#someone feel free to correct me but I don’t think Carlos has ever once helped charles when it didn’t directly benefit himself
slythereen · 5 months
LITERALLY I was relatively happy for Charles' P2 until I saw Carlos was P3, and now I'm just dreading the first few turns tomorrow.
I too, would have preferred Checo to be P3, because he seems to play it fair at starts (usually) and doesn't have an unhealthy obsession with trying to shove Charles off track.
I hope Max will conveniently be in the right spot tomorrow to prevent Carlos from coming up alongside Charles.
max will be on a mission to launch charles off the track himself (affectionate), but quite frankly it would not shock me at all if max versteppen somehow is more helpful at the start than carlos. like. he could literally just incidentally help charles by being too much in the way for a carlos dive, and it would already be more helpful than anything carlos has done in… like two years. literally.
but yeah 🥲 will be preparing tea and doing deep breathing exercises before the start tomorrow bc that man makes me so nervous for charles. it’s a miracle (and charles’ reflexes/talent) that he hasn’t crashed them both out yet.
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carlosfruitsnacks · 3 years
Could I request a Carlos x fem!reader
Where Carlos and reader have been friends for long, but ppl still bullied reader secretly. One day, reader get’s hurt and Carlos finds out and is pissed (everyone relates to him being angry). While reader is being treated Carlos goes to avenge, Milo and Mira try to stop him. But the only one who can truly stop Carlos from his rage cloud is reader. He calms down, and feels guilty “sorry I couldn’t protect you better”. And reader being like but you dont have to, and him being like, I want to. And stuff like that. Sorry if it’s too specific and so long! (Also, Abuela and Pepa not scolding him for it bc 1- they kinda relate 2- they saw how Carlos looks at reader. A story where Carlos fight but don’t get punished for it 😂)
"Mi Salvador"
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— Carlos cherished you in every way and wants nothing but the best for you. Yet it seemed as though you've been secretly getting anything but the best and eventually he learns the truth and boy, he was a hot and boiling ball full of rage. Carlos was guilty of not being the one who protects you.
— fluff with a little bit of angst
— female reader. I do not speak fluent Spanish and all of the Spanish here is translated from google, feel free to correct me if I got something wrong though I will refrain from using too much Spanish.
— depictions of violence & assault
hello anon! I hope you like this one :>
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You and he have been stuck to the hip since children, everybody felt odd about the chemistry you two developed. You and Carlos were complete opposites. He was brash and bold and you were soft and shy. Yet despite having various contrasts, you and he had a connection like no other. You completed one another. Carlos may not be the most sympathetic guy but you taught him how to be one and in return he gave you the world.
Carlos and you have this bond that nobody can easily fathom. You and he will have this some sort of telepathic conversation with nods and hand gestures, akin to playing charades, then one of you would react funnily. Even Camilo was baffled to see his twin gaining friendship.
Today was not different. You'll wake up and meet up with Carlos by the town's square, on your basically favorite hangout spot by the fountain. He's often the first to arrive, greeting you with a teasing smirk. You two would eat an empanada or more by the fountain, talking about whatever. And about noon, both of you would separate ways for a moment to do chores or something else. During that duration without Carlos comes the most terrifying part of your day.
You're walking as fast as you can to reach the comfort of your home but as always, a group of teens would block your way. You cowered, feeling your legs shake as your fight or flight mode kicks in. You choose to flee but someone grabs you by the arm and roughly yanks you back.
You squeaked at the boy with raven hair and mischievous chocolate eyes. Benjo was a very attractive boy if it weren't for his horrible attitude.
"hola ratoncito"
He purred and grabs both of your shoulders, he leans his lips near your ears, taunting you.
"Alone again, I see"
You gulped and tried to free yourself but he traps you in his arms causing you to become squeamish. Benjo pinches your cheek firmly
"Ah so soft. ¡Tan preciosa y vulnerable! And all mine"
"Please leave me alone"
You pleaded and he gives you a laugh. Benjo pushes you down to the dusty pavement as he and his group tower over you.
"Look at you [Name], you think you're so safe whenever you're with Carlos huh? If he cares about you so much then why would he leave you to walk home and alone with us scattered around?"
Your lips begin to quiver. This has happened more than once, nobody knows that you were being bullied because you were scared of telling. If you were to tell someone, they might not believe you and if ever Benjo found out you're trying to get him in trouble, he'll double the harassment. You tried but it seemed like trying to get help would make everything worse.
"I bet Carlos is just playing with you by letting you fall into danger, huh? If he cared then why isn't he here to save you now? Where's tu salvador?"
You know Benjo is lying and he's only trying to get in your head. You knew Carlos, he cares for you, he loves you because you're his best friend. Yet there's this little voice in your head that gives you doubt, what if Benjo was right? Before you knew it, your eyes begin to water.
"Aww, pobre ratoncito"
Benjo coos as his friends laughed at you.
"God, you're so pathetic [Name]. What were you thinking? A girl like you won't survive on her own, being soft and kind won't get you anywhere. Consider this as free advice from me"
He grabs your chin while tears flow violently from your eyes, Benjo sneered at your helplessness.
"You're such a fucking crybaby. Sooner, Carlos would grow tired of you and throw you away, nobody will ever want you"
With his final words, Benjo delivers a punch on your nose. You were thrown back with a scream stuck on your throat. You were beyond shaking as you reached to touch your nose, blood begins to exit your nostrils. Your eyes widen, footsteps approach you as you try to crawl back but somebody stops you with a kick to your abdomen. Benjo smacks you hard on the head and suddenly your vision starts to fade.
"Nobody will ever want you, stupid girl"
These were the last words you heard before you blacked out on the dirty pavement.
You gained consciousness and found yourself lying in an alleyway. Immediately, you tried to stand up but your body begins to ache. You winced as your eyes watered. You leaned against the wall for support and tried to stand up. Your vision was a bit hazy but you were determined to get back home before anybody sees you. This has happened several times yet each moment you encounter Benjo it appears to only get worse. You didn't understand why they were so cruel, even if you tried to ask you're too afraid to get the words out.
As you limped your way home, you rushed towards the bathroom. You saw your reflection, your face was full of dirt and smears of your blood, there's a bruise on your nose but it wasn't obvious. You quickly started washing up and patching all the wounds on your body. By the time you finished, it was getting dark outside.
Shit, I was supposed to meet up with Carlos an hour ago!
You rushed outside, ignoring the remaining pain all over your body. You practically ran to your usual meeting spot, you let out a heavy sigh when you spot Carlos waiting impatiently with crossed arms. He sees you and suddenly his hard expression turns gentle as you approached him.
"¡Lo siento, Carlos! I-I got too caught up with my chores"
You chuckled as you lied, honestly, it hurt that you have to lie to the person you trust the most but it was for the better. Carlos playfully rolls his eyes.
"Dios mio, I thought something bad has happened to you, not that I was worried"
Carlos smirked as he joked, then he gives you a light punch on your shoulder causing you to cry out in pain. He freezes as you felt your blood turn cold.
"Hey, are you alrigh-"
"I'm fine! I'm fine! I just...finished doing this difficult chore! And I kinda hit my shoulder while doing it but nothing too bad!"
You were praying silently that Carlos would take your excuse, you almost collapsed in relief when he scoffs at you.
"Sheesh, you should've called me for help you clumsy girl"
Carlos says with a hand on his hip while he sassed, you waved him off.
"Come on, I'm okay! I can handle things on my own"
Carlos gives you a suspicious look so you rolled your eyes and slapped him on the shoulder. His face morphs into amusement as he snickered.
"Whatever. Want some of tía's arepas for that?"
He asks and pointed at your aching shoulder.
You reply. Carlos leads you to la casa Madrigal, the moment you sat down in Julieta's kitchen and ate one of her arepas, your whole body felt so much lighter and it was so refreshing. You decided to have dinner with the Madrigals. Nobody has to know everything you're going through, you'll just get in their way, especially Carlos. As long as he doesn't see any cuts and bruises you'll be fine even if you don't know how much longer can you tolerate it all. It all only started with cruel words until they started getting physical, but nothing it's you can't handle.
You munched on your food and smiled along with the Madrigal family, oblivious to Carlos' worried stare.
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Oddly, you went this morning to meet Carlos by the fountain to not see him there. That was strange considering he never skipped a day to meet up at your favorite place. You sat there for a while thinking maybe he was just late. An hour and a half passed and Carlos didn't show up, you frowned to yourself. Perhaps something urgent happened that he needed to take care of? Whatever the case is, you decided to just return to the town' square later.
You dreaded your walk back home, you knew deep down in your gut that Benjo and his friends is going to come and harass you again. Your biggest fear has been confirmed when Benjo does appear in front of you, his friends not too far behind. Your whole body starts to shake as fear consumes you. Your mind screams for you to run and you did. However, when your head turned, someone grabs a fistful of your hair and pulls you back. You come face to face with Benjo.
"Ple-please Be-Benjo don-don't"
You stammered. His face displayed pure displease of you pleading so he grabs your chin to look at him dead in the eye.
"And just where do you think you're going, ratoncito?"
Benjo growled at you, tears begin to form in the corner of your eyes. His grip on your chin was so hard that you're afraid he's about to break your jaw. Eventually, he lets go and looks the other way. You were standing still like a statue, you begin to cry and hiccup as you feel his friends approaching. Your mouth was shaking, unable to form or say any sentences because of the sheer fright you were experiencing. The expression on your face displayed how you were imagining the horror Benjo was about to do. Your eyebrows were furrowed, eyes unable to stop watering, and your mouth kept moving and creating incoherent sounds caused by your fear of him.
"Will you STOP being noisy?!"
