#sometimes there is wimsy!
doodlebeeberry · 5 months
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loving this game even though it runs like shit on my laptop
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scarapanna · 5 months
Au doodle blast!!
Some more PV spotlight, I love drawing this grandpa sm/silly
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He's a little goofy, maybe wimsy even.
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Also teeny tiny hc/snipit of useless au info since y not!!
Pv sometimes fidgets, either by gently pressing on his staff's petals or pacing back and forth whenever he's thinking out stuff. When SM rolls over he does it more frequently, as it helps him relax a little.
His staff doesn't really mind him, and usually lets him do his thing. It sways a vine in front of him if it's bothered, but that's not very often.
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blooky8 · 5 months
🧪 Dark Pinky Moodboard 🔮
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art by wimsiecal, check out their ask: askdarkpinky.tumblr.com pictures are random things i found on the internet and tweaked with photoshop! inspiration song: sucker for pain (https://open.spotify.com/track/4dASQiO1Eoo3RJvt74FtXB?si=044a1d3321bb4688)
wimsie said they like this, so i thought why not put it up on my blog with normal formatting hjjlklhj very chaotic and angsty, sincere emotions not from honesty but from not being able to hide true feelings behind a mask well enough, full villain act both for show and for self-expression. those are the vibes i was working with i absolutely loooooove characters like this, you don't even know i can appreciate the vulgar dark fashion, unapologetic honest amorality and the smug act, but at the same time i feel so much pity for their delusions, from a reader's perspective it's very easy to see how they're completely missing any true happiness that could exist in their life by walking down the path they chose. and they didn't just choose it, they really commit to it, and act so high-and-mighty, so confident... babygirl doesn't even know how far he is from the truth, and there's no coming back from this for him🤭 anyway, i'll probably upload some other moodboards i did a while ago later, and i'll post new ones directly to this blog! explaining them seems like fun. also, they won't be tied to one fandom, or sometimes any fandoms at all, but i do feel like i'll do more patb/animaniacs stuff soon
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candelwicks · 7 months
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Cats n dogs
Like to imagine sense hell has its rankings for sinners to be overloards what about winners getting up to ranks too? But I'm woundering what the hell you call that?? Guardians??????
Anyways the concept is still a work in progress about higher ranked winners,I like to think they have more then one halo and have golden wings like how Adam did Wich I'm thinking means you probably did some grate importance on earth or in heaven idk 🤷‍♀️ however there alot more powerful then normal winners and can be brutal on a battle filed in hell during extermination
Jazzie joined the exterminations with no proper reason why,yet no one questioned it, she didn't answer fully onto WHY exactly and heaven could care less axadently causing a scam to become a reality by continuing what they are doing, Jazzie doesn't exactly know how she got to heaven dispite her temper and her story on how she died and got to heaven isn't exactly clear of what she did as the living to the point that heaven would look through her temper.Jazzie is quite feared by most of the angels and sometimes feeling like the odds one out,due to how she looks she's mostly go in hell as a spy of sorts due to her looking more "hellish"(Jazzie honesty wants to hit them for saying that she already got discriminated on earth now heaven won't leave her alone ither?)) dispite being pissed at them she still aplyed with it as much as it bothers her deeply.
Charlene is a responsible yet childish at heart no one exactly sees Charlene as "responsible" in both life and death dispite showing multiple times she can handle things, she's basically babyed by the more higher ups then her as they practically see Charlene as more of a child then the rank she got herself up to, Charlene is a motherly and sisterly figure tords everyone showing good balence of hard work and play,sense Charlene is in heaven she's alot more playful and wimsy then she ever was back on earth, she tends to brake the rules of not heading back to earth to not only look for her son(because heaven says he's still alive yet not letting her use the orb that watches over everyone)) but to also gravitate God's attention due to him being a burnt out workaholic that works in an animation studio so if he's that focused on earth perhaps he can see her and not only help her but to help whatever is happening in heaven because things went wild ever since he worked.
Charlene and Jazzie are playful rivals and fight like sisters to the point everyone thought they were related,there not however Jazzie feels embarrassed to admit she actually does see Charlene as a sister even though they are rivals they still care very much about each other and would do anything to protect one another.
