#Alphinaud Leveileur
nuclearanomaly · 1 year
1 – Envoy
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wc. 737 | Heavensward MSQ
In order to make the Moogles of the Mists reveal themselves plans are made that Ninira does not care for much.
“You seem displeased.”
Ninira turned, prying her gaze away from the distant looming structures that made up the Churning Mists’ horizon, as Alphinaud approached. 
“With the plan.” He continued when she didn’t respond. He had finished packing what supplies he had and was clearly ready to depart.
She bit the inside of her lip. So it had been that obvious. She needed to get better at controlling her emotions so they weren’t so blatantly plastered on her face for all to read. 
“I am…” There was no point in lying. Not to Alphinaud. She wouldn’t lie to Alphinaud, not after all they had been through, not unless she needed to…
 “I know it’s our best chance at getting these Moogles to reveal themselves but…” She averted her gaze, “I just don’t like the idea of you going alone.”
His expression softened. “I know, however I am not the one accused of regicide.”
This was true, as was the fact that none of their other companions were viable options either. While Ysayle might not be as quickly identified as the leader of the Ishgardian Heretics within the forests of Gridania, the risk was still there. And as she had already pointed out her skills were better served trying to find and petition the aid of amiable dragons. Estinien was also out of the question. He was not about to leave, not with the Eye allowing him to confirm Nidhogg’s presence nearby. For him to accompany Alphinaud to Gridania would leave Ishgard even more exposed than before.
“I still don’t like it. You might not technically be as wanted as I am but they’ll know you were with me. I don’t trust what’s left of–” She hesitated, not wanting to re-open old wounds too badly. “–the deserters from the Crystal Braves to leave you be, if they come across you.”
Alphinaus shifted at the mention of his old, failed, peacekeeping movement but didn’t seem too discouraged as he continued. “We can simply hope that most, if not all of them, are stationed in and around Ul’dah. With any luck my arrival in Gridania and potential talks with the Elder Seedseer will go relatively unnoticed.”
Ninira’s mouth twisted at that comment as well and Alphinaud smiled. “It is also probably for the best that I am the one performing such talks as it is clear you are still, stung, from the Banquet.”
“And you’re not? They walked out on us!” Alphinaud opened his mouth but Ninira knew what he was going to say. “For political security, and safety.” She sighed, “I know… I know… but it was still insulting.” A few moons prior and she was hailed the Hero of Operation Archon, how little it clearly mattered now. 
“Perhaps it was, regardless we must move on. Fortunately, the talks will also give me the opportunity to clear those tensions with the Elder Seedseer.”
Ninira sniffed. But this was off topic from her real worries. 
“What if something does happen?”
Alphinaud could only shrug. They had been avoiding Linkpearls for extra security after their escape to Ishgard. They could opt for them now but there was no way to know if it was worth the risk.
“Give me a week.” His gaze was distant, contemplative. “I estimate, with the travel time from Gridania and taking into account what access the Seedseer can get us to speed things along, I can be back here well within a week.” He looked at Ninira. “If I’m not back by then you may do what you wish to come find me. Burn things down and what have you.”
This made Ninira’s mouth twitch into a smile. “I don’t think that will help with our current reputation.”
Alphinaud smiled slightly in return. “No, I suppose not.”
She sighed, though her apprehensions still fizzled under the surface she was mostly reassured. “I will hold you to that. I can wait a week.” A week would feel long, A week spent watching Ysayle and Estinien to make sure they remained friendly enough to not ruin all of Alphinaud’s plans while he was gone would feel longer, but she would do it.
“Thank you, Ninira. I promise to be as quick and discreet as I can. And to return sooner rather than later.” 
She nodded, and watched as he adjusted his belongings, giving her a final nod in send off before focusing on the spell and teleporting from sight.
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yzeltia · 10 months
Year of the Drake: Halflight
August: Vampire AU Characters: U'rahn Nuhn, @driftward 's Nyx Blackmoon, Alphinaud Leveilleur, Varshan, Ameliance Leveileur, Bahamut (sorta), Tiamat (sorta), G'raha Tia Rating: T for Twilight Notes:
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U'rahn wiped his brow as he laid out on his bed, sweat dripping off his aching body. Fulfilling his duties as a Nuhn had left him exhausted. He'd lost track of just how long it'd been since the huntresses had left him alone long enough to leave the village, or his house for that matter. Fumbling for his linkpearl, he pushed it into his ear then reached out to Nyx.
