#sorry about the UMC
firstumcschenectady · 2 months
“Hosanna” based on Psalm 118:1-4, 19-24 and Matthew 21:1-11
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Within Christianity, we use “Hosanna” to express joy, and praise, and adoration. Just one little issue with that – the actual meaning of the word. Hosanna is a Hebrew word meaning “Save us, we pray!” The people around Jesus weren't shouting “Great is God” or “Jesus is good!” or “YAY, Jesus, YAY God!” Instead, they were shouting, “God, save us from our oppressor” which was clearly the Roman Empire, who – let's be honest – didn't appreciate that. “God, help us, the enemy is bigger than we can take on ourselves.” “God, we're in over our heads, help us out here!”
And, of course, they were shouting, “Save us, we pray” during a PASSOVER celebration, when Passover celebrates God's actions in saving the people from oppression in Egypt, which made the Roman Empire's representatives a “little bit” antsy.
The Roman Empire's representative Pontius Pilate was already coming to the city, like he did every year at Passover, with soldiers and fanfare meant to keep the Jewish people in check. The Roman Empire saw QUITE CLEARLY that getting a whole bunch of people together in the city to celebrate God's acts of freeing them from oppression was a tinderbox for revolt, and they sought to tamp it down with displays of power and reminders of their violent capacity. In fact, they came in from Pilate's normal abode on the Mediterranean – so from the West. With gleaming horses, and banners with the golden Eagle of Rome, with drums and the crowds shouting “Hail Caesar, son of God; Praise be to the Savior who brought the Roman Peace; Caesar is Lord….” the Empire sought to intimidate people out of revolt.
Then there was Jesus. Jesus who seems to have let the crowd claim kingship of Ancient Israel on his behalf, which sometimes feels a little bit strange but is in the story nonetheless. The Palm branches were a flag of Israel- the opposite of the Golden Eagle. The donkey was expected to be ridden by the Messiah entering the city – but also is rather opposite a gleaming horse. The soldiers accompanied Pilate – while a large crowd of people impoverished by the Empire accompanied Jesus. And Instead of “Hail Caesar” the people shouted “God Save Us (from the empire).”
The Roman Empire took this Jesus parade as a significant threat.
I believe they were meant to. The protest made the violence of the Empire stand out. They crucified Jesus with the accusation “King of the Jews” above his head, as if this was the charge against him. And, after all, they shouldn't have killed the leader of a PEACEFUL revolt, only a violent one. But sometimes the authorities have a hard time telling the difference between violence and what scares them. (Still true today.)
Then, of course, Jesus did another PEACEFUL demonstration – this time managing to make visible the ways the Empire had put in place Temple leaders who were aligned with Empire and not God's people. That one many of us learned as the “Cleansing of the Temple.” John Dominic Crossan reflects on the “den of robbers” the Temple is said to be saying, “Notice, by the way, that a 'den' is not where robbers do their robbing but where they flee for safety with the spoils they have robbed elsewhere.” (God and Empire, 133.)
Jesus made clear the city of Jerusalem was where “conservative religion and imperial oppression – had become serenely complicit.” (131) And, he dies for it. Crossan says, “He did not go to get himself killed or to get himself martyred. Mark insists that Jesus knew in very specific detail what was going to happen to him – read Mark 10:33-34, for example – but that is simply Marks' way of insisting that all was accepted by both God and Jesus. Accepted, be it noted, but not willed, wanted, needed or demanded.” (131)
Beloveds, this Palm Sunday parade is one of the most brilliant acts of non-violent direct action I've ever heard of, but it is part of the story of why the Empire responded with violence. I can't hear the Palm Sunday story without knowing that it walks us to the Good Friday Crucifixion and the Holy Saturday grief and disillusion. They're all a part of this one story – that when you make clear the ways people are oppressing others, there is a fierce lash-back and the power of violence is immense. Thank God, that isn't the whole story – we get to Easter next week – but it is a real story, one that we can't dismiss.
This year, the Palm Sunday parade that walks Jesus into Jerusalem sounds terrifyingly like Nex Benedict walking into school on their last day. I can't separate out Jesus being faithful to God despite the consequences from gender-queer and non-binary people claiming their space in the world – despite the consequences. But, friends, it is sickening.
There is a story out there, one that says people are supposed to stay in tight little conformist boxes that help others make sense of the world and, heavens, the VIOLENCE that comes out when people speak up and say, “this box doesn't fit me.” And it can be such small stuff:
I'm a woman, but the box “quiet and gentle” doesn't fit me
I'm a man, but the box “stoic” doesn't' fit me
I'm a woman, but the box “looking for a man” doesn't' fit me
I'm a man, but the box “looking for a woman” doesn't' fit me
… the box “wants to have kids” doesn't fit me
… the box “monogamy” doesn't fit me
… the box “woman” doesn't fit me
… the box “man” doesn't fit me
… the box “gendered” doesn't fit me.
And, I mean, you all know this but... WHO CARES? They're all just silly little made up boxes that no one should be forced into and everyone should have the space to occupy, or adapt or not occupy as they see fit? Sure, some people want the world to be black and white without shades of gray – that everyone is cis-gendered, straight, sexual, and single raced ;) But, too bad because that's just not true.
And yet, the violence that comes when people try to force others back into the boxes they think they should live in – it reminds me of the violence of empire. There seem to be gleaming horses, loud drums, and shiny swords all over the place. And, worse, it isn't just the external violence that attacks people – the very people who are brave enough to leave their ill-fitting boxes behind end up internalizing the violence. They're courageous, they're clear, they know who they are and they won't go back to pretending to be otherwise – but that violence is so darn insidious, and it gets inside them. Those silly stories about how we're supposed to be are so poisonous. That human need for connection gets twisted around and turned against people. And the beautiful ones who are brave and unique and wonderful end up dead.
Jesus could have stayed out of Jerusalem, except he couldn't.
Nex could have pretend to have their gender assigned at birth, except they couldn't.
They couldn't. It would have been safer, easier, …. some would say wiser. But they couldn't.
Friends, as you know, the trans and queer communities around the country and world are aching for Nex and Nex's family and friends. Their death has reminded people of prior losses, of other brave and beautiful souls who also internalized the violence against them. The heartbreaks are everywhere.
This holy week, we will worship through the blessings of Jesus, the death of Jesus, the heartbreak of the disciples, and land on the wondrous reality that God's work can't be stopped by violence or death.
But how do we make sense of Nex? And the ones before them? And the ones after them? How do face the violence of the Empire today, and the ways it gets internalized?
There aren't easy asnwers.
We grieve.
And we share the aches with God.
And we name the problems with each other.
And we keep on learning how to undercut the broken narrative, and break open little boxes, and keep people safe when they leave them.
We aren't going to do it fast enough – we already haven't, but just because we can't do it immediately doesn't mean we can stop. Jesus showed us the power of violence to stop people, and the ways religion can become complicit with violence. And he paid for it, paid to teach us those lessons. But we have them! So, we know that God and love are more powerful than violence, and love is the way we respond. And we know that religion that oppresses isn't religion at all, and we shout it from the rooftops.
God save us.
We pray.
Rev. Sara E. Baron First United Methodist Church of Schenectady 603 State St. Schenectady, NY 12305 Pronouns: she/her/hers http://fumcschenectady.org/ https://www.facebook.com/FUMCSchenectady
March 24, 2024
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curiosityschild · 1 year
Anyone else feeling absolutely unhinged this fine Sunday evening? Or is it just me
#hhhhhh absolutely has been A DAY#this is a very familiar feeling I just haven't been able to name it yet and I don't know how to counteract it#distractions aren't really working and that's sort of my go to can I just explode instead????#my church voted this morning not to leave the UMC over the issue of human sexuality#well actually it was more of a vote to see if we even needed a vote only one person voted leave (lmao) so we don't need another vote#been dreading that for a while so it's nice to have that resolved I mean I knew it was going to go this way but you know#our church tends to be tight lipped over politics so it was a welcome surprise to hear a few people voice their support for lgbtq#even though we weren't supposed to actually be talking about that anyway that was heartening#this whole thing isn't really over though not until the general conference meets in 2024 not much I can do until then though but wait#and honestly I'm probably going to end up leaving the UMC anyway#because I really would rather be in a church that is explicitly queer affirming but we'll just wait and see what 2024 brings#ANYWAY the BAD news is I got to hear my brother say that gay people are fine and all#but that the bible explicitly condemns homosexual relationships#and then in his typical manner tried to ignore my requests to not talk about this topic while I was trapped in a car with him#but I was defended by my mom and my sister#who have GOT to suspect I'm gay at this point there's no way they don't lmao#so that's great me and him are moving in complete opposite directions#and THEN i went grocery shopping with my mom and it was busy and I was tired and I had been wearing my binder too long#so I think the whole day just led to a bit of an overload#I think I'm just going to take some melatonin and try to sleep I'm done good lord sorry for the tag rant#👍👍👍👍👍 everything's fine goodnight
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hello :)
First off I’d like to apologize because I only recently discovered your blog at a time of great need, and have been reblogging so many posts lol so sorry if that’s annoying.
I’m in my early twenties, it’s almost my birthday, and I was born into a family with two affirming Catholic parents and three affirming siblings of various beliefs. I’ve pretty much always been comfortable with the fact that I am not heterosexual, and tend to have some beliefs that are not reallllllly accepted by mainstream American Christianity. Because of this, your blog has been incredibly comforting, informative, and thought provoking, so I thank you for that.
I was wondering if you had any resources for how different denominations thought of nature and wild spaces. I know there’s a lot of garden imagery within the Bible, such as in the Song of Songs, but I was always taught in my religious teaching that wild spaces, such as mountains and forests, were like realms of the devil or something. One verse that was pretty common in my local church is something about filling the deserts and leveling mountains to make a path for God (sorry if I’m remembering that incorrectly). Because I’ve only been to Catholic Churches, I was wondering if other groups and denominations had different views on nature rather than untamed = bad and taming the environment = good.
Thank you and have a nice day
Hey there, anon! Not annoying at all to reblog posts, that's what they're here for ^-^
My Catholic self is so happy to hear that your Catholic family is affirming of who you are!