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thelittlemermage · 1 year
yeah ok i guess i see where you’re coming from, but intent is a big part of what separates the two. again, i’m not here to attack wimsie by saying this, there’s nothing else that needs to be said about them since we dealt with that problem. what I’m saying is that you made a bad move reposting art without permission, and that comparing art somebody created to be suggestive to that of someone who does not want their art perceived that way, and continuing to sexualize their work when they’re clearly not comfortable with it is a really shitty thing to do. Hany asks that nsfw blogs don’t interact, so I don’t really know how you came to the conclusion that he draws it, but i do know that he’s uncomfortable with the way you’ve been talking about him and his stuff, and i really think it’s in your best interest to just take the post down.
You guys assume a lot of intent tho. Like assuming the intent of that art is incest. And assuming the intent of the hypno art is noncon. That may be your interpretation, but that may not be the author's intent. I've been on the receiving end of this too and I get once you put something out there people will interpret art how they will. But sometimes people take art in bad faith, particularly when they already don't like someone.
Right now, I'm assuming the intent of that art is sexual in nature because two people are laying on top of each other in bed. I'm dubious that he doesn't know it will be seen that way. Maybe you're right. But what I'm saying is those images look very similar in the suggestive meter. Things he does make me uncomfortable too so the feeling is mutual. I'm very certain he likes nsfw art. He was gushing over the ahegao post before he remembered where he was and deleted it lol. He's friends with nsfw artists. And I'm fairly sure he draws it too but you know what, I have no real proof so I'll give you that one. I'm not saying he's bad for any of that aside from being a hypocrite btw. Art about sex is not worse than art about anything else.
Listen, I know those posts are in bad taste. It's possible I will take them down. But I know none of those posts about Wimsie are coming down. Not one of you have ever been decent to me or them as we have been to you. Idk if you know this or even if he knows this, but we had a tentative agreement that if Wimsie keeps the art out of the main tag, that side of the fandom will leave us alone. I consider this agreement void due to recent events. Did it come directly from them? Apparently not. But they're liking/sharing/supporting it. And I know they never did shut up about Wimsie anyway. There's only so many things I can let slide. I'm not going to once again be the only person keeping my head down in this fandom. That hasn't solved anything for me. It would be so easy for them to just mind their business. I don't do anything to anyone unprovoked. All I want is to defend myself and my friends. I don't think letting this sort of thing happen over and over again is how I protect them.
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harkamal · 2 years
How and why do you have 16 suits?
I didn't get them all at once and I wore suits consistently for 4 and a half years at my job. Some colors are repeating and some are different fabrics to account for summer and winter.
Regular suits: Black, Black, Charcoal, light grey, navy, dark teal, brownish/grey, maroon.
Summer Suit: light grey, blue, black
Winter Suit: black, charcoal, wool grey, wool black
Nehru Jacket suit
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vimbry · 3 years
oh pappa definitely had a fling with wimsy before didn’t he
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depizan · 3 years
There are certain characters that I just irrationally hate. And I think I finally figured out what it is they all have in common, and, surprise, surprise, it all comes down to feeling manipulated. Coincidentally (not), this is also what various works and tropes I hate have in common.
It isn’t about seeing the rails, or knowing what a creator was going for, or even necessarily about contrivance. It’s not even about creators being too fond of their creations (though that sometimes factors in). It’s all about the relationship (or what I feel is true of the relationship) between the creator and their audience. Is this a magic trick or a scam? Are we all in this together, or is does the creator think they’re smugly above their audience?
Obviously, I don’t actually know how the creators of various works and characters I’d like to set on fire with my brain feel, so this is very much a subjective and perception based thing on my part. And one I’ve talked about before with regard to the whole “what a twist!” garbage common thing these days.
What I hadn’t realized until now was that it applies to a lot of -- possibly all of -- the characters out there that I just Cannot Stand. (Which is most unfortunate, because some of them are quite popular. Though if it weren’t for that popularity, and noticing another character has made that list, I might not have realized that it’s the same old “don’t manipulate me, you hack!” reaction.)
I saw a post about a very popular villain character and had that spike of “we hates it, my precious” and then was left wondering when finding them vaguely annoying had morphed into wanting to pitch them into Mount Doom. (And yes, I know, I’m horribly mangling the metaphors there.)
