#someone finding sex irreverent is inadvertently how you know the sex will be good
zeravmeta · 4 months
i know luffy is aroace coded (and in my heart he is, celibacy win!) but also i think we are underestimating the potential comedy of luffy having sex because that idiot is irreverent of every single thing and you just know he wouldn't find sex to be like. special. its just something people do for fun!
his ass is on the snail phone within the hour like traffy did you know about sex??? lets have some! and then the strawhats have to tackle him away from the phone before they have like 4 separate naval armadas at their doorstep vying for the opportunity
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skinfeeler · 4 years
between good posts, miscellaneous aesthetic content, and astounding selfies, sometimes the mask slips and it becomes obvious that i am an extraordinarily troubled person. why? well, there are many reasons. but i can give you a microcosm from the sort of things that are done to me to make me this way, even by other trans women.
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this is a vaguepost about me with zero notes. let’s break it down! but before we break it down, let’s take it at face value. the kind of picture she’s painting here insinuates that perhaps i horribly mistreated her and then, in HAL fashion, made sure she was exiled from all the communities we shared using vague accusations and extremely loaded language. something like that.
factually, the opposite happened. we’re all familiar with reversal of accusations done by people who hold power over these they hurt, aren’t we? so here are the disturbing and crude circumstances from which this disgusting screed emerged:
we initially shared an online space together. at some point we started conversing privately. as almost the first thing she said to me, she confided to me that she used to hate women like me: brash. assertive. confident. self-loving. not afraid to take up space or to refuse to put up with mistreatment. the product of a ceaseless struggle against conditioning to let people exploit me, abuse me. one of two directions each trans woman can take, the other one to become fragile and let oneself stay fragile.
she said that once she met me and got to know me, she dropped this worldview and seemed embarrassed she ever held it. in response, i, simply grateful to not have someone reject me for being the wrong kind of trans woman — an etymological baeddel, if you will — told her that i understood, since i know people like me aren’t allowed to exist. i wish i hadn’t.
because she didn’t drop it forever. she only dropped it conditionally.
we had a dalliance of sorts, and eventually it turned out to be deeply unhealthy for both of us, so i broke it off for both our sakes. i told her that it was probably for the best that we ‘stopped talking’, by which i meant to not contact me individually and to refrain from using group environments specifically to solicit me. i hoped that this reduction of contact, while making room to share the same spaces, would be better for both of us than our unhealthy and mutually damaging association.
then soon after day her girlfriend who shared the same space and who i still spoke to told me — as part of a larger diatribe concerning a reciprocally harmful situation — the following.“It’s ridiculous - it’s a completely irresponsible way to handle a sitution with someone you're supposed to share a community with. You completely disposed of her. You forced her out.”
alongside this, a series of quotes from hot allostatic load on her blog, very clearly meant for me.
apparently respect for the dignity of trans women like me ceased the moment i denied someone access to me— respect from her, and the people i thought were close to me but who were apparently still quite willing to suddenly assume the worst when i was simply trying to set boundaries. i wasn’t setting boundaries as a real trans woman may be entitled to, i was forcing people out, i was made the aggressor simply for daring to set boundaries based on a prior judgement that was made the moment people met me and the way i talk, the particular trauma responses i have. what might be praised in a more feminine and mild-mannered (trans) woman was in me, proof of guilt and evil.
it didn’t matter what actually happened, what exactly both of us respectively did to each other. what mattered is how she felt. how she felt aggressed against by the wrong kind of trans women daring to deny her access to her body and person.
other people got involved and other conflicts got aggravated. she kept stoking the fires— other situations, if they were resolvable beforehand, weren’t because of the poison she put in people’s heads about me. through all of this, neither she nor her girlfriend were ever in the slightest genuinely repentant for the way they made it difficult for me to set boundaries.
all of this happened in the acute aftermath of me being raped in an alleyway — an event they had knowledge of — during the few months after. i was so, so carefully trying out if it was even possible for me to be intimate with others. it was, briefly, until i pulled out, until i told people that i felt violated by things that happened.
and all of that, all of my attempts to set boundaries and to protest against violations committed, were not even met with direct answers or where not possible, dignified resignations to that fact and attempts to atone. instead, what happened is that they leveled narratives at their friends and girlfriends until they felt so overwhelmed that people refused to sincerely listen to my side of things and i was put in a position where all i was to do to make amends for my own actions, with everyone else completely protected. i was told people are very upset, that i had made them feel very bad, and this hurt is what ended up mattering, not what they did to me.
