#they could have played that up more so in my sandbox I do hehe
nuclearanomaly · 1 year
1 – Envoy
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wc. 737 | Heavensward MSQ
In order to make the Moogles of the Mists reveal themselves plans are made that Ninira does not care for much.
“You seem displeased.”
Ninira turned, prying her gaze away from the distant looming structures that made up the Churning Mists’ horizon, as Alphinaud approached. 
“With the plan.” He continued when she didn’t respond. He had finished packing what supplies he had and was clearly ready to depart.
She bit the inside of her lip. So it had been that obvious. She needed to get better at controlling her emotions so they weren’t so blatantly plastered on her face for all to read. 
“I am…” There was no point in lying. Not to Alphinaud. She wouldn’t lie to Alphinaud, not after all they had been through, not unless she needed to…
 “I know it’s our best chance at getting these Moogles to reveal themselves but…” She averted her gaze, “I just don’t like the idea of you going alone.”
His expression softened. “I know, however I am not the one accused of regicide.”
This was true, as was the fact that none of their other companions were viable options either. While Ysayle might not be as quickly identified as the leader of the Ishgardian Heretics within the forests of Gridania, the risk was still there. And as she had already pointed out her skills were better served trying to find and petition the aid of amiable dragons. Estinien was also out of the question. He was not about to leave, not with the Eye allowing him to confirm Nidhogg’s presence nearby. For him to accompany Alphinaud to Gridania would leave Ishgard even more exposed than before.
“I still don’t like it. You might not technically be as wanted as I am but they’ll know you were with me. I don’t trust what’s left of–” She hesitated, not wanting to re-open old wounds too badly. “–the deserters from the Crystal Braves to leave you be, if they come across you.”
Alphinaus shifted at the mention of his old, failed, peacekeeping movement but didn’t seem too discouraged as he continued. “We can simply hope that most, if not all of them, are stationed in and around Ul’dah. With any luck my arrival in Gridania and potential talks with the Elder Seedseer will go relatively unnoticed.”
Ninira’s mouth twisted at that comment as well and Alphinaud smiled. “It is also probably for the best that I am the one performing such talks as it is clear you are still, stung, from the Banquet.”
“And you’re not? They walked out on us!” Alphinaud opened his mouth but Ninira knew what he was going to say. “For political security, and safety.” She sighed, “I know… I know… but it was still insulting.” A few moons prior and she was hailed the Hero of Operation Archon, how little it clearly mattered now. 
“Perhaps it was, regardless we must move on. Fortunately, the talks will also give me the opportunity to clear those tensions with the Elder Seedseer.”
Ninira sniffed. But this was off topic from her real worries. 
“What if something does happen?”
Alphinaud could only shrug. They had been avoiding Linkpearls for extra security after their escape to Ishgard. They could opt for them now but there was no way to know if it was worth the risk.
“Give me a week.” His gaze was distant, contemplative. “I estimate, with the travel time from Gridania and taking into account what access the Seedseer can get us to speed things along, I can be back here well within a week.” He looked at Ninira. “If I’m not back by then you may do what you wish to come find me. Burn things down and what have you.”
This made Ninira’s mouth twitch into a smile. “I don’t think that will help with our current reputation.”
Alphinaud smiled slightly in return. “No, I suppose not.”
She sighed, though her apprehensions still fizzled under the surface she was mostly reassured. “I will hold you to that. I can wait a week.” A week would feel long, A week spent watching Ysayle and Estinien to make sure they remained friendly enough to not ruin all of Alphinaud’s plans while he was gone would feel longer, but she would do it.
“Thank you, Ninira. I promise to be as quick and discreet as I can. And to return sooner rather than later.” 
She nodded, and watched as he adjusted his belongings, giving her a final nod in send off before focusing on the spell and teleporting from sight.
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orangelemonsstuff · 2 years
-🌙 anon? is that available?
HEllo :D hehe Im glad you liked the fic :> this was actually inspired on a chapter of Aharen San where she met raidou as a kid and played together yet she has to move out the day Raidou wanted to play with her the next day :(( but since im basing my fic to tht manga chapter ofc they'll meet again and yes emoji anons are all available here!! so heres ya part two!!
Where We Used To Play
Malleus & Reader
Childhood Friends Au
(sequence to this!!)
Tags: Fluff, Implied Childhood Stranger Friend, Can be Platonic or Romantic
Summary: your life kinda sucks at the moment and it felt too overwhelming for you to handle so you decided to take a break outside, maybe a walk or a breather till you come across a familiar playground filled with you nostalgic childhood memories and friends, you reminiscence through a memory you barely remember.
You groan
You arch your back and raise your arms up in the air as your feet walk on the concrete road, today was tiring, yesterday was tiring as well, but finally you get to catch a break for a hour.
walking around is calming you enough, the afternoon air really releases all the stress clumped up in you, walking around is more than enough of a break for you
and More Walking later
You ought to get tired of course so you try to find a bench you could sit on to rest your legs and even maybe meditate since it's been a while since you've done that
upon turning arriving at a centered road, lies ahead a playground nearby a elementary school. the school you used to go to
you prefer getting hit by a sudden euphoria upon seeing the nostalgic playground than getting hit by the feeling of drowsiness, your face curls up to a smile as you stride into its jagged pebbled ground
oh, your elementary days... how've you missed being a child. no problems, no worries, everyday is just fun! but everyone's gotta grow up right? that's what's all of this nostalgia is for, for the adult version of you to remember
you turn your head around to observe the playground, few kids are playing whether it's on the sandbox where you used to buried your profound toys, the seesaw where you used to fly as much as you can while returning the favor to your friend by coming down, or the swing that had you fast up the air to point of seeing the top branches of trees as the rusty metal chain creak with every swing of the seat.
there are lots of other playthings here as well you don't remember seeing before, such as monkey bars, a small climbing wall enough for small kids to climb up to, and oh that curved ladder wasn't there before
how have you missed playing around this place, you are quite jealous since you can't be the children you are as before, it is fun to see younger kids having fun on their own
but as much as there are a lot of playground equipments there are only a few kids playing and trotting around and most of them are in pairs in spaces they are occupying, kinda surprising that they are ignoring the swings, kids from before used to fight each other just to get a turn in it
it is after school for them most had probably went home with their childhood friends or parents like you used to before. and it's not that noisy for you to be bothered either
the children were too occupied playing with themselves they didn't even notice you striding to the swings and sitting down, perhaps you had grown a lot or they just lowered the swings for safety measures but your butt and feet are not that far from each other it feels like you are squatting but this swing is taller to you when you were young till now, it also might have sat on by too many kids that it was forced down low by their weight
though children don't usually weight that much to push down a metal swing right? you remember playing with a older kid before and he is the only kid you struggle to push the swing for because of his inch tall stature
huh? older kid?
