#but you can at least know what to shoot for
ms-demeanor · 3 days
So you know absolutely positively nothing about photography
Cellphone cameras are fucking great. I love them. I love the ability to take photos whenever and wherever at basically zero cost.
Point-and-shoot cameras have always been awesome and accessible devices.
This is not a post shit-talking "basic" cameras. This is a post for people who have only ever used basic cameras who want to know at least slightly more about photography.
Because, the thing is, a remarkable amount of photography is math. And if you don't know it's math, it looks like a mystery. And you may be standing there snapping a photo with your phone that looks pretty good, but your friend with a DSLR looked at the sky, twisted a dial, and took three steps to the left and they took a photo of the same subject that looks like it belongs on a magazine cover.
How did they do that?
Probably math.
If you've come into possession of a DSLR camera and are disappointed that the photos you're taking aren't looking like the photos you thought came from DSLRs, I'm here to tell you about the math you may not know about.
What is a photograph?
At its most basic, a photograph is the result of light on a sensor. Let's consider a pinhole camera for a moment. A pinhole camera is a lightproof box with a piece of photographic paper on one side and a tiny hole in the other.
When you create a photo with a pinhole camera, you're using pretty much all of the math you would in a big fancy camera, just in a cruder form they are:
The sensitivity of the paper, film, or camera sensor to light (this is your "ISO" if you're using a digital camera or film). Light sensitivity can be easily changed on a digital camera, but on chemical-treated paper or film the sensitivity is predetermined and cannot be changed. If you want to change the ISO on an analog camera, you need to change the medium that's being exposed.
An opening to let light in - your F-stop, or aperture. The F-stop of a photo is how wide open the lens is to let light onto your film or sensor. In a pinhole camera, you have something that is theoretically a very very large F-stop because you have a very, very tiny opening to let light through (F-stops run in reverse - the bigger the number, the smaller the opening).
Exposure - your exposure is the amount of time you leave your sensor open to the light. The majority of photos you see in the world have exposure times that are measured in tiny fractions of a second, sometimes in thousandths of a second. If you're using photo paper in your pinhole camera, you may have an exposure time of minutes rather than tiny portions of a second, but your photo exposure will still depend on how long you want to leave your "lens" open.
Focal length - your focal length is a description of the relationship of the distance between the light source and the light sensor. You can manipulate this in a pinhole camera by making the camera longer or shorter. A larger focal length means a narrower field of view - it zooms in on the subject.
A pinhole camera is the simplest camera that lets you, the photographer, control all of the elements of a photo. This is, functionally, fully manual photography.
So what's the difference between all that and a cellphone camera?
Point-and-shoot cameras like those on cellphones give the user more limited control over these settings. For instance, think of a disposable camera. On a disposable camera, the photographer has control over one setting - the ISO of the film, which they can select at purchase. They can't control how wide the lens opens or how long it stays open, and the only way they can compensate for lighting that is a poor match to the ISO is flash.
Cellphone cameras are very much like a standard point-and-shoot. By default, users point their cameras, then shoot a photo. Many cellphones have a "pro" mode that will allow the user to emulate different ISOs or f-stops, but the sensors in cellphone cameras aren't as good as the ones in camera-cameras, and the lenses are very limited as well. Some cellphone cameras and point-and-shoot digital cameras WILL allow users to set longer exposures, and many cellphone cameras have multiple lenses which does allow for some lens effects, but they don't give a huge amount of control to the user.
Okay so let's say I've got my new shiny camera, what do I need to know?
For best results, you want your ISO to match the light you're shooting in. Low ISO is for bright light, high ISO is for low light. If you wanted to take snapshots of your family outdoors at disneyland in the summer, you'd buy 100 ISO film. When I used to shoot football games at night in oddly lit stadiums, I'd use 1600 ISO film. If you have a DSLR camera, there's a setting somewhere in there that tells you how to set the ISO. If you are shooting in relatively low light and the photos are turning out darker than you'd like *but* things are moving too quickly to use a longer exposure, you can bump up your ISO for brighter, sharper images but they will be more noisy and grainy than ones shot at a lower ISO. If you want clean, smooth, crisp images, your goal should be to shoot with the lowest ISO possible.
The Aperture of your camera lens determines your F-Stop. This acts like the pupils of your eyes. When it's really really bright out, your pupils shrink down to let in less light. When it's darker out, your pupils get bigger to let in more light. If you are shooting in low light, you want a low F-Stop, which means that your camera's lens is open really wide. If you are shooting in a bright environment, you want a higher F-Stop, which will mean the opening is very small. Since your F-stop interacts with the focal length of your lens, you will find that zooming in with the lens often makes images darker. To shoot clear images from far away, you need to be very conscious of your F-stop, your ISO, and ambient lighting conditions.
Exposure describes the length of time you set the camera to leave the aperture open. In many DSLRs this can span from 1/3200th of a second to infinitely long (the "bulb" setting means "aperture is open until you close it.") If you want sharp images of frozen motion, you want the fastest speed that you can get. Sports photography and photography of things like insects or milk crowns often use extremely short exposures to get sharp images. If you want blurry images you want slower speeds. If you want to take a photo in a low-light environment and capture motion within that environment - for instance, taking photos of cars on a freeway at night - you want slower speeds (if you want to do this in a brighter environment, like taking photos of a stream in the daytime, you want slower speeds and a specific kind of lens filter called a neutral density filter). When exposures are set to be longer than about 1/60th of a second, images with motion start to look blurry.
Focal Length determines the field of view of your subject. If you have a lens with variable focal lengths, this is called a zoom lens. A longer focal length zooms you in and a shorter focal length zooms you out. Lenses with fixed focal lengths are called prime lenses, and can't zoom in or out.
Depth of Field - your depth of field is a combination of the interaction of your focal length, your distance from your subject, and your F-stop. The depth of field describes the relative amount of space in a photograph that is in focus. A long depth of field means that much of the image plane is in focus. A short depth of field means that a narrow portion of the image plane is in focus. A low F-stop produces a narrow depth of field. A long focal length produces a narrow depth of field.
You can think of your camera as a tool that measures time and space. Your ISO and Exposures are measurements of time (how quickly the sensor senses the light, how long the sensor is exposed to the light), the F-Stop and the focal length are measurements of space (how wide the aperture of the camera is, how far the lens is from the sensor).
The pre-set modes on your camera, the ones on the dial that show a person running, flower, or a cloud, or a lady with a hat - these are generic settings that combine an ISO, exposure time, and f-stop that are likely to work well for outdoor action shots, landscape photography, cloudy light, and portraits. When you're using those pre-set modes, you control the focal length and not much else.
When you understand that the running person/action mode means low-ish ISO combined with high shutter speeds, you can start just setting your own ISO and shutter speed when you're shooting sports. When you know that portrait mode sets you up for low-ish f-stops, relatively quick shutter speeds, and mid-range ISOs, you can just start setting those things on your own so you can have more control.
"What about light metering?"
Since your camera is a machine that records light, light metering is pretty important. The light meter of your camera will tell you if your settings are "correct" for the amount of that the light sensor senses. In most modern cameras there is a light metering display on the bottom edge of the viewfinder that goes from negative to positive; if the meter shows that you are in the negative it means that your photo will be under-exposed (too little light will get to the sensor and the image will appear dark), if the meter shows that you are in the positive it means that your photo will be over-exposed (too much light will get to the sensor and the image will appear too bright - "blown out"). The way to correct for under or over exposure is to change the length of the exposure, making it longer for underexposed images and shorter for overexposed images.
What the light meter is doing is thinking about all of your settings and the lighting for you. It looks at the ISO, focal length, f-stop, light hitting the sensor, and planned exposure time and tells you what that combination of settings is likely to produce - something too bright, or something too dark.
When you are more experienced with photography, you get good at juggling these things on the fly and messing around with them more, which is how you can do the magic of looking at the sky, twisting a dial, taking three steps to the left, and knocking it out of the park with a picture.
It only looks like magic because you're doing a ton of math under the hood that is extremely non-obvious to people who are new to photography.
Anyway, here is a good guide to depth of field and what goes into it.
Here is a basic photography textbook that explains the principles that I've gone over here in a lot more detail with a lot better explanations. It's a film photography textbook, but one of the cool things about photography is that a lot of stuff from the analog era is still relevant in the digital area, and the basics haven't changed.
However all of that is about the *technical* aspects of photography. Photography isn't just a record of exposure time and focal length, so here's a basic photo composition textbook that talks about the artistic principles of photography.
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shotmrmiller · 19 hours
simon who can afford a better flat than the budget friendly flat he lives in but won't move. johnny doesn't understand. he wants to blame it on simon being the enigmatic, intentionally perplexing man he tends to be but he has a flat.
he doesn't have to. he's got no significant other, no kids (that he knows of, god only knows if simon's got a bairn somewhere. it makes him heated thinking about it. he's it's uncle, damn it.) why does he rent here when living in base is free?
the question answers itself when he's over one evening, empty beer bottles on the table, amber glass reflecting the warm glow of the lone lamp overhead. the television is on, volume turned down, blending with the other sounds of the night— the distant barking of dogs, the quiet hum of simon's fridge, the occasional car passing by outside.
the conversation had died down already, not like they don't spend almost every waking breath with each other at work and they'd been sitting in a comfortable silence when there was a sudden, sharp knock at simon's door.
it startles johnny, reaction instinctive as he reaches for his hip, hand curling around the grip of his holstered gun but simon seems relaxed. he pins him with a look and mutters, "s'alrigh'."
what does he mean it's alright? it's 'witchin' hour'' as his mam calls it, who could possible be at his door? he cranes his neck to look and—
it's you, standing up here with a flour-dusted apron, small hands holding a warm pastry, the steam twisting and curling off of it. you're exude homely charm, soft face glowing from the corridor's light (or maybe it's at the sight of seeing simon, who knows?) he can smell it in the air, sweet, inviting.
what johnny finds interesting enough to send a quick text to kyle is how simon is looking at you. as if you're handing him more than just a custard tart, but also a little piece of heaven, a fragment of a dream he hopes to have one day.
"'m sorry, simon. i wasn't aware you had any company. i just really needed to stress bake or i would've gone off the deep end and end up in prison."
violent little bonnie. he can see the appeal.
simon cups his hands over yours (he definitely did it as an excuse to touch you) as he takes the treat. if you make food to unwind and give it to your neighbors, johnny oughta move in next door too. he'll never turn down free food.
"don't worry about it." johnny's eyebrows shoot to his hairline at the softness in his tone, bottle halfway to his lips.
clearly more than a passing fancy.
"i'll just uhm, if you're friend wants some too—" but simon gently interrupts you before he can ask for some of that sweet comfort too.
"he's not hungry."
cruel, cruel bastard. he'll remember this day, jot it down in his calendar. when he gets a girl of his own, he'll be sure to do the same.
johnny wonders if you've got a crick in your neck from looking up at simon as you speak hushed words, meant only for him. can he get at least a nibble of that tart?
you shoot johnny a shy ㅤsmile before turning around and simon closes the door, turning back to the warming beers, golden tart in hand.
even the plate it's on is cute.
"ah can see the hearts in yer eyes, lt."
johnny can practically hear the air parting as simon's fist cuts through it, aimed at his head. he avoids it with practiced ease. "ooh, touchy. ah'll leave ye be if i get a bite o' tha'."
he doesn't gets not even a crumb because simon is selfish.
