#sorry Mob mah boy
cursed-anduknowit · 2 years
Choose Your Fighter!!!!
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Donatello Hamato Vs Shigeo Kageyama
@3w3 @donathan @knightish-knight @turtle-babe83 @autismswagsummit
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Can you do 29 and 78 with taeyong for the prompt thing? Also I love your writing!
Prompt: “Do you think I’m ashamed of my interest in you?” and “What do you want me to do? Tell them? ‘Hello, parents, ah yes, I am dating the boy you arrested few months back!’”
Author’s Note: YEEEES mah bOi! You bet imma knock this one out the park. Thanks a bunch for the support hun!
“I’m so sick of this shit! You don’t really care at all do you!?” Taeyong threw his hands up in defeat before turning his back to you to pace a bit and gather his thoughts. He always did this, carefully chose his words before acting out or saying them aloud. You knew it was because he was so afraid of saying something dumb in the heat of the moment. It happened so much in the past that he was terrified of lashing out on you like an idiot. 
You huffed audibly and walked up to turn him forcefully by the shoulder. You wanted to see the look in his eyes when he answered. That was how to read the man like a book without fail. “What, do you think I’m ashamed of my interest in you?” There was a deafening silence only accompanied by tension that could be cut with a knife. You just stared at each other. It was a look of understanding. Understanding that fighting over this was killing the two of you even if it was a justified argument. “I just don’t know what you wanted me to do in that situation. Why can’t you get that?” 
Taeyong’s eyes faltered to the ground and his jaw stuck out from how much he was biting down. “I get it but do you really have to lie to them? One day they’ll catch on you know. It’s pretty damn obvious when I come home beat to hell and hang around the people I do.” His tone was low, almost a growl. No longer a yell, just very harsh and hurt. 
“Taeyong! My dad’s a cop, you know that! Did you really want me to bring that shit up again?” You let your hand fall to your side limply as you back away with a scoff and a shake of the head. “What do you want me to do? Tell them? ‘Hello, parents, ah yes, I am dating the boy you arrested few months back!’ He’s a fucking Mob boss as well!” You leaned onto the kitchen counter and started to cry. You hated crying so so much. You looked down and covered your face to hide it from him. Another thing you knew for certain was that above all else Taeyong hated to see you hurt.
He walked over slowly, cautiously, and concerned. Without a word he slid his arms around your waist and gently dug his head into the crook of your neck. “I’m sorry. I was just worried. The truth will hurt them... and you. I was wrong though. I’m hurting you more by fighting it.” He drew little circles with his thumb against your waist. That was all you needed to calm down again. It grounded you back to reality, not emotion.  “I promise I’ll never hurt you like this again.”
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mordenheim · 5 years
Dr. Mordenheim’s Travels, Book 1, chapter 6:  Nightmare Night
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Luna let out a soft groan as the alarm she had set went off with a headache-inducing clamor.  She grabbed her silvery silk and down pillow and plopped it over her head as her dark, starry mane flowed out from beneath it.  She was just about to try to go back to sleep when her heavy eyelids snapped open.  Her alarm hadn’t been early, this was the day!
She quickly rolled out of bed, her silken sheets tangling about her long legs for a moment.  She rushed about her royal chambers, trying to be as quiet as possible as she got herself cleaned and dressed.  She threw open the room darkening curtains and squinted at the noon sunlight.  She poked her head out of the window and trotted out onto the balcony.  She saw no sign of the usual guards in the courtyard far below or on the ivy covered castle walls on this side.  Her dear sister had kept her promise.  She clapped her silver slipper clad forehooves with glee as she crept out onto the edge of the balcony and took wing.
A few moments later, her hooves clattered down onto the smooth, sandy stone of the ledge outside the lair of one Grumpeter Goat.  She tapped her hoof lightly on the heavily reinforced iron door.  She smiled as it opened to reveal a floating goat skull with an ever-burning candle situated between the horns.  She glanced all about to ensure that she had not been followed and slipped into the cave.
After a few moments, she emerged from the cave, seeming no different from when she entered.  Accompanied by the floating skull and a tall, slender alicorn skeleton she stretched her wings a bit as she prepared herself for the flight down to Ponyville.
