#sometimes I feel like it was just because it was written by 📄
maggi-cube · 2 years
Legitimately when I was still into ya 15-17 the preoccupation with romance was what made me hate the genre… I felt like it was insulting my intelligence. Like I wanted to read abt kids my age shouldering circumstances way beyond their control like I literally had been reading in children/middle grade lit (ex: Animorphs? Hello?) and complex moral questions or even just Wow! Cool dragon! Knights with sword!
And I thought that there would be more of that as I got older so they’d get more complex and have more politics but it was like they got dumber. Ykwim? Like “So and So is 16/17/18/fucking 19 and thrown into circumstances way beyond their scope. It’s up to them to do XYZ in a society that has failed them or who cannot be relied on. Anyway what about this boy 🥺🫣” and it pissed me off every single fucking time bc it was inescapable!! Every single book!! And -1/10 times was it ever done well! Not even an exploration of codependency or something! This is not even getting into the complete absence of any other interesting dynamic no it’s a motherfucker named Pokemon LeafRain or SkywardSword smoldering in the MC’s general direction and suddenly the war and oppression is the B plot!! God!!
Also special FUCK YOU to Uprooted bc I was so excited about this mentor student dynamic and parent figure and oh she makes a move on this century egg ass old man and they smash. Great 👍 loved that so wanted to read that
0 notes
improbable-outset · 7 months
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📂 𝐌𝐢𝐠𝐮𝐞𝐥 𝐎’𝐇𝐚𝐫𝐚 𝐒𝐅𝐖 𝐀𝐥𝐩𝐡𝐚𝐛𝐞𝐭.𝐟𝐢𝐥𝐞
I think it’s about time I post the SFW version of this HC collection. Just like the NSFW version, I’m going to try and make this as accurate to his character as possible while putting my own input too. I wrote the NSFW back in September so there might be some HC that will be slightly different. My interpretation on Miguel’s character will evolve.
Also since the NSFW alphabet was written with a gn Reader, it’s only fair I do the same here too. Fair warning, going through these head cannons is NOT going to be a walk in the park 😭 just a heads up
𝐒𝐩𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐞 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
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📄 𝐀𝐟𝐟𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧.𝐝𝐨𝐜
There’s a lot to cover here but I’m going to try my best to summarise this headcanon. Given the fact that Miguel has experienced a complex family dynamic in the comic books, especially from his mother ridiculing him, I think he’ll have a hard time expressing affection
And on top of that, he’s been isolating himself to keep the multiverse in balance. So having receiving affection like that will be foreign to him since it’s not something he grew up with
I mean you could point out that he showed Gabriella devotion and affection as a father because he didn’t want her to experience the same shitty childhood he did growing up
After the dimension collapse, he’s more closed off and reserved. It’ll take a lot of effort to build that trust in someone again and openly express his emotions
Going back to his background now, even after Miguel tried to fix his relationship with his mother, he was always brushed off and was seen as self-centered. This would definitely reflect in his relationship having grown up being misunderstood
📄 𝐁𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐅𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝.𝐝𝐨𝐜
I think this depends heavily on the timeline on when you actually meet him. We’ve all seen the post credit scene in the first movie when he was testing out the gizmo for the first time
I know we've only seen a glimpse of his character but I can’t imagine him being as cold and bleak back then as he is now, after he broke the canon
That being said, I think it would’ve been easier to be friends with him back then. Sure, he would’ve been a sarcastic asshole sometimes (affectionate) but at least he wasn’t closed off and easily irritated as he is now during ATSV
But if you’ve met him after the incident of Gabriellas’s dimensions collapse, let’s just say it’ll be a rocky road. It’ll take a while for him to break that outer shell (do not underestimate when I say a while). I think Jess is probably the only person that could get through to him, possibly Peter too.