(simon moved here purposefully because he knows you live here and can't be at peace without knowing where you are at all times. there's a tag inside your favorite pair of shoes you left out in the hall once to dry after a hard downpour. the bakery you work at is down the street, if he looks out the south facing window, he can see you going in and leaving work. he likes to let himself in your home and smell your cushions. took one of your shirts too but at least made sure it wasn't one of your faves. he has to wash it every other day)
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(Genshin Impact) Beidou, Dehya, Arlecchino, Chiori, Lynette, Furina, Navia, Clorinde, Jean, Eula, Lisa, Noelle, Ayaka, Sara, Ei, Yae, Shenhe, Yelan Xianyun, and Xinyan seeing their S/O in a swimsuit
Now, I hear you asking dear followers: "Chris, why the hell are you writing a non-request for 20 characters when you have 628 asks in your inbox?" And uh... ...
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Beidou can't resist a wolf-whistle the moment her S/O steps into view wearing their swimsuit.
Notably, Beidou doesn't appear to have changed out of her usual attire, something that makes S/O pout.
She smirks while her eye glances them up and down.
(Beidou) "Nice.~"
(S/O) "The least you can do is at least join me instead of ogling..."
Seeing their expression makes her laugh immediately and wrap an arm around them and bringing S/O closer.
(Beidou) "Nothing wrong with me enjoying how pretty you are. Plus, I don't really own a swimsuit. Unless you want me to skinny dip with you-"
(S/O) "Gods- Not where everyone can see!"
(Beidou) "So what I'm hearing is that you aren't opposed to that?"
S/O sighs, with Beidou playfully punching their arm.
(Beidou) "Lighten up, already! We're at the beach, let's go enjoy ourselves!"
She at the very least throws off her boots and coat before joining S/O in the water.
(Beidou) "I can throw you into the water if you want me to."
(S/O) "I might do that myself-"
(Beidou) "Hah, I'd like yo see you try!"
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Dehya doesn't swim often, being in a desert tends to make that chance very rare.
Plus, working as a mercenary group that primarily consisted of males compounded onto that fact.
So, the first time she got to go to a beach with S/O alone was a jarring one.
The sand underneath her feet was familiar, yet alien at the same time.
(Dehya) "Wow, this sand is super rough..."
She quickly snaps out of her fixation when S/O stands next to her, wearing as much clothes as she was.
(S/O) "But the breeze feels nice, right?"
Dehya's eyes quickly wander before shooting back up to their face, awkwardly coughing into their hand, flustered from that blunder.
(Dehya) "Y-Yeah. Sights aren't too bad either."
(S/O) "Hah, smooth...A-And, I don't really mind you looking. It's not like I haven't done the same myself."
(Dehya) "Hm, maybe I should let you choose a swimsuit for me then?"
She smiles back at S/O before her hand is getting dragged towards the water.
(S/O) "Before that, let's go to the waters first! We'll be here for a few days anyway!"
Dehya throws off her equipment and eagerly joining them.
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Arlecchino isn't that big on swimming, but she knows that her children enjoy doing so.
Plus, she doesn't exactly get a "vacation" in the traditional sense.
But at the very least, she can put aside some time to spend with S/O once her obligations were taken care of.
And if they wanted to swim, then who is she to stop them?
She's sitting underneath an umbrella in her chair when she hears footsteps approach.
(S/O) "Not joining me in the waters?"
(Arlecchino) "I will decline the offer. Well, for swimming at least. If you wish to walk alongside the coast, I can at least oblige you in that."
Her eyes glance over to S/O, noting the swimsuit choice of S/O.
They couldn't help but be a little flustered, having her unflinching gaze stare at them.
(S/O) "Um...S-Something on my face?"
Her expression remains the same as she gives a reply that flustered them even more.
(Arlecchino) "I admit, you are rather eyecatching when nothing is left to the imagination."
(S/O) a-ahem! "Would you like to take a walk right now?"
S/O offers their hand to her, which she gladly accepts as Arlecchino lifts herself up.
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Chiori, of course, chose both their swimwear for this trip.
And since there was going to be no one around to bother them, she could get a little...creative with her choices.
When she finished changing, she waited for S/O to do the same.
(Chiori) "Well, what do you think?"
S/O's eyes widened as they studied their girlfriend's swimsuit, taking their sweet time in doing so.
(S/O) "You...! You look beautiful!"
Chiori smirks before flicking their forehead, then crossing her arms.
(Chiori) "I meant yours."
(S/O) "O-OH! Um, right! It fits really well, plenty of room to breathe and is stylish to boot!"
Chiori laughs as she wraps one arm around S/O and both walk to the water.
(Chiori) "Good answer. And I'm glad you seem to appreciate mine just as much. I did put a lot of effort into it, since I know what you like."
She doesn't have much opportunities to try making swimwear for people, so this was both an enjoyable experiment, and a nice way to enjoy quality time with someone she loved.
The eye candy was definitely a great bonus.
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Lynette doesn't get a full on swimsuit, instead she just wears a one-piece that is very modest.
Big surprise, she doesn't like water too much so she opts to sit by the sand and space out.
Which seeing S/O wearing a swimsuit is enough to snap her attention back to reality.
(Lynette) "You look good."
(S/O) "Thanks, you look really cute too!"
Lynette's ears twitches at the compliment and she averts her gaze from meeting their eyes directly.
(Lynette) "...Mhm."
S/O sits beside Lynette, just enjoying the sound of the waves gently brushing against the sand.
With the right temperature and shade they're underneath, it doesn't take long for Lynette to doze off, leaning into S/O.
Feeling the warmth of the sun combined with their body has her become very comfortable.
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Furina would have brought something extra, something eyecatching that would make S/O's eyes bulge out their head!
A daring and revealing outfit? A sexy yet elegant one-piece?
Any one of the outlandish outfits she would have chosen.
...If she actually had access to it nowadays.
Instead, Furina is in a comically large plain white shirt, with a similarly boring pair of trunks as well.
Something that is making her very self-conscious as S/O shows up with proper swimwear.
She struggles to make eye contact, both out of embarrassment of her own outfit, and seeing S/O like this.
(Furina) "Y-You um...that's...really good on you!"
(S/O) "You can at least compliment my swimsuit if you're looking at it, Furina."
(Furina) "BUT THERE'S BARELY ANYTHING ON Y-...You that's noteworthy! I-It's just almost laughable, really!"
She scoffs, and still isn't meeting their eyes directly.
(S/O) "Well, thank you."~
With a small peck to her cheeks, she becomes even more flustered before S/O picks her up and carries her to the water, all the while she is squeaking adorably, failing to stammer out a retort.
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Navia's yellow bikini is complemented by her shades as she lays on a inflatable pool lounge, drifting in the waters casually.
And seeing S/O approach from the distance makes her lower her sunglasses with a smile.
(Navia) "Ooooh! Looking good, S/O! Come on and join me in the water, plenty of room in here!"
(S/O) "Coming, just give me a second to catch up!"
Navia giggles as she watches them approach, making her quickly take off her glasses before hopping into the water, swimming towards them.
She grabs them by the waist making them yelp, and brings them in closer.
(Navia) "Gotcha! Now let me just-"
She puts her sunglasses on them and gives a cheeky smile.
(Navia) "Now you're looking smoking hot!"
(S/O) "Hah, all I'm missing is your hat now."
(Navia) "Won't need it for this, let's see how long we can hold our breaths for!"
Before S/O can even protest the idea, she immediately dunks her head underwater, making them roll their eyes playfully and join Navia.
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Clorinde wasn't that keen on the idea of swimming considering how many media vultures were after her on a daily basis.
The last thing she needed was pictures of her in a revealing outfit.
But after thankfully shaking off every one of them, she joins S/O in swimming in a private area.
She feels a little exposed, showing this much skin, even to her lover.
But it's an intimacy she's glad to experience, truthfully. Even if It especially makes her self aware of her…upper torso area, to put it gently.
Both her and S/O struggle to maintain a level of looking respectfully without getting flustered from the ordeal.
(Clorinde) "A-Ah...Please, pardon where my eyes are wandering."
(S/O) "Long as you don't mind where mine are going..."
A moment of silence passes before a soft laughter erupts from the both of them, the slight anxiety melting away in the waters.
(S/O) "You look beautiful by the way, Clorinde."
A hum of content is her response, swimming a little closer to embrace them.
(Clorinde) "As do you."
She commits the sight of S/O's swimwear to memory, as they were no doubt doing the same.
(S/O) "Say, may I challenge you to a swimming duel?"
Their playful question gets her to ease up and smile.
(Clorinde) "I accept, let's start over there and begin on a count of three."
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Jean's in her swimsuit that Barbara and Lisa chose for her. It was cute and comfortable, while not exposing too much skin.
Perfect for the Acting Grandmaster.
With this kind of environment, her usual rigidness melts away, especially when S/O takes her hand into theirs.
Seeing their swimwear gets her to blush, but she doesn't look away.
(S/O) "No matter how many times I see that outfit, it takes my breath away."
(Jean) "Hah, thank you, my love."
She kisses the top of their hand before blushing a little harder, examining S/O.
(Jean) "I could say much of the same for you."
The couple take their time strolling by the ocean's edge before finally deciding to swim together.
Though if anything, they were more distracted by each other than anything the beach offered.
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Eula was used to the freezing waters of Dragonspine, but it was very clear S/O wasn't.
They had a full on bodysuit to keep them warm, but they were still shivering.
Eula effortlessly swam over to them, admiring how much of their body was outlined in the suit before wrapping her arms around them in an attempt to warm them.
If anything, it at least heated up their faces immediately.
(S/O) "E-Eula?!"
(Eula) "If I wanted you to freeze to death, I would not have bothered with swimming."
(S/O) "Y-You sure?! This actually does feel like revenge for something I did!"
Eula chuckled, getting bolder despite she was just as nervous as them, swimming with so little on together.
(Eula) "Oh, you did do something alright, S/O."
She put a finger to their lips, the freezing temperatures of the water disappearing from their minds.
(Eula) "You stole the heart of a Lawrence. And that is something I will personally pay you back for."
The vengeful kiss she gave them certainly made them warmer.
...Among other things.
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Lisa isn't that easy to get into a revealing outfit, even if it was for her S/O.
She's in more casual clothing, but nothing too crazy.
Most people would have been disappointed, but S/O knew she didn't like to splash around on the beach, instead deciding to enjoy the breeze and lazing about.
...Even if lazing about was what she did about 90% of the time.
Lisa lets an "Ooooh~" escape her lips when her eyes land on her lover.
(Lisa) "My, you are quite fetching today, S/O."
(S/O) "Aren't I always?"
Lisa giggles as her head lays on S/O's lap, flustering them.
(Lisa) "When you're like that, even more so."
She may detest the heat, but at least it did things like put S/O into a swimsuit.
So maybe the Summers weren't all that bad.
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Noelle has not even changed out of her maid attire as she's sweating up a storm, setting up a perfect table, towel resting spot, and everything else she brought for the trip!
Food, check! Drinks, in the a cooler with a Cryo Slime!
S/O had no idea where she kept all this, and decided that it's probably better if they didn't ask.
(S/O) "Noelle, you're supposed to be on vacation, how about you settle down for a second and relax?"
Noelle turns around from focusing on setting the tables up just right before stopping midsentence.