“I trust we’ll be seeing you at Caramel Treat’s this evening?”  The caprine necromancer smiled, in spite of the fact that a skull should not be able to do so.
“Of course, I would not dream of missing it!  Will you be coming as well, Litch King?”
The skeleton nodded, his head bobbed up and down on his long, bony neck, “I have a few appointments set for later on, but nothing that should keep me from joining the festivities tonight.”
The princess practically squealed with glee as she lifted off from the ledge, her great wings stirred up a bit of dust and swirled dry leaves that had blown up onto the ledge.  “Tonight then, dear Grumpeter and Litch King!  I have a few more things to pick up for the festivities!”
Grumpy goat simply chuckled quietly to himself as she flitted off, then watched as a tall, slender zebra in a lab coat made his way up the path.  Yes, anyone who tried to interfere in this night’s festivities would get a few nasty surprises.
A few hours later and the Nightmare Night celebration at Caramel Treat’s was in full swing!  As the weather had been unseasonably warm, she had decided to move the celebration outdoors this year.  Corn, carrots and hay-burgers sizzled on a huge grill while buns toasted alongside clover-top scrambles on a griddle.  Princess Luna, now dressed in a heavily-stitched faux-leather version of her Nightmare Moon armor used her magic to swirl a delicious red-candy coating on a few bright green apples.
Caramel Treat and Fangrin in their huge Everfree Ridgeback wolf forms watched over their famous foal bowl as the children waiting in line were entertained by what looked like a huge, gangling horror of a scarecrow horse.  Tall as a Rom, it stumped around loudly on the four clunky wooden boards that made up its legs.  A straw-stuffed blanket made up the body of the thing, a small, scorched broom for a tail.  The head, however was perhaps the most unsettling.  It was a huge, white straw-stuffed burlap sack.  Eyes and lines for a harness had been crudely painted on the rough cloth, but where the mouth would be the fabric was brownish red as though stained with old blood.  It raced back and forth and clumped along after the children to herd them into an orderly line!  Every now and then it would rear WAY up on its spindly hind legs until it fell onto its rump.  Then it would cock its head quizzically at the children and topple over on its side like a small tree before almost magically rising back to its legs.
The foals, dressed as ghosts and goblins, princesses and adventurers laughed and giggled at the gangling thing as it spun and danced.  They then grabbed huge hoof-fulls of sweet treats from the huge foal bowl before scattering quickly off into the night.  Caramel and Fangrin laughed and smiled, glad to make so many foals happy, and adults for that matter!  They let out a howl of joy for the mares and stallions who were lined up almost around the block to purchase the delicious smelling food.
The festivities were soon interrupted, however, by two armed royal guards pushing their way through the crowd.  They shouted at the ponies to get out of their way as they rudely bullied their way towards the happily smiling princess.  She was switching from the shining red candy to smooth, butter-scented caramel to coat her apples.
“Your Highness!  What are you doing here, we were told you were sick in bed?!”
Luna, who had been completely absorbed in making the delicious sweets let out a yelp and dropped her freshly-coated apple in the dirt!  “Wh...  What are you....  Wait...”  She stammered a moment, then regained her composure.  She smiled merrily over at Grumpy who was having a bit of fun as he thumped a spiky club on the ground and pretended to chase the foals around.  “You were right, Grumpy!  This glamour makes me look just like her!”
The two guards blinked in surprise and looked at each other a moment, completely unamused.  “What nonsense are you speaking of?  If you’re not sick you need to come with us at once, you have royal obligations to fulfill!”
The princess’ voice seemed to change slightly, softening and adopting a bit of southern drawl, “Grumpy, dear?  Do us a favor and drop this glamour from me, won’tcha?  These boys ain’t gonna leave until we show ‘em and I can always just put on another costume.”
As Grumpeter trotted over, his skull grinned evilly as he leered at the guards.  He was flanked by the huge skeletal form of the Litch King, which made the guards grip their long spears a little more tightly.  “Of course, Daisy.  Don’t worry about another costume, though.  I’ll re-apply the galmour after these two have finished making fools of themselves and leave..”