It’ll take time. It’ll always take time… you can understand why he’s angry and stressed
📄 𝐂𝐮𝐝𝐝𝐥𝐞𝐬.𝐝𝐨𝐜
We can collectively agree that this man is touch starved and I don’t just mean sexually. As much as he hates to admit it
Once you both made your relationship official, it’ll be you that would rest on his chest first whenever you would need comforting. He’s used to being relied on— whether it’s serving his partner or when leading the Spider Society— not the other way around. He can’t bring himself to be dependable on someone just yet
But later on, when he does break down that barrier and swallow his pride for once, you’ll get him to rest on you. Initially he does deny that he needs such comfort but if you coax him enough, he’ll give in
He’ll be stiff at first with his head on your chest and your arms wrapped around him, but with each passing second he slowly relaxes his muscles under your embrace
Sooner or later, he’s melted under you and if you're lucky, he’ll fall asleep. Poor guy needs a break
📄 𝐃𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐜.𝐝𝐨𝐜
Deep down, underneath that hard exterior he secretly desires to settle down with someone. He yearns to come home to someone that will be excited to see him and just be present in his life. I haven’t read the comics yet so I’m basing this off ATSV Miguel but, he hasn’t experienced anything like that. I feel like he has fantasised to be in Peter B Parker’s shoes a few times where he can go home to a family
He’s grown accustomed to coming home to an empty apartment with nothing but his AI assistant to keep him company. But just because he’s used to it, doesn’t mean he likes it that way
After he lost Gabriella, the gravity of his loneliness really hit him. Especially given the fact that it wasn’t his official family, it was his variant’s and he was just replacing him
The grief still stayed though. He knows he’s never going to have that family again and now he’s back to everything being hollow
Once he does finally get to settle down I can imagine him struggling to adjust to his new lifestyle, now that he’s living with his partner
At first he’s barely home, always in HQ and busting his ass keeping everything in order because that’s what he’s used to
But after he realises his old habits, he tries to amend himself. He’ll try and put more effort in domestic tasks just to be around you more. Sure, he still has that underlying stress and he’s still getting used to not being cooped up in his office. But that feeling will subside once his habits change
📄 𝐄𝐧𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠.𝐝𝐨𝐜
I think this depends on who’s at fault here, the reason why your relationship has ended. But it’ll highly likely be because of Miguel’s overworking habits and not putting priority on the people he cares about
Sure the multiverse is important but he can get another Spider Person like Jess or Peter to take care of it while he takes a break. But he doesn’t
Throughout your relationship, you try to help him change his habits and his routine so he can live a healthy and more fulfilling life. Even grow a family together if that’s what you want. Unfortunately there’s only so much you can do and everything just feels like one step forward, two steps back— even after you communicate that with him and give him so many chances
He’s probably too blinded by his stress to even realise the harm he’s causing in your relationship. He finally gets that wake up call when he comes home to see you pack your bags
It’s up to you where you want to go from there…
📄 𝐅𝐢𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞.𝐝𝐨𝐜
I know in the comics, he did propose to Dana and as much as I’d love to see him as a husband and be his pretty little housewife, he can’t make that sort of commitment unless he heals from his past
If he wants something solid with a healthy and long lasting marriage, he needs to sort himself out otherwise there will be consequences later on down the line. Unresolved emotional baggage can lead to him being emotionally distant and unexpected outbursts
Even if he doesn’t mean to hurt you, there’s still a part of him that’s still wounded and he’ll bleed onto people that don’t deserve to be on the receiving end of his heated outlet. He needs to be able to be open with his partner if he wants to commit to them
Didn’t expect this sort of turn lol. It will take time but I think Miguel might want to settle down and if he truly wants it to happen, he’ll put in the effort
📄 𝐆𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐥𝐞.𝐝𝐨𝐜
Miguel knows that he is a big man and he’s aware of his strength which is why he’s always careful with you. Obviously the last thing he wants is to hurt you physically
However, when it comes to emotional, I think he’s the one that needs to be handled with care. Like I mentioned before, he’s living a post tragedy so it will be hard for him to be vulnerable at first
There are times where he’ll have outbursts but he’ll never in a million years resort to hurting you. He’ll regret even reaching his tipping point afterward though. You don’t deserve that when all you’ve been doing was looking out for him
📄 𝐇𝐮𝐠𝐬.𝐝𝐨𝐜
I wouldn’t say he’s much of a hugger. Not openly anyways. He’s not good with PDA and would rather show his affection, both physical and emotional, privately
But if you do initiate the hug, he wouldn’t refuse. He probably needs it anyways. He would slowly wrap his arms around you and gently embrace you. I think he does squeeze a little after
With his big broad arms, he can easily wrap around your body. His hugs are warm and they always make you feel secure in his arms. His height makes it easy to envelope you too
📄 𝐈 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐘𝐨𝐮.𝐝𝐨𝐜
Oh boy….I could see this go either two ways.