Suddenly, Benjo turns and swiftly plants a solid punch on your face, you scream then stumble down to the pavement. You hold your cheek and begin to panic, your heart was beating so loud that you can hear it in your ears. Your vision was blurry because of the tears that kept flowing down your face.
"Wh-why are yo-you doing this to m-me?!"
You involuntary screamed. Benjo's eyes were glowing with rage as he reaches to grab your chin again, he brings his face so close to yours that your foreheads were touching.
"Because you're nothing but a lousy and stupid bitch! You keep getting into my nerves by squeaking like a fucking mouse!"
Benjo growled at you. Your breathing becomes labored, forgetting to take a breath because of the horror you were encountering. You kept sobbing loudly in front of him.
"Ben-Benjo ple-please-"
He grips your blouse and punches you again. You fall back as he stands up to kick you in the stomach. You continue bawling on the pavement, drool drips out of your mouth as you struggled to breathe through the pain. Benjo scoffs at you with disgust then leaves you after inflicting more injuries.
Meanwhile, Carlos panicked as he got dressed and literally tripped his way out of the house. Mierda, he's so late! He was supposed to meet you an hour ago! He woke up late because he was thinking about you all night. As he arrived by the fountain, you were not there and his heart dropped with disappointment. He hoped you weren't mad at him. Carlos decided to visit your house in case you were there.
On his way, he saw a figure lying on the street and they were crying nonstop. Carlos stops and looked at the person more carefully. When he saw your face with bruises and blood, Carlos' brain stops functioning. You were lying alone on the street, badly hurt and sobbing. It was the last thing he wanted to see. At a speed faster than a second, Carlos rushes to you. The moment he got close, his heart was crushed to bits and pieces. You looked like a mess, when you meet his eyes, he felt a thousand times worse as you start reaching your arms to him. Carlos carefully holds you and helps you up to your feet. He couldn't stand hearing you mumble unclear sentences as you clung unto him for dear life. Immediately, he carries you back to his house.
Carlos kept thinking who had the nerve to hurt you to that extent? His hands begin to shake as rage kicks in. Carlos has never felt angry in his entire life. Whoever hurt you would never see the sunlight again, he swears. That person would never hear the end of his wrath. Carlos heads to the kitchen and calls for his tía Julieta. She shows up and sees you horribly injured, she gasps then quickly fetches you something to eat. Others arrived at the kitchen to see the commotion, when they saw you crying so hard they all rushed to comfort you. Carlos' heart melted at the sight of his family taking care of you, but his anger was much stronger.
"Hermano, who did this to her?"
Camilo asks him with concern. Carlos' eye twitched.
"I don't know, but I will find them"
Camilo gulped at his twin, who had this unblinking gaze forward and was clearly beyond pissed. Camilo grabs Mirabel by the shoulder as he whispered to her and pointed at his brother. They watched him with worry and kept an eye out in case he goes on planning something. You were regaining your breath as Julieta slowly fed you some food, it was slowly taking effect as you sat and waited for all of your injuries to be healed. The Madrigals all let out a sigh of relief. Carlos comes to you and looks at you sternly in the eye. Your heart leaped out of your chest at his dark expression. You knew well how infuriated he can get and it scared you down to the core.
"Are you okay?"
His voice was surprisingly soft when he asked you. Unable to find any words, you only nod at him. Carlos sighs through his nose.
"Who did this to you?"
His voice turned deep and you flinched. Carlos watched you bite your lip and avoid his gaze, by this, he can tell that whoever hurt you seemed to have full control of you and it made his blood boil hotter.
"Please [Name], I just want to know who is responsible for this"
He asked more gently. He grits his teeth at each second you remain silent. Carlos balled his hands and his throat grew tight. Fine, if you won't tell him who, he'll have to find them himself. He makes his way towards the door, he was willing to search the entire land of Encanto for that fucker.
"Carlos! Hermano, we need to think this through!"
"Yeah, primo! We need to calm down first!"
Camilo and Mirabel rushed to stop Carlos from breaking somebody's neck. He growled when they tried to pull him back.
"¡Mierda! Stop it! I need to find out who fucking hurt [Name]!"
Carlos was determined to get revenge that not even his mother can stop him. You noticed the scene unfolding and you immediately reached out to him.
Suddenly, he halts and turns his head to face you. Camilo and Mirabel were stunned by the fact that Carlos was stopped by only the sound of your voice. Your eyes pleaded at him, it was full of hurt and desperation that all his anger fades away as he made his way towards you.
"I need you, please"
You whispered to him. The Madrigals decided to leave you two be, Carlos carefully wraps his arms around you. The sense of comfort and security was all you felt as he held you in his arms. You buried your face on the crook of his neck and inhaled his scent. When the fury disappeared, Carlos was left to feel...guilty. He felt guilty that he wasn't there to protect you, to prevent you from getting hurt. He should've been there! He could've done something! His eyes begin to feel wet.
"[Name] I...I'm sorry"
His voice sounded timid like he was holding back a sob and it saddened you. So you pulled away and placed a hand on his cheek, his face slowly heats up by the sudden touch.
"It's okay, Carlos. Besides, I should be the one sorry"
"But why?"
"I...this wasn't the first time I got...hurt"
Carlos' face shifted into frustration but he keeps calm, he takes your hand and clasps it between his palms.
"Are you telling me they've been hurting you more than once?"
His tone was hoarse, he tried his best to remain calm for your sake.
"Yes...please don't be mad"
"But why? Why didn't you tell me sooner?"
There was a pause when he asked you. It took all your might not to break down in front of him, you slowly leaned into his touch and embraced him again, craving the welcoming warmth of his body.
"I thought that...you would never care or that you grew tired of me so like...why bother-"
"What the fuck?"
Carlos never felt so offended by your words, he gently grabs the sides of your face and looks into your eyes.
"I care about you [Name]. Look, I'm sorry if it's not obvious but I do. I want to be there for you, I want to be with you all the time. I want to be the one to save you when someone tries to hurt you"
Carlos didn't realize that he was rambling and the effect does it have on you. At that second when he told you how much he cared, you were smitten. Your face felt warmer than the sun and was redder than an apple. Carlos tugged on your heartstrings that you couldn't help but fall for him.
"Oh mi salvador "
You swoon and bury yourself in his arms. He was shocked for a second but found himself flustered by the immediate affection. He sighs.
"I promise that I will try my best to protect you better"
"You don't have to"
"But I want to"
Carlos pouts and suddenly he's the most adorable person in the world. You squeal and showered him with your attention. He spent the rest of the day not leaving your side.
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Carlos watched as you played with his little brother. You were laughing with Antonio as he told you stories about his animals. While he was enjoying the peaceful sight of you having fun, he felt a hand on his shoulder. Carlos turns and sees Camilo, his face scrunched up.
"What do you want?"
"We found them"
Carlos' face morphs into shock for a fraction of a second then becomes stern. Gives you one single glance then follows his brother outside. Dolores including his mother and Abuela was waiting for him, he raises a brow.
"So, who did it?"
"I heard someone talking about [Name] and how their friend beat her up yesterday, that friend was named Benjo"
Dolores informs him. Carlos' face displays realization, he knew Benjo had a mean streak like him but they were always different. He seethes, but before he could leave to find Benjo, Pepa blocks his way. He assumed that she was going to stop him from beating the guy into a pulp then she sighs.
"Be careful out there, mijo"
"Huh? You're not going to stop me, mamá?"
Carlos was baffled when his mother sighed and caressed his cheek. Abuela walks to him.
"We saw the way you look at her, Carlito. We understand the feelings you hold for her"
He was trying hard not to feel soft or endeared by Abuela's words. So he gives them a grin and an amused scoff instead.
"Well, wish me luck then"
"You better return without a scratch, mijo. Never let this happen again"
Pepa warned him as she watched her son go and give Benjo a piece of his mind. Abuela wraps an arm around her daughter's shoulder as they watched Carlos fondly.
"He grew up so fast"
A raincloud appears above them, Abuela chuckles and doesn't comment on it.
"Estoy de acuerdo. Camilo, Dolores, you mustn't tell your papá about this, okay?"
"Sí Abuela"
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reyeslonestar · 4 years
red snapper boy
Available on Ao3
Uhh hey so this is essentially this post about Carlos being friends with the ‘guy at the market’ expanded into an actual fic. basically Carlos makes friends with everyone and this is about one of them
Carlos Reyes pov, Original Male Character, Carlos Reyes/OC friendship, Slight Angst with a Happy Ending,
 2.9k words
The early morning sunlight shines just above the tops of the stalls that line the marketplace as Carlos meanders through them, picking up groceries from some vendors and stopping to chat to those he isn’t buying from this morning. He always prefers to come here instead of a store; he’d grown up trailing his mother around an open market like this one as she sought the best ingredients for her many delicious recipes, so when he’d grown up and moved out the habit had stuck.
“Ahh, Carlos! How are you this morning, my friend?” Carlos smiles at Juan’s greeting and heads over to the fish counter where rows and rows of colourful scales and fins glitter in their stacks on the crushed ice.
“I’m well, Juan, and you?” Carlos asks. Juan had been the first vendor Carlos had befriended when he’d found this market; the fishmonger had been delighted by the culinary knowledge he’d admitted to when he’d first bought from his stall, and a strong friendship had since grown over the years as they’d traded recipe ideas and kitchen tips.
“I can’t complain,” Juan says cheerfully, plastic-gloved hands resting on the counter in front of him. “Now, what can i get for you? I have some more of that salmon that you liked, or some pollock? We even got some catfish in this morning.”
They spend a few moments chatting, and Carlos gives him his usual order in between catching up on Juan's family news, and the latest of the scandalous gossip that seems to spread around the fishing community like wildfire.
