adanseydivorce · 8 months
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this book is a comedy 😭
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edwinspaynes · 3 months
also this opnes the possibility of wessa organising sophiedons bachelors! cute detail!
This is actually a fic I plan to write at some point when I'm feeling TID! I want to write a Sophideon wedding so badly
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not enough is said about gideon and sophie, who just lost a daughter, asking grace to live with them everytime they saw her to make sure she knew she had a family somewhere if she wanted to
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purplebass · 3 years
TLH Parenting Style Analysis: Lightwood Family (Sophideon)
And we are done! This was the last post, unless you want me to analyze a different character or family, etc. that I haven't touched. You can send me a message to suggest me something (anon is always on). Hope you enjoyed this series of short essays 💜
If you want to read the previous posts, here you go:
Blackthorn // Carstairs // Fairchild // Herondale // Lightwood
tw: death mention; tw: trauma mention
Lightwood Family (Sophideon): Authoritative Parenting
This couple is balanced and supports each other, albeit they may seem they have opposite personalities. Gideon and Sophie both like to take care of people, and they do it in silence. When Gideon met Sophie in TID, he had just realized that the world his father Benedict had shown him was false. Travelling abroad changed him for the better, and this is the reason he was able to fall for Sophie without prejudices since she was a maid at the time. Sophie also had prejudices on Gideon, since he was famous for being the typical rich boy from an important family before his travel year, and also arrogant. After they overcame their problems, they became very supportive of each other and it wasn’t long after they got married. They took great care of their children (perhaps too much), and we know that Gideon always tried to make up with his sister Tatiana and see Grace and Jesse, but without success. We know that Gideon and Sophie lived between London and Idris because of his position in the Clave.
We don’t have much information about Sophie and Gideon’s upbringing of their children, especially Eugenia and Barbara. From what we can assume, they must have been authoritative parents. They are not strict, although they might have been a little preoccupied after Thomas was born because of his health problems and might have set rules in order for him not to get worse. I’m sure Thomas was sick of this protective treatment and he joined the Academy because he wanted to get away from all of the attention. Too much attention and protection from parents can be damaging in the long run. It can turn into something unhealthy because the parents might be too afraid that their child might get sick (like in Thomas’ case) that they won’t let him live his life and try to decide for him in order for him not to get sick again. Thomas going to the Academy was important for his growth and health because it let him live new experiences and interact with others. It was also a way to show his family he could take care of himself and his health was okay.
We can assume that Gideon and Sophie were also protective with their first daughter, Barbara. Not like Thomas, maybe, because Barbara didn’t have any health issues as a child. Barbara was a sweet girl, and she was loved among her peers. She was a lady, always behaved like society expected her to. She was already engaged to Oliver Hayworth in 1903, and from the little we saw, she loved him very much and they were about to get married. Barbara was mature and innocent too, and romantic. She grew up in a safe environment with her father Gideon reading her bedtime stories and her mother Sophie warning her about the people she chose to love and their promises. It was devastating that Barbara died. Her death created a great void in the Lightwood-Collins household, because they were a close-knit family. I think that the members of the family are still processing Barbara’s death, and we haven’t seen much of this in the books, it’s sad. A death can break the equilibrium of a family. When someone dies, the members of a family react in different ways, and some of them might do things that they never did before, because that is their way to process the death of a loved one. Thomas still hasn’t processed Barbara’s death, in my opinion. His own way to deal with this event is to act, to do something, to get rid of whomever did this to her. And this can be achieved, since this is a fictional world. But what next? What will happen to Thomas if he gets revenge for Barbara and the other people who died? At some point the loss of his sister will get back to him. He “avenged” her, but she can’t be brought back. How cool it would be to see a scene between Thomas and his parents mourning his sister. Sometimes he acts like he’s grown up and doesn’t need his parents anymore, but the truth is that he just doesn’t want to be a burden to them, reminding them that they have lost a daughter already. And they already had to put extra care for him because of his childhood health issues. I don’t know you, but I believe that Thomas is keeping everything inside and someday he will break.