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"This is Blackmoon," his partner answered.
"Hey, it's Rahn."
"Your breathing sounds labored. Are you in need of aid?"
"No. I just missed your voice."
"Then this call is not an approved use of Gage Acquisitions' property. I am ending the call."
U'rahn blinked as the line went dead. Immediately after his tomestone rang. Sitting up, he pawed for the device until getting it in his hand.
"Uh. Hello?"
"If you are missing my voice, I can program the Nyx mammet with more phrases to comfort you when we are apart," Nyx answered from the other side. 
"I could just call too…"
"My duties require me to be unavailable at times. Your calls do take precedence though if I know you are in a potentially dangerous situation."
"That's good to know…Ah. Then can you talk now?"
"We are already talking, Rahn."
"Right Right. Well, I dunno what to say really. I miss you and as soon as the huntresses are through with me we'll go on an adventure. Maybe Thavnair for more spicy food."
"That will be enriching."
"Ah. You know, I can't remember the last time I told you a story -"
"Precisely one month ago."
"One month!? I've been in my house for a whole month!?"
"Correct. The huntresses seem to be using their time with you efficiently to meet their output goals before your next adventure”
"It's been a blur. I can't believe we've not been together for a month…"
"I have visited you."
"Huh? When!?"
"I've watched you sleep many times and have provided fruits and fish rich with vitamins and minerals to keep you healthy since you have been unable to leave the village."
"Oh. I thought the huntresses brought me those. Wow, thanks! I wish you woke me up though."
"It has been a futile effort. I also enjoy the contortions of your face when you are dreaming."
"Ah. Hopefully I don't do something embarrassing."
"I believe many instances you would classify as such; however, they are safe as a source of my personal enrichment and I have committed them to memory."
"Geeze," U'rahn whined, hunkering down into his bed, covering his face with a pillow, "Will you come visit me?"
"I cannot. I am taking time to run maintenance on myself and that has left me immobile."
"Aw. You could have done that here."
"I could not."
"Why not?"
"The Forgotten Springs do not have the required power sources for me to use my equipment. It would also be burdensome to relocate my belongings."
"Oh…but I'm lonely without you."
"That will pass. You are without me often."
"I guess. Still, I wish you were here to help stave off boredom."
"Your presence here would also be enriching for me. We; however, are able to speak to one another. A storytale might fulfill your needs for companionship and provide us ample entertainment while we are more or less trapped by our current circumstances.”
“Well, okay…I don’t have a lot of energy, but I think I have something. There once…”
I’m just like any other Elezen. I was never really remarkable. I made good grades, and I was popular, but I always considered myself very plain. My father had remarried to an adventurer and had left on a journey with them and my sister. I decided to move in with my mother in Spoons, a small island between the Northern Empty and Dravania. I didn’t expect to fall in love…and I didn’t expect to die for that person either.
“Now, Bell, if anyone gives you trouble, you let me know,” my mother sighed. Being the local sheriff,  she was rather protective.
I grimaced, not wanting to be doted on. Still, I thanked her and made my way to my new school, reassuring her that I’d be fine on my own. There, a mammet took me to my first class, where I was introduced by the professor there.
“Everyone, this is Bellphinaud Lemur. They’ve transferred here from Ul’dah. Why don’t you tell us about yourself?”
I stiffened, hating this sort of thing despite being rather adept at it, “Hi. I go by Bell. I’m not exactly new to Spoons, but I’ve never been around enough to really make friends here.”
All eyes were on me. Everyone seemed to hang on my every word, though I didn’t really say anything impressive. All except an Auri boy sitting by the window, looking as if he was recoiling from my presence. His red eyes were narrowed. 
“There’s an open seat next to Varsean. Why don't you join him," the Professor suggested.
I did as I was told, moving to the seat beside him, his red eyes piercing me as he recoiled away from me, as if repulsed by my presence. I couldn't help but rub my nose into my jacket, worried I was somehow offensive but smelling naught more than soap.
Class passed quickly and people seemed to flock to me despite being wholly uninteresting. I hoped the novelty of my newness would wear off but I ended up being pulled to a rather populous table. I stuck my head in a book to avoid further interrogation about my life pre-Spoons.