The pegasus guards bristled at the comment, their wings flared out wide in agitation as Grumpeter went about his non-equine magical business.  He made a great show as he chanted archaic-sounding nonsense and made grand gestures with the club clasped in his invisible hooves.  He traced a few demonic looking symbols in the dirt before he produced a contract seemingly from thin air.  He touched it to the glowing flame of the ever-burning candle atop his skull and it FLASHED into a great green fireball.  The guards were blinded for a moment, then blinked in amazement at what they saw.
There where the princess had stood was a tall, slender white unicorn mare.  She was dressed in a cheap-looking copy of Nightmare Moon’s armor and the image of a string of daisies adorned her flank.  Her mane was a deep midnight blue and her eyes were the grayish green of a stormy sea.  
She raised a delicate hoof in greeting as she bowed to the guards.  “Mah name is Daisy Chain.  Are y’all satisfied now?”
Both of the guards stood dumbfounded for a long moment.  One of them had his wings stuck straight up in the air as he let his eyes travel over the attractive form of the lovely mare.  His partner elbowed him sharply in the ribs with a foreleg which caused his armor to clatter loudly before he doffed his helmet.  His mane was cut so close to his head and neck you could not tell what color it was supposed to be.  
“Our apologies.  We should have checked more carefully before we barged in.”
“Y.. Yeah!  Yes, um.. so... so sorry...” The other guard stammered.  A red blush had crept into his cheeks and he seemed unable to take his eyes off of Daisy.
The first guard rolled his eyes, grabbed his partner by the wing and slowly started to drag him away.
As soon as the guards were out of sight, Grumpy repeated his arcane “ritual” and sent up another mystical contract in a flash of bright green flame!  The unicorn mare, Daisy Chain was truly gone, and their nightmare princess stood proudly in her pace, decked out in her full armor.
“Huzzah!  Now we should have a fun night without interruption!”
If only that had been the case.  They did indeed have a few more hours of uninterrupted merriment before trouble approached once more.
The two huge werewolves and Peanut Brittle, who had been disguised as a classic Canterlot gargoyle all rolled their eyes in unison.  Hortimer, proud leader of the infamous Celestian Church had stormed onto the scene in all of his “glory”.  With a gang of about five or six unicorns in tow behind him there was sure to be trouble.  They approached the gay festivities quickly, bellowed their false scripture and attempted to chase off the poor foals and hungry customers who were attending the party.  The ragged scarecrow pony went stock-still nearby as Luna just continued to cook.  She had moved over to a swiftly bubbling fryer and had just started a batch of fresh funnel cakes when the unwelcome guests had arrived.  She tried desperately tried to make sure they would not burn.  She kept herself as quiet as she was able and carefully listened to what was happening.  She sincerely hoped that she would not have to break her ruse and use her station as princess to stop the gathered mob of overblown unicorn supremacists.
“You should all be ashamed of yourselves, cavorting around, dressed as foul, demonic beasts and glorifying the evil night mare!”
Grumpeter was just about to mumble the word “Blooper!" to cast his favorite non-lethal spell, Friday the 13th, on the unruly unicorns when the towering Litch King laid a cold, bony hoof on his shoulder and pointed slowly off to the side.  The horrific looking scarecrow pony had started to wiggle its way closer to the group.  A larger unicorn stallion with olive drab fur and a bright, if greasy, royal blue mane and tail had picked up a large rock and hurled it into the crowd.  It had narrowly missed a young filly before she dashed out of the way.  Turning his likely drunken gaze towards the decorations, he noticed the huge, gangling scarecrow nearby.  He turned his back to the straw-horse, reared up and delivered a powerful kick which knocked it onto its side with a loud clattering of wood.  Snorting at what he thought was just a decoration, he resumed his raucous shouts.