you remember your friends are mostly at what grade you are, you don't remember making a friend a few grade more--
your eyes followed two kids making castles at the sandbox and that's what hit it back like the euphoria from earlier
what was his name again? Mal...Mallyu...Malleus?
yeah, that kid. yeah you remember him. he was that weird mysterious boy who watched you play alone that one afternoon before not even bothering on asking to join you till you asked-- well told him to and just lets you pull him around on different apparatuses of the playground to play with you
Urgh... now that you think about it, he didn't come back the next day after that he probably got weirded out by you and decided he does not want to play with you anymore
your dragon toy and the other thing was still with him too
not only he hated you that time, he also stole your toys because he hated tou. how immature of the side the child you shown, well you were a kid back then of course you'd be immature but still...!!
at least he could've come back to make up with you... you two had so much fun that day you really though he'll come back the next, you brought another pair of shovel and castle bucket too so the dragon could also have a tower
you lean back and lets your head wonder what could've been the actual reason he didn't come back that day, hated you? just wanted your toys? got yelled at and told to never play with you again? or maybe he just forgot about it, maybe you could forgive the forgot reason because you as a child too didn't really thought about it that much either and continue on living without remembering him, not until now at least
you might've leaned back a little too far because your head had hit a soft clothed pole? pretty muscly too... realization slapped the back of your head as you stopped leaning in and turn your head behind you. shit. it's a person.
"uhh sorry didn't see you there"
your eyes shift back to the playground and turn your head back at the stranger, your eyes focused back to the kids playing on the sandbox again, they were dirty and dusty now but they sure are having fun
feeling you had ignored his presence, the stranger took an initiative to sit on the other swing, and swing back and forth a bit with his foot
"you got a kid here?" you ask as you let your eyes wander the playground to the kids sliding down the curvy slides, to the three children talking at the curved ladder while one of them sits on top
"oh i see"
"how about you? are one of them yours?" your eyes scrunched up at his statement do you look that old to be a parent?
"no way, I'm actually a student here" you forgot to mention the "was a student here before" but you're pretty sure he gets it
"you look pretty old to be in a playground let alone be a student." talk for himself what is he doing here too otherwise?
"heh am i?" you chuckle, closing your eyes and letting your ears just feel the noise of the laughter and chatter of the kids around you, maybe even the stranger's reply
"....yes" you burst out a giggle, and started swinging yourself a bit faster than him, that's kind of funny but the stranger seemed genuine with his answer
"Well excuse me sir, some people had just to hold back a grade, some are not born with lots of smart you know" you stated, jokingly of course
"oh." wait, that sounds like he took it seriously is he...? actually being serious right now?
your giggle turned into a laughter and some of the kids around and the stranger too turned to you confused with how you are acting
"that was a joke haha..." you wipe out the laughter tears in your eyes and calming down after a few seconds
"but you know, it might've been better if it's like that, i could be a child and play here forever don't you think?" another thought held you back "maybe even wait for him here forever"
"i know you're just a stranger and stuff but i got this friend i made here at this same playground, we had lots of fun and he promised he'd come back tomorrow but the next day, he just didn't" the stranger stayed silent listening to you, you look down and remember the hopeful look at that kid's face, you were sure he'd come back even if he didn't promise to because at least he'd give back your toys
"ah yeah, he took two of my figurine toys too"
"oh really?" The stranger seemed a bit curious now, is he amused by your story? the child you wouldn't take that too kindly
"yeah, he took my favorite dragon figure i got from a penny store and another thing i can't seem to remembe-"
"it was a dice" he interrupted, you look at him with a perplexed expression
"the father of the prince was actually the dragon and the evil dice took over the sand castle" your eyes widened at his words, no way. no fucking way. that just can't be
"oh my goodness is that really you?" the stranger as you call him before knowing, grinned at your baffled face
"I can't seem to push myself alone at this seat, would you kindly do it for me? I'm pretty sure you know yourself how these as you don't need my help to push yourself"
"...Malleus was it? how long has it been?" your puzzled tone turned to a gleeful one as you inch your side to him by force to get closer
"im glad you remembered my name, i thought i would've had to explain who i am again in case you would only remember a few details of that day" you shook your head, of course you remember him you were just thinking about him earlier
"i wouldn't forget you, you were the only kid whom i let off that took my things" you joke elbowing him slightly
"maybe your memory is a bit more jagged. you gave these to me don't you remember?"
"no, I don't remember giving them to you, from what i know is that you promised that you'll come back that's why i let you borrow it"
"really?" you laugh kicking the rocks off the worned out ground as he shuffles his hand through his pocket and you were pretty sure he was about to pull those out so you stopped him
"I wasn't serious Malleus, i was just kidding of course i gave it to you, you are the dragon aren't you?" Malleus smiled and pulled out his hand to clasp it against yours
"although, i have no idea where the prince is now, probably got lost in a ditch somewhere" Malleus frowned in disappointment as you break your hand free from him, guilt washed over you, of course it'll get lost it was lots of years ago, you don't even remember where'd the body parts of those toy figurines you own go most of the time.
you pat his back with sympathy, letting your eyes wander again, you remember the seesaw, this swing and that slide you never get to go to,
"hey, come to think of it you didn't get to go down the slides, when you left i did it alone, it was pretty fun."
"slides? oh that thing over there, Lilia arrived too earlier for us to have use it, i was actually disappointed when we parted our ways that time." you remember who Lilia is, he's that man with the the girly face that took Malleus that time, you wonder how he is now...
but other than that, there's no other people than you, Malleus and few other kids who wouldn't seem to mind if two people used the playground facilities as they are supposed to be used for
"we can if you don't mind."
you pull his hand and went over to the slides you never get to ride that time when he left too early with Lilia. to continue the fun the years he was away and you waiting for him stupidly with a castle bucket
you still hadn't asked him why he didn't return that time but oh well
at least this time you two can enjoy yourselves to the fullest.
a/n: hello :> i know this might seem pretty rushed but i hope you like it, i honestly want to leave the fic an open ending and let the reader decide for themselves for how the ending ends for them. you could still do that and just think of this fic as my own way of how it went after Malleus left :DD
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wuahae · 2 years
NOT THE KOKOBOP SLAY now you have conjured up That era of exo in my head.... as a moa i am crying JAJBSVE fake title game - 「matcha chocolate」 for dino <3 (it is technically still lunar new year so happy new year!!!) - prom anon
JSHDFLKJ AM I WRONG.... i love the war album don't get me wrong it's second only to exodus but every time i think of kokobop i think of that fancam where the song starts and op is like "fuck i'm so sick of this song— E!!! X!!! O!!!!!!" like she is just like me . and also happy new year hehe in vietnamese new year its the year of the cat but i think everywhere else happy year of the rabbit <33
matcha chocolate | lee chan x reader
you have a secret admirer.
you're not really sure where this came from, if you were being honest. it wasn't like you had been doing anything different these past few years of high school, you hadn't met any new people nor have you ventured out of your comfort zone to make new friends, but you'd opened your shoe locker one day and there it was. a box of matcha chocolates.
it didn't help that local blabbermouth boo seungkwan had witnessed you open it, let out a dramatic gasp, and now everyone in your class has been gossiping about who the secret romeo could be for days. you tell yourself that it's all just a hassle, that if someone wanted to confess to you they should just grow a pair and ask you out themselves, instead of playing this guessing game and making a big deal out of nothing. and also... you clamp your mouth shut, gaze lingering at your best friend before looking away. nevermind.
the real mystery is why your best friend, lee chan, has been oddly prickly ever since the box of chocolates first made its appearance, and even more prickly after you'd told him that yeah, if if your secret admirer actually confessed to you in person then you'd probably say yes to going out with them. what's even weirder is that he tells you that okay, fine. he'll help you figure out who the mystery man is.
