#tachibana hinata
wingo5 · 7 months
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“Taka-Chan! I know what we have to do!”
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tokyo-daaaamn-ji-gang · 2 months
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO HINA!!! So glad she got her happy ending!
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buccini555 · 4 months
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𝐓𝐨𝐤𝐲𝐨 𝐑𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬: 𝐀𝐥𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐝𝐮𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐜𝐥𝐚𝐬𝐬 𝐛𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐤
You entered a new school and classes had recently started, so you ended up sitting alone at break since you hadn't made any friends at the new school yet.
♡ ⠂⠂୨୧ H e a d c a n o n s
♡ ⠂⠂୨୧ 𝑭𝒕. Mitsuya Takashi, Yuzuha Shiba, Souya Kawata, Hakkai Shiba, Inui Seishu, Takemichi Hanagaki, Hinata Tachibana, Kakucho Hitto
𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭.𝟏 | 𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐞.𝟐
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𝐌𝐢𝐭𝐬𝐮𝐲𝐚 𝐓𝐚𝐤𝐚𝐬𝐡𝐢
"You arrived here recently, didn't you?" Mitsuya questioned sitting next to you unexpectedly, he handed you a sweet and remained there.
Mitsuya made sure to keep you company throughout the break, talking to you about random topics to make you feel at least familiar with the environment.
After managing to make friends with you, he took you for a walk through the school corridors and also to visit the sewing club where he spent most of his time.
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𝐘𝐮𝐳𝐮𝐡𝐚 𝐒𝐡𝐢𝐛𝐚
Yuzuha sat at the table where you were staring at you for a while, the girl smiled and offered you a sweet, making you sudden presence out of common.
"I saw you here alone and came to keep you company, I hope you don't mind." Still smiling, he said, Yuzuha started to talk to you and showed interest in your friendship.
She held your hand and walked you around the school to get you to know the place better. Yuzuha would also make sure you felt good and know that you weren't alone in that school or that you would be excluded.
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𝐒𝐨𝐮𝐲𝐚 𝐊𝐚𝐰𝐚𝐭𝐚
Souya preferred to be alone, but, seeing you from afar, he felt like keeping you company, even though he was shy, he found the courage to face his shyness and go talk to you.
"Hi! Sorry to bother you." He gave an awkward smile and sat next to you, remaining silent most of the time, Souya just remained there keeping you company.
After some time talking briefly, you ended up becoming friends and started sitting together at every break.
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𝐇𝐚𝐤𝐤𝐚𝐢 𝐒𝐡𝐢𝐛𝐚
Hakkai was also sitting alone as usual, despite that, when he ended up laying eyes on you and watching you there alone, he struggled to put his shyness aside and got up to go to you.
After a while Hakkai would sit next to you and you would immediately notice the boy's nervousness, even so, he would offer you what he was eating with a shy smile to try to get closer to you.
"H-hey, I know we haven't met but I want you to know that you're so beautiful..." Looking away at the same moment, he would say, leaving you surprised, after Hakkai managed to overcome his shyness, you would end up becoming like best friends.
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𝐈𝐧𝐮𝐢 𝐒𝐞𝐢𝐬𝐡𝐮
He was on break reading some books when he got distracted by seeing you alone, sitting in a secluded corner. Initially, he didn't want to disturb you, but he ended up changing his mind and went to talk to you.
"Is it okay if I sit here? I promise I won't bother you." Inui asked gently before sitting next to you, he always seemed interested in making friends with you even though he was somewhat reserved.
Inui remained by your side, continuing with the reading he would do previously, after talking for a while, you ended up becoming friends.
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𝐓𝐚𝐤𝐞𝐦𝐢𝐜𝐡𝐢 𝐇𝐚𝐧𝐚𝐠𝐚𝐤𝐢
Takemichi was sitting alone when he saw you, at the same moment, he took courage and went to your table.
"You're new here, aren't you? Do you mind if I sit next to you? It's just that I don't want to be alone..." He said with an awkward smile as he sat next to you, despite looking apprehensive, he He remained kind and interested in getting to know you.
After almost having a heart attack on your side, Takemichi started to start a conversation trying to demonstrate that he was really determined to be your friend.
