#someone PLEASE talk to me about their really amazing choice of translating honorific speech as assosciated accents
shitpostingkats · 2 years
Widely panning 4Kids for just trying to do their jobs is actually much less fun than trying to pick apart different localization choices like a gleeful anthropologist.
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kanasmusings · 6 years
[Translation]  VAZZROCK bi-color Vol. 4 - ruby - Drama Track 1
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Issa and Nao~ Issa and Nao~ My two faves from VAZZY finally! I got the files from a friend but I’ll be uploading my copy when I receive it this week! Same with all the other TsukiPro and seiyuu stuff I’ll receive by next week ^^
Track 1: [お騒がせは、朝にやってくる] “The noisy one has come in the morning”
Under the cut, enjoy~
Track 1: [お騒がせは、朝にやってくる] “The noisy one has come in the morning”
  ISSA: (snoring quietly)
(doorbell rings)
(Issa continues to sleep)
(doorbell rings again)
ISSA: … Shut up… What time is it…? (Issa checks his phone)
ISSA: Hah?! 7 A.M.? You’ve gotta be kidding me.
(doorbell ringing)
ISSA: Ah, shut up… Come back at noon.
(doorbell rings in a melodious tune)
ISSA: Ah! (Issa gets up) I said keep it down!
ISSA: (Issa walks over angrily to the door) Give it… (he opens the door suddenly) a rest already!
NAO: Gwah!
ISSA: I told you before to leave if I don’t answer in one ring, you idiot!
NAO: Ah… Ugh… It hurts…!
NAO: It’s Issa’s fault for not answering at once! Wait, is my forehead still there?
ISSA: Don’t care. Also, don’t call me without an honorific.
ISSA: Remember that already or else I’ll keep calling you an idiot.
ISSA: Issa—
NAO: …-san…
ISSA: Alright. See ya. (he tries to close the door)
NAO: Wah! W-wait a sec!
NAO: You just opened it so why are you closing it again!?
ISSA: It’s because the idiot’s being noisy.
NAO: You’re still gonna call me an idiot in the end…!
ISSA: (sighs) See here. If someone who plays DraOOn Quest’s1 opening on the doorbell is not an idiot then what is he?
NAO: It pumps you up, right?! Anyway, Issa, I’m surprised you knew it~
ISSA: Stu~~~~pid. (he attempts to close the door again)
NAO: W-wah—Wait, I said!
ISSA: Go. Back. To. Your. Room!
NAO: Don’t. Wanna!
ISSA: Come back tomorrow.
NAO: You say that but you keep breaking your promises!
ISSA: Huh, is that so?
NAO: That’s right! I kept waiting for Issa for at over an hour yesterday, the day before that, and the day before that!
ISSA: Learn to give up on that then.
NAO: Uwah—Don’t just suddenly let go of my hand!
ISSA: (sighs) Geez… Don’t make me exercise this early in the morning.
NAO: What part of this is exercise?
NAO: If you wanna exercise then have a match with me right now~ (sparkles)
ISSA: I refuse.
NAO: Why?
ISSA: It’s troublesome.
ISSA: Go on. If you’re satisfied then go back to your room.
NAO: As if I am! Quitting when you’re ahead is cheating!
ISSA: I’m not running away. You’ve never won once against me, right?
NAO: …! Th-that’s… It’ll change if you do it with me right now so…
ISSA: It won’t.
ISSA: More importantly, why do you wanna compete with me so badly?
ISSA: It’s fine if I’m not the opponent, right?
NAO: Don’t tell me… You don’t remember, Issa-san…?
ISSA: What?
NAO: When we met in front of the convenience store a month ago!
ISSA: Hah? Convenience store?
ISSA: It’s not strange for us to meet in a convenience store since we live in the same apartment, right?
NAO: That’s not the problem! Try to remember it properly!
ISSA: (in a sarcastic tone) Oh, I’m sorry. I really can’t remember~
NAO: So fast…! At least pretend that you’re trying to remember!
NAO: Like I said… It’s that…!
(flashback scene begins)
(Nao humming and vehicles can be heard passing by)
NAO: Ice cream, ice cream~
(convenience store doors open)
NAO: Hm? Oh, it’s Issa!
ISSA: Issa-san.