(he tells you this on his own volition, so why is he grumpier with each potential suitor he ends up interviewing? you may have been friends with him since you both pushed the local playground bully into the sandbox in first grade, but there are just some things you will never understand about him.)
ugh. can someone remind you why you like him again?
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detective4blog · 2 years
Okay SO
One is an air genasi named Zephyr Dawnman [he/they], they learned Druidism and became an adventurer to learn more about the world :]]
The next is Stalaktros Weldhandle [he/him], a dwarf fighter who was a defender of his home clan before setting out to find better ways to protect his home :0
And here is stat sheets :>
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May I hear about things that you have done 👀 [characters, campaigns, etc]
Omg I love them both sm- druids and fighters are the two classes I haven't played yet tbh 👀 also dual wielding sickles are so badass omg omg
OKAY SO- my first dnd character is a Tiefling rogue named Arlo (they/them)! They ran away from home bc their parents weren't supportive, they've stolen a lot of stuff, and overall are a chaotic little shit. I haven't played them in a while tho :<
Also I have two half orc barbarians because I just like orcs and barbs are fun to play!
First one is Sallie (she/her), she got banished from home because she killed someone (in her defense, they were trying to kill her so they could get with her wife so), and now travels with a group of bastards (affectionate). Also she got a girlfriend who's a milf and so understanding I cry. She's from a close friend's campaign that is so fucking amazing they have homebrewed so much cool shit <33
THE SECOND ONE,,,,her name is Dara!! She has the Feylost background!! She got taken by the fey when she was two years old, her family never noticed that she was missing until she was returned seven years later. Since then she kinda became like...a family outcast. Except she's unaware of how shit her family is and likes traveling the world. And she's kind've a bimbo tbh. I love her so much. She hasn't been played in a proper campaign since I got kicked from my last dnd group tho :(. I made a like...sandbox world where my friends and I get to play characters who got stuck in Wonderland. It's fun!!
OKAY I WOULD RAMBLE MORE ABOUT CHARACTERS BUT I MUST RESTRAIN MYSELF- BUT!! I HAVE A CAMPAIGN!!! So it's a horror steampunk campaign, it's got biblically accurate angels in the sky when it's cloudy and a bunch of other horror stuff hehe :> Another cool thing about is that me and my co-DM for it took inspo from The Mandela Catalogue so,,,do with that info what you will! I also have a Sanity system (totally didn't rip off the one from the Call of Cthulu module-) and it's been going great. ANd by great I mean I have dealt Sanity damage :) Where we are right now is a charity ball to support the troops who're off fighting in a war I totally have lore for! It's a masquerade too. We aren't there yet but I'm excited for it!!
I have another campaign that hasn't started since I'm focused on my horror one! It's a Western one with lots of world exploration and lore for people to find. I also made up all the gods for that campaign and I'm so proud of them all-
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kalinjdra · 2 years
For the ask game! 31 and 37!! 😄
hehe! i shan't shut up now :) 31. Do you take liberties with canon or are you very strict about your fic being canon compliant?
Ohohohohoho, I am a firm believer that canon is my sandbox that I am free to play with however I wish! I will twist canon in my hands like silly putty >;3c Personally, I will incorporate things from canon if I think they're cool or under-rated and I go out of my way to read source materials and nonfiction just to make my writing more grounded. Currently reading the War Games just to know *how* to change it for a fic (mutter mutter why do i do this to myself...) So yeah! I love a good canon compliant fic once in a while but I most often kick it straight to the curb :)
37. Talk about your current wips.
-Questionable Decisions: this is a short little oneshot that ive plotted out about JayTim, proposals and accidental baby acquisition. I have like 12 scenes for that and no idea what the wordcount will be. My main problem writing it currently is that the characters get drunk but I have minimal experience in that so I don't know how to write :( buts its okay there's always other stuff to work on -Triple Trouble side fics: I have side fics planned out for my series TT which is a TodoDeku ABO fic (with minimal ABO) and kids. ...I really like sudden child acquisition, okay? Anyways, I ended up finishing the "main" fic which is about Izuku's kids (3 of them hence the name lol) getting kidnapped form camp, Todoroki's agency is in charge of handling it and literally everyone goes like "uhhhh yo these kids more or less look like you or your siblings" and then yeah meetcute stuff where the main couple doesn't even *meet* each other until the last chapter. Very on brand for me lol. Anyyyyways I promised a few one-shots for the series consisting of: Christmas fic, Baby Shouto fic, TodoDeku first meeting fic, and Moving In fic. This was around Christmas time so I was going to do that first. I did /NOT/ end up actually writing them, though Christmas fic has a valiant start and will probably be a two-shot where they celebrate Christmas with Izuku's side of the family and New Years' with Shouto's side of the family. Hm. There is a surprising amount of worldbuilding for this series despite it only being 17k... -Reflection: this is Harry Potter grows up in Gotham fic! with minimal influence on the bats! this one is written... in an unusual style for me and I've been working for this one for about a year or so? its currently only 6k but its a little past the trolls scene and I want to finish 1st year before I post it. the one song that encapsulates this fic is Eight by Sleeping At Last. anyways here's a snippet :) ---
hari potter grows up in gotham. 
it changes nothing. (it changes everything.) ---
hari potter smiles shyly under the floating candles. his green eyes seem luminescent with the reflection of golden lights. his skin seems bronze, a picture perfect storybook hero cast from metal. these people desperately want a hero. a savior is all they see.
hari potter is a reflection. he adapts. he takes your expectations, your sterotypes and shows what you want to see.
after all, hari potter may be the boy-who-lived but he was a gothamite before that. ---
hari potter is swept under the inviting wing of gryffindor and why shouldn't he? he's a carbon copy of his father, after all. from his bird's nest hair, to his round glasses, to the way his nose slopes downwards.
hari potter is brave. he's saved all of britain from you-know-who! what else can he be other than a gryffindor? who else could face the greatest dark lord of their age! there are books about his death-defying stunts as a five year-old facing down a dracula, a novel about him destroying a cursed catacomb, a memoir about the adventures he's had. hari potter is brave.
