#sookie celebrates 100 followers
enchantedlandcoffee · 2 years
Hi! Call me Aerith, may I join the ask game with the fandom Heartstopper?
𝗦𝗘𝗫𝗨𝗔𝗟𝗜𝗧𝗬/𝗣𝗥𝗢𝗡𝗢𝗨𝗡𝗦: Biromantic Pansexual and Genderfluid; He/They (though I'm biologically woman irl)
𝗔𝗣𝗣𝗘𝗔𝗥𝗔𝗡𝗖𝗘: 20 years old, 5'1", Southeast Asian. Chubby with messy shoulder length brunette hair, chocolate brown eyes, and a small beauty mark on my forehead. My style is in between soft grunge and soft punk (not a big fan of dress except for occasions) but loves to wear Korean makeup style
𝗣𝗘𝗥𝗦𝗢𝗡𝗔𝗟𝗜𝗧𝗬: Muggleborn Ravenclaw with a patronous spirit of Hummingbird, an INFJ (last time I checked at MBTI test), my enneagram is 4w5 and my moral alignment is Neutral Good. I may have a slight introverted tendencies and awkward/anxious nature, I describe myself as fiery, swears like a sailor, confident, jokester, and, passionate. Religious, super talkative, sometimes hyper (because of excitement), giggly (I always laugh/snort for stupid reasons), nerdy, also sweet and nice though I can be aloof, intimidating, and scary when I get so angry. I tend to become really fiesty, stands boldly on what I believe (claiming myself as a realist though some of my views doesn't makes sense), unhinged to be myself, stubborn, young-at-heart, clumsy unfortunate and inattentive. Would don't give af towards the people that I hate, sarcasam and savagery is my main language. But on the other side, I overthink a lot and cry over small things many times which I sound like a drama queen, and a perfectionist that provokes even more, yet recognizes a soft spot for dumb jokes, cheesy pickup lines and prefer people with a good sense of humour who see myself as equal. Chill in academics, but very competitive that manages to the top even for my dreams---I'm very dedicated on what I want for my life, and I display modesty and gracefulness towards some people that deserves respect. One notable feature about her is her multi-potentiality due to being naturally gifted in artistic fields (this includes singing).
𝗜𝗡𝗧𝗘𝗥𝗘𝗦𝗧𝗦: Arts, choir, poetry, karaoke, literature, history, makeup, beauty pageants, fun/deep/dumb conversations, expanding my knowledge in Christianity, documentaries (about saints), reading interesting stuffs, talking about social issues, and creative writing, chilling both indoors and outdoors.
𝗛𝗢𝗕𝗕𝗜𝗘𝗦: Drawing, singing, dancing when nobody's around (I'm very bad at it), sharing nerdy or opinionated thoughts, walking like a model (if I ever feel so confident), sleeping, listening to music (from rock to kpop), chatting or browsing on social media, watching videos on YouTube, making terrible jokes/puns, watching cartoons, writing, cooking, reading interesting things, and conceptualizing my artworks. I also used to study Italian language a bit
Thanks for the ask 💞I hope you like it
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I think that you would be good friends with Tao, Isaac and Charlie (more Tao than any of the others) and later on Nick when he joins the group. You get on well with the girls once you’re introduced to them through Elle.
You bond with Elle over drawing and Darcy over the singing and dancing. Often times, the group would find you and Isaac in a corner reading or discussing your favourite books.
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fangbangerghoul · 5 months
👉👈 Second request incoming...
Sookie x Eric Northman
Warm summer night; Yearning; A car
😏 Really telling on myself with this one. You don't have to recreate our favorite scene, but if you want to you can haha. The sky's the limit ❤️❤️
Just you wait Spooky. You are going to have many more favorite scenes I PROMISE!
Here is a gif that definitely happens in the book you are reading now.
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          This was not right, not in the slightest, but I could not help myself. It had been days since I felt skin against mine and, even if my mind knew I should not give in, my body said otherwise. Eric leaned more into me. His body pushing me against his corvette and I could see in his blue steely eyes there was not going to be an easy way out of this. His blonde hair covered us like a curtain before his lovely soft lips were pressed into mine. I could feel the fire rumble in my core and without my permission my own arms wrapped around his neck. The warm and sticky humidity of Louisiana was gluing us together. He was sooo good at this. So good at putting people in peculiar positions. Good at kissing especially with all the practice he got. There was not enough that had been said about that week and I knew sooner or later we would have that talk but that talk was not going to happen right now.             His fangs protruded gracing my lips their pointy tips poking at me then he moved to my jawline till his lips engulfed my neck. I was scared for a moment he was going to bite me but instead there were only the softest of touches that were unexpected from the tall Viking. He still couldn’t remember but there was something inside of him that seemed to with the way his hands traveled my body it was hard to make myself say no.
I hope I captured her voice! I honestly had just paused reading, so it was fresh.
Word count: 258 but in my heart its over 200k
Thank you for submitting another prompt and for my two faves! I love them so much I COULD DIE. The TV show doesn't do them enough justice UGH!!
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cas-kingdom · 4 years
Would you be up to answering 10, 15, 29, and 31 for any of the OCs from the DWCs that you're feeling a bit stuck on? Or any OCs you're feeling, really. I'm not picky. Hope this helps with mission: write or that you at the very least have some fun with it. :)
To be honest, this would totally help. I’ll have a go (thank you, saviour).
You all know I write my OCs as readers considering the reader inserts are wildly sought after on this site lol. BUT I adore writing about my OCs & have tons of stories with them that I keep to myself and read when I’m down, so here we go!
The 4 I’ve yet to write include Tallulah Cullen (Twilight), Matilda Northman (True Blood), Akela (The Witcher) & Clark Kent’s sister, who I’m yet to create an OC for (atm my only JL OC is Arthur Curry’s sister, Ani) so I won’t write these questions for her considering I don’t really know her.
WARNING: this is going to get long. I apologise & a big pat on the back to whoever actually reads it.
10) How open is your oc to trying new things? Are they the adventurous sort, or would they rather stay in their comfort zone? Why?
Tallulah: I think, honestly, Tallulah’s been a vampire so long she’s not sure she has anything new left to try lol. She’s older than her siblings by a lot and is often lost with these kinds of things. Though if there is ever anything new, I’d say she’d be absolutely open to trying them out! During the events of the books/movies, I’m sure there were many of these opportunities, what with Bella and the excitement and adventure she brought along with her. So, yes. No comfort zone for T, though perhaps there was one once.
