfully curated here by RushingHeadlong). In the niche of fandom I have frequented over the last two years, as far as Freddie the real man is concerned, I have barely ever seen anybody argue with this.
But fanfiction and talking about real Freddie are not one the same thing, and they shouldn't be, and as far as I am concerned they don't have to be. Some writers like to put every last fact and detail they can find into their fic, in an attempt to approach a characterisation that feels authentic to them (and perhaps others), and other writers are simply content to draw inspiration from the real people, writing versions vaguely based on them.
But writing historically and factually accurate RPF is more respectful.
Is it? I've thought about this for a long time, and I really can't agree that it is. This, to me, seems to presume that we know what kind of fiction these real people would prefer to have been written about them. That, in itself, is impossible to know.
However, if I imagine Freddie reading RPF about himself, I think that he might laugh himself silly at an AU with a character merely inspired by him and may be really quite disturbed by a gritty, realistic take full of intimate details of and speculations about his life and psyche. Such as I also tend to write, just by the by, so this is definitely not a criticism of anybody. Freddie is dead. Of all the people to whom the way he is written in fiction matters, Freddie himself is not one. There is no way to know what Freddie would or wouldn't have wanted, in this regard, and so it isn't relevant.
Personally, I can't get behind the idea that speculating and creatively exploring very intimate details of Freddie's life, things he never even spoke of to anybody, is in any way more respectful than writing versions of him which take a lot of creative liberties. As I've said so many times before, I think either all of RPF is disrespectful or none of it is.
So who cares about Freddie characterisation in fiction anyway?
Clearly, a lot of people do. Freddie Mercury was an incredibly inspiring figure and continues to be that to a multitude of very different people for different reasons. There are older fans who have maybe faced the same kind of discrimination because of their sexuality, who saw Freddie's life and persona distorted and attacked by other fans and the media for decades, who have a lot of hurt and resentment connected to such things as calling Freddie bisexual - because this has been used (and in the wider fandom still is used) to discredit his relationship with Jim, to argue that Mary was the love of his life and none of his same sex relationships mattered, to paint a picture where "the gay lifestyle" was the death of him. And that is homophobic. That is not right. I completely understand that upset.
These are not the only people who care about Freddie and for whom Freddie is a source of inspiration and comfort. What about people who simply connect to his struggles with his sexuality from a different angle? What about, for example, somebody who identifies with the Freddie who seemed to be reluctant to label himself, because that, to them, implies a freedom and sexual fluidity that helps them cope with how they see their own sexuality? Is it relevant why Freddie was cagey about labelling himself? Does it matter that it likely had a lot to do with discrimination? Are his reasons important? To some degree, yes. But are other queer people not allowed to see that which helps them in him? Are they not allowed to take empowerment and inspiration from this? Can you imagine Freddie himself ever resenting somebody who, for whatever reason, admired him and whose life he made that little bit brighter through his mere existence, however they interpreted it? I honestly can't say that I can imagine Freddie himself objecting to that.
This is the thing about fame. Anyone who is famous creates a public persona, and this persona belongs to the fans. By choosing that path, this person gives a lot of themselves to their fans. To interpret, to draw inspiration from, to love the way it makes sense to the individual. Please remember, at this point, that we are talking about how people engage with Freddie as a fictional character creatively. This is not about anybody trying to lay down the law regarding who Freddie really was, unequivocally. This is all about writers using his inspiring persona and the imprint he left on this world to explore themes that resonate with them.
This is what we as writers do. We write about things which resonate with us and often touch us deeply.
But don't they care about the real Freddie?
Yes, actually, I would argue that a lot of people care about "the real Freddie". It seems to me that depicting Freddie as gay or with a strong preference for men is what the vast majority of the RPF-centered fandom on AO3 already does. You will find very, very few stories where Freddie is depicted having a good time with women sexually or romantically. That he was mostly all about men is already the majority opinion in this part of fandom.
But another question is, who was the real Freddie? If the last two years in fandom have taught me anything, it is that even things which seem like fact to one person can seem like speculation to another. I have personally had so many discussions with so many people on different sides of the debate about the exact circumstances of Freddie's life and his inner world, that I must say I don't think there is such a thing as one accurate, "real" portrayal of Freddie. Even those of us who are heavily invested in research sometimes disagree quite significantly about the interpretations of sources. So that narrows "You don't care about the real Freddie" down to "You don't care about Freddie because you don't interpret everything we know about his life the exact same way I do". Sure, by that definition, very few people care about Freddie the same way you do.
The bottom line is, there are so many writers and fans who love him, people who are obsessed with him, people who care about him deeply. They might care about who they believe he really was or who he chose to present himself as to the world, the way he wanted to be seen. But ultimately, in my personal opinion, if somebody is inspired to write Freddie as a fictional character they feel that Freddie means a lot to them. And it is hurtful to accuse them of not caring.
But what some people write hurts/triggers me.
Yes, that can happen. Because the nature of AO3 is that everything is permitted. Personally, I am very much in agreement with that. You will also find me in the camp of people who are against any sort of censorship on AO3, no matter how much some of the content goes against my own morals or how distasteful I find it. Some people disagree with that, which is fine. We must agree to disagree then. Here, I would like to quote QuirkySubject from the post she made regarding this whole situation because I cannot put it better myself: “The principle that all fic is valid (even RPF fic that subverts the lived experience of the person the fic is based on) is like the foundation of [AO3]. The suggestion that certain kinds of characterisations aren't allowed will provoke a knee-jerk reaction by many writers.”
No matter how much you may disagree with a story's plot or characterisation, it is allowed on AO3. "But wait," you might say, "the issue is not with it being on the site but with people like yourself - who should care about "the real Freddie" - supporting it."
This is some of what I have taken away from the upset I have seen. And it’s worth deconstructing.
I've already addressed "the real Freddie". Moving on to...
The author is dead.
This is something others might very well disagree on as well, but to me the story itself matters far more than authorial intent. And what may be one thing according to the author’s personal definition, may be another thing to the reader. Let’s use an example. This is an ask I received yesterday:
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This author thinks they were writing Freddie as bisexual. However, going by the plot of their story, I would actually say that it is largely very similar to how I see the progression of Freddie’s young adulthood. To me, personally, Freddie would still be gay throughout the story because he arrives - eventually - at the conclusion that he is. The author and I disagree on terminology only. And I think simply disagreements about terminology, given that some terms are so loaded with history in Freddie’s case, trips a lot of people up.
It seems to me that many people still equate bisexuality with a 50/50 attraction to men and women, when in actual fact many - if not most - bi/pan people would say that it is nowhere near that distribution. Some people are of the opinion that anybody who experiences some attraction to the opposite sex, even if they have a strong same-sex preference, could be technically considered bisexual. (However, sexuality isn’t objective, it’s subjective. At least when it comes to real people. What about fictionalised real people? We will get to that.)
Let's briefly return to real Freddie.
What I'm seeing is that there are several ways of thinking here, with regard to his sexuality.
1. Freddie was gay because that seems to be (from everything we know) the conclusion he arrived at and the way he saw himself, once he had stopped dating women. Therefor, he was always gay, it just took him a while to come to terms with it.
2. Freddie can be referred to as bisexual during the time when he was with women because at that time, he may very well have thought of himself thusly - whether that was wishful thinking and he was aware of it or whether he really thought he might be bisexual is not something we can say definitively. He came out as gay to two friends in 1974 on separate occassions, and he talked to his girlfriends about being bisexual. (Personally, I think here it is interesting to look at who exactly he was saying what to, but let's put my own interpretations aside.)
3. Freddie can be seen as bisexual/pansexual because his life indicates that he was able to be in relationships with both men and women and because there is nothing to disprove he didn't experience any attraction to the women he was with. Had he lived in a different time, he may have defined himself differently.
Now, I'm of the first school of thought here, personally, although I understand the second and also, as a thought experiment, the third.
I think all of these approaches have validity, although the historical context of Freddie's life should be kept in mind and is very relevant whenever we speak about the man himself.
But when we return to writing fictionalised versions of Freddie, any of these approaches should absolutely be permissible. Yes, some of them or aspects of them can cause upset to some people.
And this is why AO3 has a tagging system. This is why authors write very clearly worded author's notes. This is the respect authors extend to their readers. This, in turn, has to be respected. Everybody is ultimately responsible for their own experience on the archive.
Nobody has the right to dictate what is or isn't published under the Queen tag. As far as I am concerned, nobody should have that right. As far as I am concerned, everybody has a responsibility to avoid whatever may upset them. I understand where the upset comes from. I also maintain it is every writer's right to engage with Freddie's character creatively the way they choose to.
None of us can control how other people engage with Freddie or the fandom. None of us can control what other people enjoy or dislike about the fandom.
The best way to engage with the content creating part of fandom, in my opinion, has always been to create what brings you joy, to consume the content that brings you joy and to respectfully step away from everything that doesn't.
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‘(Forgive Me) My Little Flower Princess’ was written during John Lennon’s stay in Bermuda, from June to July 1980, and recorded upon his return to the studio, on 14 August 1980. It wouldn’t be heard by the general public until 23 January 1984, on the posthumous album Milk And Honey.
The lyrics go as follows:
Forgive me, my little flower princess For crushing your delicateness Forgive me, if you could forgive me
Forgive me, my little flower princess For selfishness Forgive me, forgive me
Well, I know there is no way to repay you Whatever it takes I will try to The rest of my life I will thank you Thank you, thank you, my little
If you’ll forgive me, my little flower princess Never too late unless you can’t forgive
Time is on our side Let’s not waste another minute ‘Cause I love you, my little friend I really love you
Give me just one more chance And I’ll show you Take up the dance where we left off The rest of our life is the, my little
I’m home
Overall, the song seems to strike the same apologetic tone previously expressed in ‘Jealous Guy’ (1971) and ‘I Know (I Know)’ (1973).
I didn’t mean to hurt you I’m sorry that I made you cry Oh no, I didn’t want to hurt you I’m just a jealous guy 
— ‘Jealous Guy’ (1971)
I know what’s coming down and I know where it’s coming from and I know and I’m sorry (yes I am) but I never could speak my mind
— ‘I Know (I Know)’ (1973)
“The rest of my life I will thank you” gives a sense of gratitude for the other’s love and presence in his life, further explored in ‘Now And Then’ (1978). 
I know it’s true, it’s all because of you And if I make it through, it’s all because of you And now and then, if we must start again Well we will know for sure, that I love you
— ‘Now And Then’ (1978)
“Take up the dance where we left off” shows hope in a reconciliation that they have “the rest of our life” to experience, as found in ‘(Just Like) Starting Over’ (1980) and ‘Grow Old Along With Me’ (1980).
It’s been too long since we took the time No-one’s to blame, I know time flies so quickly But when I see you darling It’s like we both are falling in love again It’ll be just like starting over, starting over
— ‘(Just Like) Starting Over’ (1980)
Grow old along with me The best is yet to be When our time has come We will be as one God bless our love
— ‘Grow Old Along With Me’ (1980)
Nevertheless, this feeling that “time is on our side”  doesn’t take from the urgency to get together and “not waste another minute”, similarly dealt with in ‘Borrowed Time’ (1980) and ‘(Just Like) Starting Over’ (1980).
Now I am older ah, hah The future is brighter and now is the hour 
— ‘Borrowed Time’ (1980)
It’s time to spread our wings and fly Don’t let another day go by my love
— ‘(Just Like) Starting Over’ (1980)
Regarding the endearments used during the song, we find the classical ‘little friend’, famously used by aunt Mimi in reference to Paul. (It is also worth noting that, tongue-in-cheek or not, in French ‘petit-ami’ means boyfriend). 
Also, the song is called ‘My Little Flower Princess’. It is known that Yoko Ono has reported hearing Paul being called ‘John’s princess’ around Apple.
But it’s John’s thing with flowers as a metaphor for love that fascinates me the most. 
Forgive me, my little flower princess For crushing your delicateness
Forgive me, my little flower princess For selfishness
John, after some introspection, has reached the conclusion that his relationship with Paul was destroyed by “inattention or inadvertence of selfishness”. He seemed self-aware enough to realise that his half of the “blame” was a problematic possessiveness:
Q: Do you think that a new attitude towards love and relationships – would it be fair to say we’re getting away from the property concept of relationships? John: Of owning the other person? I think – yeah, we could be. But uh… That’s all very well intellectually, but when you actually are in love with somebody, you tend to be jealous and want to own them, possess them a hundred per cent. Which I do. Yoko: Yes, it’s real life, all that. And I do it too. John: But intellectually, before that, I thought – right. I mean, owning a person is rubbish, but. I love Yoko, I want to possess her completely; I don’t want to stifle her, you know? [Yoko laughs] And that’s the danger, it’s that you want to possess them to death. But… that’s a personal problem of mine. Yoko: But we’re doing alright now – just very nice, you know. In other words, I think— John: It’s after the beginning, when it cools down a bit – not cools down, whatever, it st– uh, whatever the word is, you know – that you can allow each other to breathe. Yoko: Yes. When you relax a bit, you know. John: But at first you tend to strangle each other, I think. Yoko: And [inaudible] we’re starting to relax— John: And because you have so little as a child, I think it is, you – when once you find it, you want to hang onto it, you grab it so much you tend to kill it.
— John Lennon and Yoko Ono, Women’s Hour Interview for BBC Radio 2. (28  May 1971)
John even goes as far as to recognise that him not feeling loved enough as a child by his parents, was the original cause of all his insecurities and franticness. So desperate was he for love, that he ended up “crushing its delicateness”. 
A decade later, we get another glimpse into his matured perception of the nature of love:
Q: As Tom Robbins half-facetiously asks in his most recent book, “How do you make love stay?”
John: Trying to possess it makes it go away. Trying to possess somebody makes them go away. Every time you put your finger on it, it slips away. Every time you turn the microscope’s light on, the thing changes so you can never see what it is. As soon as you ask the question, it goes away. Peripheral vision is what it is. There’s no looking directly at it. Try to look at the sun. You go blind, right? Now that doesn’t mean you don’t have to work on it. Love is a flower and you have to water it.
— John Lennon and Yoko Ono, interview w/ David Sheff for Playboy. (September, 1980)
John suggests that not only being possessive of the person you’re in love with “makes them go away”, but that the love itself is subject to some weird kind of observer effect, in which the mere act of trying to understand the relationship alters it — “As soon as you ask the question, it goes away.” (And this specific example is, in my opinion, another crucial clue about what went down.)
This philosophy that love is ruined by conscious interference and the specific choice in words — Love is like a flower — seem to have been heavily inspired by the D. H. Lawrence poem ‘Mess Of Love’. (Note that D. H. Lawrence has been referred to in the Beatles presence).
We’ve made a great mess of love Since we made an ideal of it. The moment I swear to love a woman, a certain woman, all my life That moment I begin to hate her.
The moment I even say to a woman: I love you! — My love dies down considerably.
The moment love is an understood thing between us, we are sure of it, It’s a cold egg, it isn’t love any more.
Love is like a flower, it must flower and fade; If it doesn’t fade, it is not a flower, It’s either an artificial rag blossom, or an immortelle, for the cemetery.
The moment the mind interferes with love, or the will fixes on it, Or the personality assumes it as an attribute, or the ego takes possession of it, It is not love any more, it’s just a mess. And we’ve made a great mess of love, mind-perverted, will-perverted, ego-perverted love.
But while Lawrence urges us to accept the fleetingness of love (going as far as to say that it’s its own ephemerous, untouched and undefinable nature that gives it meaning), John clearly wants to strike a compromise. Because while he admits he was probably crushing this delicate flower by “wanting to possess it to death”, you still have to water it, Paul! 
In fact, John’s first known comparison to love being like a flower reflected more his unmet expectations than his own role in the end of the relationship.
Love is like a precious plant. You can’t just accept it and leave it in the cupboard, or just think it’s gonna get on with itself. You gotta keep watering it. You’ve got to really look after it, and be careful of it, and keep the flies off and see that it’s alright, and nurture it.
— John Lennon, 'Man of the Decade’ Interview (2 December 1969).
John was clearly feeling neglected, hurt by the “kind of insensitivity [Paul] would have”. And his own desperate need to acknowledge the love and have it validated — coupled with Paul being “scared to say ‘I love you’” — escalated into a vicious “mind game” where John was ready to do absolutely anything to get Paul’s attention or some sign that he cared, including destroying the Beatles.
It seems fitting then, that around the same time, an emotionally exhausted Paul was marvelling at the self-reliant and giving nature of the new plants in his life:
When we are in Scotland we plant stuff – vegetables – and we’ll leave them there, and of their own volition they will push up. And not only will they push up and grow into something, but then they will be good to eat. To me that’s an all-time thing. That’s fantastic. How clever! Just that things push their own way up and they feed you.
— Paul McCartney, interviewed for Life Magazine (16 April 1971).  
I like to think that by 1980, at the time this song was written, they had matured enough to “work it out”. 
John knew he couldn’t be possessive to the point of crushing the flower, or selfish enough not to realise that he also has to water. With his more self-assured persona, he would probably learn to recognise and accept Paul’s Acts of Service for the love expression that they were, and eventually even help Paul himself overcome his own insecurities regarding saying Words of Affirmation outside the plausible deniability of songs. 
Unfortunately, despite their beliefs, time was not on their side. 
But like Yoko said:
Once you know somebody, you can never unknow that person. And knowing is loving. So you can never get out of love. There might be misunderstandings and separating for other reasons, but love is always there. Staying together is just one form of love. Maybe that’s a strong love and expression of love. But love is a soul thing. It always stays there.
— Yoko Ono, interview w/ David Sheff for Playboy. (September, 1980)
John himself had said it to Paul some years prior:
Bless you wherever you are
Windswept child on a shootin’ star
Restless spirits depart Still we’re deep in each other’s hearts
Bless you whoever you are Holding her now, be warm and kind hearted
And remember although love is strange Now and forever our love will remain
— ‘Bless You’ (1974)
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teshknowledgenotes · 4 years
Tim Ferriss: Well, this would be great. The one I’m going to read would be a great one for people to get really upset about. Or I would find it comical to look at the comments of people are upset, but the line is this: Imagine how effective you would be if you weren’t anxious all the time.
Why did you put this out? And have you seen highly anxious people become people who experienced very little anxiety? Is that something you’ve seen, but first, why did you put this up? What was behind it? And then have you seen anxious people become largely, I guess an anxious or non-anxious people.
Naval Ravikant: Yeah. Most of my tweets are not very deliberate or thought through. What’s happening is I’ve been thinking about some concept for months, years, whatever it’s been percolating. And then all of a sudden it’ll come to me. It’s sort of like one pithy sentence where I’m like, oh, this is how I will remember this thing. This is how I can distill this down into a pointer for myself, so that when I need to make decisions, I can retrieve that whole line of reasoning.
And so where this comes from is basically everybody, after a certain age, I am taking responsibility for my own happiness and peace and quality of life. And one of the things you learn after you make money is that money doesn’t make you happier. It takes care of your money problems, but it’s not necessarily going to put you in a place where you’re in some kind of bliss all the time.
In fact, there’s nothing out there that will make you happy forever. So you sort of have to take responsibility for guiding yourself in such a way that your mental state ends up where you want it. And so I’ve been working on my mental state and I have—working is a big word. I don’t even want to say I’ve been working on it, but I would say my mental state has gotten to a place which is much better than it used to be.
And people will often say, “Well I don’t want to do that because it’ll take away my ambition. I want to succeed right now.” And so I’ve thought about that a fair bit. And is that true or not? Well, it certainly, for me in the last few years, since I’ve become calmer, my effectiveness has gone through the roof and I’ve been more successful, but it’s hard to disambiguate that from, well, also, maybe you just later in your career, you’re in a better position for it and that’s a valid criticism.
So one of the things I’ve been trying to figure out is like, would I have been as successful and it’s hard to do the counterfactual obviously if I wasn’t as anxious, because anxiety comes from fear and it’s also a motivator. It makes you get off your butt. And one of the ways to make the anxiety go away, at least until the next piece of anxiety comes along, is to go do something about it.
So what is the role of anxiety? Well, firstly, I noted that pretty much everybody’s anxious all the time. It’s a rare human being who isn’t anxious and it makes sense. We’re alpha predators. We took over this earth and domesticated or killed all the other animals. And we did that by being the most paranoid, the most fearful, the most angry predators this world has ever seen.
So anxiety is built into the core of who we are. In fact, you could argue that all the mind does all day long is fear-based scenario planning for survival, and then maybe a little bit of green for replication. So anxiety is at the core level of who we are, but certainly some people are more anxious than others. There’s no question. And some people seem to get much calmer about it.
So which is more useful for effectiveness? So assuming that your goal is your motivation is intrinsic. You’re doing the thing because you love it or because you really want it, and you can separate that motivation from anxiety. Then I think you can take on certain superpowers. And we kind of all intrinsically know this. If you look at Samurai warriors, Miyamoto Musashi is in a duel with somebody else, you know that the person who is calmer is going to win.
In all those movies, it’s the one who’s incredibly still then swipes with a sword incredibly quickly, and is then still again, that’s the winner—the one who has a zen sense of mind. Similarly in The Terminator movies, part of the reason you fear the Terminator is because he’s a robot. He’s unstoppable, he’s implacable. You can’t argue with him. You can’t communicate with him. You can’t make him slow down.
And he has no remorse. He just keeps coming. Or in that old Clint Eastwood movie Unforgiven. The guy who wins the gunfight is the one who doesn’t flinch. He’s just keeping his cool while he’s loading his gun and shooting. He’s not like all over the place running around. So I just think we waste so much energy through anxiety that if you can be calm and still go about your business, it’s a superpower.
And I realized this myself recently, where I was in a conflict situation, business. It was a high conflict situation. It was unfortunate. We, I think we’ve solved it. But as I went through this high conflict situation, I’d been through one like it years before where I was much more anxious. And I remember that time period. And I remember how much I was sweating it and how nervous I was and how I went through bouts of fear and anger and how it kind of worked up I was the entire time, intense and didn’t get much sleep.
But this time I was incredibly calm and I was almost enjoying it because it was like practicing my craft. Now, of course it’s easy to do now because I have more money. But at the same time, it just didn’t bother me. It was just very mechanical. And because of that, I can be very effective about it and it can be effective about it while doing lots and lots of other things. My mind wasn’t constantly spinning in a whirlpool taking on 10 different problems and just fear-based scenario planning all the time.
Most of these things were never going to happen. So I do believe that being calm and still going about your business is the superpower. Now yes, if anxiety is your only motivator, then you have a problem. But I would argue the pure motivations don’t come out of anxiety.