One: he’ll either have a barrier around himself that will prevent himself from being emotionally vulnerable to avoid getting hurt. So he would have a hard time expressing his love vocally but will show you through other ways like act of service or being protective over you. He won’t directly say I love you unless you initiate it first.
Or two: he’s so distraught from his grief that the fear of loss still lingers. So he’ll take every chance he can get to remind you that he loves you with all his heart
“Te amo mucho.” “Te quiero.” “Eres el amor de mi vida.”
There’s that underlying fear that he’ll lose you, either by being snatched away from him like Gabriella or you’ll leave him one day. But at least you’ll know how much you mean to him while you were together. That will give him a sense of ease
Either way, both situations are driven by his tragic past. Though personally, I’d prefer the latter
📄 𝐉𝐞𝐚𝐥𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐲.𝐝𝐨𝐜
I think Miguel’s jealousy will stem from the fear of loss again and the desire for stability in the relationship. Sure, he has support from his colleagues from the Society but that’s not the same as receiving devotion and love from a romantic partner
And because of that, he’ll be more vigilant about perceived threats to your relationship, driven by the fear of losing you. The vigilance could exhibit as jealousy if it means preserving that special emotional connection you both share and a tinge possessive over you too. It’s possible that this could be a defence mechanism for him after everything he’s been through
Not saying that he doesn’t trust you or anything, but I know that he will give anybody a death glare if they even look at you the wrong way. He knows his height and physique can be intimidating. This does go hand in hand with security that we will cover more on later
📄 𝐊𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐞𝐬.𝐝𝐨𝐜
Awhh my absolute favourite prompt. I know Miguel loves kissing his partner on the forehead, giving his height and all. It’s just so sweet and tender and he’ll probably do it throughout the day when he can’t vocally express his love
He loves watching you try kiss his cheek especially if you’re shorter and stuggling to reach. He just finds it so endearing. He’ll bend a little so you could reach his face and peck his cheek of course. He loves your kisses too
The first time you both shared your first kiss was after the third or forth date. He bent over to reach your eye level while you lifted your head up
He held your face gently and titled his head before he leaned in. God bless Kris Anka for giving this man such smoochable lips by the way
📄 𝐋𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐬.𝐝𝐨𝐜
You would think that after he lost his daughter, Miguel would be eager to be a father again. He would love to have children of his own.
Yeah…think again. I don’t think he’ll agree that easily. You can’t tell me that the idea of having children again wouldn’t trigger some sort of relapse. He’ll either think he wouldn’t be a good father or he wouldn’t want to replace Gabriella.
Call me bleak, but he just watched his daughter disappear in his arms (and committed omnicide) and is left emotionally traumatised.
Even if we all know he’s not at fault and he was unaware of the consequences at the time, that’s not going to stop him from blaming himself.
Initially he would probably abstain from having children until you came into his life. Seeing your character, not only as a partner but your personality in general, will probably shift his perspective a little
The thought of being the father to your children will probably motivate him into being better for your sake. He can’t imagine having children with anyone else now especially seeing the way you interact with other babies like Mayday
An added bonus if you’re carrying his child. He will place his hand on your bump to feel the baby kick and I think that momentary bond with his unborn baby will resonate with him.
