nescaveckwriter · 7 months
Somewhere In The Sunshine 🌻
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Line: Failed Rescue 😱 will be in bold
A/N: YAY! Yet another one done for @jacklesversebingo 🐞 well this one broke my heart, I'm not even kidding, this is heartbreakingly sad, grab a tissue or two🤗💕🩷 sorry in advance.
Warnings: Some language, angst, heartbreak, blood gore, violence, mention of being taken hostage, death.
Characters: Dean Winchester x Female Reader, Mentions of Sam, Cas and Crowley.
Cover: Created by me. Also images from Pinterest and Canva.
His heart racing, the sweat on his forehead, evidence of the nightmare he once again had, sitting upright, and without even looking to your side, his hand starts searching for your warm little body, a habit, whenever he had a nightmare, but then soon he realizes the nightmare he just had, was about you, and the damn failed rescue attempt.
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Getting out of your shared bed, now pacing up and down, tired of the way he feels and damn tired of the emptiness he feels in his chest, its been months since the three of you attacked that vamp nest.
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Shaking his head, as if it will remove the memories, the love and the sorrow, but it doesn't, if anything it only makes it worse, every time he tries to lay down and get some shut eye, he starts dreaming of you, your laugh, your sarcastic little come backs, the way you'd dance in the kitchen while cleaning and listening to the music you loved so much, the way you'll tease him, walking around with only his plaid shirts hugging your curves, the way you'll let a  giggle escape, whenever he threw his arms around you, and starts kissing the nape of your neck, the way you'll turn around and look at him, with passion dancing in those pretty eyes, the way, you'll pout your lips when you really want him too kiss you, the way your hands will messily go through his hair as the passion ignites more, the way  your body will be all tangled up with his till dawn, the way your sweet voice greets him early morning, placing little kisses on his lips , the way your fingers will linger on his face, saying how much you loved each and every freckle, the way you'd describe, the green in his eyes its between forest and emerald green, with just a tad bit of hazel in them, near the iris, you'd say, with that sweet, flirty, mischievous smile, revealing the way your little smile lines, curved
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But all those loving memories soon gets replaced with what happened that dreadful night.
Falling down at the side of your bed, taking ahold of your pillow, it still has the scent of your hair, breathing it in deeply, as if he can breathe you in once more, holding on too it, as if its you, fighting back the tears mixed with anger, guilt and the image of your lifeless body in his arms.
 It was supposed to be a easy hunt, in and out, the three of you have done these hunts hundreds of times, and that morning when he and Sammy planned the hunt, he would've never thought it'll be your last. 
The two of them, met you on a case in Kansas, while a ghost where hunting your newly rented apartment, at first you didn't believe in such thing's as monsters and ghosts, but you soon learned there's way more of them out there than you'd ever could think. So you started to learn all you can about the lore, and then the three of you met up, on a windigo hunt a few years ago, and it didn't take long for him too tell you, about how he felt, the two of you were madly in love, so the day he asked you to move in, you said yes without hesitation. You were the only sunshine in his life, the only glimmer of hope.
While the three of you, checked out the vamps hiding place, you somehow got lost in the woods, before you could do anything the vamp's hand squeezed around your neck, lifting you up in the air, you tried screaming but, no words came out, try kicking and punching, but the only thing you'll be able to touch was the air, between you and this creature.
He tied you down to a chair, you tried to wiggle your way out, but he just beat the crap out of you, leaving your face a bloodied pulp, he forced you to make a call, to Dean too tell him you've been taken, the vamp's plan along to get the Winchester Brothers, and trap them as well.
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The distraught stare on Dean's face when he saw you, head hanging slightly, blood dripping on too your legs, your once tied-up hair, now messily framing your face, once you looked up, he gasp for air, as e saw your pretty face beaten, he balled his fist's, shouting now ''hey freak, you want me? come an get me'' 
The vampire came from the dark corner, storming down on him, Dean just gave him a mischievous smile, as he dug out from under the creature's fist, pushing that wooden stake through his back, with all his strength he arranged it, piercing his heart, the creature tumbled down to the ground,  Dean just left him there, running towards, where you were sitting, untying you, placing his left arm on your back, and the right under your legs, cradling you, the only words you got out ''Dean, look out'' as another man came running in, catching a glimpse of Sam, fighting two off outside.   
He quickly placed you down, getting ready to fight this other vampire, he whispered ''Stay with me sweetheart, I'll get you out of here.'' you just nodded, making your way to a stand, preparing yourself, to fight in case, there were more, where in honesty you hoped there won't be, your body, was aching, and to tell you the truth, you were tired, wanting to go home, and to fall asleep in Dean's arms, but first the three of you had to get out of this sticky situation.
Making your way over to, the deceased vampire, removing the wooden stake, sliding it too Dean, he gestures you a thank you, as he drove it through the creature's heart, but it was in that moment, when you heard an unfamiliar voice from behind you ''You took my brothers, from me Winchester, now I'll take someone from you'' before Dean could race towards your position, the man behind you smiled, as he shifted that blade through your spine, revealing the blood stained silver in the front of your shirt, you dropped down too the floor, tears streaming down your cheeks, the blood pooling in front of you, hearing a loud bang, as Sam shot him, just to get him away from, Dean bolted towards him, driving the stake through his heart, screaming ''NO''  
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He collapsed down to you, ''Sweetheart, stay with me'' cupping your cheek, you place your hand over his, your voice barely audible ''I love you'' 
He smiles, ''I love you too, but you can tell me that when your better okay?''