I'm sadder to hear that you were taught much less affirming things about the created world. You are so right to have noticed that the Bible is chock-full of praise for creation! The twisting of Christianity to say otherwise has a long history with an intentional agenda of justifying settler colonialism and environmental devastation.
I wish I had more time to look through specific denominations' points of view for you, but if I wait till I do have time I'll probably never get around to answering this, alas! I can provide this much, at least:
One term that some use when describing their support of environmental justice is "Creation Care" (or "earth care"), so that's a good key phrase to use when researching.
For example, here's the Episcopal Church's page on creation care; and the UMC's, and a Catholic site; and a PCUSA site; and the UCC's...
However, I'm not sure that views on the natural world always split neatly on denominational lines anyway. Moving beyond the denominational, I'll loosely describe some of the viewpoints in Christianity around Creation:
Thanks to Paul incorporating a lot of Greco-Roman ideology into his letters that made it into the Bible, and thanks to Christianity getting entangled in Roman Empire shit in like the 400s CE, some Christianity uplifts a strong dualism between the spiritual and the material. When you pit the spiritual and material against each other in this way, it tends to be bad news for the natural world.
The belief expressed throughout the rest of the Bible — so the Hebrew Bible + much of the Gospels — doesn't construct this binary between the spiritual and the physical. The created world is declared good by God in Genesis 1, and Creation is praised throughout the Psalms and other scripture. The place of human beings in the created world is explored in various parts of the Bible, with various conclusions being drawn — are we in charge? What's it mean to be in charge? Is the whole planet ours to do with as we please, or are are we meant to care for it?
A major example of Christians deciding that the planet is ours to do with as we will comes in the form of the settlers who colonized the Americas. Research manifest destiny for lots of info on the consequences of these views. The Americas, and this whole planet, are suffering greatly because of this way of interpreting the Bible. Thankfully, there are other ways.
The Catholic Church itself actually has a healthier way of understanding Creation in theory, even if the institution doesn't always make choices that practice what they preach. Here's a bit of what the Roman Catholic Catechism says about the natural world:
339 Each creature possesses its own particular goodness and perfection. For each one of the works of the "six days" it is said: "And God saw that it was good." "By the very nature of creation, material being is endowed with its own stability, truth and excellence, its own order and laws." Each of the various creatures, willed in its own being, reflects in its own way a ray of God's infinite wisdom and goodness. Man must therefore respect the particular goodness of every creature, to avoid any disordered use of things which would be in contempt of the Creator and would bring disastrous consequences for human beings and their environment.
340 God wills the interdependence of creatures. The sun and the moon, the cedar and the little flower, the eagle and the sparrow: the spectacle of their countless diversities and inequalities tells us that no creature is self-sufficient. Creatures exist only in dependence on each other, to complete each other, in the service of each other.
341 The beauty of the universe: The order and harmony of the created world results from the diversity of beings and from the relationships which exist among them. Man discovers them progressively as the laws of nature. They call forth the admiration of scholars. The beauty of creation reflects the infinite beauty of the Creator and ought to inspire the respect and submission of man's intellect and will.
There's a lot more — check out the Catechism's section on "the visible world" (you have to scroll to it) on this webpage.
Ultimately, in the search for interpretations of Christianity that uplift the goodness of Creation, and our role not as masters but as stewards of it, I highly recommend digging into the works of Indigenous Christians. As white Christianity colludes with empire and wreaks having on the land, Indigenous Christians speak up for the goodness of God's creation.
A fabulous starting point is Native: Identity, Belonging, and Rediscovering God by Kaitlin B. Curtice. It's a short memoir, very readable and powerful.
Rescuing the Gospel from the Cowboys by Richard Twiss is a little denser, but extremely informative. You can also find interviews and the like with Twiss online, if reading is less your thing.
My own Christian faith has also been deeply enriched by non-Christian Indigenous authors — especially Robin Wall Kimmerer, whose book Braiding Sweetgrass changed my life. I was so inspired by her description of human beings not as the masters of creation but as the "little siblings of Creation" that I wrote this poem about it.
Many Black and Latine theologians have also been integral to me in shaping my understanding of Creation and humanity's place in it. Another memoir I highly recommend is This Here Flesh by Cole Arthur Riley, which talks about a variety of things, including a bit on the natural world. Take this passage, for example.
Finally, there are some gorgeous writings on Creation from Medieval Christians like Francis of Assisi and Hildegard von Bingen.
One last couple of book recs for a look at the holiness of creation: Barbara Brown Taylor's An Altar in the World and Sister Macrina Wiederkehr's A Tree Full of Angels.
I hope this helps somewhat! If you haven't already, you might enjoy wandering through my #Creation tag too.
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kanjukucompany · 2 years
【A3! Translation】 Sky Gallery (1/11)
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masterlist / next chapter
NATSUGUMI FIGHTO!!!!! good luck to anyone else tiering, and happy birthday kumon!
(translation under the cut)
(glitch text ignore)
Chapter 1
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Tenma: Oh, here he comes.
Izumi: Great job, Misumi-kun!
Misumi: Thanks for coming to watch today, everyone!
Kumon: Sumi-san's play was super entertaining!
Kazunari: Even though you were a guest performer, your presence was totally strong~.
Muku: You played an excellent part...!
Tenma: The story and the production were enjoyable, too.
Yuki: And the costumes.
Misumi: Ehehe!
Izumi: (I was surprised to hear Misumi-kun received an offer for a guest performance, but I'm glad to see he's doing well.)
Izumi: (He's got extraordinary acting sense, so I hope he'll get more opportunities like this.)
Kazunari: I'm scrolling SNS right now, and Sumi's reputation is popping! People are even saying they're gonna be his #1 stans after this!
Muku: Even though it's only opening night, people already feel that way?
Kumon: That was quick~.
Yuki: I mean, this is SNS people we're talking about. It's like Kazunari-to-Kazunari communication.
Kumon: The story this time was about a journey, so now I wanna go on a trip too.
Misumi: Yeah, yeah, I get that!
Muku: Should we have another training camp?
Yuki: Training camps and traveling are completely different.
Izumi: It's nice to just take a relaxing vacation once in a while.
Tenma: I won't be able to do anything for a while. I've got a lot of location shoots to do for dramas, so my schedule's packed.
Kumon: Really~.
Muku: You mentioned having to record a variety show yesterday.
Misumi: Tenma's super busy~!
Yuki: Then why don't we just go without him?
Tenma: Oi!
Kazunari: Ah, I'm actually preparing for a group exhibition right now, so I'm also kinda busy.
Izumi: Speaking of, you said the process was really difficult, right?
Kazunari: I've finished my piece for the exhibition, but I've still got a lot to do.
Kumon: Sumi-san's also in the middle of his performance, so we'll have to wait until everyone settles down again, huh~.
Muku: I hope we can all go together next time.
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Kazunari: Sweeeet, the print looks awesome~! The colors came out perfectly. You go, me!
Kamo: Hey there, Miyoshi-san.
Kazunari: Oh, 'sup Kamon. How's it hanging~?
Kamo: Long time no see.
Kamo: Even though we go to the same university, it's rare for us to bump into each other like this.
Kazunari: Yeah, I just finished these invitations for the group exhibition. Here, take one.
Kamo: Thank you. What a cool design, it feels really lively.
Kazunari: Right? I don't get as many chances to do many student exhibitions anymore, so if you wanna see it, please come!
Kamo: I'll definitely be there.
Kamo: Are you planning on becoming a designer after graduation, Miyoshi-san?
Kazunari: Umm~, I mean, not exactly a designer... I'm gonna be an UMC!
Kamo: An..... UMC?
Kazunari: Basically, a profession that does everything I want to do. Including traditional Japanese painting, graphic design, and acting.
Kazunari: I guess it's kinda like a freelancer? I'm still trying to figure out what exactly I'm gonna do.
Kamo: I see... That seems like something you'd do, Miyoshi-san.
Kamo: Most of the people I know who are aspiring designers plan on working for a company or design firm to gain experience before branching out on their own...
Kamo: Judging from all you've done and accomplished so far with that theatre company, I think you'd be able to make it as a freelancer.
Kamo: Though if you're going to be a designer, I'd recommend building connections with companies other than your theatre company while you can.
Kazunari: I see~.
Kamo: ....Sorry for saying something so snobby!
Kazunari: No, it's okay! It was helpful!
Kamo: Good luck with your exhibition!
Kazunari: Thanksies~.
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Kazunari: Feast your eyes, everyone! An invitation to my upcoming exhibition!
Muku: Wahh~, amazing! It's so stylish!
Yuki: Not bad.
Izumi: It's Kazunari-kun's design, after all.
Kazunari: Everyone's coming, right~.
Kumon: Of course! Let's all go together, when do you wanna go?
Muku: I'm free whenever.
Misumi: I'm still doing performances, but I could probably go on a day where there's only a soiree~!
Tenma: It lasts for three days, huh... my schedule's completely full.
Kazunari: Ehh~!! Tenten won't come...
Tenma: I don't have a choice, I've got a job to do.
Kazunari: What's more important to you, work or me!?
Tenma: Work.
Kazunari: He didn't even hesitate!
Kumon: Whaat~! You gotta think that over a little more! What about work versus me!?
Tenma: Work.
Misumi: Then, what about me or work?
Tenma: It's always work!
Misumi: Tenma...
Tenma: Why are you acting so shocked!?
Izumi: Ahaha.
(door opens)
Tsuzuru: I'm home.
Kumon: Oh, welcome back~.
Kazunari: Tsuzurun, get a load of this!!
Tsuzuru: ?
Kazunari: Tenten is putting his job before me!
Tsuzuru: What are you even talking about.
Tenma: Tsuzuru-san, if it'll shut Kazunari up, go to the exhibition for me. Please.
Tsuzuru: Miyoshi-san's exhibition? Aren't you going with Summer Troupe?
Kazunari: I'd be happy if others came, too!
Muku: Let's go together!
Izumi: It's good to get some different input every now and then, right?
Tsuzuru: Well, I don't really see go see art much, so it could be fun.
