#sometimes Ninira can be miffed about things as a treat
nuclearanomaly · 1 year
1 – Envoy
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wc. 737 | Heavensward MSQ
In order to make the Moogles of the Mists reveal themselves plans are made that Ninira does not care for much.
“You seem displeased.”
Ninira turned, prying her gaze away from the distant looming structures that made up the Churning Mists’ horizon, as Alphinaud approached. 
“With the plan.” He continued when she didn’t respond. He had finished packing what supplies he had and was clearly ready to depart.
She bit the inside of her lip. So it had been that obvious. She needed to get better at controlling her emotions so they weren’t so blatantly plastered on her face for all to read. 
“I am…” There was no point in lying. Not to Alphinaud. She wouldn’t lie to Alphinaud, not after all they had been through, not unless she needed to…
 “I know it’s our best chance at getting these Moogles to reveal themselves but…” She averted her gaze, “I just don’t like the idea of you going alone.”
His expression softened. “I know, however I am not the one accused of regicide.”
This was true, as was the fact that none of their other companions were viable options either. While Ysayle might not be as quickly identified as the leader of the Ishgardian Heretics within the forests of Gridania, the risk was still there. And as she had already pointed out her skills were better served trying to find and petition the aid of amiable dragons. Estinien was also out of the question. He was not about to leave, not with the Eye allowing him to confirm Nidhogg’s presence nearby. For him to accompany Alphinaud to Gridania would leave Ishgard even more exposed than before.
“I still don’t like it. You might not technically be as wanted as I am but they’ll know you were with me. I don’t trust what’s left of–” She hesitated, not wanting to re-open old wounds too badly. “–the deserters from the Crystal Braves to leave you be, if they come across you.”
Alphinaus shifted at the mention of his old, failed, peacekeeping movement but didn’t seem too discouraged as he continued. “We can simply hope that most, if not all of them, are stationed in and around Ul’dah. With any luck my arrival in Gridania and potential talks with the Elder Seedseer will go relatively unnoticed.”
Ninira’s mouth twisted at that comment as well and Alphinaud smiled. “It is also probably for the best that I am the one performing such talks as it is clear you are still, stung, from the Banquet.”
“And you’re not? They walked out on us!” Alphinaud opened his mouth but Ninira knew what he was going to say. “For political security, and safety.” She sighed, “I know… I know… but it was still insulting.” A few moons prior and she was hailed the Hero of Operation Archon, how little it clearly mattered now. 
“Perhaps it was, regardless we must move on. Fortunately, the talks will also give me the opportunity to clear those tensions with the Elder Seedseer.”
Ninira sniffed. But this was off topic from her real worries. 
“What if something does happen?”
Alphinaud could only shrug. They had been avoiding Linkpearls for extra security after their escape to Ishgard. They could opt for them now but there was no way to know if it was worth the risk.
“Give me a week.” His gaze was distant, contemplative. “I estimate, with the travel time from Gridania and taking into account what access the Seedseer can get us to speed things along, I can be back here well within a week.” He looked at Ninira. “If I’m not back by then you may do what you wish to come find me. Burn things down and what have you.”
This made Ninira’s mouth twitch into a smile. “I don’t think that will help with our current reputation.”
Alphinaud smiled slightly in return. “No, I suppose not.”
She sighed, though her apprehensions still fizzled under the surface she was mostly reassured. “I will hold you to that. I can wait a week.” A week would feel long, A week spent watching Ysayle and Estinien to make sure they remained friendly enough to not ruin all of Alphinaud’s plans while he was gone would feel longer, but she would do it.
“Thank you, Ninira. I promise to be as quick and discreet as I can. And to return sooner rather than later.” 
She nodded, and watched as he adjusted his belongings, giving her a final nod in send off before focusing on the spell and teleporting from sight.
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