(hari potter is brave. hari potter lived in gotham city. he's seen monsters come out of the sewers and has been mugged with a gun pressed to his temple. he remembers when the clown hid a bomb in the street over. he remembers seeing the cloud of dust flying outward, the slow collapse of the building. he remembers running, running so hard, hoping so hard to the edge of that rubble. pleasepleaseplease don't let him die. dig with bloody fingers and wiggle into tight crevasses. looking for a person, his very best friend majid. he remembers a firefighter dragging him away. five hours later, majid is carried out broken and blue. three days later, he attends the funeral. hari potter is brave.
hari potter is more than a cold halloween night.)
last but not least, Keystone: this is currently my largest and longest running fic and I literally posted the first chapter on a whim and a random person commented and encouraged so now here we are 10 chapters later. basic plot is Harry sends a letter to adult!Tim Drake because he really doesn't want to live with the Dursleys anymore, Tim essentially plans out a convoluted, multi step plan that has Jason pick up Harry from a train station to take him to a safe place (features: the Jewelry Protection Squad! cool gay vampire professors! Jason killing werewolves! and more!) Btw, the fic is currently on ch10 and the last 7 chapters have literally spanned the events of two days. I need help... anyways! I am currently writing a scene where Harry + Jason discuss with the Goblins about the Potter estate, land ownership and I get to hint at a larger but oppressed wizarding world! World building! From there, we might or might not get to the bunker where it'll be peace for Jason+Harry while they wait for the jewelry Protection Squad to do its thing. While that's happening, I'll be writing about what's going on Gotham and why Tim didn't just have Harry come over to Gotham. I am also currently reading War Games (and prbly No Man's Land later on) just to figure out how I can move around Keystone's Batclan characters and what might have changed and what stayed the same.
aaaand yah that's about it! thanks for asking! i really enjoyed talking about these :D
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nevermindrussia · 3 years
У черта на куличках [u chyorta na kulichkah] - "at the devil's babkas"
This is my "Russian idiom of the day" column, and today let's see some of my favourite kind of weird Russian phrases... lookin weird just until you know it's origin. As you know, I love idioms which are not clear even to Russian people, so right now is one of them.
The meaning of it is - "somewhere very distantly of known places".
«У них контора — где-то у черта на куличках, от конечной метро еще десять минут на автобусе» — "They have their office in a kind of weird distant place; I should go there by subway up to terminate station, and then catch a bus to go 10 minutes more"
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Some Russian people say it as «у черта на куличиках», which sounds much alike to «на куличках». But куличики and кулички are definitely not the same!
If one is у черта на куличиках, it may mean one of two things:
1. The devil (also, I said in one of my former posts, черт is not the Devil himself, but a kind of demon, an evil occult power, usually impictured having horns, a long tail and goat legs) is having a dinner, where the main dish is куличи (pl. from кулич, also the diminutive plural form would be куличики). Кулич is a special type of sweet bread, baked mostly at Easter. I've got known it can be named in English a Babka. That's what Russian Easter куличи aka babkas look like:
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2. The devil (see before) is having a beach party, and invites you for making куличики out of sand. That's another idiomatic thing (in fact it's not, if you remember what кулич is). Because when Russian children are playing in a sandbox, building some constructions out of sand, basically it's called лепить куличики [lepit' kulichiki] - "to make babkas". We dont' say "to make sandcastles" until you really make an effort to do on sand something looking like a real castle. Otherwise - if you just take a plastic bucket, fill it with sand, then turn it upside down and remove a bucket - it's called лепить куличики. Just because the shape which is got looks much alike to a babka.
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So, anyway. We can think that this idiom tells us of some devil's party, sand of eating or anyway. But it DOES NOT. So, let's see what mysterious куличики really are.
In old Russia, almost entirely covered with woods (part of them in East is famous Taiga), there was some special attitude to forest and everything about it. There was special names for some parts of the forest. One of them described a glade, located deep inside the forest, far from people's houses at the enter of the woods.
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These glades were meant to be enchanted. People believed that evil powers (such as черт, also леший [leshiyi] - "a wood-goblin", and кикимора [kikimora] - "a wood-maid") were reigning there. The name for these glades was кулиги [kuligi], pl.; sing. would be кулига [kuliga]. Diminutive for this word (also plural) was кулички. Exactly the same we see in the idiom.
Not a babka party. Not a sand party. Just a distant and spooky place, maybe occupied with occult beings; which, therefore, can be used for living and business. Just because one day people became brave enough to go into woods and look for кулиги and build there houses for their families. That were the people who lived у чер��а на куличках - very very far away from the main settlement. Now we can say this (if we are Moscow residents) of someone who lives in Бирюлёво [biryulyovo] or Бутово [butovo] districts; and as for some St.Petersburgh residents (maybe I'm totally wrong and should be punished for that by my St. Peter's sweetheart, hehe), it could be Купчино [kupchino] and Автово [avtovo] districts.
P.S. I've just figured out that some Russian folk creatures may be interesting to my foregn followers too! Just right from the post of Karachun, who've been a cruel God of Winter and ended up as a Russian Santa, a nice kid's friend. SOOOOO. Would you like me to make some Russian occult beings posts? DM or comment "+" if you do!
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liverpops · 6 years
a couple replies under the cut!!
💝everyone... i luv u T_T i’m actually crying really ugly but i’m so happy bc it’s a wonderful happy crying💗 thank you for your support!!
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i hope you’re all right!! hospital trips are never terribly fun. i’m casting the softest curaga from afar!!! rest well<3333
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you could never be annoying, promise<3 it means a lot to me that you would take the time to write me just to tell me that, MY heart is blooming like a flower right now!!! HOLDS YOUR HANDS SO TIGHTLY FROM AFAR!! i’m glad if i’m even a bit of a comfort or presence when youre feeling blue. depressi episodes are never easy to get through, but i’m so proud of you for being such a wonderful sweet champion💓💗💗 thank YOU!! never change!!
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oh anon, you could never be a bother. i wish i could be there for you in person to hold your hand or just sit by your side!! i’m sorry your day was so awful, but i’m really happy that a smile managed to find its way to you💝 you’re so strong!! let my selfish wish be that you smile again today, and even more in the coming days!! i’m here for you!!