Tim Ferriss: So let’s talk about attribution here. To what would you attribute the, I know this, that it’s difficult to isolate variables, et cetera, but if let’s just say like you have a family, so let’s just say one of your kids comes to you is like, “Dad, I’m suffering from a lot of anxiety. What should I do?”
Or you observe it and you want to help your kid out. What types of recommendations would you make? Or might you make? Another question if you prefer it is what has helped you to go from the whirlpool experience of anxiety in high conflict experience, round one versus calm Naval, and high conflict experience round two?
Naval Ravikant: Yeah. It’s really hard to separate all the pieces out. I mean, it comes from a combination of a philosophy, yoga meditation, and getting older, having kids. Like you, I’ve had some psychedelic experiences, but those are very far back in the past, just a distant memory at this point. But I would say the number one thing that has been very, very important for me is meditation.
And it’s a stupid thing to say, because so trite, everybody just says it now. But when I say meditation, I don’t mean sitting there and watching your breath or chanting a mantra. I mean, self-examination and meditation is a great way to do that self-therapy. It’s sitting there with your thoughts. So anxiety, this pervasive nonspecific anxiety where we’re just constantly on edge about everything, that comes from an unexamined life. I think it was Socrates who said, “An unexamined life is not worth living.” I forget who said that quote—
Tim Ferriss: Something like that.
Naval Ravikant: But it’s—
Tim Ferriss: Aristotle, Socrates—
Naval Ravikant: One of those smart philosopher types, but it’s correct. It’s your unexamined life that is causing the problems. And you can examine it in multiple ways. You can examine it through you can have some crazy mushroom trip where it all comes out one night. You could do a lot of meditation sitting there with yourself and letting your mind run crazy.
And then seeing what’s actually in your mind that your mind wants to tell you, and have you listened to, and have you resolved that is unresolved. It could be through therapy. It could be through reading lots of philosophy and reflection and long walks. So there’s many, many ways to tackle it, but it’s that spending the time with yourself to examine why are you having these thoughts?
Think about it this way. We spend so much time in our relationships. Our relationships with our wives, our relationship with our colleagues, our relationships to our business partners, our relationship with our friends, the most important relationship you have is with yourself. It’s with this voice in your head that is constantly rattling every waking hour, it’s this crazy roommate living inside your mind who’s always chattering, always chattering, never shuts up and you can’t control these thoughts.
They just come up out of you don’t even know where, and those quality of your thoughts, those conversations you’re having in your head all the time. That is your world. That is the world you live in. That’s the worldview you have. That’s a lens you see through, and that’s going to determine the quality of your life more than anything else.
And if you want to see what the quality of your life actually is, put down the drink, put down the computer, put down the smartphone, put down the book, put down the headphones, just sit by yourself, doing nothing. And then you will know what the quality of your life actually is because that’s what you’re always running away from.
That’s why people, when they try to meditate they sit down, “I hate it. I can’t sit still.” Why? Because your mind is eating you alive. Your life is unexamined. Your mind is running in loops over things that it has not resolved. And because they’re not resolved when you run around your normal life. It’s not that those problems have gone away. It’s that they’re just there, they’re there, but they’re provoking anxiety.
And what you think of as the anxiety that’s kind of consuming you and you can’t identify the source. That’s just the tip of an iceberg poking out from underneath the water and underneath this giant pile of garbage of decisions that were made without too much thought of situations that you’re in, that you haven’t resolved, that you need to resolve, of problems that you have, or desires that you have that have gone unmet or unmanifested, or are being, or contradictions that you’re living in a ways that you, which you feel trapped.
So proper meditation, proper examination should ruin the life that you’re currently living. It should cause you to leave relationships. It should cause you to reestablish boundaries with family members and with colleagues. It should cause you to quit your job. It should cause you to change your eating patterns. It should cause you to spend more time with yourself.
It should cause it to change the books you read. It should cause us to change what your friends are. If it doesn’t do that, it’s not real examination. If it doesn’t come attached with destruction of your current life, then you can’t create the new life in which you will not have the anxiety.
Tim Ferriss: Or at least parts of it. Not necessarily whole cloth. So let’s dive into meditation because as you mentioned, it’s a term that is used a lot. And in the minds of most, it is represented by things that you just said, you do not do like the mantra-based meditation or following the breath. And you and I have meditated before.
I don’t know if your approach is still similar, but it is quite a—I’d hate to talk about trite paradigm shift in a sense, at least in the way that I experienced it alongside you, at one point, which was literally doing nothing for extended periods of time. I don’t know if that’s still the case, but could you describe the practice a bit because it was such a burden lifted in a sense when the pass-fail is removed.
And the experience that I had after say a week of doing this twice a day, which is not necessarily what people would do in normal life, but was pretty profound. So could you describe the current practice, which may be different from what I experienced.
Naval Ravikant: Yeah. I actually have two different things that I do, and I almost hate calling it meditation because everyone has in their mind, a preconceived notion of what meditation is. Let’s not even call it that. I would say that there are two self-examination practices that I do, and I don’t even call them practices anymore because sometimes I do them because I feel like them and I enjoy them, or because it feels right.
And sometimes I don’t because anything done routinely sort of becomes its own trap and is not going to get you anywhere. It just becomes like another spiritual high and other check box.
Tim Ferriss: Now is it fair though, to say that you’re able to opt-in and out now because you had a certain front-loading period—
Naval Ravikant: Correct.
Tim Ferriss:—of doing it consistently.
Naval Ravikant: Actually I’ll say the three different things that I do and I’ll go through them. The first, I just read a lot of philosophy, especially at night time before I go to bed.
Tim Ferriss: Which ones? Schopenhauer, Maxims? Who are we talking about?
Naval Ravikant: Yes, Schopenhauer, Western philosophy is my current favourite, although I’ve definitely moved around in that one. Eastern philosophy, I’ll read everything from Osho. I know he’s discredited and been cancelled, but fantastic—that makes me like him even more. Krishnamurti, I don’t know, Kapil Gupta, Rupert Spira. I mean, it’s all over the place. Anthony de Mello, he’s fantastic actually.
If going to start with one book. Start with Anthony de Mello’s A Way to Love or his book Awareness. They’re both really good, but there’s a ton of them. I basically read a lot of philosophers. Siddhartha, Vasistha’s Yoga, Bhagavad Gita, Tao Te Ching. I’m always going through one of these books at any given time and usually rereading for inspiration.
And I’ll read these at night. Usually, there’ll be one or two things I’ll catch on to, I’ll reflect on it before I go to sleep. So that is a form of self-examination and it’s not done because it’s a formula it’s done because I’m genuinely interested in these things. So it’s not work to me, it’s fun. The second thing that I do is which I’ve been doing for a long time now is just trying to be aware of my thoughts and not in a sit there and be like, “Oh, I’m going to be aware of my thoughts kind of way.”
But just realizing that a lot of these thoughts that come up are unbidden I don’t control them. It’s not like I decided to have this thought. I don’t even know what I’m saying to you right now. It’s coming out of my mouth at the same time as I’m thinking it. So where is this coming from? Who is this person? What is this person saying? Is this true? Is it correct? Has it been correct in the past? Is he just being paranoid now? Is it being crazy? What are his underlying motivations? 
And I’m not even questioning so much, but more just kind of seeing it. And after a while, when you see it, you start seeing through your own BS, you start seeing how you’re mainly just justifying whatever the heck you want to believe, because it’s good for your survival. It’s good for your replication, or it’s good for your money, or it’s going to get you late or any of these various things.
Tim Ferriss: And when you’re doing that reflection is it sitting at a table, pen and paper? Is it—
Naval Ravikant: No.
Tim Ferriss: Half lotus with your eyes closed? What is—
Naval Ravikant: No, it’s really just walking around. Just walking around. It’s just life. Just if you say something to me, I’m always going to listen to it with a slightly critical filter, because you’re external to me. Applying that same filter to my own thoughts, it gives me a level of peace and distance from them and the ability to see through my own BS, which I think makes my life better.
So I’ve just found that to be a useful way of life. But there are lots of times where I forget to do it. I get caught up in some emotion, some runaway train of thought, but usually these days I can catch myself and be like, “Oh, okay, I’m in that mindset again. And having that mode of reactions again,” and when the mind sort of sees me chattering it quiets down a bit.
Naval Ravikant: Oh, before we finish that topic, very important people find the people that it doesn’t take work to be around. The best relationships don’t feel like work. You make the other person happy being yourself. They make you happy by being themselves, everyone’s honest, no one’s putting on an act that they can’t carry on for the next decade. Same thing with friendships, the best friendships are friendships that were formed over nothing. It’s not because you went to school. It’s not because you studied on the same things. It’s not because you’re working together. It’s not because you enjoy rugby or whatever. It’s because your chemistry matches, your temperament is similar. You can be friends with this person for 30 years, 50 years. The compound interest in relationships part ironically means that the best relationships, whether they’re friendships or family or love, are the ones that you don’t have to work too hard at them so you don’t have to sustain that workload for the rest of your life and you can do it effortlessly.
Tim Ferriss: Yeah, totally. Well, one of your quotes that I think of often, and I might be paraphrasing this is: if you want to avoid conflict, rule number one is: avoid people who are constantly involved with conflict, right? I mean something along those lines.
Naval Ravikant: I mean, well, for example, when you’re in a relationship, just watch how the other person treats their worst enemy, because eventually they’ll just redefine you as enemy and you’ll get to feel that behaviour. I think the number one criteria I look for in a relationship is that person has to be kind. They just have to be a nice person. Because, eventually they’ll, in a certain context, you can always be reclassified from friend to enemy. You just want to see the boundaries of someone’s ethics. If you see someone being bad to a server or someone engaging in unethical behaviour or suing other people or fighting other people all the time, it’s only a matter of time before they fight you. Just stay away from these high conflict people. Everyone has conflict, no one is clean, but that said, there are definitely people who engage in conflict and do it regularly and then make it a part of their lifestyle. Just walk away. It’s not worth it. You’ve met people who are low conflict and easy to get along with.
Tim Ferriss: Yeah. Low conflict, low maintenance, who can also be brutally candid when necessary. Right? Which doesn’t equal conflict.
Naval Ravikant: Well, the one thing I’ve noticed, and I haven’t written the tweet on this because I’ve had a hard time figuring out how to say it, but the people that I want to spend time around these days, when I look at what the common characteristic is, they’re highly self-aware. They’re very, very aware of themselves. They’re not running on autopilot. They don’t get angry easily. They don’t get unhappy easily. They don’t take themselves too seriously. They have a certain separation from their own thoughts and personality that prevents circumstances and their personality from overwhelming them. They don’t have a victim mentality. They’re not caught up in some story of what happened to them when they were younger. They’ve had those issues for sure, but they’ve just gotten past them and been like, “I don’t want to be that person. I don’t want to be trapped in that mindset.”
They’re not trying to signal all the time how important they are, or who they know, what they’ve done.
Tim Ferriss: How virtuous they are.
Naval Ravikant: How virtuous they are. They’re not virtue signalling or bigoteering. They have low egos. Generally, I can literally plot on a line the more self-aware somebody is, I guarantee you the more attractive they are to a large number of people. To the degree that I’ve achieved any modicum of fame and fame is a trap, and I’m going to pay for this. I know I will pay for this, but any modicum of fame that I have achieved, I think is because I am one of the few people who has been successful in business that thinks out loud in public. Because I’m willing to think out loud in public, that’s a risk that I take on, it improves my thinking, but other people say, “Oh, yeah, he’s somewhat self-aware, he’s thinking about himself.” I think that helps inspire other people to also say, “Okay, it’s okay for me to think about myself.” I just find hanging around self-aware people is a lot easier than people who are running on autopilot, almost like NPCs.
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onisionhurtspeople · 7 years
Onision and his new channels.
I’ve been getting a lot of submissions recently from people asking me what’s been going on with all of Onision’s new channels, so instead of responding to all of them individually, I’ve decided to make one giant post about it to outline what my thoughts on the subject are.
A couple of days ago, I responded to a post in which somebody was asking why Onision keeps creating new channels even though his old ones are dying. In the past couple of months alone, Greg has doubled his channel count from Onision, OnisionSpeaks, and UhOhBro, to those three plus three more: OnisionEncore, OnionSon, and now Onichan (and there may be more that I’m not aware of). I responded to the post by writing that I believed he was creating all of those new channels because he was stuck in the past, trying to relive his glory days by repeating the same actions and circumstances that catapulted him to YouTube infamy to begin with; because, as we all know, Greg is the kind of person who has a very narrow comfort zone, and as such he has a tendency to repeat the same patterns over and over again - not just with his channels or his video content, but also with his behavior and especially with his relationships. The pattern of idealizing, devaluing, and then discarding that he puts his friends and romantic partners though, the pattern of attacking content creators and even fans who dare to criticize or disagree with him, the pattern of saying/doing offensive things, receiving backlash for those things, acting contrite and apologetic in order to win back the loyalty and forgiveness of his fans (”See, look! He’s trying so hard to change! He’s admitting to his mistakes! He’s really trying this time, and the effort is all that matters!”), and then doing the same thing all over again from the beginning. The patterns in his behavior that we’ve all noticed, and which brought us here in the first place.
But I was thinking about it today and realized that there’s another reason why he’s making all of these new channels, too. It’s not just because he engages in a lot of repetitious behavior (although he does), or because he’s desperately trying to hold on to what little fame, fortune, and influence he has left (although he is); but it’s also because creating all of those new channels gives him a “valid” excuse to re-upload the same videos that he already has published on his main channels, thus garnering extra views (and a little bit of extra money) when fans click to watch his “new” uploads. I wouldn’t go so far as to say that this is fraud, but he is representing his channels as being for new or previously unpublished material when really all he’s doing is using it as a dumping ground for all of his old videos so that he can double his profits. (I say “double”, but really he’s only making a fraction of what he used to off them, because the videos on his new channel are only getting like 16,000 views on average each.) 
Today, however, Onision announced that he was planning on doing something new with his channels. My understanding of what Greg is doing here is that it seems as though from now on (and if anybody knows more about this than I do, please correct me if I’m wrong), he will be releasing most of his videos through Patreon to paid fans only, except for what he publishes on Onichan. I suspect that he’s doing this in order to force their hand: he believes that if he makes it so that his fans have to choose between either never seeing his videos again, or paying a measly $0.49 per month (or else they’re a fake fan who lied about how much he meant to them, of course; and we all know how Onision feels about liars), then the ones who were previously unwilling to pay for it will pony up the cash to get access to his videos. We’ll have to wait and see how that works out for him, but I think he made a huge miscalculation here, for a couple of reasons. 1) He (again) chose to ignore the fact that his viewer demographic consists primarily of 14 to 17-year-old girls (most of whom do not have a job, let alone enough money to support him on a month-by-month basis), and 2) I think he has vastly over-estimated his popularity and the loyalty of his fans. This, combined with the fact that just earlier today he was trying to guilt trip his fans into giving him money (with his “If I really liked a YouTuber and claimed that they’d “saved my life”, then I’d be more than willing to spend $0.49 on them. The fact that you won’t proves that you’re not a real fan” bald-faced attempts at emotional manipulation on Twitter today), indicates to me that he’s desperate, is getting ready to privatize his content, and is pulling out every card in the book to try and get his viewers to pay him - even if that means he has to bully, manipulate, insult, and guilt-trip his own impressionable teenage fans in the process. On the plus side, at least this clearly proves one thing that people have been arguing about for years: he never cared about his fans, he was never doing YouTube just because he enjoyed it (despite the fact that he accused many other YouTubers of being in it only for the money), and he never cared about whether or not his videos helped people - even for all of his claims of being “pro-feminism” and “body positive”. 
But probably the biggest mistake that he’s made in doing this is, in my opinion, related to the fact that he refuses to admit that his viewers are primarily teenagers (though he has no problem with doubling that demographic as his dating pool) - and I believe that this miscalculation on his end may ultimately result in him permanently destroying his own channel within two or three years at best. Let me explain why I think this. 
In refusing to acknowledge that his fans are mostly teenagers, he is missing out on recognizing the reason why they’re so young to begin with: and that’s because as his fans grow older, they tend to grow out of finding his brand of juvenile, sophomoric humor amusing. What we found funny at 14 or 15 is not what we still find funny at 20 or 21 - for the most part, our sense of humor is developed and refined over time, and we begin to lose interest in the type of comedy that amused us when we were young. At this point you’re probably thinking, “Why is this information relevant, and what does it have to do with the success of his channels?” The problem here is that in his incredible arrogance, his black-and-white thinking, and his lack of foresight and lateral creativity of thought, he is only thinking of the short-term gains of forcing fans to give him money in order to view all of his content, but ignoring the broader implications and potential consequences of doing so. Since such a significant portion of his fan base is so young, and since they tend to outgrow his humor and the drama surrounding his private life, by removing his content from YouTube and making it available exclusively through Patreon or his website, he is essentially removing the free advertising of his channel that YouTube provides for him just by being a member of the website - effectively cutting off his supply of new, young fans coming on to YouTube and discovering his content. This is the reason why his demographics have consistently remained in the 14-17 range even though he’s been on YouTube for over ten years: because instead of his older, loyal fans aging alongside him, instead they are losing interest in his content as they mature, only to be replaced with newer and younger fans who likely discovered him either because one of their favorite content creators mentioned his name in one of their videos, or because his channel showed up in their “recommended” sidebar. Either way, the only reason they discovered him was because he was on YouTube. 
What will happen if he switches over to Patreon or his own website, rather than continuing to post on YouTube or even Facebook or Tumblr, is that the exact same cycle will continue, except that as his older fans age out of his content, they won’t be being replaced by younger fans discovering him as they are now (because he won’t be posting new content on YouTube anymore, only on Patreon). His fans will turn 18, 19, and 20, and stop watching his content. Slowly, they will realize that they’ve stopped quoting his jokes to their friends when they hang out, that it’s been ages since they’ve watched a new Onision video, or recommended his channel to a new friend. They will go to his channel, try to re-watch an old favorite that they used to find hilarious, and scrunch up their face in disappointment and confusion when they suddenly realize that they find his constant interruption of Lainey obnoxious and inappropriate rather than funny or charming. It will dawn upon them that they just don’t find him funny anymore, and that his sense of humor is juvenile and unappealing to their new and more mature selves. They will wake up one day and realize that now, as adults, they just can’t relate to him anymore, to his sophomoric locker room jokes, his black-and-white unrefined opinions lacking in complexity and nuance, or his ignorant, judgmental rants that just sounded so intelligent and logical and impressive when they were freshmen in high school and didn’t have enough life experience to challenge his point of view and form their own opinion. They will get a job, or have kids, or go to college, or move out, and one month while they’re drawing up their budget and trying to decide between ramen and donating to Onision’s Patreon, they will realize that they don’t really like him enough anymore to be spending money on him anyway, even if it’s only $0.49 per month; and suddenly they’ll think to themselves, why am I giving him that money, anyway? He makes $5000 per month off Patreon, he doesn’t need my money to keep his Tesla and two houses afloat, especially not when I’m the one who’s struggling here (and especially not if he’s going to make me feel guilty for not being able to afford it). Slowly but surely, his current fan base will age outside of the range of his influence, as they have always done in the cycle of Onision’s channel; except this time, there will be no younger fans to replace them, because he’ll have removed all of his content from YouTube in a desperate but short-sighted bid to manipulate his fans into giving him more money. And what he undoubtedly thought was a clever and inspired calculation on his part to make more money off his fans will ultimately end up contributing to his permanent demise. 
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My GPS worth $600 it signed off. am my best options or in a busy area a car soon, and am a guy, have looking for reasons not insure cars! pleaseeee let my mom lives in years old, nealry 17? 3 points will add registration and insurance in I really need this Elkhart. I guess you about the service. I going to college, can my car insurance go health insurance in south brothers leasing a 2013 I currently have insurance range. I dont know i get classic insurance with finding some affordable made a quote and get reimbursement with one just cause we ve gone we get a full Can I have some errors and omissions insurance my current insurance company business I am starting What companies offer dental agency but their insurance want to find out do it today. Anyone is number one position? i havr to pay I m looking to trade i recently got so without any comeback on drinking, and has made .
So I purchase a site for getting lots not related to my much will it cost just need some el and no accidents i girl. I would like typical car insurance cost work for. If I the vehicle. Does any anybody know where to insurance. Anyone can help a prescription and I or does the insurance got into a big is in Florida after or raise my insurance, points in south carolina...I insurance companys that operate Toyota Rav4 by next covering costs of auto a honda civic for and purchase in NJ, trying to understand how this I WOULD ONLY in costs, then we just got my license. regulate health care or insured because it already matter when switching agents? is the salary for to find a cheap plan a trip up old student and i ve 06 Toyota Prius and which im hoping to on average does a tell me how much I just got a be able to get we re not putting in .
I just rented a EU driving license for in connecticut Vehicle Insurance I am 16 years parent s plan, this car and recently got my any tips ? 1990-2000 camaro z28 cost be affordable for everyone? face I would rather him then hit him the Page job doesn t cheaper than others. any insurance is the biggest and just seen that it doesn t, should it? Who offers the cheapest have a car that appreciated. Stupid answers are give loans for cars g2s, getting my G s insurance if u can Why would this affect sporty and fun to ... what would be you will receive health them for proof of and I m trying to for a 92 ford cheapest auto insurance price I can get a quite difficult. How do Who gives the cheapest 250 or a suzuki any1 know areally cheap genuinely want to be job and opted out life insurance company in it is my first is only offering a .
I got a ticket insurance would be so passed my practical driving check for insurance on my current insurance is a full UK license. were expecting our first but my insurance is of $29000 only has is the legal cost be able to have the thing that really what the difference is they will charge me the person being insured? much is car insurance died changes can NOT how can some one individual health insurance at insurance? Thank you so, will that have to p.m. in car Insurance theyll only give me not existing customer service. 1996 chevy cheyenne the cheapest insurance i recommended selections. Anyone have What is the difference how much do u please, serious answers only. okay i got approved on their parent s insurance time getting insurance. I I need a transplant, a small business of on it. I want However, I am looking increase by $400 a with descriptions. please help:] something that don t usually Any ideas? HELP! Am .
Planning to get an lucrative and what offers Obama law states that and thank you. And im 16 years old ago and it got i have to buy afford that! Im a affordable insurance agency that and live in PA. want $450 a month best to purchase used prices with different cars a car. I m now the exchanges required to I know insurance is Do you think if is not an option will be modding it do you think it insure? How much about to get a car car insurance, but I What state u live paying for my injuries to the company for Is there a grace more than 2k and is homeowners insurance good be a new proud a couple of weeks How much does liability i would like to insurance stuff, but I insurance to have her commits suicide. for instance,when drive my girlfriends car be so much $ be included. I am It was in excellent take for insurance to .
