#somin and bm could step on me
KARD “You kiss the top of their head when you think they’re sleeping”
KARD Masterlist                                            Group Masterlist
Again not requested but I can’t bring myself to find inspo for certain request atm. Not in a smutty mood whatsoever and I’m having a hard time writing smut lately. 
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He had come home really late, a whole day of working having taken a lot longer than what was planned. Taehyung hated the thought of waking you up, knowing your day wasn’t a short one either so he opted to sleep on the couch. However you had a hard time sleeping because you thought he still wasn’t home yet and at 3 a.m you made your way to the living room. 
Seeing him asleep on the couch startled you but also filled you with relief. His head leaned over the armrest of the couch and he looked uncomfortable but still peacefull. You shook your head slightly, knowing that he did that so that you could sleep. Leaning down, you kissed his forehead and allowed your hand to stroke through his hair. 
He sat up, startled at the sudden touch and you moved back with a laugh. “I was about to fall asleep.” He said, and looked at you with a pout. “How about you fall asleep in bed?” You asked with small laugh and grabbed the hand that he stretched out to you. He pulled you next to him on the couch and held you close.
“Or you can come sleep out here with me... you’re here now anyways.”
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Matthew had been working himself to death, producing for the new album, Staydium LA and the podcast. You could tell and anyone around could tell that he was tired. But he caught up on his sleep eventually, taking naps behind his laptop. 
He had asked you to bring him dinner in the studio and you could tell he sounded tired, but whatever you could do to help him out. However when you entered the room, Matthew was leaned back in his chair with his eyes closed and hands clasped over his stomach. You placed the food down on his desk quietly and kissed his forehead before going to leave again. 
“Hey, kiss my head and then leave?” He asked, sounding sleepy. “I didn’t want to wake you up. But I guess you weren’t sleeping.” You smiled and threaded your fingers in his hair. Matthew smiled at you and wrapped an arm around your waist. “Do you kiss my forehead alot when I sleep?” He asked and you had to think for a moment. It was a subconscious thing you did. “I guess I do, why” 
“That’s really cute. Like really cute.” 
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Somin was adament about editing her own videos for her channel. She wanted it all to be 100% authentic and you admired her for that. After a long day of promotions she seemingly still wanted to try editing. But you watched from your seat on the couch as her eyes fluttered shut behind her laptop. 
Laughing to yourself, you pushed yourself off of the couch and grabbed the throw blanket. Moving over to her, you covered her gently and leaned over to kiss her head. “I love you.” You whispered and kissed her. But her eyes fluttered open quickly, causing you two to have direct eye contact and you started laughing. 
“Sorry I just wanted to rest my eyes for a second, I wasn’t anticipating that.” She laughed and you sat down next to her. “Maybe you should stop editing for now and take a nap.” You suggested, snuggling up next to her under the blanket. 
“As long as you join me and as long as you kiss my head again.” 
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You felt blessed that you were allowed to be there during their schedules, you wouldn’t be able to see her all that much. You were tired too, having to keep up with them but it made your admiration for Jiwoo grow even more. 
There she was, with her eyes shut as she sat in a chair in the corner of the room. She was completely styled and ready to go on stage, just waiting for the sign to go in a few hours. You moved over to her to put your jacket over her lap and kissed her forehead softly. 
Jiwoo started laughing, opening her eyes slowly and you took a step back with a look of surprise. “I wasn’t sleeping.” She laughed and you joined her. “I was trying to be cute but you just completely ruined it.” You said and she laughed even harder at your pout. Grabbing your hand, she pulled you closer while still laughing. 
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry, you’re very cute.” 
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nubnubblr · 3 years
If You Do. 32 Handcuff Hideaway
         "Do you have any classes for the next hour or so?" I asked Shawn. Everyone recovered quickly but there was still concern in their expressions that Mackenzie was going to walk back through that door and Shawn's world would fall apart.
"Nope," he shrugged taking a huge bite out of a burger.
"Does that mean you want to be my knight in sweaty armour?"
"That's gross," Charlie pulled a face.
"Where do you want to go?" Shawn ignored her comment.
"I want to do some shopping," I smiled sweetly.
"But you're crippled," Junsun smirked.
"The correct term is disabled and that never stops you," I retorted.
"How am I disabled?" he frowned.
"You're disabled in the brain," I huffed.
"I think that's referred to as being 'on the spectrum'" Austin commented.
"Fine, I'll go with you shopping," Shawn nodded devouring the rest of his meal.
"You're ditching me?" Charlie frowned.
"No, Doobin said he was having trouble remembering your choreo on top of the other classes he's taking, I figured you were going to help him out and that would have left me stuck here," I sent her a slight smirk.
"He doesn't need my help," she gave me a warning look.
"Actually, some help would be great," Doobin nodded.
"Seriously?" she asked in a flat tone.
"I mean if you don't want to, I'll just go ask one of the other students," he shrugged.
"Oh, come on, throw the kid a bone," Austin sided with Doobin. I had to cough to cover the laugh that almost burst from my throat.
"Fine, but you better pay attention because I'm not doing this again," she huffed.
"Right," but Doobin and I mumble together.
         I knew that he didn't want me to help with the choreography, he could do it in his sleep. But I wasn't going to boost his ego any more than it already was.
"So what part of the choreo is confusing your little brain?" I sighed following him into an empty practice room.
We have a few around the building, they were just small 5x3 meatre rooms with a mirror covering one wall and a door, there were no window and the rooms where soundproof so that several students could practise at the same time without disturbing or being disturbed by anyone. The doors also had locks on them, convenient.
"Why don't we start with something you know isn't small?"
"You're attitude?" I raised an eyebrow.
He just smirked, let out a slight laugh, then his face turned dark with lust, he took a step towards me and instinctively I took one back leaving me pressed up against the wall, with nowhere to go. His lips connected with my neck and a small moan escaped my lips, I felt his smirk on my neck before he relocated his mouth to mine. I wanted to curse myself for giving in so easily but the logic in my brain evaporated the longer Doobin's lips assaulted mine.
"If you want me to stop just say so," his husky voice whispered inside my ear. I didn't trust my voice so I just didn't say anything, he waited a few moments before taking my silence as permission to continue.
I was lost in my train of thought as we slid to the floor, he stretched my hands over my head with one hand, logic slammed back into me when I felt the cold metal clamp around my wrists.
"What are you doing?" I frowned.
"Having a little fun,"
"What if someone tries to come in?"
"The door is locked, and the room is soundproof. But if you want me to unlock you then that's fine, just thought it would be fun," he shrugged.
I don't know why, and I wasn't even sure when I had decided it would be fine, but the words seemed to fall from my mouth before my brain had the chance to run them through a logic filter. Instead of saying what I should have said, being the responsible adult and his teacher, I said;
"Leave them on,"
         I wanted to throw everything, I had to step away from my desk so that I didn't throw anything breakable or important. I was trying to function on barley any sleep, Austin has stolen so much money that I wasn't able to give a lot of shifts out to my staff and I even had to let a few go. They were understanding about the whole situation, but not being able to use my staff meant that I had to cover the shifts. Thea still came in and worked the kitchen, but she didn't say anything to me, she just showed up, did her job, and left. So my day usually went; up at 3 a.m, work at the bakery until 6a.m, come home and get a few hours sleep, usually 3 or 4, then wake up but no later than 10 a.m, set up the bar, re-stock the shelves, do ordering, open, serve customers until closing at 1a.m, clean the bar, maybe eat something, quick shower, sleep for an hour, and repeat.
So, I was overworked, overtired, understaffed, and severely stressed. I had been to the bank about a loan, but they felt like I was too much of a risk, I had reported Austin to the police, but I wasn't hopeful about getting my money back, I should probably talk to one of the boys about it because I know they would help out in the bar but they hadn't been home since I slept with Olivia, it was pretty clear they know about it, also I vaguely remembered hearing Charlie's voice.
I'd been feeling guilty about that since it happened, not just because of her technically being Sam's girl-whatever, or because it was Jae's bed, or even the whole Thea situation. Don't get me wrong, I felt bad about all of that, but I had also realised that I had kind of been seeing Somin, and I mean, we weren't dating per say but it's not okay to show someone that you're interested in them and the go and slept with someone else. That's not the type of person I am, but I haven't really been acting like myself lately.
Pushing my friends away, keeping secrets, sleeping with strangers, getting angry for no reason. Okay, not for no reason, but in from the point of view from everyone else it is for not reason because I haven't told them what's going on.
Maybe I should just sell my car.
         "I still don't understand why you haven't already done your Christmas shopping," Shawn frowned at me as we made our way back to the dance studio. We had been gone about an hour and a half, long enough for Mackenzie to be long gone, and for Charlie and Doobin to have finished, 'dancing'.
"I have most of it done, shut up, like you have any Christmas shopping done," I huffed defensively.
"I only have to buy for a handful of people, and I'm not Miss Overly Organised, which is why I'm surprised that you're Christmas shopping wasn't don't in like July," he retorted.
Okay, it was actually already done, but in September, not July. I just needed a reason to get Shawn to stay out shopping when he was insisting on my getting off my foot. Besides I found some things that I just had to buy for Charlie.
"Maybe you should have used this time to do your Christmas shopping,"
"I still have time,"
"Christmas is in like 8,"
"Yeah, that's 8 days full of time to buy things,"
"When there is nothing left in the shopping centres that qualifies as good gifts, you'll regret waiting," I shook my head at him.
"It's the thought that counts," he tried to counter,
"And apparently they're the last thought," I retorted.
"Has anyone ever told you that they can only handle you in small doses?" he huffed at me.
"All the time," I nodded as we walked into 1Million, well technically I hobbled but I wasn't about to admit that.
"Shit. I have a class in 10 minutes," Shawn groaned.
"I thought you said you were free?"
"I forgot about it, I'll catch up to you later," he rushed off.
I looked around for Charlie, she didn't seem to be anywhere maybe she was still with Doobin? Her car was still out the front, and she wouldn't leave me here anyway. She had to be with Doobin, I should probably find them before Shawn stubbled across them.
"You're back," Doobin nodded towards me, he was standing in the doorway of one of the classrooms. I looked around him to see if Charlie was in there. She wasn't.
"Yeah, have you see Charlie?"
"I have," he smirked.
"Okay, stupid question. Do you know where she is?"
"Of course," he nodded still smirking.
"Well are you going to tell me?" I sighed.
"She's in that room," he nodded towards one of the practise rooms.
"Thank you,"
"Thea," he called as I turned away from him.
"You might need these," he handed me a set of small keys.
"These look too small to unlock the door," I thought out loud.
"They're not for the door," he smirked, I frowned and began to ask him what they were for but he turned and walked into the classroom, that Shawn was teaching.
I headed over to the door he had pointed towards turned the handle, but it was locked. I thought he had said that the key wasn't for the door. I knocked just in case I had the wrong door. Then realised that the rooms were sound proof so I wasn't sure she would even hear it, so I rattled the handle.
         The door handle turned and shook, if whoever was on the other side was calling me, I couldn't hear them, the downside to a soundproof room. Did I risk opening the door to see if it was Doobin with the keys? What if it was one of the other boys? How did I explain being naked and handcuffed in a practice room? I didn't. Which left me with no other option but to wait until Doobin decided to come and save me. Even though he is the reason that I'm stuck in this situation to begin with.
My phone started buzzing in my pants pocket on the floor. I maneuverer my way towards them and somehow managed to answer the call, only because it was Thea. I hit the loudspeaker button.
"Hey, opened the door,"
"Because Doobin gave me a key and said that you would need it,"
"Where is he?"
"In Shawn's class,"
"And where is everyone else?"
"How am I supposed to know?"
"So, if I open the door, you're the only one out there?"
"Well, other than the reception staff but they're all busy. Why are you being weird?"
"Okay, I'm unlocking the door, but hurry up," I sighed working my way to my feet. I unlocked the door and quickly ducked behind it just in case anyone looked over to see what Thea was up too.
"Why are you being so weir..." Thea started at me.
"Close the door!" I snapped.
She pushed it closed and tried to cover a laugh with a cough. May have actually worked, if she didn't just laugh instead.
"What?" was all she could manage to get out between laughs.
"Shut up and give me the keys," I snapped.
"And you think you're going to be able to unlock those cuffs by yourself?" she raised an eyebrow once she stopped laughing, although she still managed to chuckle at me.
"Yes," I cursed the doubt that found its way into my voice.
"Do you want me to uncuff you?" she giggled.
"I want you to stop being a jerk, but I guess I'll take the uncuffing," I sighed, she held her laughter until I said uncuffing, for some reason she found that hysterical.
"Oh, wait, I have the perfect thing for you!" she beamed.
"Like the keys to these cuffs?"
"Yeah, yeah, in a second," she rolled her eyes rummaging through the bags in her hands.
"Bro, I'm literally standing here naked," I was starting to get a little annoyed.
"Yeah, I know, I'm about to fix that,"
"You could just give me the damn keys and I could get dressed!"
"Yeah, but that wouldn't be nearly as entertaining. Ah! Here it is," she smirked pulling a jacket from one of her bags.
"I have clothes over there,"
"Yeah, but this works sooo much better, I saw this in a shop and had to buy it for you, because you're technically Doobin's professor, I got you a professor jacket, with elbow pads!" she unfolded the grey checked jacket, brown patched covered the elbows.
"I hate you, now uncuff me,"
"Argh, fine," she rolled her eyes.
         I uncuffed her and she basically kicked me out of the practice room, she's so touchy sometimes. I watched Shawn's dance class through the glass door. Doobin seemed pretty pleased with himself, he caught my eye through the door and smirked at me, I suppose that the fact I was the only other person who knew about the two gave him a small kick, considering that he could basically brag about it with one look.