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𝐇𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐭𝐚 𝐓𝐚𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐛𝐚𝐧𝐚
Hina liked to make new friends, for that reason, as soon as she saw you sitting alone, she didn't hesitate to try to talk to you.
She sat next to you and watched you for a short while, Hina seemed a little apprehensive and a little shy, but she remained there anyway.
"I hope you're enjoying school! If you want, we can walk the halls after class, what do you think?" After Hina eventually put her shyness aside, she would make a point of making you feel good and try to maintain a friendship with you.
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𝐊𝐚𝐤𝐮𝐜𝐡𝐨 𝐇𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐨
Kakucho always preferred to be alone during the break, however, when he saw you alone at the table in front, he ended up starting to pay attention to you and made the decision to keep you company.
"Hey, I hope I'm not bothering you." He sat next to you with a subtle smile, leaving a small chocolate cupcake in front of you while remaining a little shy.
After break, Kakucho took you to see the school, even if he was a little quiet, he would make sure to make you comfortable and not let you feel out of place or excluded.
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tabunierka · 3 months
💞Takemichi & Hinata💞
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Такемичи и Хината мои любимки в аниме(*¯ ³¯*)♡
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nex-ture · 2 months
Naoto x male reader
Naoto has a crush on reader since childhood but he enevr approached him. And in the future he regrets it, so he ask takemichi to help him. When takemichi is in the past he tells little naoto to jump over his shadow.
And ever since naoto and reader are seen together laughing and cute stuff.
And the next time takemichi goes back to the futur Naoto is just thanking him, telling him how happy he is with reader
Naoto Tachibana x Male Reader
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I apologize for falling off the face of the earth again...
(This took me 2 months to write because I am so bad at getting stuff done)
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This felt like failure 17 on rescuing Hinata, but the two boys knew they were getting close. Even though saving Hinata was fresh on everyones minds, it wasn't the only thing holding in Naotos' attention.
Sneding Takemichi back to the past made him reminisce on his own childhood, his childhood friends. Naoto didn't have many of those. He was seen as the conspiracy theorist lunatic who was always spewing nonsense about unheard of things.
"Do you really think time travel is possible?" A young boy who looked around the same age as Naoto spoke, standing in front of his desk. It wasn't rare for kids to talk to each other, of course, but it was still shocking that someone chose this conversation starter with him.
"Well, yeah, it's not like we have proof that it doesn't exist, I think it's possible." Naoto replied eagerly. It was the first time he spoke to his classmates about something he genuinely enjoyed.
"You'll have to tell me abo-" the teacher calling for everyones attention cut Y/N short of his next few words. Quickly turning around and making his way to his desk. The class started, and they day went as normal. That was the only time Naoto ever spoke to the other boy.
Naoto was too scared to approach him again and ask what he planned on saying. He always looked so busy talking to other people. It felt pointless. Naotos daydreams were cut short when Takemichi walked through his apartment door. "I'm totally stumped, I have no idea what we can do from her." Takemichi sighed, plopping down on a chair nearby
Naoto looked away from the man just walking in, instead grabbing some old class photo he had shoved away in a drawer, circling Y/Ns face. Naoto stands with the picture in hand and looks over to Takemichi, "Why don't you try looking for ideas in the past, if nothings here, why don't you check what's happening there?" Naotos' idea bounced off the walls of Takemichis' brain. He knew he couldn't come up with a better idea than that.
"I guess I have no choice.." Takemichi grunted as he stood up to walk over towards Naoto. "Oh, and one small favor, when you find me in the past, could you try and convince me to go up to this boy." He hands Takemichi the picture with a little boys face circled, Takemichis face is mixed with confusion until he sees the saddened expression mixed onto Naotos' face. Naoto had a thing for this boy, Takemichi knew he'd Naoto at least something for all the work he'd done to help Hinata, so he agreed.
Grabbing eachothers hand and being sent to the past. Surprisingly, when Takemichi entered his consciousness, he still had the picture in hand. Walking down the street with Chifuyu to the park they always go to. The sun had started setting already, Takemichi took note as Chifuyu continued talking about whoever the hell Peke J was, Takemichi couldn't remember.
Reaching the playground, Takemichi took a seat on the swing set, Chifuyus house was nearby, and he quickly ran home before his mom on his ass about being late. "Any luck with Hinata?" Takemichi heard a younger voice coming from behind him, Naoto climbing onto the swing next the blonde.