Matilda: Tilly’s pretty restricted with what she can and can’t do (having Eric as your guardian will do that to you lol) but again, like Tallulah, with the events of the books/series, a lot happens that she’d be involved with, and it’s all a bit adventurous and out of her comfort zone. She’s used to the so-called quiet life, considering Eric keeps her out of his business so she remains safe, so after meeting Sookie and all the disruption she brings to her life, I’ve always thought it to be quite a big thing for her. As she grows older however, she certainly grows used to it, and perhaps rebels a bit against her guardian to join in on the excitement he’d rather she stay away from.
Akela: Akela’s whole life is trying new things. She never knows if her day will be quiet or not so much. If she’ll be sleeping under the stars or in an inn. If she’ll have a great, peaceful ride or someone will run up to them, thrusting money at Geralt and asking him to kill a monster. (Seems like a nicely spontaneous life, minus the monsters). Tbh I think she likes it. She’d like her life to be completely safe with no interruptions, but in all honestly she’d get bored after a while, and really, if her life was all sweet and honey, then Geralt wouldn’t be the same, and that’s the last thing she’d want. I think her comfort zone is very small, and not demanding at all. She’s ready to try whatever, as long as it guarantees her and her Witcher’s safety!
15) What is your oc’s favourite time of day? Why is this? Do they have a daily practice during this time?
Tallulah: I’ll be a bit stereotypical here and say her favourite time of day is night. She doesn’t sparkle, she can blend in with the humans completely... and I guess she just likes it in general because of the dark, and the peace that often offers. She sometimes goes hunting with her family in the dark, and she has many memories of those times that she holds onto.
Matilda: Yet another vampiric-stereotypical answer, but Tilly’s favourite time of day is definitely the exact moment the sun is out of sight. Because then Eric’s instantly safe, and she can spend as much time with him as his ‘duties’ and his job allows. Another human’s favourite time might be day, because that’s when the most happens, and Tilly’s is night for the exact same reason. To her it’s simply normal - she’s always slept during the day to adhere to her vampire guardians’ routine - and she knows no difference.
Akela: Night. (Apparently all my OCs are night owls, guys). She likes her evenings and her nights, right before she sleeps, because most of her memories from those times are of her lying next to Geralt on blankets, under a starlit sky. It’s totally quiet, save for the nightlife, and the two of them can just lie there and let the trials of the day wash away as they stare at the stars. A simple delight.
29) How empathetic is your oc? Or are they closer to being a sociopath? Any reason why?
Tallulah: Hundreds of years as a vampire has definitely made Tallulah more in touch with people’s emotions. She 100% takes after her father in the compassion side of things. He’s taught her to hang onto most of her humanity, and she’s never fed from a human in her life. I can’t see her hurting a fly. Sociopath? Never.
Matilda: Tilly... is perhaps more sociopath than empath, but that’s something that changes over the years. She’s young at the beginning of the show, and she worships Eric and (discreetly) wants to follow him wherever he goes. That doesn’t change so much, but she finds herself over time, and learns to give in to her human instincts. I definitely think Eric’s growing appreciation for humans after meeting Sookie makes her more aware of her true self, and she makes friends she wouldn’t have ever thought about making, and generally just becomes less afraid to be herself. She learns to understand people’s feelings - and her own - which is something she probably found difficult to do when solely around vampires. (Though in saying that, she probably begins to learn a lot more about how Eric’s feeling. That’s shown in the DWC I’ve yet to write lol).
Akela: For as much as Akela loves Geralt, and for as much as she grew up under his guiding hand, she certainly didn’t adopt his so-called ‘emotionless’ Witcher persona. Really, that’s a victory on Geralt’s side. She’s 100%, totally human, and that’s something he wouldn’t take away from her (tbh he does his best to keep her away from anything Witcher-y that could change her from who she perfectly is). But, in all honesty, I do think Akela gets her selfless and empathetic nature from Geralt. Discreetly, of course. That guy is a different person when he’s with her, though it might be difficult to see, and he’s honestly just a Good Dad, however much he’d strive to disprove it.
31) What is your oc’s sense of humour like? What do they find funny? Do they try to be funny? Are they actually?
Tallulah: Tallulah has big brothers. I think that speaks for itself. XD Though perhaps not all of them... mainly Emmett and Jasper. And Alice. They like to make her laugh. Probably Emmett’s main goal in life. BUT, similar to the first question, Tallulah is an old vampire, and she’s probably heard most jokes and developed a sense of humour that’s different to the others’, if that makes sense. Though I’ve always had her as the vampire who was turned at 16 and, in all honesty, is still 16, deep deep down. Her maturity isn’t crazily more than any other 16 yo’s.
Matilda: God. I don’t think she’d have much of a sense of humour. Tilly’s life is vampires, blood, ‘stay away from humans despite being human’... when she meets Sookie and the others, and her humanity starts shining, her sense of humour becomes more human. She can joke around without worrying that Eric will take it too seriously or Pam will insult her (Pam insults everyone but she still loves Tilly, don’t worry). So, yeah. Matilda’s life doesn’t leave much room for humour, but it sneaks in somehow as the years go on - not to mention Eric’s not an ass to her and does treasure her smile and her laugh above all else in his long life.
Akela: Oh, Akela lives on humour. She loves to insult Geralt, and he loves to insult her right back. That’s just them. And it’s pretty damn perfect. Not to mention when Jaskier joins their dysfunctional family, you’d be pretty robotic to not laugh or smile even once when in his presence. As for if Akela’s actually funny... I’d say definitely. She counts it a victory if she says something and Geralt’s lips turn upwards the tiniest bit. Making a Witcher smile is something to celebrate.
Whoo. I loved that. Now to go write.
(That last bit was a joke. Unfortunately).
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ramajmedia · 5 years
10 Best Cookbooks To Own Based On Popular TV Shows & Movies
Fans enjoy certain shows and films for a variety of reasons. There is probably an entertaining story. There may be lovable characters. There could be thrills, mysteries or jokes. And there is a chance that the piece is filled with yummy eats and treats, too!
These must-own cookbooks, which are all based on popular TV series and movies, allow people to take their interests a step further. They allow people to feel like they are part of the story. And they allow people to enjoy some amazing and some one-of-a-kind recipes, so keep these in mind when shopping for gifts!