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FOR SOME REASON TUMBLR WAS GLITCHING OUT AND NOT LETTING ME REPLY PRIVATELY GRRRR so sorry abt answering here!! nyehehe I’M HAPPY THAT MY SILLY AU MANAGED TO YANK YOU IN >:) now.... we’re in this together!!!!!!! a lot of liverpepper has to do with things i crave or covet—not necessarily adopting at a young age for myself, but just.. the idea of family and warmth, and that sense of being loved and belonging and going through with decisions you make no matter the adversity, and i’m glad if leon deciding to become a parent the way he did is smth that rang nicely with you! you’re wonderful, thank you so much!! (real life or no, i’m rooting for you in all your plans and dreams! one day perhaps, hmm? ^o^)
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OHHHHH THANK YOU SMMMMM ;___; thats such a wonderful compliment bc i just want to make soft warm things!!! 💘💗💘💗 ive been struggling a bit to settle on a consistent way of coloring and drawing (ive been switching between drawing on ipad and laptop and the results are currently.... KINDA MESSY 😖) so this really makes my day, thank you!! i’m happy to still be here💗
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meds can be a bit difficult, huh? i definitely know the feeling. please don’t forget to take them on time and get your refills!! i’m glad though that your new meds dont make you feel as gross as your old ones did—it’s always a relief when something works a bit better. i’ll make sure to try and draw some more indulgent being-taken-care-of!Cloud for you during the year! i hope you have the warmest 2019 and that you receive nothing but love and fill your days with as many smiles as you can💗💗💗💗💗 RAISE YOUR HAND BC IM HIGH-FIVING YOU FROM AFAR!!!!!!!!! 
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hello!! i want to point out that whenever ppl call me either by name or by a cute nickname like peps or anything like that, my heart just grows about 2894723x in size so....im here wheezing on the ground just from the start of your message!! i’m glad my silly things are even a bit of a cheerup for you, bc they cheer me up too! it isn’t easy when the feeling of loneliness surrounds you, huh T_T holds your hand tightly!!!!!! i’ll do my best to take care of myself, thank you for caring like that<3333 i’m looking forward to kh3 too!! check back w me after youve played it so we can cry together!!
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@myadburks 💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗 if i could paste 1 billion heart emojis for you i would, but tumblr would never let me unfortunately, so that’ll have to do! thank you so much for your love and support<333 YOURE the wonderful one for taking the time to be so sweet like this!!!!
@ anon: AAAAHHHHHH for a long time now??????? i cant wrap my head around that anytime anyone says it!! thank you so much!!!!! HAHA omg see i very very rarely go back to look at the old posts bc i dddddie at my old drawings, but it definitely does make for a pleasant time capsule of art progression HEHE. here’s hoping i improve even more with every drawing!!! CHEERS ILL DRINK TO YET ANOTHER YEAR OF SHENANIGANS!!! ty for staying on this train w me for so long, dear anon!!!💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗
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;_____;💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗anon...... youre making me melt.... tysm T__T sometimes i have awful annoying voices at the back of my mind telling me it’s ridiculous that all i ever contribute to fandom-wise is just my own sandbox and self-indulgent shenanigans, so it’s always nice to be reminded that it’s appreciated anyway💗 thank you, this means more to me than you could ever imagine.
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ANON!!!!!!!!!!!! are you trying to make me explode?????????????? first off, thank you for all the years of support!!!!!!!!!!! I BLOW U A KISS........ I CRY!!!!! thank YOU for bringing the biggest smile to my face. YOURE the great one here!! <333333 thank you for appreciating all that i do, theres a lot of love in this universe and i hope it shows!!!! have a wonderful day, sweet anon!!!!!!
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laurendcameron · 8 years
Meet Lin, the Lawyer Turned Life Coach Who Finally Overcame Her Fear of Selling
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Before Lin Eleoff joined Yes Engines, she thought “sales” was a dirty word. Today she knows how to sell with confidence without feeling sleazy.
“[Derek] blew out all the preconceived notions that marketing and selling would be sales-y or sleazy, and also in a way that said, ‘Look, if you’ve got something to sell, you’re going to have to get up and sell it. So let me show you the way to sell it that feels good and genuine while continuing to be helpful and of service to people.’”
But before Yes Engines taught Lin HOW to sell, she had to overcome an even more basic doubt about her whole career path…
She Didn’t Want to Be “One of Those Kind of Lawyers”… But a Life Coach? Really?
As I mentioned, Lin is a lawyer. And we all have an image of what a typical lawyer’s career is supposed to look like. Working at a big firm. Looong hours. Charging people for Xeroxing…
But Lin didn’t want to be “one of those kinds of lawyers:”
“I just knew that I didn’t want to be one of those kinds of lawyers, you know, the law firm kind, working 80 hours a week and all that. So I think I’ve definitely always had the entrepreneurial spirit, not the corporate spirit.”
You see, Lin was always interested in self-development. And she was already writing a blog to inspire other women to reach their goals.
Lin knew it in her heart. She felt it in her gut. But in her mind, she still had one big hurdle to overcome:
“I had to overcome this whole notion of ‘Why would a lawyer become a life coach?’”
And that’s what kept her from going all-in.
Add to that the fact that so much of the sales material we get bombarded with just doesn’t ring true. You know, internet marketing of the worst kind. Big headlines. Blinking arrows.
So as a critical thinker, a lawyer, and someone more than familiar with self-development, Lin’s BS-detector has been finely tuned to sort the real experts from the fake gurus…
Discovering a more natural, authentic approach to selling
Look, I’m all for selling. And selling hard.
Mainly because selling “from your heels” and being apologetic about it is weak. And it just doesn’t work.
But I also believe in only selling something you can stand behind 100%. In fact, if you believe in your product or service, I believe it’s your duty to sell. This is what I teach and show you how to implement in Yes Engines.
And it’s an approach to selling that Lin could finally get behind:
“I think Derek just has a much more natural approach, and he’s authentic. And I love his New York style, and he’ll give it to you straight. He will show you how to sell your product in a way that makes you feel excited to put your product out there and talk about it and feel comfortable — even when people don’t want to buy it.”
Through Yes Engines, Lin discovered the natural flow of being helpful, providing real value, and then offering your products and services for sale.
It crushed all of her preconceived notions about selling online:
“It didn’t have to be sales-y and sleazy and smarmy and all that. But it just was a genuine, authentic way to put yourself out there, by being of service first.”
And apparently, she likes my no-nonsense, NY style hehe…
“[Derek’s] Yes Engines videos were awesome because they really got clear about what it meant to sell and market your stuff. I just love [Derek’s] style. It’s very direct… no pussy-footing around here. ‘This is how you do it, and you know what? If you don’t like it, that’s okay – you can go play in another sandbox somewhere else.’”
For Lin, this was game-changing:
“It finally ‘clicked’ for me…”
Have you ever had one of those moments where you finally just “get it.” Maybe it’s advice you’ve heard or known for years, but then there’s that Aha-moment when it finally “clicks.”
That’s what happened for Lin with Yes Engines:
“It all clicked for me this year. It’s like hitting a tennis ball or a golf ball right in the sweet spot.”
Remember how she was afraid to sell her life coaching services because she was stuck in her corporate lawyer mindset? Remember how she was afraid to charge for her life coaching services?