Tsuzuru: Even though I've still got some time until then, I've been thinking about Summer Troupe's upcoming play, I may even get some ideas for it.
Muku: Yay! I'm looking forward to it.
Yuki: We still need to set a date.
Kazunari: Tenten's work comes first, so it's impossible for him to join, huh.
Kumon: Yeah, Tenma-san's work comes first, huh.
Misumi: Work comes first, huh...
Tenma: Quit repeating yourselves!
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freehawaii · 21 days
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Empty Apologies… On January 17, 1993, coinciding with the solemn observance of the 100th anniversary of the overthrow of the Hawaiian Kingdom, the United Church of Christ (UCC) formally apologized for the role that its leaders played in the overthrow of the Hawaiian Kingdom in 1893. The apology was publicly announced and presented by representatives of the national leadership of the UCC. That apology prompted the Hawaii delegation to the US Congress to convince their colleagues to pass a Joint Resolution of Congress that was signed into law as US Public Law 103-150 by US President William Jefferson Clinton on November 23, 1993. By this public law the US also apologized for its involvement in the overthrow of the Hawaiian Kingdom in 1893. What has become of these high profile public apologies?  The UMC Apology was followed a year later with pledges of millions in money and property as compensation from the UCC to the Hawaiian people for the wrongful act. The US Apology pledged to initiate reconciliation between the US and the native Hawaiians who suffered the consequences of the wrongful taking of their nation. In the 31 years since the issuance of these apologies, there has been no measurable or noticeable movement toward reconciliation. In fact conditions have grown worse. The US and the UCC have demonstrated by their inaction not only lack of follow-through but no intention of ever correcting the wrongs they admitted they committed. Years ago, a friend said to me, “The trouble with people today is they think… if we say it; we have done it!” This is so true. Apologies today mean nothing as people do not seem to think they need to do anything to repair a wrong or offense. No acts of repentance, no making things pono. Just say sorry, then move on. In April, a resolution was adopted by the General conference of the United Methodist Church (UMC) apologizing for the role its pastors and churches of that denomination played in the overthrow of the Hawaiian Kingdom in 1893 and after. Announcement of this recent apology by the UMC is pending. The resolution calls for “Acts of Repentance.” Will this prove to be sincere? Or will it go the way of the UCC’s “compensation” and the US’ “reconciliation”? Hopefully, this will not be another empty apology that makes no difference except to give self-serving offenders a platform to absolve themselves of their own guilt and move on. Insincere apologies are not only empty words. When issued with no effort to repair the wrong, they are insulting and more offensive to those to whom the apologies are addressed… and to all fair minded people in this world.  
“Love of country is deep-seated in the breast of every Hawaiian, whatever his station.” — Queen Liliʻuokalani ---------- Ua mau ke ea o ka ʻāina i ka pono. The sovereignty of the land is perpetuated in righteousness. ------ For the latest news and developments about our progress at the United Nations in both New York and Geneva, tune in to Free Hawaii News at 6 PM the first Friday of each month on ʻŌlelo Television, Channel 53. ------ "And remember, for the latest updates and information about the Hawaiian Kingdom check out the twice-a-month Ke Aupuni Updates published online on Facebook and other social media." PLEASE KŌKUA… Your kōkua, large or small, is vital to this effort... To contribute, go to:   • GoFundMe – CAMPAIGN TO FREE HAWAII • PayPal – use account email: [email protected] • Other – To contribute in other ways (airline miles, travel vouchers, volunteer services, etc...) email us at: [email protected] All proceeds are used to help the cause. MAHALO! Malama Pono,
Leon Siu
Hawaiian National
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Better have some solid f*** him status for me. I'm f****** done with these stupid ass f**** too
Why can't you just shut them up why can't you f****** come down and just shoot him the f****** face you stupid ass f**** like I'm so f****** tired of your f****** annoying excuses and period damn dude MCU this you this is your f****** game plan or something you took f****** meetings and this is what the end result of your f****** stupid ass f****** meetings
What a worthless f****** crew I never expected this out of all UMC DC you f****** god like Omega f****** power d****** m************
Assessment of sorry as f****** operation that ever seen in my life under my watch this will never f****** happen you should stupid ass f****** losers
You see how annoying these m************ are you see how annoying that nothing gets done that keeps f****** spew a f****** b******* comes out of their belt but you don't do anything about it right I have to sit here and listen to this b******* as to explaining as to why you don't understand it and that you try to keep doing it whatever methods that's not working I'm still sitting here wasting my f****** life away because of you guys
You expect me to waste my f****** life on all this f****** b******* Putin let's see how f****** great you're Russian FSB operations is who you going to f****** hire why do I have to sit here and waste my f****** life for your sorry ass white trash m************ how much and how more do you want me to do for your f****** times and how much f****** patience do I need to f****** endure and the suffering for your kind to be flourishing in your f****** minds
Xi, tell me tell me how much this is enough for f****** agony that I have to f****** deal with your f****** b******* agony this Plus on top of all this f****** white trash b******* to do what did you lose are you lost are you done you lost the war are you a f****** loser?
Kim Jong did you lose you're a f****** loser right you lost a f****** battle to United States that's it right you're going to walk away you waste a whole bunch of f****** money and munition waste the f****** time and did nothing and got nothing achieved
Putin what did you do I don't see you at making any headlights no Russians running around saying oh Russians got f***** up I don't hear any of this your f****** b******* so what the f*** do you have to do why do I have to sit here in my f****** life wasting my f****** life away so that your kind can live?
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maureen-corpse · 1 year
I haven’t been following the United Methodist Church split super closely because I’m not a Methodist and I’m busy but every time I see a former UMC with a sign hastily marked out or whatever I’m just like “that’s so cringe.” Sorry guys it’s cringe to hate gay people.
The most cringe thing I’ve seen so far, though, is a church that was cringe before the split: it was a United Methodist Church but it had a special logo incorporating the UMC cross and flame in the name in a stylized way, and it plastered this logo on the side of the building, and while at the time this usage of “cringe” was not in vogue, I did think it was pretty obnoxious.
Anyway, this church now seems to be peacing out of the UMC, and I can tell because their small, less obnoxious “United Methodist Church” sign is gone, presumably while they wait for a new GMC No Homo (or We Are Congregationalists Now No Homo) sign, and the flame has been removed from the obnoxious logo on the side of the building. What I’m not sure about is if they were able to just remove the flame or if they had to get a whole new logo made. At any rate—that church has been cringe for a while. A stylized logo for a church that doesn’t even have a web presence is a bad sign.
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pastorsperspective · 2 years
God's Calling
This week’s sermon was titled “Answering the Calls In The Night” and the supporting scripture was 1 Samuel 3:1-10. If you missed it, I’m sorry to say that I can’t offer you a link this week as Facebook silenced our live stream due to a (ridiculous and unfair) copyright infringement.
First, I would like to say how very proud I am of all the kids who took part in our children’s service they week. They facilitated nearly every part of the service from start to finish, including communion! What a great group of kids learning the roles of leadership and stepping out in them! There is just not enough praise for those awesome kiddos!
Now then, let’s dive right into this sermon, shall we? It was shorter than usual due to the number of things that were happening for the children’s service, but that didn’t make it any less intriguing. You know me, I always have questions. In the sermon notes you referenced: In her book Calling All Years Good, Kathleen Cahalan writes that calling is a lifelong process of God calling to us where we are, in the situations we find ourselves, and this is constantly changing. “Calling, then, is in our being and our bones as we work out our salvation in time with The-One-Who-Calls.” My first question would be, how do I know if God’s calling me?
I think there are different ways of telling when God is calling to you. My first thought is to the person who thinks they may be called, is this something you are passionate about and want to do? If the answer is no, then yes God may absolutely be calling you. For example, I did not want to be a pastor when I was called to pastoral vocation. Now that I have found it, I can't imagine doing anything else with my life. If the answer is yes, then I think the person has to ask themselves "Is this something I want to do or God wants me to do?" They may be the same thing. I heard once if you want to know if something is a calling from God try letting it go, if it comes back up then trust it is God who is bringing it back up. The other thing I believe about God's callings is that no matter how unsure, unconfident, or unprepared a person is, amid all the anxiety doubt and worry there will be an unexplainable peace that only God could provide, and this is how you know. Your soul will be at peace and at rest because you are finally doing what it is God is calling you to do. Whether that be pastoral leadership, lay leadership, a parent, an uncle, a grandparent, and aunt, you name it, you will have peace and excitement about what it is you are being called to.
You answer the call and you follow the path that you believe God has placed you in, how will you know if God is calling you to something else?
This is a great question, because the reality is God's callings are not stagnant but static, they change as life goes on. From parents we move into being called to be grandparents, and maybe even great grandparents. All of these have distinct and specific roles and responsibilities. Even vocationally things change, although I am called to be a pastor today, I have no clue what God will call me to tomorrow. As an ordained Elder in The UMC I am devoted to a lifelong calling of serving the church, but how this calling is carried out could very well change. Right now, it is as a preacher and pastor, but this could be as missionary, professor, etc... The point being made is we have to stay in constant communication with God about our callings, we can never assume a calling is a permanent fixture upon our lives. Sure, I may retire or die as a pulpit pastor and this calling have never changed, but I can never fairly assume that and stop asking God about this wonderful calling upon my life. The other part I think is important is "Callings don't change when life gets hard!" Just because things are hard, uncomfortable, or not as we expected is no reason to go assuming God has called us to something else. The grass isn't always greener.
That is an excellent point. One we need to remember in all aspects of life, I think. I know for me, sometimes it can be really hard to tell if I’m doing something because I just want to, or because I believe God said this is the thing you need to do. For instance, this job. I had been considering going back to work for a couple days. I had been rolling the idea around in my head and trying to figure out what that would look like for my kids and my family. On the third day of thinking about it I created a resume and put it online. The first match that popped up was this position. I read it, I felt at peace with it, and it was the only position I applied for. If I didn’t get it, I assumed that was God’s way of telling me it wasn’t time yet, and I was ok with that. Now, here I am asking you questions every week. I do wonder though how I can be sure that what I was wanting and planning to do was actually God’s direction and not just me convincing myself because it was what I wanted to do?