📄 𝐌𝐨𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠.𝐝𝐨𝐜
Morning routines can be pretty peaceful, especially with you around now. Waking up next to you makes everything better for him ten folds
He’s usually the first to wake up (no surprise) and goes to the bathroom to get ready for the day
By the time you’re up he’s already in the kitchen. Unless you’re an early riser too. Before you got together, he’s breakfast would consist of instant coffee and maybe a toast if he’s lucky
But now with you around, you make sure he has a proper meal before he starts his day. And he has noticed that he’s more alert and aware after a nutritional breakfast. He’ll always be grateful for that
📄 𝐍𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭.𝐝𝐨𝐜
Night routines aren’t as blissful though. There are some nights where he wouldn’t be home, probably in another dimension tackling an anomaly again. It comes to no surprise being in a relationship with a superhero
But that doesn’t make it any less lonely for you. Your heart does ache for him and you’re always worried about his safety. Some missions take days and it’s hard to predict when he’ll be back home
But when you finally do get to share a night together, things are more content. You would either spend the evening cooking together or watching a movie. Either way, you’re grateful that he’s safe at home
📄 𝐎𝐩𝐞𝐧.𝐝𝐨𝐜
Initially, Miguel was reluctant on expressing himself with you. He doesn’t want to put his burden on you even though he constantly remind him that you’re his partner. You’re there to support him, yet he still insists that he’s fine
And because he bottles everything in, his behaviour is effected whenever you’re together. Easily irritated, uncharacteristically quiet and only giving one word answers
He quickly realises that keeping everything in is doing your relationship more harm than good and you’re only getting hurt in the process
Slowly but surely, he eventually opens up, revealing layers of himself to you overtime. This could include sharing his past, his fears and his dreams which builds a deeper connection between the two of you
📄 𝐏𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞.𝐝𝐨𝐜
You know, the first time I was introduced to Miguel, I saw him as a ticking time bomb. Ready to burst any second. But it didn’t take long to realise his perspective on things
The only reason he was pissed off in the movie was because he was challenged. Imagine busting your ass trying to keep the multiverse in order so you wouldn’t have to repeat one of the biggest mistakes you’ve done and then someone comes in and puts it at risk
Sure, the way he acted out was uncalled for but like I mentioned before, unresolved emotional baggage
However, when if comes to his partner, he’ll put more effort into being more patient with things. Building that trust and intimacy will take time but it’ll be worth it. When it comes to your relationship, he’ll avoid rushing into expectations and let things happen organically
I know he’ll be good when it comes to respecting boundaries, especially the fact that there will be moments where he would want to be alone to collect himself. He will know you would follow through and it’s only fair that he would respect any of your wishes too
📄 𝐐𝐮𝐢𝐳𝐳𝐞𝐬.𝐝𝐨𝐜
I think he’s pretty good when it comes to remembering what you like. I know that later on in the relationship, he’d love to learn more, what makes you tick, the good and the bad, and what will instantly boost your mood. I wouldn’t say he would remember the nitty gritty details about you but he will remember the important things.
It’s the least he can do after everything you’ve done for him and giving him the safe space he needs
However, he’s not very good when it comes to keeping up to date with special events. I’ll get into more details later on so you can understand where I’m coming from
📄 𝐑𝐞𝐦𝐞𝐦𝐛𝐞𝐫.𝐝𝐨𝐜
This is going to sound a little corny but Miguel’s favourite memory with you is when he finally built the courage to be emotionally vulnerable with you for the first time
You can imagine how this was a massive step since it’s all foreign to him. He was hesitant when he was venting to you for the first time, with his head resting on your lap and your hands running through his hair
That was when he felt the weight being lifted from his shoulder. Being a leader and having people rely on him for everything was draining but you saw past all of that. You managed to see the man inside him after unravelling the hard exterior. A momentary bliss in his blaring background noise of his life
That was the first time he realised he had found his person. Someone who saw the gray instead of seeing things as black and white
📄 𝐒𝐞𝐜𝐮𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐲.𝐝𝐨𝐜
Being a superhero and a leader of an elite force, Miguel will naturally be protective over you. His commitment to you also means keeping you safe from any danger not just as a civilian but as a devoted lover too
This also ties in to his fear of loss just as I mentioned earlier about his jealousy. Except this extends beyond mere jealousy with a genuine desire to shield you from harm
There are different ways he will express his protective nature such as creating a safe space for you or anticipating potential threats that could put you at risk before it could even happen
📄 𝐓𝐫𝐲.𝐝𝐨𝐜
Does this man put effort into your relationship…
You guys might hate me for making him look like a terrible partner. I’m just trying to be realistic here… but I think he won’t be best when it comes to remembering special events like anniversaries, birthdays and whatnot. It’s not that he doesn’t try
This guy is literally dimension hopping throughout his daily routine at work as well as keeping the Spider Society together.