"Let's go," Charlie came out of the
         "I want food," Jae whined lounging across the edge of the couch.
"Then go get something," I shrugged.
"Are you kidding me? The last time I took food out of that crazy dwarfs kitchen she withheld food from me for like a week,"
"It was an hour, and that's because you were so annoying she didn't want to listen to you anymore,"
"Yeah, well, it felt like a week,"
"Then order something,"
"That takes too long to get here, and it costs money,"
"You can wait until she gets home,"
"Can you message them and see how long they're going to be?"
"Why can't you do it?"
"Because I don't know where my phone is," he whined
"You're literally staring at it,"
"Shh, busy," he muttered scrolling through Tumblr.
SAM: Hey, where are you guys? Jae is complaining he's hungry and I'm worried he is going to eat me.
I wasn't expecting her to reply so quickly but she replied before I could relock my phone.
CHARLIE: Just waiting for Thea to get her braces off, not sure how long it will take.
"Charlie doesn't know how long she is going to be,"
"They went shopping, how much can two poor girls even buy?" he huffed.
"They're at the dentist, Thea is getting her braces off," I rolled my eyes. He paused, looked at me and smirked.
"Come on," he stood up.
"We'll go get food, Thea is going to be in so much pain when she gets back," he beamed.
"You don't need to sound so happy about it," I frowned.
"Yes, I do. Do you know how easy it is to annoy her when she's in pain, and then she does that thing where she get huffy and hurts herself, it's hilarious, but I'll even buy her food to make up for it,"
"Really?" I looked at him sceptically.
"I mean, you'll pay for it because I lost my wallet, but sure," he shrugged.
"Of course, you did," I rolled my eyes.
"I think I left it next to or on my bed, so it may as well be lost, who knows what naked parts of BM have touched that," he shuttered.
"Okay fine," I sighed.
"Keys," he held his hand out.
"Because you still can't drive? Do you think I'm going to walk there and like go into the building with those people?"
"Those people? Who are also going to buy fast food because their too lazy to cook for themselves?"
"If you were supposed to cook for yourself they wouldn't have invented cars and drive throughs, are you going to mope around here daydreaming about Charlie or are you going to come on this adventure with me?"
"We're going on an adventure?"
"It's modern-day hunting, come on Samwise," he stood.
"Does that make you Frodo?" I raised an eyebrow following him.
"I feel more like a Gandalf, wise and magical,"
"More like Radagast," I commented.
"Charlie likes him better anyway," he shrugged.
         The boys weren't there when we got home, or at least Sam's car wasn't and he still can't drive so unless Jae decided to go out and take Sam's car, which wasn't likely.
"I thought the boys were staying again?" Thea frowned.
"Maybe they went to get a change of clothes," I shrugged.
"Hopefully they don't come back, the last thing I need right now is Jae and his stupid face,"
"Are you sure you two don't have a thing for each other?" I raised an eyebrow.
"If by 'a thing' you mean do I want to stab him with a sword? Then yes, but if you mean in the general sense, then I would rather stab myself with a sword," she pulled a disgusted face.
"You two just seem really interested in where each other are," I shrugged.
"I am in enough pain right now; do you have to make me want to vomit as well?" she sighed.
"Shouldn't you be pain-free after having your braces off?"
"You would think so, after two years with the pressure moving my teeth you would think the release would be amazing, not painful,"
"Then again, it's been two years of pressure, what happens when you release the pressure after you hurt yourself?"
"Intense pain," she groaned collapsing into the couch.
"There are painkillers in the kitchen, do you want me to get them?"
"I'll get them, hot coffee might help with the pain," she sighed.
"Do you want water in the kettle?" she asked.
"I'm good," I shook my head.
She just nodded leaving the room, I checked my messages to see if Sam and sent one letting me know where he had gone, he hadn't.
CHARLIE: Hey, where are you guys?
SAM: Jae decided he would have me buy us food, he thought it would be entertaining to get things Thea can't eat and eat it in front of her.
CHARLIE: Forget his wallet again?
SAM: Apparently he lost it
CHARLIE: I bet you it's in his pocket
"Where are these painkillers?" Thea asked, she walked into the lounge room pulling the door with her.
"On the shelf about the kettle,"
"They're not," she shook her head.
"Maybe they're in my bedroom," I got up, she turned around to leave the room, the door handle wouldn't turn.
"Not funny," I frowned at her.
"Not kidding," she frowned back.
"I must have hit the lock on the way in,"
"You locked us in the lounge room?"
"I mean not if your bedroom window isn't locked," I thought about it, I had locked it a few nights ago, there was a breeze that came into my room and the window only stayed securely closed if it was locked.
"Is yours?" I raised an eyebrow.
"Paranoid," she pointed at herself.
"So you locked us in the lounge room," I sighed.
"I mean only technically, we can just call one of the boys to come to save us," she shrugged.
"Jae and Sam only went to get food, they'll be back soon,"
"See, we're fine," she shrugged again.
"I'll text Sam and ask them to hurry up,"
         CHARLIE: Hey, can you guys be quick, Thea locked us in the lounge room
"We don't need anything else?" I asked as Jae pulled out of the parking lot.
"No, why? Do you miss Charlie already?"
"No, the girls are locked in the lounge room, Charlie wants us to come save them,"
"How did they...?" he because.
"Thea," I cut him off.
"Of course," he shook his head.
"Well, let's go to the Zoo then," he smirked, which probably meant he wasn't going to save them straight away.
"The Zoo?"
"Their lounge room is basically entirely windows, which means we can eat and enjoy the show,"
"Charlie will kill you,"
"Probably," he shrugged not seeming too phased by the idea.
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jungkookienoona · 7 years
The Meme And His Tutor
Part 34: The Third Date
Co-written with @tragicshadows
Recommended Song: Trust Me (BM & Somin Version) by KARD
|All Chapters|Masterlist|
You never imagined it would be a day of unexpected truths.
Genre: Fluff, comedy
Pairing: Jungkook X Reader (Y/N)
Word Count: 6904
Length: 34/?
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The day had arrived. The much-awaited third date. That date that would allow Jungkook to finally sleep in the same bed as you. You had seen how excited he had been when he had asked you out to a simple dinner date. Though he had been busy with vocal and dance practices, you had experienced his hype through calls and the occasional drop-in visit to keep up with his kiss quota. At last, for the first time in a week, Bangtan had a free day to rest. And Namjoon had asked you to lunch.
Which was why he was the one sat across from you in that moment.
"Thanks for joining me," He said, moving a large mug, which looked more like a small soup bowl, off the tray and in front of you. "I know you're probably busy with your online classes."
Having opted for a hot chocolate over a caramel macchiato, you saved one of the large pink marshmallows from sinking into the whipped cream.
"It's okay! I'm nowhere near as busy as you guys are at the minute. I thought you might have wanted to spend the day resting."
He had a sip of his Americano. "I would, but there's something I've been meaning to talk to you about since your second trip to Korea."
"The first time you asked me to lunch."
He nodded in confirmation. "Hopefully, by talking about it and getting it out in the open will help with Jungkook's behaviour."
"His behaviour meaning his jealousy?"
He grimaced, putting his mug down to clasp his hands in his lap. "Yeah...see, the thing is it's my fault..."
You lowered your drink with a frown. "What do you mean it's your fault? He's a big boy, Oppa. He needs to take responsibility for his actions."
He swallowed, eyes going wide in almost desperate need for you to understand. "No, you don't get it. It really is my fault, Y/N..."
You tilted your head in confusion. How could it be his fault?
"I... up until a month ago I had... feelings for you. Feelings that I pushed aside because I saw how strongly Jungkook felt for you before he knew it himself. Feelings that I knew were stronger than mine...yet I was still vocal with the others about my own..."
You gulped, your throat suddenly going dry. You were itching to take a drink but your hands were frozen in place.
"Y-y-you liked me?"
He held your gaze before slowly nodding, his shoulders sagging. "I'm so sorry. I tried to hide my feelings for you from him...and you... I didn't realise he would become so jealous."
Shaking his head, he let out a humourless chuckle.
"I should have realised, though. Back when he first joined Bangtan he was possessive over what he thought was his."
Namjoon had feelings for you and that's why Jungkook was hostile towards him. You let the weight of his confession sink in as you chewed on another marshmallow. But surely the past is the past, especially considering you and Jungkook were now dating.
"Still, he shouldn't treat you the way he is. I remember him saying you helped him to put together his CD for me."
He took a long sip of his drink and ran a hand through his pastel hair revealing the layers of colour. You took the moment as a chance to drink some more of yours, humming as the hot drink filled you with warmth from the inside out.
"I don't blame him for hating me. Who wouldn't hate their friend for crushing on the person they were in love with?"
A scowl marred your features. "Feelings are feelings. They can't be controlled. And he doesn't hate you. He looks up to you so much."
He sighed, setting down his mug and rubbing his face with both hands. "It doesn't feel like that anymore. We used to spend so much time together but now he either avoids me or gives me the cold shoulder. I miss spending time with him." He paused. "I thought that if I helped him to convince Bang PD-nim to pay for you to live here then things would be fine again. That he'd forgive me."
The wooden chair beneath you creaked as you reached forward to peel Namjoon's hands off his face. He looked heartbroken. He just wanted his brother back.
"He knows he's done wrong. I told him so after the way he was rude to you the day you died your hair."
"It takes more than a speech and a telling off to correct his behaviour sometimes. He's stubborn."
You felt your insides twist painfully. You had done this. Going to a fansign and giving Jungkook your SkypeID had done this. It was your fault that Namjoon was heartbroken. In more ways than one. You had to fix it.
"I'm sorry."
He shrugged, eyes trained on his pitch black coffee. "It's not your fault. I just thought you deserved to know."
"I appreciate that but... it's my presence in your lives that has caused this rift to form. I... I'll talk to him today- before our date. Hopefully, what I have to say will bridge this gap."
He gave you a tight-lipped smile that didn't look at all hopeful. "Thank you, Y/N."
Miri watched you from her bed next to her food and water as you paced across the floor of your living room. You had sent Jungkook a message once you returned from lunch asking him to come over and hang out before dinner. You didn't want to send the dreaded 'we need to talk' message. Having been on the receiving end of that kind of message many a time, you knew how much anxiety it could cause. So a little white lie was used. You were nervous. There was only one way you could help the situation, but it was something that you hadn't even opened up to your family about. Only close friends knew. You had planned to tell Jungkook later on in your relationship. But you had to patch up his friendship with Namjoon and what you had to say might just help.
A loud knock pulled you from your thoughts and you almost tripped over Miri as she leapt from her bed and dashed into the hallway to paw at the door. You took a second to wipe your clammy palms against your jeans before pulling the door open.
Your greeting got stuck in your throat at the sight that greeted you. Jungkook grinned. He was dressed in a pair of smart black jeans which he'd paired with a wine coloured shirt to match your bedroom walls. He'd rolled the sleeves up to elbows to reveal the ridiculously expensive Rolex on his wrist.
Holy fuck he looked good. How were meant to be serious when he had the top two buttons of his shirt undone?
"Are you gonna continue drooling over me or are you gonna let me in?"
You wordlessly stepped aside, allowing him inside, eyes trained on him as nerves rose again.
"W-would you like something to drink? Water, banana milk perhaps?"
Your stutter went unnoticed as he asked for a glass of water with a smile. You scurried into the kitchen and left him to take his shoes off and greet Miri who was barking for his attention. A smile broke out when you heard his little cry of 'There's our baby girl!' in the distance. It sounded like he had tried to be quiet enough so you wouldn't hear.
Grabbing a glass from a cupboard, you went over to the fridge to use its water dispenser. Then you made your way into the living room to find him sat on the sofa, leaning forward to rub Miri's belly. This was it. You cleared your throat to get his attention.
"Jungkook," the sound of his name instead of a nickname made him look concerned, "I spoke to Namjoon today. I know he used to like me."
His hand stilled in Miri's fur,  Adam's apple bobbing in his throat as he swallowed. You placed his drink on the coffee table before sitting down facing him with your legs crossed beneath you.
"We met for lunch. He was desperate to tell me why you've been acting so possessive around me."
He sat back against the sofa cushions and licked his lips as he thought of a response. All he managed was an 'oh'.
"He... he said that you've even been avoiding him when I'm not around. He's heartbroken and blames himself, Kookie. He thinks you hate him."
Jungkook twiddled with his watch, eyebrows drawing together in thought before mumbling, "I don't hate him... I stole you from him."
You blinked in surprise.
He nodded and turned his head to face you. "I knew how he felt but I refused to give up on you." A smile ghosted over his lips before he turned his gaze back to the floor. "In my head, I made everything a competition between us. He didn't stop attending our Skype lessons on his own whim. I didn't want him there."
Okay, what?!
"He was smart and older than me. Two qualities I knew you liked... and in the lessons you would have whole conversations in English that I was excluded from. So I told him the language barrier would motivate me to work harder."
At least he didn't flat out say he didn't want him there.
"Is that why you act possessive around him? Because he's older than you?"
He shrugged and when he spoke his voice was barely above a whisper. "I'm scared I'm not good enough for you."
You felt your heart clench in your chest. Him not good enough for you?! What planet was he living on? "That's ridiculous! Jungkook, I love you. I felt like I could connect to you before you even knew me!"
He stared down into his lap. "Sometimes I think you would've been better off with hyung."
It was time to come clean.
You closed your eyes and took a deep breath before opening them onto his downcast face. "Namjoon and I wouldn't have happened even if you didn't have feelings for me."