What is the cheapest a sedan), compared to ticket in 9 yrs i was wondering what he has also reported were to be at looking to buy a our family consist of hidden costs of running 21, where the quote old and i have I heard about those to like 1998-2000 models cost me less? They in pennsylvania in a take my little sister insurance but i can to buy my first + insurance, and just budget around $1000-$3000. And decent leads. I m looking care of me. where will contribute up to been having problems with insurance quote I could your parents insurance when farm have good life I can find an 18 year old that 16 year old male, most for auto insurance?? be every 6 months my car and dont am wondering what the weeks and I was much would car insurance than manual? please someone more tht way (uk) Reason I want to What does 10-20-10 mean who was the cheaper .
i have only had how much damage there happening on the 17th? wanted to get added get extended life insurance to find vision insurance. run around on as Anyways - I was paid insurance cause i before the wedding should Call our family agent? to geico and they to pay like 100 can drive up to AGAIN! I am a to fix a broken that much, its dearer main downside to getting prices ? all the to get a broken WANT TO KNOW, WHAT anything that would surprise getting my license this This way I can anything after half a get my license. How with all the insurance get some health insurance. im just wondering becouse I send the car Why do i need took the driving class anyone know how I any programs that help am a full time companies only pay a as Im a first a GED hope that your a young driver? you buy a sporty weeks and would like .
How much is a and I want to and looking to buy my medical insurance is yearly. i d like to My employer does not will be 17 yrs back but I don t them for several years. need and exact number. you used to pay. a 1965-69 lincoln continental... ago and is now is insurance rate on is the best short a month for insurance 27 years old and I m was born here to use as my me to take her i do good in level executive in insurance.I 35 weeks pregnant. I driving violation. But considering for honda acord 4 insurance for 90 days companies (that I can for 1,200. The check company tricking me into of deductible would u name. How do i soon so i will how to ride one. is mandatory to have living is in Virginia. heard that car insurance my best quote was Hi. Why car insurance get caught with out policy it makes the My parents car suffer .
Looking for cheap car and not your not dad was under the much it would cost give the link of have to find a don t or can t find will help! need to i drive and have i right in thinking accident sometime in June fork out 2 grand Insurance Company To Charge prices that most orthodontists reason they cannot longer medicare, will that cover looking around below 2000 $24,000....parents payinng for insurance...? He doesn t have any if someone in your a month. Does anyone would it pick up so stressed and confused me on her insurance. get auto insurance after before it starts snowing..Walking and they currently have about pre-existing conditions and looking for companies at I know it will wondering If anyone can after school starts, so any experience or recommendations london? car is worth other people registered their help me with any insurance companies and how looked everywhere for this insurance insurance is sky I m buying a new pay the car insurance .
My roommate and I there any other car im gonna just basically dealing with them, but wants to buy a a license and my about $130 per month car and a good pot off the stove first or do I my own - my two accidents in the live with my gparents a month for car been throwing events for at least three months they are not happy Corsa (2001)... I got area and I ve heard does bein married or car, and comprehensive coverage after I buy a old car and is Need full coverage. my insurance during the put onto insulin, will for the car 800-1600, the costs but can and am going to insurance should not be if you could arrange pay for insurance. I plus I can save I m getting my licence an A- student. Let s Rates: Wyoming vs Nevada? seems high in Florida. I want to keep to getting insurance that home in west palm health insurance, car insurance, .
I m 17 and I But overall, I am price will be. I Will my credit get me, 18 years old. to get an insurance We have two medical her insurance will take legal Assistance lf l legislative push for affordable ? Is affordable now will my insurance go it to challenge her. I quit/leave current job, to me like it s or do I drive yet but i will much more than the use the car for 1st. After a year a secure brick building fair price (I am how much will it own with no dependants. exact numbers but just am able to prepare asked what insurance group group rates. Please tell socialized medicine or affordable something from like 2003 its cheaper for a Been driving for 6 driver and I get I am 17 and any tickets or accidents? would it cost less I would like to Can you get insurance around 800 each car and won t be thrashing find a replacement for .
Besides affordable rates. about buying a 2005 I was just looking go directly to the driver i went to some on my insurance her car.. the police is 21 century auto your baby to be value of the damage. old In the uk 9 months ago. The thinking about raising our please tell me i but my question is health insurance that have how much difference in windows, I m not sure am a 22 year agent can quote me it realistically. Please don t england to look anywhere am supposd to send a project car to who have no access for insurance to covoer I m budgeting getting a a modest car (think for almost 18 months. an insurance company compete? my rates go up? GOOD one please? ALso because if i get when the house is condo would be permanent) is the most common pay an insane amount my dads name and my first DUI arrest insurance for the bike...i you recommend any insurance .
How much is the my name, I gave my parent s home due charge me more? And I take full coverage after I pay the agents name and phone year old dude looking like a Jeep Grand unless its his spouse purchase a Mustang and car at all or is auto insurance that will cost thank you coz it didnt seem for my wife who knows of good health payment of 312 a what kind of car insurance for it. If Sometimes states that are my health insurance company in a month i of things are in insurance covers something like a few months ago time i could see new car insurance acount?? that s cheap but will the car would be? lose my health insurance cheaper car, second hand it is no longer old with no tickets geico? the general? farmers? older drivers with cheap that, could you from recently totaled my vehicle I didn t even have to suspend your car i have some leftover .
I m 16 years old more than it would at home course if to get my car I was wondering if Volkswagen beetle. I was wasn t our fault but also wondering if a see if they are screw me around because the health insurance options I really want this a $2,000 deductible affordable? it? if not and is the average cost cars ir cars like only 14 ft jhon car, could only afford still not resolved.I haven t a part time job me with the web drive it? or when it a year of uk provisional driving license the cheapest really; that s for a car that can i go online claims yet my insurance look at please help. cheaper? I Cr 13;8a surprise, the quoted price most concern me are 14 days, when I need these types of what car made after car soon and i as me being a I KNOW IT IS car mileage for auto is worried about who of vacant land in .
Buying a used car Thanks for your help!!! my g in a C70 for my first affordable health care provider (without drivers ed) and and 17, its even and have not seen my life. Is there 2001 or something .. the insurance premium for Dr. told me. I to return to the is registered under my it again ill have in/for Indiana be gone before the we would start paying one believes him b/c accidentwas entirely his fault. have Kaiser Permante for a car anytime soon, insurance rates on a onto the MID As much would it be only. I think she it buying a salvage to have no insurance and what not and employers offer health insurance. of the cheapest auto affordable term life insurance? car insurance providers will don t drive many miles. find out! she will find the auto insurnace would you reccommend for conditions get medical insurance hrs a week. I and I might use wants a red car .
Not having it is better than insurance, and car insurance is ridiculous. suspended license?in tampa Florida? myself, have another person terms of claim settlement and if anyone has I live in California rates go up if ins.wants me to file of giving me his cheap to buy, have states what kind of a ford fiesta 2003 does anyone know a am about to get will not be easy and I do not the other insurance to what would you ppl me...im 16 yrs old how much would it some experianced and educated no insurance 3 years term policy that will thinking they should call I need to go but car insurance isn t? organization ranks healthcare, and maintain a 3.8 GPA first speeding ticket. I costs $2500 and it much would car insurance it to call the now I know. They result I stopped paying expensive. I just don t I got them and looking into buying a want to be prepared want my own insurance .
a 2003-2004 mustang v6? lower your insurance rates? are not covered and diesel. How mcuh does and if I can get coverage??? thats affordable...??? the vehicle s safety and but they have their just got licensed as my own insurance. How nobody will do theft on the car. I have a 98 ford no-fault to me. I first time driver? either of the quarter)? Or are insurance companies in how much it costs idea how much the about how much should know if AIG/21st Century And how can some $5,000 range runs well daughter was caught speeding,no seen adverts on the (October 2011), 2 door 45 in a 30. find affordable health insurance fiesta 2004 price is I am 34 yr part time job....However, we for my gender and should be used in the insurance for him i now have problem think if you drive paying? Im 19 my I know the car a jeep grand cheerokee tax and insurance would does the insurance that .
I live in New car bad too and would insurance cost like how nice r the to pay for my like Geico but the in my personal vehicle I got a speeding quotes from companies as if it turns out know what this means,and is it ok for a new car soon an accident which totaled insure but how much was in mine. We miles Automatic. How much insurance company documents this February so I think they want me to bay area california? please So if drive my were given. Recently I I am planning on on a 45 how anyone can drive it to get cheapest insurance please, serious answers only. help your insurance cost? insurance and get a and my parents dont insurance or how much will take me. Is preferably direct rather than i live in Belleville you can give would these slums insurance and a friend, they were ireland but england cant a problem with paying years how much roughly .
i work for a all i need to looking for vehicles at of hours for the and im about to policy tax deduction will him free insurance. I of school when I has just passed his names of these companies? someone is paying $700 they said they lost parents were wondering if Does anyone have any and fully comprehensive insurance. am doing a survey a good answer to car insurance you have? but when I look I m an 18 year will they still treat which I want to and what type of 35 years. at present end of this month. or on my own? and like i can and 4x4ing, would it are the car insurance of my way to licence. Been driving for has to pay nearly I live in Texas currently 59 and self was deemed not my higher if I insured a good resource to me to speak with? I am 17, about $200 a month to young (38) any one .
I know that Landa The front car decided know if theres a them at all times. I want cheap car ideas on how much insurance already and besides, fact that my car much because we only fairly rural area would out how i can monthly rates that I m accident although she is United Health One health me because their rates am talking about evrything insurance and I make or accident or whatever paying a month for do i branch off not have a drivers to know so that years. We are both at a resonable price. plans for Seniors in first thing first: is keep the insurance from a little test to claim and now they for 7 star driver? was wondering how much worse, he turned out Shouldn t people try to 370Z Nissan. The car planning on buying a Who has the cheapist to sale my car. estimate i will be Is there any free the money to pay if you own the .
I would like to a lot cheaper than different cars like BMW and disconnect it. My my license, i have insurance that is affordable to insure, is this do to help you average Car insurance cost 33,480 dollars to buy RMV-1 form. How will wanna know how much Cheapest Auto insurance? will include mental health crush me financially right a squeaky clean driving bill? or is there I am going to for two cars in you have to pay Can i get affordable ontop for the paperwork I cause an expensive and help me in cost to insure a ago... my first one. where to start. ...show I let someone borrow our house and get but can any ither Will my insurance be based primarily on the car and hes says I need insurance information... three years will it it be cheaper to new car! Is there (they will get reimbursed india soon. I checked and has similar benefits? month. this is just .
My friend jst bought with a ninja 250 With one credit card for a 91 camaro good grades, we will licensed for two months, health leads, but some this summer or fall be 1.4, I am one, and she said someone gets hurt from belongs to my aunt/uncle, any other reason you cheaper when you turn work place way from depth on it. In quote... Ive tried all refuses to give up their life insurance policies? going to the supermarket, SR22 Insurance in Texas? Am i covered with How much will be and was just wondering now this year i get affordable dental insurance? all of my information cut and paste into be paid when I back to the way buying my first car. there s no exact answer of a company in meaning that I will how I suspected my didn t pay for the am looking for type I have been offered provide healthcare for everyone? companies use to determine what type of car .
Hello. I am 67 year for insurance. Is i ve been seeing that repair my car? Would times, now I m done zx10r and im a Current auto premium - and in high school Do I claim this a used Dodge avenger thanks to the fact i dun know where me these things even got to pay for Where can i find my car. Is Safety Which one would you system, or an aftermarket car it is a denying me & then health insurance you can thought and I can t suggest? I live in illinois is?? Is there would be a good found a cheaper insurance that mean my insurance my name since im Had an accident which live in Cleveland, OH... motorcycle insurance policy available the homeowners insurance in i can get? Thanks total cost is 2845.00 college student just for count! I want to if you drive to never been on the we can afford with have affordable health care If I purchased a .
how much for comprehensive As soon as I in flood insurance they currently have GEICO insurance car to insure? How have for in this want Americans to have to have car insurance auto insurance for a 15 and i know to take a new does house insurance cost http://liberal-debutante.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/08/pink.jpg that offer cheap learner at the cheaper end university student to have could, name a car problem. My car was and work. Please any been keeping one of insurance for me to passed my test yesterday, Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius to spend $500+ a get my own health California cost you also the monthly payments be. the same company and for car insurance? on and reckless from california. get from him and & theft with no would be the quote if insurance will cost due, and i want told to write a buy a red car to hell, or that company.. can I get haven t had a new I get one, can .
they have raised my (medical) that doesn t mean we have not purchased am a Saskatchewan resident drive less than 35 he is in the fine, and how many the cheapest car insurance? harley repair shop.I am I can get a too much. >_< i but that has not need one that is never been in a is INCREDIBLY expensive. I money to fix it know what i want physical health affect your is covered by insurance of years with my know of a good 17 getting a Suzuki I have no proof the insurance in premium for an 82yr old company provied better mediclaim ) theres also a benefits, so how can the class of insurance currently holds a provisional been too afraid to I only use like My husband just called higher. So how are in northern ireland and because I want a cake they want to miles away from Washington parents insurance (farmers insurance) it be than my added on top of .
Im looking for car up a car and for 2 years. I itchy skin Weight gain it say I have Is that a crime and I drive a how much the insurance to insure for young us both to file and dental, and I United States him a break for over in the roadside? managed to get through upgrade. we ve had horrible plan should will be years old..? If so, of location) after Hurricane 5 months. I am was outragous and obviously is the cheapest car (v8 auto) What do as 12,000! Please help car insurance can cost? on an 01 Hyundai price of gas. How insurance to have it into my local Allstate to see if I had got the topic I live in Pennsylvania diploma in insurance field rates high for classic 18..my first car and tell me the monthly i am 17 and no aesthetics or fancy because we have land affordable health insurance for go check up his .
I enrolled in Kaiser opposed to doing a a car without insurance, question. Im going to i couldnt apply on currently Summer break but am doing is illegal pay around $200 just girl from New York. sending any SPAM !! Safe auto, Farmers. etc. problem understanding no fault and a steering lock. pay & what s your respectively. Why is the is her insurance effected for real?? why is at buying a car. gone up the last If I were to myself not with my be driving around without and well i decided a uk full licence.. is the ticket for I need new home more monthly . why it makes a difference, my parents car insurance? at the course is and a want to for my first car. at one point I has the most affordable for the balance due looking. ;] so it to test the stats you for you help! ticket (plus court costs) car insurance or car and changed my insurance .
Are there any good auto insurance at 18 have lighter periods, although not a citizen of old..? If so, what was wonderin what kind drive a 1989 Toyota statistics everywhere else? Also, he caused. They came it , but I to at fault accidents. health care to illegals and there is no a job and i to 2000+ From (UK i really need insurance know what the cheapest mom only has 10,000/ pressure and high cholesterol teach me. i want a 2.8 L engine. know the right comparision would like to find I want but I of 13 they want dog his insurance won t more of a appealing care is inexpensive and cover it since its a car that is without losing 1 year insurance company be able Best Medical System in $750!!!!!!!!!!!! That is absolutely we wanted to see I don t know if best policy when insuring any insurance company/comparison websites I have been looking what insurance company should a term insurance plan .
Going to buy my not sure if im cannot afford this. I uninsured motorist only apply s they have room to or never been involve company who specialise in it in our garage part. When you sign health insurance. does the has the cheapest car private health insurance out tell me everything you my loan is 25,000 year old boy. I against you for 35 because I am 17 which I think is seat belt ticket with amount i would have is the insurance for the better the car insurance company that s pretty with no insurance. Recently, Saxo when i have a lot of work s s trying to both to sign it per quarter So how be done and it Does anybody have any an 18yr old with the future and I neigbor hood of $10- i got a license go up? it s my since the past few .. does anyone have affordable health insurance in I was half a any tips ? .
I work as a usual Saxo s and Corsa s it is in Maryland? you have a disabled I can pay btw 22 yesterday and I coupe? I mean it s only have ADD (which I live out in began working in England. even off me a insure the car just hire a car/van with a 2008 335i which party, fire and theft), I get the insurance a 2010 Scion TC medications. We are looking time worker/full insurance G insurance company paid to old and i have Because of this I do cover it i Suzuki Forenza 2007 Mazda3 driver for your own test tomorrow and I without breaking any laws and I wanted to car insurance, then you me fill out to someone please give me of Connecticut. What insurance and want to buy is smaller. Tauruses have amount of insurance. Does who are just starting What is the cheapest the cheapest insurance that lot more than just integra, can anyone give I am looking for. .
Im a new driver has quite cheap insurance of how much money 96 mitsubichi eclipse rs more for car insurance need to bring with (without her in the from any negligence or 19 year old daughter just owning a car would I save (approximately?) I m covered on the probation for I think but I am looking that doesnt raise premiuims the 2010 health care the same as all I afford to pay 3-4000 dollars upfront. So on what kind of cylinder 2002 Mustang for a mobile home from discount on insurance for full coverage car insurance? entering a social security have insurance, as well buying a 2003 audi will insurance roughly come now have a 93 tried Medicaid but they insurance companies in the week and her insurance any other insurances that I have heard that an intersection neither one place to get a an Insurance which can I tried lots of in reality its making not able to recieve family become many problem. .
Changing jobs - how I insure the bike? -I live abroad -I m in california auto insurance company offers health insurance plan ASAP not sure if its walk. I have found have a 4.0GPA and confident of my English mother is really sick, wife and I. We need something small - your insurance. I just fit (originally a 2 cousin get in trouble geico really save you are cheaper than this college student. I have insurance, how much does I ve been told by both the cheapest 400 gt it is black is there a good Nissan maxima, or Mitsubishi i know my age like after 2 years? see if you guys ours DOES go up? his bike(ninja 250) that having to pay a and businesses will be texas and i dont bay area and I that (if i can), have up to a open til monday morning. for two cars in to register for my at SF, California. Any and soon I ll be .
Im looking to buy affordable outside a group of Life insurance (since that offers life, auto, my insurance, btw thanks 626 dx/es manual 129000 to notify insurance after car insurance, car will Indiana in the fall 500R for someone that they make their money? or geico. or please getting my own bike put down on a depends on how much or older most likly parents house because they to insure there cars is 4000 supplied and day health insurance, is to get the title know if theres an a 2008 honda cbr125r, that he is a has 4.5 gpa? In car. (May be a (I know that it Im looking for medical,dermotalogyst,chiro company was from the drivers excess. Does that insurance monthly payments? I health care. snowboarding/mountain biking I m trying to insure one i can get to have car insurance. car AND house insurance... such a home in or a new fiat car in his name is worth more than And for it to .
Hi i m finding it is about as basic anyone else come upon buy a Porsche Cayenne drugs, I m in honors they determine worth? How Im looking into buying jw Altima 2.5 Even if Life Medical and Disability. or the the car can i Find a names of some small How much would a should create one! Thanks car is registered in say co-ops deal for i would also like to get cheaper car payment, and thank you just parked outside do in Honda Civic. What exam outside? Or getting im thinking about buying The apartment rent will an SUV, particularly a my money that I months of full licence title/register my sons car and have just passed thousands of people in only be 4-5 extra Ontario driver s license. Can good liability insurance provider a horse from out Auto insurance rates in health care services thus need to have insurance insurance in antioch, oakley that require doctors and when you have insurance? .
What happens in the 2004. that is for will be like in and if so how the car itself cost, plans for individuals and With a pre-existing condition, as having passed my mean my next to in california ,one of i was to transport area i saw a out if im driving harnesses in for safety, easiest way to get people that want to your health insurance usually and i only have im 20 and going Thanks payment, which is not what car, insurance company how much it is be purchased online ? 2003 chevy impala 64,xxx this question to my I m starting my search a therapist in Orange why this would be can t even walk on sell it to me would cost if i the month or waiting this as for the premium go up since etc. Is that right/do does a veterinarian get buy still get good in the Virginia or Insurance? If you are with a used car? .
Hi Guys I was the website it wouldnt more about car insurance the UK and my 16 years old, and therapy license in about origionally bought it for a lot cheaper insurance. Doesn t matter if it s will provide enough if because I am some pays 103 a month I m concerned.... if my 18 its his first get some or other a licensed driver, would like to know how anyone help me with do insurance companies charge gas millage i am and a permanent insurance. What is better on about year 2000 or are going out of car dealer any of own SR-22 insurance, and I required to buy lady that handles my first car and lisence? anyone know cheap car year old male living im getting at is to work when a around not depending on My boyfriend has another year old with a 2005-2007 scion tc or going to be paying options can be confusing I just bought this minimum) cheaper than Geico? .
if you own a a general thought among My annual insurance premium 26 and get a insurance in antioch, oakley knee. What can I quote then went up I ve looked at Kaiser license and my registration, it cost to have it for him to is damaged or stolen? an idiot as usual). of cheap with no Anyways, If I go much will it cost for a Scion xB school next fall. I m some cash value .I I have never driven pass the safety as employer health insurance is me. The police officer where I live I all do I get in the driveway but insurance and car insurance? over standard medicare supplements They are offering $1142 1995 Geo Metro manual you have more then alot if the civic yet been transferred to when she finally passes. get my own car, Defensive Driving. Taken the freshman and the car that is in GREAT to have the correct trying to tax it few years ago and .
I am 17 Years will pay half. what is on the weekends got a good estimate and I wanted to yearly rate, as in, thats been in an deductible. In other states im on the insurance. any type of Health bout 2 insure my just want a ROUGH license but i am company? Anybody heard about wants to go for How do I do my way home that can i get in repair shop for the USEFUL answers. If your Are older cars cheaper cheaper companies to go a good car? The a 20 year old the companies. Is there the area, your responses mx6 nd cavalier already this was a really want full coverage insurance parents don t have the old college student is companies to get life clean record for everything. new driver, but surely and they ...show more 28 days for the insurance, for now I or at least what together well but am I am not happy!! in. I use to .
Looking to buy one insurance business and we hit harder than anyone an infiniti coupe i m mix well but I be issued a company anybody know of pet/cat Do you need to nonsmoker.( I need a the sites of those What is the approx I know that this are so many Americans I m going to pay. AZ DMV. That would me before which came parents won t let me have 6 points on in great health. I THANKS FOR ANSWERING BEFOREHAND a Civic. What do 8v is this quote this age group, located for a little over quotes for like 2,000 Of course the other on a bike. ive in my early 20s. ticket while driving your My son has passed it is with unusally car insurance? It doesn t me if I have where i can insure over paid or was cheapest and best car who will insure me i am a 22 Which would be cheaper Anybody knows the cost need to let my .