"Oh, Naoto...hm, I've made some progress, but not enough to save yer yet." Takemichi looks at Naoto, saddened with his own response on the matter. He sighs, waiting to hear Naotos' response, but there's mothing. The younger boy stays silent, probably thinking of ways to help or what to do.
"Hey, Naoto." Takemichi blurts out as he starts to stare at the park in front of him. "What is it," Naoto looks over to the blonde with curiosity. "Do you know who this is?" Takemichi hands the photo of the circled boy to Naoto, his eyes widened slightly upon seeing the picture.
"Yeah, but how did you even get this? Prints don't come till tomorrow.." Naoto looks over at Takemichi, his certainty of Takemichis tame traveling abilities. "I just had a hunch that he might be of importance to you, and maybe our mission." Takemichi smiles brightly at Naoto.
"How would me talking to him help our mission-" Naoto was cut off as Takemichi loudly spoke his next words over him. "Just talk to him, alright! I know this'll be good for you, Tachibana." Takemichi began to take his leave, even though it'd felt like he'd only just gotten there.
Naoto watched him leave, heading home shortly after, though stealing glances at the photo every once in a while. Talk to y/n? How would that help save Hinata.
The next day felt no different for Naoto, but he knew he had to do something he wasn't used to doing...striking up a conversation. Y/n was busy talking to his other friends as Naoto walked towards him, y/ns friends cutting their conversation short, some look at Naoto as if he was an alien for just standing there.
"Hey, uh...y/n, you could see me after school. There's something I more or less wanna talk to you about." Y/n only noded in response with a small affirmative, and everyone, including Naoto, headed to their seats to listen in to the class.
The wait for school to be out was nothing short of dreadful for both Naoto and Y/n. It felt as if the words worst news was going to be dropped on them as soon as the bell rang.
Naoto was the first of the two to get out of class. Maybe it was the anxiety, but it felt like he had been waiting on y/n for ages. His anxiety seemed to worsen as y/n walked over to him. "Was there something you wanted to talk about?" Y/n gave a weak smile as he looked to Naoto.
"Right, my birthdays coming up...it's gonna be a space themes party, like Martian and stuff.." he giggled, gushing about his party while handing y/n a green envelope he seemed to have colored with marker. "I'll ask and let you know!" Y/n let out a dopey grin, grabbing the envelope with both hands.
Naotos eyes grew as he let out an awkward smile back, "I'll be dressed up, so make sure you are too, alright?" Naotos' question was answered with a simple nod from the other boy.
Naoto quickly spotted Hinata waiting nearby for him to finish his conversation. He sprinted to her while waving bye to his new friend.
Y/n opened the invitation as soon as Naoto left the secen. Hinata clearly wrote down all the information, but Naoto drew pictures of aliens and planets all over. God, he was such a nerd, that's what played through y/ns mind with a smile.
It felt like months until Naotos' birthday, when it was only around a week, he was dressed as an alien king. Around 5-8 other kids were there that were his age, but the majority were Hinatas friends. Everyone was in some half-assed space costume, some girls in sparkly "star" dresses, and others like Takemichi, who taped card board on his forehead and called it Saturn.
Y/n made his way to the party in green with some cardboard antennas he made the day he got the invite. He looked around, searching for the birthday boy. Naoto soon found y/n looking around. It's not surprising how fast he noticed y/n. It was the only thing he was thinking about the whole party.
"You came! And you're dressed up!" Naoto was cheering excitedly. No boys ever made him this happy before. Why did he feel like this. "Of course I did. Was I not supposed to?" Y/n teased back, making Naoto shake his head violently to explain himself.
"I have an idea, we should make you a crown so we can match!" Naoto beamed excitedly, dragging y/n over to where some kids were drawing. Naoto had always been a geeky kid. His party was full of all the things he'd enjoyed, conspiracies, the unknown, etc. Drawing and writing had always been big hobbies of his because it could always relate back to this stuff.
"Aren't you wearing the crown cause you're the birthday boy? I don't wanna infringe on that." Y/n stated as Naoto started drawing a crown like shape on some cardboard. "Well it is MY birthday, just trust me." Naoto began cutting out the pieces to tape together.