Similar to what I said before, I think prayer must undergird any and all callings. The other part is good Christian conferencing. Talking it out with a trusted mentor or advisor who will shoot straight with you is absolutely important. If you feel called to be a pastor, go talk to a pastor. If you feel called to be a pilot, go talk with a pilot. These big vocational calls need a lot of advice and guidance, just as much as the non-vocational calls in life need good advice. Being a parent is an enormous undertaking, this is a call from God to be a good parent that raises a child in faith and to be successful in life. Seeking out parental advice is important in this calling. Central to Methodist theology is our understanding of what we call Social Holiness. Social Holiness says that we are holiest when we are part of a community of faith around us. We need a community of faith. Discerning callings is one prime example of why we believe in social holiness, we need a community of faith to affirm, direct, and help us discern our callings from God. God seek good advice! I once thought I was called to be a theological professor, after some sound advice and hard conversations I realized, I'm not, I'm called to be in the pulpit; at least at this point in my life.
I’m reminded of a poem I once read that spoke to the calling God has on our hearts, not just our lives. I’ll leave you with it as we all take a step back and think a little deeper about what it is God would have us do with our lives.
Take control of your actions, attitude and thoughts By praying what would Jesus have me do? All have felt sadness, fear, joy, ups and downs As we depend on God grace to see us through.
Our trust in Him is light in the darkness As He blesses us with purpose and determination. Every time we heed God’s call to our heart We excel by goodness as a person or nation.
The Lord can close doors no man can open And open doors no man can close. It’s up to us to prove our Heavenly worth By our lifetime example of the path we chose.
Every champion foretold by the Bible Was tested by heartbreak and pain. They relied on God’s love and forgiveness To overcome fear, resentment, greed and shame.
Every time we do wrong there is a price to pay For staying ungodly, self-centered and cruel. As we trust God’s wisdom and heed His call We avoid becoming lost, disloyal and a fool.
By Tom Zart
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mimsyaf · 2 years
I wish episode 2 did a disservice to Amanda, but it feels more like a continuation of things I know about her (and frankly Daniel) but try to ignore.
Getting a teenage girl fired from a job she desperately needs and then remorsefully dropping off a bag of organic produce at her door and running away is… not a great look.
Im very interested to see where this goes and how well this is handled. Amanda has no background details on the show — it’s why I started to write a fic about her being a CIA asset. It’s like she only started to exist when Daniel LaRusso and she became “Danny and Mandy” back in the day. That said, I’ve been trying to decide if she’s from a lower middle class background like Daniel or an upper middle class one like Ali, and after episode 2 I have to say I think it’s got to be UMC. She is out of touch, and there’s a shallowness to her response to childhood poverty, an immaturity to it.
Sorry, I don’t like to shit on Amanda and this actually will make her a more interesting character to me than the arch one-line-slinging goddess of Seasons 1-3 (whom I loved!) I’m just not sure with everything going on that the show is gonna have enough time to properly write this arc for her, and I’m worried that might just leave me liking her less. Does that make sense?
The first time I had a glimmer of that feeling was in season when Amanda seemed so unconcerned that Sam’s values were so out of whack. Her focus on popularity.
I really want to know what y’all think about this, but I haven’t gotten past episode 3 yet, and I feel like it’s obnoxious to be like ��TELL ME YOUR THOUGHTS BUT ONLY UNTIL EPisode FOUR.” ❤️❤️❤️
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anotherbeingsworld · 3 years
All of the stars - Chapter 2
Link to Chapter 1 
Summary:  A look onto Bryce and Casey’s life after Edenbrook’s downfall, the stars were their guide as they search upon their own definition of ‘home’.
Pairing: Bryce Lahela x F!MC (Casey Valentine)
Rating: G/Fluff
Characters: Bryce Lahela, Casey Valentine. 
A/N: Hi, I am back with the new chapter of this mini-series(-ish) and, this is mostly bryce’s pov (the pov is based on the lyrics which is italicize)  ! Also, I’m so sorry for the lack of updates since my mental health went very very down and, I just have a lots of breakdowns lately and its just so hard sometimes to write. I have many fics and all to write, but uni been such a rough patch plus myself not being okay. I am so sorry . I will try to update more soon, but no promises yet when. I hope everyone is doing okay, and I hope all of you like it. <3 
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You're on the other side
As the skyline splits in two
I'm miles away from seeing you
‘Surgical Attending, Dr. Bryce Lahela.’ The shining plaque from his desk, makes his smile over the new title he earned after all this year. Hard work, determination and good looks was his mantra in his head, after he left his past behind. He indeed had good looks, as he remembers the day where he first walked into Edenbrook; all of the eyes are on him. Doctors, nurses, and even patients. The confidence in him shined through that day, earning a kiss from someone who is dear to him.
Someone, who is on the other side. A miles away from him.
They never were official, as they leave it on a comma waiting for either one of them to continue…but, there wasn’t an answer. Is it a pause, or a stop? A question both of them can’t answer.
‘Dr. Lahela, how are you enjoying your new office?’ Harper pulls him into a hug, as they become close even after the closing of Edenbrook, leading a new built friendship between them.
‘Dr. Emery, this is a huge office. I don’t know how I will manage.’ He lets out a small laugh as his eyes gaze onto the new room which is his.
‘I know you will, managing an office is similar as performing an appendectomy.’ She smiles at the reference.
‘Ah, the first of the first for me. Thank you for believing in me Dr. Emery.’ A nostalgic memory replays in his mind, his first year at Edenbrook. The first of a new chapter for him, and the first time he saw her.
Harper smiles as she glances over the glass, and saw the city below.
‘I didn’t come all the way here to congratulate you only, I will be apart of the surgical board for most of their special surgical cases. I am honored to see my intern is now the person in charged. I will see you in the OR soon.’ Harper said before making her leave, and pausing in the doorway offering another of her best wishes to Bryce.
‘No one told you life is gonna be this way…’ he mumbles, as he felt a new sense of determination in him that somehow feels like the first day of being an intern once more.
His eyes falls onto the news that was set onto his table, a familiar smile appears as her name is seen on the headlines.
‘Dr. Casey Valentine of Amsterdam’s UMC Hospital, head of the UMC diagnostics team had achieved a new success….’
His attention was cut off as he flipped the pages until, he landed on the attachment of her smiling along a few colleagues. Even being 4000 miles couldn’t make his heart stop beating as this homey feeling stuck by him. After Edenbrook closes, they did talk and she gave him a shock as the conversation of her leaving to the other side of the world leaving him speechless for a few moments before the line was cut off.
… there was only silence.
A sound brought him back to reality, as his pager is starts to beep. A new start, new chapter yet his heart always stayed in the past. Always have, and always will; a love that knows no distance.
I can see the stars
From America
I wonder, do you see them, too?
The stars played a vital part in their relationship, either stargazing, accidentally buying a huge telescope on E-bay with Elijah to watch a comet which ended up being a troll from the internet itself, slow nights after long shifts on top of the Edenbrook rooftop, helicopter rides from Rafael during the night as the city of Boston was a small specimen a thousand miles away from their eyes.
But, tonight the stars felt different. They always say, everything is written in the stars but what about them? He is somehow searching an answer, as he made his way upon the rooftop of Seattle Grace, somewhat a déjà vu moment from his past. After a long shift, it’s his break before rounds and; the calmness of the night brings him peace. Somewhat a need he wanted years ago, before he discovered surgery, residencies and life.
He was 17, living in an unhappy palace somewhat bring the sorrows in him. A stain of sadness can be seen as it was clear in his brown eyes, a sign for a new start. Fast forward, Stanford was his new home. The stars in the city looked the same than the ones in Hawaii. As, somehow it stays the same while the new chapter of his life begins, and the past has been left behind.
His life at Seattle Grace was not different as Edenbrook, everything felt the same. He stood outside of a bar, chucking on his beer; as he looked above. How the stars didn’t change wherever he went… he chuckled as he snap a photo of it. Somewhat, a reminder; the stars were there to guide him home, wherever it is.
He wonders silently, if she could see it too. The stars from his eyes, as it was filled with memories both old and new, his first day of residency and his first day as a surgical attending that has been playing in his mind side-by-side somewhat a comparison leaving a chuckle at how far he came, how everything has changed in through the years while the stars above stays the same.
Tags:  @bitchloveskcbaseball​​ , @storyofmychoices​​ , @mvalentine​​ , @princess-geek​​ , @lahellacute​​ ,  @this-person-is-busy​​ , @annekebbphotography​​ , @mrsbhandari​​ , @dcbbw​​ , @choicessa​​ , ,@fantasyoverreality98​​ , @baltersome​​ , @ofpixelsandscribbles​​ , @thundergom​​  @starrystarrytrouble​​,  @kelseaaa​​  , @choicesficwriterscreations​​  , @lalizah​​ , @drethanramslay​​ , @aveeiro​ , @eleanorbloom​​ , @openheartfanfics​​ , @brycesgirl​​  ,  @freckles-spangledvampire​​ , @agentnolastname​​ , @robintora​​​ (comment if you want to be tagged or removed 💜💜)
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traitorsinsalem · 3 years
Gumshoe is treated like that cuz of bearphobia
OK BUT LITERALLY. this happens to every single series with a fat man who has a prominent role in the series, and it's unsurprisingly worse with characters who are men of colour and/or gay/bi/trans men. from the second-hand smoke i got from volt//ton, this is what happened with hunk. in total drama (yes, there is a fanbase for that which my cousin regularly posts memes to fwik), it happened with owen. gumshoe isn't even that visibly fat, but he's very obviously not a super skinny guy. (in fact, i mistook the one piece of skinny gumshoe art i saw for larry butz art.)
i've thought a lot about how if phoenix and gumshoe had stayed exactly the same throughout the series but had their sprites (i.e. appearances) swapped, everyone would likely immediately look over narum/tsu and look to, well, my url.
i can't name a SINGLE popular m/m ship online besides jonmartin from tma that includes a fat man, and very few that include canonically dark-skinned men (as opposed to fans who racebend simply for progressive points). even as a skinny guy, i feel the alienation of seeing projections of mlm in fiction because they affect me, too. all that shit from klance to ineffable husbands feels like people trying to create a false image of the gay experience which imitates the idealised, INTEGRATED (read: white, upper-middle class, skinny, able-bodied, culturally christian, stable) gaze.
the reason pairings like that repel me and why i'm drawn to characters like gumshoe when it comes to making m/m content is because it feels more Genuine. like yeah they're all fake characters but it feels like a more real portrayal of m/m relationships than Boring Pale Twink and Possibly Somewhat Interesting Pale Twink. the same sort of shot happens with characters who are (or are portrayed by fans as) wlw, too, it's just that m/m content is more popular because there's a whole seperate problem at hand with a general lack of interest or in w/w due to what i attribute to a belief that characters who are girls/women are always boring and one-dimensional which is hopefully obviously rooted in misogyny.
i am SO SORRY for writing an essay i just finished a 9-page latin assignment and have nothing better to do than sit on my ass and get bitter about how people (not only including but especially white umc people who are lgbt themselves) hate to see lgbt people for who we really are as people and who we really are as a community.