(Noelle) "Don't worry! I'll relax as soon as I-"
Her eyes go wide, seeing S/O's swimsuit, turning her face into a hue similar to the roses in her hair.
(Noelle) "...OH! Please, forgive my staring! I was just not ready to see you so...-Um!-"
(S/O) "Hah, you're alright, Noelle. If anything, I'm more surprised how you can wear your maid uniform in this weather."
(Noelle) "A maid must be prepared for anything!"
(S/O) "...Even at a beach?"
(Noelle) "Especially at a beach! What happens if someone needs assistance?"
(S/O) "And if they're in the water? You'd drown with that armor!"
(Noelle) "...G-Good point."
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Ayaka was so excited to go to the beach!
She had gone swimming before once or twice, but this was the first time she got to do so with a loved one.
Ayaka was both embarrassed yet excited to show S/O the swimwear she had acquired.
And when the moment came, both of them were at a loss for words.
Ayaka fidgeted under the attention as she gave a shy smile.
(Ayaka) "Um...do you like it?"
(S/O) "I love it. Judging by your face, I can assume you feel the same about mine?"
Ayaka covered her mouth with one hand as she failed to contain a beautiful giggle.
(Ayaka) "Very much so...If you do not mind me asking, could you teach me how to swim? I am still relatively new at this."
While she was kind of telling the truth, she already did know how to mostly swim.
If anything, it was just an excuse for S/O to hold her close in the waters.
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Sara was very nervous when she took off most of her usual attire in exchange for swimwear.
She felt too exposed, but that was due to her always fighting or being with her soldiers.
Now, she was just with S/O.
Sara didn't really choose anything that would stand out, in fact it looked like her undersuit more than anything.
But it still made her cheeks flush with a burning fury.
She admittedly wouldn't be in the waters too long, since her wings would get wet, but she could at least be there for a few minutes.
But those minutes would feel like hours with S/O staring at her the way they were.
(S/O) "Hi, Sara...You alright?"
(Sara)" J-Just fine, thank you. Please keep in mind where your eyes are wandering."
Hearing them laugh made her pout, especially when they hugged her from behind.
(S/O) "My eyes are only on you, Sara..."
(Sara) "Then don't you dare look anywhere else beside my face!"
(S/O) "Yes ma'am.~"
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Ei didn't really understand the appeal of swimsuits. They were just something people wore, why make a big deal out of it?
If it was an attraction thing, wouldn't wearing nothing be far more enticing?
Regardless, she joins S/O at the beach, if at the very least it gives them the excuse to drink something sweet together.
Ei is in her usual attire, while S/O was in a swimsuit.
Seeing her lover in such wear made her slightly reconsider her stance. There certainly wasn't a lot to the imagination anymore.
(Ei) "Interesting choice of clothing S/O."
(S/O) "I could say the same about yours, Ei. You're not even changing?"
(Ei) "I do not plan on swimming, so I saw no need."
(S/O) "Huh...I don't know if I should be glad or disappointed."
(Ei) "If it would make you feel better, I could change into something you find more appealing for the beach."
(S/O) "W-Well..."
They seriously considered her proposition, but seeing the genuine look of curiosity in their eyes, they decided to shelve that idea for now.
That wasn't exactly something you talked about in the open.
(S/O) "I'll...ask something like that later. Let's just enjoy the beach for now."
(Ei) "I have no objections."
She smiled and joined S/O, relaxing near the waters in a blissful silence.
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Yae was heavily considering on wearing something that would make S/O choke on their own spit at first sight.
But she shows some restraint. She has class after all.
Plus, the thing she had in mind was reserved for the bedroom, not a beach.
She has an outfit imported from Fontaine, and waits to see S/O's choice.
(Yae) "Hello, little one...Hm, I can certainly say that I like what I'm seeing."
(S/O) "M-Miko! Um...I think I would agree with you."
She laughs at S/O's flustered reaction, moving closer as she leans toward them.
(Yae) "Awww? Getting embarrassed already? You really would not have survived my original choice."
(S/O) "Should I be thanking you?"
(Yae) "More than likely. Your skin would have changed completely into the color of a cute little tomato."
(S/O) "Well, I know that I'll be seeing it at some point, so I won't say thanks just yet."
(Yae) "My my, aren't we getting confident? You already get to see me like this, you've used up years of good luck just to see my beautiful form alone!"
(S/O) "Then what does that make seeing me right now?"
(Yae) "Do you want the answer to that?"
(S/O) "Probably not."
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Shenhe almost went to the beach completely naked, had S/O not stopped her.
This was the first time she went swimming for recreation instead of training, and deciding an outfit was an odd experience.
So many people had suggested different things.
Her Master wanted to personally tailor an outfit just for her, only to realize it'd be fully mechanical, and that she'd need to make a machine for tailoring, which would nee-
Ganyu suggested something cute, but all of the suits she chose, the waist ended up being too big, something that made Ganyu seemingly die of shame.
And finally, S/O had the best choice. Something that Shenhe would be comfortable in. Which thankfully ended up being a one piece.
S/O couldn't help but stare. It made her happy yet confused.
(S/O) "You look incredible, Shenhe."
Shenhe tilted her head and asked:
(Shenhe) "Is it because I'm not wearing clothes?"
That question got S/O to choke before they corrected themselves.
(S/O) "N-NO! W-Well, I mean...Agh, how do I explain it?!"
(Shenhe) "I think you look incredible too, S/O."
That stunned S/O, but made them eventually smile.
(S/O) "Hah...Maybe I should just enjoy the waters with you instead of worrying about little things like this, huh?"
The corners of her lips faintly resembled a smile.
(Shenhe) "I would like to enjoy them with you."
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Yelan had many choices of her swimwear, but rarely got the chance to use them.
Rolling the dice in seeing what to do, she finally had the excuse to bust some of them out.
Yelan's outfit was revealing, but in a classy way.
But she enjoyed S/O's choice more, regardless if it was more flashy or simplistic.
Because it let her see them in a new way, just as much as her outfit did for them.
(Yelan) "So, ready to kick back?"
Blinking away their awe, S/O nodded.
(S/O) "Y-Yeah! Let's enjoy this day off together."
Yelan laughed at their reaction, but decided not to tease them any further.
Though she was curious what would happen if she did.
Putting aside the thought for now, she decided to jump in the waters with S/O.
(Yelan) "Water's looking great today, it's so clear that you can see everything."
She shot S/O a glance.
(Yelan) "...Including some of my more favorite sights."
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Xianyun was honestly too busy to notice S/O's change of clothing.
Yes yes, they were attractive wearing virtually nothing, big whoop.
The real big whoop was her new machine!
(S/O) "Xianyun, what the heck is that?!"
(Xianyun) "Behold! One has created a water-horse, purely powered by the engines and propellers, allowing you to feel the wind as you ride it like a terrestrial mount!"
(S/O) "So what's it called?"
Xianyun gave a proud smile to S/O as she adjusted her glasses.
(Xianyun) "I dub it, the water-vehicle!"
(S/O) "...Is that really-"
(Xianyun) "The name is still being workshopped, do not judge One for thinking on the spot! Besides, this was made exclusively for us today to enjoy anyway."
She didn't bother with a change of clothing, as both would immediately ride the jet-ski and forget about anything relating to swmisuits.
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Xinyan notices S/O's swimsuit and smiles at them.
(Xinyan) "Yer lookin' mighty fine, a bit more than usual I'd say!"
(S/O) "You're really easy on the eyes too in that oufit...It looks really cute, actually!"
Despite her usual attire, the swimsuit she chose was a bit more on the cutesy side.
Something that S/O would only get to see, despite her increasing fidgeting.
(Xinyan) "A-Aww...Thanks. Thought I'd do something nice and spruce it up a little, y'know?"
Trying her best to regain composure, she hops into the water without a second of hesitation, S/O quickly joining her.
Embarrassment quickly leaves her mind as she enjoys splashing S/O with water, enjoying this day off with them.
(Xinyan) "ACK! W-Water in my dang mouth!"
(S/O) "Hah, you know salt is good for the body!"
(Xinyan) "I'm boutta shove this salt up yer keister if ya wanna be cute with me like that!"
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beomboomboom · 1 day
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genre: fluff, established relationship, crack
pairing: Jeonghan x reader
summary: Jeonghan knows his every kiss has the ability to steal your breath away and make you forget absolutely everything but him. And of course he'll use this to his full advantage, how could he not?
warnings: a little bit of swearing, kissing?
note: writer's block is a struggle 😭😭 idk why it took me like a literal month to write this. If you have any recs or asks feel free to send them to me! I'm in desperate need of some inspiration 😭. Anyways, I hope you enjoy this fic!!
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Deciding to play a game of Monopoly with your boyfriend was definitely a mistake.
For one, you were losing at an embarrassingly fast pace. Your character having landed on Jeonghan's properties way too many times to count, forcing you to fork over money you didn't even have in the first place. The money in the bank was also suspiciously low, the stacks of bills smaller than you initially remembered.
Meanwhile, Jeonghan was doing amazing, much to your distaste. He didn't have much money, but at the same time he somehow conjured up some whenever he needed it. Everything was going well for him—suspiciously well.
"Your turn," Jeonghan announces with a confident smirk as he passes the dice over to you.
"I got this," you mutter to yourself while praying to whatever god is out there that luck be your on side for once. Jeonghan watches with a mischievous but fond look on his face; it's adorable the way you're so invested in a game that was doomed for you from the start.
You toss the dice out onto the table, groaning immediately when you see the result.
You landed on Jeonghan's property.
Meaning you're the one forking over money to Jeonghan, the one person who needs the money the least, as you sank closer and closer to straight-up bankruptcy. Jeonghan's hand immediately shoots out, a smug smirk is plastered on his face, silently demanding you to hand over what little money you have left.
"Your turn," you grumble, handing over the dice to Jeonghan with a defeated sigh.
Jeonghan rolls the dice. He's so close to winning, and he knows it. You're on the edge of bankruptcy and all he needs to do is push you a little more. All he needs to do is survive a few more turns and the win will be his. Jeonghan is confident he's going to win.
Jeonghan's confident smirk is quickly wiped off his face when he sees where his character lands after rolling the dice.
Jeonghan isn't going to win anytime soon.
He's going to fucking jail.
"HAH," you yell with a triumphant grin. "GO TO JAIL YOU SUCKER"
Jeonghan's mouth opens then closes without a sound; this was not something he anticipated happening. "Fine, i'll pay my way out," he finally responds after a moment, quickly returning to his confident and calm composure.
"If you want to pay your way out, then hand over the money," you say with a smirk, already knowing it's game over for him. "I'm kidding, that wasn't even an option, you only have 20 dollars left."
You watch with a laugh as Jeonghan's eyes widen in realization at his unfortunate luck. He was so close—so close to winning, and in a flash he wasn't. "Hah, better luck ne-"
You're cut off when Jeonghan smashes his lips against yours, taking your breath away. The monopoly game fades into the background and all you can think about is Jeonghan. Jeonghan. Jeonghan. His soft lips on yours, his gentle hands caressing your face, his mischievous eyes memorizing every inch of your face.
Then, just as quickly as it starts, it ends.
"Okay, here's the money. Now get me out of jail," Jeonghan says with a sweet smile after breaking off the kiss, 50 dollars suddenly appearing in the palm of his hand.
"Hey-," you shout in accusation, the realization that Jeonghan has been stealing from the bank this entire time dawning to you. "You cheater-"
Before you can say anymore, you're cut off with another kiss from Jeonghan, taking away your breath like his kisses always do.