The obvious answer was that the more I felt like they were being forced down my throat (by canon! fans can be horny for whomever and it doesn’t effect my opinion of them), the more I disliked them. But that still left me trying to figure out what about how they were presented made me feel that way.
Okay, so I’m not a villain person. But there are plenty of villains I enjoy just fine and who are wildly popular and I know that at least the actor/voice actor was absolutely having the time of their life. And I don’t feel the least bit like I’m being pressured to like them. Even when they have awesome villain songs or the most memorable lines in the movie.
And there are a few heroes (or “heroes”) that I similarly want to set on fire and roast marshmallows over. And I very definitely am a hero person.
So it’s not a matter of hero vs villain, or of their creators liking their characters. It doesn’t irritate me that Clive Cussler probably based Dirk Pitt on himself, or that Dorothy L. Sayers was so fond of Lord Peter Wimsy that she probably wrote herself into her books as Harriet Vane. And those are far more blatant instances of ohmygodmarysueselfinsert than any of the characters that make me hiss like an angry cat.
Buuut I don’t get that I’m so cool and you’re not vibe from Cussler or Sayers. They’re both very clever authors (in very different ways), but they give me the impression of clever authors who think their audiences are in on the cleverness. Hell, Sayers sometimes messed up the fair play aspect of her mysteries by assuming her audience would know fairly esoteric things! That’s the opposite problem!
When it comes to the characters I can’t stand, the assumption that the audience will also find the character neat has gone off somehow. Something about how their being held out as cool puts me off. There’s some background weirdness going on.
Sometimes it’s because the character is supposed to be so brilliant in a way that relies on the audience forgetting that the creator is in control of everything and can always make things play out for the character. (Think the difference between Conan Doyle’s Sherlock Holmes and some of his modern interpretations or expys. Original flavor Holmes sometimes had to investigate multiple theories, sometimes made mistakes, was sometimes wrong. The obnoxious versions just know things. Magically. Always.)
Sometimes it’s because the creator uses retcons instead of character development. (And thinks that their audience is too stupid to notice?)
Sometimes it’s because other characters and/or the world really do warp around the character. And I mean in the actual goddamn Mary Sue way, not the fun narrativium way.
Sometimes it’s several of the above, or all of the above.
And I know this is all wildly subjective and hard to quantify. Which is why I’ve avoided naming any of the characters I irrationally dislike. (At least in this post.) Just because I feel manipulated or otherwise jerked around by how the characters are presented doesn’t mean other people shouldn’t like them. Particularly when all fiction boils down to manipulation. It’s just that sometimes, at least for me, that manipulation feels like a great story and other times it feels like being stuck next to that guy at the professional dinner - the one who goes on and on about how awesome he is, even though you’re pretty sure he’s entirely full of shit.
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shelby-love · 4 years
Beginning of a family.
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Requested: yes
Prompts: none
Warnings: Angst (labour Kind of angst), of course a happy ending
Authors noter: I decided to do normal labor with a tiny wimsy complication because I tried so hard to have a good plot for difficult labour but it was waay too hard to make it so I dedicated to just do it like this. Hope it's okay! I LOVE IT!? Maybe it's because we all know how much Matt wants to start a family + If any of you have a better fitting Casey gif my messages are open for you to send to me! This gif isn't all that great.
You support your back and pace around the living room. At 9 months pregnant the only position that makes you feel somewhat comfortable is actually standing... Or better said - walking. Having just recovered from a hormonal breakdown because of your lack of fitting clothes, you found walking to be the way to get rid of some steam that was built inside of you like a 16th century fortress.
"Two weeks Y/N. Two more weeks to go," Days when Matt is working are definitely the worst. You're all alone at home with no one to cuddle with. I ran out of cake mix too. Your thoughts were occupied by cravings and everything above. This baby wore you out!
Your lower back ached as you supported yourself with your arms. Small pufs of air and a few curses escaped your mouth here and there.
No matter what you went through you still cherished every moment of the pregnancy, always thinking of the end. The end in which everything is finally going to be worth it. You would look at your belly every morning since you found out you were going to be a mom. No cramps could ruin that joy for you.