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firstumcschenectady · 3 months
“We Hope for What We Do Not See” based on Jonah 2 and Romans 8:18-25
Despite my enjoyment of the “Who Did” song1, I haven't preached about Jonah often. I may even have groaned when I looked at the texts for this week – even though I was the one to pick the essay from “We Cry Justice” and the accompanying recommended scriptures. I fear, though, that my avoidance of this text is unjustified.
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Because, the issues I have are really quite silly. Here we go:
Whales don't eat people. Nor do large fish.
Stomachs have acid, but not a lot of air, making them uninhabitable
You know, stuff like that.
But it turns out that taking a story literally and objecting to the pragmatic details is a really great way to miss powerful symbolism and deeper meaning within a story. So dismissing this story has only had the impact of keeping me from attending to the wisdom it has.
Which I noticed when I actually read the 2nd chapter of the book of Jonah, which is rather surprising. You may recall that in the first chapter Jonah was asked to to to Nineveh and tries to run away instead, gets on a ship going in the other direction, a storm comes up, Jonah suggests that the storm is God's way of saying he isn't listening, he suggests he be thrown into the sea, the sailors try not to do so, but finally they throw him in hoping the rest of them will live, and the storm quiets and the sailors are converted.... and then the whale did swallow Jonah. Down. ;)
So, given that chapter 2 is a prayer of Jonah from inside the whale, I think there would be just cause to assume that the prayer is either a lament that God put him in this horrid situation OR a plea for help, a request for forgiveness that results in Jonah being released from said whale? Right?
But it isn't. The prayer of chapter 2 is a prayer of THANKSGIVING, whereby Jonah seems to have already concluded that the whale is a means of salvation, and is thanking God for God's gracious actions. And that's a place where I noticed that there is something useful in this story, because … well, I'm not sure I'd have gotten there.
I think that if I had a sense of God asking me to do something I vehemently didn't want to do, that resulted in my very near drowning, and then gasping for air inside an enormous beast I couldn't talk to or control, I'd have missed the memo that said enormous beast was a gift from God. Really. I mean, maybe, 3 days in, hungry, thirsty, and still wet but shockingly alive I might have figured it out, but that's even kind of doubtful.
But Jonah's prayer starts with “I called to the Lord in my distress and [God] answered me.”(NRSV 2a) So, it seems like he got it immediately. (We're working with symbolism here people, let go of any assumption of factuality and let a good story be a good story.) And, the prayer is even specific, “The waters closed over me; the deep surrounded me; weeds were wrapped around my head...yet you brought up my life from the Pit, O LORD my God.” (5,6d)
Wow. Jonah is sinking to the bottom of the sea, hopeless, and helpless, and then experiences God as lifting him up from the place of death, of bringing LIFE out of DEATH. And, I'm kinda familiar with THAT metaphor, right? But this is a different angle on it.
For me, the incongruities of life in the belly of the whale finally recede to make space for the questions of life and faith. When have we been floating down to the bottom of the sea, out of air, and out of hope? There are a lot of possible answers to that, right? And our lives are different, so our answers are different. Grief can feel like sinking to the bottom of the sea– anticipatory grief and the utter horror of waking up and realizing someone you love isn't there Depression can feel like sinking to the bottom of the sea. Job loss and financial hardship can feel like sinking to the bottom of the sea. Loss of relationship. Abuse. Illness. Injury. Car accidents. Becoming unhoused. Failing. Flailing. A lot can feel like sinking to the bottom of the sea.
And what was the thing that picked you and kept you alive when you could no longer do so for yourself? Who or what was the whale? Was a phone call from a friend who cared? The arrival of flowers? The long, hard, careful work of a therapist? An unexpected welcome? An offer you couldn't have anticipated? The life restoring work of first responded and medical professionals? Someone showing you the ropes you couldn't figure out on your own? A good Samaritan?
How long did it take you to realize that you weren't at the bottom of the sea anymore, and you could breath (if only a little bit), and there might be a hope for dry land again someday? Was it immediate? Did it take 3 days, 3 weeks, 3 years?
I wonder, if sometimes the darkness at the bottom of the sea is so scary that we block out the memory of it, but with it we then block the memory of being scooped up. Especially because being eaten by a whale does NOT immediately seem like rescue. Right!?! At the bottom of the sea, one condolence card can't really make a difference – except sometimes it can. Sometimes knowing that someone else grieves with you, or sees you, or can share a memory that gives you a new story about a person you loved – sometimes that can be the whale.
Several years ago during a stewardship campaign, I was gifted the task of asking participants in some of our ministries what our ministries meant to them. As previously mentioned, I have a problematic tendency to be overly pragmatic, and while I delight in our breakfast program, I'm aware that it offers 1 meal out of an wished for 21 for a week. However, our guests assured me that the 1 meal matters.
Similarly, at that time we had Sustain Ministry, where we gave out soap and toilet paper, feminine hygiene products, and diapers to those who needed them. (Note: other organizations now do this work – thank God – and the need we were responding to then has changed.) I asked those waiting if they'd be willing to be interviewed, and I asked them why what we did mattered. One woman said that the resources we offered made the difference for her between being able to take care of her kids on her own and being financially forced back into an abusive relationship.
I loved Sustain ministry, but I thought it just made things a little easier for people whose lives were really hard. I didn't know it was whale picking someone out of the bottom of the sea.
In the fall of 2021, after about a year and a half of ministry during a pandemic, while adjusting to being a new parent, and with a few other significant stressors in my work life, I was a hairsbreadth away from leaving ministry. Truthfully, I had been, on and off, for 2 years by that point. More so, I didn't really know it. I knew I was really tired. I knew I felt like my ministry didn't matter. I knew every day of work was a fight, and I didn't want to fight anymore. But I actually didn't know I was near the bottom of the sea in my work, until our District Superintendent looked at me and said, “what you've dealt with isn't normal, you need a break. How long do you want? I'll find coverage and money to pay for it.” She was the whale, or maybe the 8 weeks I took off were. Maybe both? Let's go with both.
Sometimes I still meet people who know that I took that break – the announcement of it was shockingly popular on YouTube- and I watch them carefully dance around asking me if I'm still a pastor, or still a pastor here, or really what I do in the world now. They're often shocked to learn I'm still in ministry and grateful for it. (That's fair, a whole lot of people have exited ministry since then.) I continue to think I have a lot to learn to be in ministry in life-giving and sustainable ways, but the way I knew I still wanted to be a pastor and YOUR pastor was that once the day-to-day pressures were relieved, I found myself dreaming of what we could do together, and missing you. I'm been in those weeds at the bottom of the sea, pastorally, but I just needed some gulps of fresh air to be able to find the dry land. I'm really thankful there was a whale. And, yet, I didn't know how important the whale was when it arrived.
Romans 8 speaks of hope particularly directly, reconsidering the struggles of people and the world as labor pains of the kindom of God being born. While I don't want to sanctify the pains or struggles of the world, it would be really great if they were productive like that. If they mattered, and made new things possible. The essay from “We Cry Justice” today talks about the pain of ecological destruction, and the power of the people to stop horrible decisions, EVEN when money is on the other side. That people, together, have power. Which is a good example of the ways that the pain of the earth can become motivation for healing the earth. It is a way that pains can be labor pains.
Romans 8 also speaks famously about hope. “Now hope that is seen is not hope. For who hopes for what is seen? But if we hope for what we do not see, we wait for it with patience.” None of us can see the whale coming when we're at the bottom of the sea. Nor, even, could we know it is a saving whale if we did. But hope involves knowing that God is with us, and God is creative, and there ARE whales sometimes, and we can BE whales sometimes, and no matter what happens, we know a God who brings life - again and again.
Dear ones, sometimes God sends whales when we are at the bottom of the sea. Thank God. Amen
1For the uninformed: https://www.lyrics.com/lyric/10499923/100+Singalong+Songs+for+Kids/Who+Did+%28Swallow+Jonah%29%3F
February 25, 2024
Rev. Sara E. Baron  First United Methodist Church of Schenectady  603 State St. Schenectady, NY 12305  Pronouns: she/her/hers  http://fumcschenectady.org/  https://www.facebook.com/FUMCSchenectady
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kontextmaschine · 3 years
calc bc is not really 'math', that starts at basic intro to proofs course like uni-level discrete math or real analysis. obviously 'verbal elite' is no less inherently socially legitimate than 'illiterate mounted warrior elite' once was but if we're talking about top-tier intelligence (ability to genuinely comprehend and have insight into complex systems, not just facilely string together just-so stories), a guy who can barely crack calc bc is not even in the top 10k in the pac nw, sorry
id also note we're really one or two generations past the high water mark of the 'verbal' elite, e.g. every new billionaire is a guy who was good at math, the garden path to ascending to upper-middle class status runs through STEM and you personally are just coasting off the accumulated wealth of the previous generation
Yeah I think a lot of why I had thought of myself as STEM-leaning in the first place was I was just good at doing calculations in my head and when I saw that's where math was going in college it just didn't interest me like history. Honestly if I even had to go back in that direction I'd go with a more immediately applicable field of engineering.