After all, it's Jeonghan, your cute and mischievous but cheater of a boyfriend. Of course his every kiss will take away your breath and make you forget absolutely everything but him, and of course he'll use this to his full advantage.
"I won," Jeonghan whispers with a smile into your ear, smiling wider when you don't respond and simply press another gentle kiss onto his lips.
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d3adlyromb3ar · 3 days
⋆˚࿔ bad girls get punished, and rewarded
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— pairing. toji fushiguro x fem!reader
— synopsis. a girls night out doesn’t go as planned as Toji watches you dance a little to close to some random guys at the club. he drags you home and reminds you just who you belong to. him and only him.
— word count. 2.2k
— contents. possessiveness, toxic behavior but it’s toji so it’s okay, smut, choking, fingering, pussy spanking/spanking, overstimulation
main masterlist
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Leave it to Toji to ruin your girls night out. It was an innocent night spent with the girls, dancing together at a lively club— when he decided to rip you from your friends.
You tugged and tried to pull your wrist free from his tight grip on you, feeling embarrassed from the way he was pulling you out of the club like a little kid.
“Toji— let me go!” You hissed under your breath, trying not to bring attention to you both.
He ignored you, tugging you behind him as he made it to his car. Without a word, he opened up the passenger side door, gently pushing you into the seat and buckling you up. Fucking bastard had the nerve to be a gentleman after pulling a stunt like that.
“I can do it myse—!”
“Shut up and let me.” He interrupted, his voice hard.
Your lips sealed from the cold tone and the way his eyes were dark with fury as he glared at you. Despite his scary demeanor, he was gentle with his actions, shutting the door without letting it slam and moving the drivers side.
You peeked over to him, watching his hands grip the wheel so tight his knuckles were whitening. You were confused and slightly turned on, what was his issue? You hadn’t even realized he was at the club. He was supposed to be home tonight while you were out with your friends.
You felt his eyes dance to you time to time, and everytime you felt like squirming in your seat. There was so much tension in the car.
You were silent the whole ride home, the growl of the engine drowning out the silence. It wasn’t long until you were pulling up to the complex. He stayed scarily calm, opening the door for you as he unbuckled you, a protective arm shooting around your waist as he led you inside the apartment.
Once inside, he shut the door and placed his hands on either side of your head— caging you against the door as he towered over you.
You gazed up at him in false innocence, the sight only making his lips part— a low growl escaping.
“What was that tonight?” He finally spoke, his voice low and gravelly.
You brows pulled together, racking your brain for something you did wrong tonight. Nothing.
“What do you mean? I was out with the girls tonight, you know that. I told you about my plans tonight like five times.” You hissed, although your voice betrayed you and didn’t hold the intimidation factor you wanted it to.
His head tilted, his eyes trailing from your eyes down to your lips.
“Was grinding against those guys a part of your plan too?”
Your eyes widened and you could feel your cheeks get hot with slight embarrassment. It was hard to keep people off you on the dance floor, and it’s not like you were doing it on purpose. You hadn’t even realized you grinded up against anyone.
“Oh… I wasn’t—!”
“Save your breath sweetheart. I watched you rub yourself all over them.” He growled.
You swallowed, bravely holding his gaze as you thought about what to say next. It was clear he was jealous. That thought almost made you want to laugh, seeing Toji like this slightly funny— and extremely sexy. The possessiveness was borderline toxic but you were addicted to him claiming you and wanting you just to himself. It was something you adored about him.
Although, it was clear you two weren’t together. No labels or official titles— you were simply fuck buddies. Nothing else. At least that’s what you thought.
“We’re not together, remember?” You challenge, doing your best to glare at him with intimidation.
His eyes grew even darker, his eyes almost completely black as he tilted his head forward, his nose bumping against yours.
“That doesn’t mean I like seeing you near anyone else,” Toji trailed his hand up your body, his fingertips ghosting between your breasts before wrapping his hand around your neck “You’re fucking mine, got that?”
Your resolve started to melt, his hand giving a little squeeze to your throat, causing you to whimper. The sensation shooting straight down to your core.
His eyes were hooded, sporting a knowing look.
“I’m the only one who gets to have you. You’re mine.” His other hand trailed downwards and cupped your pussy through your skirt. “This is mine.”
You squirmed in his hold, by no means trying to get away, but trying to relieve the ache in your core.
He licked his lips, his tongue running over the scar on the corner of his mouth.
“Who do you belong to?” His voice was deep, one that wasn’t to be challenged.
You swallowed, the bob of your throat pressing up against his rough palm.
“You.” Came out a whisper, your voice strained with desire.
His hand squeezed tighter, pulling your body closer by your neck as his other hand squeezed your pussy. You gasped, staring helplessly into his eyes that were the abyss.
“Couldn’t hear ya darling.”
You sucked in a breath through the tightness in your throat.
“You— I belong to you and only you!” You pleaded, your hips trying to move against his palm, desperate for friction.
Toji growled and released you, spinning you around so that your face was pressed up against the door and harshly spanked your ass through your skirt. You yelped, your body pressing into the door as he massaged your ass with his hands.
“Good girl, but bad girl for trying to please yourself.” He spoke lowly, his face hovering over your shoulder, his lips ghosting by the shell of your ear. “Do you really think you deserve to be touched right now?”
Your lips poured into a frown, the thought of not being touched while you were this wound up almost had you crying. Actually, it did.
Tears built up in your eyes, and your bottom lip trembled.
Toji spun you back around to face him, his hand looping around the small of your back and pressing himself against you. He tilted your chin up, tilting his head in wonder when he saw your glossy eyes.
“Sweetheart, why the tears? You know you were being bad tonight,” He leaned forward, his lips ghosting over your wobbly ones. “And bad girls get punished.”
You couldn’t help the breathy moan that came after his words. He chuckled, the cover of his mouth curving up in an evil grin.
“I forget how much you enjoy your punishment, isn’t that right you filthy girl.”
You nodded shamelessly, adding a small pout that you knew would make him tick.
His eyes narrowed into slits before he back up and away from you, eyes locked with yours the entire journey to the couch. He sat back, his arms resting on the top of the couch’s back. He manspreaded, in the way you always found yourself drooling over.
“Get over here, now.” His voice startled you from your daze and you nervously shuffled over until you were standing in front of him.
He looked you up and down, licking his lips like he was looking at a meal he was about to devour.
“Over my knee.” His commands had your pussy throbbing.
You quickly bent over his knee, resting your chin on your arms on the armrest— ass arched over his knee.
He flipped up your skirt, a low growl leaving his lips at the sight of his favorite white lace panties hugging your plump, round ass. He could feel himself harden from the view. As much as he loved seeing you in white lace, he knew you look the best with nothing on.
He ripped your panties off, tearing the material and you yelped from the snapping of the lace.
His calloused hand smoothed over your cheeks, squeezing and caressing the soft skin before he landed a painful smack to your right cheek.
You jolted forward from the harshness of it, a little yelp leaving your lips.
“Count them.” His voice was deep, vibrating his whole body with the small command.
You swallowed.
“One.” Your voice was small, shame laced although you’d done nothing wrong tonight— at least not intentionally.
His hand smoothed over your left cheek, squeezing the flesh before landing another hard smack.
“Two.” You bit your lip, the sting melting into pleasure, sending an enjoyable buzz to your core.
He repeated two more times on each cheek, the smacks harder than the last, the action causing your body to jolt forward everytime. Your hands were deathly gripping the armrest, your nails biting into the fabric as he attacked your already irritated skin.
Toji couldn’t look away, your angry pink skin as beautiful as ever. His hand smoothed over the flesh, the soft skin feeling perfect in his palms.
Without warning, he spread your legs open wider and landed a smack to your pussy, eliciting a cry from you.
You weren’t expecting that, but the sting that was left behind after was delicious and you couldn’t suppress the moan that escaped.
Toji licked his lips.
“You like that doll?”
His hand cupped your pussy, rubbing over the glistening folds before landing another smack. Your eyes clenched shut, your teeth digging into your bottom lip as the sting morphed into a hard thump. It felt heavenly.
“Of course a dirty girl like you would like this,” His hand smoothed over your folds again, his fingers brushing over your engorged clit. “Bet this isn’t even punishment, huh baby?”
You whined, swirling your hips to press your clit to his fingers.
His hand retracted from you, and before you could complain— he plunged three fingers into your entrance. You leaned forward onto the armrest, your back arched and your ass in the air.
The pads of his fingers were rough, rubbing against your gummy walls with precision. Not even a second later, he was curling his digits up and smoothed over the spongey wall. White dots filled your eyes and you couldn’t stop the whimper from escaping.
“There it is,” He hummed, abusing your g-spot until your legs were shaking, the familiar release approaching. “C’mon baby.”
Your teeth sunk into the armrest, tears escaping the corners of your eyes as your body trembled in pleasure, his fingers still moving inside of you, your high intensifying.
“Tojiiii….” You whined, the feeling of another orgasm about to rip through you, “Please… wait… ah…”
His fingers rubbed harshly over your sweet spot, your legs shaking as quick little pants escaped you. Your body twitched and jolted forward, the second orgasm ripping through you more violently than the last.
Still, his fingers didn’t slow.
“Give me another, I know you can sweetheart.” His other hand came down to your lower back, pressing down and keeping you from squirming over his knee.
You cried out, overstimulated as he abused your spongey wall, the sensation building back up quickly.
“I can’t… I… fuckk…” You were unable to speak properly, the hard thrust and strokes of his fingers drawing out the third orgasm.
Your vision went black for a second, your body collapsing onto the armrest as Toji held your ass over his knee.
Toji watched your body twitch, the sound of your squelching pussy making him rock hard in his jeans. He couldn’t control the lick of his lips at the sight of your juices coating his knee.
You were crying softly, panting as you managed to catch your breath. God, he knew how to make you feel fucking good.
At last, he slowed his movements and pulled his fingers free. Giving your clit a couple of taps, each tap making your body twitch— before he was removing his hand and helping you sit up and positioned you in his lap.
Your head rested against his peck, his strong heartbeat thumping into your ear— the sound nearly lulling you to sleep.
“Good job baby, knew you could do it.” His deep voice was softer now, his fingers combing through your hair.
You hummed, snuggling your face into his chest. He never managed to leave you functioning after your sexual activities— and you fucking loved it.
“Love you Toji,” You whispered, gripping his chin tiredly to force him to look down at you, “But you’re terrible at punishments.”
His eyes darkened before he released a deep chuckle, one that had you growing excited again— your core throbbing.
“Oh doll,” He hand smoothed over your cheek, before dropping down and squeezing your neck in warning, “I’m just getting started with ya.”
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ln4swiftie · 2 days
Black and (Fluro) Yellow
🕷️ln4 x reader
🕷️ lando if he was spider-man
🕷️warnings: panic attack, kinda angst idk notes: hill the fluro suit had me thinking and this
🕷️ a/n: this is barely edited and kinda bad but enjoy!! <33 also im trying to write more so gimme ideas
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The final bell rang through your ears as the school day ended and the bustle of the weekend was underway. You packed up your books, waving a polite goodbye to your teacher and made your way to your locker. You felt a pinch in your side and you swung your head to find your boyfriend, Lando looking at you with a goofy smile. “Hey where did you come from!?” you smile up at him while you continue to empty your belongings into their home for the weekend. “Calculus, i swear if i have to listen to that man talk about quadratics for another minute i'm going to lose more brain cells than gain.” he complains. “Well at least now we get to go and do nothing.” you say as you wrap your arms around his waist and place your chin on his chest. “About that..” he sighs and you know what's coming.