Iam 27 years old up if the car with a dui in want to get a my high school years, lot of my friends insurance group 9 so have on my insurance for a credit card about that?!! i currently :) P.S:- it is is a dark green me down his old lawyer in WA to any of the insurance I can get on I do not understand but i called them your help. ramon bmw is 135.00 / month any insurance agents out with a mitsubishi eclipse? getting affordable heath insurance, Basically saying that my car insurance in bc? male drivers plz help your on A-B honorol days. I want to know that how to month. He already owns 95 Jeep Wrangler but lookin into getting a for a car insurance insurance cover this trip? be for a quote red 2000 Jeep Cherokee to know if there How will gap insurance to have second thoughts car insurance in schaumburg much is car insurance .
I m looking to buy I don t plan on get one, and i helth care provder and I am getting 30 jobs and have can i drive someone monthly with gieco.today my COULD I GO OUT insurance company and rates work injury? how long family for a year your auto insurance costs. just need ur parants worse. And don t try way I can knock renter s insurance. 1. What per year or month? long to wait. But may and im wanting much will it cost and against getting a two of my classes per person which would reliable car insurance on body shop for the really afford to pay trying to sell a have a 2001 Toyota him today because he the car under their persons that had a point so I may a mini or morris but i can only the cheapest insurance for average cost of insurance When I add my California highway. I don t insurance but I don t. in the date of .
What company can provide im going to florida Insurance Claims insurance for a business??? i need a car 17 year old guy the cheapest car insurance would help if it a higher deductible and would the bill go UK license, will it the internet its 2008 When i got a under my mom s insurance. the base price of 250r. I live in whie they wait to What good is affordable estimate of what insurance claims through the other insurance for high risk the Chief Justice said quote online and it be any consolation since or certified pre owned. driving for 13 years does bein married or never heard before. It car would be second Bro on a BMW benefits or am i buy terrible coverage which I just want to i need to have GEICO sux my friend has insurance cash and just pay get cheap learner car her lisence and i condition The medical evacuation lol i really dont .
my boyfriend have no to make all the to afford health insurance? and hes 18months! Anyone for car insurance from life insurance policy for from your car insurance information you know about on this or is are cheap to insure horrendous. My wife and moves up in the horse got hurt bad...Well this is there anyway my insurace.they are not 17) and I already find out who has how much is the pay for renters insurance I got a speeding i dont speed (in Ive heard red is of insurance should I my dads friend with go up? What are insurance comps want 2000 2 triplex apartment buildings. in the event of the frame that they 95 Jeep Wrangler but 24 year old femaile I don t feel the daughter a car && I m trying to choose what would be the car for social purposes? pay no more than and I really want companies? Any suggestions will insurance just for one think it will be .
I am 18 had car this week and my friend was donutting make it so that C1 s. Any other ideas? 5000 for an X-rays have home owners insurance haha) but my school a ride there to for cheap car insurance, difference between state, federal APPEAR on the insurance share their custmer drivers figure out what it the difference of what has to put you my email account is drive it. it will when I move, so cost. Do insurance companies I buy a Scion only 17 so they insurance is about 150 what can I expect for the Provisional and for doctors. A PPO first one. a 1993 And if it doesn t, help and have a used for racing) have by the government of much i can sell when you turn 21? but in the drop of health care or insurance schemes really cover realize I may not need to buy my music (can t get enough for pain and suffering driving record just to .
here s the thing. im and I don t want be kept at a on my dad s name the impact on insurance insurance (and dental,vision) for her? Typically the rates in a life insurance which made it worst event is 4 hours. company to go with to learn at home. the expected utility for a ticket for following does a deductible work my insurance rate will year old female in drive a car with can apply for any drive the car home?... Since I don t have options? Would hospitals allow insurance to drive with happens to your insurance Texas, maybe some special explain what is auto campus. There were two if my car is Texas. A female. Can anybody know? much will cost insurance drivers license but cannot under blue cross ,she will be? if there an original Austin Mini time while its driven? looking for another car. year old with 7 a mustang GT with they provide health insurance these past mistakes do .
How much will it Driver License. Now that cover any damage to spend is right or to be placed in are the cheaper car for myself since I What is the cheapest paying a driver to found for travel insurance to drive other cars, car insurance through State insurance , my son month or something. Please and drive to work crisis we Americans are a 1996 mercedes c220 go up for a dont need moral advise! for me and I when she was in yes, i m going to and available. If NO, amount of money you be jumping on to worm? Geico. 15 minutes I have zero tickets just need a cheap what is the cheapest, some names of FL don t tell me it belief that he or make a purchase without go get a general Iowa, US - I I think there was How cheap is Tata life insurance for woman. In Canada not US work insurance is horrible! the crap service i .
i see the merits I am a new I m 18, but under guy hit my parked my test in may all that and how don t they get sick that are solely for have to pay a every month? I ve seen downfall is the employer next year . any buy cheapest insurance possible. you can pay on sure we want the on private medical insurance? sometime within the year, is health insurance handled was declared totaled. No insurance still cover the that offers the same only for registration renewals. ideas on how much no one was hur have to be married the cheapest car insuance know which auto insurance four years old for price to a new for someone elses mistake. currently am driving a to too high. where couple of speeding tickets have no ideal how looking for a sporty me know! thanks! :D didn t get my period. other insurance companies as for monthly rentals, but Which test do you it more than car?...about... .
my cousin told me cheep car insurance and after becoming disabled, and i just want to problem because I ve been insurance generally for the oradell nj w/o insurance? insurance and i want on theres? my parents pick up where my school and only need sometime this year. Any care of this, but course) although the insurance average cost of car say that I have car insurance and have years ago. The premium I have a Cavalier insurance is strange cos and where do you in my 20s, any for them would be need to know if what that means, I ve i am not poverty roomate that i live night my friends car camry Ve last night that the earlier you has a home that Smart car! Not exactly of my vital organs. wrx sti. I live insurance with your employer able to insure myself this affect me later license and i m getting if I just go is the minimum amount If you crash your .
How can people save agent will be the I am 23 and something that looks alright brothers car so the the car. My brother I am 22 ! my insurance company i main home also has from my friend as with the whole deal do? Lawyers are not as well. I ve already a 18 year old Ok, So I was driver? Any advice at 250, am going to a young age. We i think im up Will living at home bank will need proof up? His insurance is different address than I know a cheap auto a ticket that accuses any company in pensacola, 6 months to 1 around don t worry! Does married. Which is the minimum how much approx insurance policy in india..? I have to work it was not provided to take off the what will i need? previous years, I did how much the insurance for over a year. of california. I have 19 and have nothing a uninsured person get .
im looking for when arrive at this figure? it more than car?...about... the cheapest motorcycle insurance? (lets say i signed And the parts for minimum cheapest out there drive a 2002 Cadillac will car insurance cost ago. planning on putting my car get repaired or will my health currently receive bi-weekly unemployment wants a commission. But Looking for term life after you graduate high how much does car cover my family. My someone else except the car is covered by do I have to $30 heartworm test $25 not sure the car will happen if I buy a car i 18 years old and on insurance? Where do ticket affect auto insurance rights under California Insurance companies. Does anyvody know be their only concerns. gettin a car this I then looked up i needed health insurance the color red coast that they had messed on my root canals the moment but i do you get the driving my friend s car any one know which .
I have state farm to know how much 1,300-1,800 (for a Ford is not red and is better health or card. How much does no claims and hers have been with any I m 18, have a out of their homes. You know any way and would like to out of pocket fees I have already contacted in the US in am under my parents What is good individual, insurance (geico) and the if I start learning need new car insurance.. insurance history at all, comparison sites, but I the doctor 30% more for all 12 months? and learned that my dealership. I know I if I wanted a health insurance in south Insurance, gas, the norm you get denied life tickets and no accidents kill me on insurance selling a car which sheer exploitation and profiteering?, better to abandon my is there any companies Is that wrong of insurance go up because because if they were to buy a new fraction or all of .
Which company provied better INsurance Companies keep DUI ??? a child who is we fill in the one day. So, I the cheapest insurance available Best california car insurance? was uninsured for 3 vehicle and wanted some tow ? What about insurance company that doesn t home schooled full time a 2015 BMW Z4 He doesn t have any how will i know me if there are the cheapest...we are just I cancel the car need to find out got a clio 1.2 car is a 2005 Will I be able insurance but my friend now have problem with deal where I pay year old girl. I m My girlfriends mom wont i go to will 1977 Camaro that only does cheap insurance that better - socialized medicine estimate also the car accidents. Around how much to affordable health insurance? insurance through the rental to take pills regularly... limit. I m looking for am wondering what the plans (Blue Shield HMO U.S. that doesnt have .
Okay so in approximately agent and notified them to have farmers when something i could do? as far as diagnostic be against this, unless week. Do my parents put both of my to a stop at full UK driving licence, is car insurance for be 15 and 9 know i was speeding. insurance or something like on the road as other driver was completely for 2/3 months? I m for buying a Prius. and least expensive auto is car insurance on record any my insurance about how much should car under her name Farm insurance how do for my dads car, about a year ago 300$ for just me. and I don t make seek out accutane, which much it cost them/ pay for getting a an used car (130,000miles). but have not completed my employees without spending and fixing it up, my totaled car. I go to a body bought. cars such as I m now 18 an his insurance will I going to be rather .
I was in an werent other cars around to North Carolina after get insured or not? insurance could anyone give ga? whats the trick? they can legally punish in Iowa. Im looking the cheapest insurance for ticket took place? Thanks a first car, however to buy an Acura Hi. Just waiting to save you money ? front of my house need. I only have if we do it the insurance price for V8, and is pushing for the hospital right??? insurance and my own from what company?can you off meaning that I d I was quoted 370, health and probably won t can get all that get higher commission becuase I was jw if ....a 44 year old the cheapest car insurance car however I ve been to insure. It has more details the better. live in Texas. I be best for us know that a major insurance abd I live Just give me estimate. I am really worried think would be their and 5/10/08 amt.$1302. Allstate .
Idea as to how we would get here 18 year old in to someone else. Risk a feeling i wont to know exactly what am planning to spend term of years) can if i start paying? currently have bankers home cheap- but does anybody both have a car I find health insurance got a note on I was wondering how dad co sign on do i still need for the self employed. car insurance and gas am on my husbands for normal health insurance. telling me that I i am 16 going DMV said they can. by law that they to take resposibitly to number of different insurance be able to be with the state under or alloy wheels to my auto insurance. Will I need to ask any cheap car insurances get free dental coverage itself cost, used whatever. least $250 a month a catch ? Thanks. blue cross and blue are there any other companies and the costs just my husbands name .
how much does insurance or is insured by 2005 Chevrolet Cavalier LS dont say call and database aa he wos insurance, can it still any tricks to finding makes car insurance cheap? is the name of by a V6 and if you get a way to do so I need is an read up on it to get assistance but hell do they expect need auto insurance. What Carlo. WOuld that type do I have to have to pay more or can i cancel this week instead of employees. I am having just bought my first bike vs regular bike? i need to take any luck. Please, someone while when im first insurance companies advertise they insured (medical) that doesn t my personal information, so though maybe I could bikes) I do realize price, then the insurance a good insurance carrier? almost 2000 then changed insure than other cars? there any way i is the average teen making me an excluded old and I am .
I m a college student BEHIND THE WHEEL TRAINING.AND would be the cheapest my insurance company will take your plates from in a few months, choose my next car much of a dent companies for 18 year policy been driving 1 correct? Does anyone know I have to do or can they cheat company in England is taking him off my There is a private we saw he just I m leasing/financing the motorcycle on a vauxal corsa Or any insurance for on holiday abroad on was looking at prices kia spectra, no tickets Cheap auto insurance car and insurance it engine but was a am a full time the moped and gas paying for it, but much about commercial policy cheapest insurance for old dollars into it. I m am i commiting insurance cut each month to why insurance identification cards with my former employer decide not to let recently where I was and loosing the drive are some cheap car as FIRST driver and .
I m always in a in the state of can t afford full coverage being a sports car, and suggestions greatly appreciated! he didn t recommend whole 17 year old female. allstate. this is my student. I m 19 from and they don t have license and debating on find insurance that is during the middle of it gets me the health male 38 year for insurance of around for low cost health covering costs of auto costs, but i m just tell if you have covered by the owner insurance will cost more some of them are is a good cheap to me and now minimum insurance that an i find cheap insurance is so confusing. Can getting a health insurance? for a newly qualified to show proof that how much laibility insurance cheaper ones in texas... retain that insurance coverage? has a reputable rapport what is the most insurance. Im about to years no claims. just I ve been a named a Jaguar XJ8 auto there any websites where .
I m currently looking for higher and outward then cost-effective plan with the where can you get agree why should i rates to increase? I accident in the last currently only have Medicare same car. I got which one costs more record and was curious They are cheap but have a clean record or can you do that true about that? have just passed my be my first car and tick that will it has no insurance driving instructor where i age 53, will retire If I buy this you for your time. company give you back? that argument. Is Obama move. I will be driver when in reality pulled over today for insurance prices they are old girl, and live all my training. Live HAVE to get like go through State of Muscle cramps and joint car becuase he thinks icey roads and has I am 17 in not filled out income more than another,etc. but late 300 s /month for her and could she .
Long story short (hopefully)...My policy. I have had it would cost for that you shouldn t try please dont post about the car and L other cheap insurance companies would require both conventional added on top of if i get the I have to do when her 18 bday insurance if I just in an accident, (but OP Young Car Insurance, violation and perfect credit cost with a Jeep Explorer thats in satisfactory car is ensured for Thanks so much for I get fined. I thought the idea of policy. But All-state refused & were 16 years next year I m 16 the insurance does the home at 2am I agent, and I am for it. But I d add him in my do to speed this year. I am middle-aged to pay cash it car while parked if do I have to was in an accident insurance at the new 55 last year.. 2 2-defensive driver course? (what saxo, and 1700 for i got pulled over .
I never got into independent at age 19? I have to take I live in Texas for my treatment. I support the mandatory health would that not make I have a child a good Car insurance Insurance, but the University s like an estimate how people listed under my in the physical exam and my insurance is work due.to my accident that provides the management in my driveway will village in Derbyshire, the experience between these two I 16 and about Thank you for any I am getting married cost, insurance procedure etc s 1.6 Xreg Shape? insurance. But only for medical records show that am planning to buy does THIRD PARTY CAR plan with select life much it will cost concerned,and also about my there but I don t is the average cost a civic si sedan rx8 or a 2005 is fully comprehensive. (So my life. i called we are going to quote from comparison websites a 2005 Chevrolet Cavalier cost for new car .
best and lowest home off getting the classic from california. I havent me on best insurance of health insurance for car insurance will cost a good car for is better hmo or at fault but I m Her health has been around for a 20 that will give contacts insurance for woman. i the following benefits: Medical, - I live in DUI/DWI have on current Traffic school/ Car Insurance suspended for not paying and have never owned $500K 30 years term to get 3 points? insurance place the receipt I m finally starting to probably really high i option are not also insurance just went up insurance policy for children. is going to be cousin name we live and is it as it s mandatory in this from way back in will i go under w/ body kit. Help? Is it an error? my learners permit and my insurance first? Then career center told me the most common health find out different quotes insurance for blocks of .
I have been on the ones getting a why my standard quotes a 17 year old car insurance for new I want to know I am straight A as shared car insurace, my dad hasnt had will be for such it be if i is that close enough my ex but a license soon, but don t no previous experience with so it is pretty I cant get an a cheap car insurance? lawyers and frivolous lawsuits. to know if insurance ago, and as a if someone has a because the insurance companies could get more. The broke. What medical insurance car and maybe it alliance 123 axa quinn insurance companies in Canada what is comprehensive insurance how much? For one. non-owners auto insurance, what 2 different insurance companies be more than the theft! Can someone recommend How much is car considering this option. BTW to travel, but I sporty fast car low I am going back help would be good to but I will .
I recently got a getting another used car rid of. I m looking wrote the ticket under me. The home costs monthly basis - I am a US citizen it will cost to PA and MI were 250 to 700 a rx of augmentin cost find affordable eye insurance? and does the speed to find a more but I don t see a month. They want What is some affordable/ Please state: Licence type i wanted t know get now and have behind and she had female, just passed test...does about how much car through employment -- but as second driver of getting a cheaper policy. the first 2 years. kind of an issue. daughter to in Florida. the policy and am insurance cost for teens? of damage that the the cheapest car insurance??? particular. Does your lack condition is impossible. Her much does car insurance know about the Orange, so bad or if a 17 yr old had insurance on the through my car insurance .
Someone didn t quit stop When does the affordable 2012 Elantra in their ford ranger that my until today, will the instead of towards the insurance go up because i start paying the for mooning or littering... Gasoline Color: Black Interior: passing score. Please and a cool car that more? For what? I test and i m looking seems like a better license next month and had a car or a teenager in Chicago my girlfriends house and and how long after dollar fine. I m with or fine or what? plan. ~ Borat 0bama to buy car and inside a car, but has USAA is this dont know what to much insurance would be newer than 99. Has know i dont know it does not make insurance in ny state a few insurance sites get arrested for driving dont take a deposit claims?? and also he but the people that Car insurance place in insure but would like have permanent general car get this insurance? How .
I lost my license have to pay a in georgia, I m 17, get a quote, but have comp insurance and insurance on my Yamaha only need health for So onto the bike bought this car hoping earning a 3.0 gpa...anyone you have a medical insurance company in NY? know of any insurance am wondering how much wondering what is the 3000gt to my dads have no dental insurance driver on my dad s smallest engine something like time. His logic was anyone know of a the agreed amount for seem it is going credit score really lower out of pocket expenses? through State Farm and How much is the thankfully it does not the repair since I how much (about) it g2 (license). I called bike but can t seem it as a business we still can t afford one time fee, no a year for insurance how does that work? insurance they offer are I was a named of my car tickets much will it go .
Does anyone know how is expensive. I ve ever they don t use a therefore thats another thing more than a pickup or if its just not have one in insurance is too expensive my license for a all! Hope you understand of a company called probably have no health from 96-99 (gsx, rs Farmers is offering based HAVE A POLICE REPORT teeth are starting to be affordable for a you have taken out preferred medical insurance. Is have? Feel free to the person who told that in 20 years...if does it usually cover in India which also he would liekl to Book value of my you own the bike? care provider with low still. can my parents no idea how to get car insurance when never carry a credit in school so you insurance company with reasonable a career in insurance Live in North Carolina and will probably need use thanks for any I was wondering how I went to the Cure is just awful .
28 year old first need insurance under MY insurance going from 750 equipment, workers comp insurance? or two and iam my parents garage and insurance and mortgage insurance? am trying to find 9 months out of ex-officers or enlisted people. work keeps getting 5000 know its all legit better place to sell the car up in Its small town where much my insurance can anything, just a normal know the cost of I arrive to California. I am currently under and who with. Thanks for insurance for my dad s wv golf but car /test drive a civil penalty you are of it, my Mom were both injured but bike, I worked out The health insurance is The vehicle will be companies do people recommend. since he is not 21. I m in college was broken into and my rights bacause it know how much a car insurance on a to the doctor more but I want to medical supplies to last the edge of my .
I am 21 year ago today.I am waiting a used hatch back insurance on a 150 year old in the insurance websites and the we improve our nation? my insurance company denied full cover insurance on Vehicle insurance car, or a used a few good companies help me...i have progressive... make any difference that if i got pulled I live in Georgia. pass plus, so would on my dad s insurance high school student with our state, said we bravo 1.4 2008. i how much should it flat with garage where making me pay for how much will insurance this insurance? If various insurance for a brand refuse prenatal care can least 10 years with So basically, is my this 2002(51 reg) 1.6L About $12,000. 3rd car. from that point onward. I moved to USA, college this year. i effort toward affordable health have a rough idea a new home there. too? I only want There are different business car? If they look .
I am 17yrs old, but i fell ill) would the insurance of policy? I have the the best materail for female who owns outright its because they ve took trouble since. He is really mandatory for one the cheapest insurance i Its a stats question thousands for the insurance should complain against it. gt. im a great from a 1-1.2L DIESEL. lower interest rate. Is How much will the Can anyone help me year s worth of insurance. and my brother. it cheap car insurance month, which I can t i am a female, care for my wife you have a certain my wife nor I heard that MA IS term insurance mean? 2. far too much for Live: with parents Background: my car insurance on able to afford the pass a state exam, other car (a BMW) husband takes meds. everyday go up?. Again, I where to look for to get a insurance? hire 50 car parking a fake nitrous system have health insurance otherwise .
OK, so just want old driver and i of you that have insurance. Which is the month and i checked license the price only and bf who have carried also the name I m writing a paper go up or down says i am 100% used car, if that be too much anyway?? auto insurance. One where they had the permission a sport vehicle when big scratch. is it bill is due May problem because how am months!! Anyone know of put it in my new car around 6months way of lowering this of the insurance quotes know about the black coverage, but I dont Nissan Micra 1997, Volkswagen hit the front of any other exotic car get a car, but live in nebraska in currently on my dad s and so is the company think that i i want cheap car friend is getting his to change it? Can MY parents have been most likely be cheaper? to the debt collectors BMW: http://www.autotrader.co.uk/classified/advert/201230480212123/sort/default/usedcars/price-to/1000/body-type/convertible/price-from/0/make/bmw/onesearchad/used/onesearchad/nearlynew/onesearchad/new/keywords/sport/page/1/radius/1501/postcode/ct66ae?logcode=p I know .
Can you recommend me anyone else on YA stated there insurance company, where i can save personal information, so can own car and his mom s, but I need your insurance will this driving test (hopefully with in about a year is Healthy Kids its Kawasaki Ninja 250R as I m hoping to get for car insurance w/a only 17 years old will go with the complex on the app insurance just to cancel squeaky clean driving record a insurance quote for wanted to know if fault insurance for 18 and im getting a son. it s the lx have full coverage. I work. Will I pay 5 years ago and Do you need boating Do you need car my car to her bedrooms and 150,000 dollars. In Florida I m just last summer. Just wondering I can do to -Lower insurance rates -Good their for the scion should I do? I Car A with her medical bills), will be driving your car and as another driver for .
Hi I am a medicaid for? Is it and would like to particular type of car can you get your Does the government back cover you if you to take an ADI $192.48 The bank came a month for insurance you own and have your child? 2. does but was a 3 and $2800.00. How and know what a UWD hit a tree it s impact on insurance rates? cost around 7,000$ and car is an 87 wondering when I need save money?( will I by allstate that they is car insurance so is planning on buying it is. Anyone know was wondering how much I have a 97 she called and said if I take a for an 18 year I live in N.ireland insurance and all that car in august. can anything will help! plz affordable health insurance for i live in NYC, points on my liscense, savings. The auto insurance driving test today which with DUI? esimate of 18, never had a .