“Anything else for you?” Juan asks, spreading his hands above the fish bar.
“No, I think I’m good today.” Carlos shakes his head. He’s not cooking for his family this week, and there’s only so much food he can eat by himself.
“Are you sure I can’t tempt you with this fresh red snapper? Look how strong that colour is, Carlos! Perfect for treating a special someone, eh?” Juan teases, effortlessly showing off both sides of the fish and Carlos chuckles, shaking his head at Juan’s running joke about Carlos’ nonexistent dating life.
“You’re incorrigible, Juan,” he says, “but no, I’ll have to pass.”
“Maybe next time then,” Juan smiles, turning to wrap up the pieces that Carlos has asked for.
“Wait, actually,” Carlos says after a moment, an idea forming in his mind. Maybe there was someone he wanted to cook for, to treat to a special meal.
“Yes?” Juan prompts, looking at him with evident curiosity.
“Yeah, I will take that snapper,” he says before he can backtrack.
Juan raises an eyebrow at the implication that Carlos knows he’s made with their conversation. “Carlos! You haven't been holding out on me, have you? Have you got a boyfriend?” he asks, voice dipping into a mock-scandalised tone on the last word.
“Oh, no, definitely not,” Carlos rushes to correct him, a faint warmth rushing to his cheeks. Whatever he and TK are, they are most certainly not boyfriends. But maybe this could be an opportunity to get to know each other a little better. “I think this would be more of a first date, if it's even anything serious,” he confesses, and Juan grins at him.
“Well, at least you know your date will be well fed,” he jokes, picking up the fish to wrap it with Carlos’ other items. “You must tell me how you find it, I just know it will be delicious.”
Carlos laughs. “Of course, I would expect nothing less from you,” he says and once he’s paid and Juan has finished packing up his order, he waves goodbye and wanders on through the market, already planning sides and a sauce that would go well with snapper.
As it turns out, Carlos never finds out whether or not the fish was any good.
The sound of the door slamming behind TK’s back echoes around his head as he slumps into a chair in defeat. While he’d known that TK wasn’t looking for anything serious when they’d started hooking up, he hadn’t quite anticipated that the prospect of an actual date would have him walking out the door less than three minutes after he’d walked in.
Although, Carlos suspects that it was more than just the idea of a date. While TK had seemed reserved when Carlos had seated him at the table and offered him a drink, he would be blind to miss the way TK’s walls had flown up at Carlos’ comment about it ‘not being a marriage proposal’. Whether his own defensiveness that had crept out at that moment had pushed TK away, or something else, Carlos just wishes he knew what he’d done wrong.
He sits motionless for a few minutes, eyes not really taking in what was in front of them until the chimes of his phone fills the room, startling him. Picking it up, he switches off the timer he’d set for the fish and slowly gets to his feet, heartbreak making each of his limbs feel as though they were made of lead. Picking up some oven gloves, Carlos pulls the tray out of the oven and unceremoniously drops it onto the counter, closing his eyes against the delicious smell that filled the kitchen. He hasn’t eaten since the early afternoon when he was still on shift, but despite the prospect of the carefully prepared snapper in front of him, his appetite had vanished out the door with TK. Unable to stand it any longer, he grabs the tray and dumps everything in it into the bin.
The next morning Carlos finds himself at the market bright and early, a shopping list courtesy of his mother in his hand. She had sent him the list soon after he’d woken up, knowing he had a day off and could help her out while she was caught up with keeping the family ranch running smoothly. Scanning the list, his stomach sinks as he sees the next items that he needs to get.
His mother needs salmon fillets. Which means talking to Juan.
Carlos really hates his life sometimes.
It’s not that he doesn’t want to see Juan, but he knows that his friend will want to know about his date, and he’ll want answers that Carlos doesn’t want to face just yet. Carlos also doesn’t want to worry his friend, who’d seen him the last time he’d been rejected, when Carlos’ somewhat fractious relationship between his parents and his sexuality had proved too much of a issue for his ex. That whole fiasco had been a mess that had left Carlos brokenhearted, wondering if anyone was going to stick around long enough to love him.
It was uncomfortably similar to his current emotional turmoil.
Unfortunately, none of that is something he can give as a reason to his mother for why he’s neglected to get all her groceries, so he steels himself and heads over to Juan’s familiar stand.
“Hey Carlos,” Juan greets him, ever cheerful, “I wasn't expecting to see you today - this isn’t when you normally come.”
“Hi Juan,” Carlos forces a smile onto his face, trying to maintain some impression of normality, but it quickly drops. “Just picking up some things for mamá, she’s a bit caught up at home today.”
Juan nods slightly as Carlos gives him his mother’s order and he starts preparing the fish, but Carlos doesn’t miss the way his brow has furrowed at Carlos’ uncharacteristic manner.
“So,” he asks eventually, when Carlos doesn’t offer any conversation, “how was your date? Did you both enjoy the snapper?” His voice is cautious, apparently sensing Carlos’ mood, which plummets even further as guilt floods him at the memory of the fish landing in the bin, untouched and untasted.
“Ahh - well,” Carlos starts, chest tight with the cocktail of foul tasting emotions that are swirling through him. “Yeah, not so great.”
Juan looks up at him, concern filling his features. “What? What happened?”
Carlos shakes his head, not sure how to explain what exactly had happened the night before. “He- I- He didn't exactly stick around long; we didn't actually get to eat the fish,” he eventually admits.
“I guess he wasn’t on the same page I thought we were on,” he continues, “I’m sorry, Juan.”
“What- why are you apologising, Carlos? Fish really isn’t that important - although you are not allowed to quote me on that,” he jokes, making Carlos smile weakly. “I’m sorry my friend, you deserve better than that idiot.”
“No,” Carlos jumps to TK’s defence instinctively. “No, he’s not an idiot, he’s a good man, he’s just- I don’t know, going through some stuff, I think.” In truth, Carlos has no idea what’s going on in TK’s head, but it’s not TK’s fault that Carlos got invested too quickly, and Carlos can take a hint when someone wants him to back off.
Juan frowns. “Still, Carlos, you’re a good man too, and you deserve to be treated with more respect than that.”
“Thanks, Juan,” he says, but he’s not sure he really feels it. “Are those fillets ready?” he adds, changing the subject.
Juan quirks an eyebrow at his lack of subtlety, but doesn’t comment, instead ringing up his order and handing over the fillets.
“Look after yourself, yeah, Carlos?” is all he says, and Carlos nods.
“I’ll see you, Juan,” he says before he leaves, “keep well.”
Carlos doesn’t see Juan for a bit. He can hardly seem to grab a morning off from work, meaning Juan’s fish counter is empty by the time he makes it to the market in the afternoons, and as he starts spending more time with TK after their conversation at the police station, his free time seems to vanish. Then the lockdown comes into place and the market closes anyway, so he’s forced to resort to buying food from the store.
TK teases him for his disdain for store-bought quality, but Carlos just tells him to wait until they can go to a market and he can treat him to food made with the freshest ingredients.
Eventually, the markets in Austin reopen and they both have a day off when they’re both prepared to get up early. Or, more accurately, when TK is prepared to get up early, as Carlos tends to be an early riser even when he doesn’t have a shift.
They wander through the stands with their hands entwined, regardless of how inconvenient it becomes to pay for their groceries and fill their shopping bags. Before long, they turn a corner and Carlos spots Juan at his counter.
“Hey Juan,” Carlos calls out to the fishmonger as they walk up to the stand, and the shout of happiness he gets in return makes him grin.
“Carlos! My friend, it’s been too long!”
“It has, I’ve missed you - and your fish,” he jokes, “how’s business been?”
“Ah well, you know, a global pandemic tends to put a damper on things.” Juan shrugs and spreads his arms in a ‘what can you do’ gesture. “But I’ve managed - I was running a delivery service for a while but now the market’s are open again things are getting easier.”
“I’m glad to hear that,” Carlos says, “and how’s your family?”
“Thank you, and they’re well - we’ve all been okay, thankfully.” A quiet look of relief crosses his face and then his expression turns curious. “Now Carlos, don’t you have some introductions to make?”
Carlos chuckles at Juan’s complete lack of subtlety. “Of course - Juan, this is my boyfriend, TK. TK, this is Juan.”
“Boyfriend huh?” Juan says, studying TK with a steady gaze.
“Hi,” TK says, “Pleased to meet you, Juan.”
Juan turns to Carlos, bluntly ignoring TK’s greetings. “Is this the red snapper boy?” he asks, and Carlos frowns slightly at his cool tone.
“Uh - yes,” he says, not necessarily surprised by the question, but unsure where Juan’s going with it.
“You know something?” Juan turns back to TK, voice inviting no response, “You wasted a damn good fish, boy, but more importantly, you weren't too kind to my friend here.” The displeasure in Juan’s voice causes Carlos’ jaw drops open in shock, but apparently he’s not finished.
“Do you know how long I have been selling Carlos fish? And offering him something interesting each time, waiting for the time that he has someone special to cook for? And you, you are the one that makes him stop and buy my best snapper, and then I find out no one ate it! A waste! A complete waste!” Juan finishes, throwing his hands up in frustration.
Carlos doesn’t know what to say, completely taken aback by Juan’s outburst. He sneaks a look at TK, who seems equally surprised, and his cheeks have turned pink with embarrassment, but he can also see the slightest twitch of amusement playing over his lips and he takes a tiny sigh of relief at the knowledge that he doesn't seem too upset by what just transpired. TK glances at him briefly, warming him with a smile, before turning back to Juan, expression sincere.
“You're right, I did miss out on that fish and I’m sorry to have wasted it. And- yeah, I wasted an evening with Carlos that night.”
