alilgoblinthinks · 5 years
Something Loki Said Today #3
Me: *hums the dishes song from the Hobbit* 
*Loki dancing in the background*
Me: You like that song huh?
Loki: Yes.
Me: Even though it’s sung by dwarves?
Loki: *grimaces* I hate dwarves.
Me: But you like the song because they threaten to break stuff?
Loki: *grins* I love those breaky noises!
Me: *rolls eyes*
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alilgoblinthinks · 5 years
Something Loki Said Today #2
*Customers being annoying/borderline rude*
Loki: *appears beside me, flipping knife in hand* We could always stab them you know. 
Me: Yeah, but we won’t.
Loki: Why not? 
Me: Cus it’s not nice. 
Loki: *sighs, deeply disappointed*
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alilgoblinthinks · 6 years
Something Loki Said Today
So, I was journaling about Loki today and I heard this very clearly in my head. 
Loki (and I quote); 
“Weaves Lies Like Thor Eats Pies” 
I just think that’s adorable. Anyone else?
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