Well, now she’s excited about being a life coach and selling her products and services unapologetically:
“This is a business. And even when people come along and say, “Oh, now you’re going to start charging for this stuff?” The way [Derek] handles that is, “Of course, this is a business. Of course, I’m going to charge for this. You know, I’m trying to live.”
This is amazing. And it shows you that the Yes Engines training is not just about the tactics and how to sell. Yes, that’s all covered and laid out step-by-step.
But most importantly, this training can help you change your whole mindset when it comes to charging for your products and services.
Here’s Lin’s recommendation:
“If you really love what you’re selling, then [Derek] will show you how to take that excitement about your product or service and sell it without selling it. Sell it because it just comes out of you naturally — and that’s infectious.”
“[If I was talking to someone who wasn’t] familiar with sales and marketing or how to put their stuff out there in a way that was truly authentic and comfortable for them, then I would say, ‘You have to get Yes Engines because Derek gives it to you straight, no bull, and it’s real.’”
Lin overcame her fear of selling. Today she’s able to sell with confidence and excitement… without feeling guilty about it.
Are you ready to make that shift?
If the answer is yes…
Join Yes Engines Today
from Lauren Cameron Updates http://feeds.socialtriggers.com/~r/SocialTriggers/~3/jf9bpZe8yqY/
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sandranelsonuk · 8 years
Meet Lin, the Lawyer Turned Life Coach Who Finally Overcame Her Fear of Selling
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Before Lin Eleoff joined Yes Engines, she thought “sales” was a dirty word. Today she knows how to sell with confidence without feeling sleazy.
“[Derek] blew out all the preconceived notions that marketing and selling would be sales-y or sleazy, and also in a way that said, ‘Look, if you’ve got something to sell, you’re going to have to get up and sell it. So let me show you the way to sell it that feels good and genuine while continuing to be helpful and of service to people.’”
But before Yes Engines taught Lin HOW to sell, she had to overcome an even more basic doubt about her whole career path…
She Didn’t Want to Be “One of Those Kind of Lawyers”… But a Life Coach? Really?
As I mentioned, Lin is a lawyer. And we all have an image of what a typical lawyer’s career is supposed to look like. Working at a big firm. Looong hours. Charging people for Xeroxing…
But Lin didn’t want to be “one of those kinds of lawyers:”
“I just knew that I didn’t want to be one of those kinds of lawyers, you know, the law firm kind, working 80 hours a week and all that. So I think I’ve definitely always had the entrepreneurial spirit, not the corporate spirit.”
You see, Lin was always interested in self-development. And she was already writing a blog to inspire other women to reach their goals.
Lin knew it in her heart. She felt it in her gut. But in her mind, she still had one big hurdle to overcome:
“I had to overcome this whole notion of ‘Why would a lawyer become a life coach?’”
And that’s what kept her from going all-in.
Add to that the fact that so much of the sales material we get bombarded with just doesn’t ring true. You know, internet marketing of the worst kind. Big headlines. Blinking arrows.
So as a critical thinker, a lawyer, and someone more than familiar with self-development, Lin’s BS-detector has been finely tuned to sort the real experts from the fake gurus…
Discovering a more natural, authentic approach to selling
Look, I’m all for selling. And selling hard.
Mainly because selling “from your heels” and being apologetic about it is weak. And it just doesn’t work.
But I also believe in only selling something you can stand behind 100%. In fact, if you believe in your product or service, I believe it’s your duty to sell. This is what I teach and show you how to implement in Yes Engines.
And it’s an approach to selling that Lin could finally get behind:
“I think Derek just has a much more natural approach, and he’s authentic. And I love his New York style, and he’ll give it to you straight. He will show you how to sell your product in a way that makes you feel excited to put your product out there and talk about it and feel comfortable — even when people don’t want to buy it.”
Through Yes Engines, Lin discovered the natural flow of being helpful, providing real value, and then offering your products and services for sale.
It crushed all of her preconceived notions about selling online:
“It didn’t have to be sales-y and sleazy and smarmy and all that. But it just was a genuine, authentic way to put yourself out there, by being of service first.”
And apparently, she likes my no-nonsense, NY style hehe…
“[Derek’s] Yes Engines videos were awesome because they really got clear about what it meant to sell and market your stuff. I just love [Derek’s] style. It’s very direct… no pussy-footing around here. ‘This is how you do it, and you know what? If you don’t like it, that’s okay – you can go play in another sandbox somewhere else.’”
For Lin, this was game-changing:
“It finally ‘clicked’ for me…”
Have you ever had one of those moments where you finally just “get it.” Maybe it’s advice you’ve heard or known for years, but then there’s that Aha-moment when it finally “clicks.”
That’s what happened for Lin with Yes Engines:
“It all clicked for me this year. It’s like hitting a tennis ball or a golf ball right in the sweet spot.”
Remember how she was afraid to sell her life coaching services because she was stuck in her corporate lawyer mindset? Remember how she was afraid to charge for her life coaching services?
Well, now she’s excited about being a life coach and selling her products and services unapologetically:
“This is a business. And even when people come along and say, “Oh, now you’re going to start charging for this stuff?” The way [Derek] handles that is, “Of course, this is a business. Of course, I’m going to charge for this. You know, I’m trying to live.”
This is amazing. And it shows you that the Yes Engines training is not just about the tactics and how to sell. Yes, that’s all covered and laid out step-by-step.
But most importantly, this training can help you change your whole mindset when it comes to charging for your products and services.
Here’s Lin’s recommendation:
“If you really love what you’re selling, then [Derek] will show you how to take that excitement about your product or service and sell it without selling it. Sell it because it just comes out of you naturally — and that’s infectious.”
“[If I was talking to someone who wasn’t] familiar with sales and marketing or how to put their stuff out there in a way that was truly authentic and comfortable for them, then I would say, ‘You have to get Yes Engines because Derek gives it to you straight, no bull, and it’s real.’”
Lin overcame her fear of selling. Today she’s able to sell with confidence and excitement… without feeling guilty about it.
Are you ready to make that shift?
If the answer is yes…
Join Yes Engines Today
from Julia Garza Social Media Tips http://feeds.socialtriggers.com/~r/SocialTriggers/~3/jf9bpZe8yqY/
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roinaochieng-blog · 7 years
Google I/O Highlights
Ever had those mental trips when you’re watching a YouTube videos, especially the festival and event highlights and you picture yourself there? In crazy details, I mean what you’d pack, how you’d feel in the plane en route, the pictures, the people, the experiences? I had that moment a while back in my second year about Google I/O after attending Google I/O Extended at my university.  Watching Sundar and all the updates was great but seeing all the developers coming from all over the world coming together, united in their passion for technology took my heart. I got the ticket came in confirming my attendance in April, major déjà vu hit  me (I’m totally underplaying how excited I was here). I’ll definitely update you more in-depth on the more technical aspects of the sessions that I attended during I/O however this post is simply a first timer’s perspective on the event and all the mind blowing moments I had. Hoping this gives all my readers perspective on the event if you’re planning on attending and are wondering, “Is it all it’s pegged out to be? Is it worth the trip to San Francisco?