A weak look on your face, ''Baby'' he places a finger on your lips, his voice concerned ''save your strength'' as he inspects you, realizing you don't have much time, his voice heavy with emotion, ''I'll get Cas, I'll ask Crowley, but baby, I.. I'll l have you in my arms again soon okay''
Trembling from the coldness, running through your body, your voice low, shaky, ''No Dean! I don't want to come back, half a person, you need to let me go, I will be somewhere in the sunshine, smiling down at you, waiting for you, alright'' sobbing now frantically, ''let me go, please''
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Dean sat there destroyed, tears wetting his eyes, he can't say the words, he just nods, going down tasting your lips for the last time, as he kisses you, he feels your last breath rushing over his lips, he breaks down, balling now as he holds your lifeless body in his arms, rocking forwards and backwards, knowing this will be the last time he'll be able too hold you. Unsure of how long Sam stood there, eyes glazed with wetness, knowing his brother lost the love of his life. 
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They gave you a proper hunters funeral, so many people came, some friends, some just other hunters and some, just people you saved, Dean couldn't say much at the funeral just that ''he loved you very much'' the weeks there after was torture, he kept thinking you'll come running towards him, jumping in his arms, but nothing, he was all alone, well he had Sammy, and Cas, but he didn't have you. 
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As he sits there holding the pillow, taking notice, that its morning, he glances through the window, recalling your last words again, like every morning, a little smile tugging at his lips,'' I will be somewhere in the sunshine'', giving him enough strength to pick himself up from the ground, and get ready to go save a few more people. 
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witchcave · 10 years
Answer this with 10 facts about yourself and send it to 10 of your favorite followers. :)
*emoji heart eyes*
I bought a prom dress finally! Idk if I'm happy about going but the dress is cute so I don't really care.
The guy I like is in Virginia rn so I'm kind of happy that he won't be going to prom.
I have homework I haven't worked on that's due in a week or two oop
My mom is in Las Vegas right now so I have to stay with my grandma over the weekend.
I haven't been writing imagines in a while and I'm sad about it. I should really start again.
I'm nervous about leaving to college but also excited because I can finally exercise with the colder weather and I can maybe feel pretty omg
I own two dresses and I actually wear them isn't that amazing???
I really miss my friend who has been in England for a few months atm because I was thinking "Oh I want to go watch Captain America with Isaiah" but he's not here.
I might watch Russell Howard and I'm so excited because I really love him he's an amazing comedian and he's so sweet eeeee
I havea normal boring adult toothbrush and a TMNT electric toothbrush hell y ea h
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hausofharimaa · 11 years
Hello! Thank you so much for reading & liking my Irresistible fanfic. It means the world to me! :) xx
Of course! No problem! It was a pleasure to read ^-^
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contrary-mary1 · 11 years
Your "Comb" piece you just uploaded is truly amazing, you're a very talented artist. :) x
I would love to take credit for it but actually it’s by this fabulous artist Anna Dittmann! You should check out some more of her artwork, it’s all beautiful.
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witchcave · 11 years
somewhereinthesunshine replied to your photo “You are honestly too sweet thank you!! I like collecting little...”
Thank you for answering! I loved reading it. <3
You're very welcome ^_^ I'm glad you liked it!
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witchcave · 11 years
Hello! Once you get this message, it would be lovely if you'd share 10 random facts about yourself, then pass it on to your ten favourite blogs so we can get to all know each other a bit better. Have a lovely day! :)
Aw omg you are so kind ♥♥
I went trick-or-treating with my family. My cousin was dressed as a Victorian-like lady and there was this guy dressed as The Empty Child from Doctor Who and he kept on pointing at her and creeping us out. It was awesome. 
I’m going to a concert tomorrow and might eat at IKEA omg this is fun
I dressed up as Sam Winchester for school but now I’m just a rebel cool person because I added tattoos on my wrist and chest
I rly want food right now
I’ve liked the guy I like rn for about 3 years now wow I’m a loser
I’m going to watch Thor next Saturday and have a sleep-over and we’re going to eat tons of junk and I’m excited for relaxation from school
I put on make-up today for my costume and now I feel really cool and I feel sort of sexy idk but that’s only for today ever lol
I gave blood today and I was so scared because it was my first time but it all went well! My friend fainted though and another girl was throwing up.
I a lot of imagine ideas at the moment and I have no time because of school ugh
I want to buy comic books at this awesome store but I need money first pls donate to my cause
Thankyouthankyouthankyou!!! I hope you had/have a nice day ♥
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witchcave · 11 years
1, 17, 29 :D x
Thank you omg :DDD1. Selfie I'll post it seperately because I don't think the app let's me add pictures ugh17. Opinion on insecurities Insecurities suck ass like seriously they're not fun or nice in any way. They hurt you so much and all you think about in the back of your mind is if you're doing something stupid or that you probably look ugly or that someone is judging you at that moment. I hate insecurities and people who don't seem to understand how serious it it, especially if the person who's insecure looks up to you. Don't be a jerk about it. That is all *breathes deeply*29. Favorite film(s) Oooh hmm well, I love Remember the Titans a lot! I also love Tangled, The Avengers, The Breakfast Club, and Spirited Away. I also just watched Sweeny Todd yesterday and holy shit, it was amazing so I'm adding that too ^.^I love you for the questions, darling tysm
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