The downcast look on TK’s face makes Carlos’ stomach flip uncomfortably. While they hadn’t spoken much about that evening - the unintentional barbs they’d hit each other with were still painful despite the time that had passed - they had discussed it and TK had been apologetic and regretful about the way he’d left. And though they’re now long past it, and he knows that TK loves him more than anything, he also knows TK still feels guilty about hurting him. He squeezes TK’s hand where it’s held in his and when TK glances at him, the momentary sadness on his face is replaced with his lovely smile as he returns the motion, and TK turns back to Juan.
“Will you allow me to make it up to you, and to him? Have you got any red snapper today?” he asks, and Carlos can easily recognise TK’s puppy eyes expression, even when it’s not directed at him.
Juan continues to study TK for a moment, brow still furrowed and Carlos holds his breath, unsure whether TK has succeeded in placating his friend’s outrage. Eventually, though, Juan relaxes with a laugh. “I suppose that might make up for it.”
“Is that okay with you?” TK asks him and Carlos just grins, relieved that he’s not going to have to break up a fight between his unexpectedly protective friend and his boyfriend.
“Sounds good to me, although who’s going to be cooking this, hmm? ‘Cause I don’t think it’s going to be you,” Carlos teases, and TK makes a noise of indignation.
“I can help,” he grumbles, brow wrinkling into a slight scowl. Carlos chuckles and pulls him in gently to press a chaste kiss to his lips.
“Sure you can,” he says against TK’s lips before pulling back and returning to his surroundings to see an amused expression on Juan’s face.
“Are you two finished?” he asks dryly, one eyebrow cocked as he smirks at Carlos and Carlos can't stop the flush that floods his face. “Alright then, one red snapper for Carlos and his red snapper boy.”
Carlos snorts with laughter, and can’t help but laugh harder at the affronted expression on TK’s face, but soon TK is laughing too, and he looks so beautiful that Carlos can hardly catch his breath. He’s so distracted that he doesn’t notice Juan waving the wrapped fish at him until TK steps forward to take it instead. He blushes again at Juan’s evident enjoyment at his distraction and he shifts his feet slightly, unsure what to say.
“Well, enjoy the rest of your day, boys, and I’m sure I’ll be seeing you again soon,” Juan says, directing the last bit to TK, who nods with a smile.
“Thanks, Juan,” Carlos says, “we’ll see you soon.”
“You’d better, and make sure you don’t waste my fish this time!” He says and they wave goodbye with a laugh.
As they walk away, TK tugs Carlos’ hand slightly until they’re walking as close together as they can without falling over each other.
“So,” he says, “that was interesting.”
Carlos huffs a laugh. “He’s known me a long time. I didn’t realise he was quite so protective of me, though.”
TK hums, eyes on the ground in front of him. “I’m glad you have friends like that. You deserve to have people fighting for you.”
Carlos glances at him, trying to decipher what TK is saying. “I’m glad, too,” he says cautiously, pulling them both to a halt so he can look TK in the eyes.
“You know I’ll do that too?” TK says, voice earnest. “You’re everything to me, Carlos, and I will fight for you every minute of every day.”
“TK…” he breathes, unsure how to cope with this declaration. Part of him already knows this, they’re not shy about sharing how much they care for each other, but it still shocks him every time.
TK smiles, and presses a kiss to his lips. “I love you.”
Carlos grins back, giddy with emotion, “I love you too.” TK’s smile broadens.
“Let’s get the rest of these groceries and go home. You’ve got fish to cook.”
“I’ve got fish to cook, huh? Are you not helping anymore?” Carlos teases and TK scoffs.
“You want my help now? I’m needed, am I?”
“I’ll always need you, Ty.”
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howtosingit · 4 years
Fic: She Reminds Me of You
Carlos finally meets his boyfriend’s mom.
A 2x01/season 2 spec fic.
1.7K | Also on AO3
A/N: This was a spur-of-the-moment morning free-write, so you can blame the ending on the fact that I had no plan and the boys took advantage of the situation.
When Carlos knocks on the front door of the Strand household, fresh off an eight-hour shift and still in uniform, he’s not entirely expecting to be ushered inside by someone he’s never met before. 
The woman who answers the door is instantly recognizable. Carlos has always thought of TK as basically a younger version of his dad, but he sees now that his boyfriend actually shares a lot of traits with his mom, including his angular jaw and piercing stare. There’s a kind of intensity about her that he’s seen before in TK and never really seen in Captain Strand. It’s almost like a challenging nature, gentle but intentionally disruptive. Meeting her feels, in some ways, like sliding the last pieces of a very difficult puzzle into place.
“Hello, officer,” TK’s mom says, tilting her head to the side as she studies him. It’s so reminiscent of his conversations with lawyers at work that he forgets for a moment that he’s not being questioned, shifting uncomfortably from one foot to the other. “You know, usually when a cop knocks on our front door, I assume my son has gotten into some kind of trouble again. But, since he’s been complaining on the couch all day, I’m starting to wonder what Owen’s got himself into.”
Her voice is different than he was expecting, a slightly husky rasp giving her a certain gravitas that makes Carlos want to straighten his spine, or turn and run. His own mother has her brand of well-practiced intimidation tactics that he’s learned to navigate over the years, but standing in front of TK’s mom feels entirely different, almost foreign, and he really doesn’t know how to respond.
Luckily, he’s saved by a shout from the living room, a familiar voice getting closer.
“Mom, drop the act, you knew he was coming,” TK says, finally appearing at his mom’s side. It’s only been a couple of days since they’ve seen each other, but Carlos still drinks him in, knowing that not only is it acceptable to do so now that they’re together, but appreciated as well. TK looks completely adorable in his customary sweatpants and a hoodie, his hair tousled from hours spent laying on the couch. “Hi, babe,” his boyfriend greets him, bright eyes locking onto Carlos.
“Hi,” he responds, feeling the way his face splits open at finally seeing his boyfriend in the flesh. They’ve texted a lot, and even talked for hours on the phone last night, but nothing beats TK Strand live and in-person. Carlos’s heart starts pounding in his chest - a normal reaction, at this point - and his left hand reaches out, seemingly of its own accord. His boyfriend doesn’t hesitate to take it in his own, linking their fingers together and squeezing gently. 
“How quickly I’m forgotten,” TK’s mom pipes in after a moment, and Carlos jumps, suddenly reminded of her presence. He knows she sees by the way her eyes twinkle and a smirk pulls at her lips. “And here I thought TK was bad, but I see that the heart-eyes are a mutual thing.”
“Mom,” TK whines. “Don’t.”
“Don’t what?” she asks, turning towards him, her eyebrow raised in challenge. Carlos is impressed that his boyfriend doesn’t back down, though not completely surprised - TK likes a bit of a fight. His blue-green eyes widen as he stares pleadingly back at her. “Oh calm down, Tyler, it’s not like I told him how you spent an hour showing me pictures of him on your phone.”
TK lets out a groan, dropping his face into his free hand. He squeezes Carlos’s hand tighter, almost as if he’s afraid he’ll try to escape. Carlos tightens his own hold, taking a step closer to his boyfriend as his heart rises to pound in the back of his throat. The urge to wrap him in his arms threatens to overwhelm him.
“Well, since my son is being rude, I guess I’ll invite you inside this house that isn’t mine,” TK’s mom continues, stepping back to let him in. He ends up at TK’s side, rubbing his thumb over the back of his boyfriend’s hand. TK steps closer, resting his head against his shoulder.
“It’s really nice to finally meet you, ma’am,” Carlos says, holding out his right hand to her. He wants to make a good impression. “Carlos Reyes.”
She smiles back at him, her gaze moving from his face down to where TK’s is pressed against his arm, and then back at him. “I almost feel like I’ve already met you, Carlos. My ex-husband and son won’t stop talking about you,” she replies, taking his hand in her own with a much softer grip than he was expecting. “And please, call me Gwen.”
Carlos nods, dropping his hand back down to his side. He unlinks his fingers with TK, instead bringing his left arm around his back to grip his waist, shifting to allow his boyfriend to curl further into his side. One thing that Carlos has learned about TK in the months that he’s known him is that he relies on touch to communicate most of the time. Carlos is only too happy to silently converse with him whenever possible.
“Well, Carlos,” Gwen says, turning away from them to grab her purse off the table by the door, “TK and I ordered takeout right before you got here, so I’m just going to run and pick it up. He made sure to put your order in, too.”
Carlos nods again, watching as she pulls open the front door once more. “I should be back in about 30 minutes,” she says, glancing over at TK again with what can only be described as a parental look. “Don’t do anything that might pull your stitches while I’m gone.”
TK groans for the second time in five minutes, burrowing deeper into Carlos’s side. Carlos tilts his head down to press a gentle kiss into his hair, dragging his fingers back and forth along TK’s lower back to soothe him. They’re quiet as Gwen leaves without another word, closing the front door behind her.
“Honestly,” TK says when they’re finally alone, shifting so that they are chest-to-chest as he wraps his arms around Carlos, pressing his face into his neck, “that’s the best first meeting my mom has ever had with a boyfriend of mine. And because I know you’re silently panicking about it, stop worrying, she likes you. If she didn’t, you’d be calling her ‘Gwyneth.’”
Carlos chuckles, his breath catching when he feels TK’s lips on his skin. He pulls his boyfriend closer to him, pressing his palms flat against TK’s lower back as he inhales deeply. 
“I like her, too,” Carlos admits, nuzzling into TK’s temple as they sway slightly in each other’s arms.
“You do?” TK asks, his voice hopeful.
“Yeah,” he whispers, pressing a kiss to TK’s forehead. “You have this intensity about you, and I finally know where you get it from.”