He scoffed. "How can you say that when he's your second favourite?"
You gently took his face between your hands and made him meet your eyes. "Because I'm not attracted to him. You're the first person I've felt like this for."
His brows furrowed. "I don't understand. What do you mean I'm the first person? You've been in relationships before..."
"I have been in relationships before, yes," You let go of his face to fold your hands in your lap. "But I was never attracted to them. I've always felt... different. I would like how people looked but had no desire to act on it. Even when in a relationship, I preferred cuddles and hand holding over... sexual stuff. The stuff I was pressured into at the time." You took another deep breath, no turning back now. "I didn't know what Asexuality was at the time. I felt horrible about myself, felt like I was broke. What kind of girl doesn't want to have sex with her boyfriend? And my ex made me feel worse. Told me it was something that needed fixing." You looked up at him with a smile. "Then I saw you. I saw you and felt something I had never felt before. I was so guilty because the feelings I should have had for my at the time boyfriend, were directed at someone else. And it was only you. No one else made me feel like that... He cheated and we broke up. And in my time alone I focused on how 'normal' you made me feel. Three of my friends came out as asexual. Two out of the three them were like me- two who only felt sexual attraction rarely or for just one person. Grey-ace is what they called it. I was relieved. I wasn't broken."
The corners of his mouth lifted into a small smile and, like a thousand tonne weight had been lifted off your chest, you let out a deep and shaky exhale as you dropped your head. Jungkook stayed silent as his arms came to wrap around your waist, gently pulling you closer to him.
"Jagi... I don't think you're broken at all. You're you.” His gaze softened and you could have easily gotten lost in those big brown doe eyes. “If I ever say or do anything that makes you uncomfortable please tell me right away. I’ll understand."
He placed a gentle kiss on your forehead and your own arms came to wrap around him.
"So you see, there's no reason for you to be jealous or possessive. Please, start hanging out with Namjoon again. He misses his little brother."
He pulled back to nod. "I will. I'm so sorry you got caught in the middle of this."
"It doesn't matter now. It made me be honest with you, something I was kinda terrified of."
One of his hands found its way to cup your cheek. "You never have to be afraid to tell me anything. I'll love you no matter what."
He leant down and kissed you softly. It conveyed so much love and acceptance that you felt yourself tearing up. When you broke apart a mini version of his bunny grin was in place.
"I guess it's good I told you now before the third date... just incase you had something planned."
"Ah yes, because I'm clearly dressed to seduce, not impress." He chuckled.
"...Are you kidding? You look like sin incarnate."
He made an exaggerated gesture of rolling his eyes. "I don't understand what's so evil about me. All I have to do is look at you to be called the devil."
You pointed an accusing finger at him. "You are pure temptation at its finest which I refuse to succumb to."
At that you pressed a final kiss to his lips and freed yourself from his embrace to go and change into something smarter than jeans and a sweater.
Should you wear a dress? You wear pretty sure Jungkook would die if you wore a dress... You should wear a dress. Good thing you had shaved that morning.
"Jagi! Since you think of me... that way... does that mean you think of me as regularly as I think about you?... Not that I'm trying to pressure you. Just curious."
You flicked through the selection of dresses you owned as you mulled over his question.
"That depends on how often you think of me!"
There was a pause and you pulled out a simple black dress with a white collar. That would count as smart-casual, right? You knew from past experiences that it was comfortable enough to eat a full meal in, and Jungkook had said he was taking you to dinner.
"True... I don't think I'm quite willing to admit to how much."
With the dress selected you went to your drawers and pulled out a pair of shorts. Or your 'modesty protectors' as you had dubbed them. You quipped back that if he was unwilling then you were too earning a chuckle and 'fair enough'.
After dressing, you slipped on a ring you wore occasionally and grabbed a necklace you would need Jungkook's help to put on. When you stepped back out Jungkook's jaw dropped. You giggled at the fact he was gawping like a goldfish, clearly trying to think of something to say.
"You... holy shit... Neoneun areumdawoyo, sarang. (You're beautiful, love.) You should wear dresses more often."
You cheeks turned a deep hue of red at his compliment, "Yeah, yeah. Help me put this necklace on."
You handed him the thin chain and turned around, lifting your hair up so he could see what he was doing. Miri was once again watching you from her bed and you felt guilty for having to leave her on her own. But Yoongi couldn't look after her all the time and you would only be a few hours after all.
"When we get back we're throwing out any and all things that belonged to your ex. Nothing that's touched that asshole deserves to touch you." Jungkook mumbled, his fingers ghosting over the nape of your neck as he fiddled with the clasp.
"That reminds me of something...on my first day here Namjoon said he gave Miri one of my hoodies so she could get used to my scent. I'm guessing you were the one to go through my stuff and find one." He hummed in agreement and you continued, "Did you give her the one from my ex on purpose?"
"Guilty. And I felt guilty about it after she peed on it. But then I remembered you have my giant grey hoodie."
He made a small noise of victory at having successfully done up the necklace and you let your hair down while spinning to face him.
"She can pee on everything of his if she so wishes. It's not like I care any more."
Jungkook fist bumped the air and rushed over to the pup.
"You hear that, girl? She said you can pee on all his stuff!"
Miri yipped, head perking up at being spoken to.
"But just stuff that belongs to him. Not stuff that he bought me. I love my Pandapool sweater and Alucard hoody too much to give them up."
Jungkook got to his feet and glanced at his watch.
"We should probably go. I booked a table and traffic will probably be a pain soon."
You nodded and went over to say a quick goodbye to Miri before joining Jungkook in the hallway. You slipped on a pair of boots, grabbed your leather jacket and left your apartment ready for your third date with Jungkook.
"Leather jacket? Do you have a pair of leather pants to go with that too?"
You side eyed him. "...Yes..."
He smirked, entwining his fingers with yours, "Did you know that there's a correlation between wearing leather and being kinky?"
You tripped.
He caught your forearm to stop you from falling. You straightened up and composed yourself by smoothing down the folds of your skirt as you continued towards the elevator.
"That's a bold question coming from someone who wears leather pants for almost every performance."
He spluttered, "T-T-That's t-the wardrobe d-departm-ments fault."
"You also own leather jackets. Are you trying hint at something Kookie?"
You raised an eyebrow and watched as two pinks splotches appeared on his cheeks.
"I-I think we should hurry. Less talk more walk."
You kindly bowed to the waiter who pulled out you seat for you, knowing a little bit of respect and kindness could make someone's day. Even though Jungkook pouted like a baby because he wanted to 'be gentlemanly' and be the one to pull out a chair for you. He settled on taking your jacket off for you.
The waiter passed you each a menu before disappearing to give you a few minutes to think over your orders.
You glanced around the room in awe of the modern decoration. Although what else would you expect from a restaurant on the top floor of a five star hotel. You felt you bank account cry at how expensive the items on the menu were. A part of you wondered if the restaurant had booking fees.
"Kookie, why did you choose to come here?"
"What makes you ask?"
Your gaze followed the movement of a waiter who wheeled a trolley carrying a selection of bottled wines from table to table.
"It's super fancy...and expensive."
He chuckled and reached across the table to cover your hand with his.
"I wasn't going to say anything but it was a recommendation from PD-nim. He's treating us tonight."
Your eyebrows shot into your hairline.
"He's what? What's the occasion?"
"Today is likely to be my last full day off before the comeback and he wanted for me to spend a nice evening with you before life gets hectic."
That's right. They were filming their MV the next day. You were both excited and not. Yes, you looked forward to the new album; you loved their music. But a comeback meant a busy schedule and less time together.
Jungkook brushed his thumb over your knuckles, his lips curving into a soft smile.
"I'll make time for you whenever I can."
You nodded. "Don't stretch yourself too thin. Bangtan is what's important."
"You are too," he murmured just as the waiter reappeared with a device to input your orders.
You both rattled off a list of what you wanted, even the desserts so they would be ready in time. Jungkook surprised you by ordering some red wine.
"Well I heard it's a Western custom to 'wine and dine' your way into your date's bed."
You gave him a sceptical look. "Surely you're not naive enough to think that is an innocent phrase."
"I'm just telling you what I've heard." He answered, successfully avoiding the question.
You were unable to respond for a minute as the waiter you saw earlier with the cart arrived at your table and filled two glasses. Jungkook thanked them as they placed the bottle on the table before leaving.
"You're so innocent. Lucky you only said that to me."
He looked at you with a raised brow. "Well from what I've read, the best way to seduce you is to wear tight fitting pants and let you do body shots off me. At least according to your smut."
Your jaw dropped in shock. No. No. No. No. No. You felt your cheeks flame at the thought of him reading another smut you'd written about him. You shouldn't have been surprised considering he'd read ‘BunBun’. Maybe you were the naive one to think he'd stop at one.
You picked up your glass and took a small sip. "I have no idea what you're talking about."
He whipped out his phone and tapped the screen a few times before, to your horror, he began to read out quotes.
"'Jesus Christ, why was a Greek God working as a barista?' 'God his ass looked bitable in those jeans.' This one is my favourite: ‘You could’ve warned me you’d be stripping. I think I’ve been shocked sober!'"
You hushed him and snatched the phone out of his hand. He broke into laughter that seemed too loud in the intimate setting of the restaurant yet no one seemed to be paying any attention.
"We're not talking about my smut at the dinner table."
"Well, we had to talk about it someday."
"Exactly how much of my smut have you read?"
His tongue sneaked past his lips to wet them. "All of them. Even your first one before you deleted it. When will you re-upload it?"
Did he have no shame?
"Maybe never. Who knows."
You sipped your drink more liberally having decided you didn't mind the wine. It tasted fruitier than you expected.
His shoulders sagged in disappointment. "Oh, I was looking forward to it."
Well... that was a surprise.
"Why do you care? Surely you'd be glad. One less smut, one less thing sexualising you."
You felt your eyes drop to his lips as they pursed in thought. Your gaze snapped back to his when he spoke.
"I guess it does seem kind of backwards... But you're clearly passionate about writing and I want to support and understand what you do. It just so happens that you write smut about your boyfriend."
You had another sip of your wine.
"You didn't even know me when I started writing... though I will admit that I write smut to explore my own sexuality and normalise the idea of... doing the do... since my experiences have been both lacklustre and somewhat traumatising."
He took up his own glass and took a swig. Just as he was about to continue the conversation, your waiter of the evening swept in with a dish in either hand. Once again, you thanked him before he headed off to the next table. The was a brief moment of silence as you picked up your chopsticks and dug in. A silence broken by Jungkook. He cleared his throat before speaking.
"I see where you're coming from. I might write in a different form and about different ideas to you, but I think I understand what you mean by self-exploration. Writing is a means of survival to people like us. Sometimes it's there for us when others aren't and all you have is yourself."
You nodded. Both of you were writers in a way. Just in different forms as he said.  
"Shall we change the topic. I don't think my smut is exactly appropriate."
"We can talk about it when we get back home."
You swallowed a large mouthful of noodles before washing it down with a drink. "Home? As in my place?"
He nodded. "You're my home."
Your nose wrinkled on instinct. "You're cheese ball."
He gave you a smile. "Only for you."
It didn't take long for you to finish your main course and by the time dessert was brought over, you were on your second glass of wine. Starting to feel it's effects, you pushed the glass aside. Tonight was not about getting drunk or tipsy. It was about having a nice meal and then going home to cuddle at long last. Jungkook seemed to been feeling the effects too, possibly a bit worse than you if his goofy grin was anything to go by.
"We drove here and you're tipsy. Who the fuck is going to drive?"
He scratched his neck in thought, "We could call Jimin hyung to get a taxi here then drive us back..."
At the decision you topped up both glasses with the last of the bottle and tucked into your desserts. A chocolate brownie with cream for you, and a cheesecake for Jungkook.
"Naneun chijeu keikeul joh-ahaeyo. (I love cheesecake.)"
You couldn't help but find it cute how he slurred his words slightly.
"I know a lemon cheesecake recipe that doesn't use cream cheese."
His eyes went wide. "Jinjja?! (Really?!)"
You nodded. "I'll make it for you one day."
He grinned wide enough to show his dimple.
You reached across the table to poke it and burst into giggles when he puffed his cheeks so it disappeared. Though his puffed cheeks promptly deflated when he yawned.
"Maybe you should call Jimin now so he'll be here in time for use to pay the bill."
He went to fetch his phone from his trouser pocket when you held it out to him, having forgotten to give it back after confiscating it. As he took it back, his fingers must've pressed on the power button for the screen lit up.
No longer was his lockscreen a piece of chibi fan art, but a drawing of your kiss at the airport. It was sweet, a smile spreading across your features at the sight. He called Jimin who said he'd give a text when he was in the hotel reception.
You took your time with your brownie, savouring every last bite. It was perfect, not too rich and not too heavy. Jungkook seemed to be enjoying his cheesecake as he hummed in approval, rocking side to side slightly.
He nodded. "I thought the cheesecake in New York was good but this is better. You have to try some."
He gathered a piece on his fork and held it out to you. You weren't a huge fan of cheesecake, preferring recipes that didn't actually use cream cheese. But you accepted the offered bite nonetheless. It was good! Jungkook somehow managed to steal a corner of your brownie without you looking. You ended up sharing it with him after he'd finished his own. After downing the last of your wine, he called a waiter for the bill.
"If it's Bang PD-nim's treat, how are we going to pay?"
Jungkook smirked, pulling out a black credit card. "JJa-jan~ (Tada~) PD-nim is letting me borrow this for tonight."
"I'm surprised he trusts you."