10 The One with All the Recipes: An Unofficial Cookbook for Fans of Friends 
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Could these recipes BE any more delicious? This Friends cookbook is full of drinks, entrees, desserts and more, all of which are inspired by this celebrated show from the 1990s. The Not-So-Fine Margaritas could be made when someone is moving to Yemen (or when someone is pretending to be). The Fried Stuff with Cheese could be served at a Friendsgiving meal.
The Engagement Ring Lasagna could be eaten after someone gets a ring from their Rachel or their Ross. There are so many fans of this classic series, so there are so many people who would love receiving this gift!
9 Eat Like a Gilmore: The Unofficial Cookbook for Fans of Gilmore Girls 
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Lorelai and Rory Gilmore can eat like no one else, so a book of recipes, inspired by this mother-daughter duo and their television series, makes sense. Sometimes, the two grab breakfast (and coffee...always lots and lots of coffee) at Luke’s.
Other times, they sample whatever Sookie has whipped up at the inn. Each week, they dine elegantly during Friday Night Dinners. And during movie marathons, these two stock up on junk food! With this gift, fans can try out and eat 100 different recipes (which are also accompanied by photos, tips and info about the show) from Gilmore Girls. 
8 A Feast of Ice and Fire: The Official Game of Thrones Companion Cookbook 
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Game of Thrones is one of the most-watched series that has ever been on television, and with this cookbook, fans can make over 100 dishes inspired by the Seven Kingdoms and beyond. The easy-to-follow recipes can be completed in modern-day kitchens, but adventurous souls can try to replicate these foods using medieval attempts! Plus, there are suggested substitutions, since not everyone may be able to find some of these fantastical ingredients.
So get ready for Mulled Wine, Beef and Bacon Pie, Almond Crusted Trout, Stuffed Grape Leaves, Honey-Spiced Locusts and other exciting eats that characters like Daenerys Targaryen, Tyrion Lannister, Jon Snow and Sansa Stark enjoyed. 
7 The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Pizza Cookbook 
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Leonardo, Raphael, Donatello and Michelangelo are known for many things...like their love of pizza. That being said, a cookbook based around these Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles exists, and, of course, it is full of different types of pizzas; breakfast pizzas, mini pizzas, dessert pizzas and traditional pizzas can all be created and eaten up with this unique gift!
There are 65 recipes in this book, such as New York Style Pepperoni, Shredder's Revenge and Lean, Mean, and Green, and many of them would be great for after-school snacks, for dinner on the weekend or for watch parties where fans come together to watch these classic characters. 
6 The Bob's Burgers Burger Book: Real Recipes for Joke Burgers 
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Some other popular cartoon characters are seen on the animated series Bob’s Burgers; in this show, Bob Belcher owns a burger joint, and there is always a Burger of the Day. With this zany cookbook, 75 different burger recipes can be enjoyed at home, such as Bleu is the Warmest Cheese Burger, Bruschetta-Bout-It Burger, Shoot-Out at the OK-ra Corral Burger, Sweaty Palms Burger and I Know Why the Cajun Burger Sings Burger!
There is also art that has never been seen, which is done in the colorful style of this TV show and which is another reason to get this for any fans out there. 
5 Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge: The Official Black Spire Outpost Cookbook 
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Walt Disney World and Disneyland have new rides, lands, shops and restaurants that are themed around Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge. These out-of-this-world eats and treats, found at the Black Spire Outpost on the planet Batuu, can be replicated at home by fans when this cookbook is given and received.
The entire thing is engaging and informative, and the recipes (which are, of course, the main attraction here) from a galaxy far, far away are sure to please so many people out there, since the Star Wars franchise is a huge one, with a huge following. 
4 The Unofficial Harry Potter Cookbook
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Another well-known franchise that exists is Harry Potter, as these flicks have been watched by fans all over the world. The magic, the battle of good versus evil, the relationships and the settings are all quite appealing, but there are also some yummy foods and drinks within this magical universe.
This unofficial cookbook is filled with over 150 recipes that witches, wizards and even Muggles will like, such as Treacle Tart (Harry's favorite dessert), Molly's Meat Pies (which Mrs. Weasley makes quite often) and Pumpkin Pasties (a popular sweet treat). Plus, no magic is even required to whip any of this up!
3 The Burn Cookbook: An Unofficial Unauthorized Cookbook for Mean Girls Fans 
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In Mean Girls, actor Jonathan Bennett plays Aaron Samuels, and in this cookbook, he offers up some recipes inspired by this film and from his childhood. Fetch-uccine Alfredo, Just Stab Caesar Salad, Bennett’s mom's famous stuffed shells and You Go, Glenn (Hot) Cocoa are just a few of the awesome things that can be cooked and served by fans of this story.
Obviously, these foods and these drinks can happen at any time, but they probably taste even better while wearing pink on Wednesdays and/or while watching this movie for the 7,000th time. 
2 The Walking Dead: The Official Cookbook and Survival Guide 
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Ever dreamed of eating pudding with Carl, snacking on the cookies that Carol baked or dining on Hershel’s spaghetti? Well, all of that and so much more can be enjoyed with this official cookbook and survival guide, which is inspired by the hit show The Walking Dead. The recipes are based on actual foods from the series or are inspired by certain characters and locations. They are accompanied by expert information on foraging, hunting and outdoor cooking, as well, in case fans actually find themselves in the middle of a zombie apocalypse. This is another must-own gift idea to consider!
1 Binging with Babish: 100 Recipes Recreated from Your Favorite Movies and TV Shows 
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Binging with Babish is a popular YouTube channel that features Andrew Rea teaching recipes based on television series and movies. The babka from Seinfeld, the beef bourguignon from Julie & Julia, the Timpano from Big Night, the chocolate lava cake from Chef and Bubba's shrimp from Forrest Gump are just a few of the dishes that fans can try and eat at home.
This book also includes behind-the-scenes stories and answers to frequently asked questions, and with all of its variety, it is a smart gift option for lovers of TV, cinema, Binging with Babish, cooking and/or food in general.
NEXT: Star Wars: 10 Dark Side Gifts For The Sith In Your Life
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source https://screenrant.com/best-tv-movie-cookbooks/
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foundcarcosa · 7 years
1: How tall or short do you wish you were? >> Height isn’t important to me. I’m slightly taller than Can Calah, shorter than Eden, and substantially smaller in general than Vinternoll, and that’s the way I like it. (I am usually around the same height in headspace as I am in meatspace) 2: What’s your dream pet (real or not)? >> Gaudior the winged unicorn (A Swiftly Tilting Planet)
3: Do you have a favorite clothing style? >> I have quite a few favourite clothing styles. I’ll always be some sort of goth at heart, I will say.