The journey was amazing for Matt too, he wanted nothing more than start a family with you. He loved caressing your stomach, gasping slightly every time your baby kicked and moved. It was his favourite sight to see.
Every time he left to go to work, he always said goodbye to you, kissing you softly on the lips, and also on your belly. He wanted the baby to hear his voice and that's the reason why he sometimes talked to your belly more than to you. 
He never missed any of your regular checkups either.
Those checkups that meant the world to you couldn't prepare you for the labour that you were going to go through.
A week later, you're in a hospital bed, in the most pain you ever felt and thought possible.
"Okay Y/N I need you to push!" Your doctor instructs you. He was there since the beginning and his familiar face eased your wish for kicking him in the face for yelling at you.
"I can't do it, Matt, please. I can't do it." Sweat trickles down your forehead.
"Yes you can baby. Y/N you can do it." It was a relief to see Matt with you. The baby decided to come just when he was supposed to finish with his shift.
The waiting room is filled with firefighters but the one you need it right next to you.
"I'm a tough-ass woman." You tell yourself. Both Matt and your doctor nod excessively at your words of encouragement.
You grab his hand and squeeze. Hard. You don't fail to catch his facial expression. Matt finches at the strength of your grip.
"Matt do you want to switch places?" Sudden wave of anger overcomes your senses. "So you can see what it's like to do this!"
"Here honey hold my hand."
"Okay, maybe not so hard, baby."
You shoot him an angry look. "You said to take it, so I did - now deal with it!"
"You're right. I'm right here with you. Break my hand if you need to." As another contraction hits you, both you and Matt yell out in pain.
Matt being in pain kind of makes you feel better about your situation so you squeeze his hand even harder. Once the contraction is over you let go of his hand and take deep breaths.
"Do you need me to take a look at your hand?" Your doctor proposes. Matt flexes his fingers to see if they still work.
The half an hour that comes after that is blurry.
"Okay the baby is not moving as fast as I would like. Y/N I'm going to need you to push really hard for me. It's either that or a C-section."
At the mention of the latter Matt speaks up. "Cut her open? I don't know. Y/N what do you want to do?"
Your brain swarms with questions. "Would the baby be in danger if I keep pushing."
"You are okay to push Y/N but it's not a decision you can take much time making. You need to decide."
"That's good to know. I have to decide now?" You start to panic, imagining the worst of scenarios, but Matt is there stroking your forehead and holding your hand in his almost broken one.
"What if I make the wrong choice?" You sniff.
"Right now there is no wrong choice. If you decide right now. You are going to have this baby at the end of this. One way or another."
You look at Matt and suddenly it's clear what he wants to tell you. The decision is yours to make.
"I will do it naturally. But with the epidural." You lay back and take deep breaths as your doctor calls for an anesthesiologist. After some time the pain doesn't remotely stop. "This hurts real bad guys!"
Your announcement of pain startles Matt and "How long does it take to get some pain medicine around here?" In that moment, after those words came out, you never loved him more.
5 minutes later another doctor comes in the room and stabbed you with a giant needle in a matter that looked quite merciless to you. The reason you didn't give him a piece of your mind was simple - the pain you felt fell drastically and you sighed in relief.
You rest for a while before you have to start pushing. You do as you're told and before you know it you eventually open your eyes to the most precious sight - your baby.
You look at Matt who has tears in his eyes as he drinks in the sight. Your love for him was bigger than ever before. Tears flow down your rosy cheeks as you fight for words. "I... How did that big of a thing come out of me? I mean, look at the size of him/her!"
Matt laughs before coming down to kiss your temple. "Y/N do you want to hold your baby before the nurses take him/her?"
You know how much first skin to skin contact is important. You nod your head. With shaky hands and Matt's help you slip your hospital gown off your shoulders as your doctor hands you your squirming baby and lays him/her on your bare chest.
Tears gather in the corners of your mouth, "Oh my God, you're here."
You look up to see tears streaming down your husband's face. You hold and talk to your baby for a few moments before one of the nurses takes him/her. The nurse carries your son/daughter to get cleaned up and then you slip your gown back on. "You were amazing Y/N. I'm so proud of you."
"How are you feeling?"