it broke me, for some time. i behaved disrespectfully and harmfully to a number of people in the months after. i was in such an aggravated state of trauma from having it be repeatedly proven to me that my body is fair game for anyone’s carnal drives that i was oblivious to the ways that i was exhausting people by trying to play politics in a vain attempt to get some recognition for what happened to me and how it was enabled, facilitated by both perpetrators and others in that space.
and then, eventually, after months of building tension and stress which nobody felt able to resolve, nothing could have happened but that i was forced out of the one space where i was told that the bad kind of trans woman could belong and be treated well, too.
that we could ‘build alternatives’ to the traumatic things that are done to us and then do to ‘each other’ (although really, just to those among us who aren’t deemed worthy of protection).
i do not believe she is actually a predator— i am not from an english-speaking country, and my throwaway post in which i said “no sympathy for sex pests who got rejected months ago and still whine about it” was based on an understanding that it meant someone who harmed others in the context of sexual interactions, but not necessarily an actual ‘predator’, insofar that essentialist, individual, reactionary idea of one who does harm actually holds meaning to me. certainly she is not as bad as actual literal alleyway rapists, not that it is fair or reasonable to have it fall to me to reassure anyone of that.
however, she is oblivious to the fact that reacting to people setting boundaries in this way and that projecting transmisogyny on them along the lines she did damages their ability to set boundaries in the future, especially since i was recently raped, which she and everyone else involved knew about. she’s not a predator, but her behavior chipped away at my ability to set boundaries and is completely irreverent of them regardless of context or intent. most consent guides have vile things to say about those who hear that they hurt others, freak out in an emotionally incontinent way and make it everyone else’s problem instead of working towards taking responsibility. unfortunately, she made it so that this behavior ended up being enabled and rewarded, simply because the way in which she was violent is not seen as violence by many in our circles.
i stopped taking progesterone. i refused to be intimate with people. i wanted to be sexless and recoiled at all expressions of attraction from others, experiencing them as a prelude to violation since i couldn’t conceive of people being into me and acting on that in a way that wouldn’t end up humiliating, traumatising, heartbreaking. i didn’t feel like i could exist with other people anymore, and believed that never, ever would i be treated in an equitable way where my hurt matters just as much as theirs.
i don’t want to be sanctified over my own mistakes i just want to get treated as all the other people who made awful, horrible ones— i wasn’t, people refused to level with me about it until they had already made up their minds about me and cut me off first individually, then collectively. i was treated as a perpetrator by default.
even with what i did and my role in all of this, i did not deserve to be treated this way.
i didn’t make any actual threats. what i did was the following.
if i don’t stop it from happening, a payload of information about the actions and identities of people who violated my boundaries will be released, with the understanding that this only happens if i don’t periodically reset a timer when it will be uploaded, with the understanding that this will only happen if i die. this gives me some sort of comfort that if i kill myself, i’ll at least get to finally have the voice which people with immense amounts of social capital are preventing me from having, inadvertently or on purpose. if all of this kills me, does she really believe she deserves to get away with it, my voice forever lost?
i also made a post that next time someone forces me into something i don’t want, i won’t freeze up— if it is a physical situation, i know i will fight back and win against someone literally sexually assaulting me, that is what the post was about! that’s not even something she wants (presumably). so to make this out as some threat against her is frankly preposterous, and i can’t really find any way to take it as another cynical attempt to portray me as the wrong kind of tranny: the one without a lithe body and who doesn’t perform a fetishisation of her own (pretended) lack of power over others well enough, with the wrong set of traumatic personality alterations.
allow me to end with a few choice screenshots from this person’s blog, and an ask she sent me to circumvent my block on discord.
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what’s the deal with people who have a certain access to feminine fragility (cis women, certain kinds of trans women) and comparing people to their abusive fathers?
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stop postmodernising about my boundaries. please.