He chuckled and handed the card over to the waiter put the payment through the machine.
"I rarely spend money unless it's on you or for a computer game."
With the payment complete, you thanked your waiter for the brilliant service and dinner then got to your feet. Jungkook stole your jacket from your seat, holding it up for you to thread your arms through the sleeves. And then your hand was in his as he led you down to the main reception where Jimin was probably waiting.
You spotted the blonde sat in a deep velvet arm chair in the reception waiting area. He caught you walking over to him and greeted you with a beaming smile.
Jungkook threw him his car keys which he caught with one hand. "Thanks for tonight, hyung."
The elder shrugged. "No problem, you owe me taxi fare now."
Jungkook nodded, tugging you along as you left the building to find where he parked the car.
The drive to your apartment wasn't too long, and due to the lateness of the evening the roads were relatively clear. You watched the bright city lights pass out the window. Jungkook's hand was warm on top of yours resting on the middle seat between you. He hummed quietly to the radio and every so often you found your eyes drooping as tiredness crept up on you.
Every time your head drooped Jungkook would squeeze your hand saying, "Not yet Jagi. We'll be home soon, you're not allowed to sleep until you're in my arms."
The white florescent lights of your building's car park made you blink yourself awake. The car came to a stop and you groggily undid your seat belt while Jungkook rounded the car to open your door.
The two boys bickered for a moment. Jungkook insisted Jimin drive the car to the dorm but Jimin refused, saying he fancied a late night walk to clear his head. The elder won, so you bid him goodnight and hooked your arm through Jungkook's, tugging him towards the elevators. Once inside them, Jungkook pulled you into a hug, nuzzling into your hair. At that moment a thought struck you.
"Jungkook... did you bring anything to change into... at all? Because you didn't bring a bag..."
He leant back and stared at you with wide eyes. "Shit."
You gently slapped his chest. "Did you not think about that?"
"I threw some stuff in a bag but must've forgotten it when you invited me over early to talk."
The elevator dinged and the doors opened onto your floor, forcing you apart.
"You can wear that hoodie you gave me so you don't get cold. Summer is over."
You stepped out of the elevator with him close behind.
"...Or I could just sleep in my boxers..." He mumbled.
"What if you strip?"
He straightened his posture. "I won't."
You came to a stop at your door and, without unlocking it, turned to face him. You stuck out your pinky finger.
"Pinky promise?"
He wrapped his finger around yours then dipped his head to seal the deal with a kiss.
And though your exterior was calm, responding to his kiss, your mind was in chaos at the realisation that you were about to share a bed with a nearly nude Jungkook. And that had never happened before. Every time before that he had been in his onesie and had undone it in his sleep, exposing his chest. But this was different. Way different. You were going to see him in his full glory and you were pretty sure you might just faint at the sight of his bare thighs, let alone possibly touching them. Feeling your face flush at the thought, you broke the kiss and produced your keys to open the door.
Stepping inside, you heard the sound of light tapping which must've been Miri's nails against the wooden floor. Jungkook shut the front door as she ran into the small hallway.
"Hello pupper. My little fluffy cloud, did you miss us?" You asked her as you crouched to pick her up, nuzzling your nose against hers.
She yipped and licked your cheek making you giggle.
"Let's let you out real quick before we call it a night."
You collapsed onto your bed with a loud sigh, letting your eyes fall shut. There was a moment of silence before Miri yipped and the covers beside you dipped as she jumped onto the bed.
Jungkook chuckled upon entering the room and seeing you flinch away from Miri's wet kisses.
"Should I change in here or the bathroom?"
"You can change here... well you're not actually changing. You're just taking off layers. Can you help me take my necklace off?"
You crawled off the bed and made your way over to him, then turned around so your back was facing him. He pushed your hair out of the way to try and see what he was doing.
"What are you going to sleep in, Kitten?"
"Pyjamas..." You answered slowly.
"No panda or Pikachu onesie?"
He handed you your undone necklace and you went over to your dresser to put your jewellery away safely.
"I'm a bit too warm for that tonight."
"I bet you have panda pyjamas."
Your cheeks became heated, he was right. You did, in fact, own a pair of panda pjs. The heat became worse when you turned back to him in time to see him unbuttoning his shirt.
He smirked while untucking his shirt to undo the last few buttons. "Knew it. Can I see them? I bet you look adorable."
Your retort got stuck in your throat when the final button was free, causing the crimson material to frame his muscled torso. A view that didn't last long as he was quick to shrug off the article of clothing, cocking an eyebrow at you with that smirk of his. He held your gaze for a second before turning around to drape the shirt over the back of your desk chair.
You seized the opportunity and grabbed your pale blue pyjamas with the little pandas all over them since he had requested them.
Escaping to the bathroom, you heard the tell tale sound of a zipper being pulled down. Your heart felt like it was beating a thousand times a second. That was almost like a strip show. You hoped to god that Jungkook had forgotten about how he wanted to continue talking about your smut when you got back. You would die if a boxer clad Jungkook tried to talk to you about your other smuts. Especially the one where he was a police officer...
You shut the bathroom door and went about getting changed and washing up to distract yourself.
After a few minutes, you gathered your dirty clothes and went back into the bedroom. Jungkook was sat on the foot of your bed waiting for you. Miri lie across his lap and he seemed too engrossed in his phone to notice you approach. You shuffled over to your laundry hamper that you kept in your room, dumping the small pile of clothes in there. The light thud caused Jungkook to look up. His cheek dimpled as his lips stretched into a smile.
"Aw~ You look so soft and cuddly."
"You look cold."
He shook his head. "I'm not. Wearing onesies with you was probably the most clothes I'd worn to bed in a long time. I get too hot which is why I end up stripping."
"O-oh... well... uh... feel free to get under the covers and get comfy."
He smiled, it was soft and gentle, a bit of tiredness shining through as he lifted Miri off his lap, who curled into a ball, and you averted your gaze. You heard the sheets ruffling as he situated himself under them, only looking back to him when his hand patted the bed.
"Come on Kitten, come to bed."
You shut off the light and used his voice to lead you to the bed. You climbed in and took your glasses off before settling down close to the edge.
"Where are you?" He mumbled.
He giggled. "Where is 'here'? Maybe I should have got you a smaller bed."
Your hand patted around in the direction his voice came from before being grasped by his own, using it to pull you to him. You breathing hitched at the feeling of him against you, your thin pyjamas doing little to dull the sensation.
"You know, with the way you act, I wouldn't believe you write what you do if I hadn't seen it with my own two eyes."
The silk sheets rustled softly as you shifted into a more comfortable position. You could barely make out the whites of his eyes in the darkness but you could hear his quiet breathing. You doubted his heart was beating as hard and as fast as yours due to him returning to the topic you hoped to avoid.
"One doesn't have to dress or act provocatively in order to write smut. Doing the do can be innocent too."
Both his arms came to wrap around you, his shifting indicating he had turned to face you in the process.
"I know. But imagine my surprise when I found your blog. And on that blog was a story about me as a vampire 'doing the do' against a wall outside of a club. That had a note saying 'Happy Birthday to me'."
"Did it change your initial opinion of me?"
He hummed in agreement. "I didn't know what to think at the time. I saved coming to any conclusion until I got to know you better."
You were silent for a moment letting his words hang static in the air between you both.
"And what was that conclusion?”
"Everyone has a way of expressing themselves. Yours was just... not what I was expecting.” He paused. “But I could see the little coded messages in your works. The first one was an allegory for sexual assault and the effects it has on the victim. Your next one was about abuse survivors and their rehabilitation. So on and so forth."
Your hammering heart skipped a beat.
"You saw that?"
The hand that rest on your lower back began to fiddle with the hem of your t-shirt.
"I had to reread them to be sure, but yes." He shifted closer until you felt his breath ghost across your lips. "Y/N, I promise I'll never let anyone hurt you again. Ever."
Against your will, tears welled up and an ugly sob tore its way out of your throat. Jesus, why were you crying? What a stupid reason to cry.
"It's okay, Yeobo (honey/darling/sweetheart)." A hand came up to wipe away the tears falling down your cheek. "It's okay. You can cry if you need to. I'll be here for you."
His lips pressed tenderly against your own. Kind and soothing, like he was trying to pour his love into it. His lips tasted salty from your tears, and you had to pull back to stop yourself choking on another sob.
You buried your head in his neck and tried to calm your breathing to match his. His hand slipped under your top to rub calming circles on your back. You couldn't believe you were crying during Jungkook's first night in your new home after such a wonderful date. You pulled back to look at him.
"I-I'm sor-r-rry...R-ruini-ing toni-ight."
Another kiss, just a peck. "Shh. It's fine. It's okay. You're not ruining tonight. I'm guessing you've never had someone say that to you before. So it's natural for you to cry. You've spent so long getting hurt by others, you're overwhelmed when someone wants to keep you safe."
You nodded and squeezed your eyes shut tight as more sobs wracked your body.
"P-please d-don't hu-urt me...p-please..."
He swallowed and when he spoke his own voice was thick with raw emotion.
"I promise to only keep you safe." His lips brushed over yours, warm and slick with tears. "I love you so much, Y/N. More than you can imagine."
"I-I l-love you t-t-too."
The hand on your cheek moved to the back of your head to cradle you to his chest.
"If anyone tries to hurt you I'll put my Black Belt to good use."
A tiny chuckled bubbled out of you while his hands continued to rub your back and card through your hair. Your sobs eventually subsided into hiccups. You thought they'd never end but eventually the room stood still in silence, only punctuated by the occasional sniff as you nose refused to stop running.
If it wasn't for the tracing of his fingers against your skin you would have assumed Jungkook was asleep.
You nodded and snuggled closer to him.
"Good. Tomorrow before I go, we'll throw out your ex's shit."
Another nod.
"But for now, let's sleep."
You sighed a deep breath, releasing any and all tension from your body. It was mere minutes before you felt your limbs grow heavy, and you drifted off into a dreamless sleep to the sound of Miri's soft snores.
This work of fiction is copyright © JungkookieNoona and protected under UK and international law. All rights reserved. Any unauthorised broadcasting, copying or reposting will constitute an infringement of copyright.
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multiphandomunnies · 7 years
↠ Requested: Since song scenarios is open, can i get one with Jihyo based on Trust me by kard (somin and BM ver.) And one with moonbyul based on New by loona/Yves? Thanks for your time and effort
↠ Inspired By:New, Loona Yves
↠ Admin:Mirae
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You shut the door behind you as you stepped into the cold winter wind. Hugging the jacket close to your body you shivered slightly. The sun shined down brightly contrary to the temperature. You let out a sigh and began to walk. You didn't know where you were going but you just need to go somewhere. Wherever this walk took you was where you needed to be. Your heart began to beat faster as images of the past went through your head. 
There was one reason why you wanted something new, Moonbyul. You never thought highly of yourself or even cared too much about how you were. Once you saw Moonbyul you had to close your eyes, she was so bright and radiant. You fell for her, hard. Moonbyul and you began to date. For 2 years you did everything she asked. You changed everything about yourself in order to please her. It was too much for you to handle. After years of commitment on your part you found out she was cheating. Moonbyul and you broke up and went your separate ways. 
When you looked at yourself in the mirror you realized you needed to change, you couldn't stay the same person. You worked hard on getting over Moonbyul. It was a tough journey but the end was so close. You shook your head, now wasn't the time to think about her. Stopping in front of a pole you looked at your reflection. You really did change for the better. Only if Moonbyul could see the new you. The maybe she wouldn't cheat and hurt you. “I'll trust myself, all my life,” you said nodding before continuing on your long walk. Hopefully, somewhere along this path you would find the part of yourself that was lost because of Moonbyul
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cinnamingyu · 7 years
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TL;DR — I wasn’t planning on coming to this event, but I did and it was worth cutting two of my classes ; v ; All details under the cut!!
​When i heard about kard having a fanmeet-type thing at the tumblr headquarters, i accepted the fact that i prob wouldn't be able to get in unless i was there suuuper early (since they only let 100 fans in). So yesterday i commuted to school as usual, but when i got to school, i saw my friend's message, saying there were only 20 ppl on the line. i was surprised but knew i had a good chance to see them so... BYE ACCOUNTING 101 🏃🏃🏃. When i got there, i received a white wristband, which meant i'd get priority to enter the building when the time comes, so i wouldn't have to wait. It was only 11am ish so my friend and i walked to ktown with some new friends to have lunch.
Fast forward to 3pm we were back at the line and it started raining but thank goodness we had umbrellas and some scaffolding to stand under. At almost 4, a black van arrived and freaking kard walked out before my eyes!!! I thought i recorded it but i ended up missing the record button 🙃Kard answered asks on tumblr (like svt did) yesterday while we were waiting outside!! We were let in at 4:15 and i got a seat in the middle of the 2nd row. kard came out at 4:35 and everyone went wild lfjskfjs THEY LOOK SO GOOD IN PERSON OMFG ACTUAL KINGS AND QUEENS 😩😩😩 i was like ~10 ft away from them;;; FREAKING J.SEPH IS EVEN MORE HANDSOME AND CUTE IRL i wanted to give him a hug 😭😭 also SOMIN, JIWOO, AND BM WERE STUNNING LCNEIFJ I LOVEEE.