4: What was your favorite video game growing up? >> My favourite computer games were The Logical Journey of the Zoombinis and Alien Tales. I had like a weird kid-crush on Sal of deCentury, the alien game show host... (and who at all is surprised)
5: What three things/people do you think of most each day: >> Oh, I don’t know.
6: If you had a warning label, what would yours say? >> Warning: Black Carcosa is a caustic irradiated substance. Prolonged contact with Black Carcosa may cause severe mental deterioration, burns and lesions (or legions, even), and enhanced delusions of reference. Please consult your psychologist before engaging Black Carcosa. Keep away from children, pets, your electronics, and anything else whose innocence and integrity you hold dear.
7: What is your Greek personality type (Sanguine, Phlegmatic, Choleric, or Melancholic)? >> Primarily Phlegmatic, it seems.
8: Are you ticklish? >> Not usually.
9: Are you allergic to anything? >> No.
10: What’s your sexuality? >> There are a lot of things I’d gladly fuck, but not a whole lot of humans.
11: Do you prefer tea, coffee, or cocoa? >> I greatly prefer tea.
12: Are you a cat or dog person? >> My preference leans towards dogs.
13: Would you rather be a vampire, elf, or merperson? >> I identify most with elves, out of the three. 
14: Do you have a favorite Youtuber? >> No.
15: How tall are you? >> 5′4″.
16: If you had to change your name, what would you change it to? >> I’d like to not wish to change my name anymore, actually.
17: How much do you weigh? >> Somewhere between 130 and 135 lbs.
18: Do you believe in ghosts/spirits? >> I am open to the experience.
19: Do you like space or the ocean more? >> I am more interested in what lies beyond this planet than what lies on it, although this planet is also extremely fascinating in all its complexity.
20: Are you religious? >> Intensely.
21: Pet peeves? >> Passivity.
22: Would you rather be nocturnal or diurnal (opposite of nocturnal)? >> I... am fine being mostly nocturnal.
23: Favorite constellation? >> Orion. Always Orion.
24: Favorite star? >> I haven’t chosen one.
25: Do you like ball-jointed dolls? >> Sure, especially custom ones.
26: Any phobias or fears? >> Meh.
27: Do you think global warming is real? >> I understand climate change as a process that occurs, yes.
28: Do you believe in reincarnation? >> I am open to the experience.
29: Favorite movie? >> The Fountain / Interstellar.
30: Do you get scared easily? >> No.
31: How many pets have you own in your lifetime? >> I used to take care of a couple of cats, for a short time. Fyodor and Hela. But almost all of the pets I’ve lived with have technically been under the custodianship of others.
32: What is a color that calms you? >> Soft, slightly desaturated bluish-grey.
33: Where would you like to travel and/or live? >> I would prefer to live in New Orleans and travel anywhere.
34: Where were you born? >> Elizabeth, New Jersey.
35: What is your eye color? >> Dark brown.
36: Introvert or extrovert? >> Mostly introvert. Entirely disinterested in “introvert culture”.
37: Do you believe in horoscopes and zodiacs? >> I am open to the experience (and especially attracted to astrology, as I’m sure my reblogs suggest).
38: Hugs or kisses? >> Meh.
39: Who is someone you would like to see/visit right now? >> I’m fine not doing that.
40: Who is someone you love deeply? >> Can Calah.
41: Any piercings you want? >> Sure, if the opportunity presented itself. My focus is mostly on tattoos.
42: Do you like tattoos and piercings? >> Quite.
43: Do you smoke or have you ever done so? >> I smoke occasionally.
44: Talk about your crush, if you have one! >> My crushes at this point are pretty much celebrities and fictional characters, which is to say I have way too many of them to answer this question.
45: What is a sound you really hate? >> Mouth sounds.
46: A sound you really love? >> The sounds people make when they’re aroused but trying to keep it together.
47: Can you do a backflip? >> Not even a little bit. I saw a video where someone taught himself how to do backflips in a single afternoon. I was duly impressed.
48: Can you do the splits? >> No.
49: Favorite actor and/or actress? >> Idris Elba. Actress... maybe Rutina Wesley.
50: Favorite book? >> Ha!
51: How are you feeling right now? >> Neutral.
52: What color would you like your hair to be right now? >> I really don’t care.
53: When did you feel happiest? >> ---
54: Something that calms you down? >> Time.
55: Have any mental disorders? >> I’m more than pretty sure I do, but I haven’t been properly diagnosed a day in my life.
56: What does your URL mean? >> It was a play on “Lost Carcosa”. It eventually came to just represent... me. Now it’s a brand of sorts, so I am loath to use any other username (save for blackThirteen, which I sometimes use on websites where it’s not already taken by someone else; blackThirteen + foundCarcosa = blackCarcosa, which is what I really should be using, but it’s a little late now).
57: What three words describe you the most? >> Just three? Ha!
58: Do you believe in evolution? >> I have been convinced of evolution’s veracity.
59: What makes you unfollow a blog? >> Over a month of inactivity or a change to content that doesn’t interest me are the two main reasons I unfollow. Sometimes I unfollow for things like political platforming or too much unsourced content or having too much of the same kind of content on my dashboard or... any number of reasons, really. Sometimes a person’s opinion (or the way they present their opinion) just pisses me off and I’m not invested enough in the blog to keep them around anyway.
60: What makes you follow a blog? >> Content that I enjoy, usually. It’s pretty simple. Sometimes I have compulsive following sprees and then I have to prune later, which is a thing about myself that I’ve just gotten used to.
61: Favorite kind of person: >> Right.
62: Favorite animal(s): >> Snakes, spiders, otters, capybaras, and so on.
63: Name three of your favorite blogs. >> transistorxiii, lilithsconcubine (bet money she’ll have changed her url again by the time I post this, lmao), coldalbion.
64: Favorite emoticon: >> The cry-laughing one. I abuse the shit out of that face.
65: Favorite meme: >> Right now, probably BONELESS or that one image with the guy and the two girls that is so goddamn versatile that I haven’t gotten sick of it yet despite the fact that it’s everywhere.
66: What is your MBTI personality type? >> My last result was INTJ. I don’t care much for MBTI anymore.
67: What is your star sign? >> Gemini sun, Gemini moon, Scorpio rising, etc etc.