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what’s worse? ending something awful for both of us as well within my entitlements, or circumventing a block in order to chastise me for it as a prelude to unleashing the full power of the whisper network? i guess all things are fine when the first is done by a trans woman who can deadlift 1.5x her bodyweight and the second is done by a trans woman who prides herself on being sensitive and who is just so easy to hurt— not like she has plenty of means to passively aggress or cut trans women like me off from their support networks, murder them in a thousand ways which our community sanctifies, which is exactly what she did, both while we knew each other and after.
this, for months and months and months. making me wonder what the next way she will hurt me is going to be.
it is a genuine relief to hear that this person never wanted to see me again. because of her behavior, i was under the distinct impression she wanted me back in some sense. you may see why when you look at all these strange attempts to undermine the boundaries she knows i struggle to maintain.
all this talk invoking the concept of radical transformative justice after she did her best to escalate situations to get me exiled simply because i didn’t want to have a personal, individual association with her. it’s not enough for her that she managed to get rid of me, me daring to feel hurt by it is another violation of the values that were supposed to prevent what happened to me from happening, in fact, me feeling hurt is portrayed as worse as what she did to hurt me, and as invalidating any demand i have at all to be treated with any dignity or receive any defense or protection from anyone at all, simply because of the way it made her feel that i dared to be hurt by what she did.
what matters is what happened. what matters is what people did. what matters is what factually happened, not transmisogynistic interpretations of it, forgotten at convenience by the people who were there. what matters is who is decided to be worthy or unworthy of protection, who is actually capable of being hurt instead of considered unrapeable, unviolable, invulnerable and dangerous for it, which frankly, seems what patterns of ‘disposability’ always seem to revolve around. it is disturbing that this language was invoked to ironically, argue the status of my body as public property at pain of isolation.
what matters is power, and statements like “i don’t hate you” are cheap from those who will always have the social capital to hurt me like this so long as the gendered heuristics of the circles we share remain hegemonic.
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sapphicscholar · 7 years
Chapter Preview: 
The morning of their second date, Alex was determined to use her rare full day off of work to make her way through all of the recordings from the bar table she’d been neglecting for a few days, consumed with her infatuation with—no, commitment to trapping Maria, so she grabbed her laptop, her headphones, and a bag of chips, then settled into bed.
By the time she hit the third hour of their talking, she was ready to throw her laptop across the room. Three quarters of it sounded like any other bar conversation with general chatter and jokes that got increasingly inappropriate as the drinks flowed more freely, and the remaining quarter that had to do with anti-alien sentiment was as basic as it came—insulting Superman, a few rather derogatory, sexist comments about Supergirl that had her blood boiling, and a couple general remarks about how all aliens should just “go back to where they came from.”
She was beginning to suspect she would never get anything useful unless she managed to somehow hack into their phones or get to their apartments. But after speeding the recordings up to play at four times the normal speed, she suddenly paused it at the mention of “Lillian.” After rewinding a few minutes, Alex listened to it at normal speed, finding a day when Sam and Victor had been there alone, able to speak freely without worrying about what might not stay secret among the rest.
“So, how are things with Tasha?” Victor asked, a teasing lilt to his voice.
“Shut up, Vic.”
“Things gonna last longer than a month this time?”
“Do they ever?”
“What’s up with you two, seriously? I mean, I get that you have the whole ‘I don’t do commitment’ act down pretty strong, but she already knows about your, you know, real work, and she’s right there with you on it.”
“Drop it, Vic.”
“Why? I’ve known you for ages, but you still haven’t talked to me about what happened to that fiancée of yours.”
“Fuck off,” Sam growled, fury lacing her tone. Alex could hear the sound of a glass suddenly being slammed down on the table—she suspected now emptied of its contents. The tape went silent for several long minutes, save for the sound of the bar, of life still going on despite whatever thoughts were swirling in Sam’s head. Finally she spoke again, sounding calm, if detached. “Talked to Lillian yesterday.”
“I figured there was a reason for our little tête-à-tête.” Alex wondered if the irreverence was just a permanent part of Victor’s personality.
“She wants a progress report—and a specific one this time.”
“Did you tell her about Cat?”
“Shh,” Sam hushed him.
“I just don’t get why you won’t tell her. It’d get her off our backs a little, show her we’re making the connections she needs.”
“And if it falls through? You know she doesn’t exactly appreciate being promised something, then let down.”
“Yeah, but she also doesn’t appreciate being left with no information.”
Sam paused, probably considering the truth in his words, Alex assumed. “Do we have any sense that Cat wants to be more involved in the cause?”