He's been blowing you off for weeks. It started with little things such as not saying goodbye before leaving school or not seeing each other between class periods. But now he's been completely ditching you. He refuses to tell you why and you’re starting to worry if you’ve done something wrong. You deflate as you prepare to ask him what the excuse this time is when your phone chimes in your pocket. “Oh it's laur..” you click the link your friend sent, you gasp “what the fuck”. Lando looks at you puzzled as you flip your phone around to show him.
It's a video of the new vigilante known as “spiderman” beating a man to a pulp in some alleyway, throwing punch after punch until the man was on the ground bloody and bruised. Once the beating was done Spiderman is shown swinging away before the video cuts off. “Did he just kill that guy-” “No. he didn't.” Lando cuts you off quickly. The slightest clench in his jaw and tense in his shoulders did not go unnoticed. “Well how can you know for sure…he was hitting him pretty hard.” you counter. “You can see the guy moving before he swings away.” he says firmly, as if he knew this as a fact. Spiderman showed up about a month ago, earlier sightings of him have consisted of him helping cats down from trees and escorting the elderly across the road. The public had grown to love him and his friendly neighborhood activities. But recently, he's been violent and the city has been working to catch him. Unfortunately with the identity of the spider being unknown, the police have come back empty handed. Lando gently takes your hands into his as he changes the topic “Look, I'm sorry but Max wants me to help him with his physics homework and he's got a test tomorrow. So I will see you tomorrow okay?” he says softly. He can see the hurt in your eyes as you give him a slight nod and a quick kiss before walking off towards the bus station.
Lando hates how he's been treating you these past weeks. Blowing you off for shitty excuses that he knows are shitty but he can't stomach telling you the true reason why. He's watching you walk off as he feels his best friend clap him on the back of his neck “you ready for tonight boss?” Max says in his ear. He notices Lando's stare and follows his eyes to where they've been trained to follow. “No lando we cant think like this” shaking his head. “You'll see her tomorrow.” he firmly reassures his friend who's beginning to question the late night activities he's been doing for the past month. “I'm not sure about that max..” he sighs “i cant keep watching her deflate everytime i cancel on her” he says quietly. “You could just tell her-” “NO.” Lando shouts, shooting his head towards max. Telling you would be like pouring sea salt into an open wound. Lando would rather give up everything, than tell you the truth about where he is at night. “Okay okay! Don't tell her, but either way..you're going out tonight.” Max says, putting his hands up in surrender as he begins to walk towards the student parking lot to his car. He turns around towards Lando who's still stood next to your locker staring in the direction you walked off in. “you coming or what?” After a beat of contemplation, with a heavy sigh, Lando makes his way to Max's car.
You were sat on your bed, doing homework on your ipad. You Glanced at the time, double taking the clock sat on your nightstand when you see the number it read. Holy shit. you’ve been here since you got home at 4pm…it was now 6:30 pm. You jump off your bed and quickly check your phone, expecting a million texts and calls from Lando wondering what you're doing and complaining about Max's inability to understand the basics of physics.
Nothing. Not a single text.
You feel your heart drop. He hasn't texted you in 5 hours when he asked you to meet before you left school for the week. The tears prick your eyes as you check your other notifications seeing nothing from your boyfriend. Could he be cheating? No. he would never do that to you. But would he?
Your thoughts race through your mind as the panic begins to set into your chest causing your breathing to become uneven. Your vision starts to swim and your phone falls to the floor, your arms going numb. You hear your mom call your name for dinner but the noise goes in your left ear and immediately out the right. As if you have been submerged underwater. You feel your legs give out and you land ass first at the foot of your bed.
The loud thud heard from the kitchen causes your mom to shout for you again to pulse check.. When nothing was heard back she rushed upstairs to the source of the noise. When she finds you in hysterics she's in front of you instantly, cupping your face to wipe the tears. She helps you steady your breathing and bring you back down from your panic attack. “What's got you so worked up sweetheart?” she softly asks and she moves to your side. You explain everything that's been going on with Lando recently. She thinks for a moment before she speaks up “how about, we get some food in you. Then I drop you off at his place and you two can talk this out.” she offers. You give her a small smile, nodding as the two of you get up and make your way downstairs to eat dinner.
You stare at the apartment door marked with the 4 before you bring your hand up to knock. The door opens revealing landos Mom, Cisca. “Oh hi honey what brings you here?” she asks, letting you inside the apartment. “I was hoping Lan was home.” She gives you a sympathetic smile, shaking her head. “No not yet, but he should be soon. How about you go wait in his room for him and I'll bring you a cup of tea.” you nod weakly and wander towards Landos room as Cisca moves to the kitchen. You leave the door ajar and lie on the bottom bunk of his bed, eyes darting around the room, flashing memories of the past 2 years that have been written in the walls. You turn your body towards the wall snuggling into the comfort of Landos smell embedded into the sheets you’ve spent countless hours in. your eyes start to feel heavy as sleep takes over your body. deciding a small nap while you wait couldn't hurt, you let your mind drift off.
You’re woken by the sound of the window opening. finding that you're still alone in lando’s bed you sit up hoping it's him just opening up the window. You look over to find the window open, yet no one next to it. You think nothing of it due to the wind and sit up to reach for the cup of tea Cisca left you on the nightstand while you slept. You sip your tea sat on the bunk as your eye catches a figure on the ceiling. Yes, the ceiling. You see that black and fluorescent yellow suit you’ve seen all over social media for the last month crawling around on the ceiling of your boyfriend's bedroom. What the fuck is spiderman doing in Landos bedroom?! You thought to yourself as the man gently lowered himself onto the floor and reached for his mask, removing it.
And that's when you saw him.
Those curls you run your fingers through whenever you get the chance to. Those curls you help tame when he takes his hat off after a long day. Those curls you love with your whole heart. Those curls which belonged to the boy you loved who was currently standing with his back to you, wearing spidermans suit.
You gasp, causing lando to look up and freeze. He doesnt turn around to face you, he knows who he's going to see. He knows it's over. The moment he's been dreading since that spider bit him that night. He's going to have to explain his past month and a half to the one person he didn't want knowing about this. The one girl he wanted to keep protected from this new hobby he's got himself tangled up in. and yet here he was frozen, staring at the picture frame sitting on his dresser.
The picture of him and you from the first time you went to the London eye. The picture is you two at the top with Landos hands around your waist and your arms swung around his neck. Your faces are squished together wearing the brightest smiles on your faces. Looking back, Lando wishes he could stay in that moment forever, frozen in time. But he knows that can't happen.
He slowly turns around to face you and look you in the eyes. Your lips slightly parted due to shock and hair slightly messed up from your nap. The mug slips through your fingers and falls to the floor shattering and spilling the lukewarm tea. “Shit” Lando whispers as he springs to action, grabbing the towel from the back of his door to soak up the tea, he looks up to you “are you okay? No cuts?” you're frozen, unable to speak, staring at him in that suit. All you can do is nod at him while he gently picks up your feet, placing them loosely on his bed while he cleans up the broken mug. You pick at your fingernails anxiously while you wait for him to finish cleaning.
After a few minutes he sits down next to you, freshly changed into a hoodie and sweatpants. Your eyes are trained on your lap where your hands sit pulling on the thread of the hoodie that you’re wearing. After what feels like hours of silence you’ve had enough “why didn't you tell me?.” you demand, you want answers. You want to know how your boyfriend and who you considered to be the love of your life became the person who you see brutally abusing people in alleyways. He turns to look at you, eyes full of regret. He opens his mouth to answer you but you cut him off, cupping his face. “fuck what happened?!” you stand up looking for a first aid kit when lando stands up to stop you, grabbing your hands “baby, baby stop it's okay max already helped me clean it and it’ll heal by the mornin-” “MAX KNOWS??!??!” you shout a little too loud for lando’s liking. He puts his hand over your mouth, shushing you so you don't wake his mother. “yes max knows because he was with me when it happened” he explained calmly, hoping his emotions will radiate onto you.
He slowly releases your mouth and you sit back down “are you gonna let me explain to you how this happened now?” he raises an eyebrow waiting for your answer. You give him a nod to continue and he takes a deep breath.
He began to explain how one night walking home from your house with max a radioactive spider bit him. He explains how Zac Brown, one of the richest men in the country, approached him and helped him understand his powers and the new responsibilities that come with them. He even was the person to make Landos suit for him.
“I'm really sorry that I’ve been a shit boyfriend recently, i never wanted you to get caught in this” he says, playing with your hands. You can't help but giggle “Here I was thinking you were cheating on me yet you were out fighting crime.” he chuckles, pressing a kiss to your forehead before resting it against your own “never in a million years my love” he says. “How about we get some sleep?” He smiles, squeezing your hands intertwined with his. Agreeing that this conversion should happen with a good night's rest. The two of you move to lie down in Landos bed cuddled against one another. Your head rests on Lando’s chest with his arms wrapped around you like you'd disappear the second he let go. As sleep beings to take over you hear a faint “i love you” coming from the boy beside you. You look up to see him already meeting your eyes “i love you too” you smile, kissing his chest before falling asleep with him safe and sound.
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manty-monster · 2 days
I don't wanna call any OPs out specifically but I've now seen this trend at least a dozen times.
Theres a large contingent of tme people out there who believe the idea behind transmisogyny is: the idea that trans men benefit from male privlege cause they can pass as men easily.
that's literally not what anyone is, or ever has been saying. that's obviously untrue and makes no sense.
A specific axis of oppression meant to enforce and reify the patriarchy and gender binary that targets AMAB people who transgress it with extreme violence and torture.
Any people who are not transgressing this boundary can benefit from transmisogyny which is a distinct separate axis of oppression from transphobia or misogyny. It is not just a combination of the two.
Most transfemmes will tell you via their lives experience that there is a noticible trend, when it's drag shows that get mass shootings, when trans activists have to use transmasculine people as a "gotcha" in bathroom legislation because we all know conservatives mean trans women. When pedo panic historically targeted gay men and not lesbians, and it is again now targeting transfemmes not transmascs, when comedians make man in a dress jokes not woman in slacks. When AIDS and poverty and drugs kill us in huge numbers. When horror movies like Sleepaway Camp, or comedies like Ace Ventura feature trans women as objects of revilement and fear.
Intersectional oppression theory has always meant we are all participants and benefactors from certain axis and it's our jobs to deconstruct and understand these things.
Trans men are not the only benefactors of transmisogyny, cis men and cis women also do. You just don't get a free pass just cause this particular axis makes you feel bad to be called out on.
Transmisogyny is an active threat to our lives and is killing, torturing, and oppressing many of us in very real ways. It's not "dividing the community" your sisters are being slaughtered. Stop being passive, stop being defensive, recognize what is happening and speak out against it.
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thefreakandthehair · 22 hours
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↳ read chapter two of goin' to california here on ao3, written for @sharpbutsoft and the @steddiesummerexchange!
It’s something of a relief– watching Eddie twitch beneath someone else’s practiced hands for the past hour and a half has left Steve with nothing but a headache and the threat of a boner. And whether he wants to admit it or not, watching them hit it off while Eddie hissed and this Sam asshole soothed the sting is the primary contributor to the headache. 