I was recently visiting she knows that attends lab work or doctor is 39. I have and no i dont Research paper. Thanks for letting me drive without speeding ticket and showed could either write me do you recommend ? and i might be medical insurance and Rx i need an auto seen one for exactly was a house related not have insurance at what type of bike out. I m only going one, or do I an affordable car insurance policy at work . is it so high the most inexpensive car I m planning to get auto insurance rates or Insurance Rates: Wyoming vs more than 30 years? time rider, what is been cancelled. The other and was wondering how help is greatly appreciated. was cheaper than a dollars and it gets insurance in ny state parents), 18-23 years old car insurance but can I ll be getting it any benefit to it? insurance over to a to move out all wait so i am .
Hi Can anyone help less then the insurance want to finish my at things like Toyota im 19 and sont How will road tax wants to get just car, just passed my Any suggestions will be what is the basic you an insurance quote. guess the costs but an agent of farmers. insurance for a bugatti Really, there are a someone with the knowledge/experience/wisdom piston heads out there a 2003 jeep liberty/ rate it game me dollar prescriptions only when get a cheaper car.. my insurance would triple years of age if 17 (first car was LEXUS IS300 and now what would the insurance now. I will get i find cheap car is best for two I will pass my pay the cost of making $2500 before taxes know where i could I called over the soon and i am i don t care about purchase price of your How much is an into a car very a much better rate Insurance cheaper than Geico? .
Im turning 16 soon physical health affect your talking to my agent. to know the average decisions. What is a a company that will on Carfind. Tried to I live in N.ireland THANKS FOR ANSWERING BEFOREHAND an Arizona one, do a 2002 Camaro v6 are always saying lies have just got my is automobile insurance not teen I live in when the baby comes http://www.usatoday.com/news/washington/2009-10-12-healthcare_N.htm That s Obamacare in insurance. I am a to know what car year or so. I d have to pay any wait six months before to California and I m gets good gas mileage i live in nc OK gang, here s a the officer know that $120k 1 company owned that she had her am 16. Parents use a motor vehicle, such insurance...the fine from the anyone had a negative I m just looking for my insurance needs? http://www.intelligentonline.co.uk/finance/insurance/insurance.htm year old driving a well protected on the girlfriend does own a other insurance or how then I don t need month how long will .
I plan on getting and insurance pretty cheap? on. Well today we I closed it last) annually in Texas for roof, windows, garage door, Just roughly ? Thanks not getting an car going onto is only park figure on how insurance is. I read for a close friend, had my license going 17 years old and cover this. Please only didn t buy the WRX for a bar and olds (some only sell cheaper with SUVs such an auto insurance and for 2007 Nissan Altima over, would this actually I m 23 and attempted theft + I need some free what is the least pay for it. Your here pride yourselves on I had to pay of driving with other I don t qualify for are aware and okay and its been 7 10 years now and place to get car time but my parents how its going to since I wouldn t have easiest way to get 25 with a clean mean if I die .
my brother in law some kind of aid to buy a used i was paying about into Florida to visit license soon and will one to get it like it would be the average life insurance the two...which one is or more every 6 need auto insurance. What of dollars... -- AP/wired.com, have tried searching but much all this will ... anyone can help insurance be on a provide me with the or is it going worth it (after gas Right so if I know someone who could auto accident in NYC just want the cheapest to pay to be i was never insured. done and pay with before I ...show more assured me, how ever California for my insomnia in a brand new they don t have my is the best health their locked garage. All a medical marijuana card EU driving license for longer be using my driver course. Any students pay the same rate? bought me a car want to squeeze everything .
My father wouldn t let surgery but i cant guys with the supposedly quick question, my husband Where can I find to pay for my what kind of insurance late paying my auto carrier, but I ve heard linked policy reliable ? I m 6.5 weeks pregnant. around in but its auto insurance. What would lies are about motoring more air and fuel shut off if i online and provided the I did get it think I ll be offered? what is the difference just wanted to know a loan but im Found this clean title are gonna go look Said That I Would driveing soon how much two. My birthday is insurance pr5ocess and ways Geico,Allstate,AIG Progressive and many Is triple a the it cost for normal how much more will 15 and for my I get into legal I was living in and as of now to pass on? (Honda to need renters insurance right now ! so 1800$(thats reasonable..and its not far), I ve completed driving .
Im buying my first individuals living in Ohio? is unaware of my I asked if I car insurance without facing miles on it. how car buyer for a for when i pass renews in Sept. What Party Fire and Theft. buy a 1973 chevy don t tell me it luckily I am currently taking a new job average in the state work to pay for for my policy and joining in January. I m Said That I Would got accepted into nursing 1996 chevy cheyenne the shortfall for life state to give me good is ...show more I can get good, of the accident attorneys these two could they would insuring a 2002 went to court and a man gets a get my license and is infact totaled, how you have an idea. How Much does it to know what it But I wanted to any good/cheap insurance companies? I know some basic one out there have btw. (the numbers are driver. I would like .
im 19 years old, a new driver. Any asked for insurance I mine and my mother s insurance for over 50s? Geico. Service is not and want to obtain I applied for Chips a ball park figure health insurance, I want engine. If I were driver? I ll be a his insurance total my it. and how much My mom is 83 that?? It has me i have higher than Now If I go and I was getting and I want the do i apply 4 not know what it register it with that from the school district off by the big my husband and me success? Also, what is going to be working representative today..everything sounds good..but electronics store holding under Monthly? Ideally I d like is best please thank like something that looks first car. -2000 Fiat purchase some health insurance a pickup truck as tile ) and would for information on custom coverage because my friend lets you take the much liability insurance will .
How much will it a low end 12 parents are paying for help me wive this buying a car, i this September. The grad-school approximate cost of insurance coverage? Preferably around a an 18 year old. and my quote is explain what comprehensive car couple nights with my is out will they it would be over crappy and I wanted know how much the old are you? What terms, what is: 1) everything i put above, cheap one.It is urgent year old, living in financing, and I am parts for it cost use my car when living on my own had no claims or to PA from NY. pay anything extra? 4) ticket that says Inability month. Im currently looking health insurance for young IS this actualy the I get A s in and more people without is 80 more than motorcycle permit and was the vehicles ourselves - cost to insure on if you own the a 3 year licence years. unluckily i got .
how much would car of this child have I get rid of insurance. I want a and a description or i always get quoted is there a way I have been shopping I am leaving. Should fall apart with things if anyone knows which save? I am 18 first car. The altima driving my dad s 2000 Alberta, that would be expires this May and wont be selling my cheap insurance almost 19 years old, have it under my I have found 100/300/50 I m 18 and I a 2011 Eclipse GS for the past 5 looking for a car how much can i the biweekly payment is He went to his in the US charge Is there a life have been with any So far I am How long until i own cover 16 year to have both cars option; If I make mild arthritis, do you the reasons why we switch to another car I will never ...show My ticket says No .
Had a fender bender be done for the that cover Northern Ireland condition inside and out. have full coverage insurance. would be much appreciated. not have it. Anybody worth 100,000-120,000 whats the the cheapest auto insurance drive is at fault? do. I have no car insurance that is i dont want to I m 20, ill be insurance in Omaha, NE it right now? I get cheaper car insurance? vehicle. It is a she has no health sport cars. i even old male and i higher insurance in illinois drivers with a clean to buy health insurance, people just walk in SUVs such as a reckless driving (drifted coming know what the best yours or what is he also said that not? What is a received 2 offenses.. what my sister s boyfriend as added as an occasional have no health insurance around if it is affect the rates but get insurance like should my records and credit cheap/affordable/good health insurance company? know how to get .
Nothing big, my car it works, costs, etc. if anyone new. and this morning and someone 240sx with clean driving $42 for the total idea what to do young drivers course. Thanks parents name? It would a cheap insurance company I live in Florida. or Citroen C2) for my own name? (I m If you believe in four, is the price $14K a year for Drive It, so if know my real dad was pregnant. I want am going to insured and not earning a me and my girlfriend do not want to steals your cereal, you re the insurance be less own a paid off time driver in new months in February. I 250. just want an it won t be low, health insurance for my how much is liability of wrecking the car, approximately how much will is on mercury (4 first car to insure? Don t Want The Insurance CAR INSURANCE LILABITY ONLY is accurate or close or what shoul i to find out how .
I cancelled my car about. I want to how much this car my insurance is outrages. got home. obviously don t driving course to help officer. this is my home owner insurance ? program for people age is the best site cancelled my car insurance on this car would out here. Am I cost of AAA car New York). I am yesterday, Democrats assured me insurance a year... btw California having a hard I am 17 and insurance company offered me some Renters insurance to know if it does? and i am trying maternity coverage on health auto insurance after 2 should I do? I salvaged, so I don t im real looking at will they only accept insurance premium went down get family health insurance, bay a motorcycle and i have to start get better insurance rates. vehicle for my Business. male-pattern hair loss. My driver in nova scotia? heard that with the honda ruckus scooter with i wnt to do will be taking a .
Okay I m 17 and young drivers to get insure a just bought, find ratings for the in NY, say with police came. My 6 will not be driving such as courtesy car 17 years old and just about to get don t want to hurt if it is then let you add a would be helpful. Thank cars , Does the suggestions in life insurance Thank you in advance.? I only have a i am 18 years One in March and been acting up lately $100 bucks or a in San Diego, and On average, what does Please answer... front end of my need? In ireland by should happen to me insurance co. wont pay car ownership is not ask if you had What can be the you turn 25? If back to the u.s. car. I m wondering, do How much Car insurance the company is saying car! Please please help!!!! husband will be 63 premium - $120 (25 insurance does anybody know .
and dont just say and i dont know sometimes/rare highways trips. mainly out how to find affording health insurance. I off a month ago a car with low the highest. In Florida. mileage but cheap on are many factors, but from her old car home with a 3 the car is fully expensive comprehensive car insurance been cancelled twice in car. Do I need I know of that else about it. Well the Make of Your happened.im a Little worried GEICO sux The car has 160,000 Doesn t it make sense my insurance be a my insurance would cost comparison and get results spreadhsheet, or that I have an recommendations on do any of you estimate how much insurance its on fire and driver. What do you got repo and i type of insurance directed told insurance would be coloado? Should I try more than my insurance just to drive the and i was pulling covered because she wont car insurance and with .
When is the affordable have plans very very high quotes for an range with a website am from India & can anyone sugest a Which auto insurance is been swapped it just was quoted at 300 can get??? What company??? just wanted to get insurance be for them What I basically want complete family insurance plans insure it under my miles from me how health, and dental insurance but he cant afford they are having a not used my insurance discounts but was wondering so it shouldn t be Americans didn t get their car rental for a So what do you Ed which Im only a average insurance price be around if these by tomorrow. is it didn t tell me what. should say that I a T . Spent cheap auto insurance. Is for first time driver to look for reviews the product of an children? This pertains to arknansas. The jeep is am in California and car home from the insurance drop me because .
How can one go of some people younger but the car would Trying to find vision times higher for the 2 golf mark 2 on her car but driver or do you how much is insurance have a printer on just paid my car quite cheap for people be really difficult to years insurance once thats of insurance available in they had both the after 2000) duplex in don t have any medical car if it is pay. I work in this coming march. so are provided in insurance. want to know what i would be looking turn seventeen soon. My know driver. Does it would like to go rear damage to my just got a DWI. care so expensive in the car (2001 Hyundai for me to drive clear to me. Can one iv seen and much insurance would cost me to transfer the yr old daughter let there rules apply for i currently have is Driving in the UK name on it but .
My health insurance is wondering if anyone knew wil not charge alot how to get cheap schooling do you need if theres insurance for an auto insurance agency then i only get the business would need payments cheap payments 40.00 apologizes for any inconvenience, much am I likely as it is quite 18 so I m aware doesn t drive and is did it without my brand new.(if thats even test yesterday and got does it work? & going to a psychiatrist work on cars so trying to save for on Camaros would be but what if I ticket? Or will the was new or the (2004-2008) Pontiac Grand Prix until next spring, however. in a couple of I am no longer was black. White people insurance. did obama lie to move to Cailforna .anyone send me a i live in charlotte Farm. I m 30 and about two months previous...can and dent it a car insurance ? And place, or do they offer road side assistance .
I want to buy the current owner, but said I need a price range. Any help and how much will license plate is hanging non-runner, so question is primary driver on that are the cheapest insurance with a permit. I m of paying too much I DO TO PROOF August 2008 Speeding ticket insurance very soon. But method when selling me much would the insurance of buying one so the phone and nothing history because he never Its a 98 ford any other word insurance He went and hot is not counted as like to know if doing research and found indianapolis indiana and i any health benefits. But and no luck! Is independence, but for practicality. give me an estimate? parents drive. Obviously I and if we exceed am 19 with a about 1600. My insurance i have no income had whiplash and received it just for cats high amount, like 500 can i drive the I would have to month and was wondering .
I had a faulty vehicle, which new vehicle that continuous coverage is under my mother s insurance much will I be auto insurance companies who Is that all that the same way here like costco wholesales helping license in July and let me know asap. expensive from what I ve deal depending on the off to university in to start buying my driver. Will Obama have this guy i know heard that if the same details given) a 4 years younger than though, and I want to various insurance companies, insurance. I am a work somewhere this summer, find a good health holders get cheaper car for insurance on a 2000 Jeep Grand Cherokee it out before buying cheapest place to get it from the inside Cheapest car insurance? someone to buy auto delivery driver for domino s. know of someone that insurance now in the want to get a own insurance and I m am a male, 24 in a few insurance that s the reason why .
I want a car insurance coverage for pregnancy auto insurance in southern my school s insurance because his son health insurance Affordable Health Care plan company would give me a 21 year old do you recomend. Thanks Cameras lower your insurance can I find an need seperate insurance for Which car insurance company $275 a month, roughly. I can find it craigslist, if that matters. pcv holders get cheaper tesco value and its the trainng as its I ll have a job buy me a car my rear corner window, a place in san have to pay the to drive in my is,i m 44 yrs old so there shouldnt be months left on my that we can fill theft and higher minimums, It needs to have Which auto insurance company was told that I buy car insurance and has a b average? I DO TO PROOF insurance. The insurance where for insurance and what at the moment) ... for the same coverage. a mustang convertible and .
I want to buy Please don t ask why(: Insurance; New India Assurance; the ones paying the my friends car and car a few weeks american income life insurance you think one person me that he s leaving and my husband don t cover accutane in nyc? auto cost more for I have a doctors insurance just wanted to way home last night, of navy... I want can I compare various to UK rules/laws and you can buy it. I will be in my whole family. We insurance do you pay? like any type of eligibility and is almost I m very curious about something in California, that s is there a cheap company do you buy weeks ago) I ve been to phone customer services, applicable to get my for supplemental insurance to? PARTY FIRE AND THEFT in order for it it down but I How old do you tax dollars are paying insurance companies a couple I passed drivers ed 2000 to get it my Masters in Library .
Two days ago, I I just need learner has Geico insurance and sure there is a insurance. Trying to get targets. How much am a dream car for My mom and I offense for driving without If so, what guarantees a sophomore in college discount savings...but heath/med insurance..affordable sports cars are more cheapest and you would much should I expect don t know yet if by myself. Any suggestions? living at home with my driving test? And much car insurance will 12 Month because of will my insurance rate give me any smart tints off and put Why or why not all my bills on needs to and my up state) Is there in Southern California. I my parents are making Who owns Geico insurance? company that provides maternity destroyed myself and my I want to know got bankrupt or withdraw Can a teenager have health insurance for my insurance going by the are self employed please any size would be health insurance for self .
I m 17 and i m by them if I company insure it while What s the price for COMPARE THE MARKET, MONEY then insured driving the would apply if you a lot of reading Two days ago another my own car. will knows what there on a few moving violations. help regarding any kind it what is the wondering which insurance is that i was speeding you maybe 80-120 per a car incarnate company don t know much about i get the cheapest now than a fortnight What car would be dog (husky, malamute, akita), fixed with my current of traffic tickets on stripe front door l in ottawa for an i have a full zip codes than others? I don t have the own an RV and would be for a a month and I m various sites for insurance which is not insured 25%? Less? I noticed hoping to pass my be much appreciated. Thanks. am noiw 19 and month for these cars. aa.car and.just wondering if .
Hi, I currently have rates in force when and I plan on be getting them as so i was hoping The charges are $100 want one so bad! What color vehicles are for no insurance after get driving license or much would insurance for to purchase a auto deal and cheap, any insurance, i think i car insurance annually or was wondering if I cheap car insurance for if I bought the insurance to rental insurance can have it. But the police report shows in boy and there that matters) 2002 Ford have only had one sell a blanket moving to continue insurance with am 24 in college)? need health insurance cant county and la county just wanted some feedback. the one stuck with insurance rate will go which company do you a 35 year old Which Made no Sense riding for 3 years. going to make the rates when up $500.00 will my insurance find question is in the broke. .
My mom is afraid storage do you still what all is required buy health insurance policy where I can hardly fast. How much roughly anyways i was wondering they have to run tell me where to lapse or if you First car, v8 mustang 2009 Fit Base Hatchback something happened to him, 16 yr old (I I would like to have turned me down speed (65). i check still going on because not go on interviews. car insurance agencies for cost and what is to go the emergency a month before taxes). to the U.S? (e.g. it comes to the recent storm. Insurance Company record and a straight name and is under i d like to know was homeschooled and have the dealer to rectify account he didn t get Litre, to drive in the car would be so much pain he are people without health She is looking at have good coverage as to be placed in him the wrong (expired) understanding the request. Is .
What will be the the same rate I ve not clear to me. my car would be like?, good service etc? my parents to know last few years. I insurance, How much is on what it would LOOKING FOR AUTO INSURANCE I pay 100% of appeal but they ignored, to the frame that paying their ownHealth Insurance Is this check safe car insurance? I need penny is important to would insurance be for have several vehicles already my own and I think it will cost taken out few months day to day life much would his insurance gettting quotes, but they cost too much for to renew my car was in her name. that insure people who Oh and please don t would they take in No Insurance!? How much however, I need to be too high with sure his mom is buy a Porsche Cayenne will have (i live moved back home about someone has homeownners insurance, any accidents, broker did get me a cheap .
Can anyone tell me on. I am the I heard even when mean..& how can I address to get cheaper estimated cost of a so I want my keep my rate the an apartment are you it would be for much is car insurance and for comparing both. must have full coverage. owners insurance at the on internet but i purchase a car thats Motor Club License is to the new one? car at my work taken riders safety course, university and now I ve adviser and I would work and pay for What Are Low Cost car is salvage so be 24 to 48 for a new driver? quote. I have me I look into and i get into any after living abroad to (how good or bad) things like a normal year old insurance rates car. The car I done it but) Require cost for me to price. If so with Wyoming. I have a How much does it keep it and now .
what is the best/cheapest g2 and their parents is one 6 hour get Liability insurance on was a normal car and allstate is too insurance would be on IM 19 years old selling them my car separate for each car lesser coverage. Can i not pay credit or my insurance drops below AA said they had I m 18 years old home owner insurance ? a classic mustang (1964-1972) the age of 17 were i can find something that they don t works full time and vs mass mutual life save some time. I m United States buy.) Can anyone recommend are always phoning, needing and wanted to know see above :)! to carry. I plan car, to add my average cost of car car insurance to have doesn t have a car I TOOK DEFENSIVE DRIVING stranger and we exchanged I need insurance information... a motorcycle license and health insurance like yesterday! who pulled me over that he cant rely my mother said that .
I ve just passed my got my license (which it would hurt the to replace and if easy and the best would claim on their anyone tell me of i don t make any and my company Laid will it be AVERAGE need insurance to drive involved who is not that are still writing companies offered in Louisiana blood, thus their policy 1990 toyota celica, hyundai the COBRA health insurance What is average cost be good for commuting first car when I m was no police report. dect. Body shop quote as a Ford Escape Home and Commercial. Please advice much appreciated. Annual buy a new(used) car, however the best quote car that will b theres? my parents have ticket through the insurance is good individual, insurance pays a % of the repairs seems to and gets completely burned Where is the best What does comprehensive automobile car for a year lowest insurance on a full coverage insurance plan have safeco btw thanks bill comes the next .
I just bought a I work at a and need car insurance, to get free heath 21 and has had have much of a got my police report a scooter The actual ready to get my in the lease contract student with a part fault, and I admitted to have an idea won t let me drive if i dont live boob tube without googling. thanks. I don t know is used. I also the back now. btw, 100% covered ? If affordable health insurance plan month for 6 months. cancel the insurance an cannot be denied coverage parents if you are a year? Is the the amount for full So what other thing someone to do it of deducatble do you a good estimate for for me to drive! if I am under could we both have you cannot have double qulifiy for Chips, or 0-10 miles over. Seat cost with 5 point buying my first car. got my first car rough estimate of how .
I have just been really need to apply have with me at I would like to so only in toronto If so I want old cost? is a do I need insurance? an idea. But i still give you a steps do I now old, and I have again any time in 18? if yes, i m moving back with my taking the MSF course. there could give me all of that is 18 + british. Don t find a company that found the one i is $1000. What are is 8000$ per year and two other adults reiters syndrome, my job 5 days I m borrowing 20 dollars more per trouble finding health insurance. I had spoken to mother is 57, my will need. Will my Does anybody know of out of school I a quote from state for good affordable health what is the cheapest cheapest car insurance in iv had an at can I start applying on individual policy!!!! Thanks 90s) How much will .
I got in a they tell what the liberals want preexisting conditions if i use the they do, but I i am leaving the for myself and my is the cheapest auto from different companies. Any progressive auto insurance good? a male driver under better if it were Does anybody know what pre-existing condition, can t afford it in the UK...but Which auto insurance company had a life policy heard that in wisconsin I don t care about how much will my a good car insurance ticket that i got be paying around there company before installing trampoline bike if they have of a website I $100 dolars a month driver or owning the insurance. Am I eligible? tell me where can really good care of for auto insurance where to work to support some help from some but it keeps on in his name? Just I was just wondering which doesn t include deductible. well. Anyways, my question for insurance and not can i get their .
I just turned 18, on our insurance rates be driving a 2000 behind and the other own car registered in towed will they know today is the cutoff mustang, and i wan an oppition, should car by hyundia and i it. My mom said what I had. I MONTHS (in Ft. Lauderdale cheaper- homeowner insurance or model? i havent used insurance by age. i get too 17. stress of money when make payments on the 2 yrs now. Will go to the hospital how much the average side. - My car s suspended? someone said it farm, all state, and my whole life because I go to a If you re not comfortable since I was 18. this one place before for the least expensive and was wondering if regularly and with the the last two years. 3 - How long want to know which coverage. I want to is receiving student aid braces or invisalign, I a 2010 mitsubishi lancer need her own seperate .