How to get there?
First thing’s first, tickets!
It’s always great to be on the lookout for the release of I/O tickets anytime from early April, the range for a couple of hundreds to a thousand dollars. This year’s tickets went for around $700 to $1200. It’s a three day event so when you get the dates, go ahead and sort out accommodation. This year’s was at Shoreline Amphitheater in Mountain View, so your best bet is to get a hotel in Mountain View or San Jose to avoid the commute you’d take if you were staying in San Francisco, it’s a pretty long drive. Besides, you have plenty of accommodation options, spend some time on Air BnB checking out shared living options especially if you’re on a budget. I’ll be putting up a separate post on finding a great space on Air BnB and the hostel options and experience.
Up, up and Away!
I’d say that simply put, for any developer, enthusiast or designer, Google I/O is our version of the pilgrimage to Mecca, except it’s mountain view. It’s a 8 to 9 hour trip to Amsterdam, Schipol Airport from Nairobi, Kenya for a 2 hour layover  (you already know how essential a neck pillow and a good playlist and book is for this type of trip). It’s a super busy airport so making your way to the other gates is a trip in itself especially if you have to pick up your luggage before the next flight. Then you hop on a flight from Amsterdam to San Francisco for 4 hours. There’s a whooping 10 hour difference between Nairobi and SFO so brace yourself my friend, THE JET LAG IS SO REAL.  Coming from a pretty predominantly hot country, the wind weather was calm but pretty chilly, have a light jumper in your carry on bag just to be safe.
Views at dusk or dawn from NBO to AMS.
Over the antarctic en route San Francisco from Amsterdam.
Checking In.
I was super blessed to have traveled with a large group of my friends and colleagues in the  developer ecosystem in Nairobi and Sub Saharan Africa. We got there two days prior to the main event because of the Global  Google Developer Summit which was luckily at the same hotel that we were staying at. The hotel was electric with hundreds of developers pumped up about the summit and I/O. That aside, checking in for Google I/O is pretty simple, you’re required to get to Shoreline Amphitheater with some form of identification. They give your tag which is NFC enabled. The tag gets you into practically everything. For the keynote, your sitting rows are on your tag and they’re actually super strict at the entrance, but only from the keynote (unless you have great friends like Anie does 🙂 *inside joke). To check in, you’ll need a form of official identification or the ticket that the send you a couple of weeks before the event.
Pro-tip: There’s a whole bunch of events on the night before I/O officially begins, so keep an eye out on email groups for them. Lots of great opportunities to mingle and network.
That Key Note though!
We happened to sit really really close to the main stage as GDG Leads so we had a really great view of the keynote. My biggest highlight had to be the animation before Sundar’s speech, the idea. An amazing story about collaboration, hard work and determination in making ideas happen. Super motivational, like Life of Pi kind of motivation. It set the tone for the rest of the day for me.
Biggest highlights from Sundar’s speech for me were:
There are over 2 billion Android users as at the day of the conference and the numbers are growing rapidly
He emphasized the use of machine learning in products such as street-view and smart replies in Google Allo. He announced the release of smart reply on Google Search and Gmail too for over 1 billion users. This was great to hear especially because a lot of local tech communities have redirected their efforts towards machine learning. In Nairobi, the Nairobi Women in Machine Learning and Data Science go all out on interactive sessions in the field. It’s exciting to think how they can use the current libraries and come up with other innovative uses of machine learning to solve African problems.
The improvement of the accuracy of voice recognition even in noisy environments. The use of deep learning to recognize multiple different sounds on Google home. This allows us to create very minimal infrastructure to have very accurate results even in Google photos.
He announce Google Lens, an epic feature on Google Photos and Assistant. It’s a computational vision based functionality that understands what you are looking at and allows you to make decisions on that information. So here’s how it works, let’s say you go to the dog show and see an interesting breed of dog that you don’t know. You can simply point your phone at it and it’ll be able to give you information on what it is and more! I couldn’t help but think how deep learning can be such a useful tool for developers to build accessibility functions and learning tools for communities. The potential is truly limitless.
Here’s the entire keynote, let me know what your favorite part was.
For anyone who’s been to the Google Developers website, you know that codelabs are step by step tutorial on how to use certain functionalities on different Google technologies. Day 1 is definitely not the best day to do codelabs because the lines are outrageously long. I’d advice to go for office hours sessions and talks on day 1 then go for codelabs on day 2. Office hours are sessions where the amazing Googlers who work on specific technologies, take time to give you feedback on your projects and help on how you can make them better.
The best codelabs for me were the Android things codelab which after completing two, you would get a pico maker kit. The tensorflow codelab was also great. The best part about these codelab sessions is that even if you don’t attend all the ones you wanted to, you can access all of them on the codelabs website. You’d want to attend the codelabs that need special hardware or software to access. It’s also great to go for codelabs because you have professionals who can help you when you’re stuck.
Office Hours and Sandbox sessions.
I’d have to say my favorite sandbox was the Android Auto one and the IoT drink serving robot. There was a real life-sized and functioning car at the Android Auto sandbox where you could go and experience first hand the future of the automobile industry. There was also really nifty robots that used IoT and Machine Learning to make and dispense beverages. I got really inspired by on of the office hours sessions during the second day, thus the birth of my start-up Hypo. If you’re working on a project, you should definitely check out the office hours sessions for help and perspective.
Pro-tip. Download the I/O app on Playstore and the IoS Appstore and make sure your register for the sessions that you want to attend. Most of the talks have really long lines so if you want to be on the fast-tracked line, register in advance. They will turn you away if the sessions are absolutely full, which they are in most cases.
The Freebies.
You’ll have to be up super early if you want to beat the traffic on both days of I/O. Trust me the line can be super long. But worry not, breakfast is covered. There’s loads of coffees and teas when you get to the amphitheater, plus massive amounts of pastries and snacks. During the day, there’s snack stations all over the place so there’s really not a moment that you’ll be starving. Make sure you have your tag at all times. This year, we had NFC enabled tags that they scan when you pick you your freebies. Look at me getting ahead of myself with food when I was supposed to be talking about freebies, smh.
So this year, all attendees got a Google home, a nifty little bag and a steel water bottle. You might want to take your freebies towards the end of day one because it can be bulky carrying it around all day when you’re up and down in sessions.
Back to the food, hehe, if you’re a really picky and healthy eater, I’d advice you to sign up for the kosher meals. The breakfasts are super nutritious and healthy but the list is specific for people who are listed. So  pay attention to the regular emails and sign up for that list.
If you have some extra cash on you, you can bag cool merch there too. There’s a whole lot of other freebies on offer so keep an eye out. There was an Android Pay Givaway where you could get Android bot dolls and so much more.