“She’s been hanging around with that Maria chick, I think. That’s good—keeping up with someone from Roulette’s circles.”
“Fucking someone isn’t the same thing as believing what they stand for.”
“No…but maybe she’d want to impress Maria, see this whole thing as an opportunity to show a fancy consultant that she’s more than just a bartender with a nice ass.” Alex tried not to gag, but she put the chips away for the moment.
“I still haven’t met Ms. Sterling, you realize.”
“I’m sure Cat’ll bring her by the bar at some point.”
“In any case, I’m not hedging my bets on some unknown woman, nor am I going to tell Lillian about our potential new acquisition until we have seen any evidence of her taking up her scientific pursuits again.”
“Why don’t we just ask her?”
“No,” Sam barked.
“Fine,” Victor conceded, his voice growing whiny as he elongated the word. But the scuffle of feet and glasses suggested the conversation was over.
Pausing the tapes, Alex took out her headphones, closing her eyes as she thought about ways to make that shift look organic. Victor had, inadvertently, made a decent point about how that interest might resurface again. By all outside observations, Maria was out of her league. She brought her to a dive bar, then a coffee shop in a hipster neighborhood for a first date; Maria was taking her to some Italian restaurant with a dress code whose website didn’t list prices but had whole paragraphs on the grape harvest from the year of each bottle of wine they sold. Of course, Alex knew Maria knew about the patents, but she only knew because Winn could trace the searches for Cat Sullivan, and it wasn’t like Alex could bring it up.
Figuring she still had a few more hours before she needed to shower and get ready for her date, Alex went back to the tapes, letting them speed through until the night she knew Maria showed up to the bar.
“Hey,” she heard Victor hiss. “It’s Cat’s new girl.”
“Hmm,” Sam’s voice came through as she assessed the situation.
“Nice rack,” Ray observed, followed by a few loud laughs and some obscene-sounding noises. Alex tried to tamp down on the surge of jealousy she felt swelling in her chest.
“Why don’t you go see if they’d like to join us?” Alex could hear the pointed suggestion in Sam’s words.
“Yeah, yeah, I’ll go up there,” Victor offered.
After a few minutes of idle chatter, Alex heard Victor coming back and introducing Maria around, but after the sound of a chair being dragged across the floor, her headphones were filled with a loud, high-pitched whining sound that blocked out everything else. She yanked them out, rubbing at her ears, trying to get the faint ringing to go away. Figuring she should try again with the computer’s speakers rather than her headphones, in case they had somehow been the cause of the problem, Alex reluctantly pulled them out and hit play, only to have her bedroom filled with the awful noises. Cursing loudly, Alex dropped the volume down as low as it could go and sped through until the noise stopped. But as she tuned back in, she realized that Maria had already left with her, and she was left listening to Eric and Ray go back and forth about whether Cat or Maria was hotter and which one wore the dick, only to have Tasha point out with a scoff that it wasn’t how sex had to work and that if they ever got laid maybe they’d know something about it.
What did it mean that this woman apparently carried around high-tech audio jammers everywhere she went? Clearly she’d turned it on, since Alex could still hear the introductions, which meant it was something she brought with her, something small and portable… As she brainstormed about ways to get it away from her to get a clear recording of her with Sam and Victor, Alex’s mind drifted to the most fun ways to make that happen…ways that involved Maria very naked in her bed, her clothes and high-tech toys left behind, though maybe some of Alex’s toys could make an appearance… Shaking her head, she snapped herself out of it. No, she figured, what she needed was to bug Maria, to leave recording devices in places where she’d never think to turn on her audio jammers.
Leaving the tapes for the evening, figuring she’d made it through enough to feel comfortable with the amount of work she’d gotten done, Alex rummaged in her kitchen for the box of citrus tea with all of her little gadgets courtesy of the DEO. She pulled out the bag with a few minuscule recorders and pocketed two to bring with her that evening.
Continued on AO3
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tastywordgasms · 7 years
 Who’s afraid of Virginia Lee Johnson?
Virginia is a mom to two beautiful children and resides in Minnesota. Any spare time is spent watching TV, reading, facebooking and spending time with friends. She’s married to Thai Preyer PA 😉, yet owned by Kyle Perkins as his PA. *these two run my life* A love for reading and writing is a new concept for Virginia. Before the Twilight rave and a need to know the ending after Eclipse was released in theaters, Virginia preferred to watch the movie or convince a friend to read the book for her. Needing to know the story of a random homeless man that she encountered on a freeway exit ramp, was the only reason she began writing in the first place. Soulless Nights spawned from the unknown story and a dare from her friends.