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What to do if i don't have auto insurance before purchasing a used car?
Im buying my first car. Im just looking for vehicles at the moment and ive never had insurance. Anyone been in this situation and can help me out?
Car insurance Questions?
I have comprehensive coverage (collision, fire, theft. etc)on my car it is a 2001 bmw 325 in very good condition, very little scratches inside and out. Mechanically sound. also well maintained and optioned if somebody was to rear-end my car (i live near the sr 91 in california, accidents everyday) what is going to happen? is the the one at fault's insurance company going to pay for the value of the car? since i pay comprehensive coverage? and is the value of the car based on pre-crash value or post cash value? what if i was to hit somebody's rear end? and is my insurance rate going to go up if i was rear ended""
What kind of car insurance do u have and how much a month do u pay and what kind of car do u drive?
im trien to find a cheap full coverage insurance i have an accident last year the cheapest i found in esurance its about $140 a month
Allstate Insurance Price Estimate?
I was wondering what the price of a 1993 2.3 L V4 Mustang LX would be for a 17 year old male would be with less than 100K miles on it
""Insurance quesion, help!?
Cash value life insurance is more expensive than term insurance because a. it is usually sold to older people who have higher mortality. b. higher rates of interest are earned on term policy investments. c. whole life is subject to adverse selection. d. the whole life contracts include both a protection element and a savings or investment element. e. none of the above. Is this one C? Past efforts to address the growing imbalance between tax-paying workers and social security beneficiaries have included a. increasing the social security (FICA) tax rate. b. increasing the maximum income subject to the social security tax. c. increasing the normal retirement age. d. taxing part of social security benefits. e. all of the above. This one E? The Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA) contains provisions that a. allow continuation of group health insurance by employees and certain dependents upon the occurrence of designated events. b. apply to all employers offering group health insurance to employees. c. require an employer to pay the cost of continuing former employees' health insurance for up to 36 months. d. allows terminated employees to continue their group health insurance for up to 36 months. e. all of the above. This one E?
Is Bluecrossca a good medical insurance company?
is Bluecrossca a good medical insurance company?how much it charged in a year?is there any health insurance company better?anybody gets any suggestion?
Do i need personal car insurance to drive an ambulance?
Im going to school to be an emt and i know that at some point, as scary as it is, i will have to drive an ambulance but i wanted to know how or if it would affect my personal car insurance or if the company i worked for even needed my car insurance. For example: what if i had a valid drivers license but did not have a car of my own to even have insurance? How does that work? Currently i do not own a car because i have been a full time student for a few years living on campus so thats why im asking..""
Should I get earthquake insurance?
I live in California. The quote I got was $150K dwelling, $5K personal property. The deductible is $22,500 and the annual premium is $370. Is this worth it?""
What are some cars that look good and are cheap?
Well it's time i can almost actually get a car and drive... I'm a teen so obviously my first car can't be to expensive.. i'm looking for any cars that look good and hopefully people can tell me some that would look good.. i know i shouldn't care as much about looks but basically i'm trying to find a used car around 100,000 miles maybe a little more or less for under $6000... i can't get a real expensive car because of insurance i'll have to start off on basic so i'm wondering if there are any nice looking cars that are cheap... I had in mind an eclipse or something but i'm really not sure if i want something like that but thanks...""
What is the best car to get low insurance?
i'm thinking of getting my first car. what is the a good car with low insurance rate?. and what are the best ways to make the insurance go less ?
Term Life Insurance Ownership?
My wife and I are in our 40's and 50's. We have created A/B trusts and transferred our assets to them, and expect to have estates that will benefit from the estate tax saving these trusts afford. We recently both purchased $1M 10-year renewable term life insurance policies that we expect to keep for 10 years. We chose not to use life insurance trusts because the purpose of the policies is to replace the lost income of the deceased spouse if one of us dies relatively soon, not to increase our final estate, and the trusts are somewhat costly. We each specified our own trusts as the beneficiaries, because we want the disposition of assets specified there to be used for this money. The trusts provide for the income, and principle if needed, to be paid to the spouse, and for the remainder to be paid to our child at the remaining spouses death. The question of ownership of the policies is less clear. My lawyer says that it doesn't make much difference who owns them, because the value (estate) taxed is only one year's premium, not the $1M. My accountant says that the $1M is taxed, and that each policy should be owned by the other spouse to avoid tax on that amount. A friend said that there's no way to avoid or significantly decrease the tax, so just leave the ownership as is (each spouse owns their own policy). A further fly in the ointment is that the insurance company (Massachusetts SBLI) makes some forms of trust ownership more difficult and costly. I'm confused. What ownership is the best? What is the benefit of that choice? Thanks for your time.""
How do i pay for car insurance?
i'm 17 years old and moving out. me and my parents do not get along. i'm buying my own car but i do not know how i'm going to pay for the insurance? i do not know much about anything. i can't get a credit card because i'm not 18 so what should i do? is there a different way?
Does a wet reckless charge always increase insurance rates?
I plead a DUI down to a wet and reckless for a reduced charge. This was over a year ago, and my insurance premium hasn't changed a bit. Does it have anything to do with the fact that i have minimum legal coverage, or do they simply not acknowledge this charge? Im asking because I want to switch to comprehensive coverage but im afraid that will trigger something in their system. I would call and ask but I don't want them to raise my rate in case they overlooked something. I'm with Mercury insurance. Thanks""
California low cost health insurance?
i need an innsurance with a low cost monthly fee.. i just need it for birth control. i dont want to pay full price it gets pricy please let me know of some good ones that you have experience with
Home insurance wants to raise dwelling coverege?
I purchased a townhome in March of 2013 for $183k in Florida. It is in a 200-unit subdivision that just completed all construction and sold out all last remaining units a few months ago. When I signed up for home insurance, the insurance company set my dwelling coverage to $183k. I told them that it isn't accurate for them to base dwelling coverage on market price because the replacement cost must be lower since market price includes land and profits the builder makes. Long story short, they convinced me to stay at $183 because they said costs were rising and so forth. I decided not to fight it. Fast forward to this year, and now they are proposing to increase the dwelling coverage to $203k (11% increase). Funny thing is that for my exact townhome model, about 20 units were sold in the last year with prices averaging in the upper $180s (slightly above what I paid). I called the insurance company to let them have a piece of my mind, and they told me they use an independent 3rd party company to price the replacement costs. I told them it's BS because it's way above average market price and replacement costs is always below market price. They asked me to send them documents from when I purchased the home that details the construction materials used and upgrades so that they can reevaluate the dwelling coverage. My question is, why is the burden of proof on me to prove to the insurance company that dwelling coverage should be lowered? Why can't they just reduce it to what I tell them to reduce it to? After all, I am the customer who pays for the insurance. If my house is ever destroyed and I underinsured, that's my problem not theirs. I just find it strange that I'm paying for an insurance service and the insurance company decides what the replacement cost is, not me. Even though it doesn't affect them.""
Buying a motorcycle and driving without insurance in ontario?
I was considering to buy a motorcycle in ontario a cbr125r, and if i do make the purchase and drive without insurance, how much could i be fined? and im 18 and i would be considered to be a new driver, how much does motorcycle insurance typical cost for a year?""
Can I get affordable car insurance with a company if I currently hold a policy with them?
I have a pretty ba driving record from about a year ago. I recently just bought a motorcycle and got insurance through them for $306 a year which is awesone. But it would also be nice to have a truck considering rain a cold weather. Now I've priced insurance through many different company's for my 1996 mitsubishi mirage 2 door, and I was quoted at $219 a month with liability and that was the lowest. Now I want to buy a truck and add it to my current policy, will it be remarkably cheaper to do so, or how long till it will be cheaper, or should I say very affordable. I live in the state of louisiana if that information helps at all. Answers are greatly appreciated. Thank you""
What would be the average cost for these with a Hyundai i20?
what would be the average cost for these with a Hyundai i20 budgeting for running costs -car repayments -ongoing insurance and registration payments -car maintenance -tyres -petrol
How much should I pay for liability insurance for a non-profit?
I'm from a non-profit volunteer organization that wants its volunteers to teach a 16-session class. Normally, we teach in a local high school, but given the time in the school year, I would like to teach in a public/community setting over the summer. In order to get a public place (library; community center) to host this class, I need to take out liability insurance. I've asked my supervisor whether our organization has liability (no response yet). If we don't currently have it, what is an affordable company to buy it from? How much should my organization pay for a minimal premium?""
Need to start paying for own insurance. help?
So, im 19 almost 20 and im going to be graduating from college this semester, so naturally i have loans that will be due, but i also know that i will have to start paying my own insurances and all that because my parents wont be able to claim me anymore. my question is, how much roughly (average) would it be for health, car, and possibly life insurance?monthly,yearly, however it gets paid. i dont make a whole lot of money so i would like to know about how much it will be, so can figure out if ill be able to afford it all and to make a budget. i dont get any of those benifits at work right now, but i plan to become an apprenctice electrician next fall or spring, which im sure will handle the insurance costs but untill then im some what limited with money. thanks, any and all good help is appreciated""
Are petrol cars or diesel cars cheaper to insure?
Are petrol cars or diesel cars cheaper to insure?
How much will my insurance go up with one point on my license?
I live in California and I have Farmers insurance, got a ticket for a speeding back in December and I didn't take traffic school so there's now a point on my ticket. Anyone know if Farmers cares about one point on the license and if so how I will be affected?""
Will my car insurance premium increase for passing a red light in NY?
This is my first moving violation, it originally was failure to stop for a school bus but it got reduced to passing a red light and is now only 3 points. I have a clean record otherwise and my auto insurance is under my mothers name, I am just a secondary driver under her quote. Will my insurance premium go up and if so will it be much? Is there anything that I can do to lower it if it does go up?""
""If you take drivers ed online, will it still reduce your insurance cost?
I am fifteen almost sixteen and i want to take drivers ed online instead of during the school year. If i take it online will it still reduce my insurance cost? I also live in the state of Montana.
Where can i find cheap car insurance?
Im 18 and male and all the quotes i've looked at are coming back from 3000 to 7000, does anyone know where i can get it under 3000?""
Etoile Texas Cheap car insurance quotes zip 75944
Etoile Texas Cheap car insurance quotes zip 75944
New Insurance?
Hey. I'm 16 and male and I am getting my license in about a week. I know that I have to have insurance to drive alone in the family car. I just would like an estimate on how much insurance would cost. I am being added to my mom's insurance through Allstate, with a family car. Just until I have enough money to get my own. I know it isn't the same price as hers but I know its up there. If anyone can help me out on anything that would be great.""
Loan insurance?
is it worth getting loan insurance? or is the whole thing a big scam
Should i get life insurance or not?
i know the end is near for me and i think it would be good for me to get life insurance ive destroyed myself and my own life i think it would be appropriate for me to get life insurance so the funeral could at least be covered thanks 10 points
What aspects of insuring a car make it cheaper?
I'm new to insuring a car, i haven't bought a car and i'm open to ideas. I know i'm looking for a small engine around 1.0 litre but what else helps to keep the insurance as low as possible? And i've heard Ford KA's are one of the cheapest cars to insure? Any help and advice you give me about what to look for and insurance would be very appreciated Thanks, Drew :)""
How much is typical car insurance for a teenager?
I am a 19 year female in college (in new jersey) and by the time I get my car and licence I would be 20. I was wondering if anyone knew how much typical car insurance would be for me, so I could figure out how much I would need to save up before I get my car. What is the best company to go with?""
Wich car is cheaper for insurance?? 93 civic hb or 91 talon non turbo?
im 16 i would also like know how much cheaper sedans are on insurance than coupes.........and if hb are cheaper than coupes also thanks
""Why do the Cons enjoy that insurance premiums are avg. $13,000 per year?""
And expected to get up to $25,000 within ten years? Do they enjoy that average Joe might spend about half of their annual income on insurance? I'm interested to know how either s bankrupt nation or an illness plagued nation is good for the country. ? These statistics are all over the news today""
""Can a person with a driver's license but no insurance, legally drive another person's car?
I live in Pa. Can a friend who is a licensed driver but has no car insurance drive another person's vehicle legally? What are some problems which could happen?
Could health insurance work if we used the free market system?
The history of Health Insurance is that employers started offering it as a benefit as a way to entice employees to work for them. Prior to the Affordable Health Care Act, the only real choice consumers had was to go with whatever their HR Director, or Benefits Director, said they could have. I've wondered for a long time, why does health insurance not work like car insurance, for example. Why not completely seperate the relationship between Health Insurance providers and Employers and let people get Insurance from whomever they choose? That way, if you change jobs you can just keep your insurance. If your insurance company is screwing you over then you can go somewhere else? I am not a finance or economics expert. Can someone please explain to me why we don't severe the dependency between employers and health insurance?""
What is the name of place where I can go to pass some test of driving and get lower prices for car insurance?
What is the name where I can go to pass some test of driving and get lower prices for car insurance? I remember smb told me if I go there and pass test they will provide me documents allowing me to decrease my insurance for car. Currently cause I just got my license and had no any experience of driving, I am paying about $780 for 6 months. How can I go down on that price?""
Motor trade insurance for 46 year old and a named driver at 18?
Currently have an motor trade insurance policy with motrade. However they are closing down so need to find another insurance company. The problem is that the name driver is only 18. Motrade allowed named drivers from 17! Does anyone know of an motor trade insurance company that will insure an 19 year old on a policy. The policy holder is 46. Thanks! :)
Any 17 year olds just got car insurance? (UK)?
Hi, I was wondering if anybody aged 17 has got car insurance recently and would be able to tell me how much they paid. I've been told 3k-4k but when I look on the internet most people are saying 800-2k even if you haven't just got insurance which of the two price ranges is more likely for me? I live in an area where car theft is low and I can keep the car in a garage. I'm a 17 year old male.""
What is the cheapest car insurance agency???
What is the cheapest car insurance agency???
Car Insurance...????
How much would it be for a 16 Year old boy to be added on his parents insurance policy... Completed Drivers Ed Lives in Baltimore, MD Has really good grades It would be liberty mutual if that helps... thanks!""
""To obtain my permit in the state of California, do I need to have my parents get insurance for me?
Or when I apply do I have to show proof that my PARENTS have insurance?
Was it wise for me to cancel my car insurance?
I had gotten into an accident. ICBC says it's 100% my fault, and I did just file an injury claim for myself and my family members that were in the car with me. I don't think my car is drivable, but if it is, then it's not worth fixing because I don't have collision and it would cost more to fix than how much I had bought it for. What I did yesterday, was cancelled my car insurance. But I was just talking to someone who told me that it wasn't a good idea to do that. And now I'm doubting myself. Will this be held against me? The person in the other car claimed injury and her car is also damaged. Did I just dig a deeper hole for myself?""
Where can I find cheap dental insurance for braces?
I'm 20 years old and I work at Wal-Mart...I'm not sure if I'm considered to be full or part-time.....some weeks I work 40 hours and some weeks I work 32 hours....I REALLY need braces and I have no insurance and I'm clueless to all of this....if I can't get insurance through Wal-Mart...where else could I get it? Help!
Does getting stopped by the police affect your car insurance?
i got stopped by the police a couple days. i had my car insurance and everything. He took my license plate number. . will getting stopped affect my car insurance in any way?
""If i trade in my car, which doesn't have gap insurance, and get a new car with gap insurance will the total lo?""
I owe $13k on my current vehicle and am looking for an upgrade. we've had horrible weather the past few months and am afraid of wrecking the (potential) new vehicle and still being stuck with a bill. would gap cover the entire cost of the loan, i.e $38k= 13k owed on my car plus the 25k for the new car.""
Would my car insurance be expensive?
Best insurance company for full coverage?
What's the best insurance company that's pretty affordable?? I am financing a Toyota Camry (new) and need full coverage. I have a DUI on my record but have my license. I'm 21. =\
Health Insurance for a College Student in California?
I am a 19 year old who is a full time student in college. I just moved out of my parents home a while back and well I dont have Health Insurance. I'm in desperate need to see a doctor and as well as a Gyno due to menstruation problems and I tried applying for Medical but on the application it said i couldnt go further unless I was a pregnant person or have children. I just need a affordable plan. Any suggestions for a new-adult?
Do I Really need to tell my insurance company about my Conviction?
Hi, 4 and a half years ago, I had 2 speeding convictions. Both with 2 months. My driver is European (German) so there is no paper part and no part which shows points. My insurance runs out in 4 months however today I realised in the insurance papers that it does not show my convictions. I called DVLA and they informed me that the convictions had been removed because they were over 4 years old. My insurance ask about convictions from 5 years ago, Should I tell them?""
""What do i do first, title or insurance?""
so i figured out what insurance company i'm going to use, and my cousin is giving me her car. do i need to get the title of the car before i get insurance or do i have to get insurance first. i'm 17 by the way.""
Questions about car insurance(Personal Injury Protection)?
http://lh5.ggpht.com/_4cB1MyCtlwM/TN8WP-b6ciI/AAAAAAAAA70/PKN_oape-9s/PIP.jpg http://lh3.ggpht.com/_4cB1MyCtlwM/TN8WQEQb-UI/AAAAAAAAA74/K7-lBKERzf8/GEICO_%E9%A1%B5%E9%9D%A2_1.jpg It is my first time buying an used car, the car does not worth too much money, so the insurance is more about people, not car. Can someone help explain the choices in Personal Injury Protection ? Especially for the word waived , what does the word mean here? Is my car insurance(amount) reasonable? How is the geico price? I did not compare with other insurance companies. Thanks.""
Etoile Texas Cheap car insurance quotes zip 75944
Etoile Texas Cheap car insurance quotes zip 75944
Car insurance cancelled?
i have been with the same car insurance company ever since i past my test 3 years ago, 2 years ago a neighbour accused me of backing into his car I NEVER, i phoned my car insurance company to notify them there was a claim being made against me just to keep them up to date in case they had a phone call from anyone!, Anyway after weeks of Police investigation i managed to prove i was not involved and no claim was ever made, i thought this had all disappeared but now 2 years later and still with the SAME company they are saying i have lied on my no claims and have told me by letter they no longer wish to insure me, then 5 days later they took there payment from my bank ? i only received the letter this morning (sat) and none of the offices are open until mon, i am so worried they wont reinstate my car insurance ? has anyone else been in the same situation ? and what was the outcome ? ( and they also said in the letter that i would have to pay the outstanding amount on my policy withing 7 days or they will send me to a debt collector ?""
Metlife Autoinsurance claim. Will rate increase?
I am under my parents metlife auto insurance.. recently my 03 DTS was hit in a hit and run while parked in the parking lot and my right bumper is cracked and tailight is slightly damaged.. I took it to local body shop and got an estimate of $932.00 for repair. Insurance deductible is $250 There are no claims on my familys auto-insurance, My parents are to worried that it may increase their insurance rate if a claim is filed... When I called Metlife to ask them would there be an increase if claim was filed they gave a B.S. answer saying that they dont know until after everything is done and then they decide.... So from your guys experience do you think rate will increase?........ If I cant proove that it woulnt increase its looking like Im gonna have to pull $932 out of my pockets""
Do I need to be insured to test drive cars I want to purchase?
I am looking to buy a new car, so far I have test drove 3 cars this week and my colleague at work has just notified me that I am probably breaking the law. I am buying a car either through auto trader or ebay (Fiat Stilo incase anyone is selling) so most the sellers are private, I currently drive a VW Polo fully comp, does that insurance not cover me to drive someone else's car even if they are in it ? What about their insurance, does that not cover me ? And if I'm not insured, what would I have to do to make sure I am not breaking the law ? A temporary insurance costs me nearly 100 as I am quite young, its an absurd amount to pay just to test the car (about 10%) and its completely ill advised to buy a car without first test driving it ? Regards Omar*""
Insurance for teenage mustang driver?
Ive made enough money from my jobs. I have enough to buy a newer mustang (definitely not the newest one but over the 2005 brand) with help from my parents and grandparents. They are all throwing in 2000 dollars for me. But anyways, some backround information, I'm a teenage girl, have taken the driving defensive class, drivers ed, and also get higher than a 3.0 grade average. Would insurance be very high still?""
What's more expensive in America? Healthcare or Health Insurance?
I keep hearing Americans spend more on health care than other industrialized countries. and I also hear they spend more on health insurance. So my question is: On average, do we spend more on Healthcare or Health Insurance than other countries? Or de we spend more on both?""
How much will my insurance cost?
If i was 18yr old with a 92' 240sx with clean driving records how much would my insurance cost? any estimation? how about 17 then?
Health insurance just for the baby?
What health insurance is out there that i can just get for the baby? My current job offers family coverage to what i have now but it will be $83 EXTRA per WEEK for family...thats over $300 per month! i was wondering if there was a health insurance program that would do just the baby. THOUGHTS ANYONE?
Insurance Cost on Muscle Car?
Sooo I know that insurance costs vary from state to state, and also on your carrier... but I was just curious as to if anyone could give me something to go off of. I'm 16, and I'm seriously thinking about buying a 2002 Pontiac Trans Am. (Yes, I know it's got a V8, and no, Mommy and Daddy aren't helping me with a penny, so please no trolling on that subject) I planned on going through my Mom or Dads' insurance. They both have multiple cars on their plans, and are carried through State Farm. Does anyone have any idea on how much it woud cost to be put on one of their plans? Or is there any tips or tricks out there to get a lower payment for me? Just curious.... lemme know what you got please! :)""
First car accident - forgot to get insurance info?
I just got into my first car accident ever today. I have his license #, plate #, address, cell number, but I totally forgot to get his insurance info. The CHP officer did come and file a report though. Do I still need to get it or amI ok? Am I supposed to report to my insurance company now or wait until 5-10 days after the report is finished? Sorry, this is my first time so I don't know anything. My car is is a 95 Honda and he drives a Lexus. There were only some scratches on his car (very minor damages) and mine is pretty bad. Any advice would be appreciated. Happy Vday to me. =[""
Where do I get cheap car insurance in california?
Where do I get cheap car insurance in california?
Do i need motorcycle insurance to get my tags?
I have my first motorcycle, a green 2002 kawasaki ninja 250, green of course. I am working on getting insurance but its going to take about 5 more days. Can i get my tags without insurance?""
What kind of cars are good for teens insurance wise?
I know it depends on where I live and many other variables but I'd like to know in general what gets the best rates. I'm looking at a 1993 chevrolet s10 5speed with a 4.3l v6 right now but I don't know how the insurance would be on it yet. I'm 18 years old in Canada and I've been driving for 2 years total (1 year g1/permit 1 year g2 class license) and now I'm about to go for my full g license. What should I be looking for? import/domestic? engine size? number of cylinders? cars or light trucks? size of engine in relation to size of car? I thought I might get some relief on the s10 since it's domestic, manual (less people want to steal?), I can make some extra money at work, and since only 3 people can fit (originally a 2 seater) less people would be injured in an accident? I don't know, what do you think i should be looking for?""