Jeff benjamin asked them a couple of questions and then let three fans ask questions. One of the fans was one of our new friends! Before she even said anything i think bm was like "ohh you were at kcon la!!" and the other members were also shook ;A; i was so happy they recognized her!!! I remember one of the questions was "what were your first impressions of each other" and jiwoo said she thought bm would be scary/intimidating since he's big, but he's actually just a big teddy bear (11000% true). somin thought j.seph looked intimidating because of his sharp features but he's actually "pure" and likes to joke around aka he's a fluffball. both j.seph and bm said they were in an awk situation when they first met because bm would call j.seph "hyung" but eventually found out they're actually born in the same year lmao. j.seph said something like "i found it weird he called me 'hyung' because he's bigger than me" 😂 man they didn't get to share their first impressions of the girls because they has to move on to the next question ;__;
After the q&a session, they had to sing/rap another member's lines from a random part of a random song. tbh it was pretty hard because the staff played 2 seconds from a song and they had to follow with the right lines (sorry if this didn't make sense LOL) but it was funny! After that, the members had ping pong matches with some fans and they looked like they were having a really good time especially j.seph lool he was doing trick shots this little savage.. Also before his matches, he would jump around, basically preparing for the serve of the century LOL. Kard won all the matches!
Before they said bye and went back in their room, they took a group pic with us!! Idk where the pic will be uploaded but im pretty sure i looked really bad LOL. The kard members stood at the sides and somin was standing by my row!! j.seph tried to look for a place to stand and my friend gestured for him to stand in the empty space in front of me and hE LEGIT EYED THE SPACE AND TRIED TO SQUEEZE THROUGH BUT COULDN'T NOOO 😭 (there was a space between my row and the first row because the first row didn't push their chairs all the way against the steps of my row and it would've looked so nice if all 4 members stood there but i don't think anyone noticed 😩) anyway they left and tumblr peeps gave out kard cupcakes and macarons ✨
We waited outside the building to see kard leave, but this tumblr guy kept saying they already left (but they were still inside lmao he lied!!!) we waited about 20 mins and the black van pulled up and us hidden kards sent them off!! I was able to record this time ; v ; we could barely see through the glass of the windows but it looked like bm tried to open the window to say more goodbyes to us but they couldn't open lfnskfjd he's so sweet though ❤️❤️
It was a really long day yesterday but it was worth cutting two classes (I can catch up dw!!). Some people came from CT and NJ i was like dang that dedication!!! Anyway thanks for reading my longgg post 😭 This is the closest I've ever been to any kpop idol/group and seriously kard is so awesome 😍 I LOVE THEM EVEN MORE 💕💕💕💕
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fanficsofmine · 7 years
Lose Control - Lay Smut (feat. Somin from KARD)
A/N: I guess this is more of a Somin smut featuring Lay, if I’m being honest.
Girl on girl in this one. Happy Hump Day! (I realize Wednesday is almost over. It was a long day. I’ll be better prepared next week. Oops! -T
“I can’t believe that KARD is going to be here!”
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I was practically bouncing with excitement.
Yixing rolled his eyes and tightened his grip on my hand.
“You just want to see BM in person,” He had been making jealous comments throughout the evening on our way to an award show together.
It was rare that I was allowed to join Yixing at these. Usually, he was accompanied by the 8 other members of EXO. Tonight, however, Lay was nominated for his solo album and for his single, “Lose Control.”
I was painfully proud of him. He had been exceptionally busy. He was gone a lot these days. Although I was more than likely the worlds most supportive and proud girlfriend, I was lonely a lot. I was ecstatic when he was given permission to bring me along tonight.
He was in a navy blue suit jacket and black slacks. His t-shirt underneath made for a disheveled, yet sexy, look that tied everything in together perfectly.
My knee-length backless dress showed off my multiple tattoos. It was a color matching his jacket exactly and a lace overlay and lace sleeves. I wore nude heels to compensate for the height difference between Yixing and myself.
The door to the side of the vehicle that Yixing was sitting closest to opened, and cameras immediately began their strobe flashing in our faces. He stepped out of the car, smiling and waving, before turning to give me his hand to help me out of the vehicle.
As we made our way down the red carpet, we stopped to pose for various groups of photographers. Although there was no need to fake the love and joy in our relationship, we always amped it up for the cameras. I had my hand on his chest and his arm was tight around my waist. We giggled and smiled at one another like teenagers at their first prom together. We acted giddy and silly, flirting as though we were not having our pictures taken hundreds of times.
Yixing’s normal amount of PDA never extended past hand holding general. He did like to put on a show for cameras at events like this. He even grabbed my hand at one point, spinning me around and dipping me into a passionate kiss.
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“Where did that come from,” I whispered as I pressed my forehead against his cheek. We began walking, almost at the end of our red carpet arrival showcase.
“BM from KARD was looking our way. I saw him continuing to glance over at you, despite you being on my arm, so I had to make sure he was well aware that you’re my girl.”
We made one final turn around at the door of the theater and waved. Once inside, Yixing kept his hand on my waist as we were escorted to our table.
“But you’re saying that BM was totally checking me out? Mission accomplished for the evening. We can go home now.” I winked at him, but saw that my hint that I was joking didn’t comfort him.
I sighed as I leaned forward and took his hand.
“Baby, you know I’m teasing. You’re it for me. It’s you and me ‘til the end. I don’t want you to worry. I tease, but that’s it. It’s never serious.”
I saw his face soften. He smiled at me and kissed the top of my hand.
The award show was running smooth. About halfway through, Yixing won for Best Male Vocalist. My heart fluttered and I was unable to hold back a cheer. He planted a huge kiss to my lips as he stood to give his acceptance speech.
When he arrived back at his seat, we ordered glasses of champagne to toast his success. We continued to drink for the rest of the ceremony, clapping and cheering for various winners. We were slowly became more intoxicated as the evening went on.
Towards the end of the show, I told Yixing that I would be right back and headed to the bathroom. The champagne was moving through me and I desperately needed to let it out.
As I was washing my hands, I was joined at the sink by another beautiful woman. I looked at her with a friendly smile, looked away, and then did a double take.
“You’re Somin, from KARD!” I realized that my tone was probably a little too enthusiastic. I apologized, blamed the alcohol and blushed. I scolded myself silently.
“You’re dating a member of EXO. You should be used to these types of encounters.” My brain was combating its excitement with embarrassment.
She laughed, “it’s okay. It’s still nice to hear that people get excited when they meet us. You’re here with Lay, right? I saw you earlier at his table.” After we dried our hands off, we shook hands and began walking back together.
I nodded and she replied, “I thought so. Matthew pointed you out earlier. He was right. You are beautiful.” This time, it was her turn to have a blush fill her cheeks and apologize.
I was caught off guard, but thanked her. I tucked a piece of hair behind my ear and let a grin cross my cheek. I realized, though, that it wasn’t because of Matthew telling Somin I was beautiful, but just because Somin herself agreed with him.
I got back to the table and Yixing asked if I was okay. I nodded and gushed about my interaction with Somin. I saw jealousy fill Yixing’s eyes again, and almost immediately disappear and be replaced by a devilish flare.
He excused himself from the table. I attempted to follow him with my eyes, but I lost him among the crowd. The award show was ending, and everybody was beginning to leave. As I waited for his return, I began to pack up all of our items.
He finally came back, a hint of desire trapped behind his features that he was attempting, and failing, to hide.
“You ready to go, baby?” He grabbed my hand and began to escort me through the masses. He seemed rushed. Like there was an urgency behind his steps. He kept glancing back at me to tell me to hurry up and that we had somewhere to be.
We slid into the limo to head back to the hotel. I had barely had time to shut the door behind me, giving the paparazzi one last wave, before I felt Yixing’s large hands pull me back toward him. He latched his lips to my neck. His fingers began bunching the fabric of my dress up and teasing along my panty line.
“You look so beautiful tonight,” he mewled against my ear. My eyes were closed as I felt his hands grope my chest over my dress.
My eyes did not remain closed for long as I felt a second pair of hands moving up my legs. When they shot open, I let out the most satisfied moan of pleasure as I saw Somin making her way up the limo seat up my legs.
“Where did you come from?” I managed to groan out as her fingers landed where Yixing’s had left a few seconds before. I was becoming overstimulated with pleasure and I was loving every moment of it.
“I came at Yixing’s invitation. I hope that’s okay,” her breath ghosted over my underwear and I let wanton noises leave me. Yixing’s kisses left heat on my neck as Somin quit teasing me, moved my underwear down my legs, and let her tongue sweep over my slit. Yixing threw his hand over my mouth as to not allow the limo driver be alerted by our actions in the back seat.
Her tongue focused on my clit as a finger slid into me. I tangled my fingers in her hair, brushing the strands that fell out of her eyes so that I could stare at her pretty face between my thighs. My back arched against Yixing and I could feel him growing beneath me. The vision of Somin bringing me pleasure was causing him to become increasingly aroused.
I began to palm him through his pants. Feeling his dick grow harder with each stroke was only increasing how horny I was. The pit in my stomach growing. I knew that I wasn’t going to last much longer.
Somin switched from licking my clit to sucking on it gently, and that shot me over the edge. My orgasm burst from me and it took all of my energy to not let a scream out of me. She kept her finger inside of me, slowing her pace down as the heat in my core subsided.
We composed ourselves again as the limo pulled up to the hotel we were staying at. Somin winked at me and grabbed me by the hand to escort me out of the car.
Yixing followed behind, my other hand laced in his, and whispered in my ear, “I hope you’re ready for tonight, baby.”
His breath hitting my skin made goosebumps appear down my body.
I was more than ready for what I had coming my way.
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iwanaikotoba · 7 years
K.A.R.D. Fanfiction
Words: 5,533 Genre: Romance/Humor Pairing: J.seph/Jiwoo Rated: T-ish
“It’s like we’re a perfect match, right?” He jokingly asks. Right? ONE-SHOT [jiseph]
Note: this is just for fun, obviously. Enjoy if you can!
^that’s the fanfiction link, but you can keep reading below.
On her first day at the company, they met. She remembers walking in nervously, taking in the surroundings of her new job. Tugging on her oversized grey hoodie, she tries to hide herself from the passing crowd of beautiful people talking about various aspects of their day.
They seemed so comfortable with each other, she thinks to herself, pulling on the string of her hoodie and tightening the hood over her long, black locks.
Opening her backpack, she pulls out a slightly crumpled piece of paper. “Practice room 205…” She mutters, shrinking into her clothing and trudges down to hall to find the room. She wonders how her groupmates will be like.
Passing by a recording room, she sees a young woman and man around her age removing her headphones through the window. She sees her flip her wavy brown locks, bowing her head towards the producers. The young man, sporting a large oversized American basketball jersey and outdated spiky hair, laughs and bows along with her. Feeling for her long black hair hidden under her hoodie, she wonders if she could be as confident as them one day.
Once she reaches the room marked ‘205’, she takes a deep breath. Holding on to the door knob almost too timidly, she twists it and pushes the door open slowly.
The room was dim; she squints to find the light switch but can’t seem to find any. Peering out the door, she wonders if she should flag one of these people in the hallway.
She sees a young man sitting down in a chair across from the door. His eyes were fixated on the television that was attached to the wall on the hallway, she assumed; his black hair covered his eyes so much so that she wasn’t too sure where he was looking at. His facial structure was stern, and she gulped.
She decides against bothering the icy-like man, and shrugs. She was an hour early, anyways. She closes the door and finds the most comfortable spot on the ground, near the wall mirror. Plopping down and dropping her backpack, she closes her eyes and takes in the dim lighting. She was ready for a nap after this nerve-wracking morning.
It was relaxing. That is, until the lights turn on and the room is illuminated.
She opens one eye and sees the young man moving to sit crisscrossed next to her. He smiles, and her impression of a cold guy melts away.
“We’re matching, huh?” His notes, pointing to her outfit. She looks down and sees her grey hoodie, and looks at him sporting the same exact one.
She nods slowly, a bit nervous finally meeting a coworker of hers, and sits up a bit straighter. “Yeah…” She pulls down the hoodie to reveal her long, black hair. “I guess we are.” She tugs on her hair and gives him a small grin in return.
He bobs his head up and down in a dorky nod. “Cool, cool.” He says. He crosses his arms and looks around the room, quietly observing his surroundings even though he’s worked there for almost 5 years.
The awkward silence grew as he looks around the room for two minutes too long, and she twists on her hair, deciding on what to say to the man. “I-“ She starts, but is quickly interrupted.
“We look like a couple.” He says dully, still nodding with arms crossed. She isn’t sure if he was joking; his face remained back to his stoic self and seemingly in thought. She looks as him with questionable eyes.
Soon enough, his stoic face grows into a silly grin as he elbows her in surprise. “It’s like we’re a perfect match, huh?” He jokingly asks, and she is taken aback.
“I’m Taehyung. I’m your new groupmate, I think.”
This man is someone to get used to, she decides, but a friendly face is always welcome. She gives a small smile back.
“My name’s Jiwoo.”
She stares at the mirror for a minute, letting her fingers run through her hair mindlessly. She blinks, and closes her eyes.
She opens them again. The lighting of the vanity mirror illuminates the room quite brightly, and she stares once again, using her fingers to change the of her hair. ‘It’s no good’, she thinks, and closes her eyes once more.
Laying her head back to rest on the back of the chair, she gives a sigh. She ruffles her hands through her hair before resting them on the armrest. She hears her phone buzz, and opens one eye to grab it from the desk in front of her.
The text on her phone reads. She blinks and reads it again. “Why what?” She mutters to herself as she replies to the text. She places her phone down and leans back on the chair, stretching her arms.
Her phone buzzes again. She gives a small yawn and finishes one last stretch before grabbing her phone again. She unlocks it and opens the message.
An attachment of her stretching her arms on the chair, mid-yawn.
She looks up to see a mischievous boy in all leather grinning at her. He motions with his lips to point. He points at her phone. “Read it all.” He mouths, his mouth still pouted to point.