After Barbara died, Gideon and Sophie went to Idris to comfort Eugenia, their second daughter, but they also probably feared for her life, since she was alone in Idris. Thomas decided to stay in London because he thought the only way to face Barbara’s death was to stop the attacks and destroy whoever had caused them and caused Barbara’s demise. In COI, Eugenia returned to London. She also seems like someone who would not sit back and wait for things to happen, and she is trying to cope with the loss of her sister this way. We know that Eugenia was the victim of a scandal which ruined her reputation. Gideon and Sophie probably tried to protect her by suggesting she stay in Idris, but Eugenia is done hiding. Thomas and Eugenia seem to react in a similar way, except she is probably more blunt than he is.
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anarmorofwords · 3 years
omg modern fake dating au where Kamala asks Genie to be her date to a family dinner or something to annoy her homophobic parents and then Sophiedon accidentally learn about the date and they're so happy Genie found someone after Augustus and she doesn't have the heart to tell them the truth so she invites Kamala over few times "you know, we're friends either way, let them think it's more" but they're both very soon completely enamored with each other
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darklingswhxore · 3 years
Sophiedon wedding
Gideon and Sophie's dresses
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The decor and the cake
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Bonus Cecily, Tessa and Charllote 🙈
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They got married somewhere around june in the year 1879
They wanted a simple wedding (Gideon still wasn't comfortable cuz of everything that has happened with benedict plus the economic conditions )
But alas our Will wanted to do something special for his friend
He made all the arrangements with everyone else's help
Despite the lavish arrangements it was indeed a small celebration only TID gang and few other important people were present.....
Charllote was Sophie's suggen
Gabriel was gideon's
Needless to say Gideon couldn't keep his eyes off Sophie 😏
Take it as modern au (i can't exactly find victorian era's style so i decided to make this) also thanks @lucian-evander for helping me 😊😊
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superwilliemilo · 7 years
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The second movie poster design complete.^_^ Go check them out @uberrich_shortfilm they also have a Facebook page as well, Show them some love and support überRICH! (Poster 2 of 2) @christine_milo @manonkellie @annawm @sophiedon @aliciabanit #shortfilm #uberrich #movie #posters #art #comics #pencils #inks #colours #draw #illustration #artist #create #inspire ^_^
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you just cannot write a lightwood wielding a longsword and expect me to believe she's straight
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just to lighten the mood a bit from the pov discourse, what's your opinion on gabriel and cecily as a couple, specifically in tid? 🤔 i recently reread tid because i missed herongraystairs and i realized g*brily felt kinda forced to me and i always like reading your opinions so (censoring the ship name just in case 💖)
i don't.... have an opinion on them ???? like, i read tid three times and only on the last time i was able to keep in my mind that they're a couple. so it's safe to say that they're very forgettable to me. it doesn't bother me or anything, but i don't see the hype. no strong opinion on this one, i'm afraid
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Hi, I saw on instagram a snippet that CC released years ago that say something like "all that effort trying to convince you I wasn't in love with you and here I am dying in you arms". A lot of people wrote that this is about two boys and probably this two are Thomas and Alastair. I really hope that isn't about them because they deserve to be happy🥺. What is your opinion? And sorry fpr my bad english, it's not my first language
well, first off:
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nah, seriously talking rn: that teaser and the thomas/alastair dying theory is brought up at every two months, so i get why so many people believe that this will be their ending, but cassandra pretty much confirmed she wouldn't kill alastair and she's not a fan of the bury your gays trope, so - in the way i see things - they're safe (like, very safe; safer than anyone, except the herondales and cordelia). not to mention that cc already killed off one of sophiedon's kids, i don't think she would kill another one.
and have this in mind: the teaser isn't a death scene. the injured person believes to be dying, this doesn't mean they'll die fr. tnomastair is gonna be the angstiest couple there, and i feel it in my guts we're get some strong hurt/comfort scenes (or maybe that's just what i want 🙏) but when it comes to who would cc kill off out of the main 12, i think neither of them are her first options.