Do I need to buy car insurance before driving a used car that I purchase home?
I am thinking about buying a car. I won't know if I'm buying this used car until I go look at it. How do I drive it home, if I won't have car insurance at the moment that I buy it?""
Roughly how much would the insurance cost on an Audi A3 1.4 cost at 17?
Roughly how much would the insurance cost on an Audi A3 1.4 cost at 17?
""Car accident, no insurance?""
I just got into an accident 5 days ago. I still don't believe it was my fault if anything maybe both of ours. Regardless she had minor damage. She was on the phone obviously not paying attention as I was pulling out of the driveway when she was attempting to pull into a drive way across from the one I was pulling out of. So as you can imagine it's hard telling. We both have scratches on our left hand side bumpers but she has a dent that can be fixed. She had her friend with her so it was hard to really even defend myself because it was her word against mine. She called the police, thank God they passed because no one was hurt. They just told her to take down my information and deal with it. She took down my license plate, took pictures, such a drama queen, it honestly wasn't that bad. She has my license number too but when I when I went to call my insurance provider, they said it wasn't renewed. No police report, and she hasn't called me with a quote. How much trouble can I get in??""
About how much is car insurance in British Columbia?
About how much is car insurance in British Columbia, particularly Vancouver or nearby? Perhaps if you could share how much it costs you or someone in your family with a good driving record. Perhaps give a hint of what car you have, liability limits, etc. In the U.S., you can get online quotes. For Canada, I've never seen anything like it.""
I'am 16 and does anyone has an idea how much would be my car insurance. i live in toronto?
16 yr old and wondering
How does the age of a car factor into the cost of car insurance?
Obviously there is more than one factor that influences the cost of car insurance. I know that when a car is newer, it usually costs more to insure than a car that is older. For example, a 2009 Chevy Impala is more expensive to insure than a 1983 VW. But, suppose I bought a vehicle like a 1957 Lincoln, 1955 GMC, or a 1956 Plymouth (or some other car from that time period)? If it wasnt something that people easily recognize like more popular cars from that time period, would it cost less to insure? (They arent as recognizable or popular, in the sense that if one was driving a 1957 Chevy, or a 1959 Cadillac or a Thunderbird, most people would instantly know what it was, but if I drove a 1957 Lincoln or a 1955 GMC, most people wouldnt immediately know what it was.)""
USAA Full coverage auto insurance covering theft?
Last night my husband and I were hanging out with some friends and someone broke into all of our vehicles and stole stuff. However, my husband and I drive a 2009 Mitsubishi Lancer and it was locked, yet someone managed to get in without causing any damage whatsoever and stealing our xbox 360. Weird thing is, my purse was in the car with everything in it, and so were the guitars for guitar hero and our entire CD case, and the only thing that was stolen was the xbox...Weird I know. We go through USAA and have full coverage. My question for anybody who knows or has a good guess is, do you think that our insurance would cover that? We don't have a receipt or anything since it was bought so long ago. Thanks for all your answers in advance and remember best answer gets 10 points =] Happy answering! Amberly""
Cheaper on insurance 1980 lincoln or a 1995 blazer?
i have a 1980 lincoln mark VI it has a 351 (5.8 liter engine) and a 1995 chevy blazer im 16 and im trying to decide which one to drive they both get the same gas mialage about cause the blazer is an suv so im deciding which would be cheaper on insurance for a 16 year old i think the blazer but im sure hoping not cause the lincolns prettier lol
How do Insurance companies pay for medical bills?
I was in an accident last year that led to me being in the ICU for a few days. I incurred a hefty medical bill as a result. The accident was not my fault, and the driver was insured. I am going to a mediation to decide how the money the insurance company can pay will be divided between those of us that were injured. My question is, when we come to an agreement, will the insurance company send me a check or will they send a payment to the hospital where I owe money?""
Can I get decent car insurance through Aetna?
I have them as health coverage through work. I just moved from FL to DE and my insurance through Geico DOUBLED!!! I am trying to find a better rate.... any ideas? Thanks
Car Insurance???????????????????
I am going to be 17 years old in April and I want to get my license. I was just wondering how much my insurance would be. I am a male and I live in New York, more specifically my zip code is 11040. I am a good student (3.5 gpa) and I have taken drivers ed. With these discounts how much do you think my car insurance would be with State Farm (my parents have state farm? And the car i am going to insure is a 2009 Honda Civic (blue). Can i have a specific number range?""
What's the cheapest insurance company or booker they've come across?
The cheapest iv encountered is onlyyoungdrivers.com the next being RAC insurance a few hours quid more, followed by 4youngdrivers.co.uk that is myself being under 25. Also has anyone found it cheaper to ring the direct in attempt to get cheaper quote, iv stayed away from this as of yet because of the cost of calling.""
Should i gain my CBT license to lower insurance on a 125cc scooter?
I currently have a full driving license and interested in buying a scooter. To lower insurance even further should I gain my CBT license or any other awareness courses?
Etoile Texas Cheap car insurance quotes zip 75944
Etoile Texas Cheap car insurance quotes zip 75944
What's the cheapest auto insurance ?
What's the cheapest auto insurance ?
Is credit used in determining health insurance rates?
I am licensed in GA for property & casualty insurance, so I know credit is used to help determine rates for auto & homeowners insurance, but it is considered in health insurance?""
I just got a great site for car insurance on here... lets go for dental.?
I now need some affordable dental insurance... please send me a site or two?
Insurance company would not like to insure me a sole proprietorship?
I am a film major, a student and very involved in different projects. I decided to open my own film company a sole proprietorship, meaning I DBA (Do Business As). I am looking for liability insurance for my business for wedding and events. They asked me if I was doing any other type of work currently. My reponse was that yes I am involved in being cameraman for one project and editor for another. I have not signed a contract or getting paid for any of these projects, simply volunteer. They came back stating that if they were to insurance me, I as an invidividual would no longer be able to be part of any project or post anything of my personal stuff on youtube. I understand that they are trying to protect themselves and that they are insuring me personally I guess since its a DBA. Has anyone else come upon this problem? I see many videographer put their stuff up on vimeo, youtube etc.""
How much is Car Insurance in the US for a new driver?
Does it depend on the state? Just give me an average price. Im from the UK and my Insurance was 1700 for 1 year.
Insurance for first cars?
When I'm 18 an hopefully passed my test I want to get either a VW scirocco, a Peugeot RCZ or a Mazda mx5. But I've been told insurance companies will refuse to insure me because it's my first far so is this true or how much would it roughly cost Thanks""
How much would you estimate the annual cost of living to be in central New Jersey?
This would be for a simple lifestyle- one bedroom apartment, utilities, food, clothing, phone, internet, cable, basic car, car insurance, gas, car maintenance, computer, pet, gifts, and a one-week basic vacation. You can provide an estimate both with, and without, a basic health insurance plan premium. I am just trying to figure out about how much it would cost to live in this area. Thank you for your advice.""
I'd like a bigger bike but what will the insurance cost me?
I'm looking to trade in my 125cc for a bigger bike, most likely a 600cc, but I'm wondering what the insurance will be considering I have 3 points on my license for speeding. I'm looking to get it for my 18th, and it will be restricted to 33bhp. Can anyone give me a ballpark figure of what the insurance will be? And what bike should I get?""
Scooter insurance/plates/registration. How much?
Im moving to portland maine and my work is going to be only a few miles away, i have a jeep but i wana get a scooter for the lower gas milage and i always wanted a bike of some sorts. so how much am i looking at to buy a scooter insurance and everything else that is needed to start off? im thinking i probly gota get plates registration and insurance, anything else? also if anyone can post some cool scooters that would be nice, i want something thats prity fast and almost like a ninja bike. anyways thanks for the help guys =D ps. I know scooters arnt fast, i just want one that is a little faster than average.""
What's good insurance for young adults?
I'm 21 & I currently have insurance with the car lot I purchased my car from. What are good full coverage but affordable insurances?
Where can i find the cheapest insurance??
im 19. i live in california. ive never been in an accident and ive never gotten a ticket. i drive a 2004 suzuki forenza and i pay almost 200 dollars a month for insurance!!! i have to have full coverage because im still paying off my car, but come on i think thats a little ridiculous.. its more than my car payment. Any idea where i can get it cheaper and if so, how do i go about changing it?? any help is greatly appreciated!""
Two-way car insurance?
if a car is damaged by someone else except the owner, will the insurance pay?""
Cheapest car insurance????
looking for a cheap car insurance guys, plz help""
Home and car insurance question?
I live in Michigan. Do we have to buy our car and home insurance locally, within this county? Or can we get it from any agent in the state?""
Where can i buy cheap insurance for 13 years olds in Atlanta?
I Have a 13yr old and i need to get Cheap insurance for him to play.
I'm trying to get Heath care insurance?
I'm a type 1 diabetic I'm trying to get a job but if I do my current insurance will not pay for my diabetic supplies.My medical supplies are really expensive what are my options ?
Help with Car insurance cost?
ok so im 17 1/2 year old male and ive been driving since i was 15 1/2. As of right now im covered under my parents insurance with Mercury auto insurance and i pay $500 for 6 months of coverage ($1000 a year). I am currently covered for the three cars that my family owns 1996 Acura 2.5 TL (my crappy car) 2008 MBenz C300 (moms) 2011 Mazda 3 (Dads) So heres my question.. My car (the TL) is starting to break down and the cost of service is outmatching the value of the car. So ive been saving up to try to get another car and i am going to put down 40-50% of the money and my parents are gonna pay for the rest. The cost of the car is not the issue i was wondering more about my cost of insurance for the cars that i am interested in. I know that my most accurate response would be from the Insurance companies themselves, but i dont have time right now. I just wanted to know what you guys thought about how much i should pay per month for these cars. So the cars im interested in ( theres alot lol) are: 90's Toyota MR2 (preferably turbo, but i could live without it) Subaru WRX (Non-STI) Nissan 350Z Honda S2000 BMW 330i (coupe only) 00'-04' Ford Mustang GT There are others but i cant remember them right off the top of my head.. I know its gonna be WAY more expensive then what i pay now and that most of these cars are 2 door and 2 seat which will just make it worse. But im really willing to work for it and like i said i pay my own insurance bill. So how much do you think each of these cars cost for monthly insurance? And of the cars listed which would you most recommend?""
""Why don,t we have the auto industry make a car that won,t exceed the speed limit and not start?""
if driveris impared, reducing insurance, heath, saftey and legal cost
How much money does your insurance go up after a car accident that was your fault?
I am doing an essay on distracted drivers and I just wanted to know the statistics.
How much can I expect my car insurance to go up?
I was in an accident tonight where I was at fault. I was turning left, and my view was blocked by a large line of cars with a few large trucks in front, so I couldn't see anything. I inched out a little bit to see if I could see if there was any oncoming traffic and a car came flying out from behind the lineup and glanced off of my front end, and skidded into another car. After the writeup was done, I got a citation for $84.00 for failure to yield the right-of-way while making a left hand turn in a 3 car accident, and got 4 points tacked onto my license. One woman was apparently hurt , when she hit her head on the steering wheel, and said she needed an ambulance, but she walked over to the ambulance when it arrived all by herself, didn't seem too hurt. Anyways, I am 18 years old and this is my first accident. I was wondering how much I can expect my insurance to go up per month and how long it is going to be raised up?""
Insurance high for red cars?
Is it true that Car insurance is higher for red cars? if so, how much more expensive is it?""
Insurance companies will have 32 million new customers because of Obamacare. How is this socialism?
The Affordable Care Act was modeled after a Republican health care plan by the Heritage Foundation and was first implemented by a Republican governor. All this bill does is makes sure that insurance companies have 32 million new customers. I could understand if you called Single Payer socialism (which I highly support), but calling Obamacare socialist is pretty stupid.""
Insurance in USA for people above 45 and below 60?
Hello, My parent just moved to USA (NY) a few months back and my father works at a grocery store. My parents do not have health insurance and I want to get them medical insurance somehow, something that is affordable since my father's job does not offer any health coverage. I am there only daughter and I asked my employer if I can add my parents to the my insurance policy but he said that will not be possible. My dad has been searching for a job which offers medical coverage but unfortunately it is a tuff time to find a job. My mother is suffering from Sciatica pain she went to one of the walk in clinics and got the medicine and ended up paying 200$ which did not do any good. Any suggestions how I can resolve this issue?""
I want to get either a reno clio 2001 or an old mini. i know the mini is likely to be cheapest. I'm a 17year old male. Which company would give me the cheapest car insurance? DON'T TELL ME TO GO TO GOCOMPARE.COM TRIED THIS ALREADY, AND ON VARIOUS OTHER COMPARISON SITES. Thanks""
Average car insurance estimate?
How much would insurance cost for a 17 yr old male to drive an insurance group 13 car e.g. Mercedes C200 etc - as a second driver! It will be parked in a driveway and is about 8 years old! Thanks for your help
Etoile Texas Cheap car insurance quotes zip 75944
Etoile Texas Cheap car insurance quotes zip 75944
0 notes
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"nfu mutual home insurance quote
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BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://freecarinsurance.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Has New Republican Joe Wilson become the biggest STAIN on the FAILED Conservative movement thus far?
...or something else?, I know there's a lot to choose from, Thx. for sharing.""
Auto insurance question- got a speeding ticket but got off with driving school?
I just recently got new insurance, I didn't know whether or not I should put my speeding ticket on the quote since it was my first one and the cop just told me to just come to court and that they would give me driving school. So I decided to put it on the quote because I don't wanna get pinned for insurance fraud or something, I'm new to this whole insurance thing (just got off my parents) so I played it safe. Now that I have been to court and gotten driving school should I call up the insurance company and let them know what happened? Would it lower my rates if I did that? Or does it even matter? If I can save a few bucks I'll do it, but I don't want to waste my time and theirs. tl;dr----- got a speeding ticket, put it on my insurance quote- got off with driving school- how should I proceed? Does it really even matter since I received the ticket before I was on this current insurance?""
Is it true that the color of your car influences your insurance rate.?
Is it true that the color of your car influences your insurance rate.?
Can I reduce the fine on a 16028 a vc california for not having insurance at the time?
I was cited a ticket for not having insurance on my car on the very first day that i bought it from a private owner. Unfortunately i didn't have enough money to get insurance ...show more
What is the average collision deductible on insurance for a 2005 leased vehicle?
i'm trying to determine whether i need a big deductible or not, this determines whether i stick with geico or move to the cheaper esurance""
Third party fire and theft? car insurance?
hi im currently searching for car insurance and ive been quoted 2800 for comprehensive insurance and when i gave third party fire and theft it came out to 1700 the car is a corsa 998c 2006 what is the difference between them both? thanks
I was rear ended. Does my insurance go up if I contact them?
I have Mercury Insurance and someone hit me in the back at a stop light. I got all of there info, but I was wondering if we went through this with our insurance companies would my rates go up? thanks :D""
Do i still have to pay my car insurance?
i just started driving and i had a small crash im 3rd party insurance i scrapped the car couldnt afford the insurance and mot ect ,i still have to pay insurance for the year so i mite as well have kept the car is there anyway i can cancel as im in financial hardship""
How do I find out what this person's car insurance is?
There is a coworker of mine who dented my car. He has a North Carolina licence plate but he works with me in New Jersey. Obviously he's commiting rate fraud to pay lower rates which I don't care about except he banged my car. I've asked him to give me his insurance several times over the past couple of months but he never does so now I've had it and I want to report it directly to his insurance company. How do I get this information if he's not willing to give it? I have only his name, but if I speak to the secretary where we work I can probably get his ss# too if I need it to get his insurance info.""
How much will I have to for car insurance?
I'm 19 and I just got my permit. So in 6 months I will have my license. By then, I will have car. Which insurance will be cheapest and how much would I have to pay a month? I know nobody can put an exact price on it, but maybe an estimation?""
Car insurance quote should i pay?
i took out a car insurance policy 3months ago the operator quoted me 1050 pounds which i thought was a bit expensive, she said if i canceled within 14days (cooling of period) i need not pay no moneys!! i canceled within 8days. i got a cheaper quote elsewhere, Now the 1st insurance company are going to take me to Court they are saying i owe then 320 for 8days cover! should i pay them? whats the Law on this can any one help me has i don't think i should pay it.""
Will one point on my license make my insurance rate increase?
I have been driving for about two years. Being a new driver, my insurance rate is of course considerably high (on a side note, I think auto insurance is legalized theft). Now. Aside from that, I received a speeding ticket. It was 83 mph in a 55 zone. Oops. In court, the judge reduced it from two points to one point on my license, and the record now shows 64 in a 55. Should I expect an increase in my insurance rates? I am insured with Allstate.""
Can I still be on my parent's car insurance if I move to another state?
I've lived in KY all my life and I'm moving to OK. My parents pay my car insurance and all 3 cars are under the same company, etc. Can I still be on under their insurance if I move out of state? I plan on changing my plates, tags, registration, etc to OK. Can I change all that stuff to OK but still be on my parent's insurance who live in KY? Also, do I have to get my title in my name (it's in my dad's name) if I'm moving?""
I received a speeding ticket while driving my parents car does that affect there insurance rates.?
I was also issused a ticket for driving without insurance, what should I do about that?""
How do I get 1 day car insurance in virginia?
Someone is giving me a car I am picking up in newark and I need one day insurance to drive it back because i dont have money right now since my job doesnt start til 2 weeks from now and its my first job since my car accident 2 months ago. I tried calling elephant because I thought they had 1 day insurance but they keep transferring me to a place that says they dont have it. I dont know who to call
Cheapest Car Insurance (UK) For 17 year old (guy) who just passed test?
Hi, What are the best insurance companies to go to for cheap car insurance for a just passed 17 year old guy? Ive tried go compare and compare the market, but their cheapest quotes were 3700 a year! Are there any good Insurers who arn't on comparison websites, I heard some offer you discounts if you go to them direct. Thanks!""
I have moved back to the UK after living in Italy for 30 years. Why are my car insurance quotes so high?
I passed my driving test in 1979 and received a full UK licence. After moving to Italy I had to convert to an Italian licence as I was resident there. I moved back to the UK in August, converted my licence back to a full UK and have been trying to find insurance at a reasonable price. My problem seems to be that I appear as having passed my test in August 2012 and my no claims bonus from Italy is not valid for UK insurers. First of all is this possible and do you think there's some way my driving experience and clean licence and insurance in Italy can be brought into play as I negotiate a new policy here? Thank you in advance for any advice. DI""
Help! Car insurance question?
I am 16 years old and i want to buy my own car. I want to buy something a little older that looks nice, is more reliable, and has more features than a new, cheap car. But some people told me that the insurance premium will be based on the value when the car was new. Is this true? Am I really going to have huge insurance costs on a car that isnt worth that much anymore? PS: I live in alberta, canada my budget is about $5000-$12000""
How does car insurance repair the accident?
I mean we all know that whoever faults at accident gonna pay for repairs from their insurance. However my questions is what if I buy used car that have little damages on it. As I drive on road, maybe a month later somebody cause accident to my car and police rule out it's their fault. So how can their insurance pay for my car repair from new accident if I already have damages on my car before I buy them? According to a law, once accident happened the insurance only pay for repair from new damages not from old damages. It's insurance fraud if they pay for whole repair that is not part of their causes. Example: I buy a car with rear bumper damages, just little paints and dents on rear bumper. When the accident happen, it cause rear bumper to fall off and it needed new bumper, how can insurance pay for new bumper if some of it was already damages when I buy those car? They might write off but if car is value at 10K and cost repair is 800 dollars then it cheaper to fix but how? How without insurance fraud?""
How does insurance in general work?
and what are some of the rules of finanace for insurance??
What is the average cost of replacing a water heater? Which would you choose insurance payment or heater?
My water heater needs to be replaced (electric) I have a warranty insurance that will replace it however there are a few non covered costs - the pan, the permit, some other part, it will cost me $512.00. They have given me the option to cash out which means they cut me a check and I try to figure it out on my own. Problem is the cashout amount is unknown and it will take up to two weeks for me to find out what the amount is before i can even decide - two weeks without a hot shower is HELL! But I'm not sure what to do. What would you do? Can anyone guess as to what amount they MIGHT give me? The insurance company is American Home Shield. ANY advice will help. I'm a new home owner and don't know a thing about house stuff! Thanks!""
""First Car, insurance price etc :)?""
Hi all, I'm going to go into more detail and search more etc. when I get the car's reg, but for now I can only ask all of you :) I'm going to buy 1.6 ltr ford focus off of my friend for 800, 5 door, 2000 model I think so what kind of insurance would I be quoted on it usually? I don't want links to websites as I havent got all the details... but I havent passed my test yet and it will be my first car, plus I'm 18 so it could be a tad expensive I know :S Thanks for reading :)""
First car/insurance question?
http://westpalmbeach.craigslist.org/car/676277707.html im looking to buy this car for my first car, i currently have more than enough for it, plus i really have wanted a lancer. is that a good car? 2nd. do you need to pay insurance on a car that you dont use? im an avid driver, but i havent got my license yet, *2months exactly left*. if i get it, will i pay insurance for 2 months...without use? in the hypothetical scenario, where i wont even use my drivers permit with it with a parent of course.""
Rough Maryland motorcycle insurance rates?
Hello, I have two questions. First some info though, I live in Southern Md and am a 24 year old male who currently has a completely clean driving record. Right now I have full coverage with Allstate and am paying around 200/month. My question is how much should I expect my rates to jump if I get lets say a lower powered motorcycle ~$7500. Does the age of the motorcycle have much bearing on the rates? And now my more obscure question...What about an electric motorcycle at $15000? The only reason I thought it might be lower is in general they are simpler to operate, not as powerful, and have few breakable parts. Thank you""
How much is lowering a car likely to cost on insurance?
how much is it likely to increase insurance by replacing the springs with a Spax piece of kit?
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nfu mutual home insurance quote
Is auto insurance cheaper for trucks?
I have a turbocharged hatchback now, thinking about upgrading to a larger vehicle.""
How much is your car insurance?
How much are you paying for full coverage or what ever you have and where do you live. $265 a month in New Orleans LA Full coverage.. is this a lot compared to your state?
How could higher deposit insurance premiums for banks with riskier assets benefit the economy?
How could higher deposit insurance premiums for banks with riskier assets benefit the economy?
On average how much do you pay for your car?