Y/n watched Naotos face closely as he placed the cardboard crown on his head. A giggle leaving both of them soon there after. Naoto had never cared for Takemichi. He only trusted him because he wanted to save his sister from this bad future possibility. But Takemichi forcing him to talk to you, maybe wasn't all that bad.
"Thank you, Takemichi." Takemichi had finally come back to the present after seeing you and Naotos crown situation. Takemichi looked around the room, seeing a figure by the bed in Naotos office, and someome sitting in Naotos desk chair.
Waking up more, Takemichi realized it was y/n. "I'm sure you're wondering who that is, that's y/n." Naoto looked at Takemichi with a smile. "Y/n won't remember any of the timelines, and hell it took me a long time to convince him in this one, but he will be an amazing asset for saving Hinata."
Yn gave a little wave, standing up to yake his leave so Naoto and Takemichi could talk in private.
"Thank you, Hanagaki. I don't have the words to thank you enough." Naoto grabbed Takemichis' hand and bowed slightly in a way to show his appreciation. "I'm glad you're happy with your new friend Naoto, about time you got one." Takemichi teased, with a smirk plastered on his face.
"Friend? Y/n is my boyfriend." Naoto stood up with a cheery grin, not oaying any mind to Takemichis prior insults.
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alfredo0724 · 1 month
Final Timeline Headcanons pt 2
Here's a continuation of my headcanons for the final timeline 💕
Manga spoilers below -
Part one Part three
The Haitani brothers and the Kawata twins have a love-hate friendship. Nahoya bickers with them while Souya is more relaxed. They spend time with each other outside of Toman meetings at restaurants. The Haitanis invite them to parties sometimes.
Yumi and Pah have a very wholesome and soft relationship. They didn't put a label on their relationship in the beginning, people already assumed they were a couple. It was like that until Pah was asked about it by his close friends. He formally asked Yumi to be his girlfriend after that.
Yasuda is the one that asks out Peh-Yan. Mitsuya knew they liked each other all along and both of them confided in him before they started a relationship. Yasuda becomes protective of Peh in a 'tsudnere' way. Peh-yan doesn't admit it all the time, but he likes doing cliche relationship things with her.
If Takemichi and Hina were to ever have kids, they would all look exactly like Takemichi. Hina often teases him that he cries more than their kids when they were babies, which is true.
The Sano house became a popular spot for sleepovers when everyone was really young. Shinichiro made sure to have enough sleeping bags for Mikey, Takemichi, Sanzu, Baji, Izana and Kakucho. Senju and Emma would have their own sleepover and often had to kick Mikey out when he came to steal their snacks.
Since Ryusei is canon to the story, I think he would come by Peke J land a lot in the future. Mostly to annoy Chifuyu on purpose.
When Draken and Emma have their kid, all the ex-toman members become very protective of them. Mitsuya personally makes clothes for their child that aren't in his brand. The baby refers to Mitsuya as an uncle sometimes. Hina also becomes very close with their baby too. She volunteers to take care of them when Draken and Emma go on dates. Their baby refers to her as an aunt sometimes too.
I think Emma may have confessed to Draken first. She was getting anxious about how he felt about her, so Takemichi and Hina convinced her it would all work out just fine.
When Draken and Emma started dating, her brothers all reacted differently. Mikey was finally relieved the secret was out, Shinichiro was very happy Emma was with someone he knew would be good for her, and Izana became a bit protective of her and kind of threatened Draken if he were to hurt her, which he obviously never would.
Thousand Winters still forms after Toman disbands. Their reactions are all pretty much the same. They've got a photo album with pictures they all took in the t-shirts. However, it took a lot of convincing for Inui to be in the pictures.
Sanzu and Senju often wear clothing that closely matches with one another. They have their own sense of style, but sometimes it blends together and they wear similar things.
Luna and Mana are still very close with Taiju. He picks them up from school a lot and takes them to amusement parks and stuff. However, he doesn't like to admit he enjoys it even though everyone else knows he does. Yuzuha and Hakkai have dozens of photos where he's dressed in costumes or wearing cosmetics when Luna and Mana ask him too. When they're older, they sometimes still call him 'Tai' (the nickname they used in the birthday illustration).
Taiju is good at cooking, but he sucks at baking like the epilogue mentioned. He does thinks like burn chocolate, doesn't use enough flower or even squeezes piping bags too hard, causing them to explode.