Virginia has expanded her love for books by planning and hosting The Tampa Indie Author Book Convention. As a co-owner of The Indie Book Channel on YouTube, the opportunity to help others experience books and events that they otherwise couldn’t has helped her to share her passion for the Indie Community.
She has had the pleasure of working with some of her favorite authors. Street teams, beta reading and cover modeling were what led her to the world of writing. She currently PA’s for Kyle Perkins
Currently she has released Soulless Nights, Revenge; a short story within the anthology Doctrine of Indecency: 18 Coveted Tales of Lust, Vindicate, Seraphine’s ( With Julia Clare ) and Bound by an Echo ( With Julia Clare ), Expiate, Humanity’s Ark: Kepler (Kyle Perkins), Always; Never and a few funny books. Secondary Silence, Freeing Olivia (Ellen Wilder), and Soulless Days are current WIP’s, soon to be released.
=Nikki K get’s the skinny on Ginni=
I met Virginia, or Ginni as she is called, a few months back through some author friends. I didn’t know anything about her or her books but I was joining a group she was a part of and decided I needed to read one of her books. I picked Soulless Nights and was totally blown away. First it was a tad bit darker than I am used to but the storyline was something I had not read before and the twists were like, WOW! Any who, we began talking and I quickly decided that this chick was one of the funniest most irreverent people I’d met in a long time. She may also sleep less than me and be one of the hardest working people in the book world. Not only does she PA, Write, work a day job and she’s a mom, but she is also one of the first people to lend a hand to support others. The long and short of it, I became a fan of not only her writing but of the person behind the pen as well.
Q. First things first, if we’re meeting somewhere to conduct this interview, where would it be? (A park, bar, restaurant, your home, my home) A. Your hot tub, filled with ice… cause it’s hot as fuck where you live.
Q. What would be your drink of choice? I’m a vodka or Jameson gal myself. A. Mike’s Black Cherry Lemonade. I don’t drink often so buying a bottle would age. Not just age, my great grand kids would ask to use it for a history class artifact. (But when she does drink, bahaha. Let’s just say I have seen video!)
Q. If there’s food involved, what type would it be? A. Steak. No, boiled peanuts. And chocolate, not dark. The aftertaste is awful.
Q. Why do you write? What inspired you? A. Honestly, I wrote my first book because I spent an hour of time, that I’ll never get back, reading a book. I thought the plot was good, characters had potential but the execution was piss-poor to say it nicely. My inspiration was friends that were indie authors.
Q. Why did you start writing in the genre you chose? A. I love me a dark read. There is nothing like diving head first into a world that you want to believe doesn’t exist, with characters that couldn’t get away with their actions and twists that make you second guess humanity. I knew I belonged there – dark anything.
Q. How did becoming a published author change you or your life? A. I’ve made the best friends, traveled and have been able to share my imagination with the world. I mean, that’s kinda cool.
Q. Your books tend to lean towards the dark side (yes I’m being polite). What inspires you to write about the topics you do? A. Reality and reflection. The reality is that the world is dark. Bad things happen all of the time. Reflection on what would you do about it, if given the chance? I wrote that story.
Q. In Souless Nights you deal with the topic of Sex trafficking/slavery. Where did that idea come from? A. I couldn’t, for the life of me, figure out why he was homeless. Cardboard sign and all, begging for money, I couldn’t get him out of my mind. In short, I decided that he was a detective, searching for the love of his life that he had met 5 years earlier, while homeless. This inadvertently brought me to sex trafficking and the real existence of it. Save the girl or lose everything.
Q. What are you working on now? A. My priority is Secondary Silence, a paranormal romance. I really wanted to avoid the stigma of paranormal but a vampire was necessary. Don’t worry, no glittery facade or super speed. Lol. Like, really? Anyways… Ashley is a ghost, assigned to assist Thad (the vamp). I know it’s pnr, but I’ve graphically killed soooooo many people already, it may need to find itself in a horror genre. We shall see😉
Q. Which of your books/series was your most fun to write? A. F*CK, SH*T and M**ST Is this even a for real question? Maybe this isn’t a for real answer. Lol. They were fun to write tho. Kepler: Humanity’s Arc was another fun one. My co author kept me on my toes and the edge of my seat with every chapter. Twas fun!
