#sorry I’m not trying to bash on ur favorite film ahjdjss
daydadahlias · 7 months
Me before you is one of his saddest movies I literally cry like a baby but its one of my favourite romance movies
Ok so I watched this movie last night and I definitely enjoyed looking at Sam Claflin and I thought the actors had AMAZINGGGG chemistry so it was a genuinely wonderfully fun watch until the last, like, ten minutes…. But taking that into consideration,, I will say, personally, that I’m quite tired of the narrative pushed by Hollywood that disabled people would rather die than live disabled.
Like, I’m actually entirely pro assisted suicide, so it’s nothing to do with the ethical implications of that or saying he shouldn’t have exercised this right but entirely to do with the fact that this author clearly just… didn’t do her research. Or really… talk to many disabled people from what I gathered (like saying he had a C12 injury which,, isn’t real)? Like, I watched the most beautiful documentary about disabled people’s sex lives over the summer for my human sexuality class and all of those people were so fucking happy to be alive. Like, genuinely all of them.
And I’m not saying that stories like this can’t be told because I do think it’s nice to see all perspectives on a topic and all different narratives about people’s different lives… but I think it’s sad that I can’t think of any media where disabled people are just… people who get to live happy lives. And who get to have good sex with the people they love… So, like, I enjoyed watching the movie for the most part but I did find the ending just inherently disappointing. Just because the existing pool of disabled romance is already so small, I don’t know why it all needs to be like that.
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