#sorry again my knee is sprained and i am freaking out about bills :’)
pillarofna · 7 months
poll for engagement please reblog
my last post died completely again, so i’m remaking it. i was $400 away from my last goal and my bills keep piling up on my credit card.
hi i’m dylan a disabled trans person who is $12,000 in debt. i was (wrongfully) fired for putting in my two weeks a while back, and have only been able to doordash (usually completely booked out, i’m lucky to get 3 hours a week) due to a leg injury and disability.
my current goal is to get under $1,000 balance on my credit card, current balance is at $1,576 and my car payment and insurance (~275 total) is going to go through in a week. so that being said my new goal is $850 just to try and get out of this hole of debt. obviously i am not going to ask for $12k but literally anything helps at the moment. i’m really fucked and all i can do atm is beg until my leg heals in a few weeks (knee sprain).
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i also have art commissions, and all 5 slots are currently open
p4ypal @ aidenallison , or click here
c4shapp $diabolicshrimp , or click here
v3nmo @ diabolicshrimp
thank you guys so much for your continued help and support. 💙
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whiskey-bumblebee · 4 years
show me your boobs
Pairing: Pale/Reader
Word Count: ~1200
A/N: haunted house shenanigans, PDA, exhibitionism (does it count if there’s no sex??), sexy but no sex because they get SPOOKED
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Pale doesn’t really like Halloween. Aside from making sure his kid’s gonna have an okay time, and the sexy costumes, and the fun cooking, and the couple’s costumes, and the late night scary movies, and the echoes of kids trick or treating down the hall, and the way you sit on his lap to do his makeup for this one night a year, and the haunted houses, and the-
Pale likes Halloween.
You’d never expect it from him though, a guy who bitches about kids holdin’ out their buckets all expectant and stupid fuckin’ movies and teenage guys all pressuring their girls into the teeniest thing they can still legally wear in public. Yet, here you are, on the subway to Brooklyn, where he’s been told there’s a haunted house attraction worth the trip out.
Someone’s glammed up their townhouse, the yard and everything covered in decorations. Now that it’s after dark, there aren’t many kids around, so you and Pale and the other freaks will have the place to yourselves. 
Your heart picks up a little, seeing the performer in the doorway, how convincing her costume is, even if she’s wilting a bit after a long afternoon of hosting screaming teens. 
“Alright, if you’re pregnant or have heart conditions or anything like that, I don’t recommend heading inside,” She listed, bored.
Pale nudges you softly, raises his eyebrow.
You laugh and nudge him back. “No chance, fella. Sorry.”
He holds his hands up playfully. “Just checkin’.”
“Okay then, it’s a dollar each then you can head inside, turn left.”
Pale dropped two bills into the pumpkin-shaped bucket on the chair beside the door and took your hand. “Ready, doll?”
You shrugged your shoulders up and down, loosening up, then nodded.
As you entered and turned left, you were greeted with an old fashioned factory set; a conveyor belt, some pipes, theatrical fog. 
“They say he died here,” Someone whispered from behind you, causing you to jump slightly and move closer to Pale.
“Who?” Pale asked, teasing.
“Ol’ Nelson. Fell into the conveyor belt.”
Pale kissed your cheek and whispered in your ear. “You’re alright angel, ain’t nobody ever died on a conveyor belt. How the fuck you fall in one of those anyway?”
“Alright, thanks for the heads up,” Pale called, ushering you forward.
He whispered in your ear again. “If you wanna leave, we can tell ‘em and they’ll let us out.”
You squeezed his hand, telling him you’d heard.
Someone leapt from the next doorway, wearing a bloodied apron, and screamed.
You yelped and Pale swore loudly. 
“Jesus fuck what you yelling for? Huh? You Nelson’s missus or what?”
The performer sneered down at you, tilting her neck at an odd angle and laughing.
“Alright,” Pale chuckled. He squeezed your hand again and you squeezed back.