Q. Is there a recurring theme that runs through your books? Why is this important to your writing? A. My female characters grow into their strengths through the story. Aspen is my only character that was a badass to begin with, a force to be reckoned with. Vindicate showcased the inner beauty of a strong woman that knew what she wanted. Vindicate was a very easy book to write.
Q. If you were interviewing your favorite character from your book what’s the one question you would like to ask them? What would the answer be? A. To Ethan from Vindicate and Expiate – Me : “Will you die already?” Him : “No.”
Q. What genre would you love to write but don’t think that you would do it justice? A. Contemporary Romance. Lol. I tried. It was painful to bang out Bound by an Echo.i love the book, readers LOVE the book. Writing a romance was exhausting. I can’t do it.
Q. What is the one thing you would like readers to know about you? A. All of my characters are a piece of myself, my friends and my fans. No character is an unknown entity, developed from pixie dust and suddenly appears. Someone in my life created a character, without knowing it.
Q. What is your writing process? Do you have scheduled times you sit down and just start writing? Or is it more like when inspiration strikes you pick up a pen or keyboard? A. Inspiration strikes. 9/10 I stare at the screen until I realize I’ve typed enough random words to make a sentence. It’s bad.
Q. Do you write longhand or do you prefer a computer? A. Always my computer. I’m lazy AF. Doing the same job twice would be the death of me.
Q. If you could only read one book for the rest of your life, what book would you pick. A. Thoughtless by SC Stephens.
Q. Can you share a fun/funny story about being a writer? Maybe an interaction with a fan or a mishap while writing? A. Eh… I fell asleep on my keyboard once. Had 48 pages of k’s. I wrote a book with Kyle Perkins. It’s about the planet, Kepler. Mind you, we have been talking about this book for a year when we started writing it in full force. Finally, one day near chapter 7 or so, he tells me, “You know the sky would be more red than blue, right?” I reply with, “Does it matter? We’re writing a book.” I was so pissed when I found out KEPLER IS A REAL PLANET! I had rules to follow. He thought it was hilarious and that I was an idiot, but still. It was pretty funny.
Q. Why did you decide to self published, instead of reaching out to traditional publishers? A. I don’t follow rules well. I kill to many people, thrust into someone too many times, blood splatter was too wide… yeah, I had a character use a (removed) cock as a paintbrush. I am not the publishers dream candidate. Maybe someday.
Q. What is the hardest part about being an author? A. Conformity. I’ll never be like everyone else. I’ve tried the things that work for others and they don’t work for me. It’s hard to be yourself in this world.
Q. Have you ever thought about giving up writing? If so why? A. Yes. Why? Sometimes you want to disappear as if your story has been told. Then, as if they were stalking you, a fan or fellow author sends that much needed message, asking for the rest of a story. That’s when I know my story is just beginning.
Q. We often hear the writers barely break even on their books. If this is true, why do it? A. It’s absolutely true. No question. Being an indie author isn’t a money making gig. It’s not a get rich fast technique and the fact that people think we have spending money from this, blows my mind. This is why indie authors are disappointed in those that don’t take the art seriously. Few of us are lucky enough to have a cover designer, editor, graphic designer, formatter and marketing on call. All of that costs a fortune. No joke. Hundreds of dollars before you buy it for $0.99. In short, we need you sell 1500 copies at $0.99 to break even at a $500 cost. Unfortunately, most indie authors sell 5-10 books in a good week. Why do I do it? I do it for me. I’m proud of accomplishing something that I had never dreamed of. I look at a finished book and think, I did this. Just as quickly I think, What’s next? It’s a vicious circle that has little monetary gain.
For shits and giggles. Q. What is your favorite word? A. Fuck
Q. What is your favorite dirty word. A. Fuck
Q. What is your least favorite word? A. M**st…. Not even spelling it. Lolol
Q. Is there a world we will NEVER find in your writing? A. Historical. Not happening.
Q. What is your favorite naughty toy? A. Time. Lol
Q. Which of your books would you like to be real so you could live in it? And why? A. Kepler: Humanity’s Ark – wouldn’t it be cool as fuck to live on another planet that is capable of sustaining human life? I wanna see that. The world Kyle developed and created in the book sounds beautiful.