Soon, their yells and jeers were joined by a great clattering and cracking of splintering wood. The sound of a heavy saddle blanket being torn asunder filled the air along with a series of sharp snaps as heavy leather straps burst apart.  Slowly, what had once been a scarecrow rose up on all fours, towering over the Celestian congregation.  An ancient-looking timberwolf, its body shot through with thorny vines, rot and fungus glared down at them as demonic magic seemed to flow freely from its sunken, glowing green eyes.  The horrid beast was easily the size of a pony-drawn carriage and a foul ichor drooled from its wooden-stake fangs.  It let out a deafening roar that all in attendance would later remark sounded like a hurricane tearing a forest to shreds.  Before any of them could react, the huge beast leapt high into the air with frightening ease, landed in the center of the gaggle of unicorns with a crash and scattered them in all directions!
Hortimer was the first cowardly pony out of there as he quickly scrambled off.  He did his best to keep himself low to the ground, clutched at his holy symbol and prayed he would not be seen by the ravening monster.  The rest of the motley crew rapidly scrambled off into the relative safety of the night in random directions save one.  The huge timberwolf pursued the shrieking olive drab pony off into the brush of the Everfree.  The bleached bone skull of the Litch King gave Grumpeter a knowing grin as he swiftly vanished from sight.  After a few moments there was a loud cry in the distance.  Had it been a scream, or some kind of bird call?  None at the party could tell.  All they knew was that the skeletal alicorn returned a few moments later, a horribly satisfied grin spread across his skull.
About an hour later, the party was back in full swing.  The happy foals had begun to sing and play as the adults enjoyed the wonderful food and games. Luna let out a slight sneeze as her muzzle was suddenly covered with suddenly cinnamon sugar! The top of her shaker had flown off while she tried to finish off another batch of warm funnel cakes.  Caramel enjoyed making a nice profit as well!  
Eventually, the ragged scarecrow pony slowly stumped its way out of the forest on its thin stick legs as good as new.  Perhaps even a bit better as the body looked a bit more thoroughly stuffed than it had earlier in the night and the stains on the muzzle of the burlap head looked to be a much brighter red hue and fresh almost to the point of dripping.  
As it clattered its way past Grumpy the sly goat whispered, “Enjoy your meal, Doctor?”
The bulbous burlap head wrinkled and shifted slowly into a sly wink and a wicked grin before the creature went back to its job of herding the foals.
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gleefail · 4 years
Glee Memories: 1x9 Wheels
A long, long time ago, as Glee was approaching graduation in Season 3, I found myself nostalgic with some rare free time on my hands. So I decided to rewatch the series from the beginning and jot down some memories, discrepancies that have arisen since, fave quotes, tally solos - all that good stuff, strictly for shits and giggles.
8 years later (eek!) and once more I find myself with an unexpected abundance of free time. With so many revisiting or being newly introduced to the show between binge watching during Quarantine and all the tragedy that has surrounded the show since it went off the air, I figured I’d finish what I started. And by finish, I mean go through the end of S3. Cause I truly cannot acknowledge what happened after that. Except for 5B.
Kicking this off by reposting the first 15 episodes I already went through. Enjoy!
1x9 Wheels I haven’t addressed yet that this voice-over “Here’s what you missed on Glee” guy is different…will be interesting to see when they changed it.
um…when did Kurt tell everyone that he was gay? Didn’t he only come out to Mercedes and his dad so far? I definitely missed that on Glee
Holy crap. I forgot about this Cheerios jump rope number.
This is when I started not liking S1 Quinn. When she started being just plain mean to Finn even as she lied to him about the baby being his. Uncalled for. Although her calling out that he’s a peabrain is hella-necessary.
Figgins can’t pay for a bus for Artie to get to sectionals. Understandable? Is that like, legal?
Makes total sense that Sue has boosters that provide funds for traveling etc. Doesn’t make sense that the Glee club never started music boosters….not to me anyways.
Will’s right. In high school, some of the best trips were rides to other schools for volleyball games and showchoir competitions together. Although that almost always involved people mooning out the back window. And getting to third base under letterman jackets. Just my school? Anyone else?
Aw…Tina is looking at Artie from afar…not necessarily romantically…concerned? Whatever the reason, it’s cute.
Aw, Kurt’s so excited about Defying Gravity
let the record show, Mr. Schue just handed a solo to Rachel for a competition for the first time ever. But not the last. Don’t get me started.