As for the rest— well, it's clearly about your broader issues and I'm just being used as a peg to hang it on, but I'll say this: in the 1980s there were exactly that kind of path-to-UMC careers in the telecom, medical, and chemical industries of southern New Jersey.
But New Jersey had relatively high state taxes to support, honestly, a lot of the wreckage of midcentury coastal industrial urbanism – Camden, Philly's Newark, was especially heinous – and I realize now that a lot of the adults I encountered at say, the country club in those years were in the process – extending the utilities, polishing the schools, laying out subdivisions, preventing a Mount Laurel-equivalent inclusive zoning precedent, creating a unified calendar of local enrichment activities for kids, using weird carve-outs in state law ("resort town" designation) to push our town as the cultural hub – of luring them and using them as raw material with which to build a new world in their names.
And these guys weren't mathematically illiterate – summer work in a law firm you come to realize that development financing structures are often very logically and mathematically (and legally!) complex – but what they were doing, upstream of all those grad-schooled workers, was basically reading trends, applying judgment to them as related to facts on the ground, and doing the verbal/relational work of convincing each other to act – like I said, clan of lawyers, the ability to construct a chain of reasoning to lead people to any given conclusion is not something to be underestimated – and that's the sense of the world I first internalized
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domme-by-starlight · 4 years
University of Mind Control
Part 1.2
a continuation of x
Jenna stared. She’d been prepared for a lot of things, but she had to admit a roommate who looked like a literal succubus hadn’t been on the list. 
Also, she was hot. 
The possibly-a-succubus girl purred, “Hello, roommate.”
“Um,” Jenna responded eloquently, staring at the girl. Her irises were completely black, more like two voids than just dark eyes. Fuck. Fuck this is bad. 
After a moment, the succubus stepped forward. “My name is Morgana Heartbinder. It’s a pleasure to meet you.”
“I’m - I’m Jenna.” She couldn’t stop staring. I need to break out of this, fast. Must be some kind of magic - it’s way too fast to be natural. 
“Lovely to meet you, Jenna,” Morgana murmured, coming closer and reaching out a hand. Jenna watched, frozen, as it came closer, trying and failing to move away. Her breath was coming faster now, despite her best efforts not to panic. 
Then Morgana’s hand touched her cheek, and burned. Jenna instinctively jerked away, startled, and tried to use the moment to gather some resistance. 
“Shit,” Morgana said. “Are you okay?”
Jenna blinked. In an instant, the girl had transformed from an enthralling demon to a normal-looking, anxious girl. “Um, I’m okay, I was just startled.”
“Are you sure? I forgot how cold most mortals are, I didn’t think, I’m so sorry. Did I burn you at all? I’m sure there’s a healer on staff, we could go find them-”
“No, I’m okay,” Jenna replied hastily. Morgana looked on the verge of panic. “It was just hot, not hurting - at least not for the fraction of a second that you touched me, at least.” She tried to smile reassuringly. “I’m alright, I promise.”
“Oh, thank goodness,” Morgana said with obvious relief, but then her face crumpled again. “But- but I’ve fucked it all up now! Father will be so angry, he trained me so long, if I can’t even take my roommate what hope do I have for anyone else? And I was so close, too! No offense,” she added quickly. 
“Uh, none taken. I’m… sure it’ll be okay? Are we expected to take control of other students here?” 
“Well, yeah,” the other girl said as if it were obvious. “It’s mostly temporary, but it gives you important practise. If you’re lucky, you might even get to keep them.”
“Mostly temporary? What does that mean? Uh, also, if it’s okay to ask, what… are you?”
Morgana was still wringing her hands, but she looked calmer, at least. “I’m, I think humans would call me a succubus? And every week one person gets to keep a thrall, based on good classwork and such. Didn’t you learn anything about UMC before you got here?”
“I tried, but it’s not the kind of thing you can just Google. Wait, do you have Google? Are - you’re not from Earth, right? I didn’t miss literal demons hanging around?”
Morgana laughed. “No, all the students are from different universes, I think. If you didn’t know anything about this place, why’d you come?”
“Well, my world doesn’t have any magic, as far as I know. And I just couldn’t turn down that kind of opportunity, honestly.” Jenna didn’t want to mention hypnosis, not yet. Morgana seemed genuine, but there was no harm in being careful. “What about you?”
She grimaced. “My father, mostly. He’s… well, he’s really powerful, and I’m not very good at being a succubus. I think he’s hoping that I’ll somehow become seductive and confident and a proper Heartbinder heir. Who knows, maybe he’s even right.”
“That’s awful,” Jenna said sincerely. “You seem like a lovely person, and I’m sure if you tried you could do really well! But I know what parental pressure can be like.” Jenna didn’t want to dwell on that topic, though. “I should unpack,” she said instead. “We don’t have long till classes start, right? Day after tomorrow?”
“Yeah. First assembly tonight, and tomorrow to explore and make friends. Or slaves. That’s probably why the assembly isn’t for several hours, too - it gives roommates time to figure out their, uh, arrangements.”
Jenna started unlocking her suitcases as they talked. “Will there really already be students under control by the end of the first day? I knew this institution might not exactly be ethical, but still.”
“Oh, yes. I’m sure many of the students are already accomplished mind controllers in their chosen field. It doesn’t last forever, but it’s still a pretty significant advantage to have a thrall this early on.”
“Mm.” Jenna looked up. “Are you planning on trying to control me again?”
Morgana looked torn. “If I don’t enslave my roommate my father will kill me. Sorry, I don’t want to, you seem really nice, I just…”
Welp. “Hm. Could I just pretend to be your slave? Or, like, you technically take control of me but you don’t do anything with it? I just think we could really be friends, and if you control me we’ll never get to find out the proper way.”
“That… might work? And honestly, I’m not very good. I caught you off guard and even then it didn’t work. I just get so nervous that I forget what to say and start shaking and it just never works.” Morgana signed heavily and turned away to start dealing with her own belongings. 
Not good enough. Maybe she’s right, but she nearly had me. Jenna shivered. She really didn’t want to be enslaved, even if Morgana seemed nice. 
She narrowed her eyes in thought. “What if we made some sort of agreement? You can practise on me as much as you like and I’ll help you try to improve, but you only control me during those practise sessions. And maybe vice versa, too? I’d far rather have an ally than spend all year fighting with my own roommate for control.”
She hesitated for a moment, then threw in, “There are plenty of other students, after all, and I’d be happy to help you capture other people if you want.” I can deal with her trying to hold me to that when we get there. Free will first, consequences later. 
“I… you would do that? Honestly?”
Morgana’s smile was so hopeful that it hurt Jenna’s heart a little. She wanted words with that girl’s father. 
“That sounds wonderful,” Morgana said. “I would love to have someone here I can trust not to be constantly trying to enslave me. To have a… a friend.”
“Then we’re agreed,” Jenna declared, trying not to show her relief. “Friends it is.”
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kanjukucompany · 2 years
【A3! Translation】 Sky Gallery (10/11)
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it's time for the play! this took forever to translate. some images scene change images missing due to tumblr's photo limit
(translation under the cut)
(glitch text ignore)
character reference:
Kazunari: Aoumi
Tenma: Shirato
Misumi: Shinonome
Muku: Moegi
Kumon: Sakurada
Yuki: Yamabuki
Chapter 10
Izumi: It didn't take long until opening day.
Tenma: This time around, it seemed like a lot of timed passed before play rehearsals actually started.
Kazunari: True, it's been fulfilling, but also a lot of hard work~.
Muku: Kazu-kun has been working on a lot of other projects too, huh.
Yuki: The play's been running side by side with work.
Tenma: But if you can pull this off, doesn't that mean you're ready to juggle all kinds of things as an UMC?
Kazunari: That's right~! So I've gotta see this to the end!
Yuki: Kazunari, your scarf's crooked. (fixes it)
Kazunari: Oh, thanks!
Kazunari: These costumes Yukki made for us are super cute, I'm getting hyped!
Muku: Come to think of it, the costumes this time around pretty modern and kind of fresh, don't you think? They don't even feel like costumes.
Misumi: So stylish~.
Kumon: I wanna go out like this in daily life!
Yuki: Absolutely not. They'll get dirty.
Kumon: Boo~.
Manager: We're about to begin!
Kazunari: Well then, let's huddle around.
Tenma: Take it away, leader.
Kazunari: Mm~, well, our usual Summer Troupe chant is nice, but this timeーー.
Kazunari: "We're not bound to someone else's idea of value, so let's deliver something that'll leave a lasting impression on each and every person who sees it!"
Kumon: Yeahー!
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Izumi: (The stage this time is set at Sky Gallery, which is rumored to bring good luck to the college-aged painters who exhibit there.)
Izumi: (Aspiring painters gather here, believing in the jinx that, if they hold a solo-exhibition here as newcomers, their work will sell and they'll be blessed with good fortune...)
Aoumi: "Great work, Sakurada-kun. The exhibition was a huge success."
Aoumi: "It's quite amazing that even though it's only your second exhibition, nearly all of your works sold. Your fan base is steadily growingーー."
Sakurada: "Oh, I..."
Aoumi: "Sakurada-kun?"
Sakurada: "Just like I thought, I can't sell them..."
Aoumi: "Eh....?"
Sakurada: "All of my works are like my precious children! To think that I... I would do such a horrible thing as selling them is..."
Sakurada: "Everyone is going to be so saddddd..... I'm sorry! It's all my fault! But I can't agree to selling them!"
Sakurada: "Even if I have to live on water and bean sprouts again, we'll always be together...!"
Customer: "H-Huh? Um, isn't this for sale?"
Sakurada: "I'm sorry! Nothing's for sale! Please go home! I'll protect you, babies!"
Shirato: "H-Hang on now..."
Aoumi: "Sakurada-kun, please calm down!"
Sakurada: "Aoumi-san, if it were you, could you do such a terrible thingーsell your own children!?"
Aoumi: "W-Why wouldn't I...?"
Sakurada: "You'd want to take care of them yourself, right!?"
Aoumi: "U-Um, well, I guess so..."