Yuzuha is an older sister figure to Luna and Mana. She takes them shopping for clothes, teaches them how to put on makeup when they're older and watches over them while they grow up.
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shan-luoluo · 2 months
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shizukais · 1 year
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next up: koko, wakasa, kakucho, and hinata!
[art by me, do not repost]
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wingo5 · 10 months
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Two pretty best friends and their boyfriends!!
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tokyo-daaaamn-ji-gang · 2 months
Hina's new birthday card art, her birthday sign and a full look at her new outfit!
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w975x · 4 months
tokyo revengers textposts starring: hankisa!
nb: i still have some left but they feature my oc nd i still don't have any image of her(o_O) but for now, enjoy!
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buccini555 · 11 months
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— 𝐄𝐦𝐦𝐚 𝐒𝐚𝐧𝐨 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐇𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐭𝐚 𝐓𝐚𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐛𝐚𝐧𝐚 𝐛𝐞𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐛𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐬!
⊹ . ♡ ۫ . Headcanons of what it would be like to have Emma Sano and Hinata Tachibana as best friends
✩‧₊˚➳ H e a d c a n o n s !
₍ᐢ. .⑅ᐢ₎ 𝑭𝒕. Emma Sano and Hinata Tachibana
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✩‧₊˚ You spend a lot of time together, usually, you go out to parks or shopping, or just stay at home watching movies or reading.
✩‧₊˚ You guys love slumber parties and have parties like this on a regular basis, it's usually Emma who organizes everything and it always turns out perfect.
✩‧₊˚ They are protective of you, always give you all the support in the world, try to give you good advice and want to protect you from all possible harm.
✩‧₊˚ You wear friendship bracelets, sometimes you wear matching profile pictures, as each one has a different style, it's a way to match.
✩‧₊˚ You love shopping and take a lot of pictures together, you also like to talk about the most varied subjects possible, you have a lot of intimacy, that's why you also usually talk about girls or boys.
✩‧₊˚ They are jealous, they don't like to see you with other people, but they accept it, your friendship is extremely healthy and there is a lot of companionship between you.
✩‧₊˚ Emma loves to choose her clothes, shoes and accessories, besides that, she loves to do makeup on you or at least put some lip gloss on your mouth, she does the same with Hina, both are extremely vain.
✩‧₊˚ Hina always helps you with a lot of issues, whether it's school, personal life or any other problem you have, she's the kind of friend who listens to all your outbursts and does everything to help you, Emma is also very understanding, they like to take care of you and ensure your well-being, you know you can count on them for everything so you feel extremely safe having them in a friendship.
✩‧₊˚ You have a lot of pictures together, Emma loves taking pictures of you and everywhere you go they take pictures, plus you keep a group just to send funny pictures or things like.
✩‧₊˚ The two are affectionate, you usually give each other gifts, they know exactly all the things you like, so they do their best to please you, Hina is the one who shows the most affection and Emma is the most protective, together , they are the best friends you could ever have.
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bmpmp3 · 2 years
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realizing more and more every day how much i struggle drawing my favourite big sparkly eyed anime characters
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How they confess ♥️
How the characters of Tokyo Revengers confess their feelings to their crush.
Sends a love letter and asks to meet privately 💌
Hina, Yuzuha, Chifuyu
Does nothing, buries their feelings forever 🤐
Draken, Hakkai, Inui
Takes you to your favourite spot to say it 🌇
Takemichi, Kazutora, Kakucho, Shinichiro
Accidentally blurts it in a random situation 🫢
Mikey, Baji, Benkei
Takes you out to a nice dinner first 🍷
Kokonoi, Ran, Takeomi
Catches you by surprise with a kiss 😗
Hanma, Ran, South
Suddenly holds your hand while hanging out and waits for a reaction 🤝
Naoto, Mitsuya, Emma
Asks if you have a crush, hoping you'll confess first❓
Kazutora, Sanzu, Souya, Izana
Calls you out of the blue to ask you out 📞
Taiju, Rindou, Wakasa
Casually confesses like it's common knowledge 😎
Develops an unnecessarily complicated plan to impress you first 📑
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kimasousparky · 1 year
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i do not remember if i ever posted these but anyways
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