Q. I know you have a male writing partner, would you ever consider writing a M/F HEA with him? A. Kepler was written M/F. We had discussed, soon after Kepler released, possibly doing an Urban Fantasy. That might be capable of a HEA. Who knows. He’s more capable of writing it than I am. Although, he doesn’t have many HEA’s either.
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Website: https://authorvirginiajohnson.com/
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Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/charmedchic24/
Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Virginia-L-Johnson/e/B01E88KI5Q/ref=ntt_dp_epwbk_0
Newsletter: http://tinyletter.com/VirginiaLeeJohnson
=Solo Books from Ginni=
Soulless Night
Soulless Nights on Amazon
WARNING: This book contains sex scenes of a graphic nature. *Contains material that may be sensitive to some readers* Deep in the city, where we’ve been taught to avoid the dark corners and alleys, monsters lurk within the fragile cracks of our human emotions, waiting for the chance to break in. With the loss of his grandfather, William runs to the streets without family or the knowledge of wealth he’s left behind. Spending years begging for food and money, William has learned the secrets that the city keeps hidden, making him one of the most versatile detectives the department has ever seen. Losing the love of his life, with nothing more than a letter saying she’s sorry and spending five years tracking her, William has learned that she has entered the world where sex and money can make you very successful or may very well kill you in the process. Kathryn has spent seven years on the streets, leaving behind her addicted, abusive mother and her sexual predator boyfriends. William proves to be the light she’s been longing for but when darkness shadows the truth she’s left to return to the streets in hiding with fear of the lies she’s faced with. Kathryn must decide, work for Xander and sell her soul for sex, or face the demons of her past and hope William understands she has never forgotten him. https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/28943216-soulless-nights
Free on KU Vindicate on Amazon
Aspen Young is a girl with a past and an inner demon to feed. Ethan West has been a playboy since his first wet dream but nothing could prepare him for Aspen. In Revenge, Aspen and Ethan collide in an erotic tale of mending the weak and awakening the strength within a woman. When the weak aren’t strong enough to survive, Aspen ends the pain and suffering of lost love and a pathetic heart, the only way she knows how. In Vindicate, Aspen is tested with decisions that will help her continue to right the wrongs that have plagued women for centuries or destroy her as she falls into the same wreckage her victims are subjected to. When Ethan proves to be stronger and smarter than the hunted failures of Aspen’s past, she is forced to make a decision that will ultimately change the life she has created for herself. Take revenge on those who constantly choose to relive the horror of their decisions and take their lives, one bloody heart at a time or end the lives of the people responsible for her need to vindicate her actions.
Always Never
Always Never on Amazon
“Blinking would bring a moment of darkness that I couldn’t afford.”
Darkness shadows those that are marked, but the light of a soul may be stronger than the depths of the Never. I was sent to collect what was rightfully mine. Avery belonged to me as many of the marks before her. She fought harder than the others, stayed stronger through the fear and she made herself an easy target. Finding her was never an issue. Killing her was always the plan. Losing her was no longer an option.
🔪 Expiate on Amazon
🔪Time is nothing more than the illusion that you have buried your skeletons deeper than the next person. The mistake that is most commonly made is forgetting one thing; Aspen doesn’t care how deep the bodies are buried – she will find you and she will kill you. The only question that they should be asking themselves is, ‘When?”
🔪Blinding emotion is the one thing that separates Aspen from her victims. She has given them a choice; a chance to make it right. She has rules, she has boundaries and now, she is running out of time.
🔪After allowing Ethan to escape with a new set of rules, Aspen finds herself caught between finishing what she started and starting what needs to be finished. ❈ Tracy created a monster. ❈ Preston follows no rules. ❈ Ethan is pissed and ready to fight. 🔪Three different men with three different reasons to die. They will pay for the mistakes that they made and Aspen will collect… when she is ready.
Bad Words Made Funny Series
From Book 1: ***TRIGGER WARNING*** STRONG LANGUAGE Not intended for underage viewers Adult supervision is advised!
***This book is a sarcastic educational and (probably) inaccurate reference guide ONLY!!*** It is not intended to provide you with any sort of value or brain power. Actually, I can almost guarantee you that it will do the exact opposite.