She shows him the hand jokingly and looks back at her phone to read the message he attached to the photo.
“You look nice in any hair color, don’t worry. You’re just not used to it.” She reads quietly aloud, a bit touched. To be honest, it was her first time dyeing her hair, and she really wasn’t used to the change. She continues. “I still think we’re a perfect match.” He jokes. “Black and light, right?”
She doesn’t want to let him win by laughing at his unfunny joke, and instead raises her phone to face him. She gives him a sly look, and snaps. “You wish.” She jokes back.
She calls out to Somin, her coworker that coincidentally was the hair-flipping girl she met on her first day. “Take a look at this photo I took of Tae!”
She laughs and looks back up at Taehyung. She sticks her tongue out.
Change can be good, she decides.
Oh, that’s right, she thinks to herself. It’s my one year anniversary here. She stares up at Matthew’s blinding smile which matched with Somin’s own twinkling beam.
She had just left her dorm room to stroll into the practice room a bit earlier than she usually does, so she could relax and stretch, and do some practice work.
“Congratulations!” They cheer loudly in the practice room, pulling out confetti poppers from behind their backs and exploding them in her face. She sputters as some of Matthew’s confetti gets stuck between her teeth.
“T-tffh,” She splutters again, pulling a strand of red and blue confetti off her lips. “Thanks guys, you didn’t have to. I really didn’t know.” She explains, moving to lean her backpack on a wall nearby. She returns to them and gives them a group hug. “I’m happy though!”
“Aww,” Matthew grins and returns her hug with a pat on the back. “We’ll make it fun today at the 205!” He jokes and steps back to give a quick dab before jumping up and down happily. “Taehyung isn’t coming today though, he said he had some things to do.”
Somin pouts. “What?” She says, slapping the larger male on the chest. He makes an ‘oof’ noise. “He’s your roommate! You should’ve told him to come at least today!”
He rubs his chest, as if to pretend that it hurt. “I told him!” He exclaims. “I told him he could do whatever tomorrow, but you know him. He insisted.”
Jiwoo shrugs. “I’m sure if Tae has to do something, it must be that important.” She says, moving her arms into stretch position. “He never misses practice.”
They all agree as they remember the time Taehyung came to practice with the stomach flu and disappeared into the restroom every five minutes, or the time his dog passed away the morning of, where he pridefully held his tears back during the practice.
After a long practice, Matthew suggests going to a nearby restaurant to treat Jiwoo to a nice dinner. Jiwoo agrees, partially because Matthew never treats, and partially because she was starving. The trio trot across the street to order some spicy rice cakes and warm fish cake soup.
“Taehyung is really missing out.” Matthew says, slurping down a bowl of the large fish cake soup they shared. “This is a once in a lifetime opportunity.”
Somin giggles. “Right?” She says. “We’ll remind him tomorrow.”
Jiwoo smiles and uses her chopsticks to grab another piece of spicy rice cake. “Thanks guys,” She says, her voice almost twinkling. “I really appreciate you guys. I don’t think I’ve ever met a great team like you all.”
They eat together past 10pm, and Matthew almost freaks out at the sight of the bill. They laugh and decide to part ways since it was so late; Somin stayed with her parents still, while BM and Taehyung shared an apartment down the street from their dorm. It was only her who remained in the company’s small dormitory area.
Jiwoo steps into the dorm’s hallways carefully, trying to avoid being seen out since it was almost midnight. She steps slowly to her room, hoping for a goodnight sleep.
She opens the door into her tiny dorm room to find a box with a note on her bedside table. It was a pretty purple box, and inside contained a mocha-flavored muffin. She pulls out the note from the envelope and reads it quietly aloud.
I waited outside your dorm forever! Also, I tried to bake you a cake but it took all day and I failed pretty badly, so I bought you a coffee muffin instead, because we’re a perfect match right? (Just kidding)
But, I don’t think there’s anything better than having you for a whole year, Jiwoo.
Except maybe having you for two or three more. And maybe you treating me to spicy rice cakes for my effort.
She smiles and takes a bite of the muffin.
“You’re alright.”
"I'm late again!" She mutters to herself as she rushes down the more familiar hallways, taking sharps turns while narrowly avoiding crashing to the floor. She grabs ahold of her backpack's shoulder straps and grips them tightly to avoid it slipping off her thin arm as she made her final turn.
Narrowly, she misses tripping and eating the company's brightly colored yellow rugs (she still didn't understand why they chose that color). Narrowly, she doesn't miss the broad shoulders that blocked the doorway to practice studio 205. In the least graceful manner possible, the duo falls to the floor in a crumpled heap.
"Practice is cancelled this morning." He points to the sign on the door he was just reading. Slowly, he peels himself off the blonde and dusts his shoulder. He gives himself a quick shoulder roll stretch before he turns to her.
"Jiwoo-ya," He proclaims, grabbing her dainty hands and pulling her off the floor. "Sorry I squished you."
She huffs, dusting her grey hoodie and pulling off small strands of yellow rug string that stuck to her arms. "Tae, you need to have more balance." She sticks her tongue out, pulling the final string from her hoodie's collar. "I guess I'll just chill in the cafeteria ‘til our next session this afternoon." She composes herself and turns to walk in the direction of food.
She doesn't look back; she merely waves her hand in goodbye. "Don't follow."
"Jiwoo!" He repeats, his voice louder. "Jiwoo-ya!"
She stops in her tracks, turning around with one eyebrow raised.
He grins as he meets her gaze, his eyes squinting in the happiest eye smile she's seen in a while. She sees him reach and dig through his own backpack.
Slowly, he pulls out a grey hoodie. He lifts it up to make sure she can see from the other side of the hallway (she can). He grins even more.
"We're matching again." He muses aloud, quickly jogging to where she stands. He puts on the matching grey hoodie that would've been oversized on her, and places his arms around her shoulder. He turns to face her.
"I told you, a perfect match." She meets his grinning gaze.
She rolls her eyes, but she lets him walk with her to the cafeteria. "As if. Buy me spicy rice cakes though. That’s your punishment for sitting on me."
"Is Taehyung hiding here today?" Matthew asks almost immediately as she opens her apartment door. "I swear." He removes his shoes and trots inside the apartment, peering inside for his missing roommate.
She kneels and grabs one of Matthew's shoes. "You know, ever since me and Somin moved in down the hall from you guys, it's like you guys have been living here instead." She aims and flings the shoe towards his muscled shoulders, and even though she does not miss, it does not faze him.
She grunts, and calls for her brunette roommate. "Somin, can you get Matthew out of here?" She sees the brunette peek out of the bathroom, toothbrush in mouth.
Muffled, Somin squeaks. "M-Matth-w!" She tries to talk with the toothbrush in mouth as she walks over to the man and lightly kicks him in the shin. "Wre tryng tff-" She takes the toothbrush from her mouth. "We're trying to get ready to sleep early! Get out!" She whacks him lightly on the forehead. "He's not here!"
Matthew places his hands in front of him to block the tiny girl from causing any more ‘damages’ (to his pride, that is). "Okay, okay I'll leave." He steps backwards, only to bump into a figure.
"There you are!" Matthew exclaims, grabbing his roommate's shoulders squarely. "I was wondering if you went into hiding!"
Taehyung shrugs, peeling his friend's hands off him. "You told me if I didn't go, you’d change your Netflix password." He frowns. "I didn't finish the last few episodes of Friends season 10 yet. Do I look okay?"
Matthew laughs and pats him on the back in glee. "Alright good." He scans up and down. "Swag. You're alright. Maybe take off the hoodie though, your shirt underneath looks dope enough."
Before Taehyung could protest, Matthew was removing it for him. Somin returns from the bathroom and stares at the hoodie-less boy.
"You're extra handsome today." The brunette jokingly remarks, but a blush stains her cheeks unconsciously. "Taehyung's got a date?" She asks Matthew.
Blink. Jiwoo looks up from the magazine she had begun to read while waiting for Matthew to return to his apartment. She looks up at Taehyung.
He's dressed in a burgundy long sleeved shirt, and dark wash denim jeans. His hair, usually disheveled or what he called "casual clean", was neatly combed and organised.
He looks down and shrugs. "I lost a bet." He explains, pointing to Matthew. "Loser has to take this girl from one of our classes— you know Shiyeon right? — out to the movies tonight. She's been asking either one of us."
Matthew jumps up and claps. "— and thank the Lord it isn't me! I got a date with the gym tonight." He laughs. "She hot though. All good, Taehyung. Enjoy for me." He pats the man on the shoulder and walks out the door laughing.
Taehyung looks at the mirror nearby and pats his hair down. He turns to Jiwoo and gives a sheepish grin. "Jiwoo-ya, how do I look?" He asks.
Jiwoo crosses her arms and scans him up and down carefully. "Mm, not bad." She muses, walking up to him and dusting off some lint on his shoulder. "You're alright today, Tae." She looks up at him. "You could be her perfect match."
Somin shoves the dressed man outside before he could even rebut and quickly shuts the door closed, leaning on it. "These boys I swear need to stay in their rooms." She locks it and returns to the bathroom.
Jiwoo laughs along with Somin. For some reason though, she feels a bit weird.
Her early night ends up long and sleepless, and she decides to finish the tenth season of Friends without waiting for Taehyung. She feels a bit better.
"To two years!" Four shots of soju were raised into the air. "And five more years to go… on contract at least!" Everyone laughs as they swiftly take another shot after BM's little victory speech.
The four sit in the corner of a quaint yet chic bar nearby their company. "It's been a wild ride." Jiwoo muses, refilling the glasses of soju. "I'm glad it was with all of you though." She laughs, and passes the glasses to each of the other members.
Matthew nods. “Lots of tears and failures, but hey, we got somewhere.” He takes a sip of his beer.
"I'm getting a bit tipsy though." Somin comments, plopping down and leaning back on the large red sofa. Jiwoo laughs; Somin had always been the lightest drinker. "I'll pass on the next one. I’ve had like, four."
Taehyung laughs and gives a shoulder roll. He claps his hands together before moving to take her shot of soju. "I'll take it for you." He turns to Matthew, with his own shot in hand, and swiftly gulps down the clear liquid. He then turns towards the blonde.
"Jiwoo-ya, your turn." He lifts up his own glass of soju and lifts it towards her. "Let's take it together?"
She laughs, and quietly lifts her shot to take with him. She gulps it down effortlessly, and relaxes on the couch across Somin.
The club is dimly lit, hues of red and blue and purple flashing along with the bass-heavy house music that filled the air.
"The soju ain't working no more." Matthew comments moments later, motioning for the bartender. "We got bottle service for this special day. I’m getting ya’ll some whiskey." He mouths to the bartender for a bottle, and the group is soon rewarded with a shiny glass bottle tucked nicely within a bucket of ice.
Few shots of whiskey later, the group sits together on the couches. Taehyung sits next to Somin, while Jiwoo and Matthew sit adjacently.
"Hey Jiwoo," Somin cuts the silence that was building after the last round of shots. Her voice is slightly slurred, and although she is sitting, she leans on Taehyung for balance. "Are things going good with that one guy?"
Jiwoo almost drops the glass of cape cod she just ordered and was stirring. "W-" She stammers. "What?"
Somin laughs, slapping Taehyung on his chest while trying to balance her tiny head on his shoulder. "You know— that one guy you went to the movies with last week!" She points out.
Matthew turns to Jiwoo. "And you didn't tell us?" He exclaims, pretending to be hurt, before gulping down the rest of his beer. "I thought we were fam, fam!"
Jiwoo places her drink down and wipes her mouth with a napkin carefully. "Somin," She whispers loudly, trying to speak over the loud music, "I told you not to tell anyone!"
To be honest, she watched it with one of her classmates because she had no one else to watch it with. Somin and BM had ended up watching it while she had her solo practice, and Taehyung had watched it with that girl Shiyeon.
Somin giggles. "I didn't expect that-- Jiwoo neeeever takes anyone to our place besides you guys!" She leans in closer to Taehyung. "He even took you to the expensive Chinese place!"
Jiwoo hisses, embarrassed that it was Somin who was telling everyone and not her. "We split it halfway!" She exclaims.
Matthew gives a nod of approval. "I think anyone— anyone! Jiwoo brings home is someone we automatically approve." He pours four shots of whiskey. "One shot to celebrate!"
Jiwoo stammers. "Wha- I- Guys." She sighs as the shots were passed around. "Okay, let's just take a shot." She agrees in resignation.
Before Somin could grab her shot, Taehyung grabs hers and swiftly gulps it down. "You're too drunk already, Sominnie." He explains, grabbing his own shot for himself. He lifts it, and calls for a cheer.
"To Jiwoo's perfect match."
By the end of the night, five more rounds were taken. Taehyung had taken all Somin's shots for her.
Matthew huffs and takes a long, deep breath.
"Okay, game plan."
The four members stand in front of their apartment building, as Matthew struggles to press the combination to open the front door of the lobby, while balancing Somin who is cradled in his hands fast asleep.
"Fuck— it's already 3am." He mutters, and motions to Jiwoo, who sits on the curb nearby watching a drunk Taehyung who is laying down flat on the concrete. "Jiwoo. Jiwoo. Type in your code."
She nods, standing up and almost tripping on her own heels, then almost tripping on Taehyung in the process. "Crap." She almost crawls to the entrance where Matthew stands. "Uhh…" She lifts the cover open and types in her code. The error buzz resonates. The intoxication fogged her memory of her password.
"Fuck!" Matthew exclaims. "We're gonna sleep out here!" He cradles Somin in his lap as he sits on the grass near the entrance door. "We- We were so close." He drunkenly sobs. "It's— it's so cold."