Shirato: "Aoumi-san! Don't let him coax you!"
Aoumi: "Ah, sorry, sorry."
Sakurada: "I'm sorry, Aoumi-san. I know you've done a lot for me with this exhibition... But still, I...."
Aoumi: "Sakurada-kun, I understand your overflowing love for your artwork. In fact, I think that's their charm."
Aoumi: "But one day, your children are going to leave the nest."
Aoumi: "I believe that all of the artwork displayed here are filled with Sakurada-kun's love. They have the power to spread their wings and journey into the world."
Aoumi: "Don't you want to see your children leave the nest, find their own place in the world, and empower others?"
Sakurada: "Oh... I see... You're right. This is their chance to be independent.... Oh, I'm such an idiot!"
Sakurada: "I'm a failure as a parent! I'm so stupid! Stupid! Stupid!"
Aoumi: "I-It's okay. Please settle down."
Customer: "Um... So, can I buy it after all?"
Shirato: "Of course, sir. I'll take care of it for you."
Customer: "A-Alright."
Aoumi: "We look forward to seeing you again."
Shirato: ".....I was wondering if he'd do this again."
Aoumi: "Yeah, Sakurada-kun did this at his last solo-exhibition too, huh..."
Shirato: "So troublesome..."
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Shinonome: "Heyyyー."
Aoumi: "Oh, Shinonome-kun, welcome. Your reputation proceeds you these days."
Shinonome: "Heh, thanks to youuuー."
Aoumi: "I'm glad I could help. Shirato-kun, could you fix us some tea, please?"
Shirato: "Yes."
Shinonome: "Shirato?"
Shirato: "Ah..."
Shinonome: "Ahhhー!! It's Shiratoooー!! What're you doing hereeeー!?"
Shirato: "....Long time no see."
Aoumi: "You two know each other?"
Shinonome: "We were friends in high school~. We were in the same art clubbbー!"
Shirato: "I didn't know you were having a solo-exhibition here, Shinonome."
Shinonome: "I didn't know you worked here either, Shiratoooー! Didn't you get a job after high school?"
Shirato: "Ah, well, a lot happened."
Shinonome: "I see~. But I'm happy I get to work with Shirato againnnー."
Shirato: "Not really, I'm just an apprentice."
Aoumi: "Why don't you join in on our meeting, Shirato-kun? It's about time for you to learn about beginning projects."
Shirato: "Eh....."
Shinonome: "Yay~! Let's get to work!"
Tsuzuru: (I wrote the up-and-painter, Shinonome, after Ikaruga-san's image....)
Tsuzuru: (I knew it, he fits him perfectly. It's like he brightens up the stage itself.)
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Izumi: (After meeting with Shinonome, another college student brings his work to the gallery...)
Aoumi: "I'm Aoumi, the owner of Sky Gallery. It's nice to meet you."
Shirato: "I'm Shirato."
Moegi: "N-N-N-N-N-Nice to meet you, I'm Moegi."
Aoumi: "Let's get right to it, then. May I see your portfolio?"
Moegi: "Y-Yes! Um, this is-AWAHHー!"
Shirato: "You okay...?"
Moegi: "T-Thank you."
Aoumi: "Well then, I'll take a look."
Moegi: "U-Um.....What do you think?"
Aoumi: "I think these are really good! You have a wonderful attention to detail."
Aoumi: "These works are close to people's daily lives, I'm sure our customer's will enjoy them."
Moegi: "Really...! I love this painting, too! Oh, also, this one has a really good color balanceー."
Aoumi: "Yes, yes. I agree."
Moegi: "And this, this painting has a cloud motif..."
Moegi: "The gap between the exterior and interior appearance of the clouds expresses the inner and outer aspects of human beings..."
Aoumi: "Mhm. We'll definitely hold a solo-exhibition for you."
Moegi: "Oh..... Um.... I'm sorry.... I'm not doing that...."
Aoumi: "Huh?"
Moegi: "I'm very sorry! Excuse me!"
(moegi runs away)
Aoumi: "Ah, waitーー."
Juza: (Muku can play a role like that so naturally.... That'd be a hard one for me to play.)
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Izumi: (Following Moegi's sudden exit, another art student arrives...)
Aoumi: "These are good. I think many customers will appreciate the fact that the head-on seriousness in which you tackle themes is very apparent."
Yamabuki: "Exactly! I think they're really good too!"
Yamabuki: "This painting tackles the theme using a multifaceted motif, it's incredibly deep!"
Yamabuki: "The more you look at it, the more you see, allowing you to approach the theme from many different angles!"
Aoumi: "Yes, yes. Let's hold a solo exhibition together."
Yamabuki: "Ah... Um...."
Aoumi: "What is it?"
Yamabuki: "That...... I can't do! Excuse me!"
(yamabuki runs away)
Aoumi: "Ehh....."
Shirato: "Is this some kind of fad."
Aoumi: "Like ding-dong-ditch....?"
Shirato: "I mean, how rude is that? You shouldn't even bother with them."
Aoumi: "Err... Maybe there's some circumstances we don't know about, and after all, it's always up to the artist to decide what happens with their work."
Shirato: "Well, that's true, but still."
Aoumi: "However, I feel that everyone, famous or not, has a desire to share their work with others. It's an expression of themselves."
Aoumi: "And more than anything, I feel their artwork is asking to be seen.... We'll check again, and if that doesn't work, I'll give up."
Sakurada: "Hello....."
Aoumi: "Oh, Sakurada-kun, about the other dayーー.
Sakurada: "I'm so sorry!!! I apologize for all the trouble I caused, again..... "
Sakurada: "I told myself I would be happy to send my children away this time, but I was still regretful, so I just couldn't accept itーー."
Aoumi: "That's all right. That's a part of your work."
Sakurada: "Aoumi-san......!"
Aoumi: "Well, settle down, but keep up the good work."
Sakurada: "Of course! Now, if you'll excuse me."
Sakurada: "Huh? This portfolio..."
Aoumi: "Ah, yes. A university art student had brought it to me because he wanted to hold a solo-exhibition."
Sakurada: "He’s my junior."
Aoumi: "Really? His name is Yamabuki-san—"
Sakurada: "This is Moegi’s."
Aoumi: "Huh? Moegi-san?"
Sakurada: "Yeah, and if he holds a solo exhibition, I’ll definitely come and see it. Well, I’ll be off!"
Aoumi: "Oh, yes…"
(sakurada leaves)
Shirato: "So… Yamabuki-san actually brought in Moegi-san’s, huh."
Aoumi: "Then, whose work did Moegi-san bring…?"
Shirato: "….It’s not the work of the same person."
Aoumi: "Certainly, the artstyles are way too different. The way they approach the theme too, is also different…."
Shirato: "In any case, you shouldn’t trust someone who lies to you and brings in another artist’s portfolio."
Aoumi: "Hmm…."
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Aoumi: "I’m just going to drop off some flyers, have a quick meeting, and then we can head back."
Shirato: "Wow…. So this is what an art school looks like, huh…."
Aoumi: "Huh? Those two, aren’t they——"
Moegi: "Why’d you do that? If it was Yamabuki’s work, it would’ve been recognized the second you showed them your paintings."
Yamabuki: "No way, that’s impossible. That’s why I brought your artwork, Moegi."
Moegi: "It’s not impossible! Because, actually, Aoumi-san wants to hold a solo-exhibition…"
Yamabuki: "Huh? What do you mean?"
Moegi: "….I’m sorry. I also presented your portfolio to Aoumi-san."
Aoumi: "Ahh…. So that’s the case."
Shirato: "Aren’t they two of a kind."
Moegi: "Aoumi-san!?"
Yamabuki: "Ah, I’m sorry, I——"
Moegi: "I’m sorry!"
Aoumi: "So, um, could you two explain the situation again?"
Aoumi: "So in other words, neither of you were confident in your own artwork, so you brought the other’s portfolio out of instinct… is that right?"
Moegi: "I figured if it was Yamabuki’s, you’d definitely accept it. I wanted to see his solo exhibition…"
Moegi: "But he isn’t confident in himself, and insisted that he wouldn’t do it…"
Moegi: "I wasn’t aware he approached Aoumi-san with the same plan."
Yamabuki: "That’s my line. You always said it was impossible for you to ever hold a solo exhibition, even though I’ve told you over and over again you’d be fine."
Shirato: "There’s no limit to their similarities…"
Aoumi: "Their artstyles are a different story, though."
Moegi: "Well, now that that’s cleared up, I’m going to decline my solo exhibition offer."
Aoumi: "Eh!?"
Yamabuki: "Same here, Aoumi-san’s recognition is enough for me. Nobody would come if I held a solo exhibition, anyway…."
Yamabuki: "And even if they did, I’m sure they’d look at Aoumi-san like he’s made a mistake, then run out of there as fast as they could."
Moegi: "Mine would be endlessly torn apart on social media, and even though I couldn’t bear to see, I wouldn’t be able to stop doomscrolling——."
Moegi: "The only way for it to stop would be for me to drop out of college."
Aoumi: "They’re also both extremely specific pessimists…!"
Shirato: "Well, we can’t force them to hold solo exhibitions."
Aoumi: "But, you both voluntarily came to Sky Gallery, right?"
Aoumi: "So don’t you have a desire to display your work there?"
Moegi: "That’s…"
Yamabuki: "Well…"
Aoumi: "But, your lack of confidence is getting in the way."
Moegi: "Yes."
Aoumi: "However, on the flip side, Moegi-san recognizes Yamabuki-san’s artwork, and vice-versa."
Moegi: "Yamabuki should definitely hold a solo exhibition!"
Yamabuki: "If it’s Moegi’s artwork, everyone will absolutely come to see it!"
Aoumi: "In that case, why doesn’t Moegi-san exhibit Yamabuki-san’s work, and Yamabuki-san exhibit Moegi-san’s?"
Moegi: "Eh….?"
Yamabuki: "That’s….?"
Aoumi: "Of course, this time, please credit the true artist."
Aoumi: "Since it’s the other’s artwork, which you are confident in, don’t you think that could work?"
Aoumi: "Then we can treat it like a two-person exhibition."