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How would you rank the main couples from each tsc series? From healthiest to unhealthiest.
sizzy: i might be biased since they're my faves but i stand by what i said. some might argue with this because of the cheating thing but it has been established none of them had sealed a close a relationship (or even if they had a relationship) at the time so...
malec: pretty healthy and it's only taking the 2nd spot because of the early stages of their relationship where the whole immortality thing was a bid deal
cl*ce: any relationship that has an incest discourse as its biggest legacy isn't the one you want to capitalize on 💀
gabrily: i genuinely don't remember any moment that could take the gold from them.
sophiedon: probs could be 1st and the only reason why it isn't is because gabriel was smarter than gideon when it came up to creating excuses to see his crush lamo
jessa: yes i wanted to rank them as 1st but i must be honest with my feelings and my feelings are always about jem. always thought that jessa had a big potential of hurting jem on the way and i don't like the secret on certain aspects of their relationship right after they got engaged.
chenry: my babies !!!! i want to rank them righer but all the years of marriage and miscommunication unfortunately stay on their way to the podium
wessa: the bad boy and good girl couple is never the healthiest and we all know it. remember when will read tessa's letters to nate without her permission and we were supposed to believe tessa was okay with it? invasion of privacy ain't it, folks.
diana x gwyn (i don't remember their ship name): i don't even know if they can be considered a main tda couple i just wanna praise them lol
haline: i love my moms and the only reason they're not first is because i want to praise gwyn and diana
kierarktina: tbh they're super healthy and my blog is forbidden for any kierarktina slander
blackstairs: julian having a secret room full of paintings of emma is still creepy to me and there are multiple times where he just ignored how he made emma afraid/uncomf so yikes
(this one is hard af why are the tlh couples like that???)
gracetopher: they only interacted twice and that's the only reason why i can't find an unhealthy thing on their relationship. (outsiders' views are being ignored, so the issues with james and matthew aren't being taken in consideration)
thomastair: it should be healthier but the "you deserve to be deeply hated" "i'll throw you into the thames", not matter if they were empty or not, leave i sour taste in my mouth.
blackdale: i don't like the age gap i don't like the whole "command me" thing
jordelia: cordelia just keeps getting hurt in this (even if it isn't james' fault) and 90% of the moments we can james "loves" cordelia is when he's horny
kamanna: no explanations needed
ps: i didn't rank kitty because they're not, technically, a couple in tda but i would probably place them above blackstairs and below kierarktina just because 1) tda has a lot of healthy relationships between mature adults and 2) kit and ty invented miscommunication lmao
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anarmorofwords · 3 years
Your tags on the snippet!! That was exactly the plan, Cordelia and Matthew end up besties because Matthew just powers through the awkwardness because hell no he isn't wasting a perfectly amazing friend opportunity!! (Low key debated him playing matchmaker for her????)
Then Gideon and Sophie spend the rest of the fic parent trap style trying to get the boys together 😂
afqujwhets that's great!!!!
he so would, and after Cordelia's initial doubts she just realises she feels super free and comfortable around him and he makes her laugh and all that, so it would be a shame to lose that. they're just one of those "we're attractive so we slept together but we work so much better as friends" kinda people, but also don't hesitate to be affectionate/touchy and make suggestive comments about each other, but like, in a fun chill way? not flirting, more like, being just that comfortable and making most people around uncomfortable accidentally?
and actually, Matthew playing matchmaker has such potential?! of you're going for jordelia especially, because at some point Cordelia would have to meet his best friend, and Matthew would immediately realize there's chemistry there
Sophiedon my beloved, good job 😌
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superwilliemilo · 7 years
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Finished a couple of movie poster designs for the shortfilm überRICH. I had heaps of fun creating both posters and doing storyboard sequential art as well. ^_^ Go check them out, they have a Facebook page as well and follow them also on #instagram @uberrich_shortfilm Show them some love and support überRICH!! (Poster 1 of 2) @christine_milo @manonkellie @annawm @sophiedon @aliciabanit #shortfilm #uberrich #movie #posters #art #comics #pencils #inks #colours ^_^
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