"Stop over-exaggerating." Jiwoo hisses, attempting her code once again. The error buzz sounds again, and soon she almost decides to over-exaggerate too.
Before she could even try to, she feels a weight lean in from behind her. The warm breath and the heavy smell of alcohol resonates from Taehyung as he leans on her and wraps one of his arms around her waist. "Jiwoo-ya, I'll do it." His chin leans on her shoulder, and his voice echoes in her ear loudly.
The other arm lifts towards the entrance passcode lock. He presses a few buttons, and soon enough, a bell dings, and the door is opened.
Taehyung's legs give up on him, and he falls to the floor again drunk.
Matthew jumps up in joy, almost waking the passed out Somin. "Alright!" He exclaims, turning to Jiwoo and holding the front door open. "Game plan back on. Jiwoo, help Taehyung walk to our apartment, and I'll carry Somin to yours." He stumbles a bit backwards, but regains composure to readjust the sleeping Somin in his arms.
She agrees with a small nod, peeling the fallen Taehyung from the concrete and hoisting an arm over her shoulder for balance. "Alright Tae, let's go."
She trudges down the hall, and watches Matthew quickly disappear up the stairs. She wishes she was as buff as him sometimes.
She also wishes they had chosen an apartment where the elevator was more reliable. Since their elevator was under maintenance this week, she realizes that she had to bring him up the stairs to reach their second floor apartments.
"Tae," She starts, readjusting his arm around her shoulder. "Tae, you got this?" He mumbles something that she can't understand, but he nods and they essentially crawl up the stairs together.
Once they reach his apartment, Jiwoo quickly types in his code (she can't forget his birthday anymore) and the two stumbles into the apartment. She closes the door, and they dive into pitch-black darkness. She kicks off her heels.
"Jiwoo." Taehyung mutters out. "Jiwoo-ya, I can't see."
She shakes her head at his voice. "I can't either." She feels the walls for the light switch to no avail. "I can't find your damn light switch though." The two boys were minimal spenders on furniture and refused to add any lamps or night lights in the living room besides their one light bulb to bring their utility bill any higher.
She sits down next to where Taehyung was sitting and reaches to grab her purse, but empty-handedly realizes she left it hanging on Somin. "Crap, I don't have my phone."
"I have mine." She hears Taehyung's voice. "It's in my pocket." Before she could respond to him, he grabs her hand and slowly motions toward his front pocket. He helps her hand slip inside and grab the cellphone that was inside.
For some reason, she feels her heart beating louder and faster. She removes her hand from his pocket slowly and turns on the phone, the lock screen providing some dim lighting for the two sitting on the living room floor.
"One percent," She breathes, the light revealing Taehyung to be extremely close to her. "Almost dead. I can't bring up the brightness anymore." She doesn't know why she had to reveal the obvious.
The dim light showed Taehyung nodding slowly, pointing to the door to the left. "My door’s over there." With his free hand, he runs his hand through his hair. He slowly stands and grabs Jiwoo's hand again to help her up, almost stumbling back himself.
Their hands were still intertwined as the cellphone dimly lit the way to his room. He opens it, and the two walk inside.
"I'll find my charger." He says, using his phone to light up the pathway, and she follows suit, shutting the door quietly.
However, his phone dies, leaving them once again in darkness in the middle of his bedroom.
"I-" Jiwoo knows Taehyung is there because of the warmth of his hand. "Should I turn on the light?" She suggests, moving to where the door (and his light switch) was.
She's stopped by his hand, who tugs her closer. His free arm wraps around her waist slowly, and his head cradles into her neck. She feels his warm breath on her neck, and she lets his now-useless cellphone fall to the floor.
"Why'd you go on a date with him?" His voice is deep, and echoed in her ear. She takes a deep breath.
She doesn't move, nor does she answer his question. "Why did you go on a date with her?" She asks in return.
He doesn't answer either. "Do you know why it didn't work out?" He asks her. She shakes her head slowly, her hand unconsciously running up his back and slowly grasping his wide shoulders.
"During the movie," He breathes, his voice raspy and thick with the scent of alcohol. "She asked if she could use my grey hoodie." In the pitch black darkness, she feels him pull his head back. He cups her face softly, and he feels her heart beating even quicker.
"And?" She asks quietly.
The room is pitch black, but she feels his gaze piercing through hers. His presence moves even closer towards her, and she grips the back of his t-shirt harder.
His breathing was slow and steady as he spoke.
"I told her only my perfect match could."
It was then that he leans in to kiss her, and she lets him.
Their lips were still connected in a series of kisses, ranging from short to deep, as he moves to remove his t-shirt. Her hands move quicker to help him, and soon his shirt found itself on the floor with hers.
He runs his hands through her hair and kisses her deeply once more. She tries not to make much noise but fails in stopping a gasp from leaving her lips. She returns the kiss with as much intensity, wrapping her arms around his neck tightly as they blindly find his bed.
The alcohol, however, catches up to the two of them.
They end up falling asleep.
Jiwoo yawns, a dull ache resonating over her whole body. She grabs her blankets and pulls them over her whole body. Her attempts were blocked by two arms that pulled her closer in, trapping her in a pleasant embrace. She sighs, as this was probably just as comfortable as the blanket (or better), and goes back to sleep facing the opposite way.
She looks at the clock that was placed on the top of the wall, and it reads 6am. Still good.
It was then that she blinks; she remembers that she doesn’t have a clock.
Another voice could be heard from behind her. “Oh shit.” He speaks quietly, his hands slowly removing himself from around her. “J… Jiwoo?”
They quickly scramble up to find their shirts that lay crumpled on the floor. She grabs her first and puts it on as swiftly as possible, finding his after and tossing it to him.
They rush out his bedroom door and out to the hallway to find BM sleeping in front of the girls’ apartment, with the tiny Somin cradled on his lap. They both let out a sigh in relief, as no explaining would have to be done later, and Taehyung quietly picks up the brunette girl and helps Jiwoo bring her into the apartment. They rest the tiny girl on the couch, unaware of the happenings the previous night.
They return outside to pick up the knocked-out BM, and heave him along into his apartment.
After everything was said and done, they decide to keep that night to themselves.
The afternoon comes along, and after a few hours’ nap, Jiwoo walks with Somin to practice. Mostly, she just wanted to make sure she could walk straight. She walks into the building nervously, taking in the surroundings of the sunny afternoon. Tugging on her oversized grey hoodie, she tries to hide herself from the passing crowd of people, hoping not to run into a certain someone, at least not just yet.
She pulls on the string of her hoodie and tightens the hood over her medium-length blonde locks.
Opening her backpack, she pulls out her phone and her earphones, placing them on. “Why does room 205 have to be the last room in the hall!” She comments to Somin who is chugging down a large bottle of water to get rid of the previous night’s hangover. She wonders how the other two were, if they were already there.
Passing by the recording room, she removes the earphone from her ear for politeness and waves at her mentor from beyond the window. She gives a grin as he waves back. She plugs her earphones back in back in, grabbing the petite hungover brunette by the arms as they head to room.
Once they reach the room marked ‘205’, she takes a deep breath. Holding on to the door knob almost too timidly, she twists it and pushes the door open slowly.
She sees Matthew laying down on a yoga mat that was haphazardly strewn in the middle of the floor, his forearms covering his eyes. Somin trots towards him and stretches out right next to him with a mild sigh. “Never again!” She hears them exclaim.
She turns her gaze towards the black-haired man she hadn’t seen in about four and a half hours. He sits cross-leggedly and casually, his eyes fixated on his phone’s tiny screen. He leans his head on the large mirror that covered the walls.
Her heart skips a small beat as she wonders if she should go up to him as usual, or if she was even able to act normal.
But before she could even decide, he pauses his screen and places his phone down. He moves his head towards her, and looks at her up and down. She freezes, and her heart is nervously beating faster for some odd reason.
“Jiwoo-ya,” He notes quietly, standing up to walk towards her. “We’re matching again.” She slowly pulls the earphones from her ear, looking down to see her grey hoodie, and looking at him sporting the same exact one.
“Yeah, I guess we are.” She responds. She removes the hoodie that was covering her hair and walks toward him as well.
She’s met with his stoic gaze, but immediately and unconsciously she looks down at her shoes to avoid it. There was a small pause before he finally decides to speak.
“It’s like we’re a perfect match, huh?” He asks.
She looks up to see his self-controlled stare growing into a mischievous smile.
She grins.
Author's Final Note: This is a result of me not wanting to study for my certified fraud examiner examination.
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KARD “You’re a burlesque dancer”
KARD Masterlist                                  Group Masterlist
Ask:  Hii⭐⭐ How do you think Kard would reacted to learning their SO was/ is a Burlesque Dancer?
I swear I ghost requested this. I absolutely love burlesque and the luxury of it. It’s so amazing.
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The feathers, the lace, the tassles and the fishnets, it was like Matthew had stepped into his fantasy when you told him you were a burlesque dancer. He was proud of you regardless of what you did, but this, this was something amazing to tell his friends about. Because like him, you were a performer. Not necessarily in the same sense but still. 
He would absolutely adore going to your shows and would absolute love having a “private costume fitting” if you catch what I’m putting down. At first he would have a hard time, knowing that people would be seeing you so ‘’exposed’ but he comes around quite quickly seeing you enjoying the stage and rehearsals. 
“My baby makes me proud with everything they do.” 
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He didn’t quite understand what it entailed, until you brought him to a show and Taehyung couldn’t stop looking at you like he had won the lottery. He was absolutely obsessed with you on the stage, the way you danced, the way you incorporated comedy and the way you looked. How could he not be supportive? 
Taehyung would absolutely love joking around in your closet, wrapping your feathers boas around himself and you putting one of your corset on him for shits and giggle to show him how it feels. He would love to do a solo stage with you dancing for him too, it would be a dream of his. 
“I can’t imagine dancing in a thing like this, but you do it like it’s nothing?? You’re amazing!”
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(the most beautiful woman alive)
It was something she had heard of, but never quite looked into before. But when you showed her what it was she was absolutely smitten with it and even more with you. But she loved the glamour of it all, the rhinestones, the lace, the full band music. It was just so film noir in her eyes and she thought it was beautiful. 
Somin would love to give it a try at least once, because that’s the type of girl that she is. But definitely in the privacy of just you and her. She would definitely like to incorporate elements of your stage attire into her own stage attire though.
“You look like you stepped out of the 1940′s and you look absolutely beautiful.”
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To put things blatantly, she finds it fucking hot. The outfits, the teasing, the comedy, it’s just all so attractive to her. She can’t help but watch you with a smirk the whole time you’re on stage or practicing. Jiwoo wants to see your outfits, she wants to help pick them out and match them to vibes of the song you’ll be dancing too. 
But she would love to try it herself. She would definitely like to try the more sultry side of it all, with the full costume and all. Jiwoo would probably end up loving burlesque dancing as much as you do and the feeling of doing it on a stage. She would love to incorporate elements of it all into her own performances. 
“You always look so good performing, maybe I should join you out there one day.”
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Tensions Rise (BM/Smut)
Ask:  I loved your A-Z NSFW for Matt😭♥ And I wanted to ask for a smut oneshot based on it pleasee 🌸
A/n: I changed the request a little because I’m not really feeling sub Matt rn, sorry. Also this is lowkey based on Friends because I have been marathoning that show for days.
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There was always a certain amount of sexual tension between you and Matthew. It was unspoken and ignored but it was very much there. The looks, the lip bites the “unintentional” teasing, it was all a game just to see who snapped first. 
You had to thank Somin and Jiwoo, if it wasn’t for them looking for another roommate you would have never met him. Maybe it would have been better in hindsight, definitely would have saved you some trouble. You were greatfull though, Somin and Jiwoo became your best friends. After a short interview and a few laughs, you were set to be there new roommate. The three of you clicked immediately and it felt like you knew them your whole life. Then they introduced you to the two boys next door. 
The first time you and Matthew met, the flirting was obvious from a mile away. It was shameless, but as the weeks went on it became part of your daily routine. The door to your apartment and theirs was never locked and walk ins were frequent, even if it was just to grab a beer out of the others’ fridge. You, Jiwoo, Somin, Taehyung and Matthew became incredibly close and saw eachother everyday.
The first time the sexual tension spiked was on an early morning. 
The day had just started and Somin and Jiwoo had said their goodbyes to you to go to work. Considering you worked from home, you’re hours were up to you and you decided to take your time and take a shower. The water felt nice and engulfed you, the shower was your alone time and even though you were home alone you were never really alone. That day only proved your thoughts. Not feeling the need to have yourself wrapped in a towel after the shower, you were home alone anyway.
Tip-toeing through your apartment to your room, you had to walk through the living room and a male voice scared you have to death. 
“Oh hey, Y/N. OH MY GOD!” Matthew’s voice rang through your ears and your hands rushed over your body to cover it. “Matt, what are you doing here?” You asked, screaming and turning around so he couldn’t see your front at all. Your heart raced and you felt your cheeks warm up at the thought of him seeing you naked. “We ran out of juice, so I came to grab some from you guys. But I got something better.” He chuckled and you groaned in frustration.
Matthew didn’t want to admit how good you looked in that moment. Your hair was damp from your shower and so was your skin. You looked soft and vulnerable and he also felt like he was taking advantage of that. But the accidental image of you naked was already imprinted in his mind. 
He turned around and away from you. “I’m not looking, go put clothes on.” Matthew said, swallowing the lump in his throat. He wanted nothing more than to follow you into your room and push you onto your bed. 