I know that going to different dimensions is probably gonna fuck up with his internal clock and he’ll lose track of the days very easily
I’m not trying to make excuses for him or anything. He’s a busy man and overworked (like I didn’t reiterate that enough). But if it really upsets you, I think you should really communicate with him. Remind him of those special days because I know it’ll probably slip his mind. If he cares about you he should try to make time for you, right?
But on the other hand, he might even surprise you when you least expect it. You’ll probably assume that he’ll be in another dimension that special day and you come home to see him surprise you with gifts and such. I can imagine that happening too
📄 𝐔𝐠𝐥𝐲.𝐝𝐨𝐜
Wouldn’t really call this ugly but this is a huge flaw that isn’t talked about enough
After the broken canon incident we already know he’s left traumatised but I think he has some untreated PTSD too and he refuses to get the help he needs
He doesn’t want to be seen as a ‘broken leader’ (his words maybe) when he has so many people from the Society relying on him (toxic perfectionism?)
Unfortunately for him, if he doesn’t tackle these issues now, it will affect his relationship in the long run
📄 𝐕𝐚𝐧𝐢𝐭𝐲.𝐝𝐨𝐜
I think we can all agree that Miguel naturally does put effort in his look, whether he’s single or not. He’s clean shaven and his hair is slick back everyday. So I can imagine a morning routine with him making himself look good. And I think he knows he looks good too
But when it comes to going out on dates and stuff, he will definitely put more effort in his appearance
I can see him asking Lyla for advice on what to do on the first date and how to make himself look more presentable, especially if you’re someone he wants to take seriously. He’s a little rusty with these things but he’s a quick learner too
📄 𝐖𝐡𝐨𝐥𝐞.𝐝𝐨𝐜
I can’t see Miguel having the whole “my partner is my other half” belief. I think it’s an overstatement to him.
But if you’re both compatible enough, he will be aware that you bring out the best in him. Whenever he’s on the verge of overworking or overly stressed out, you’re always there to keep him grounded and give him the pep talk he needs to hear. He’s never been supported and loved while simultaneously reprimanded for his bad habits like this
Without you he realises that he’s a mess but now that you’re here, he has that drive to be better not just for the sake of your relationship, but for himself too. He has somebody special to look forward to seeing after work now
So sure, his partner doesn’t make him ‘whole’ but you do make him a better man and that’s all he needs
📄 𝐗𝐭𝐫𝐚.𝐝𝐨𝐜
Finally, I can say something wholesome about this man. So I know that he has a personal gym near HQ where he would train and keep in shape.
I have a strong feeling that he enjoys it when his partner watches him work out. It’s a serious ego booster for him. At first he was a little weirded out that you would just stare, it wasn’t something he wasnt used to, but now he loves it when you admire him from afar.
It gives him that extra motivational boost to do better. He loves it when you steal quick kisses between each sets too.
Speaking of which, you can’t tell me that one scene in the movie when he flawlessly destroyed those grenades from the vulture that he didn’t do it with a smirk under his mask. He knew he ate that.