“Don’t worry. We’ll find something for you to…dip in chocolate” Two things: 1. Yes you will. And his name is Sam Evans. (’wanky’). 2. No, you won’t Mr. Schue. No. You. Won’t. #oops
“I mean, bake sales are kind of bourgee” “So hip people stopped eating delicious, sugary treats?” “It’s not that, it’s that most of us don’t know how to bake. I find recipes confusing.” I love every moment of this exchange. And
Britany’s officially not all there now. :) Yaaaay!
Aw, poor Artie and the peer pressure of having to say he doesn’t mind when he’s clearly hurt by people he thinks are his friends. Poor guy.
It really does impress me how Kevin McHale manages to completely lose use of his legs. Even when he’s boppin in his wheelchair. I don’t think I could do it.
Jenna Ushkowitz is flat out adorable laughing at her lunch table in slow motion.
Aw Tina. These original members really do all have a lil special place in my heart. Before RIB screwed most of them over.
Ruh roh, I know that look. Mr. Schue is getting an idea watching Artie jamming around in his wheelchair…
Why is Kurt wearing a gangsta bandana on his head?
“But I’m happy to have you try out something else, Kurt. And I’ll make sure it’s got a killer high note” No. No, you won’t Schue. Ugh. Three seasons of empty promises and he won Teacher of the Year? Riiiight.
“Well, you’re irritating most of the time but…don’t take that personally”
“Preach!” Yes!!! There’s the Artie I know and love! It makes me giggle more seeing moments like this knowing he asks Amber to show him how to do it, lol.
hahahahaha – Finn just got hit in the back of the head with someone’s baseball bat! Rachel just got her lunch spilled all over her! Oh, happiness.
“it’s what I have left of my pool cleaning money. After I bought dip and numchucks” 
Quinn is so pretty in regular clothes with her hair down in season one. I would buy that THIS is the girl everyone wants to be. She’s totes that popular, bitchy girl who has everything.
“It would be pretty awesome if it came out with a Mohawk”
Aw, this food fight is still so cute. I feel like we haven’t seen Quinn laugh like that since until she was going up that ramp with Artie cheering her on. So cute.
“It’s not about a guy, is it? Cause…I’m not ready to have that conversation.” “At least you don’t have to worry about me getting someone pregnant” snicker snicker. True dat.
“You sing like a girl – in a good way”
So…yeah, they were doing Defying Gravity for Sectionals…what happened to that?
Ugh. So stupid Rachel is complaining about having to audition for a solo. It’s showchoir. You should have to audition for EVERY solo and anyone who wants to can. …but it’s Glee
“We all know I’m more popular than Rachel – and I dress better than her…”
“Your right hand, Britany” *Santana whispers to her “it’s this one”* Yup. Not all there. There’s mah girl!
I love that instead of saying “I promise to vote for whoever sings the song better”, Mercedes blatantly says to Kurt “I promise to vote FOR YOU” with a big smile. I love Kurtcedes. Have I said that yet?
“Maybe one of these days you’ll find a way to create teaching moments without ruining my life.” Oh he will Rachel. He’ll just ruin everyone else’s.
“Those are what I call ‘lazy makers’”
Figgins is making Sue hold auditions to replace Quinn on the Cheerios. How do they not try out in the first place?
“and as soon as a cheerleader rolls herself out onto the field in a wheelchair she becomes decidedly less effective at cheering people up. It’s just a fact.”
“Stop attacking me. I’m sick of it” I like this Finn. Where did he come from? And where did he go?
I never ever ever realized that that was Kurt auditioning for the Cheerios with a baton. OMG!
haha, also never realized that the “freak” did the splits and clearly landed on his junk but tried to play it like he was fine. HAAAAA!
“Becky, I’m gonna stop you right there. You’re in.” YAY!
“I’m just saying, she has a point; you are kind of an idiot.” Truth.com, Puck.
“It’s just like you, with your stutter” Tina’s reaction said it all. “But I wanna be very clear: I still have the use of my penis.” HAAAAAAA!!! And Artie’s “why did I say that?!” look afterwards. Golden.