TK pulls back slightly, staring up at him with wide eyes. “You think I’m intense?”
“I think you’re everything,” Carlos corrects him, leaning in to rub the ends of their noses together. “I think you feel things so deeply, you’re so emotionally-centered and invested in everyone and everything around you, and I can’t get enough of it. It leaves me breathless.”
TK’s breath stutters, and Carlos watches as his blue-green eyes begin to shine. His heart hammers in his chest, overcome with emotion for the man in front of him; the man that he loves with his whole heart, even if he can’t say it out loud yet. He opens his mouth to speak, but TK doesn’t give him a chance to continue, pressing up to connect their lips in a passionate kiss.
Carlos sways towards him, magnetized by the pull of TK’s entire being. He drags both of his hands up TK’s back to cup his face, his fingers spreading out to cradle his angular jaw as their tongues connect, dancing around one another. 
It’s a kiss meant to consume him, and Carlos succumbs to the fire without objection. He feels TK all around him - his touch, his taste, his smell. Even with his eyes closed, he appears on the inside of his eyelids, the lines of his face and body clearly drawn from memory, as if he’s been tattooed onto every inch of Carlos’s body, both inside and out.
“Oh my god,” TK gasps when they have to break away for air, his own hands coming up to grip the back of Carlos’s head. He feels his boyfriend’s fingernails dig gently into his scalp, the sharp sensation sending a shiver through his entire body. “Come on.”
TK moves fast, reaching for his hand and pulling him further into the house.
“What about your stitches?” Carlos asks as they make their way down the hall towards TK’s room.
“My, my, Officer Reyes, someone’s a little forward today,” TK teases, stopping in the doorway to fold himself into Carlos’s body once again, pressing a kiss to the corner of his mouth. “I just thought you might want to change out of your uniform, get more comfortable for dinner.”
“Oh,” Carlos says blankly, staring into TK’s blown pupils. “Right, of course.”
“And if you’d like a little help,” TK adds, rising up to whisper directly in his ear, “I happen to have two perfectly capable hands.”
Carlos can’t help it when a moan falls from his lips, ducking down to press an open-mouthed kiss under TK’s ear. He feels more than hears the chuckle that TK releases in response.
“We should get started then,” Carlos says, his voice gruff with building want, the blood in his head rushing south. “My uniform has a lot of buttons, and I’m careful with them, as you know.”
“Oh, you are,” TK agrees, reaching down to grab the buckle of Carlos’s belt and dragging him into the room. “I’m much less so, but I’m sure you’ll learn to adapt.”
Carlos laughs, completely enamored by the bright, wonderful man before him.  
“More than happy to, babe,” he assures him, reaching behind him to close the bedroom door.
You know, just in case time gets away from them.
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zecretsanta · 5 years
To: @chessanator​ From: @whatever-43​ /  (mechadogmarron@AO3)
Happy holidays! I hope you enjoy this... not even slightly holiday themed fic! :)
“Aum Shinrikyo?”
“Hm.” Akane added the group to the growing list of organizations that might feasibly have a religious terrorist, writing as small as she could to leave room for even more names. “I don’t think we’re getting anywhere this way.”
“Without even knowing a nation, it’ll be difficult to narrow it down.” Phi tapped her foot, thoughtful. She and Sigma had signed on to help Crash Keys, with the understanding that as soon as this terrorism business was done, they were out, thank you very much.
“He mentioned it was a nuclear attack, right?” Sigma said. “Most countries don’t have nukes. You can cut off a good chunk of these. Should be workable.”
“Doesn’t matter, if they can provoke a nation with nukes to use them. Or attack a nuclear power plant. Once the bombs start flying...” Phi shrugged. Her friend — coworker? father? — could be an absolute goddamn buffoon, but that went without saying.
“Phi’s right. Speaking of which — Sigma, Phi, did you have any luck using Sean to access Delta’s quantum computer functions?”
“Wouldn’t’ve here listing terrorist groups if we had. Whatever protection he’s got on that thing, it’s way beyond anything I’ve ever seen. Frankly, I don’t think it’s possible without an advanced quantum computer of our own — there are forms of encryption and protection they can solve in an instant that conventional machines will never solve.”
“Takes one to break one, huh? And I assume there’s nothing on the market like that...” Akane sighed.
He shook his head. “His was one of a kind. I can’t imagine how he managed to build it — he must’ve used the teleporter. But we don’t have access to the damn thing, and dead men tell no tales. I’m tempted to try to SHIFT back and see if we can’t save it, but that doesn’t do anything for this timeline.”
“Ugh, don’t remind me. I wish I could SHIFT into the timeline where I don’t have to think about SHIFTing.” Junpei rolled his eyes.
“But if you did, you would still know about SHIFTing, and that you would be here and forced to learn to SHIFT. You would increase the amount of SHIFTing in the metatemporality, if by an infinitely small amount.” Akane smiled, and Phi had to choke back a groan. “Well, not exactly. It’s actually an interesting question — whether you choose to SHIFT or not already splits a timeline, so ultimately, all it does is let you choose which timeline you’d rather inhabit. In essence, that we’ve attempted to do this at all, or ever would, has already created an infinite manifold of quantum possibilities by which—“ Her face suddenly went blank, and she closed her eyes. Weird. Phi glanced over to Junpei to see if it got a rise out of him, but both he and Aoi seemed calm enough.
There was a moment of comfortable silence, and then Akane threw herself across the room, eyes snapped open. “Everyone, up and out!”
“What’s up?” Junpei asked, not waiting for an answer to rush to her side. Didn’t need to tell Phi twice, either.
“There’s a bomb in the building.”
“Any chance of disarming it?” Phi’d bothered to read up after the A-B; she and Sigma had decent chances versus anything conventional. But if two death games had taught her anything, it was just how ridiculously unconventional you could get.
“The Aoi who told me didn’t know anything about it. Roof collapse.”
“Got it.” Aoi pulled the fire alarm as they scattered, though God willing no one else should’ve been in the warehouse they’d been meeting up in.
It was a huge building, but all of them knew how to get the hell out of a place, in more ways than one. It was familiar: against the ground, go, go, go!; every eye and ear alert for the first second’s notice that it was time to SHIFT, bodies equally primed for the feeling of someone SHIFTing into them, as so often happened in times of disaster. But the door was in sight. Akane first, than Aoi and Junpei; finally, Phi, and then—
Sigma was halfway out the door when they heard the catastrophic boom, followed by screeching beams as the building suddenly weakened from the loss of support and the heat and fire. He froze, and without thinking, Phi grabbed him and pulled him the rest of the way.
“It’s not safe here,” Akane said. “Whoever did that, we don’t know if they’re still around. And none of us want to deal with cops. Aoi, send a message to all the other Receivers and let them know someone’s after Crash Keys — bet SOIS is another target. Phi, you’re driving.”
“Got it.” The five of them piled into the heavy truck, wheels spinning before the last door was even closed.
Whatever their enemy was, they’d noticed Crash Keys. Now, the game was on.
“So you can Receive messages even from other timelines?”
Akane nodded. “Not consistently, but Junpei’s been able to cross-Send to me before. Aoi only picked it up recently. I think the Decision Game strengthened my ability to Receive. I’m sorry, I figured you two knew.”
“Water under the bridge,” Sigma replied. Phi wanted to tell him to shut up — it was an incredible skill to have, to transfer information without endangering the consciousness — but they had bigger fish to fry. “I assume you’ve been keeping an ear out for any more information?”
She nodded. “But I only ever get snippets, so I don’t think I’ll get anything useful, and so far we all live in a timeline where no one SHIFTed back to warn us.”
“Hm. Well, we know they know about us, and they’ve got a presence in Japan. I’m guessing they could follow us even if we left the country.” Phi pulled a thoughtful expression. “They may not be a known terrorist cell; could even be something recent. Did SOIS know where we were meeting? They could have a rat.”
Akane shook her head. “I don’t share details of our operations with anyone. We have too many enemies, and a group that big, rats aren’t just likely, they’re inevitable.”
“Hm. It’s possible one of us is a rat, but there are an ungodly number of ways to track someone. If someone had their mind against us, figuring out where they were would be trivial.” Junpei shrugged. “Saw a lot of them, the past few years. You wouldn’t believe how many places you can stick a GPS transmitter.”
Sigma nodded. “We can’t ignore the possibility of a traitor, but we have no evidence towards it and no actionable way to work around it. Either way, our enemies have shown they’re willing to go to lengths against us. We can’t assume we’re safe until this is figured out. They might go after our associates, too... You guys should contact Carlos. Phi, you get ahold of Diana. I’ll talk to Sean.”
“If they have a trace on our phones, that could make the situation worse.” Phi sighed. “We’ll want burners.”
“Already got you covered,” Aoi said. “They’re in the glovebox. Akane, could you pass them around?”
Calls went quick. The critical warnings first, then the usual pleasantries: “keep Eric out of trouble, you know how he gets”; “say hi to Maria for me”; “...love you too, Mom.” As soon as the relevant news had been spread, Akane collected the phones and — checking to make sure they wouldn’t hit anything first — threw them into an odd metal bag.
“It’s shielded to block network communications,” she explained. “I’d love to incinerate them, but we don’t have time for that. We’ll want to stay on the move as much as we can for now. The first question: do you think they know about SHIFTing?”
“If they know about Crash Keys, they almost certainly have some knowledge of psionic potential, but it may be an incomplete understanding. That may be why they went after us when the expected apocalyptic date isn’t for another couple years. If they don’t have a strong understanding of the concept of timelines, they may think it’ll prevent us from using our abilities to send information about their operations backwards. After all, a dead man can’t SHIFT,” Phi said.