📄 𝐘𝐮𝐜𝐤.𝐝𝐨𝐜
Something that he wouldn’t like in his partner. I can’t lie, it was pretty hard to pinpoint with this one but after brainstorming, I think I know what he wouldn’t like
This might be controversial since this trope is pretty popular but I don’t think the whole sunshine x grumpy trope will work with him
Maybe in a different universe where he’s not responsible for the stability of the multiverse, something that is a life and death situation, while leading the Spider Society and already has a lot on his plate. But unfortunately that’s his life now. He’s given up too much to stop now
The last thing he needs is a partner who’s overly optimistic and doesn’t see from his perspective. The fate of the multiverse is in his hands after all
He’s been misunderstood his whole life. He needs his partner to just be present and listen to him and not tell him to keep his chin up when he’s not in the right state of mind for it. He needs someone who understands the gravity of his responsibilities
📄 𝐙𝐳𝐳.𝐝𝐨𝐜
I’ve mentioned this before but I’ll say it again. Miguel suffers from insomnia and gets repetitive nightmares of the multiverse collapsing one day. Sometimes his mind constantly relives the moment of his daughter fading away in his arms.
He just can’t get a rest from that.
But after being with you, they do eventually calm down. Listening to your steady breathing as you sleep, nestling in his arms or on his chest really helps calm his nerves.
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Call me Miguel’s psychologist the way I yap about his fucked up mental state. I wanna write Miguel having some sort of melt down while reader comforts him but I know no one wants to read that 💀 properly will post it on ao3
Here’s the NSFW version if you’re interested
𝐓𝐚𝐠𝐬: @patchesofwork @monarchberrysblog @miguelbaby @swiftyangx12 @tarjapearce @smokeywhalee @lazyjellyfish300 @ghost-lantern @jadeloverxd @scaleniusrm @wandasfifthwife @ultravioletrayz @theorphicangel
Anyways, I’m logging off and going to bed
- Ayrus xox
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nativestarwrites · 2 years
wip ask meme!! 📄, 📝, and 👻
Thanks for the ask!
📄 What’s a WIP you never finished that you would like to go back and revisit?
I have a WIP that I haven't touched in 18 months, but has 16k words written which I feel like I should revisit. It's affectionately titled 'coffee shop AU' even though its not really either of those things. I wanted to answer the question 'what if the Phoenix was really a think tank and none of them were secret agents'. It started out as a straight AU but I ended up flipping it and its a canon fic where all is not as it seems. It has some really nice scenes in it and thinking back over how much my writing has developed since I started it, I should really take another look at it and see if I can finish it now.
📝Share a snippet of an unposted WIP, with or without context.
Seems appropriate to share a bit from the coffee shop AU now! But the snippet got a little long… oops. So I'm gonna put it under a cut with the last question.
Mac headed out onto the decking and sure enough he didn’t have to wait long before Jack followed.
“Hey, you alright?”
“You sure? Your head’s not bothering you, is it?” Mac rolled his eyes, he’d admire Jack’s persistence if it wasn’t so… persistent.
“I’m fine. I promise.”
Jack nodded and sat on the wooden railing, looking back at the house while Mac looked out at the LA night.
“I believe you about your head, but you’re not fine. I know that much, something’s bugging you.”
Mac sighed, it was the curse and the blessing of having a friend like Jack Dalton. Jack wouldn’t stop until Mac spilled what was wrong, but if he needed more time he’d give it to him. He’d never admit it, but sometimes it felt like Jack knew him better than he knew himself.
“I’ve just been thinking.”
“About what?”
“About the choices we make, how one decision can impact our lives in ways we could never have imagined.” Mac shrugged. “Like if I’d decided to graduate from MIT instead of joining the army. Or if you’d decided not to re-up in Afghanistan.”
“I can’t imagine my life would be any better without you in it, pal.” Jack said, nudging Mac with his shoulder.
“Thanks. It might have been a little bit safer though.”
“Can’t argue with that, but where’s the fun in that?”
“Oh, so you were having fun when I was diffusing that pressure plate bomb you’d stood on?”
