weekly rituals with my deities - a study in motivation, worship, routine, & relationships
while working with apollo today he approached the subject of my lack of relationship with the deities i have been worshipping. he acknowledged how it bothered me. while praying to hekate, she pushed the word “try” into my mind several times as i lamented about how i “couldn’t” keep up with everyone i wanted to, and how my faith was waning as i lacked devotion, focus, and motivation. apollo and hekate, together, suggested i pick a day of the week to worship each deity separately. j can continue my small, daily routines (sleep for hypnos, yoga for the morrigan, pills for apollo, etc.), but i may find it easier to pick a day to devote to each deity as well. i worship seven deities, and there are conveniently seven days in the week.
all of this was confirmed when i saw a post here about how i should do the same. i knew apollo and hekate sent the post my way to confirm what they were already telling me - sign, if you will. confirmation.
in that case, i’m writing my routines and devotional acts out here, as a way to stay motivated, accountable, and have it on hand whenever i need it.
every day i plan to pray to them more intensely than usual and offer something small, whether that be a portion of my meal, a flower i found, or a cool rock.
sunday; apollo’s day. pray to him, offer something to him. sunbathe in the window, or outside, in the morning. make a point to dedicate my medicine-taking to him. journal a little, and do a weekly tarot spread to honor his divination aspect.
monday; the morrigan’s day. pray to her, offer something to her. read one of my books about her. do an intense yoga routine to get the blood pumping - no skipping out on this! journal while praying to her.
tuesday; anpu’s day. pray to him, offer something to him. do some shadow work - this could be free writing, a tarot spread accompanied by journaling, or following some prompts. i’ve found that anpu really appreciates when i perform shadow work, and as a death deity, i think ill start a trend of working through my death trauma with him on tuesdays.
wednesday; hyacinthus’ day. pray to him, offer something to him. on wednesdays i will make a point to talk and pray to him while i water my plants, pick weeds, and check on the overall health of my garden and health plants. i’d like to also do some introspective journaling on love and the trauma i am working through, as hyacinthus’ main goal with me is to build a healthy relationship with my partner.
thursday; hypnos’ day. a soft, calm day. not much goes on. i offer to him, and pray to him. perhaps i can take an extra long nap. i can cleanse my bed altar, make it all tidy, and do some devotional prayers and restful activities in bed. i will also make a point to dedicate that night’s sleep to him, and invoke him to appear in my dreams if he’s willing.
friday; hekate’s day. offer to her and pray to her. read one of my books about her. perform a magical spell or ritual, no matter how big or small. right now it’s hard to do full blown spells as i’m working in the broom closet at my christian sisters house, so i don’t have much of my supplies. but manifestation and intention setting will be one way i can accomplish this.
saturday; hestia’s day. pray to her and offer to her. clean my room and tidy up my space in dedication to her. light a candle while i pray to her, and let her energy fill my room. maybe do some baking in her honor, like a sweet desert or an attempt at bread.
i am hoping to follow this routine for my gods and myself. this will help me refocus on my practice and get in touch my deities again, who i’ve been slightly neglecting in favor of doing nothing all day.
i had an insightful time with apollo and hekate, and hope they’re proud of me as i implement their ideas into the coming weeks <3
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unseendeity · 4 years
seeing hades' name again is like the feeling of returning home when you've been away for so long. it's that breath you release out of relief and security. he's that friend that has never left you and is awaiting with open arms to hold you. he's the comfort that everything will be alright when you feel like your life is crumbling.
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alilgoblinthinks · 6 years
Something Loki Said Today
So, I was journaling about Loki today and I heard this very clearly in my head. 
Loki (and I quote); 
“Weaves Lies Like Thor Eats Pies” 
I just think that’s adorable. Anyone else?
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about me
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hello everyone!
i'm cody - i use all pronouns (she/they/him) and identify as genderqueer. i'm a polytheistic, eclectic witch and i've been practicing for about two years now!
i am mostly involved in deity work in both the hellenic and kemetic pantheons.
my patron deity is anubis, and i am also devoted to hypnos, apollo, hekate, and am beginning worship with hyacinthus and hestia!
i mainly use this blog for information on deities and such. down below, i have a masterlist of resources i have been using (generally other people's posts), but have also included some of my own deity interactions.
general deity work -
feeling closer to deities
tarot card associations - hellenic deities
deity journal guide
subtle deity worship masterlist
hellenic journal resources
hellenic cheat sheets
deity disconnect
deity relationships
pagan prayer guide
deity deep dives
anubis -
personal - dedicated prayer
personal - road trip prayers
personal - tarot interactions
personal - anxiety attack & comfort
anubis deep dive
hypnos -
hypnos bed altar guide
subtle hypnos worship
personal - hypnos night time routine
greek gods 101 - hypnos
hypnos deity guide
hypnos deep dive
apollo -
apollo devotional post
subtle apollo worship
lockett apollo post
greek gods 101 - apollo
apollo deity guide
apollo deep dive
hekate -
subtle hekate worship
personal - hekate meditation
greek gods 101 - hekate
lockett hekate post
hekate deep dive
hestia -
subtle hestia worship
low energy hestia worship
greek gods 101 - hestia
resources for hestia
hyacinthus -
subtle hyacinthus worship
this will all be updated as time goes on!