68: Can your dog roll over on command, if you have a dog? >> ---
69: What outfit out of all your clothes do you like to wear the most? >> Ghast brand rave pants and a Doctor Strange shirt, it seems.
70: Post a selfie or two? >> http://foundcarcosa.tumblr.com/tagged/this-malleable-shell
71: Do you have platform shoes? >> I don’t.
72: What is one random but interesting fact about yourself? >> I used to be extremely competent at Guitar Hero / Rock Band because back when those games were popular, Best Buy and Circuit City would have stations set up in their stores where you could play them; and because I was homeless and tumblr wasn’t invented to become my biggest timesink yet, I would just stay in the stores playing guitar games all day. So I got good at it. As one does.
73: Can you do a front flip? >> No.
74: Do you like birds? >> Sure.
75: Do you like to swim? >> I can’t swim, so I don’t know if I’d like it or not. I mean, probably.
76: Is swimming or ice skating more fun to you? >> I can’t do either.
77: Something you wish didn’t exist: >> Meh.
78: Some thing you wish did exist: >> Everything I can conceive does exist... in some form, on some plane.
79: Piercings you have? >> Earlobes and septum.
80: Something you really enjoy doing: >> Playing video games.
81: Favorite person to talk to: >> Can Calah.
82: What was your first impression of Tumblr? >> I was extremely confused by tumblr when I first tried it out. So I abandoned it for a little over a year, and then I had to make a new account when I came back because I’d forgotten the login for the old one.
83: How many followers do you have? >> Here, 629.
84: Can you run a mile within ten minutes? >> I can’t run a mile, period.
85: Do your socks always match? >> No. I don’t bother matching my socks. Mismatched ones are more fun, anyway.
86: Can you touch your toes and keep your legs straight completely? >> No.
87: What are your birthstones? >> Emerald, I think? I forget the other.
88: If you were an animal, which one would you be? >> *waggles Mordred’s spidery legs*
89: If a flower could aesthetically represent you, what kind would it be? >> Probably a black calla lily.
90: A store you hate? >> Abercrombie and Fitch. Their store is fragranced or something. Like they put cologne swatches in the air ducts. IDFK. It’s aggravating. Also, I hate that kind of fashion.
91: How many cups of coffee can you drink in one day? >> I usually drink zero. 
92: Would you rather be able to fly or read minds? >> Flying is more interesting than being Sookie Stackhouse.
93: Do you like to wear camo? >> No.
94: Winter or summer? >> I have a preference for winter.
95: How long can you hold your breath for? >> I don’t know.
96: Least favorite person? >> ---
97: Someone you look up to: >> *insert obvious joke here*
98: A store you love? >> Trash & Vaudeville. I wonder if it’s closed / moved yet.
99: Favorite type of shoes >> I prefer combat boot type shoes.
100: Where do you live? >> *grumbles*
101: Are you a vegetarian or vegan? If so, why? >> Pescatarian. I just don’t care for meat much. I’ll eat a chicken sandwich sometimes, but otherwise I’ll stick to seafood.
102: What is your favorite mineral or gem? >> Smoky quartz is nice. Bismuth is cool as shit. Geodes are where it’s at, though.
103: Do you drink milk? >> No.
104: Do you like bugs? >> Most of them, yeah.
105: Do you like spiders? >> My children. <3
106: Something you get paranoid about? >> My physical health, sometimes.
107: Can you draw?: >> I can. I can’t draw well, though.
108: Nosiest question you have ever been asked? >> I don’t know. Nosy questions don’t bother me, though.
109: A question you hate being asked? >> Anything regarding my gender. Like, who cares. Stop boring me.
110: Ever been bitten by a spider? >> Not that I’m aware of.
111: Do you like the sound of waves at the beach? >> Oh, yes.
112: Do you prefer cloudy or sunny days? >> It depends on how I feel that day in general. Either is good, but sometimes one is definitely better than the other.
113: Someone you’d like to kiss or cuddle right now: >> ---
114: Favorite cloud type: >> Definitely cumulonimbus.
115: What color do you wish the sky was? >> My eyes interpret the sky as a variety of colours depending on time of day, weather conditions, and what pair of sunglasses I have on, and you know what, that’s good enough for me.
116: Do you have freckles? >> No.
117: Favorite thing about a person: >> ---
118: Fruits or vegetables? >> All of the above.
119: Something you want to do right now: >> I’m fine with what I’m doing.
120: Is the ocean or sky prettier? >> How could I possibly choose one over the other...? I like it best when I can observe both at the same time, actually. Maximum loveliness.
121: Sweet or sour foods? >> Savoury, spicy, sour. Sweetness only as a balancing agent.
122: Bright or dim lights? >> Dim and diffuse, always.
123: Do you believe in a certain magical creature? >> I am open to all experiences.
124: Something you hate about Tumblr: >> The poor functionality bits. Coding issues, inefficiency in design, stuff I can’t do anything about because I don’t work there.
125: Something you love about Tumblr: >> Everything else, more or less. I wouldn’t spend so much time here if I wasn’t genuinely enjoying myself.
126: What do you think about the least? >> How would I know?
127: What would you want written on your tombstone? >> I am not interested in a tombstone at all.
128: Who would you like to punch in the face right now? >> Someone sexy who had a kink for being punched in the face.
129: What is something you love but also hate about yourself? >> The fact that I am so easily bored and so interested in experience leads to interesting experiences and a tendency to be open to new things... but sometimes it just leads to recklessness and irritability.
130: Do you smile with your teeth showing for pictures? >> Yeah, most of the time.
131: Computer or TV? >> Computer, which is often used as a television anyway.
132: Do you like roller coasters? >> I do.
133: Do you get motion sickness or seasickness? >> No.
134: Are your ears free or attached? >> Unattached.
135: Do you believe in karma? >> The original concept of karma is more understandable to me than the modern colloquial definition.
136: On a scale of 1-10, how attractive would you say you are? >> I’m a solid 8 to myself, but you know.
137: What nicknames do you have/have had? >> Rev, Eddie, and Dio are my most used nicknames as of now.
138: Did you have any pretend or imaginary friends? >> I have always had Companions.
139: Have you ever seen a therapist/shrink? >> Yes.
140: Would you say you are a good or bad influence to others? >> It doesn’t matter to me either way.
141: Do you prefer giving or receiving gifts/help? >> I love to give gifts, but I also love to receive them. No reason I should have to choose. What I hate is compulsory gift exchanging. Miss me completely with that bull mess.
142: What makes you angry?: >> Eh.
143: How many languages do you speak fluently? >> One.