“According to the parallel possibility hypothesis, the less likely it is for us to survive to stop the apocalypse, the fewer timelines will be generated in which it happens. Ultimately, that doesn’t matter in conventional metrics, but it means that fewer timelines exist where we can SHIFT, meaning fewer timelines exist overall where we do... Of course, the objective temporal space hypothesis contradicts this, but a lot of psychospacial researchers believe in the former. It has to do with a contradiction between conventional quantum physics and conventional quantum mathematics — we don’t know which is correct. For what it’s worth, I subscribe to the latter.”
“So what you’re saying is that they might be in the know about the whole thing?”
She nodded. “They may even have access to a quantum computer, in which case the answer of how they’re keeping eyes on us is trivial. Awareness of the subject is growing rapidly, after all — I suspect that if the world doesn’t end, governments will begin officially acknowledging psychic phenomenon within two decades. It could be associates of Cradle.”
“Damn, I wish Delta would’ve given us more hints. Snail this and snail that, like, shut up, dude!”
“Junpei, that’s it!” Phi was too calm to jump to her feet, and she was buckled in in a moving truck anyways, but damn if she didn’t want to. “Delta’s snail was what connected all of us — what brought us to our lives. But it wasn’t connected to him. It was only because of him that we were born, and he only had us born because of the apocalypse, right?”
“So, he was bullshitting us?” Junpei said.
Phi shook her head. “I don’t think so. I think he was giving us a hint that he was connected to the apocalypse; that completes the circle, because the snail lead to Cradle, which became a prototype for his Free the Soul. If Delta is, in some way, at fault for the apocalypse, the timeline stabilizes around him; his existence creates the circumstances for his existence.”
“So he needed to create the apocalypse to stop the apocalypse so he could be born? That doesn’t make—“
“I see, I see! Jumpy, you should pay more attention. It’s an example of a bootstrap loop. Essentially, his existence was already a casual loop — as in the bootstrap paradox — so by nature, he was driven to strengthen the connection.”
“Wait, he was connected to Free the Soul, right?” Sigma said. “Phi, do you remember Dio?”
“He said he was the fourth generation of Left clone, back in 2074. If Delta died in that timeline, the clones would have to be raising themselves, right? So if we assume twenty years between generations, that means the first generation was born 34 years ago. They’re old enough to be wracked with grief over the death of your weird brother-father-figure. Old enough to keep manning his terrorist group, like they did in our timeline. Old enough to plot vengeance. And with Delta, their savior, dead...”
“...they might just decide the world should burn. Bombs are a huge part of their MO, too.” Phi turned to Akane. “Does Crash Keys have any experience with Free the Soul? Only some? Well, let me fill you in...”
“Tell me again, why did we bring Carlos?” Aoi gave the man an odd look.
“The more SHIFTers the better. We might be able to pull you along with this many. Hopefully we won’t need to, but...” Akane shrugged. “Best to be prepared. And he’s a better shot than any of us.”
“Guess no one would hear a gun all the way out here.” The remote compound that they’d found — courtesy a SOIS tip — was miles and miles from civilization, disguised as an abandoned old farm. But they all knew that behind that veneer of nasty old wood lay a sizable cell of Free The Soul adherents.
“You know, I heard in some countries they’re taking down old barns for the barn wood. It’s considered a hot commodity,” Akane said as they completed their scope of the outer perimeter. No noise, no movement, nothing. Junpei’s aerial drone hadn’t seen anything from above. By all accounts, the place was empty.
“Maybe we should call ‘em here.” Junpei waved them over to a door. With a nod all around and a creak, he opened it.
“Jesus fuck!” Sigma swore.
If not for the dozens of perfectly identical bloody bodies, it would’ve been a fairly typical cult barn (in his limited but surprisingly nonzero experience), but then there were the bodies — each identical copies, a bit older than the Dio he remembered, each coated in blood from their mouths, their ears, their eye sockets.
“What the hell is this?” Junpei shouted. Akane grabbed him before he could get any closer. “What—“
“Whatever it is, we don’t know that it’s safe. They’ve used diseases before. Did any of you see anything like this during the Decision Game? No? Alright. Mask up, all.”
Although he didn’t get too close, Sigma still took a moment to examine the corpses as best he could. Their clothes were simple and unassuming, not designed for drama and grace in the face of what must’ve been a particularly violent ritual suicide. They didn’t have any obvious wounds; it looked more like it had exploded out of them. Even with the limited viewing angles available, if there had actually been a physical cause, it would’ve had to be visible, unless someone had dressed them all after they’d killed themselves in the nude.
Which… didn’t seem beyond Free the Soul, but he didn’t exactly have a Hazmat suit on him. It definitely wouldn’t be past Free the Soul to poison their corpses, either. And God knew what the hell these men had for diseases. Radical-6 didn’t come from nowhere, after all.
“Do you think there’s a reason they did it?”
“Maybe the next batch of clones is ready to take their place?” Carlos said. “I mean, fewer mouths to feed and all that. These guys are old enough to have kids getting ready to take their place.”
“Not a bad guess, but if they’re preparing to end the world, I’d think they’d need all the manpower they can get.”
“Probably not. Radical-6 didn’t take a lot of people. Just took…” Phi trailed off. “You know. It’s how you use it, not what you’ve got. Although I can’t imagine Delta built that facility of his without some help.”
“Another perk to the clones, right? And if he had the ones who knew the details off themselves, they couldn’t rat on him. If he’d… been alive, anyways. Do they know about what happened?”
“Almost certainly. Unless he wanted them to remain in ignorance, anyways. That happens in cults sometimes, you know.” Akane shrugged. “If they know their leader is dead, it humanizes him, and weakens the cause. But I don’t think Free the Soul’s core adherents had anything to worry about with that. A clone raised in the cult is different from a regular person who joins looking for some kind of meaningful contact and applicable philosophy. Junpei, do you still have your scanner devices?”
Junpei nodded. “Do you want me to scope the place out?”
“Yeah. If this was the cell location, and not just a spot for a mass suicide, they’ve got to have some kind of living quarters.”
“Good point.” He deployed a weird little metal device he pulled from his bag, which skittered across the ground, edges rolling in circles. Soon, it stopped in place over what looked like plain dirt. “There’s something about six inches below.”
“They did a good job on covering it up. Good find.” With six people, it took no time at all to clear the space, revealing a clean metal hatch, out of place in the rustic, rotted space. It had some sort of baffling sliding puzzle lock that wouldn’t really serve to keep anyone out, just inconvienence them — one that Phi popped in a blink of an eye — and then they were looking at a deep tunnel down into darkness.
“Headlamps on. I’ll lead. You next, Jumpy. Then Carlos, Aoi, Phi, Sigma.”
“Got it.” Her tone brokered no argument.
The space beneath them was unlit, a basement of smooth concrete walls. Each door was unmarked, the inhabitants presumably well aware of the contents; opening them revealed the standard sort of things one might expect in a barracks — six simple dorms fitting four each, bathrooms with communal showers, a small reading room with only Free the Soul approved texts; largely, known scriptures, with a smattering of what must’ve been Delta’s own work.
“We’ll come back for them. Living targets first. Books aren’t going to disappear.”
“Got it.”
There were no clone tanks, no technology for producing more Lefts, which suggested that this wasn’t their main facility. But the room at the end of the singular hallway gave off an aura of something’s-in-here — despite being identical to the rest.
Akane signaled Carlos, and he readied his weapon. Then, with a flourish, she pulled the door open.
Behind the door was a familiar man — familiar in his blonde hair, in his graceful features, in his sense of dress, but not in the way he held himself.
The next generation of Lefts? But he seemed different, somehow.
“So you found us here,” the man said, and turned to meet Akane’s eyes. “My name is Left.”
“You’re planning a terrorist attack.”
“Yes. You saw the bodies upstairs, right?”
She nodded. “Killing your own brothers in cold blood.”
“Not exactly. They’re not really mine. You see, I arrived in this timeline eight months ago — the same day my brother died.” His face broke into a sad smile. “I used the teleporter, of course. I’m incapable of SHIFTing.”
“You’re the original Left, aren’t you?” Phi watched him, eyes sharp — tense and ready to respond to even the slightest indication of trouble.
He nodded. “Eight months ago, when I was fifteen, a man brought me to the teleporter and took me forward to this day. He said I might be able to meet with my brother. But I found out almost immediately that Delta had been killed. And there’s no way I can set the transporter to ensure I’ll be teleported into a timeline with him.”
“So you took control of Free the Soul?”
He nodded. “Delta had contingencies, plans. My clones listened to me, and I studied my brother’s research. Eventually, I developed a plan — one he himself must’ve seen me learn through his quantum computer.”
“A plan to destroy the world that took you from him?”
“If it comes to that. Destroying all of human life isn’t difficult, really. It’s hard to destroy it selectively, to keep a few alive. But to just decimate, with no care in the world? Trivial. My brother developed a virus for his Decision Game, one called Fanatic Bio R. You wouldn’t have seen it; it was in a game for the non-SHIFTers. But it’s completely fatal. And I’ve modified a version to be more contagious.”
“So you’ll release it on the world and — what? Even if it’s contagious, there’s no way it could spread to everyone,” Phi said.
“No, it can’t. But that’s the beauty of it — it doesn’t have to. It’ll be obvious to any scientist that studies it that it’s completely artificial. Once the governments know, the fear starts. The wars start. The bombs start. Mankind’s governments have all the power they need to end all human life — they just need a bit of a push.”
“So you’re the terrorist he warned us about.” Akane’s voice was steady.
“Yes. But don’t worry — if you do what we say, no one will get hurt.”