“How’s it feel?” Steve asks on their way back to the car. Their elbows bump as they walk and Eddie scoffs, pulling his t-shirt away from his middle.
“Still better than getting eaten alive, I’ll give it that much. And Sam was cool.” 
“Uh huh,” Steve says with careful disinterest. Eddie shoots him a look, confusion giving way to a knowing smirk. 
“No need for jealousy, Stevie.” 
“What? Why– that’s not– ” 
Steve sputters as he opens the driver side door, Eddie ducking into the passenger seat before he can formulate a reply because what the fuck?
“I’m not jealous!” He settles on when he falls into the driver seat, cling wrap taped loosely around his wrist. 
Eddie nods, exaggerated and sarcastic. “Sure you weren’t. It’s okay, really. Sam was cool and all but uh, he’s no Hetfield. Or Harrington.”
“So what, I get one tattoo and now I’m James Hetfield?” 
“Nope,” Eddie shrugs, looking away and focusing on the map in his lap. “You’re better.” 
It’s the closest Steve’s gotten to a confession, or at the very least, an acknowledgement that what he’s feeling might not be one-sided. With Tommy all of those years ago, it’d never gotten this far; just clumsy hands and drunk kisses that were lost to time and nasty hangovers. Steve knows that he can be a lot– too much, in some cases– but all he wants is to be wanted back. 
Maybe Robin was right. Maybe he is a dingus. 
tagging some peeps who expressed interest (feel free to tell me if you don't want to be tagged! also, tumblr, I hate you for making me add so many stupid linebreaks for tags):
@kkpwnall @cuoredimuschio @little-birch-boy @tinytalkingtina @starryeyedjanai
@starrystevie @akasalv @wormdebut @griefabyss69 @steddie-island
@steddielations @hbyrde36 @sidekick-hero @steddieas-shegoes @steddieasitgoes
@runninriot @hellion-child @formosusiniquis @kaspurrcat @lihhelsing
@quarble @stevespookington @wynnyfryd
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sjyunnsworld · 3 days
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where you two have a argument and they admit they cheated.
pair : enhypen x fem!reader
warning : mentions of cheating , crying , major angst.
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you and heeseung haven't been on good terms. always having arguments and sleeping in different locations, but your newest argument blossomed when he came late one day.
"for fuck sakes yn. why are you so upset! i was just with the boys." he yelled and rubbed his temple "hah!? just with the boys? thats a damn lie! you were probably with some girl!" you snarled and poked his chest.
"and so what if i was!? at least she doesnt throw hissy fits everyday!" heeseung yelled as he pushed your hand away, leaving a shocked look on your face.
tears welled up in your eyes as you immediately rushed towards the front door. "yn i didn..—" "save it." you said before slamming the door.
jay was a gentleman and always cared for you. if he was angry or stressed he would kindly tell you he need space! thats what you thought until today.
"jay honey are you coming to bed?" you asked as you peeked in his office. he was on the phone and a womens voice could be heard "i know love.. i'll eventually tell her i swear" he said to the girl.
you stared blankly at his figure as your sight became blurry. "dont worry sweetheart i love y— yn!?" jay said and hung up the phone in a hurry.
"yn i can explain.." "theres no need. how could you jay! after all ive done for you!" you cried out "what have you done for me!? except stress me out! no wonder i wouldve cheated on you." he said coldly, leaving you in utter shock.
jake had been very suspicious lately. seemingly texting someone, rarely home, and also leaving in the middle of the night. so you decided to talk to him about it.
"yn ive told you it's nothing. now your just pestering me" jake said with a huff and went back onto his phone. "really jaeyun? nothing? well it seems like whoever is on your phone is way more important than me!" you scoff
"what if she is huh? what if she satisfies me more than you do." he snarled and grabbed his keys , shooting for the front door. your mouth fell agape as you started sobbing loudly.
sunghoon was tired of your constant nagging and yelling. you were on about the same girl you saw in his contacts and about how mad you were.
"fuck.. could you shut up?" he shouts "you on about this girl in my phone every single day! i should've listened to her when she told me to break up with you for her." he rolled his eyes and you clenched your fists
"fuck you sunghoon and that bitch." you shove at him and walk towards the front door , slipping on your shoes and exiting with a slam.
you were chatting with your friend about sunoos recent actions. they all followed up with the same things like "go through his phone!" or "talk to him about it!" and you followed through.
"yn! why did you go through my phone?" sunoo questioned and crossed his arms. "i dont know. why have you been hiding stuff from me!" he sighed and held the bridge of his nose between his finger tips.
"i saw what you and her were chatting about. who is she!" you yelled "she was just a mistake okay! i was mad at you and she just.. came onto me." you looked shocked. "you know what, you can stay with her." you shoved past him, your figure disappearing in the dark.
"jungwon!" you called out as you took off your shoes and sighed. jungwon had stood you up and left you stranded at the restaurant.
you made you way to you guys shared bedroom and opened the door "jungwo—" you paused and took in the scene before you. jungwon was kissing another girl in YOUR home.
"you can get your jaw up off the floor yn." he spoke up and walked towards you. "i dont know why your so confused, you know.. after our argument i was out and thought that i dont need a nagging women like you." he spat. "you can leave now."
"yn shut the fuck up okay!?" riki yelled at you "fuck! all i hear is 'who is she' this and 'why are you texting her' that." he got closer to you.
you started to get upset at his sudden tone. tears threatening to spill at any moment "r-riki..—" "have you ever thought that after all your constant nagging, and all your bossiness i wasnt gonna fall out of love?"
your breath hitched "your a joke to me yn. i knew i shouldve stayed with rei after the night of our argument. shes less annoying as you." he poked at your chest. and with every word a singular tear fell.
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written by @sjyunnsworld DO NOT COPY OR TRANSLATE.
taglist : @k1ttylvr @cupidscourt
taglist form here
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cha-melodius · 2 days
Hi! If you're still taking requests: 💛 + FirstPrince?
💛 reunion kiss / relief  (I guess this one is slightly more reunion? but still relief too lol. a bit of fbi-ish au maybe? enjoy! read all the kiss ficlets)
It’s been three years, eight months, and twenty-five days.
Not that he’s been counting. He counted, sure—after Zahra called him into her office and told him she needed him to go get Henry. Alex hasn’t seen or heard from him since she sent him on a special assignment three years, eight months, twenty-five days, and twelve hours ago, which is understandable, since he was working under some kind of deep cover. No one has heard from him in a week, though, and that’s a problem.
Zahra stares at him, her face unreadable. “I know you two were…”
What were they, really? Partners who fucked each other to blow off steam. Friends, at least.
“… close,” she finishes.
Alex was probably a little in love with him. Only realized it after he was gone. Not that it would have a made a difference. You don’t refuse a special assignment without a very good reason, and Alex didn’t count as one of those.
“Don’t do anything stupid,” she tells him.
He’s not hurt when Alex tracks him down, thank fuck. Just holed up in an off-grid cabin in an area with zero cell service, laying low. Too many bad people looking for him. Thankfully none of them know him like Alex does. He almost shoots Alex before he realizes who it is, but when he does, he’s stunned. His mouth falls open as he drops the shotgun with a clatter. He looks pretty much the same, but his hair is longer, brushing his shoulders.
“How…?” he breathes.
Alex would tell him—it’s a pretty good story, actually—but before he can, Henry’s dragging him inside and pushing him up against the door and kissing him long and hard and filthy. It makes Alex’s head spin but he doesn’t stop to breathe, can’t, because he’s so fucking in love that he feels sick with it. It’s been three years, eight months, and thirty days, and every hour of that is a knife, flaying him open.
“I love you,” Alex says, the words bubbling out before he can stop them. Oh well, too late now. “I missed you so much, baby, and I love you.”
The words make Henry shudder, but he doesn’t let go. “You can’t—”
“I can. I do.”
“Fuck,” Henry groans, slumping against him, burying his face in the crook of Alex’s neck as Alex holds him tightly. A minute later, he sighs and presses the words into Alex’s skin.
“I love you, too.”
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anonymous-dentist · 20 hours
From the Doctor Who au I keep meaning to write:
Roier’s husband disappeared into the midst of the Time War just over 350 years ago.
Today, Cellbit wants to meet Jack the Ripper, so he and Roier are pushing their ways through the foggy, smelly London streets, and it’s fine. It’s just Jack the Ripper, it’s fine. It’s the British, it’s fine.
Roier can take care of himself. He’s a veteran! He’s one of the few Time Lords to actually have made it out of the war with more than one regeneration cycle to spare.
But Cellbit? He might have a very solid build and some very nice biceps, but he’s also kind of a nerd. He claims to be able to take care of himself in a fight, but Roier’s been the one saving him from all the aliens (and humans) he’s been pissing off, sooooo…
“We could have gone to the beach,” Roier grumbles.
“The beach is boring,” Cellbit huffs. “Jack the Ripper isn’t at the beach.”
“You don’t know that. Nobody knows who that guy is.”
“Not yet.”
Because that’s what they’re here: Cellbit- strange, beautiful Cellbit- has decided that he’s going to solve the mystery of who Jack the Ripper is even though, really, it doesn’t even matter.
(But what else is new?)
Roier rolls his eyes.
Once upon a time, his husband went by the title of ‘the Captain’. He was a police captain in one of Gallifrey’s smaller towns, and his sister worked by his side as the Detective.
Cellbit is a conspiracy theorist who throws bricks at police cars and criticizes serial killers not because they’re evil but because their “knife techniques” are “wrong”.
The irony is not lost on Roier, but he keeps his mouth shut.
Cellbit, despite having an entire time machine at his disposal now, wants to find Jack the Ripper, and he wants to kick him in the balls and throw him into the Thames and watch him drown.
Roier agrees. Fuck that guy.
“Fuck that guy,” Roier declares.
Cellbit nods in agreement. “Fuck him. He had so much potential.”
Roier blinks. “What?”
“Uh, I mean. He had so much potential… to get arrested and die in jail?”
Uh-huh, sure.
Roier rolls his eyes. “I think they still do public executions here, actually.”
“What, don’t you know? Aren’t you supposed to be some kind of alien super genius?”
Cellbit’s smile is sharp as a knife. (He’s soooo proud of himself. Dumbass.)
He elbows Roier in the side.
Roier elbows him back. “Not everybody can be an ‘alien super genius’. Some of us are just guys who slept through Earth Class in school.”
Cellbit shoots him a look, his smile and eyes softening disgustingly.
“Don’t sell yourself short, man,” he says. “You’re smarter than you give yourself credit for.”
He goes quiet for a second before quickly adding on: “Especially compared to us humans!”
He coughs into his fist and looks to the side, his cheeks red from embarrassment.
Oh, Cellbit…
Roier elbows Cellbit again. “Hey, be nice to humans! They can be smart as hell sometimes!”
“Yeah, sometimes,” Cellbit says, still turned away. “We can be really dumb sometimes, though. Like, with cars. And TikTok.”
“Fuck you, I love TikTok!”
“You would.”
Mildly outraged and somewhat offended, Roier gasps, “What is that supposed to mean?”
“Nothing, just that you look like a TikTok guy.”
“What happened to calling me a genius?”
Cellbit bites back a laugh, not answering. Asshole.
Pouting only a little, Roier crosses his arms and kicks a pebble and tries not to step in a river of alcohol and mud going down the side of the street. Ewwwww….