144: Do you prefer boys, girls, and/or non-binaries? >> Meh.
145: Are you androgynous? >> More or less.
146: Favorite physical thing about yourself: >> I am pretty fond of my facial shape and features, and the kinda “greyboy” androgynous shape of my body. Also, this melanin is poppin. I would gladly take a little more, even.
147: Favorite thing about your personality: >> What’s a personality?
148: Name three people you would like to talk to right now in person. >> Meh?
149: If you could go back into time and live in one era, which would you choose? >> Why would I do that?
150: Do you like BuzzFeed? >> It hasn’t given me reason to dislike it.
151: How did you meet your spouse/girlfriend/boyfriend/partner? >> I met Sparrow on tumblr.
152: Do you like to kiss others’ foreheads or hands for platonic reasons? >> No.
153: Do you like to play with others’ hair? >> That used to be a big stim of mine, but Tommy, my first boyfriend, broke me out of that pretty badly and I never got back into it. It’s like a mental block now. Aggravating.
154: What embarrasses you? >> Meh?
155: Something that makes you nervous/anxious: >> ---
156: Biggest lie you have ever told: >> I have no idea.
157: How many people are you following? >> 1,047 right now.
158: How many posts do you have on your blog(s)? >> This will be #20,540.
159: How many drafts do you have on your blog(s)? >> 6.
160: How many likes do you have on your blog(s)? >> 87,104.
161: Last time you cried and why: >> The last memory of crying that I have is when I was listening to these videos of Pearl Jam songs with just the vocals and guitar solos isolated. I lost my shit in the middle of “Black” and the only reason I remember is because I thought to myself, fucking hell, some tumblr survey is going to ask me about the last time I cried and I’m gonna have to tell the congregation that I cried because I love Eddie Vedder too much and I started laughing like an idiot.
162: Do you have long or short hair? >> Short. Very short.
163: Longest your hair has ever been: >> To my shoulders, I think, as a child. Not including weaves, braids, and so on.
164: Why do you like, dislike, or have neutral feelings about religion? >> I love religion because... oh, I don’t know. It’s one of those things I don’t question too much because I’m not sure it has an easy answer. It just deeply resonates with me, is all. Yes, the whole concept of religion. Not any specific one, or anything. Just the root of it all. I don’t like what people do with religion a lot of the time, not at all... but whatever. People gonna people.
165: Do you really care how the universe and world was created? >> Well, sure. It’s fucking fascinating. Even if the theories are only theories, they’re still interesting to me. I’ll probably never know, but that won’t ever stop me from being curious.
166: Do you like to wear makeup? >> Yes.
167: Can you stand on your hands or head for more than thirty seconds? >> No.
168: Did you answer the questions you were asked truthfully? >> Sure.
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weeklyhumorist · 7 years
It’s Not A Theme Park, It’s HBO
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Following the smashing success of Westworld: The Experience at SXSW, HBO is proud to announce HBO World™, the world’s first prestige theme park. Located in East Brunswick, New Jersey, a mere 90 minutes from Newark International Airport, HBO World™ will sprawl over 100 acres of premium entertainment and commercial-free attractions. Park visitors may purchase single-day tickets or season passes, which may be shared between family and exes at no additional cost.
  HBO World™ will be divided into 4 unique channels: New York, California, TV-MAdventure and HBO Family:
  New York
  Oh no! Hannah Horvath had unprotected sex with a stranger! Hannah’s Search For Plan B™ places riders in the backseat of an Uber with Hannah, Marnie, Jessa & Shoshanna as they search the Big Apple for the morning-after pill. But what happens when the Uber accidentally takes a wrong turn into an interdimensional portal? In this groundbreaking 4-D ride, riders will experience HBO’s New York like never before. Smell the sweet sativa delivered by The Guy from High Maintenance. Hear the funky moans of the 70’s porn industry up and down The Deuce. See Vinny and the boys of Entourage before they made it, bullying minorities on Queens Boulevard. And witness a long-awaited crossover when a barista mistakenly assumes Shosh is Carrie Bradshaw’s daughter!
  The high-octane Crashing Stunt Show™ puts audience members at the center of an action-packed car chase through the streets of Greenwich Village. Loosely based off Pete Holmes’ couchsurfing odyssey on Crashing, this death-defying stunt showcase will thrill audiences like the TV show never has.
  And Now, You™ allows one lucky audience member to get woke, as one random guest is chosen to help recreate an episode of Last Week Tonight in front of a live studio audience. Even you can experience the thrill of reading hard-hitting journalism and dick jokes off cue cards! Performances are every hour, which still won’t feel often enough.
  Dine with your goomad on gabbagool and galimad just over the Verrazano Bridge at the Bada Bing strip club buffet. Or, feast on-the-go on authentic “street meat” kebabs, featuring delicious New York-style knishes, hot dogs and pizza on a stick. Explore the city that never sleeps in HBO World™’s New York.
  Behold the beauty and intrigue of Monterey inside the Big Little Lies Press Tour™. Lifelike animatronics, voiced by the actual cast of Big Little Lies, appear on stage together to share how grateful they are to be collaborating with one another. Currently closed as the addition of a Meryl Streep robot is in development.
  Blast off on Insecured™, the world’s first emotional rollercoaster! Twist, turn and flip through Issa’s anxiety and relationship #drama at speeds up to 65 mph. WARNING: May cause nausea for white riders who find the black experience too intense.
  Meet and take photos with beloved characters Bob Smith, Judy Gold, Carlos Mencia and other notable HBO Comedy Half-Hour alumni walking around Sunset Boulevard. Try food from all around the world at the VICE Food Court™. But what happens when diners are first shown a 15-minute documentary on the destructive carbon footprint that goes into every bite? Find out at HBO World™’s California.
  Celebrate the Nudity, Violence, and Adult Content HBO subscribers have come to know and love at HBO World™’s TV-MAdventure. In addition to being able to enjoy a fully functional Westworld saloon, guests may be treated to vulgar insults by walkaround characters from Veep and Silicon Valley. Hungry guests can grab a quick bite at Kenny Powers’ Taters N’ Tits or Rust Cohle’s Carcosa Samosa’s.
  Embark on a wild yacht ride through Miami on the Ballers Log Flume™! Before the 50-foot drop, watch 1,500-pound Dwayne “The Bot” Johnson, the world’s beefiest animatronic, take phone calls, sign contracts, and struggle with pill addiction. Warning: guests will get wet.