NAO: … Issa-san…
ISSA: Alright. (he drinks his beverage)
NAO: Eh? That’s it?
NAO: What’s with that ‘uwah, how annoying’ face?!
NAO: Let’s get excited like, ‘Woah! What a coincidence~” after we met here by chance! Come on.
ISSA: I don’t get why I should be excited to see you though.
(Issa starts walking away but Nao stops him)
NAO: Where are you going?
ISSA: Hah? Home, of course. Let go.
NAO: Eh? It’s a rare opportunity so shouldn’t you join me with shopping or something?
ISSA: Nuh-uh. There’s no reason for me to do that.
NAO: That’s too direct.
NAO: Che~ You’re so unsociable.
NAO: I won’t share my ice cream winnings with you if I get it.
ISSA: Say that after you win.
NAO: Just you watch. I may not look it but I’m pretty lucky.
NAO: I won’t give you anything even if you look like you’re jealous~
ISSA: (talking to someone else) Huh, what? I am, though. You want an autograph? I don’t have a pen so is a handshake okay?
NAO: Hm? Issa, didja say something?
NAO: Geh…! Why is Issa surrounded?
NAO: (slight gasp) Are those… what you call fans…?!
ISSA: (talking to his fans) Thank you.
NAO: Amazing! It’s so celebrity-like~
ISSA: Hey, you idiot over there. What did you come here to do?
NAO: These girls are your fans, right? I thought I’d join in.
ISSA: (sighs) These girls aren’t VAZZROCK or VAZZY’s fans, you know?
NAO: Eh?
ISSA: They’re fans of my band from long ago.
NAO: Oh, that.
NAO: Ah, maybe there’s one who knows me since I work with you now.
NAO: Ah, you don’t… I see…
NAO: I see… Yeah, that’s right…
ISSA: Even if you debuted that doesn’t mean that it’ll be well-known already.
NAO: Even though… we’ve been on magazines?
ISSA: Not everyone will buy the magazine, you know?
ISSA: We’re gonna get more popular after working hard from here on, right?
NAO: Is it like that?
ISSA: Yes, it is.
NAO: I see…
(flashback ends)
NAO: I swore ever since that day…!
ISSA: Oh yeah, that happened.
NAO: I’ll definitely be famous someday. That I’ll be a big star someday.
NAO: And that I’ll be more, more, MORE popular than Issa someday!
NAO: That’s why, Issa… Let’s have a match!
ISSA: Huh? Sorry, wasn’t listening.
ISSA: Ah, I’m just kidding. I was listening.
ISSA: I was listening but I don’t really get it so I chose to ignore it.
ISSA: Why should we compete for the day that you’ll be more popular than me?
NAO: It’s to decide who’s better.
NAO: The stronger one wins, right?
ISSA: What’s with that logic?
ISSA: (sighs) You keep saying, ‘Fight here and fight there’ but that’s what you meant?
ISSA: At the very least your desire to improve yourself is admirable.
NAO: I don’t feel like that was a compliment at all!
NAO: Ah, geez… You’ll compete with me, right?
ISSA: Yeah, yeah. I mean, I go along with you sometimes, don’t I?
NAO: You only did so once out of thirty!
ISSA: I’m surprised that you’re still not giving up after losing that much.
NAO: Fufufu~ Have you rethought your opinion of me now?
ISSA: Yeah, I have, sure. See ya. (he tries to close the door again but Nao stops it)
NAO: Why do you say it like that!? I’m telling you to compete with me!
ISSA: And I said I refused, didn’t I?
NAO: Just once…! Just once is fine so please--!!
ISSA: That’s what you always say.
NAO: For the love of God, please…!
ISSA: Do you even know what that means?
NAO: I definitely won’t EVER leave until you say yes!
ISSA: You… That’s all you can talk about, huh. You’re a lot more thick-headed than normal today.
ISSA: Don’t tell me… Did you come here after drinking alcohol?
NAO: Don’t be stupid! I’m still underage!
ISSA: But your face is red.
NAO: (slightly slurred speech) Issa, fight with me…!
ISSA: Hmm… I wonder why. I feel like I’ve encountered something like this before.
NAO: Issa, come on, please!
ISSA: (to himself) He keeps repeating the same thing over and over again.
ISSA: Ah! I remember now.