“Why would we listen to you, you sick bastard?”
“Didn’t I just explain why? If I’m killed, my contingencies go off. The plan doesn’t need me breathing; it’s not like I’d survive anyways. And no one has to die for my plan. You’ll even get to save a life. All you have to do is SHIFT back to before you killed my brother, and let him live — and with so many of you, it shouldn’t be a problem to take me with you.”
“You don’t have a body there.”
“I don’t have a body, no. But I have clones. It’s the same idea — I’ll be able to SHIFT into one of them. After all, if there was a transporter copy of you in the same timeline as an original self, you could SHIFT into either. It’s the same concept. And there’s none of the ethical issues with SHIFTing someone into an unpleasant timeline — I’ve made arrangements to be sure that the plan won’t fire once I’m gone. They’ll simply move eight months forward to find that they’ve been spared the work of finding the terrorist. If anything, they’ve got the lucky end of the stick.”
“How do we know you and Delta won’t go killing people in the new timeline?”
“Why would we? From what I remember, before the me left in the old timeline died, he was a normal man. For all his posturing, he only wanted to be with family. Two of you started Nonary Games, didn’t you? You’re not so different. I saw the results of his Decision Game. I saw how many people your mother killed for you in that timeline, Phi.”
Phi opened her mouth to respond, but Akane cut her off. “Let us talk about it. We’ll give you your answer in... fifteen minutes, let’s say.”
“Of course. I don’t have any way of monitoring the facility, and all of the doors here are soundproof. You can speak wherever you’d like.”
As soon as they were out of earshot, Junpei nearly exploded. “Did you hear that bastard? Playing with our lives like that? And—“
“Just a moment. Aoi, I need you to leave. Start making arrangements to stop his Fanatic Bio R plan, just in case. If we do SHIFT, our chances of pulling him are better if you’re not there.”
“Got it. Stay safe. I couldn’t bear to live without you.”
“Plenty of you already are, you know. But don’t worry — an Akane will come home for you. As for everyone else, is anyone definitely in support?”
Carlos nodded. “I—“
“Arguments later. Anyone definitely against?”
Junpei nodded. “That crazy asshole—“
“Arguments later. Phi, Sigma, you’re on the fence?”
“There’s a timeline where we do it and a timeline where we don’t. Each of those has a timeline where it was the right choice and a timeline where it was the wrong choice. It’s hard to say which one is which.” Phi sighed. “I texted Mira, and she confirmed Fanatic Bio R was in the game. Apparently she and the others injected themselves with Radical-6 to stop it from killing them.”
“Hence releasing Radical-6 to stop the terrorist — Left’s plans would’ve been useless in that timeline. Even if he survived, the disease would’ve done nothing, and even if it had, the governments would’ve collapsed before they could go to war.” Sigma nodded along as he spoke. “It makes sense.”
“Exactly. So the weapon exists, and there’s no reason to assume he wouldn’t use it. But whether a fifteen year old could establish a global network in a span of months to effectively modify and spread a dangerous disease the moment he was stopped, well, that’s more questionable.”
“So it could go either way.”
“Yeah. And that’s assuming his plan worked. There’s a good chance Fanatic Bio R kills everyone wherever he sets it off and dies without spreading. It gets blamed on chemical weapons, maybe, some terrorist group or controversial government takes the fall, and we all move on. I’d say it’s a roughly 30% chance it’s really bad, and maybe a 5% chance it’s apocalyptic.”
“Those are pretty good odds, though, right?” Junpei said. “Carlos, you should just shoot him.”
“They’re not as good as they look. A 5% chance of the apocalypse is huge. What matters is the chance of things going wrong if he’s reunited with Delta. I’m guessing it’s probably comparable.”
“I see. Then why don’t we do both?” Akane said. “Flip a coin on it — that’ll make a good point to split the timeline, so one of us can come back if we’re wrong. Then, if it’s heads, we SHIFT with him — unless someone SHIFTs back first and tells us not to — and tails, we kill him, again, unless someone SHIFTs back. That moves the odds in our favor as much as it can.”
“That’s a pretty good plan. And it works for you two, too. If Carlos is right, when we pull up tails he’ll SHIFT back and stop us. If Junpei is right, when we get heads he’ll SHIFT back. At worst, only one of us is stuck in a bad timeline, and the chance of that is pretty low.” Sigma shrugged. “Any of you have a coin?”
Akane smiled, pulling one from her pocket. “If any of you want out, it’s your last chance to climb that ladder. Goes for you too, Junpei, Carlos. You don’t have to be party to it.”
“I’m not leaving your side,” Junpei replied, and she tossed the coin in the air.
Somewhere in a Nevada desert, a gun didn’t fire.
Somewhere under a barn in western Iowa, one did.
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allenmendezsr · 5 years
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    My Friends Laughed, and my Family Thought I was “Crazy” When I Quit my Great Job to Start a Lawn Business….
…Until Three Years Later, When I Sold my Lawn Business for a Very fat Check!!
Give me 11 minutes and I’ll show you how you can build your own extremely successful lawn business.
Dear Friend,
I’ve been in your shoes before! At the beginning of 2003, I decided it was time for me to quit my job. I’ll be honest; it wasn’t an easy decision. I wasn’t stuggling at my job, I was actually doing very well.
I had a job as an “account executive” (a glorified title for a sales rep). I was 24 years old and making over $50,000 per year. My schedule was great – Monday through Friday from 8-5. I was off every single weekend. Why did I want to quit?
I was Tired of Having Someone Tell me When to be at Work, and Telling me how Many Days per Year I Could Take off!
I wanted more FREEDOM! Maybe, you understand the way I felt. I felt trapped. I longed for freedom. Not freedom from a challenge. I simply wanted to control my own schedule.
I took Nike’s advice. I just did it. I went to my boss and told him I’d be quitting in two weeks. He was mad! But not as “mad” as my parents were. My boss was mad because he was losing his #1 salesperson. My parents were mad because they paid for half my college education, and now in their opinion, I was wasting my life by starting a lawn business.
Honestly, that wasn’t the worst part. What made it worse was all my friends telling me I was crazy and laughing at me for my “foolish” idea. But all their criticism and joking made me that much more determined to make my lawn business successful.
But After a Full Year in Business, I was Struggling to pay the Bills…
Two years prior to opening my lawn business I graduated from college with a degree in Business Management and Marketing. I tried implementing several of the “techniques” I had learned in college. But every “technique” I tried seemed to fail, and brought me closer to proving my friends and family correct.
“From Employee to Successful Lawn Business Owner!“   I went from working a dead end job to owning my very own lawn business. This is by far the best course available, anywhere!   David Bloomington,IL
If something didn’t change soon, I’d have to admit “they”(my friends and family) were right, and go get another “real” job. But I had no idea what to do. No idea who to trust for advice. No idea if I would survive.
Out of the blue a friend suggested that I call her cousin who owned what she called a “very successful lawn business.” I had nothing to lose, so I gave him a call. He agreed to meet with me and give me advice on how to get my small, struggling lawn business off life support.
When the appointed day came, I drove over 150 miles one way to meet with him. I remember thinking on my way there that if he didn’t give me some revolutionary advice, I was going to close my lawn business.
I didn’t know anything about his lawn business or how “successful” it really was. But when I pulled into the parking lot, I knew his business had be to “very successful”!
As I turned into the parking lot, I noticed a nursery to the left, a gift shop straight in front of me, and a very large metal shop to the right. It appeared as if he didn’t just own a “successful” lawn business, but a very successful lawn empire.
“Fast Growth for Beginner!“   Thanks to the Lawn Business Success Course. I went from zero accounts to eight in only one month. I caught my competition off guard!   Carlos Meza Beaumont,TX
After a brief introduction, my soon to be mentor wanted me to meet his vice president of lawn maintenance. After visiting with him for a few minutes, he wanted to introduce me to his vice president of landscaping. From there he wanted me to meet the gift shop manager, and then his landscape architect, and then his salesman/estimator.
After all these introductions, he took me on a tour of his facilities. I discovered he had over 40 full-time employees. His business was extremely successful. Everything he touched seemed to turn to gold.
      Honestly, I was Embarrassed When he Asked how Things Were Going With my Lawn Business!
In order to save myself some embarrassment I wanted to tell him things were going well, but I didn’t. I told him exactly how horrible things were. I even told him I was seriously considering closing the business. When I mentioned this, he appeared to find my struggle funny. He smiled and chuckled.
I wasn’t sure what to say, so I asked what was so funny. What he said over the next few minutes changed my life.
He told me he had faced the exact same problems when he first started. He said he had considered throwing in the towel several times. He went on to share all the struggles he had been through during the process of growing a multi-million dollar lawn business.
I’ll spare you all the gory details, but knowing all the problems he had faced made me feel much better about the few problems I was having with my lawn business. During the next several hours, he shared with me specific strategies to take my lawn business to the next level.
      It was Like Someone Took the Blinders off…I was Able to see Solutions and Opportunities That I had Never Noticed Before.
My lawn business almost immediately starting making more money, thanks in part to the Central Nervous System.
Ever heard of the Central Nervous System? Don’t worry, I had never heard of it until meeting with this successful lawn company owner. In the Lawn Business Success Course I’ll show you how to create your very own Central Nervous System (this will help your lawn business grow faster than all your competition).
Many of the “impossible” problems seemed to disappear. Over the next two years my business grew from $25,000.00 in annual sales to $200,000.00. My friends and family couldn’t believe the “over-night” transformation.
During January of 2006, I decided that I was ready for a new challenge and adventure. I put my lawn business up for sale. Within a few weeks I had an offer I couldn’t refuse. Early in February of 2006 I took a large check to the bank and began looking for a new challenge.