As I read to myself, I looked up briefly, finding myself staring at the most beautiful people I'd ever seen come sauntering in, two couples and Varsean behind them. Leaning over I interrupted one of my new acquaintances, M'raha, before he could bite into his hamburger, "Who are they?"
"The Coolens. They are rather popular, but keep to themselves. Dr. Coolen adopted them and moved them here a few years ago. They're coupled up which is a bit odd given their legal relationship. The hulking one is Bauhemmett and the exceptionally pretty girl hanging off him is Tiamatie. The other girl is Alnyx and her boyfriend is J'rahnsper."
"And then Varsean."
"Yes, the enigma. Everyone fancies him but he keeps to himself."
I nodded, briefly making eye contact with the other. He quickly stood up then removed himself from the room, glancing back at me, focused, before hurrying away.
"You still with me Nyx," U'rahn asked, having not heard the other for a time.
"Okay. Just making sure. This first person thing is kind of hard and I'm usually telling you about a much more expressive protagonist and beautiful love interest."
"Yes, though, there are hints that you've not quite let that archetype go. "
"The main couple is way different though!"
"Yes. That is correct."
"Good, just making sure it was clear and stuff."
I didn't see Varsean again for a week after my first day. Apparently it wasn't unusual for a Coolen to take a few days off here and there. When he came back though, he was like a different man. Reunited in Science, Varsean, sat closer to me, offering his book as we prepared for an aether experiment.
"Apologies for my rudeness the other day."
It took me a moment to realize he was talking to me. I'd wanted to ask him what his problem was, but my curiosity shut down as he moved closer, taking one of the crystals to attune to.
"Umbral," he stated.
"May I check," I asked. 
His large hand soon went over mine. I shuddered, feeling a strange electricity from his cold touch. I recoiled slowly, noting something…abnormal about the stoney coolness of his skin.
" It's umbral," I agreed, sensing the aetheric polarity soon after.
A strange heat crept across my cheeks as I felt his eyes on me. He smiled then leaned back as I took the next crystal.
"Astral…," I stated cautiously, "is there a particular reason you're watching me?"
"We are partners. May I," he asked, holding out his hand for crystal, eyes smiling at me.
I placed it in his hand, avoiding his gaze. Being looked at in such a way, it made me nervous. He toyed with the crystal in his palm for a moment before agreeing with my findings. 
"I didn't properly introduce myself before. I'm Varsean Coolen. And you're Bellphinaud, the sheriff's son."
"I prefer Bell."
"Bell it is."
We finished well before the rest of the students. This left Varsean able to integrate me as he pleased. I wasn't used to having someone hanging on my every word. It would be flattering if his gaze wasn't making my heart race.
I left quickly, though politely, as the bell rang.
"Rahn," Nyx interrupted, "Our time will be cut short. Summarize the story for me."
"Okay okay. So uh. Yeah…um…Bellphinaud keeps finding Varsean starin' at him and being aggressive then sweet until one day Bell is almost hit by a chocobo cart and about shatters it. And uh, Bell's childhood friend comes along and is like "don't trust that guy". 
Bell then goes and looks up all this stuff and figures out that Varsean is probably a dragon that feeds on aether and hesitates to say and then they're all like:
`"I know what you are," Bellphinaud breathed out, the Au Ra hovering nearby behind him.
"Say it. Out loud. Say it," he ordered.
"A dragon"
"Are you afraid," Varshan whispered.
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I knew it. Vytra loved me. The bond forged between us was not one that could be broken by absence, distance, or time. And no matter how much more special or beautiful or brilliant or more perfect than he might be, he was as irreversibly altered as I was. As I would always belong to him, so would he always be mine.
Was that what I'd been trying to tell myself?
"Oh. Okay. I see."
"Your epiphany?" he asked, his voice uneven and strained.
"You love me," I marveled. The sense of conviction and rightness washed through me again.
Though his eyes were still anxious, the crooked smile I loved best flashed across his face. "Truly, I do."
"Yeah Yeah. So then they get to know one another and you find out his family are also dragons and some even have super powers. Varsean can read minds, except Bell's and uh…Alnyx can see the future and J'rahnsper has like reverse empathy and they use their powers to save Bellphinaud from other dragons and dragoons, which come up in the next story. And the rest of the family has these really deep backstories Bell learns about as they get closer. Huh…come to think about the family is kinda more interesting than the main protagonists…"
"Agreed," Nyx echoed.