“Not exactly. But that wasn’t the worst mission we ever went on.”
“We don’t talk about Cairo.” Mac muttered.
“Kabul.” Jack corrected.
“We don’t talk about Kabul.” Jack said, all lightness vanished from his voice. Mac frowned, he had said Kabul, hadn’t he? “And I don’t know why you’d bring that up. What is going on in that head of yours?”
👻Is there a scene that you find intimidating that you have yet to write?
Not a scene exactly, but I've got a WIP that deals with a long term medical condition that I'm finding a little intimidating to tackle because I want to make sure its accurate and respectful. I think I've done a good job so far, but I also want to do some more research and maybe run it past another set of eyes before I post.
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o-s-adnana · 3 years
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It's autumn.
I'm sitting in the garden on a chair writing this. And what's the point? Probably no one will see it. But the whole landscape envelops me, overwhelms me with emotions that I have rarely felt. It's strange. I can't take my eyes off the notebook. The notebook on which the pen slides easily and on which the words appear harder than in my head. My fingers run through my hair. It's soft, silky. I washed it last night and then looked out the window, planning to sit here today and write. My lips press against each other, as if without my due.
I look around. The whole earth is covered with leaves. There are yellow leaves, brown leaves, from time to time you can also notice a red leaf from the pear tree next to me. Some green leaves have also fallen. It's weird. What secrets will they hide? Did they get tired of clinging to the branches of the trees or did they want to be with the other leaves? Hmm ... the other leaves ... I mean the orange, brown, yellow and red ones ... they're not dead. They don't look dead for me. To me they are the same bright and lively leaves. But why did they look like that now? Maybe they got tired? I imagine hanging on the branches of a tree for so long is tiring. Maybe that's why the green ones fell, they were tired. However, they do not seem to have much rest even now, due to a wind that appears from time to time and takes them elsewhere. But why only a few of them? It doesn't fly them all, just in some places. To have talked the leaves with the wind I feel right now, taking my hair in front of my eyes so I couldn't see what I am writing. This is also possible. Adding only from time to time and taking only certain leaves, it is possible. They may not have liked the place where they fell and asked the wind to move them elsewhere to at least enjoy their stay while they had time. However, the way it moves them is different from any other. It lifts them gently from below, spins them in the air like a pirouette in a dance for two, moves them gracefully as in ballet steps from left to right, then by an even more elegant twist lets them down. Sometimes it takes several leaves at once and they end up dancing with each other, some parting on landing, others staying together, tied together forever as a couple who have just declared their love at the altar.
Here I broke the thread of these thoughts. I got up from my chair and went into the house to get dressed in something thicker because I was cold. When I came back I tried to redo that thread. It wasn't hard. I looked in front of me and saw the freshly plowed land. It had a brown color combined with a little gray. It looked sad. Without its green ornament and without the flowers it wore as decorations, it looked naked. Just a seedling on which lay a few vegetables, waiting to be picked. Yet something about it was different, appealing. I still don't know what; how does it combine with the carpet of leaves? That border that was becoming less and less visible, more and more leaves settled easily? It's possible. It looked as if the sea merged with the sand or as that line we all made with the pen in the second grade, which we passed by hand and spread the ink, joining it with the rest of the white page of the notebook. I'm still not sure what, but something about this landscape somehow takes me back to my childhood, 10 years ago.
I stayed a while. I looked around. So many things I could talk about and yet my page is at the end and the pen runs out of ink, so I'm going to end here. I will stay in the same place, admiring the image given to me, but you can continue your day by reading other things, probably much better than what I wrote.
I am sorry if my english is bad. It's my second language, but anyway here is the version written in my language:
Este toamnă.
Stau în grădină pe un scaun scriind asta. Şi ce rost? Probabil nimeni nu o va vedea. Dar tot peisajul mă învăluie, mă copleşeşte cu emoţii pe care foarte rar le-am simţit. Este ciudat. Nu îmi pot lua ochii de la caiet. Caietul pe care alunecă uşor peniţa și pe care vorbele apar mai greu decât în capul meu.