Kurt warming up to a high F while Burt gets the “your son’s a fag” phone call. So damn sad.
“Sometimes I just…I wish your mom was still around, y’know?” Aw, Burt. So happy you’ll find Carol.
“I don’t wanna win out of charity. I wanna win the solo because it’s right for the club. I really think that the judges at Sectionals will find a female version of Defying Gravity much more accessible.” Lies and manipulation and selfishness of Rachel Berry. And it begins.
“People just don’t like me.” “Yeah, you might wanna work on that” Yup. You might, Rachel. Too bad ya never really did unless it was to benefit you. hahaha, Puck put a lil pot in the cupcakes. I totally forgot about that. omg. There’s a loooot of flannel in that lunch room. What is that about?
Haha. Puck buying pot from Sandy. “The doctor said the shark fractured my spinal cord.” “This is why I don’t go to the aquarium.”
Sue’s mean don’t discriminate because of handicap, gender, religion, or sexual preference.
“You think this is hard? Try auditioning for Baywatch and being told they’re going in a different direction. THAT was hard.” Truth.
“Oh, I bully everyone, William. That’s the way I roll”
First official Diva-off!! I remember I soooo wanted Kurt to win, but it was all over his face that something was up ever since Burt told him about that phone call.
First sacrifice for Rachel Berry. Go.
Even back then when I liked Rachel Berry, I didn’t like her singing this song. I think my dislike of her started right around here. Like “who does she think she is, trying to sing this song better than Idina, when she knows damn well, coming from Broadway, who Idina is!?” that was me, lol. My point is I still don’t like her on this song. It has a special place in my heart and I need more of a powerhouse on it, and someone whose soul I can hear when they sing it, not just trying to sing pretty.
“’It’ is a ‘she’.” That’s a cute moment. :)
Ok. Ohhhhh boy. Finn got a job by pretending to be handicapped and stuck in a wheelchair. But wasn’t it Finn that 2 seasons later berates Quinn for not announcing that she’s improved to now be able to stand/walk to get votes for Prom Queen? I just…I refrain from comment. It’ll get ugly.
Aw, Artie is donating the money to get a ramp put in the auditorium instead of using it to get a bus to go to Sectionals with everyone. Way to take one for the team, Artie. He’s a good guy.
Sue donated the $600 to rent the bus for Sectionals. Aw. I knew something was up at that point. Lies. I knew something was up when she told Will “You don’t know the FIRST thing about me.”
Aw, Jean. This relationship was so sweet.
AWWWWW – Artie’s face after Tina kisses him!!!
Aw. Artie’s face after Tina admits that she’s faking her stutter. :(
“I’m sorry now you get to be normal and I’m gonna be stuck in this chair for the rest of my life. And that’s not something I can fake.” Aw, man. So sad.
“I’m just saying that I love you more than I love being a star.” Oh Kurt. You little angel.
Ok. There are no words for how I felt when I found out Glee was doing Proud Mary. Here’s the thing: Me and my theatre friends always go to karaoke and take turns singing this song. And then the rest of us kinda flash mob it and rush the stage once the tempo picks up in synchronized back-up dancing. And it’s the highlight of our night and the best tradition when we can get everyone together to do it. Once people came up and asked if we were some group of performers that the bar hired to come do it. It’s soooo much fun. It has such a special place in my heart. I do it now for warm-ups with my high school kids when we need to unwind. And I always use this Glee version. Cause I loves Amber Riley and Kevin McHale and Jenna Ushkowitz on it. Things like this are what make me sad that Glee-ers are graduating more than missing the show itself or the writing; the memories made along the way. And the things like this that just make me smile.
Lol, one of my friends loved the duplicity of them singing this. Cause it was ‘rollin’ for Artie and ‘Mary’ for Kurt. He was gay, so I guess he was allowed to say things like that cause he owned it, lol.
This number is so effing awesome. And the costumes and hair are super cute.
I love the behind the scenes of this where Cory talks about when Amber fell out of her wheelchair and he just heard a crash followed  by incessant laughing. SOLOS: Artie (2), Rachel (1), Kurt (1), Mercedes (1), Tina (1)
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