"Ah. Anyroad. Uh. So Bellphinaud worries about his mortality and wants to be turned into a dragon but Varsean doesn't want to curse the other with the need to feed off of aether…Oh! In this story they need people's aether to survive. Forgot to mention that. The Coolens though try to subsist on aether from animals and not people. 
So uh…yeah. Eventually they make a deal. Bellphinaud must marry Varsean and then he can be turned. And that happens and somehow Bell creates an egg and it upsets Nidhogg cause Bell isn't a true dragon and wants Varsean to be apart of his dragon cult thing and Alnyx…I guess ends up saving the day convincing Nidhogg of his doom using her power cause he can see what other dragons have seen…I guess I need to work on it a bit more.”
"Agreed.  I must disconnect now, Rahn."
"Aw. Okay. Well, um…I love you," the Nuhn whispered into tomestone, worried as if someone might overhear."
“Acknowledged. Your affections are reciprocated," Nyx responded before the line went dead.
U'rahn flopped back and stared at the ceiling, thinking about Nyx a moment before rolling over to hang off the edge of his bed, rummaging around his mess of belongings before pulling out a small box. He swallowed, face turning red before a knock sounded at his door, the next huntress's appointment having come. The box fumbled in his hands as he tried to hide it. Giving the ring inside a brief peek, he let out a little scream into the side of his mattress and stuffed it away as his next partner let herself in.
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scholar-of-blue · 1 year
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"No matter what trials we may face, we will overcome them, together."
Pinned post for Alphinaud Leveileur, an Indipendant RP Blog
(Follows back from @the-leyline-directory )
[Rules Carrd] / [General Info] / [History] / [Verses]
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keykidpilipili · 3 years
PLD ARR Alisae to DRK HW Alisae is extremely funny both cause yeah she truly has had enough of this uld’han rabble and each twin is nearly arrested mistaken for the other.
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amaro-knight · 5 years
Prompt #18: Wilt
The bottom of her pint came faster than the one before, which had come faster than the one before that. Ale always seemed to disappear faster this time of night. She clanked the tankard heavily to the table, and let out a long sigh. She was still far too lucid to retire for the night. The fringed edges of herself were fraying, dying at the tips. But she could not even think about returning to the life she had once tried to live. She was a coward through and through. 
“Excuse me. . .” The soft voice came from behind Vanaar, and she tensed reflexively. Her hands balled into fists, and it took every ounce of strength in her not to reach for a weapon that was no longer there, that had not been there for months. 
“When I settled down in the area,” Vanaar said slowly, “I used to deck well meaning souls that snuck up on me. Consider yourself lucky that I’ve had eight months to settle down.” 
“Oh well, you do sound quite tough.” A young girl stepped up to the table, and Vanaar had to blink twice to believe her eyes. If she hadn’t known better, remembered some nugget tucked away in her head that Alphinaud had a sister-a twin-then she would have sworn that he was beside her in the flesh. The girl stuck out her hand. “Alisaie Leveileur. I’ve followed your exploits, Warrior of Light.” 
A monster--how could it be so big?--stood before her. Ice raced through her blood. How could she possibly be expected to bring it down? If this was what it meant to be a hero, if this was the fate she faced as Hydaelyn’s chosen, then she wanted none of it. 
Vanaar looked at the girl’s outstretched palm and scoffed. “You obviously haven’t been following close enough. I’m not the Warrior of Light. You must have me mistaken for someone else.” 
She had fought many monsters, each one impossibly larger and more ferocious than the last. This one. . .this was too much. Her heart pounded so loudly in her chest that she could not heart the call of her comrades until it was too late. 
“Perhaps not.” The girl looked genuinely thoughtful for a moment, before a flash of anger overtook her eyes. “I’m sorry for wasting your time, then. The realm needs fresh, blooming soldiers, not wilted relics of the past.” 
The comment might have stung two months ago, but Vanaar had done well to dull her senses since she had come here. Nothing could slip through. She waved the girl off. 
The stench rose from the battlefield as she limped back to the scions. They had the nerve to call it a victory, but she could not rinse the stain of blood from her lance, she could not clear the bodies from her sight. The stench stayed with her for days, weeks, months. There were so many bodies. 
As Vanaar greedily gulped at the fresh pint of ale that the bartender set before her, a look worse than anger overtook Alisaie’s face. Pity overwhelmed her features. 