ISSA: Futaba was exactly like this when he got a fever when we were kids.
NAO: (panting) Fight… with me…
ISSA: Hey, stupid. You said you waited for me all day yesterday, right?
ISSA: Where did you wait? Here?
NAO: Eh? Yesterday I…
NAO: Ah, that’s right. Since you weren’t here yesterday and the day before that…
NAO: I was waiting for you in front of the apartment.
ISSA: Outside…?
NAO: That’s ‘cause… I got bored waiting for you here.
ISSA: (sighs) It was raining, right? You had an umbrella with you, didn’t you?
NAO: I didn’t. I was waiting under the roof by the entrance.
ISSA: Hah? That’s a guarantee for a cold.
NAO: Hm… It wasn’t that cold…
ISSA: Even an idiot would get a cold after being soaked by the rain for an hour.
ISSA: Even an idiot, got it?
NAO: Stop saying ‘idiot’…! I didn’t catch a cold.
ISSA: Sure, sure, sure. You got guts saying that with such a red face.
ISSA: They told you that taking care of your body is part of your job, right?
NAO: Geh…! But… I don’t… have a cold…
ISSA: (sighs) I get it. Fine, I get it!
ISSA: (sighs) Good grief. I’ll carry you until your room so call over the Prince and have him nurse you.
ISSA: Come on, give me your hand.
NAO: Sure…
ISSA: …! You’re hot… You’ve definitely got a high fever.
NAO: Eh…? Yuma’s… not here today. He went home to his parent’s house.
ISSA: The Prince is not here?
ISSA: Then how about the manager— Ah, he went to accompany Takaaki somewhere.
NAO: That’s why let’s compete now, Issa!
ISSA: He’s completely out of it. Wait, more like, he’s being his usual self?
ISSA: It’s a new experience to see an idiot’s judgment not get clouded.
NAO: I keep telling you to stop calling me an idiot.
ISSA: I’ve got no choice. Guess I’ll ask Futaba for help.
ISSA: Where’s my phone… Ah, in my room.
ISSA: Hey, idiot. Lend me your phone.
NAO: Are you finally in the mood to compete?!
ISSA: No. I said, lend me your phone.
NAO: Ah… so you’re not…
NAO: Hm… here, my phone. Don’t make a call for too long.
ISSA: I won’t.
(he types a number and starts calling)
(phone ringing)
ISSA: He’s not picking up at such a crucial time.
ISSA: This call isn’t from Nao but from your brother~ Come on, pick up.
(he cuts the call)
ISSA: What time is it now?
ISSA: Tch. It’s about the time he goes out for a run.
ISSA: Here you go. (Issa gives Nao’s phone back to him)
NAO: Sure…
NAO: Are you done?
ISSA: He wouldn’t pick up.
NAO: You don’t have to call anyone, if you need someone to play with, I’m here~ (sparkles)
ISSA: Ahhh, shut up.
ISSA: I wanna run and escape to my room…
NAO: Issa! Play with me!
ISSA: When did your ‘competition’ turn into ‘playing’?
ISSA: Uwah… I know that it’ll be troublesome if news about this breaks out.
ISSA: Alright…
ISSA: Hey, walk properly.
ISSA: I’ll specially let you in to my room for now.
(door opens)
NAO: Inside…?
NAO: In your house~? (sparkles) Yay!
ISSA: I’ll warn you now. Don’t touch, break, and move anything inside this room.
NAO: Eh? Why?
ISSA: It’s obviously ‘cause it’s my room.
※ Please don’t re-upload these translations anywhere without permission. ^^
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ganbaramen · 7 years
PDP Q&A: Ai Miyashita [EN Translation]
Continuing to catch up, here’s Ai’s interview in Famitsu App! Her dialogue tends to be a little more difficult to translate, with more casual/slang-like language and puns. Let me know if you have any errors or corrections to report~
Being frank, how has it been, working with Famitsu App?
Have you gotten used to helping out at Famitsu App?
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I’ve gotten to experience a lot of stuff, and it's been awesome! Making a magazine really does need the strength of a lot of people, huh~ Getting to know this world that I knew nothing about has been super exciting!
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Hm? The other employees are praising me? Saying that I have good muscles? Heheh, as expected of Ai-san—I'm doing pretty well, huh?