Once upon a time, Roier used to go on trips with his Captain all the time. They’d hop into the Captain’s TARDIS and set the destination to random and go on at least a dozen dates a week. They’d hold hands walking down the streets, and they would kiss quite literally whenever possible.
Cellbit doesn’t hold Roier’s hand. Their fingers brush, but that’s it.
(Roier misses him so bad…)
Roier’s wedding ring feels so cold. He can only imagine how freezing the chain necklace around Cellbit’s neck is.
But they keep walking, and they keep talking, and Roier can almost pretend it’s the same as it was before the war. He wasn’t on the last of his set of 12 lives, his husband wasn’t… a fucking idiot.
Cellbit trips over a loose paving stone and almost falls, but Roier catches him by the arm and pulls him back upright- their first real physical contact since Roier picked Cellbit up for that first trip away from Earth.
Just for a second, Cellbit looks like he’s going to break. His eyes water, and his mouth thins, and his lip threatens to start wobbling pathetically.
But he pulls himself together, and he pulls his arm away.
“Thank you,” he quietly says.
He holds his body close to himself and looks anywhere but at Roier.
Roier sighs, but he smiles, anyway. Of course he does. He’s Cellbit, how could Roier not smile at him?
(This, at least, has stayed the same.)
If you liked this little excerpt, please reblog and comment/ask/Whatever! It really does mean a lot to me, and it lets me know that people want to read more!!
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modelbus · 3 days
Have I ever mentioned I’m a Greek mythology nerd? If not… here’s a good time to drop that. This is HEAVILY Orpheus and Eurydice inspired!!
This is just a little writing EXERCISE, I know it’s not good :) I will be posting an actual writing thing on WEDNESDAY!!
Pairing: Simon ‘Ghost’ Riley x Gn!Reader
He Doesn’t Look Back
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You’d follow your lieutenant through fire if he asked you to. And he never did ask, but you still did it. Bullets pinging at your feet, all you can do is grip your gun and keep your eyes trained on his back.
Ghost doesn’t look back.
Hesitating for even a second would get you both killed, and he knows it. Glancing back at you, even just to confirm you’re alive and following, would end with a bullet in his head too.
It’s not far from cover, a building you two can duck into to reload and go back at it. Call Price for an evac, inform him the mission went sideways.
Damn intel leaks.
This was your mission, technically. You were sent out alone, collecting information on a mobster from afar. It was simple, safe.
Until the Task Force servers were hacked and your mission was leaked.
Being disconnected from the team unless you called them left you unable to know what happened. When the mobster suddenly went into hiding, you searched the city high and low, trying to figure out what had triggered it.
Ghost was the one to come into the city to tell you, to save your ass. And now he’s the one helping you get out, helping you live, continuously saving your ass.
Despite what everyone says, Ghost is hardly callous or emotionless. If you chose, you’d liken him to a tragedy. For all intents and purposes, he’s the makings of a hero: strong and brave, loyal enough to dive into hell to save you. But he’s got the air of a dead man walking, someone who has so many ghosts that they’ll drag him down. Ironic, considering his Callsign.
You let out a muffled curse as a bullet zings past you, barely missing. Ghost doesn’t turn, too busy dodging his own bullets.
There’s just a few more paces, then you’ll be in the safety of cover. This is the last time you’re letting Price put you on undercover work, you swear. Soap will probably tease you for days for needing Ghost to come rescue you.
Your hands tighten on your gun instinctively, glancing over as you catch a glimpse of fabric. Honestly, you’re not sure you’ve been in a worse situation. At least in other times you had all of 141 to back you.
Finally, Ghost ducks into the doorway of the abandoned house, looking back at you before he’s even fully in. You can see his eyes through the mask, relief clear as he reaches back to haul you through with him.
You lower your gun, stretching to grab his arm, eyes only on him and the prospect of safety.
Neither of you ever sees the grenade.
It flings you back, the ground seeming to erupt beneath your feet as you fly. You slam against someone’s abandoned car, scrabbling for purchase as you’re sent tumbling across its hood. Glass tears through your sleeves and gloves, piercing through to your skin.
Ghost shouts your Callsign, but you can’t even hear it past the ringing in your ears. Like everything is muffled, you can barely get yourself to focus on pushing yourself to a sitting position.
Pain shoots through your body, but you ignore it. You have to get up, you have to get to Ghost, you have to fucking live.
You look up, right into the barrel of a gun.
A man you’ve never seen before stares down at you, sneering. As you watch, his hand tightens around the grip.
Ghost is nowhere in sight. He came back for you, but at what cost? He looked back to help you, to make sure you were still alive, and you were a fool for dropping your gun to reach for him.
The man above you squeezes the trigger.
Ghost’s name is the last thing on your lips.
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pilot-boi · 1 day
For the tans winter maiden jaune au, think we can get a snippet of him meeting with Nora? Does he start using she/her pronouns by then or is he still mostly repressing everything and using he/him?
First of all, it’s not a repression thing. I cannot stress enough that Jaune’s pronouns are he/him. Being a woman doesn’t change that. Like I said before, it took this long for his egg to crack because he feels no discomfort in using he/him to refer to himself. He is a bisexual girl who uses he/him
That being said, I’ll do my best :]
Fair warning, I got VERY carried away
Jaune’s been acting weird since he got back.
Well duh Nora, of course he’s been weird. He’s been trapped in another dimension for gods know how long with nobody to talk to. And he’s apparently a fairy tale character, from a book popular enough that even HER mom had time to read it as a bedtime story before abandoning her.
Good times.
He’s the Winter Maiden.
She’s the Winter Maiden. He? She? They? Do the rules of that even apply anymore now that even Ozpin doesn’t know what’s going on and her family met the mother of the gods?
And how did it even happen? All she knows is her leader is back with flames from blue eyes and Jaune refuses to talk about it. So does the rest of RWBY. Well, to an extent.
The death of the Winter Maiden was something that got brought up immediately, especially since no Penny came through the portal and Winter showed up with Qrow and the Ace Ops. Everyone assumed that Penny was dead, but nobody knew who got the powers.
And then RWBY returns from the dead with a flame-eyed Jaune and an impossible story. They all dance around the question in meetings. It was Cinder’s fault, they all say, and Nora believes them. But they also all glance at Jaune whose hand is tight on the hilt of Crocea Mors.
Nora is many things, but she’s not oblivious. A ditz, sure, over-exuberant, definitely. But unobservant she is not. Jaune was involved in Penny’s death. How, she doesn’t know, but she recognizes the haunted look in those eyes from dark nights in Mistral. No amount of years could dull that.
Ren has taken his turn looking through their leader, and apparently Jaune is fine. Or at least as fine as can be expected. And Nora trusts him. She trusts him more than he trusts herself these days.
But there’s still something. Something in Jaune’s eyes when they land on her, a flicker of something she can’t recognize. Or wishes she couldn’t.
Blame. Guilt. Pain. Emotions that have never been directed towards her from Jaune. Flames from blue eyes, twenty years alone, a trauma she knows nothing about.
She doesn’t know who Jaune is anymore.
And it’s that realization that pushes her to find Jaune and talk in person.
“Jaune? Can I come in?” Nora knocks on the door. The Nora-Of-Before would’ve just barged in without thinking. There’s a lot of things Nora-Of-Before wouldn’t have bothered to think about.
“‘Course, door’s open.” Jaune is sitting on the bed that’s shared with Oscar, adjusting the straps on the shoulders of the armor. “Hey, Nora. Did you need something?”
“What do I call you now?” Wow, great going, Nora. Just blurt it out.
Jaune blinks and looks up at her, visibly confused. “Um… Jaune?” Blue eyes glance over her face. “Unless something changed that I don’t know about?”
Something did change, she wants to scream. You changed. You changed and you can’t even see it because it happened when nobody was around to point it out. You were alone and vulnerable and it’s all my fault.
“Can I sit down?” she asks instead. Jaune slides over immediately, shoving the armor onto the pillow to make room for her. “Jaune, we need to talk.”
“Okay. Shoot.”
“I need to get something out of the way first of all.” She looks her leader straight in the eyes. “What do I call you now?”
“Jaune. Nora I don’t-“
“No no not that,” she waves away. “Not your name, I know your name.”
Jaune chuckles. “You’d be the first.” Short, sweet, ladies love it. The whole world knows them now. Not as much as Ruby, but still. Nora can’t fathom how Jaune deals with the world knowing the fairytale title more than the name from the broadcast.
“It’s just… So much has happened, and you don’t have to tell me all of it or any of it-” The words are tumbling out of her before she knows it, before she can stop them. “-but clearly so much has happened and you’re like family to me, and I’m sorry about what happened, I’m so sorry, but-”
“Woah woah woah, slow down.” Jaune grabs her hands. Dammit, she was rambling. This is about Jaune being hurt, and here she is rambling. “C’mere.” Jaune slides her over and plops a head of white streaked curls down on her head. She can feel Jaune’s voice rumble. “You can talk to me. What’s wrong?”
“I just… I don’t think I know you anymore.” And dammit why is her voice so small. She’s supposed to be the strong one. Gods, how does Jaune do this?!
Jaune doesn’t answer for the longest time, and for her it’s like having her worst fears confirmed. You’re right, you don’t know me, her leader’s silence seems to say.
“I don’t think I know myself anymore,” Jaune says eventually. “I was the Burning Knight. I still am, I guess.” There’s a pause, and Nora leans into the ratty sweatshirt Neptune lent. “I don’t really know who I am without the fairytale. It’s hard to explain.”
I don’t actually know who I am without Ren. “No… I think I get it,” Nora says. “Ren and I have been spending time apart since you…” Died. Since you died, and we buried you, and I couldn’t bring back help. But Jaune isn’t dead, she can feel the tickle of blonde curls on her forehead and the warmth through the hoodie. “I wanted to figure out who I am. I’m still working on that, but I think I get it.”
Jaune hmms.
“I’m the Winter Maiden.” It’s so matter of fact that Nora had to remind herself that Jaune’s had decades to get used to the idea. “but I still feel like Jaune Arc. I think… I think I’m a girl, but I still feel like a man.” And Nora has to admit, she’s shocked by how quickly Jaune admitted that. Other dimension therapy must be bonkers.
“So who are you?”
Another chuckle, this one failing to hide the hurt. “If you only knew how many times I failed to answer that question.”
More silence. Less stifling.
“I think… I think I’m still me.” And Nora can hear the relief. How long has her leader been dealing with identity and self all alone? Did it start in fairytale land, or did she just miss the signs? “I’m the Maiden, and I’m a girl, but I still feel like a guy.”
“Oh yeah?” Nora shifts so she can look at Jaune’s face. Blonde hair streaked with white over blue eyes. The eyes are still the same. “So you’re a woman? Like May?”
Jaune grimaces, thumps back down on her shoulder. “Girl feels right, woman doesn’t. I don’t feel… grown enough for woman.” Nora nods. Young, then old, then young again. Enough time has been stolen, it makes sense that Jaune’s had enough of being grown.
“So you’re my sister now, not my brother?” Nora asks.
She feels Jaune curl around her, long arms holding her like a teddy bear. “I don’t think I know who I am if I’m not your brother. Or Ren’s. Or Ruby, or Oscar’s.”
Who is Nora Valkyrie if she isn’t part of Ren and Nora? “It’s just a part of you,” she murmurs. How many Winter Maidens is she going to lead down this path before she reaches the end herself? “Don’t forget about the rest.”