Fun and Games.
There’s something for everybody at I/O. You’ll probably be exhausted after a long day but a great way to unwind is to stay for the after hours stuff. I can tell you for sure it’s completely worth it. You’ll get to play amazing games at the arcade, dance parties, concerts, live performances and drinks galore. It’s a great place to mingle with people across all fields and it’s just the right atmosphere to make friends for life.
The concert this year was by LCD Sound System and it was so mind blowing some people cried! Tears of joy guys, it was awesome!
Tips for new attendees.
Here’s everything I wish someone told me before Google I/O.
Uber and Lyft don’t take debit cards so either carry a credit card or buy a prepaid card. I used the American Express pre-paid card which was great fro the rest of my trip.
Never leave your valuables in the car. My friends and I had an incident on Folsom Street in San Francisco during a Google Launchpad event. We parked on the street and someone busted out the windows of the car and took my bag that had all my travel documents. Trust me, having to take a trip to the police station in the middle of the night isn’t a great start to the trip. It all turned out well in the end. But that’s a post for another day.
Bright and early. Be up at around 7 am and out by 7:30 am on day 1. I can tell you the traffic will be insane all the way to Shoreline. You can grab breakfast when you get to the venue.
Bring business cards! I had a whole stack of business cards but I left them at the hotel. Big mistake because I was stuck writing down my emails on peoples phones Smh.
Embrace cultural liquidity. It was my first time in such a big conference. I learned so much just by allowing myself to be curious about others careers, cultures and challenges. It’s a great thing to be able to do that in a selfless way, without thinking, “what’s in it for me?”.
Hope this article helps anyone getting ready to attend Google I/O in coming years. I know it’ll be changing every year but I’m hoping it’ll give you perspective.
Check out more highlights.
Thanks for reading.
  This has been on my drafts for quite a while. Hope it helps anyone thinking of attending I/O/ Ever had those mental trips when you're watching a YouTube videos, especially the festival and event highlights and you picture yourself there?
0 notes
javiermoran60511wc · 8 years
Meet Lin, the Lawyer Turned Life Coach Who Finally Overcame Her Fear of Selling
Before Lin Eleoff joined Yes Engines, she thought “sales” was a dirty word. Today she knows how to sell with confidence without feeling sleazy.
“[Derek] blew out all the preconceived notions that marketing and selling would be sales-y or sleazy, and also in a way that said, ‘Look, if you’ve got something to sell, you’re going to have to get up and sell it. So let me show you the way to sell it that feels good and genuine while continuing to be helpful and of service to people.’”
But before Yes Engines taught Lin HOW to sell, she had to overcome an even more basic doubt about her whole career path…
She Didn’t Want to Be “One of Those Kind of Lawyers”… But a Life Coach? Really?
As I mentioned, Lin is a lawyer. And we all have an image of what a typical lawyer’s career is supposed to look like. Working at a big firm. Looong hours. Charging people for Xeroxing…
But Lin didn’t want to be “one of those kinds of lawyers:”
“I just knew that I didn’t want to be one of those kinds of lawyers, you know, the law firm kind, working 80 hours a week and all that. So I think I’ve definitely always had the entrepreneurial spirit, not the corporate spirit.”
You see, Lin was always interested in self-development. And she was already writing a blog to inspire other women to reach their goals.
Lin knew it in her heart. She felt it in her gut. But in her mind, she still had one big hurdle to overcome:
“I had to overcome this whole notion of ‘Why would a lawyer become a life coach?’”
And that’s what kept her from going all-in.
Add to that the fact that so much of the sales material we get bombarded with just doesn’t ring true. You know, internet marketing of the worst kind. Big headlines. Blinking arrows.
So as a critical thinker, a lawyer, and someone more than familiar with self-development, Lin’s BS-detector has been finely tuned to sort the real experts from the fake gurus…
Discovering a more natural, authentic approach to selling
Look, I’m all for selling. And selling hard.
Mainly because selling “from your heels” and being apologetic about it is weak. And it just doesn’t work.
But I also believe in only selling something you can stand behind 100%. In fact, if you believe in your product or service, I believe it’s your duty to sell. This is what I teach and show you how to implement in Yes Engines.
And it’s an approach to selling that Lin could finally get behind:
“I think Derek just has a much more natural approach, and he’s authentic. And I love his New York style, and he’ll give it to you straight. He will show you how to sell your product in a way that makes you feel excited to put your product out there and talk about it and feel comfortable — even when people don’t want to buy it.”
Through Yes Engines, Lin discovered the natural flow of being helpful, providing real value, and then offering your products and services for sale.
It crushed all of her preconceived notions about selling online:
“It didn’t have to be sales-y and sleazy and smarmy and all that. But it just was a genuine, authentic way to put yourself out there, by being of service first.”
And apparently, she likes my no-nonsense, NY style hehe…
“[Derek’s] Yes Engines videos were awesome because they really got clear about what it meant to sell and market your stuff. I just love [Derek’s] style. It’s very direct… no pussy-footing around here. ‘This is how you do it, and you know what? If you don’t like it, that’s okay – you can go play in another sandbox somewhere else.’”
For Lin, this was game-changing:
“It finally ‘clicked’ for me…”
Have you ever had one of those moments where you finally just “get it.” Maybe it’s advice you’ve heard or known for years, but then there’s that Aha-moment when it finally “clicks.”
That’s what happened for Lin with Yes Engines:
“It all clicked for me this year. It’s like hitting a tennis ball or a golf ball right in the sweet spot.”
Remember how she was afraid to sell her life coaching services because she was stuck in her corporate lawyer mindset? Remember how she was afraid to charge for her life coaching services?
Well, now she’s excited about being a life coach and selling her products and services unapologetically:
“This is a business. And even when people come along and say, “Oh, now you’re going to start charging for this stuff?” The way [Derek] handles that is, “Of course, this is a business. Of course, I’m going to charge for this. You know, I’m trying to live.”
This is amazing. And it shows you that the Yes Engines training is not just about the tactics and how to sell. Yes, that’s all covered and laid out step-by-step.
But most importantly, this training can help you change your whole mindset when it comes to charging for your products and services.
Here’s Lin’s recommendation:
“If you really love what you’re selling, then [Derek] will show you how to take that excitement about your product or service and sell it without selling it. Sell it because it just comes out of you naturally — and that’s infectious.”
“[If I was talking to someone who wasn’t] familiar with sales and marketing or how to put their stuff out there in a way that was truly authentic and comfortable for them, then I would say, ‘You have to get Yes Engines because Derek gives it to you straight, no bull, and it’s real.’”
Lin overcame her fear of selling. Today she’s able to sell with confidence and excitement… without feeling guilty about it.
Are you ready to make that shift?
If the answer is yes…
Join Yes Engines Today
from DIYS http://ift.tt/2jroTqX
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