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Juuust kidd- wait, hold on, don't print that! I haven't even done that much yet~!!
What are your thoughts on working with us?
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Though I've only been allowed to help with researching for the articles, I've really learned a lot. It's important to understand not just the perspective of someone being covered, but also that of the person covering them.
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Somehow, it perfectly fits what we need for our school idol activities!
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Oh, now that I think of it, I wonder when my gravure shots will be released? I promised to my grandma that I'd make sure I'll show her first!
What motivated you to work with Famitsu App?
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Someone I hang out with a lot is a Famitsu reader, so when they heard, they said that "of course you have to choose Famitsu!".
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I trust them a lot, so I thought, "I guess I have no choice!"!
When you’re working at Famitsu App, what do you talk about with Ayumu-chan and Rina-chan?
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I talk about work with Ayumu-chan a lot, I guess. And afterwards, I tell her about things like the latest popular apps. When I tell her about some interesting social apps, she smiles a lot when we're talking about trying to make friends using them.
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With Rina-rii... oh yeah, I call her Rina-rii, but anyway, we manage to talk, with her using the Rina-chan Board. That thing has a lot of faces, so it's pretty amusing.
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Oh, and I promised Rina-rii that we'd go shopping together. We're planning to hit up some cute shops and eat pancakes with tons of cream! Rina-rii is the type to want to be fed!
Do you have any thoughts on clothes?
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My clothes? I guess I'd say they feel freeing? But I like them, and what's most important is that I wear what I want to wear!
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Right, if you wanted to talk about fashion, you'd want to talk to Karin. She's pretty good at coordinating clothes, she knows some good stores, and she gets really excited about it. I actually bought the accessories I'm wearing from an online shop that Karin recommended~
When you're talking with people in a higher position, do you talk to them like you're doing right now?
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Huh? I don't think so... Ahem, even I use keigo [TL: honorific speech] with my superiors, you know? On that note, has everyone had the chance to eat yet? [TL: she switches to a more formal tone here.]
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You wanna... er, if you please, would you like to dine together?
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...how was that? I got my manners from my grandma—when she said that I was being rude, I tried to be proper and polite! But when I messed up, she taught me how to phrase things correctly.
What do school idols mean to Ai-chan?
Why did you start being a school idol?
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Well, I have this classmate who's a big fan of school idols, and they asked me, "The world of school idols is completely different from what you've seen before, I think. So do you want to take up the challenge?"
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When someone says something like that to me, I'm the type to suddenly get really fired up about it.
Being honest, what's your appeal point as a school idol?
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My appeal point would have to be... my knack for puns, maybe! Who else could tell these grate cheesy puns? Heh!
[TL: Thanks to @annanicomaki​ for the pun suggestion! In the original text, she says "Dajare o iu no wa dare ja?", roughly meaning "Who's telling puns?". "Dajare" is "pun" and "dare ja?" is like "who could it be?".]
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What? Why didn't you laugh? Ah, did it go over your head?
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You see, it’s because it’s "grate" and "cheesy"... wait, why are you looking at me so kindly?? [TL: in the original, she says that it’s because of “dajare” and “dare ja”.]
What kind of school idol do you want to become?
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With my amazing puns, I'd like to make people laugh when they think of me while they're relaxing, and fire them up when they're in a tough spot...
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Yup, I want to become an idol that's like a good friend. I'd give you the feeling that Ai-san Power is always by your side.
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Like "One order of love [TL: translation of "愛情” (aijou)] for the weary!". Because I'm Ai, after all! [TL: “Ai” is the same character as the “ai” in “aijou”.]
From now on, what activities do you want to do as a school idol?
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Of course, I want to get on stage as soon as I can! And I want to be on the biggest stage.
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Since I started working to become a school idol, and this goes for helping out here as well, every day brings a view that I haven't seen before. Up until now, I've seen everyone being noisy and having fun, but it's kind of like—how do I put this—we're doing jiu-jitsu, I guess? [TL: yeah, I'm a little confused about the jiu-jitsu part too.]
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So, standing in the center up on stage... on a huge stage, just what kind of landscape would you see from there? I really want to find out soon! Recently, I've been thinking about this every day before I fall asleep, but I think it has to be beyond my wildest dreams!
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