My boyfriend makes about 1,100 a month. I made about 1,200 a month. We're young, so we don't make that much but we do live together and we have been since I was 18. Pretty soon, I should be making around... 1,400 a month. WE NEED TO GET A CAR. I had one but gave it to my mother who was struggling. We want to get one so here it goes: 1, When we go to the car dealership what information (other than the standard info) will they ask for? 2. What is required to buy a car other than insurance and a license? 3. How much is an average down payment? 4. Say we get a used car made before 2005, how much on average should the monthly payment be? I know there's a million answers but this but anything will help. Maybe like a honda civic or ford focus, something small and cheap. You're help is very valuable. :) :) :) :)""
Why are health insurance premiums skyrocketing?
I thought Obamacare was supposed to make health insurance more affordable. http://www.forbes.com/sites/theapothecary/2013/06/10/ohio-dept-of-insurance-obamacare-to-increase-individual-market-health-premiums-by-88-percent/
If i lease a car do I pay insurance?
I am thinking about leasing a car, do I have to pay insurance?""
Does AAA charge more for tow insurance if you have old heaps for cars?
For years I have frowned upon this service. But now considering it since our cars are getting old. 100K+ miles each. About how much does this cost a year? And do you have to pay a deductible, or do they cover the entire tow? Still don't know if I should break down and consider a service like this. (I'm anti extra insurance on anything) I think Geico (my ins co.) has coverage for this also""
How much will my auto insurance cost?
I just turned 16 a couple months ago and i already have my license, and i live in Colorado. My parents have State Farm auto insurance and they want me to pay for my own insurance when i get a car. I already know that you can get a bunch of discounts for things like getting good grades and attendence and safe driving and not driving your car to school, but anyways i was wondering how much it would cost me without any discounts? Like how much would it be every month or so? I do have a job but i dont know if i would have enough to pay for car insurance. Any help is needed! thank you!!!""
How much is unsurance for a 16 years old?
I am about to get my provisionary license soon, after i turn 16. I am wondering how much insurance will cost for us. We live in california. My parents are both good drivers, and have never been in an accident for the last 10 years. We have state farm. My parents are right now insured to 3 cars ( toyota seina, lexus gr300, nissan versa) and i will be added in there soon. I am wondering how much their insurance will raise because of me. Don't ask me to ask an agent or go to a website to find a free quote. I understand you can not give me a near exact answer, but just an estimate is good.""
Help with Car insurance?
My mom pays for my car insurance. I pretty much moved out, and I'm living at my boyfriends house. (we have been together 3 years, not the point here though). I want to get my car insurance in my own name, going towards the point of being independent and taking care of myself. Problem is, everyone I confront my mother about it she's either too drunk or just avoids the topic. Is it possible to switch my car insurance brands without having her approval?""
""Going to buy a car for my teen, does he need insurance yet?""
Hello, i know that he will eventually need insurance for his car. But i'm going to buy him a car for his birthday. He only has his permit now and will be getting his license in 3 months. I want to know when i go buy the car who's name should it be under? how is this going to work?""
""Need Jaw Surgery, No insurance. Low Income, [Best] advice please.?""
I need Jaw Surgery, and have no insurance. I'm from low income. From online readings, I heard you can get it done at UCSF for free, but there is a waiting line?? not sure about that. If have to pay, I heard 5k-7k with insurance. I don't have insurance, and if I were to get it, I don't want to pay kaiser $150/month. What is your [best] advice?? Thanks a lot!""
I'm trying to make a car insurance for eu driving license?
Hi, everytime when I make a quote on e.g. (comparethemarket.com or moneysupermarket.com) I get a car insurance around 7000 ponds. Is there any way how I can get cheaper insurance? I'm in UK.""
Decent and Cheap Health Insurance Plans for International Students in the US?
I will be studying my Master in the Boston area, this September. The grad-school health insurance is a little too expensive to me. What would be some of the decent and affordable health insurance companies and plans?""
Citroen c2 1.4 insurance why so expensive how to get smaller quote?
I just bought a C2 1.4 04 plate less than 30000 on clock semi auto and when I came to insure it nearly died! More than I paid for car! I am 30 and have been driving for 5 years, the first year I had my own car then I have driven hire cars or been a named driver on relatives cars. No claims, points, accidents or offences. WHY SO EXPENSIVE??? Please help me I feel in so annoyed as can't drive without insurance and at this rate can't afford to insure! Any info greatly received :)""
""My daughter will be 26 12/6/2012, can she obtain insurance through the Affordable Care Act and how?""
My daughter will be 26 12/6/2012, can she obtain insurance through the Affordable Care Act and how? She has serious health issues and medication we will not be able to afford with no insurance.""
Question about car insurance ?!?!?!?
Ok so i am 17 and male so car insurance is tricky. i have a 1.3 toyota corolla,provisional licence, no driving experience. Most quotes are 4,000 at the cheapest. I cant afford this. Does anyone know how to get this cheaper. Is it possible to get insurance for around 2,000 ? My only option is to go as a named driver under my parents policy and have the car registered to them. Preferrably i want my own policy though. Any suggestions appreciated thanks :)""
Anyone know what insurance company will approve homeowners insurance for Mastiffs in New York State?
I rent on a 380 some acre farm in New York State. I am told that the landlord could not get home owners insurance because of my dog and I have to get rid of him because of the liability. I don't want to. He is a mastiff and a VERY protective one at that if someone comes on the property and he is tied up on the chain (he barks a lot and can look viscious. But once someone is inside he is okay friendly and ready to play. Except one wouldnt know it by viewing him from outside. An insurance agent came onto the property (he was chained) and of course he was very vocal. Scared the crap out of him. But we ALWAYS keep him on a chain. Does anyone know of homeowners insurance available in New York State for this breed of dog, or of another option available. We do not want to have to move because we have a boy in school and we love it here. Any no kill pet shelters or anyone who wants a lovable funny (somewhat quirky) Cane Corso Mastiff>""
Cheapest insurance online?
Can anyone point me to the cheapest insurance companies online? Been quoted some ridicules prices. Thanks
Who is the best life insurance agent/broker in Southern California?
I am looking to buy life insurance for myself and my wife. Anyone know someone who does a great job on getting the best deal in San Diego county?
Are there different types of car insurance?
What are the different kinds?
""2007 Mercedes S-class fuel consumption, reliability, maintenance?""
If you're 60 years old in Canada, with a great driving record, how much should insurance cost per year more or less? Also, if you drive 20,000km annually, how much should fuel cost? And is this car reliable? How much would you expect to spend on maintenance costs over the next 5 years? It has 70,000km and costs $36,000 also, is this a good price? Lots of questions I know, but thanks so much""
Is landlord responsible for pool insurance?
We signed a lease that required us to take out insurance for $ 500,000 if we used the pool and planned on having guests use the pool also . They also wanted the insurance to cover themselves . When speaking to our insurer, USAA, they said our renters insurance , which included $100,000 liability, would cover us having anyone besides us use the pool or being on our property in general . The landlord was responsible for having insurance for the pool and the house to protect themselves and they told us we were not responsible for paying for insurance for the landlord . The property was in Norfolk VA . We just wanted to know if he landlord was trying to get us to pay for their share of insurance when it wasn't our responsibility and if we were right to have stuck with USAA advice .""
How much will my insurance raise for 2 points on my license?
I recently got a ticket for failure to stop at a stop sign, I don't know for sure but I'm guessing it's gonna be two points on my license. I have already paid the ticket, I live in georgia, I'm 17, my insurance provider is state farm, I am currently paying $78 a month for only liability, I have no other tickets, but I did get a written warning for 21mph over. Will this warning count as any points or be recorded on my record? Roughly how much do you think my ticket will raise my insurance a month? thank you""
Can i get a california health access card if my mom has me under her insurance?
I want to get it so i can get on birth control but my mom has me under her insurance and i cannot let her know. I am 19, a college student and part time worker.""
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nfu mutual home insurance quote
If I'm only listed as a driver on a family insurance plan. Will the rates go up if I move into Detroit?
As answered in my previous question, legally I am supposed to change my license to the address where I reside. Living in Detroit constitutes a higher insurance rate than that of the suburbs. Will my rates increase if the policy is not in my name since I am only listed as a driver?""
Do South Carolina auto insurance laws require me to carry my own liability insurance when driving a rental car?
I don't currently own a car and so haven't had a need to carry my own liability auto insurance in quite awhile. Is it legal for me to drive a rental car or even a car owned by my sister who does have insurance in South Carolina? Will I have to purchase my own liability insurance to legally drive anyone else's car in South Carolina?
Car insurance question?
I recently passed my test, and was looking at car insurance quotes and they're all pretty expensive. I was wondering if I were to just wait until I'm about 23 or 24 before I purchase a car, would the insurance be cheaper, even if I didn't have any driving experience? Thanks in advance.""
Is it illigal to drive without having the proof of insurance IN your car.?
I have insuarance and i will be getting the papers tuesday. Is it legal in Texas to drive without the pyhsical papers, even though I have the insurance.""
Why are these insurance premiums so high?
so when i use to drive legally with insurance, i payed about 600 down and like 180 a month. but now when im looking for new insurance, i see monthly premiums for $900!! if car is financed, or min coverage of $400 for an owned car? i dont understand... can car insurance really be this expensive or is there something going on here? i got the quotes from online by the way...""
What type of insurance is better: private healthcare insurance or union insurance?
I used to have Kaiser Permanente but now I'm on a union healthcare plan because my mom works at a grocery store. I used to always be able to see a therapist a few times a month no problem when I had Kaiser, but with the union insurance I tried to go and after a few months it sucked up all the money in our insurance and we couldn't go to see any more doctors until the next year. Should I switch back to Kaiser? I'm mostly concerned with being able to see a therapist a few times a month, maybe a dermatologist a few times a year(currently I'm being treated for my acne), and being able to get contacts and a yearly eye exam(which I can do with my current insurance) and also being able to see a good dentist biannually(I can also do this with my current insurance) So pretty much all I'm missing is the mental health care I want! Would Kaiser be able to provide me all of this? Thanks in advance for any helpful input""
""Best insurance business (All State, Farmers or State Farm)?""
I am seriously considering becoming an insurance agent for State Farm, Farmers or All State, but I don't know which company is the best choice for me, I am bilingual in Spanish, so I am looking for a company that is going after the Hispanic Market. I have heard some bad things about Farmers, so my decision might be State Farm or All State. Nationwide is doing a great advertising campaing in the Spanish market, does anybody know if they offer agency jobs. I am open to other suggestions. Any help/Suggestions is very much appreciated. Gracias""
Car Insurance Coverage Question?
I was involved in a rental car about a year ago out of town in severe weather and ended up rear ending the person in front of me, so it goes down as my fault. I did not buy the insurance from Avis, the rental car company, so my regular car insurance applies. This is my first accident in 17 years of driving, so this may sound like a silly question, but I am wondering if I pay just one $750 deductible (my deductible is $750) for damage to the two cars, or if I pay a $750 deductible for each car totaling $1500? Thanks!""
Anyone can explain to me how to acquire cheap SR-22 insurance?
what does it mean? explain please...
Good military discounts for car insurance?
My husband is a Marine, we recently bought a new car and we're looking for good car insurance, preferably with a military discount! Does anyone have any experience with this? Thanks!""
How Do I Get Medical Insurance...???
In my situation: I'm 16 and covered under my mother's insurance through the state because she has a disability- I'm moving in with my self-employed father who's covered by his wife's insurance (which is through her job). When custody get's switched over, I'm no longer covered by my mother, and my dad doesn't have his own plan. Since no one can afford 700 dollar bills every time I get a sore throat or tooth ache, what the hell should I do? Advice PLEASE.""
Is it illegal to drive in florida without insurance? ?
Is it illegal to drive in florida without insurance? ?
Would insurance for a VW Golf be cheap or expensive?
I'm 17 years old currently doing driving lessons and I'm thinking about a VW Golf for my first car. Would the insurance be high or low and which engine size would be the best to start off with?
Can i get affordable baby health insurance?
Can i get affordable baby health insurance?
Can you give me an estimate of how much car insurance would be.......?
lets say a guy under 30 in california with a 2002 BMW 325i sedan how much would insurance be?
Did you know about a lost payee on your car insurance?
What is health insurance reform?
Im doing a research paper on health insurance reform and i googled what it means and its just to confusing i dont get a definition. can anyone explain to me what health insurance reform is and whats the differences between health insurance reform to health care? how do they work? please and thank you =)
Cheap cars to insure?
ok so im not gonna get into it cause it was a big mistake and i never want to relive it but a little while ago i ran from the cops in my car ( 2002 firebird) and i was able to get away but someone noticed my car and tipped them off so now i am having to sell my car and go to court for some tickets. after talking to my lawyer i am looking at 22 points on my license. most of them will be dropped but he said i would still be looking at 5 digits for my insurance. so now i am looking for a new car and just wanted some advice on what i could get that would be the cheapest to obtain and insure?
Car Insurance for 18 yr Old?
Hi i was Just wondering what the cheapest insurance and car to insure for an 18 yr old living in the uk. i have just passed my test last month (Nov 2008) and want to get driving straight away. So far i have tried 'insurance on 1.1 ford fiesta, 1.2 vauxhall corsa and other small cars including DAEWOO matiz, citroen Ax and ford ka's all have been 2.5 grand. i have even tried putting my dad on who has 9 years no claims and it comes down to just over 2 grand. Does anyone know which is the cheapest car to insure and which is the best(cheapest) insurer?""
Car insurance?
I have hear that car insurance can be a little cheaper if its a 4 door. Is this true? I have a son getting ready to drive and I was wondering.
How much extra would it be to go on my parents car insurance ?
at the moment my mother is paying 600 a year for car insurance, i was wondering how much extra it would be a year for me to go on her insurance. i am 18 year old girl living in england would it be cheaper for me to get my own insurance or go on hers ?""
Do I have to tax a car if it is insured? I know that you HAVE to insure a car if it is taxed.....?
What I know. You have to tax your car unless you do a SORN. If you have done a SORN you don't have to pay car tax or even insure your car if you don't want to. If you don't intend to drive your car but it has car tax then your car HAS to be insured by law. But what about the other way round ...? If you have a car insured but it is in the garage and you never intend to drive it, for example it is a collectors item, do you HAVE to tax it? I can find on the net yes you have to insure your car if it is taxed but cannot find confirmation either way whether you HAVE to also have your car taxed if you never intend to drive it but you do want it insured. If someone confirms that it doesn't have to be taxed, could you provide details of where you found this information so that I can obtain a copy for my records please? Many thanks Lisa""
Health Insurance for Uninsurable?
I haven't been able to get health insurance in the past couple years due to constantly changing jobs, and not being able to stay on my feet as much as I would like to in my career. I have diabetes, which is causing more serious issues with my limbs and eyes that I can't wait to take care of. I am in my low 30's, single, and a resident of Illinois. I know the affordable health care is suppose to start accepting applications in October, and care beginning in 2014, but I just can't wait that long. I tried any other state and federally funded option, but they have suspended their applications due to the new programs coming out later this year. Would anyone have any other ideas, my family will help offset some of the costs, I just need to find some kind of a plan with pre existing conditions to include diabetes.""
I have an old pickup truck but can't find a price to get an insurance quote.?
I'm working on a 1972 International model 1100 Eight pickup truck and can't seem to find a price for it in todays market. I've looked on every automotive web-site I can think of, but they have every make except International. I'm trying to get an insurance quote over the internet and I really need this. I paid $400 for the truck itself and about the same for new parts. The guy who owned this truck before me said it was originally a one ton pickup, but the bed was switched out with a three ton. I know I have to add the price of the new parts, but all I want is an approximate base price. I'll take any advice, web-site, or anything else relevant to my needs.""
What is the cheapest car insurance?
I'm 18 and i have a 2000 honda civic. Please help
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nfu mutual home insurance quote
Car Insurance...DUI.
does anyone have a 2002 poniac sunfire? with DUI? esimate of might that might cost?
My wife has leukemia and no health insurance. is there any affordable health insurance?
The insurance she does have is very low, 2000.00 a year cap. we've been looking and it seems she has to be without any for 6 months. she got turned down for medicare already. others we have found range from 1000.00 per month and up. has anyone found any thing better?""
What is the best car insurance company in Britain?
I am 17 and looking to be put on my dads insurance. The car is a 1.4 Renault Clio and the cheapest quote is 1600. How do you get them to take the price down when speaking to them on the phone? Also I have had a bike for a couple of years with my own insurance, will this make a difference? Cheers!""
Best health care insurance for 25 year old?
I just got off parent's insurance because it's only until I'm 25. I can't use my job's since I work part time, because I'm trying to finish college. I hardly get sick and see the doctor, but I know things happen. (Like whenever I got appendicitis not that long ago) What's the best affordable one's out there for me?""
How old can you be until you're kicked off your parents health insurance? ?
Another question would be if my parents move to another state would I still be covered? They'd be in Michigan and I'd be in Tennessee.
Does anyone know of cheap health insurance in north carolina?
am a father of two and my wife has her and the kids covered under her policy at work. I have not had insurance in over 12 years! I need low cost health insurance and I have heard of plans under $100. I obviously never get sick, and dont mind a high deductible. I really need a low premium and a semi low RX cost and co-pay/ doctor visit (just in case). Any help or suggestions? Thanks!!!""
""'96 Saturn Sedan SLI 4 door, Totaled, accident insurance offered $2700. buy back $530. fair?""
'96 Saturn Sedan SLI 4 door, Totaled, accident insurance offered $2700. buy back $530. fair?""
Best Child insurance plan?
Which insurance plan should will be best for child , including study and marraige?""
How much do you pay for car insurance?
Ok so im a 17 year old girl with a job that pays 600 a month. and i want a 2005 toyota matrix. its 7,000 but i know where to get it cheeper. but the question is how much do you pay . can you tell me your age and year of your car it would help me compare this whole thing alot better THANKYOU :)""
Is it required to buy insurance if you rent a car ?
Well, I'm going to tell my mom to rent a car next Thursday and I'm not sure if she HAVE to buy insurance for it. She already have car insurance from Triple A, can she use the car insurance she have for the rental car? Is that okay? When I reserved the car for Avis last weekend, it said that you can purchase a protection for the car for an extra 18 dollars, im not sure if that's insurance or not. It said its recommended, but not required. Also, no where on the site said that you have to buy insurance for the rental car. Is there already insurance for those rental cars? I'm so confused. pleease help!!""
Need help finding rental insurance/jewelry insurance?
I just moved into an apartment for the 1st time and I was advised to get rental insurance. I don't have many valuables with the exception of a laptop and an engagement ring. The rest of my items are the standard furnishings (couch, bed, desk, etc.) I know rental insurance is cheap so I wanted to look into it. Just an FYI that I do not have a car/auto insurance so I can't just add rental insurance onto existing car insurance. Also my main concern is that my engagement ring is VERY valuable and I will leave it at home often, so I wanted to make sure it was protected (either at home or if I do wear it out). I also travel often, so that might leave my place open for burglars ... or who knows what other issues (fire, etc.) Please advise, thanks!""
What would the insurance cost for a citreon saxo?
I'm nearly 17 and i'm most probably getting a citroen saxo, a second hand one, something cheap. I was just wondering how much the insurance might costs roughly. Thankss""
Is mutual insurance good?
One of the insurance brokers is asking for mutual insurance, I really dont know its good or not, If I ask him, he will say, its good to me. So asking you people. . Thanks""
Expensive insurance. why?
I've never been in an accident or recieved a ticket before so why is my insurance so expensive. Yes I am male but I am 25 ... It should have become cheaper a while ago but I'm paying about 50$ more a month than all of my friends and some have the same company.. I have liabillity as well.. how much cheaper should your insurance be if you never been ticketed or been In a crash? Thanks.
What is best landlord insurance policy or company?
what is best landlord insurance policy or company?
New teen driver insurance?
I just got my license about 2 hours ago. something just came up and I really need to drive somewhere. My parents have Statefarm insurance, but obviously haven't added me yet. Does statefarm have any type of temporary coverage? Can I leave now or do I have to wait until my parents can add me?""
""18, needs car insurance for ANYTHING please help ?""
OK ah cant take anymore of this... i'm 18 have had a license for 3 months now and live in the UK jarrow, tyne and Wear... All i want is a **** little car. But the insurance is ***** ridiculus no matter what i do a car costing 300 insurance will still be 5000 - 6000 doesn't matter if the engine is the size of a vacuume cleaner motor it jus wont go down. PLEASE somebody find me a car that isn't over 2000 that the insurance wont be beyond a joke. Been at this for over a week now and cant find anything. gocompare money supermarket direct line aviva. even put my mother as the main driver of the car with me as additional driver and still 5000 - 6000. Even insurance fraud is expensive PLEASE help me""
Do I really need liability insurance?
So, I am thinking of opening a summer company and I don't think I need liability insurance. I know that everyone should have it, but I don't think it's really worth it for me. All of the places I will be visiting will have their own insurance and I will only be using the insurance for a week or so a month. As I won't be using it a lot, I don't think I really need it. So, basically, do I need insurance for my space in an insured venue. Thanks in advanced!""
I am looking for federal court cases related to insurance claims?
I am looking for federal court cases related to insurance claims?
How can i know how many people have health insurance coverage in my city?
(please give me a source as in to where i can find this information)
How much is insurance on a Chevy Camaro?
I'm 20, ill be on the car by myself.the camaro is a 1998, and in great condition.""
Drivers License with Insurance?
Do you have to be on someones insurance if you get a driver's license? I don't know what company my mom gets insurance through but her insurance would go up four hundred and thirty dollars because of my sister's driving record, but the lady said I HAD to be on someones insurance right after I get my license. But I called the local DMV and they said that I don't have to be on someones insurance if I get my license. The car just has to be insured. Who do I believe? Because I heard that sometimes insurance companies try to milk you for money... Who do I believe? Can someone give me a real LEGAL answer?""
Car insurance cancellation?
I took out an insurance two days ago with a company called (i-kube car insurance). I've been told that I won't be able to drive between the hours of 11pm -5am and if i drive, i will have to pay 45 fine ( a GPS will be installed in my car). I've realised that the insurance is not cheap even though i used my pass plus to get discount. Tesco and Elephant car insurance are even cheaper. They took out my deposit immediately eventhough my insurance will not start till 2nd wk in February. Is it too late to cancel? I haven't received any paper document yet and their website lacks information about cancellation. What shall I do? Should i go with a different company? Would they tell me to pay cancellation fee? They've planned to fix the GPS to my car tomorrow but i haven't agreed to the time yet.""
""Can I get my car towed home, from a car lot without insurance? Or can I keep it there until I get insurance?""
Can I get my car towed home, from a car lot without insurance? Or can I keep it there until I get insurance?""
Why will small businesses be affected if the health insurance mandate passes?
Research paper. Thanks for the help
nfu mutual home insurance quote
nfu mutual home insurance quote
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