  And of course, feel the power of the Mother of Dragons during Khaleesi Tours – a 3-D, motion-simulated voyage across the Seven Kingdoms. Ride Viserion, Drogon, or Rhaegal through dozens of possible Game of Thrones locations, including Winterfell, Braavos, and that weird temple Daenerys burned down in season 2. But what happens when Drogon accidentally flies into a steamy orgy at the Lannister family reunion? Warning: guests may get wet.
  Those looking for a fright should visit in October for the HBOOOO! Haunted Hayride™. A spooky tour through the HBO graveyard summons cancelled spirits of Home Box Office past. Surprises lie around every corner, including the answer to the great mystery, “where’s Wallace?” Expect ghoulish appearances from Boardwalk Empire’s Nucky Thompson, True Blood’s Sookie Stackhouse, The Jinx’s Robert Durst, John from Cincinnati’s John from Cincinnati, Dustin Hoffman’s horse from Luck, a ghostly pair of jeans from How to Make It in America, The Newsroom’s Will McAvoy wielding a dildo chainsaw from Real Sex, and Louis C.K. performing his 1996 HBO Comedy Half-Hour. Truly horrifying!
  HBO Family
  We can tell you how to get to Sesame Street – right here at HBO World™! Unfortunately, Sesame Street will be closed while HBO’s legal department works out licensing rights with Sesame Place in Pennsylvania. In the meantime, Young Popes and popettes can play in St. Lenny’s Basilica, a spiritual playground full of whimsical fountains, hedge mazes, and wild kangaroos.
  HBO World™ is scheduled to open in 2057.
It’s Not A Theme Park, It’s HBO was originally published on Weekly Humorist
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earnestpaz8491-blog · 7 years
Cold Store Storehouse
Cold Stone Creamery( R) is actually popular for using impressive gelato mixtures of the best offered with interest. The crucial of the strategy isn't really to cultivate a hard body, given that it is actually a lot like configuring your Video Cassette Recorder: If it is actually too difficult you only won't do this. And afterwards you could kiss your discounts goodbye.
The Egyptians possessed a celebration for the goddess Nut in the early part of February to commemorate her birthday, and also they had a time to honor the sunshine on the day of reckoning from the 2nd month of wintertime, so Tamerans also recognize Ra at this time to commemorate wintertime's formal end. The National holiday month is actually upcoming in May (two added day of rests the time task in a month) so I'll be actually making use of the amount of time to get out in the landscape, modify and also create, figure out a number of the clutter and perhaps take some job home from the time work too, that understands. A product that you desire to purchase might be for sale back then you obtain it, yet if you don't pay off your balance at the end from the month after that those financing costs could considerably increase the genuine volume you'll find yourself paying out. Dark swimming pools have in click the following web page past had a lot less of a regulatory burden in comparison to public substitutions, yet recently, they have come under boosting regulatory tension, increasing legal, observance, and modern technology expenses for the companies that operate all of them. Several state governments have actually raised electrical energy as well as fuel costs lately to assist offset the economic influence of the economic slump and also since 2010, The big apple state implemented price walks that will incorporate $14 to the normal monthly bill, which in 2007 was actually over $100 a month. Although I doubt Charlaine Harris could possess hoped that her books will someday be transformeded into a high-quality television tension, she possesses an extremely aesthetic type and also the ultimate performance of Dead Up until Dark is pure tv (in reality this is actually just about sitcom-like along with its own noticeable cheesiness) - you just about anticipate Sookie to wink knowingly at the audience as she delivers her ultimate line to Bill. I've carried out whatever coming from acquiring leads, investing hundreds of dollars on a registration to Monster Jobs to phone resumes, standing around at filling station, paying for people to stand around at universities along with clipboards to accumulate numbers, putting advertising campaigns, getting evicted of Starbucks & Barnes and also Noble for annoying customers and also finally my favored technique - sales call calling card. Ski resorts had to more and more create their very own snow or danger shutting down, snowmobile sales were down, ice sportfishing ended up being inconceivable given that ponds and also springs just weren't cold over, and numerous businesses jeopardized or fell short bankruptcy because of that. I don't forget as a child a nearby business made use of to make ice palaces and delivered snow sled rides over the lake, yet in the final couple of years, that has actually certainly not received cool good enough to accomplish either.
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fangbangerghoul · 5 months
2 days left!
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I am still hosting my 100 follower celebration where you can submit prompts in my ask box and I will give you a small snippet based off of it! I have had quite a few and even though I said it would be 100-200 words I have definitely exceeded that every time. (i cannot help it, my fingers wouldn't stop I swear)
You are welcomed to tap or click on the link above for the original post, but the rules are:
You must list: a short sensory description, an emotion, and a random object. Along with a preferred ship or if you just want something OG you can request that too. (I'll accept a mood board too, but I still need ship details)
You can request my own ships (Ghoul x Val, Delgado, Sam Coe, Gale, Astarion, Anton, Halsin, Andreja, etc) or if you describe your own dynamic/ship I will do my best!
The word count minimum will be 100 - 200 words (so allow time for me to respond please)
I will accept 2 asks from the same person.
I will accept asks until 04/18/24
So far, I have done:
Ghoul x Halsin x Astarion Ghoul x Valentine Blanche Eric Northman x Sookie Stackhouse Ghoul x Halsin
I really am enjoying doing these and I appreciate the few that have submitted prompts! I hope everyone has enjoyed them and I look forward to receiving more to help get the creative juices flowing for my current WIPs.
Thank you again to all my mutuals and followers for allowing me to hit 100! I appreciate you all very deeply.
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enchantedlandcoffee · 2 years
Game Time!
Thank you guys so much for over 100 followers! I thought I'd come up with a game to celebrate!
Send in a fandom and a few details about yourself and I'll reply with what type of character you'd be and what relationships I think you'd have.
All you have to do is:
Send in what fandom you want (I'll list the ones I know in the tags)
Send in a few details about yourself (nothing too personal): name, age range, hobbies, personality, if you want me to include who I'd ship you with (+ gender preference if need be)
If you want to know about relationships with specific characters, send them in as well
Hope you guys enjoy!
Open until the 20th of September
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enchantedlandcoffee · 2 years
For your ask game:
Fandom: Once Upon a Time
Details: My name is Joni, I’m in my late 50’s, I write CS fanfic and like sitting on the front porch with my dog since I live in the quiet countryside, I’m an introvert who tries to avoid being around crowds of people.
Which male would you ship me with? 