"You know Matt... I'm feeling like a torn up piece of paper. Literally."
"Yeah," he laughs. "That looked rough."
A little while later, both you and your baby are taken care of. You're cleaned up and wrapped in a safety bubble that is your family. Matt and you take your time drinking in the sight of your newborn baby.
"We made that." You retort as you play with his/her small fingers. "Shhh. It's okay little one. Mommy and daddy are here."
You rock your baby gently to calm him/her. "I know you haven't gotten to hold our baby for long but I'm just dying to cuddle with him/her."
A soft laugh escapes your lips as you carefully hand him your baby. Matt bends down as you lift the baby up to him. "Just support his/her head. There you go. You're a natural honey."
Your heart melts at the sight in front of you. After wanting to have a family for so long, Matt finally has a baby of his own. A baby with you. You watch as he stares down at your son/daughter, and your heart bursts. You've never loved him more.
You run your fingers over your babies head and cheeks while Matt talks to him/her.
Soon you're lulled out of your world by a knock on the door. A very familiar set of firefighters poke their way inside your room.
"Can we meet him/her?" Both Matt and you can't refuse their puppy eyes as you carefully introduce them all to your baby.
That's how the rest of your day is spent. In the comfort of your family, extended and first.
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aprilsolomonart · 7 years
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Fox study became more than what I intended. Sometimes you just have to begin... not knowing what lies ahead. #fox #animal #animalkingdom #orange #red #coloredpencil #prismapencil #tombowmarkers #gelpen #micronpen #sketchbook #wimsy #aprilsolomonart
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depizan · 7 years
Maybe this is because I came to fandom late (as an adult, not a teen), and to a odd slice of fandom where basically everyone’s writing OC fic, but I really don’t get the objections to people writing OCs in fandom stuff. Even Self Insert OCs.
I know that the worst of the “noooo, OCs must dieeee” stuff is past, but the debate over whether OCs are acceptable still turns up from time to time. And seems like an incredibly weird debate. (Like many of the fandom debates...)
Real, actual, published authors - some well regarded- have written either what appear to be self inserts or characters who are absolutely self inserts. Why in the world would anyone care if fanficers do the same?
Yes, I get it, sometimes the OCs, especially self inserts, warp the stories or cause the canon characters to behave out of character. But aren’t those the problems, not the presence of an OC? And, you know, this is all for fun anyway, so OCs seem very much to belong in the “don’t like, don’t read” category. I can think of no arguable way that they’re somehow harmful.
And, did I mention that real, actual, published authors do it? Sometimes multiple times over. Including the universe warping, depending on how you look at it. No, really. Clive Cussler should probably be the patron saint of Self Insert OC writers. Not only is Dirk Pitt probably an idealized young Clive Cussler (similar physical description, lots of shared interests) but Cussler has been literally writing himself into his stories for a bit, and providing in-story help to the main characters...as himself. Seriously. If he were a fifteen year old girl, fandom would eat him alive. (Personally, I think it’s kind of charming and funny and goes with the general ridiculous fun of his books.)
Then you’ve got Dorothy L Sayers who gave her detective character a friend, eventual girlfriend, and eventual spouse who has more than a little resemblance to Sayers herself. Harriet Vane is even saved from the gallows by Lord Peter Wimsy’s detective work in her first appearance! Good thing Sayers was writing before the internet was a thing! (Or, considering my google search, maybe it wouldn’t have mattered.)
Hell, I think Stephen King even wrote himself into one of his books.
And that’s just off the top of my head.
The internet tells me there are loads more*, going as far back as Chaucer. But, yeah, sure, the world is going to explode if a fanficcer does it.
How in blazes did hating on this ever become a thing? And why do I seriously doubt that the haters ever complained about the successful (and even award winning) authors doing it?
*In addition to Chaucer, King, and Cussler, I found lists that contained David Wong, Kurt Vonnegut, Bret Easton Ellis, Grant Morrison, W. Somerset Maugham, Douglas Coupland (whoever the hell that is), Philip Roth,  Paul Auster, C.S. Lewis, Jorge Luis Borges, Martin Amis, Orham Pamuk, Charles Yu, Philip K. Dick, and Charlie Kaufman. (And that’s just from a quick google search!)
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