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oday i decided to do some meditation, focusing primarily on one of hekate’s epithets. i had read online that focusing on one of her epithets helps you really tune into that aspect of her. i took a look at some of her many epithets and chose one that really called out to me.
astrodia, star-walker, star-courser.
i laid in bed with a blanket over my legs and my eyes closed. i repeated her epithet in greek and english, inviting her to appear before me.
i kind of had a vision of her - the outline of her against the backdrop of a dark, star-filled sky. but she wasn’t separate from the stars and sky - she was the stars. she wasn’t apart from them as she moved above me. i feel chills in my legs and a hitch in my breath as i felt her presence.
meditating on this image, she gave me one lesson to follow in honor of her; “do not be afraid of your past mistakes.” i knew she was telling me to focus on the present, to forgive myself for any wrong or embarrassing things i have done in the past, and to live without fear. i will be using this going forward in honor of her.
it was so magical! i felt so alive in her presence.
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5am anxiety attack.
sitting on the floor of my 300 square ft studio apartment. listening to the birds call through my open window.
a breeze glides past my face.
“do you feel that?” in the back of my mind, He speaks. “that means you’re alive.”
fuck. yeah, i am.
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i’ve been having a rough week, but i needed to make a 7 hour trip downstate for the holidays. i cleansed and enchanted some of my crystal jewelry, and with my obsidian and tiger’s eye rings, dedicated them to anpu.
the exhaustion and stress of everything caught up to me while i was a passenger in my sisters car, and i found myself nearing a panic attack at the lack of control i had over the car as i felt that every twitch of the wheel and movement of the car would lead us to wreck.
we passed some roadkill. morbid, but i ignored it.
we passed some more. a post i had seen a while back about anpu letting His worshipper know He was with them through roadkill along the side of the road came to mind. i remembered the rings i was wearing, and remembered my offerings and plea for protection.
peace washed over me. it was instant. i knew He was there. god, it felt so good to be loved and protected in my weakest moment.
loving Him is worth it.
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i came up with a little prayer that i can repeat to anpu easily when i dedicate water, rest, and nourishment of my body to Him. it’s easy on my train wreck mind because i don’t have to come up with something new every time, and He’s approved of the prayer because i’m sure He knows this.
He’s been such a strong foundation in my whirlwind life recently, and has protected me & my mind pretty much every day.
i’m like. so grateful towards him.
reciprocity is nice, and something i’ve never experienced in a god-worshipper relationship until now.
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anpu always gets it. even when i think he doesn’t.
i recently purchased the antique anatomy tarot deck and dedicated it to him for our communication through tarot. i figured the themes of the deck were a little fitting, considering his role in mythology, and he seemed thrilled to be offered the deck.
the other day, i was angry with myself and i knew the answer to what i wanted, but i also knew i didn’t *want* that answer. i sat down in a huff and pulled out the cards and hoped he would tell me something i didn’t already know.
instead, i drew the four of elixirs.
“you want to be better?” he asked me. “then be better. get up. wash your dishes. do your homework.”
goddamn, he was right. so i got up. and i did them.
on samhain, i was feeling homesick and upset. i knew the answer was to be better, but i also knew some days (like that day), i *couldn’t*. i pulled out the cards and did a spread i had found on pinterest. one of the questions asked him if there was anything i should know.
“sometimes being better is recognizing you’re doing your best,” he told me. the nine of blades recognized my anxiety taking its toll on my life. the knight of rods, he sent me, told me it’s ok to not always do better. that sometimes, making one, mundane thing in my life worthwhile is what makes me better. because i’m living.
he sent me the tower card to explain why this message was important. everything feels terrible right now. but i stay present in the moment, if i do what i can, and i know that he is with me, and he knows that i am trying, that’s what matters.
feeling sappy. he knows when i need a strict, no-nonsense figure in my life, and he knows when i need a caring, understanding figure in my life.
forever grateful i found him.
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the little tea light candle i use when i talk to Him falling off its shelf no matter where i put it.
ok, ok. tarot card time. what are You trying to say to me?
page of wands - stop letting your anxiety hold yourself back! go live! be alive in the world and be willing to take risks! your anxiety is crippling your ability to feel like you’re making progress! go feel water on your skin and the wind in your hair and listen to the birds call in the early mornings and recognize that life is more than hiding beneath your bed!
dammit. yeah, You’re right.
fresh water is the only thing i can offer. but thank You, as always.
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honestly this year my biggest intention is deconstructing my christian background and habits, and doing some serious shadow work revolving around religious trauma.
i’ve found that my biggest road block when it comes to practicing magic and deity worship is my christian past. like. i have to convince myself that i’m not crazy for believing in magic and gods - and then wonder why i have this double standard, because i don’t think christians are crazy? so why do i think i am? or, a part of me gets paranoid that i’ll go to hell for praying to other gods.
i dunno. big roadblock. i want to be past it.
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brainstorming ways i can thank áine through offerings for the bright, sunny day filled with swimming and fun.
i ask if She would be ok if i dedicate me doing my laundry to Her.
weird feeling overtakes my chest. it’s nice though?
“i know laundry is hard for you,” She speaks.
my thoughts get a little jumbled after, excitement and fifteen things going through all at once. but i get the gist - She would like it.
doing it for Her makes it a little easier.
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unseendeity · 4 years
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sigil for
l o v e ♡
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unseendeity · 4 years
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I used the wheel method this time (the 1st one)! gotta add mah dots™ lmao
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unseendeity · 4 years
godsichor → deityjournal
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unseendeity · 4 years
deityjournal → coinburial
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