Degetele îmi fug prin păr. E moale, mătăsos. L-am spălat aseară după care m-am uitat pe geam plănuind ca azi să stau aici și să scriu. Buzele mi se presează unele peste altele, parcă fără cuviința mea.
Mă uit în jur. Tot pământul este acoperit de frunze. Sunt frunze galbene, frunze maro, din când în când mai poți observa și câte o frunză roşie de la părul lângă care stau. Mai sunt căzute și niște frunze verzi. E ciudat. Ce secrete or ascunde? Oare au obosit ținându-se de crengile pomilor sau or fi dorit oare să fie alături de celelalte frunze? Hmm...celelalte frunze... Adică cele portocalii, maro, galbene și roşii...ele nu sunt moarte. Nu-mi par a fi moarte. Pentru mine ele sunt același frunze luminoase și pline de viață. Dar de ce arată așa acum? Poate au obosit? Îmi imaginez că atârnând de crengile unui copac aşa de mult timp este obositor. Poate din cauza asta au căzut și cele verzi, erau obosite. Oricum, nu prea par a avea odihnă nici acum, din cauza unui vânt care apare din când în când și le duce în altă parte. Dar de ce doar pe câteva dintre ele? Nu le zboară pe toate, doar pe unele din anumite locuri. Să fi vorbit frunzele cu vântul pe care îl simt chiar acum luându-mi și ducându-mi părul prin fața ochilor pentru a nu mai putea vedea a scrie. E posibil și acest lucru. Adiând doar din când în când și luând doar anumite frunze, se poate. Acestora poate nu le-a plâcut locul în care au căzut și l-au rugat pe vânt să le mute altundeva pentru, măcar, a se bucura de şederea lor cât timp mai au la dispoziţie. Totuși, felul în care le mută este unul diferit de oricare altul. Le ridică delicat de jos, le învârte în aer ca într-o piruetă dintr-un dans pentru doi, le mai mută grațios ca în paşi de balet de le stânga la dreapta, apoi printr-o și mai elegantă răsucire le lasă jos. Uneori ia mai multe frunze deodată și acestea ajung să danseze între ele, unele despărțindu-se la aterizare, altele rămânând împreună, legate pentru totdeauna ca un cuplu care tocmai ce și-a declarat dragostea la altar.
Aici am rupt firul acestor gânduri. M-am ridicat de pe scaun și am intrat în casă să mă îmbrac în ceva mai gros pentru că mi să făcuse frig. Când m-am întors am încercat să refac acel fir. Nu a fost greu. M-am uitat în fața mea și am văzut pământul proaspăt arat. Avea o culoare maronie combinată cu puțin gri. Părea trist. Fără podoaba lui cea verde și fără florile pe care le purta drept decorațiuni arăta gol. Doar un răsad pe care zăceau câteva legume, așteptând să fie culese. Totuși ceva în legătură cu el era diferit, atrăgător. Încă nu știu ce să fie; oare felul in care acesta se combină cu covorul de frunze? Acea graniță care se făcea tot mai puțin vizibilă din ce în ce mai multe frunze se aşezau ușor? E posibil. Arăta ca și cum marea s-ar unii cu nisipul sau ca acea linie pe care cu toții am facut-o cu stiloul în clasa a doua, peste care am trecut cu mâna și am întins cerneala, unind-o cu restul paginii albe a caietului. Încă nu sunt sigură ce, dar ceva la acest peisaj mă duce cumva înapoi în copilăria mea, acum 10 ani.
Am stat puțin. M-am uitat în jur. Atât de multe lucruri despre care aş putea vorbi și totuși pagina mea e pe terminatelea și stiloul rămâne fără cerneală, așa că am de gând să închei aici. Eu voi rămâne în același loc, admirând imaginea ce mi-e dată, dar tu, îți poți continua ziua mai departe citind alte lucruri, probabil mult mai bune decât ce am scris eu.
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