“Meditate,” Alisaie said, turning for the door. “Get in touch with nature. You’re rotting out here, try instead to grow.”
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worldly-diversity · 5 years
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“…It’s not often I get stuck on a World with a bunch of strange looking people…” The raven scratched the back of his head as he looked down at the cup of…hot chocolate? The smell of chocolate was flooding his senses, so it had to be that. Vanitas picked up the steaming mug of cocoa and took a drink. His eyes widened and Vanitas grinned. “…It’s a good blend.”
Strange? Well that wasn't very nice, though he's certainly been called worse. Alphinaud simply hummed as he served himself a cup and sat down with the stranger at the Rising Stones. Though it was rare they allowed people who weren't a part of the Scions to visit the back of the establishment, exceptions had to be made.
"Thank you."
A small smile of fondness broke the surface of his usually level expression as he took a sip, enjoying the warmth and nostalgia that accompanied the drink as it slid down his throat. A warmth that was quite welcome, considering the northerly temperatures of Mor Dhona.
Now, to address the situation at hand... It was a good thing his dearest sister Alisae wasn't present, or she'd have likely grown upset at the stranger's rudeness. "Ah, my apologies, I do believe I have failed to introduce myself. I am Alphinaud Leveileur, scholar and member of the Scions of the Seventh Dawn."
He would wait patiently for the stranger to introduce himself before continuing, his earlier comments affirming the rumours he'd heard when one of their members had come bearing the report of a stranger arriving through a portal of darkness eerily similar to the methods of transportation employed by the Ascians. Nevertheless he seemed friendly, at least on the surface. The sense of disdain and danger that generally accompanied any Ascian was noticeably absent, after all.
"You mean to imply that this is your first visit to Eorza then?" He inquired calmly, slender fingers warming against the sides of his cup. Coming from the warmer climate of Sharlayan in Dravania rather than the colder climate of Ishgard, as were many of his brethren.
"I must needs admit we are not frequently graced with the presence of outsiders, and the few we've met were unfortunately not very predisposed towards friendliness. Please excuse my curiosity, but from whence do you gale then, if I might ask?"
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ahlis-xiv · 6 years
about the muse - ahlis ildilayan
NAME OF YOUR MUSE: Ahlis Ildilayan
ONE PICTURE YOU LIKE BEST OF YOUR MUSE’S FC: (not exactly a face claim but I still...*ok hand*)
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1. Ahlis is currently an arcanist by trade, yet is very covert about her other talents (namely that of black magic). However her own aether is...troublesome, in some ways, and the use of arcanima has helped facilitate spellwork that helps with stability, among other things. 2. She’s susceptible to cold climates. Needless to say, traveling and working in such conditions is a challenge for her (but she will very begrudgingly attempt it, just ignore the grumbling lol).
THREE THINGS THAT YOUR MUSE LIKES DOING IN THEIR FREE TIME (’fraid Ahlis dones’t have a lot of that buuut...): 1. Finding a secluded spot to read a book or to relax, sometimes meditate as well. 2. Writing in her journal. 3. Study! Although she’s not stringent as she used to be.
SEVEN PEOPLE THAT YOUR MUSE LOVES/LIKES/RESPECTS: 1. Alyx Vance (friend, partner in black mage crime huehuehue) 2. Aymeric de Borel (It’s Complicated) 3. Lyse Hext (friend, sometimes confidant) 3. Lorelei Syren (friend) 4. Proxima Bisenoire (friend, fellow gossiper over tea lol)  5. Alisaie Leveilleur (friend, protective) 6. Alphinaud Leveileur (friend, also protective) 7. Serella Arcbane (fellow Scion, mutual respect & growing friendship)
TWO THINGS YOUR MUSE REGRETS: 1. Was unable to recover her mother’s remains at her death. 2. Having memory due to her injuries sustained at Carteneau; she wishes she knew who saved her.
A PHOBIA YOUR MUSE HAS: 1. Entrapment/imprisonment of any kind.
Tagged by: @aethernoise and...someone else I think, but I forget who? (thanks!) Tagging: @ladyramora, @stars-bleed-hearts-shine, @fatewalker, @castthemintotheabyss, @high-stakes-gambler, @aethersent, @dragons-bones, and whoever else wants to! Go hog wild
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xaracosmia · 2 years
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Alphinaud Leveileur
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talliyaandtrazack · 4 years
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More of my dorks, and a better shot of Feo Ul.
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