The next room was more gory, filled with admittedly plastic-looking remains. Nelson, you presumed. The light was an eerie white, coming down through the skylight in the ceiling. It was a long rectangular room, and at your cautious pace, it would take you a while to get through.
“Jesus, doll, you look so pretty,” Pale squeezed your hand. “When you’re breathing all heavy like that it pushes your tits out, didn’t notice earlier.”
You blushed and adjusted your corset. Pale swatted your hands away.
“Nah, nah. Let a man enjoy it,” He smiled. You rolled your eyes playfully and waited for the next scare.
“Doesn’t look like there’s anyone in here,” You breathed.
“Think you’re right. Wanna show me your tits?”
“Pale!” You scolded, hitting his chest softly. 
You peered into the dark, hoping your eyes would adjust and you’d be able to spot anyone before they got the chance to scare you.
“C’mon, angel, I’m serious. Wanna kiss ‘em.”
Cautious, you shifted your top down slightly. “In here, really?”
Pale hummed and ducked down to kiss your neck, still continuing to walk as he did so. Gently, he sucked a mark onto the side of your neck and you couldn’t help but laugh.
“Okay, Pale-”
Someone lunged from the pile of limbs, screaming. Once you’d cried out and even Pale had jumped a foot away from you, they began to mumble, chanting something under their breath.
You hurried to the next room, the office of the factory it seemed. Papers were scattered everywhere and two hands sat atop the desk, as if filling out paperwork.
While you were still catching your breath, Pale cracked a joke about death and taxes and you huffed a laugh.
“Geez, I wonder how much that guy heard before he decided to jump,” You breathed.
Pale stroked your back. At least, you hoped it was Pale. 
“Reckon he was waiting to see if we’d-”
Dozens of eyeballs spilled from somewhere to Pale’s left, rolling across the floor to where you stood.
“Your hand is on my back, right?”
“Mhm. Just wanna make sure you ain’t gonna freeze in place or nothin’. And now you gotta dodge the eyeballs so you don’t sprain an ankle. Want me to carry you?”
You laughed and kissed Pale’s shoulder, the room too dark to aim for anything more specific. “I’m okay.”
You made it out into the fading daylight and you found yourself relieved. It had been fun, especially with Pale’s commentary, but you felt yourself shedding layers of tension now you were out. 
Pale draped his coat around your shoulders. “You okay?”
Offering a smile, you nodded. “Yeah, just a bit spooky.”
He nodded. “So... Can I see your booooobs?”
You shook your head with a smile. “We’ll see once we’re back home, huh? You’re looking a little scared yourself.”
“Oh really?”
“Uh huh. A little Pale.”
He laughed and nudged you playfully. “Jesus, walked into that one, didn’t I?”
You peeled the collar of Pale’s coat from your neck, and tried to spot any bruises. Pale swept in and caught your lips with his own. You obliged and draped your arms over his shoulders as he dipped you low.
He pulled away with a satisfied smile and ran his hands over the bones of your corset. “Think you should wear this dress more often.”
“Mm, honey you keep talking like that and I’m not gonna be able to keep my hands off you either.”
Pale held his hands above his head with a grin. “Go ahead, baby, all yours.”
Smirking, you glanced over your shoulders to check there was nobody nearby. You dropped to your knees and pressed a single kiss over the fly of his pants.
Quickly, you stood up again and kept walking to the subway entrance, leaving a slack-jawed Pale behind you. You glanced behind you with a wink.
“C’mon honey, think it’s best if we make it home before we’re fuckin’ on someone’s lawn.”
“You don’t think we’d pass as an ornament?” Pale threaded his fingers through yours.
You shook your head. “Animatronics ain’t that good yet. Besides, I think you’ll wanna see the matching garter belt, am I right?”
Pale sped up, tugging you along behind him as he chuckled.
“Easy tiger,” You smiled. “We’ve got all night.”
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