Have you ever sat back and thought to yourself, “Well, I wonder how to say, “F*CK” in dutch? No? Well, that’s too bad, cause I have. What I found was that there is absolutely no reason for me to ever need to know that, but I am humored to know that I have given you a book that will help you do just that! There are a total of 40 ways to read it within the pages of this disaster. Trust me when I say… ENJOY!
=Collaborations with Ginni and her friends= 
 🔑🔪Seraphine’s🔪 🔑
By Virginia Lee Johnson and Julia Clare
Seraphine’s on Amazon
Which room holds your dirty desire? ***THIS IS YOUR TRIGGER WARNING* *There are scenes that may be sensitive to some readers. Please be advised* Can Seraphine break the walls down surrounding Ivy? Will Ivy succumb to her expected fate? What neither of them anticipated was a reservation, one that could destroy them all. Are you #TeamJulian or #TeamJasper?
Bound by an Echo
By Julia Clare and Virginia Johnson
Bound by an Echo on Amazon
Laurel escaped her past and the horror that threatened to plague her future. With her dream job, fame and friends, there was always something standing in her way. She was happy but she knew a piece of her was missing; that piece came with a price and an echo. Rory never did leave; he stayed exactly where she could find him. The girl that got away would return, eventually. What he didn’t expect was for her to walk through the door of his bar days before an echo of their past was to boom through the mountains and mirror the moment that tore them apart. Twenty years ago; That was the last busy day in Crater City. It was the last time laughter was heard through the mountains. It was also the last day that The Crater City Carnival had ever opened. Now, twenty years later, the carnival will reopen for one week only, bringing two lost loves back together and a mystery they both tried to forget will be brought back to life. Will Rory and Laurel survive… again?
✨ •••• 🌓KEPLER: Humanity’s Ark  🌓 •••• ✨
Kyle Perkins and Virginia Johnson Kepler on Amazon
Orrin was born for the mission ahead of him; his team has nothing to lose and a livable planet to gain. Built for the elements and prepared for the worst, Orrin is Earth’s last chance for survival and he is determined to save humanity no matter the cost.
As the daughter of the Vaklarn Elite, Aya was adorned with every amenity available but she craved a life of freedom and independence. Betrothed to the man of her father’s choice, her chance at love was taken from her in the name of her ancestors until she comes face to face with the biggest threat her people have ever encountered; Orrin.
When two worlds collide, more than a fight for a home is on the line. Both have an objection; both have something to lose; both bend the bind that threatens to break in the name of strength, power, life and love.
Doctrine of Indecency: 18 Coveted Tales of Lust
Doctrine of Indecency (Forever Free)
Have you gotten your copy of Doctrine of Indecency : 18 Coveted Tales of Lust? It’s packed with 18 amazing authors short stories and it’s free! Go get it if you haven’t already!
*This is an adult romance short story collection containing explicit content only suitable for adults.* Dare yourself to explore eighteen very different tales of lust by eighteen wickedly imaginative authors that love to spin a sexy story. Get lost in the pages composed by minds trained to tempt and tease the senses to satisfaction while leaving you wanting so much more…
☠ ❤ Twist Me Anthology ❤ ☠
Twist Me Anthology
Twist Me: A Dark Romance Anthology of love, lust, desires, murder, mystery and more 12 authors brings you 12 original short stories of when good boys want to meet you and bad boys want blood. Voices need to be heard and secrets stay burried for only so long. Feel the whip of a dominatrix and you might become a dark princess. Where lessons are learned the hard way of internet dating. Never fall for the enemy and till death do you really part. Take a walk in the sand and watch love burn like wildfire to create a cataclysmic effect. *All proceeds go to ASPCA* Elizabeth Cash – Taking You Home Destiny Hawkins – The Man in the Dark Reagan Hollow – Aaron’s Undoing Virgina Lee Johnson – Blind Capture Erin Lee – Acquiring August Emery LeeAnn – Cataclysmic Carissa Lynch – Loves Me Not P. Mattern – The Girl in the Sand Alana Melos – Strange Bedfellows Ellie Midwood – The Iron Cross Yolanda Olson – Wildfire Erin M. Trejo – Dark Princess
Spotlight on the Darkness of Virginia Lee Johnson  Who's afraid of Virginia Lee Johnson? Virginia is a mom to two beautiful children and resides in Minnesota.
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