“The rest of me feels like a guy,” Jaune replies immediately. “Not a man, not a hero just… just a guy. Or a girl. ” She can almost hear the smile behind the words. “A friend.”
“So, what do I call you now?”
“What do I call you?” Jaune shoots the question back at her. “Who are you?” And that’s not fair, ‘cause she hasn’t had two decades to work on this, she’s only had two months. And most of that time was filled up with grieving.
Although, with the white-streaks in blonde hair and the haunted look in blue eyes, Jaune probably spent the two decades similarly.
“I don’t think I know,” Nora admits.
“Me neither,” Jaune sighs. “I should probably talk to May about this. She’s the expert.”
“Who do you want to be?” And the way Jaune says it, the question clearly means something. Something locked up in fairytale land and the lost years spent there.
But it’s an interesting question.
“I want to be someone who’s there for her friends,” she says. A golden portal and knuckles and throat bleeding under the force of desperation. “Someone whose friends know that she’ll fight the battles they can’t, and laugh and cry with them afterwards.”
“Sounds like you want to be Nora.”
It does, doesn’t it? “Who do you want to be?”
“I want to be someone who can help people,” Jaune says. A gleaming shield and a shattered blade, glowing hands meant to comfort and heal. “The kind of guy who can say “Everything’s gonna be alright, I’m here to help,” and people believe him.”
“Sounds like you want to be Jaune,” Nora quips back at her leader, and receives a weak laugh in response.
Him. Jaune said him.
“Do you still want to be a him? You’re a girl who feels like a guy.” She leans back against Jaune’s chest, snuggling into the warmth there. “Whatever you say, I’ll still love you.”
Silence. Nora feels Jaune shift awkwardly, sees calloused fingers pull at borrowed hoodie sleeves in front of her. “Is that like… allowed?” Theres a shocking amount of vulnerability in her leader’s voice. Like her answer will decide the rest of the future.
Oh Jaune.
There’s an immortal witch trying to kill us, time travel is apparently real, and you’re a fairy tale character. Who cares what’s allowed? It’s what she wants to say. It’s what she’s thinking. But cradling Jaune’s bleeding heart in her hands, and knowing better than she knows her name how important the opinion of her leader’s friends are, she stays quiet.
Nora looks up. Blue eyes, full of shadow and doubt. But still Jaune’s. “It’s very allowed.”
And his smile is like the sun.
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After all the convo surrounding how the crew really doesn't care about Izzy qua Izzy...we really have missed the boat on how deeply the crew cares for Ed. Fang being upset that Ed is so far gone he'll not care about Ivan's death or go as far as to shoot Izzy. Jim trying to remind Ed of life having meaning. The entire crew desperately hoping that Ed is getting better.
Ed's violence is so shocking to them because they care about him and because they've seen who he was. He was the guy who introduced himself and went around shaking everyone's hands. He was the one who cheered for their theatrics, and fell hard for their ridiculous little captain. He was their friend in a way that Izzy never even tried to be, and so what Ed did hurt more than if anyone else had done it. It's watching someone you love break apart and not knowing what to do about it.
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If they truly didn't care about Ed, Ed would never have been allowed back on the Revenge later. They would never have tried to scrub his blood from the deck in guilty desperation.
Remember that they banish him because they think he's still going to go on a murderous rampage the second he recovers (and there's good indication that the divide on this is largely between the Kraken crew and the Revenge crew, so the ones who saw Ed's spiral and the ones who didn't). Then they're able to grant grace to Izzy, the person who needs it the most and who deserves it the least. But they do it because life does have meaning to them.
How much easier then to say yes when Stede comes back—Stede, whom they all thought was the cause of Ed's spiral, whom Ed, if he really has become a violent murderer, has every reason to go after first—alive and well and telling a story about Buttons turning into a bird and Ed needing a place to stay the night because unhinged lesbians lit their antique shop on fire. Ed's not crazy. Ed hasn't hurt Stede. Ed is sick and needs help and is willing to do whatever he can to make things right between them. And Ed, far more than Izzy, is their friend. So of course they can grant him grace.
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There's a lot that we don't see in those episodes, but we should really think about what we do–and what we see, continuously, is that Ed is their friend.
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toxicyeuriii · 7 hours
Hello friend, may I humbly request, pretty please, a boothill×reader fic? The condiments matter not, for I need sustenance, food to feed myself. Please, oh great weaver of words, make me a tapestry of delectables, all in the image of our beloved boothill.
Hello anon! Thanks for the ask >///< first time writing for a hsr character and tbh I was bluffed with how the fic was gonna be but eventually I thought of something! I was going for a sorta fluff type, though you can interpret the type lmao. But honestly Boothill is such a fun character to read/write! Thanks again for the ask! I hope you aren't hungry after the fic ^^
Before you start reading though, reader is gender neutral and works as like a hardcore hacker/mechanic kinda (silver wolf and vill-v inspired) but honestly the hacker part isnt that noticable, you and boothill are in a relationship (ofc) and he calls you darlin and sugarplum.
☆ -------------------------------------------- ☆
"And then that son of a nice lady came up to me and went pow-pow!"
Boothill exclaimed while you were working on a commission. The commission in mind was a gun repair for guess who? Boothill. His gun got knocked out of his hands during a bounty and got broken on the slide and muzzle, which is being a pain in the ass for you.
You said while getting a screwdriver and unscrewing some of the screws that are on the gun.
Boothill apparently thinks that he needs to explain how his gun got damaged, which he doesnt honestly. Though you dont say anything, it's better than silence if you're being honest. And, you know he wont shut up anyways.
"And then when I went to grab my gun, an' then that lil' shirt bag shot the gun outa my dang hand! Ha! But lil' did he know my other hand was a gun too"
"Wait so your gun was shot out of your hand?"
"Yeah, anyways I turned in that mother forker, hehe"
"Huh... Is your hand okay? Do I also have to fix that?"
You said with a little scoff.
He said while shooting a finger gun at you.
"You're paying me"
"Wait huh?, but darlin' seriously?"
"Well you shouldn't had been a idiot!"
You said while turning to stare at him, he looked baffled. He was getting a free gun repair while he got to just chill out on the workshops couch.
"Well I thought that you were gonna like, include it was gonna be free, sugarplum"
Sometimes you think he doesnt common sense. Which makes sense, no way you're going to give out a free gun repair to him because you felt nice and hes your boyfriend....
"Yeah well, you can give me some credits, thats the least you owe me"
You said with a little smile, you also like messing with him. You dont have a good poker face to he honest...
He crosses his arms and lays back.
"Fine, whatever"
He was silent for a moment.
"Also quit that smirkin' "
He also said with a little smile, to to which he just covered up with his hat.
You also couldn't keep your 'annoyed' facade up, which you just started to chuckle.
"Stop acting like you aren't! Heh"
"Nuh uh, you seein' things darlin"
"Mhm, sure"
After a little silence his gun was finally done, which you took off your goggles to inspect further, and in your eyes it looked brand spankin new.
"Your gun is donee~"
"Finally, ha. With other mechanics it'd prolly take forever, good thing my sugarplum is the best"
He said while sitting up and coming behind you, while putting his arm over your shoulder.
"Thanks, darlin' "
"Yeah yeah, get on that table, gotta fix your hand now"
You said while getting up and pushing him over to the fixing table, it was mainly for him incase he needed a charge or a fix up. You put back on your goggles and then accessed the damage on his hand.
"Doesnt look too bad"
You said while getting the blowtorch.
"I'll just melt it and mold it back in its shape, good thing the bullet didnt go to deep and into your wires"
You said while also getting some metal scraps from the junk drawer.
"Make sure not to mess up my arm any more, darlin' "
"Trust meee, you know I'm good at what I do!"
"True, do ya thang"
With that you began to get to work, surprisingly it was easier to fix than that gun, which now, that gun is your number one enemy to fix. Though it did save you alot whenever you tagged along boothill in his bounty hunting, you occasionally did to get some data and neat stuff from whoever's yall were hunting for. Sometimes boothill would ask you to hack into security systems for he can get in there without any extra work, but mainly whenever he was feeling lazy.
After some melting and molding, his arm was like new.
You said while rolling your chair around to where you put your blowtorch at. You sat up and stretched while taking off your goggles.
"Awe, ya such a sweetheart"
He said while standing up and stretching his metal limbs.
"Dontcha worry, I'll give ya those credits soon sugarplum"
"You better, 'sugarplum' "
"Hey!, that's my nickname for ya"
You chuckle while he comes up to you and ruffle your already messy hair.
"Yeah, sureeee"
He chuckles a little also while bowing his hat.
"Well i gotta get goin' see ya?"
"See you, dont get anything broken again.."
You teased while he hugged you goodbye and talking his departure.
"No promises!"
☆ ------------------------------------------- ☆
Hope you all liked the fic! First time writing him so it might not be in character much, if not then sorry! Anyways have a good day and bye! ^^
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seramilla · 1 day
Had an idea about the coffee shop au, what if Carmilla's ex tries to come in and get back together/take over her business and sera breaks out everything she knows from her chain and reasorches to get her to keep it. I mean, popular chain has to have an army of lawyers so even if he did have a legal claim, he doesn't anymore
Carmilla's ex-husband is not a particularly reasonable man. He had given her their daughters, at least; the very lights of Carmilla's life. However, he'd never been very supportive of Carmilla's venture into starting her own business. He was the type to maintain power over her. Carmilla is not sure now what ever made her attracted to him. Young, dumb love, probably. No matter the reason, she is not at all amused when he shows up at the coffee shop one morning, trying to appease her, and weasel his way back into her life.
He tries to convince her that he's changed! Prison had been an eye opener, and he's a different man now! He swears it! Carmilla isn't buying any of it. When she continues to ignore him, turning away and returning to taking care of her customers, he blows a gasket. Yelling, ranting, and raving that he owns half of this establishment. His signature was on the paperwork! He tells her to lawyer up, because the next time he returns, he'll be back with a summons to court.
Sera, who just happens to be sitting off to the side with her sister, Emily, while Carmilla had been taking care of the morning rush, stands at attention just then. She's heard everything as it plays out directly in front of her. Without even a warning or a second thought on her part, she marches straight up to the burly, stupid man; already having several inches of height on him, she is quite intimidating to his eyes. She bends down slightly, looking him square in the face.
"I happen to be friends with the best defense lawyer in the state," Sera says calmly. More like just a tidbit of information for the man, instead of the heavily veiled threat that it is. "If anyone were to threaten my dear friend Carmilla here...such a person might find himself in a great deal of trouble. Especially if he claims a stake in property in which he never rightfully owned."
The man looks up at her, quite intimidated, but calling Sera on what he thinks is her bluff, all the same.
"Who the fuck are you, bitch?"
"Your worst nightmare, if you mess with Carmilla again."
The man stutters, speechless, evidently lost for words. He shoots Carmilla another glare, stares daggers right into his ex-wife, and then throwing up his hands, storms out of the establishment with a final slam to the door.
Carmilla stares at Sera, gobsmacked. Her jaw practically hits the floor. Turning back to the shop owner, Sera smiles at Carmilla. Before calmly going back to sit at her table with Emily, she tells her, "If he ever returns, please do let me know. I know people in high places who can help."
Carmilla vows to herself at that moment that she will.
Anything for this woman.
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