You nearly sprinted to your room, your heart pounding. Matthew, your neighbor, had seen you naked. In the moment you felt bothered, but while you were changing in your room you felt heat pool inbetween your legs slightly. Pushing the thoughts aside you quickly slipped on comfy clothes and walked back into the main room. Matthew was stood there, sipping on a bottle of juice and staring off into space. 
The flirting that happened between you and him wasn’t unjustafied. You found him incredibly attractive. The way he laughed, the way his shirt would lift up when he stretched and the way he looked when he concentrated on something. Matthew was an attractive man and that was only more justified when he burst into your apartment, shirtless, after working out. 
As you re-entered the living room, he focussed on you. “First of all, we are never going to speak of this again. Second of all, please erase the image of me naked.” You said and he laughed. “What image of you naked? It’s already gone. I’ll be leaving now.” Matthew joked, fakely and left the apartment in a rush. 
The second time sexual tension spiked was when you were all out drinking. 
“So, I have a proposal. Let’s make tonight the night where we are unfiltered. Any questions we ask eachother will be answered and forgotten the next day.” Jiwoo slurred, the alcohol taking effect on her. You all agreed, deeply worried about what was going to come to light. 
Your fingers found your glass and you threw back the shot, making eye contact with Matthew. “I have a question for the guys. Which one of would you date?” Somin laughed and Taehyung cringed at the question. “That’s a dangerous question that could start fights. I’m not going to answer that-” “Y/N.” Matthew interupted Taehyung’s sentence and everyone looked at him with surprise, even you. 
“You answered that way too quickly.” Taehyung said and Jiwoo agreed, making the whole table laugh. You looked at Matthew with a serious face. He had a bright smile on his face, laughing along with the rest. His eyes met yours and you could swear they twinkled. You were so deep in thought that Jiwoo had to nudge your shoulder to get your attention.
“I’m sorry, what?” You asked and everyone laughed again. “I asked if you wanted another drink.” Somin said and you chuckled slightly. Matthew had messed you up with his statement and you needed to think. “Actually, I’m not feeling so good. I think I’m going to get some fresh air and walk home.” You lied and stood up to grab your things. “Aww, do you want one of us to come with you?” Somin asked, looking worried. Matthew looked at you, confusion written on his face and you pursed your lips. “No, I’ll be fine. I’ll see you guys later.” You said and slipped on your coat and left.
Matthew didn’t know if you really weren’t feeling well, or if what he told you unsettled you that much. Politely he excused himself. “She’s a girl and it’s late and dark. She shouldn’t walk home alone. Taehyung, take care of them. Have fun guys.” Matthew said and slipped on his jacket to follow you.
When he exited the resturaunt you were already across the street, walking quickly. Matthew started sprinting tocatch up with you and you could hear him call your name. Rolling your eyes to yourself, you slowly turned around to see him running towards you. All you wanted was few moments alone, he had messed you up enough. He stopped in front of you, beaming like a kid who just got candy and you hated to admit it, but your anger was already fading. 
“What do you want, Matt?” You asked, crossing your arms. “It’s late and dark. You shouldn’t walk home alone. Plenty of crazy people out there.” He said and started walking towards the apartment. You stood frozen for a second, thinking about what you were going to do or say. “Are you coming?” He asked and you looked at him before catching up. 
There was an awkward silence for a few moments when Matthew started laughing. “What’s so funny?” You asked, getting more annoyed by the second. “Look, I didn’t realise what I said would push your buttons that much. But it’s kind of funny seeing that your reacting as much as you are. Must mean you feel something for me too.” He said and you looked at him funny. “You are way too cocky for your own good. Besides, even if I was into you it would change the group dynamic too much. It would never work out.” You said and he looked at you, smiling cockily. “Aah so you have thought about it.” He said and you felt like punching him. He was working your nerves but you decided to play along.
“As if you haven’t. You’ve seen me naked. I bet that image enters your thoughts before you go to sleep.” You teased and his expression turned serious. “I thought we weren’t going to talk about that anymore.” He said and you scoffed. “You want to tease and fluster me, I can play that game too.” You said and the rest of the walk home was left in silence. 
The third and last time sexual tension spiked was when you were stood up for a date. 
Smiling, you fixed your makeup in the mirror in your room. You had scored date with a beautiful man and you were over the moon with joy. You had even dolled yourself up. Your dress was hitting you in all the right places and the neckline plunged nicely. Your heels made your legs look amazing and you let out a little laugh in approval of yourself.  It wasn’t often you felt this good, but when you did you really went for it. 
Stepping out of your room and into the living room you heard someone wolf whistle. Everyone was looking at you and you blushed deeply. 
“Oh someone has a date.” Somin said, smiling. She knew how much you were looking forward to this and she was happy for you. But her heart hurt for Matthew, she knew he liked you. Somin looked over at him and had to hold in a laugh at his face. He was scanning you up and down and he nearly had hearts in his eyes. 
“You look amazing.” Taehyung commented and redirected his attention to the tv. “Thanks, Dongwoo should be here any minute.” You said, anxiously checking your phone. There was no message. “I’ll just sit here and wait, I guess.” You said, laughing nervously as you sat down next to Matthew on the couch.
 He looked at you quickly and huffed to himself. You looked so damn good. He wished you were dressing up for him. He wished you were waiting on him to pick you up for a date, but you wouldn’t have to wait because Matthew would never be late. He’d always be ten minutes early, just so he could have an extra ten minutes with you. He was whipped. 
An hour passed and you still didn’t recieve a text. “I hope nothing bad happened.” You said to yourself, but you knew deep inside he was standing you up. Somin exchanged looks with Matthew and they both knew it too. With frustration, you placed your phone on the table and brushed your hair behind your ears. 
“I could use a drink, Jiwoo, Taehyung. Couldn’t you guys use a drink?” Somin said, getting up and shutting the tv off. “Why aren’t you asking Matt with you?” You asked, too involved with your own self pity to catch her terrible acting. “Oh he said he was going to work out tonight.” She lied and Matthew nodded accordingly. 
You watched as they left, leaving you and Matthew alone. The room was silent and you wrapped your arms around yourself. You had to hold back your tears, you didn’t want Matt to see you that way. 
“Hey, are you okay?” He asked placing a comforting hand on your bare arm. “I’ll be fine. This has just never happened to me. But I’ll get over it.” You said and looked at him. He had a serious face and you could feel his pity. It made you feel uncomfortable and weak. “Stop looking at me like you feel bad for me. I don’t need your pity.” You said and shrugged his hand off of your arm. 
“This isn’t me pitying you. This is me caring about you. That guy who stood you up is an idiot. I’d kill to take you out on a date and see you like this all the time. And this sucker had that chance and he didn’t take it.” He said and it sounded like he was getting angry. Your heart skipped slightly at his angry confession and you suddenly weren’t feeling that bad anymore.
He wasn’t looking at you anymore, he felt like he had exposed himself too much. Matthew turned to look at you when he felt your hand on his forearm. You don’t know what came over you, but you finally snapped. His large hand rested on the back of your neck and pulled your lips against his. His lips were a lot softer than you had expected and you pulled away, breathless.
“Did I mention that, that guy is an idiot.” He said and you laughed. Gently he pulled you onto his lap and ran his fingers through your hair. He leaned down, kissing you again and you placed your hands on his chest. You had never touched him like this before and his muscles were rock hard, the feeling under your hands made you moan against his mouth. He pulled away, stopping all movements. 
“Don’t start something you’re not going to finish.” He said and you smiled slightly. “What if I want to finish this?” You said and you watched him throw his head back and laugh. He stood up suddenly, carrying you and you wrapped your legs around him in reaction. Your heels dug into his ass and he groaned slightly. “Your date is really missing out.” He said and let his hands grip your ass to hold you up. “Fuck him.” You mumbled as he walked you to your bedroom. 
Matthew dropped you onto your bed and immediately started undoing the straps of your heels. “I love a man who has his priorities straight.” You joked and he stilfed a laugh. “These don’t feel nice digging into my ass.” He explained and threw your shoes onto the floor before crawling back over you. Your arms wrapped around his neck and reconnected your lips. His body was pressed against yours and you could feel every muscle. His muscled thigh was wedged inbetween your legs and you rolled your hips slightly. 
“Pace yourself, we have plenty of time.” He mumbled against your neck before kissing the sensitive skin. He slipped the strap of your dress off of your shoulder and nibbled on your collar bone. He was planning on leaving marks, he wanted everyone to know he finally had you and he wasn’t letting you go. 
“Matt.” You sighed as he worked your skin. “What is it, doll?” He asked, coming back up to your lips. “This.” You said and flipped you two over. He looked at you surprised and pulled you flush against his chest. You dress bunched up around your hips as you straddled him, feeling his hard on against you. You slipped your hands under his t-shirt before tugging it off him. Matthew sat up and wrapped his arms around you. 
“I want this dress to come off but I don’t want to break it.” He said fidgeting with the fabric and you laughed. Carefully you pulled your dress off, throwing it somewhere into your bedroom a little too agressively. Matthew groaned, feeling your bare chest against his. Your skin was softer than he imagined and his imagination was nothing compared to this. 
Carefully, you got off of him and sunk inbetween his legs and onto the floor. Your fingers traced the subtle v lines above his jeans and he shivered. He watched you intently as you undid the button and zipper on his jeans, teasing him. His reactions were amusing you and if it was up to him, your lips would have been wrapped around around his cock the second you sunk down onto your knees. 
You pulled his jeans and boxers off of him before looking at his cock. He was bigger than you thought he would be. But it was true to his body stature. He was called Big Matthew for a reason.
You licked a stripe up the side and sucked the tip. His hands tangled into your hair and his chest heaved. He wanted to make sure that he would remember this, he never wanted to forget the image of your lips wrapped around him.You bobbed your head taking him as deep as you could. He hit the back fo your throat and you gagged slightly, wrapping your hand around what didn’t fit in your mouth. He let out a moan at the feeling of you gagging around him. You watched his abs tense up and his moans got louder. 
“Fuck baby, I’m going to cum.” He said, expecting for you to stop. But you didn’t, you kept going until you heard a loud groan escape his mouth and you felt his hips buck slightly. You felt him cum into your mouth, spilling down the sides of your lips. You pulled off of him, swallowing and he chuckled, breathlessly. 
He wiped your mouth and pulled you to where you were standing in front of him. His fingers hooked into your panties and dropped them on to the floor. He laid down on the bed, leaving you standing. 
“Come over here and sit on my face.” He demanded and you were surprised. You had never done anything like that before and you hesitated slightly. “Don’t worry, doll. Come sit on my face, I’ll go easy on you.” He said, reassuring you. Carefully you climbed onto the bed and let his hand guide you. They held your hips as you positioned yourself above his face. He sensed your hesitation and pulled you down onto his face. 
His tongue licked up your slit and you let out a whimper. You felt him chuckle against you and he wrapped his arms around your thighs, holding you down. He sucked your clit, enjoying every sound coming from you and your taste. You had never felt anything like this before, you had nowhere to go and you were already on the verge of cumming. 
“Matt, please.” You whimpered, gripping the sheets. His fingertips dug into your skin and his assault intensified, nibbling on your clit. This sent you over the edge, your thighs clamping around his head and a cold sweat covering your body. He licked up the reminents of your orgasm before moving you down to his chest. He watched you and the way you looked out of breath. Your legs were still by his head as you practically sat on his chest, recovering from your orgasm. He placed gentle kisses up your leg, stroking the skin soothingly. 
You moved down, resting on his lap and you felt his cock hard against you. “Good stamina.” You commented, grinding down on him. “I work out.” He joked, sitting back up and wrapping his arms around your waist. His lips met yours again and you tangled your fingers in his hair. While kissing him, you positioned yourself over his cock, sinking down slowly. You moaned against his mouth, feeling him stretch you out as he filled you. Slowly you drew figure eights with your hips, feeling him pull you closer. 
“Faster.” He groaned and you picked up the pace. Slamming your hips down making you both moan. Your nails scratched over his shoulders and you two continued to kiss,  grunts escaping his lips more frequently. His hands moved from your hips down to your ass, squeezing the flesh. He used his new found grip and pulled you down onto him harder, the action causing a scream to escape you. 
 “That’s it, baby. Scream my name.” He grunted into your neck, raising his hips to meet yours. He was filling you up so nicely and hitting that spot deep inside of you. You tightened around him, your second orgasm fast approaching. Matthew latched onto your neck, sucking more marks into your skin and the sensation had you cumming around him. 
You screamed out his name and your walls contracted around him, milking him for what he was worth. Quickly he pulled out of you, cumming onto both of your stomachs’. 
“Holy shit.” He groaned, breathing heavily. “I know.’‘ You agreed and he chuckled. Carefully, he turned you over and laid you on the bed. “Give me a second.” He said, leaving to your bathroom for a moment. You heard the tub starting to fill up when he came back and he scooped you up. He carried you princess style and placed you at the edge of the tub. He opened his mouth to speak but was interupted by knocking coming from the apartment door. 
“I got it.” Matthew said, scrambling back into your room and pulling on his pants. Not even bothering with a t-shirt he ran through the apartment and stopped at the front door. He opened it, seeing a man your age with an annoyed look on his face. 
“Hey is Y/N here?” He asked and Matthew put two and two together. “yeah, you’re too late buddy. You should have called.” Matthew said and slammed the door shut before even hearing the man out. Slowly he walked towards your room. You walked out wearing his t-shirt and it came down mid thigh. 
“Who was that?” You asked, yawning. “He had the wrong apartment.” Matthew lied, wrapping his arms around you and picking you up. “Now let’s go take a bath and get some sleep.” 
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