Moegi: "If Yamabuki's work is there too, people would come... and they'd be so entranced by his work, maybe they'd gloss right over mine...."
Yamabuki: "If Moegi's work is also there... everyone would go home half satisfied... we'd might even make it out with mixed reviews...."
Moegi: "Alright, I'll do it!"
Yamabuki: "Pleased to be working with you!"
Aoumi: "Let's do our best."
Taichi: (This time, Mu-chan and Yuki-chan play similar roles~.)
Taichi: (Their heights are about the same, and Yuki-chan's character complements Mu-chan's perfectly!)
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Shirato: "Why do you go to such lengths for people who are such a pain in the ass?"
Aoumi: "I simply want more people to experience fine artwork."
Aoumi: "And I want artists to know the power of their work. Because that feeling, can only be truly understood when art is shared with others..."
Aoumi: "That's why I run this gallery, to experience that moment. Well, I got that line from my father, but the sentiment remains."
Shirato: "You inherited the gallery from your father, right?"
Aoumi: "Correct. Like Shirato-kun, I also worked as an assistant. It took a long time, but that's how I learned the job."
Shirato: "A gallery of your own, and in such a prime location too, I envy you."
Aoumi: "Yes, that's thanks to my father. It does add a lot of pressure to the job, though."
Shirato: "......"
Izumi: (After the successful end of Moegi and Yamabuki's two-person exhibition, preparations begin for Shinonome's solo exhibition....)
Aoumi: "Has Shinonome-kun contacted you?"
Shirato: "Nope, nothing."
Aoumi: "This is strange... It's already 30 minutes past our meeting time.... No matter how much I call him he doesn't answer...."
Shirato: "Well, he's always late."
Aoumi: "I'm worried that we can't get in touch with him."
Aoumi: "And if we don't decide on an invitation design soon, we won't have enough time to get them printed and distributed."
Aoumi: "Plus I still need his main painting, but I haven't heard an update on that either."
Shirato: "That reminds me... Back in high school, he suddenly missed school and didn't even return home. He was missing for a few days, the police had to end up getting involved."
Aoumi: "Ehh!? Oh, that would be a disaster... Let's hurry up and look for him."
Shirato: "For now, how about we head to his place?"
Aoumi: "Good idea."
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Aoumi: "Shinonome-kun! Shinonome-kun, are you there!? There's no response...."
Shirato: "I just checked, and it doesn’t look like he's been to college either."
Aoumi: "Then, maybe his parents' house...?"
Shirato: "I don't know. His parents basically spend all of their time overseas."
Aoumi: "I see. Oh, where could he be.... Maybe if we give him a few days he'll return."
Shirato: "Speaking of, when I found him in high school, he was nearly freezing to death on a riverbed."
Aoumi: "That's definitely a pattern we don't want to repeat...! We need to keep looking for him, but it'll be dark soon..."
Shirato: "I'll take you to the different places he likes."
Aoumi: "Please do!"
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Aoumi: "There he is...!"
Shinonome: "Ahh, you found meeeeー. I was just about to make my beddddー."
Shirato: "Quit building here. The cops are gonna arrest you again."
Shinonome: "You always find me, Shiratoooー. Why's thatttー?"
Shirato: "...Nothing special, I just know you. You're usually near your favorite scenery."
Shinonome: "That's rightttー. As expected of Shirato!"
Aoumi: "Your favorite scenery.... I see. It's quite rugged, I can see how Shinonome-kun chose this as a motif for his artwork."
Shirato: "Why'd you skip the meeting."
Shinonome: "Umm, because the weather's nice today?"
Shirato: "Shinonome..."
Shinonome: "Sorry, sorryyyー. The truth is, I couldn't make any progress on my main painting at alllllー."
Aoumi: "Ehh!? But, we need to finalize the invitations soon..."
Shinonome: "I'll bring the painting to you on opening day, so please just find a way to design them somehowwwー."
Aoumi: "I understand. Please focus on your piece, Shinonome-kun."
Shinonome: "Thank youuuー."
(aoumi and shirato walk away)
Shirato: "You sure you can trust him? That guy's got no concept of deadlines."
Aoumi: "Still, it's his exhibition. If he isn't satisfied with the art he created, it's not worth displaying."
Izumi: (The first day of the exhibition arrives...)
Aoumi: "Shirato-kun, any word from Shinonome-kun?"
Shirato: "Not yet."
Aoumi: "We're about to open. At this rate, the main wall will be..."
Shirato: "What do we do?"
Aoumi: "Customers are already lining up, we've got no choice to open. I'll explain the situation to our customers."
(aoumi walks away)
Aoumi: "Thank you for visiting. Before we open, I'd like to apologize to all of youーー."
Shirato: "Aoumi-san, it's here!"
Aoumi: "Eh?"
Shirato: "The painting, it's arrived."
Aoumi: "Really!?"
Aoumi: "Pardon me, everyone. Please wait a moment!"
Aoumi: "So this is Shinonome-kun's latest work... It's wonderful."
Aoumi: "It's got a slightly different atmosphere than usual, I'd like to hear if he's had any change of heart. Where is Shinonome-kun?"
Shirato: "He's not here, it arrived by courier."
Aoumi: "Is that so. Then, I suppose he'll stop by later."
Aoumi: "Now, it's time to begin closingーー."
Shinonome: "Sorryyy, I'm late."
Aoumi: "Shinonome-kun! Thank you for all of your hard work. Your latest piece is safe andーーWhat's that painting for?"
Shinonome: "I finally finished it, so I came bring it to youuuー. I made it in time for opening day, rightttー."
Aoumi: "Eh? But, then the painting that arrived this morningーー."
Shinonome: "Huhhhー? That? That's not mine."
Aoumi: "What....? Well, then, whose...?
Shirato: "I didn't verify the courier company. I'm so sorry...."
Aoumi: "It's not your fault, Shirato-kun. I explained the situation to the customer who bought it, and they understood."
Shirato: "I'm sorry but, I.... I'm quitting my part-time job here."
Aoumi: "Huh? Oh, no, Shirato-kun, you don't need to feel responsibleーー."
Shirato: "Excuse me."
(shirato runs away)
Aoumi: "Shirato-kun!"
(phone ringing)
Aoumi: "....He's not answering his phone, huh. I wonder if he was originally planning on quitting. He always so helpful and hardworking..."
Aoumi: "And a forgery, on top of everything. Honestly, I think it's perfection, and the artstyle is so similar... I wonder who painted it."
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Shinonome: "Ahhー, Aoumin. Nice workkkー."
Aoumi: "Thank you for all of your hard work for the solo exhibition. It was another huge success."
Shinonome: "Thanks to youuuー."
Aoumi: "Shinonome-kun, about the forgery, has that ever happened before?"
Shinonome: "Ummmー. Don't think soooー. I'm not that famous, y'knowwwー."
Aoumi: "I see... Are they any students at your art school with a similar artstyle?"
Shinonome: "Not that I've seennnー. Come to think of it, where's Shirato? He didn't come with you todayyyー?"
Aoumi: "What? Didn't you hear? Shirato-kun quit."
Shinonome: "Ehhhー!? Really!? ......That sucksssー."
Shinonome: "That guy, he suddenly quit the art club during our third year of high school, tooooー. Even though he was a better artist than meeeー. He quit painting."
Aoumi: "Really?"
Shinonome: "Look, this was the art club's exhibit at the school festivalllー. So nostalgicccー."
Aoumi: "Wow, I see your artstyle was already establishing itself. By the way, what's this one?"
Shinonome: "Oh, that's Shirato's painting."
Aoumi: "Shirato-kun's..."
Shinonome: "I'm pretty sure I have moreeeー. Ah, this one, that one, this one over here..."
Aoumi: "The artstyle's a bit different, but the motif is similar to yours."
Shinonome: "Yeahhhー. When I'm sketching, I always turn to them for inspirationnnー."
Aoumi: "Then, could the artist of the forgery beーー."
Shirato: "I painted it. I'm sorry."
Aoumi: "I figured... But, why?"
Shirato: "I wanted Aoumi-san to acknowledge my art."
Shirato: "In high school, I joined the art club. I dreamed of going to art school and continuing painting."
Shirato: "But, I couldn't. I couldn't afford it, and my parents hated the idea..."
Shirato: "So, when Shinonome obviously went on to art school, I was envious of him. But, at the same time, I was angry."
Shirato: "Is everything determined by my own efforts, or something that's completely out of my control?"
Shirato: "Honestly, I didn't really trust Aoumi-san either, at first."
Shirato: "The person who made Sky Gallery so great, wasn't you, it was your father."
Shirato: "I thought even if I got a part time job here, I was going to quit as soon as I ever made something of myself."
Shirato: "But, when I saw how seriously you take your job, and the care you extend to each artist, I was so ashamed of myself..."
Shirato: "Even so, I wanted to see if my own painting would be accepted by you, Aoumi-san."
Shirato: "I thought that if you recognized it, I could let go of painting without regret."
Aoumi: "Shirato-kun, your artwork must be properly presented to the world, as your own. Lies will never touch anyone's hearts."
Aoumi: "Please show me your work, as the real Shirato-kun. I want you to learn the power of your artwork, too."
Shirato: "Aoumi-san.... Thank you."
Kazunari: Thanks, everyone!
Tenma: Thank you for coming.
Misumi: Thank you~!
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164000stitches · 5 years
Sorry I haven’t been posting much. My future is imploding.
For those of you who don’t know, the United Methodist Church is currently meeting to vote on how to move forward as a whole denomination in regards to the debate surrounding sexuality and gender. It is not going well.
Most of youdont know a lot about the person behind the stitches as someone put it. I have been called to work in the church in some capacity. My family has been UMC since long before there was a UMC. Like 9-10+ generations. Wesleyan theology is a part of my very DNA. Today is the last day of a conference that is debating my very scared worth as a human and as potential clergy. It looks like I will have a decision to make in the near future about if I will remain Methodist and keep fighting the fight or step out and protect myself. Idk what will happen just yet. We will see what the end of the day brings and what we are left with. Please pray for me and mine or send good vibes or whatever your spiritual practice is about. I could use it
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