#sorry I've been trying to focus more on antisemitism in the diaspora and avoid talking too much about the politics of the war but
slyandthefamilybook · 11 months
yall are not gonna want to hear this but if you want to prevent bad actors from infiltrating or taking advantage of the Pro-Palestine movement you have GOT to eliminate the word Zionist from your vocabulary. taking an ideology, whether you agree with it or not, and reducing it to a group of "bad people" is exactly the kind of thing that makes it really easy for people to twist your words and message. talk about the Israeli government. talk about the IDF. talk about Zionism (after doing research and learning what it actually means, ofc). talk about structures of colonialism. but stop throwing around the word Zionist. I know you don't mean all Jews when you say Zionist, but neo-Nazis definitely do, and agreeing with them right up until they say Jews are vermin makes you really easy to manipulate, as the person in that post attests
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