This time I didn’t have to do much looking because the challenge came to me. Friends and people who I had never met began calling me and asking me to help them grow their businesses. I started working with lawn company owners all across the United States helping them start and grow their own successful lawn businesses.
“The Lawn Business Success Course is the best available.“   I purchased two other “how to start a lawn business” books before I bought this one. The Lawn Business Success Course is the hands down winner. I highly recommend it!   Joseph Lontz Orlando, Florida
People offered me part ownership in their businesses just to help them take their business to the next level. I love the challenge of helping people take their lawn businesses to a level they never imagined possible.
All the one-on-one consulting resulted in a problem for me. TIME! I just don’t have enough time to work with everyone who wants my help on a one-on-one basis. That’s why I started this website, it provides me with a way to help more people.
Through this site you have exclusive access to the same materials my personal consulting clients use.
    You can not and will not Find a Course More Effective Anywhere on the Internet!
Packed into the Lawn Business Success Course is everything you need to start and grow a VERY successful lawn business. Nothing has been left out. You get powerful strategies that are easy to follow, and can be implemented with little or no money.
What’s Inside
This complete lawn care guide includes five power-packed sections, full of strategies and tactics that will provide a strong foundation for you to build your lawn business on. This is the most up to date and useful information you can get anywhere, showing you the exact steps to take while starting and growing your lawn business.
Here’s what is in each section….
    How to Start and Grow a Successful Lawn Business  
How to name your lawn business so it helps build credibility for you (Even if you have no experience.)
Learn the one question that can double the lifetime value of each of your customers.
Discover how to put your lawn company on autopilot.
Learn what type of business you should establish.
Discover three powerful methods for giving estimates, and one that is sure to increase your profitability.
Learn where to find the most recent lawn industry news.
Understand the basics of lawn equipment and what you should look for.
Learn how to write an estimate that actually helps you get the job.
Find out how to schedule your time to maximize profits.
Discover secrets to improving your company image.
Six phone tips to increase the number of accounts you get.
Learn what to do in the cold winter months.
Discover the one principle that will not only change your lawn company, but also your life.
      Lawn Business Marketing 101:  
Discover why marketing your lawn business matters.
Learn the truth about lawn company marketing ,and how to stand out in a crowded market.
I’ll show you step-by-step how not to become a bottom feeder (someone fighting over $15.00 lawns).
Learn simple ways to attract more customers than you can handle.
Learn how to keep customers once you get them.
The why’s and how’s to track all your marketing and advertising.
Discover how to figure out who you are talking to, and how it will effect your profit.
I’ll reveal four key ingredients to all successful and effective advertising.
You’ll learn how to train your customers to become your free salesforce.
Why you must build a fence around your customers, and how it will drastically increase your profits.
Learn some outside-the-box lawn marketing strategies.
Learn how to determine if you are leaving money on the table, and how to get it if you are.
Discover exactly where you can find a ton of new target clients.
      Residential Lawn Marketing Secrets:  
Learn the “SECRETS” of residential lawn marketing.
Discover how you can present your estimate to land more accounts.
I’ll show you four correct steps to giving an estimate.
Learn a simple technique to get your clients to give you a testimonial.
Learn a simple technique to get referrals from your clients.
See why and how to train customers to tell others about your company.
Simple methods of getting your customers to advertise for you.
You’ll see how to drastically increase the number of prospects that become customers.
I’ll give you four letters that will turn your prospects into valuable customers.
You’ll also get four letters that will transform referrals into profitable customers.
Two special reports that will generate more business for your company…all you have to do is put your company name in the blanks.
Door hangers, postcards and flyers which will generate more business for you.
Powerful sales letters to send to target prospects that will instantly position you as an expert in their minds.
      Commercial Lawn Marketing Secrets:  
Learn the “SECRETS” of commercial lawn marketing.
Discover why what you’ve been doing is probably completely wrong.
I’ll tell you the truth about commercial clients.
Learn Five things that matter most to commercial clients.
I’ll reveal the four steps to getting more commercial clients.
Learn how to train clients to tell others about your company.
Learn how to get testimonials from your commercial clients.
Learn how to drastically increase the number of commercial prospects who become customers.
You’ll get four letters that will turn your commercial prospects into valuable customers.
You’ll also get four letters which will transform commercial referrals into profitable customers.
A special report that will generate more commercial business for your company…all you have to do is put your company name in the blanks.
How to instantly position your company as an expert in their minds.
      Employee Resources:  
A complete lawn company employee handbook.
An employment application designed to screen out people who don’t match your company.
Dress code policies.
Drug and alcohol policies.
Minor, major and critical offenses and how you’ll deal with them.
Vacation time, sick time, holiday time off.
Probationary periods.
How do employees qualify for promotions and pay increases.
Corrective discipline measures and when they will occur.
How employees will interact with customers.
Equipment and vehicle safety proceedures
Authorization for release of information.
    If that isn’t enough….here is a little more of what’s inside:
You’ll learn the one mistake even experienced lawn company owners make that kills all their marketing efforts. In addition, learn how to use a simple, easy “adjustment” that will instantly increase the effectiveness of your marketing by 200% or more! (Imagine consistently getting prospects to call you, and having to turn away business!)
Learn how to master this marketing system in the shortest time possible. At the same time you drastically increase the lifetime value of each customer!
Why “beginners” are able to use this system to quickly surpass more experienced lawn company owners! Even if they don’t have any previous business experience! (In fact, the less you understand about what the “experts” try to tell you, the faster you’ll have more business than you can handle!)
How mailing one letter can drastically change your business forever! (Not one veteran lawn company owner in a thousand even suspects the potency of this simple letter!)
The one question that can double the life time value of each customer. It doesn’t require any special skill, you simply have to ask.
How to use the secrets of “unveiling” your customer’s maximum profit! (Traditional ideas rob you of this potential power – while this course will actually increase it two-fold!)
Why your new ads will cause your competition to shake their heads. Until they see you taking their customers from them! (I guarantee they’ll say you’re crazy, but it won’t be long before their customers want to switch to you!)
How answering simple questions will enable you to put your lawn company on autopilot. You’ll be free to work “on your business” instead of “in your business”! (Even if you’re just getting started, have no business experience, or don’t have any extra money to invest in your company!)
The truth behind the “Central Nervous System”-and why 99% of all lawn company owners completely blow it after they get their very first customer.
Learn how to instantly diagnose mistakes in your lawn company-so you’ll never continue on the wrong path! A complete “fail safe” system of correcting your business before it’s too late!
Marketing to existing customers- using letters already written-to increase your customer base 10 times faster!
How to appear as an “expert”! No matter how new you are to the lawn industry!
With the special “BONUS SECTION”, you’ll get a commercial and residential contract. These aren’t your average contracts, they actually will help you land more accounts.
Commercial and residential proposals are included. No more trying to figure out how to write winning proposals/estimates.
Also, there are four powerful collection letters designed to get your money from the few clients who may decide not to pay you.
    Picking up Your Copy of the Ultimate Lawn Business Course Will be the Best Investment you Make all Year! Guaranteed!!
I know what you’re thinking! “Wow, Wayne you are offering a TON of insider techniques and strategies. The course must be really expensive.” It’s the first question that goes through people’s mind when they see all the powerful insider secrets included with the course. I’d be wondering how much I would have to invest as well.
I’m so confident this will be the best investment you make all year, I’m willing to give you an amazing guarantee.
    5 Reasons to get the Lawn Business Success Course Right now!
1)  IT WORKS! This course has been used by dozens of people who now own successful lawn companies.
2)  You can become your own boss. Free yourself from the “rat race”.
3)  Control your own paycheck. You will no longer have someone else controlling how much you make.
4)  Get ahead of your competition. You’ll have resources that will help you stand-out from the crowd.
5)  You aren’t just a dreamer. You are ready to take control of your own life.
Order right now! You have nothing to lose? As soon as you place your order the course will be instantly downloadable, so you can read, save, and print the entire course from the comfort of your home.
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Please order now if you would like the bonus book. This book will soon be sold separately for $37.00. However, for a limited time it is included for free.
Consider This: If you continue doing what you’ve been doing, you are going to continue getting what you’ve been getting. Go ahead and take action today. Take the first step toward the freedom you’ve always dreamed of.
You have nothing to lose, if you aren’t 100% satisfied with The Lawn Business Success Course, I’ll give you a full refund, no questions asked.
To Your Success.
Wayne Mullins LawnCompanySecrets.com
P.S. – Order right now, while you’re still reading. There’s no risk, no reason at all not to try this amazing course for yourself. Don’t let this chance to change your lawn company and your life slip you by!
P.P.S. – If you order today, you’ll get the free bonus section which includes powerful lawn contracts, lawn proposals, and collection letters. This two book is worth more than your entire investment in The Lawn Business Success Course. Grab your copy today before they’re all gone!
P.P.P.S. – Remember, I offer a 100% satisfaction guarantee. If you are not happy with the strategies and techniques found in this course, just send a simple email to me and I’ll refund every single penny back to your account. No questions asked!
  “From Employee To Lawn Successful Lawn Business Owner!“   I went from working a dead end job to owning my very own company. This is by far the best course available anywhere!   David Bloomington,IL
“Fast Growth For Beginner!“   Thanks to The Lawn Business Success Course I went from zero lawn accounts to eight in only one month. I caught my competition off guard!   Carlos Meza Beaumont,TX
“The Ultimate Lawn Course is the best available.“   I purchased two other “how to start a lawn business” books before I bought this one. The Lawn Business Success Course is the hands down winner. I highly recommend it!   Joseph Luther Orlando, Florida
For any questions or difficulties contact [email protected]
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