My favorite characters are Killian Jones, Emma Swan, Prince Charming and Snow White (before they made her wimpy)
Hi! Thanks for joining!!
If you were in Once Upon A Time, I think you'd have been a storyteller who lived with Ruby and Granny in the Enchanted Forest. Before the Dark Curse, you befriended Snow White and helped hide her from the Black Knights.
In Storybrooke, you worked at Granny's Diner until the Emma broke the curse which is where you switched careers to help open the library with Belle. After the library has opened, you work part-time and in your free time you write books with August.
During Season 3, you helped keep Henry occupied whilst the Charmings dealt with Zelena, leading to you becoming friends with Emma (and Killian as an extension).
I feel like your life wouldn't change much after the curse at the end of Season 7 - you'd have more stories to write about all the characters and more friends - but I think your job would remain the same.
I’d ship you with Archie as I feel he shares your habit of avoiding crowds and would love to sit and chat with you about the books you read/wrote (and also because of Pongo).
Hope you like it 💖
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enchantedlandcoffee · 2 years
Hi sookie!! Congrats on 100 followers, your game sounds really fun!
Fandom: Stranger things
Name: Ari
Age: 20
Hobbies- I love reading, learning about new things and knowing a little bit of everything. I adore adventures, witty and playful banter, pulling harmless pranks, joking around, and having indepth discussions on anything and everything. I love all things intellectual and I adore all forms of art!
Personality - I'm fairly introverted and it takes me a while to warm up to people. I'm really outgoing and talkative around the people I'm comfortable with. I love helping out I'm the therapist friend. I'd consider myself smart and ambitious, I love being the best at everything I do. I'm also a bit of a hopeless romantic and I daydream a lot.
I'd love to be shipped with a male character and know about my relationship with the older and the younger teens please!
Thank you very much! I'm sorry if this got too long, I hope you have a lovely day ❤️
Hi! Thank you for sending this in, it was a lot of fun to figure out.
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If you were in Stranger Things, I think you would work in a shop near Scoops Ahoy in Season 3 and become close friends with Robin on your breaks which leads to you being introduced to Steve (and his kids). Whilst Dustin, Mike and Will prefer asking Steve for lifts and help, Lucas, Max, El warm up to you the quickest and you end up being the co-babysitter on many game nights and movie nights (Dustin does end up coming to you for relationship advice though). 
The gang try to keep you away from any business with the Upside Down but you end up involved anyway as Max and El needed someone to confide in. 
You end up the closest to Robin as you share the love for harmless pranks and joking around as well as random in depth discussions, but you are also like an older sibling to Max and Lucas after the Byers leave town. They like to come to your house for advice or movie nights (which does tend to annoy Steve).
I ship you with Eddie as you share a love for harmless pranks and adventures but also take a while to warm up to people.
Hope you like it 💞
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enchantedlandcoffee · 2 years
Game Time
Fandoms: Ouat/O’donocrew & Hookers
Details: Christina Rose, 40yrs, introverted & shy, cis female, I like making manips or edits (aesthetics collages)(sail away aka ship me)
Favorite characters: Colin character coven/ hooks coven (coven of hook)
Hi, thanks for the request 💞
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In the Enchanted Forest, you worked as an artist who specialised in magic pictures and stories. You were friends with Belle before she lived with Rumpelstiltskin and spent your free time designing rooms and outfits.
In Storybrooke, you worked as an art teacher in the same school as Mary-Margaret and became a close friend of hers. This lead to you meeting Hook when he joined the side of the heroes.
I would ship you with August as you share a love for creativity and are both quite introverted.
Hope you like it 💖
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enchantedlandcoffee · 2 years
Hi Sookie! Congrats for the one hundred followers! I am pretty new here but, could I join the ask game with a request for Heartstopper?
My name is Daniela, but my friends call me Nela, (she/her), 15
At first, I come off as shy, and calm but once I am friend with somebody, I am very talkative. When I am comfortable with somebody I love joking and I can be sarcastic sometimes. My biggest strengths are that I am creative,determinate and tolerant and my weakness is that I overthink a lot. Also, I am the older children of a big family because of that I am very caring and kind, in my friend group I always take the older sister role (even if I am the youngest). My friends always say I am the most passionate and brave person in the world, I think they said that because I am the one who always stand up against bullies when they are annoying them. They say that when it comes to defend my friends, I can be pretty scary even if I am small (they call me dwarf, but I am 5’ 2’’ feet!!!). I am day- to- day activist; a feminist and token alley, so I would fully support the Heartstopper gang.
I can't live without music, and I love story telling, playing videogames reading, drawing, and writing. I am also a big fan of 70’s, 80’s and 90’s movies and bands and a proud theatre kid
I would like to be shipped with a male character and know how my relationship would be like with the rest of the gang members
Thanks for your time! Sorry if it is to long  ♡ ♡ ♡
Hi, thanks for the ask 💞
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If you were in Heartstopper, I think you would attend Higgs with Tara, Darcy and Elle. You would be in their friendship group which is how you become friends with Isaac, Tao, Nick and Charlie. 
Out of the girls you would be closest with Tara as you both take the ‘older sister’ role and love music and, out of the boys, you would be closest with Isaac and spend most of your time discussing books you’ve read.
I would ship you with Tao as you both have older sibling energy and always defend friends. Also, you both share a passion for video games and movies which would make movie nights much more fun.
Hope you like it 💖
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enchantedlandcoffee · 2 years
Hi!! Congrats on 100 ❤️❤️
Fandom: Stranger Things
Details: My name is rosie and im in my 20’s! I play a lot of video games with my friends and I’m currently in college studying Crime Scene Investigation. I’m pretty introverted and dont like big crowds too much. but with my good friends i’m love playful teasing and stuff. I’m also a bit of a theater nerd but as a stage crew person not an actor.
I would love a male character ship and to know where you think i’d fit in the Stranger Things universe ❤️❤️
Hi!! Thanks for the ask 💞
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If you were in Stranger Things, I think you would work at the Newspaper with Jonathan and Nancy. You would be good friends with Robin (as sometimes the band helped out with the theatre) which led to you meeting Steve and the gang.
You mainly know the younger kids through Nancy and Jonathan and are closest with Dustin and Will as you all like Crime Scene Investigation.
I would ship you with Jonathan Byers as you are both into crime scene investigation and are both quite introverted. I feel like you would have met through stage crew at your high school and then started dating when you met up again at the Newspaper.
Hope you like it 💞
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