#sonia/walter laddison
devilcat210 · 3 years
Happy Pride Month
I hope everyone have a good month and blessed by good times🥰
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From right up to left down:
Kirune (Tsust) Luxuria, She/Them, 17, Lesbian, hybrid kumiho-demon rabbit.
Sonia (Walter) Laddison, She/Her, 18, Polysexual, full cyborg (formerly human).
Urugi (Saust) Luxuria, She/Them, 17, Bisexual, half demon rabbit.
Rodney Milton, He/Him, 18, Asexual, human.
Nirva Margarita, She/Her (Transgender), 35, Demisexual, human.
Giga Charvier, They/them/all pronouns (genderqueer), 34+, Bisexual, special human/cyborg.
Aurelia Winston, She/Her, 17, Heterosexual, human.
Ruichi (Mest) Luxuria, He/Them, 17, Pansexual, hybrid golden ram-chimera-demon rabbit.
Michelango Tari, She/Her, 17, Lesbian, tasmania devil humane (were-tasmania devil).
Nokia Lee, They/Them (Non-binary), 15, Aro-asexual, unidentified being (formely robo-cat from unnamed planet).
Chiru (Rast) Luxuria, She/Them, 17, Demisexual, hybrid golden ram-chimera-demon rabbit.
Viona Margarita, She/Them (demi-girl), 16+, Pansexual, hybrid angel spirit.
Stereo Charvier, She/They/Him (genderfluid), 16+, Asexual, special human/cyborg.
🏳️‍🌈They're open for asks🏳️‍🌈
To my followers and whomever reading this post:
Please Check My Announcement. It's important because this month is special.
I'm sorry if some flags weren't here or in wrong colors😣 I will do better in the next year.
Thank you for @floofcakes and please follow her on tumblr and instagram, @lawiebush, she's great at making pride flags🥰
If you want to hear their stories, ask me right away please. My comments section are for safe zone where no one is in war🙏
I know there is pro and contra in my post, so come to @genkininja21 as I will answer you there😇 Because @devilcat210 is for my OCs and already committed to only post about my OCs in there.
^^ Oh, I have an autopilot mode that if I see some ask all in capital or negative feelings text, I will delete and block whomever sent me that. Please be careful of the way you texting me.
⚠️You have been warned⚠️
In regards,
Zero the storyteller.
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devilcat210 · 4 years
Do the parents of Sonia/Walter speculate that she was murdered? Or do they just believe that she died because of an illness?
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Wow... You are very perspective, @floofcakes 😄
I'm actually not sure how to say this, but...
Let's just say that her mom (the deer shaman hybrid) found her bloods flow full of something that shouldn't being near by her daughter.
They noticed it when it's too late as each of them have a mission that took 2 years and only several times visited her.
At first, they believed the doctor. When her mom took a look with her supernatural eye, she shocked and whispered to her husband with teary eye.
That's why Sonia's dad knew something wrong happened and remembered that only several people held his wife and daughter's weakness from his past.
He speculated that his ex-partner killed his daughter as he only the one who hold the grudge as long as he remember.
After holding her funeral, they searched the information and found nothing as the killer is really good at hiding the information.
As Sonia's dad afraid of his wife's safety lost to the government, they held in the case and can't tell the police department.
He couldn't trust the spy organization either, as he knew that spy have to hold secret from each other.
That's what I got from Sonia's story🙂
Maybe, I will asked her parents for more details later if I have time😊
Thank you for asking me😁
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devilcat210 · 4 years
Cyberspace/Real life
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The glitch one is Walter and the full cyborg is Sonia😁
Meet one of my inspired OCs, Walter/Sonia Laddison😆 She's my 91st OC and one of my helper in @oni-neko210 😊
Facts about her
Birth date : 13 May, Age : 18
Formerly human-deer shaman hybrid that died in illness at hospital when she was 8 years old (there's some speculated that Sonia was killed by someone in her sleep). Her soul become a glitch (Walter) in her dad's old computer that still in use several times.
After 1 year becoming a glitch, Walter's parents (they didn't know that she's become a glitch (her mother's spiritual sense only reach the real world)) adopted Uzumaki Kanira as their child and told Kanira about her. After they reunited each other again, her dad made her a metal body that connected both online and real life.
Because her experiences with computer, Sonia started to help her dad in his job (spy's work) when she was 17 and always success to get in several network without being noticed. She moved to Korea after being accepted by her dad's branch organization to work as her dad's secret assistant.
Love to searching information about anything, especially her girlfriend, Kirune Luxuria. They always compete who is more knew about each other and loved to teased Kirune back. Her rival was Tsust (Kirune's other persona) as she wanted to stop her from killing people. But she's understood now, as Tsust only kill people with bad attitudes and can't be redeem by anything.
Eventhough she sticks to rules, mostly she only did that if it didn't clashed with her moralities.
Sonia's emotions can be seen by her eyes' colors (except, cyan if she is surfing in cyberspace without her conscience irl).
Amnesiac about her past before she was 7 years old (she forgot who is her childhood friend).
She can translate many languages, but only reach the internet's knowledge (as her dad applied translate media in her system).
Her dad and mom are spy and hit woman.
If you want to know more about her, please ask me in this tumblr😊
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devilcat210 · 2 years
Meme Corner
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When you ask your siblings to pick your clothes for your first date💕
Happy Birthday to my quadruplet OCs (Kirune, Urugi, Ruichi, and Chiru)💝
Facts about them
(More informations about them)
Date of birth: April 12th, Age: 17
Rustal, Reese, Maggie, and Zwei's children.
Their Lovers;
Kirune/Tsust: Sonia/Walter Laddison
Urugi/Saust: Rodney Milton
Ruichi/Mest: Aurelia Winston
Chiru/Rast: Michelango Tari & Nokia Lee
Sometimes they're bickering about almost everything, especially joking about each other flaws.
That's all💞
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devilcat210 · 2 years
Meme Corner
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Happy Birthday to Sonia/Walter Laddison🌟
Please click see more if you wanted to see her facts💙
Just Kidding😏
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Happy Birthday to Alvaton (Alter) Laddison and Zalota (Zola) Laddison🥳
Facts about Them
They met each other for the first time at the laboratory where Qassandra Projects experimented.
When the laboratory was gone, they separated and continue their living as a spy/hitman.
They met again when both of them were assigned to kill each other. Thus, they killed their bosses and changed their identities. Now, they are working together as the head of the secret organization.
Sonia/Walter's biological parents and Kanira/Nia's adoptive parents.
Alvaton Laddison
Date of birth: April 27th, Age: unknown
Code name: Alter
All pronouns, Unlabeled Queer
A human who was adopted by the secret organization since the war broke out in his homeland. Because his data was destroyed, Alva uses his mother's birthday.
Had lost his best colleague in the past.
Good at using a firearm and disguising himself, he never shows his true persona except in front of his family.
His weakness? Not very relaxed at his job.
When Alter had to infiltrate the laboratory, he disguised as one of the assistants. That's where he met his future wife, Zalota.
Zalota Laddison
Date of birth: April 28th, Age: Unknown
Code name: Zola
She/her, Omnisexual
A deer shaman who lost her family after the laboratory killed them all and used her as an experiment. After getting her freedom, she joined an assassin group to be her main income.
Zola's weapon of choice is poisonous needles to stab her target. She made it herself.
Her disguising and acting skills are worse than a cheap actor. So, she uses her real persona in her job. Funnily enough, no one can recognize her.
Do not question her strength. She can break a car with only one kick.
She's quite naive when it comes to studying and solving problems.
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