#sorry anon this isn't against you at all i'm just very jaded today
bloggingboutburgers · 10 months
My main fandom is actually mainly aroace characters, sex or romance are never even brought up. Unfortunately that comes from them all being robots and, according to the lore guy, "robots cannot reproduce therefore they have no need for romantic attraction". So yea, not the most optimal circumstance. In addition it's also a toy theme so it's not for everyone's taste. Of course the fandom still ships and there are people creating overtly horny character designs, so there's really no winning there. I used to be more on board with shipping but have recently realised that I don't actually like it much anymore.
...God I could make a bingo out of this
Characters are only "aroace" by circumstance and are not humans because it truly takes being a machine or an alien to not feel romantic or sexual attractions, no way a human can be that way? Check.
There being a possibility that the author themselves don't know the concept of aro people and ace people and just made things that way by accident and definitely not for rep? Check.
People not caring and lewding/romanticizing them anyway? Dingdingdingdingding
Every time
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cyberdragoninfinity · 2 years
anon from before. i didnt mean to come off as rude sorry. you just reblogged this literally today https://redeyesretrodragon.tumblr.com/post/706133513613737984/cloudmancy-wuvvy-a-study-citations-wikipedia and then posted art clearly inspired by it and referred to this type of art as “weird” in your tags. i rubbed me the wrong way so thats why i sent that
oooh ok ok yeah i gotcha! yeah uh. i had been working on my piece prior to reblogging that and was literally just like "oh i should find that cool d20 art i saw a while back and reblog it while this is fresh in my mind"--i'd actually reblogged it like a half hour before i posted that drawing over on twitter last night, this isn't a case of "i dropped everything and HAD to make something inspired by this work." It just happened to be a pretty timely reblog! And like. man that's not the only type of Unusual Experimental Mixed Media Compositional Art I've been engaging with and admiring lately, i just dont post about that sort of thing very much on my tumblr, nor am i obligated to! ((obligatory plug to my friend jade's art, also tremendously inspiring to me wrt this sort of work))
me calling my own art/what i want my own art to be "weird" is not a dig against that acofaf artist's work. apologies that that rubbed you the wrong way or came off like that?? i've talked in my 2022 Art Summary about how I've wanted to make 'weirder' and more experimental art this year and i've talked about it even more about it in other spaces; I call the type of art that I'm particularly interested in making rn "weird" because, well, yeah, it kind of is, man! In the best way! to a lot of people who engage with fanart, especially western anime fanspaces, things done with an unusual style of composition or mishmashed mixed media isn't exactly an uber-popular breed of fanart (compared to, yknow, something like airbrushed digital painting character art), and thats fucking awesome. I LOVE that type of work, and I rarely if ever see anything like it in yugioh creative spaces. And I want to make more of it!! I call it weird with all the love in my heart. weird art is good art in these parts!!!!!!!!
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