#sorry but Geats has been fun for me
keruworld · 1 year
IDK aren't the things you listed about Buffa mere justifications for the atrocities he has committed? Yes, it's part of a game, there's no question about that.
But it's part of a game he at least has a hand in designing if we assume this is Beroba's game and not Buffa's game. Way, I see it, those "casualties" didn't need to be casualties if their aim was Niram's Vision Driver.
He could have just made a game where the only ones affected were the remaining Riders, but no, he still went with what Beroba designed because girl needs to have her daily dose of human misery.
While I don't exactly want Michinaga to have the "death by redemption" trope or anything related, but I want that redemption earned. I want there to be distrust toward him.
I want him to atone, I want him to try and regain the trust of the people he's hurt the most.
I want him to work hard for that redemption, but as things are now he'd get away with his actions scot-free, especially considering he's just going to forget everything once all of this is over, as per DGP rules.
You say Keiwa's a hypocrite, maybe it's true but I don't see it that way. Keiwa' to me hasn't trampled on anyone, he certainly hasn't sabotaged anyone for the competition, in fact, he has sabotaged himself for trying to be fair. The only act of sabotage I see him do was when Sara was in danger and he stole Sae's buckle, but that was because he values his sister's life over anything else.
You say Buffa hates himself for the casualties, but are we so sure about that, is that even canon, or is that your interpretation of what happened?
Sure he may not have made a victory dance when he killed Ace, Keiwa, or Niram, but he nonetheless gloated about his victory over Keiwa, a victory he got after attacking the man who just witnessed a world-shattering view of the girl he saved pushing a man to his death.
"You said you would be happy if everyone's happy. Why don't you become fuel for my wishes?" *proceeds to throw Keiwa into the hole on the ground.
What atrocities I wonder? The kill of Ace and Keiwa? I know Im taking theirs deaths as nothing... but come on, why do you think that Ace was not angry to Michi when he revived? Why he didnt say: HEY YOU MOTHERFUCKER, YOU KILLED ME!! Because if you are in the game, you know what are the possibilities. And Ace of all the people know this very well.
To whom he has to atone? To whom he has to regain trust? To Ace? To Keiwa? To Neon? To all the casualities? Why? Because he won and made everyone miserable? He wished for that? That's truly evil!! X,D (sorry, im being sarcastic here)
"You say Keiwa's a hypocrite, maybe it's true but I don't see it that way." When I said that everyone is hypocrite and add Keiwa too... is because Keiwa hides his pain of the lost of his parents behind being the nice guy, and it's ok, and may be you could have the best wish for win the DGP like "end world famine", but in a rooted game like the DGP, that is rooted to it's core, if you want to fight for the most good wish, you can't be good, you have to get your hands dirty. Keiwa was just naive, and that's good, Buffa was there to get the dirt on himself. The script have been protecting Keiwa like a baby... sadly... because of all characters... he havent had much development. But I hope now he gets the development that he needs. I think he's adorable. (that's why deep down inside I think he and Michinaga could be best friends)
"You say Buffa hates himself for the casualties, but are we so sure about that, is that even canon, or is that your interpretation of what happened?" You know... a character dont need or have to say it directly, especialy someone like Michinaga. Of course is my interpretation by watching his expressions. Always serious, unhappy, pissed. May be my interpretation is wrong... But this exactly scene where he have just killed Tycoon and all that was left was Geats, the boy was almost in tears saying his dialogue to Ace. It was the most saddest expression of all. If this was not repent for just killed Keiwa, to just have got his hands dirty… I dont know what it is. He didnt wanted to, but he had to.
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"You said you would be happy if everyone's happy. Why don't you become fuel for my wishes?" *proceeds to throw Keiwa into the hole on the ground. This scene was sooooo good. Because Buffa... was totally a bitch, he played the bad guy to the end. And I know he did bad... but come on he was right of what he said to Tycoon. I could bet that Keiwa is not angry with him too. X,D
I know it looks like Buffa have gotted his way out like nothing, like he had his redemtion like nothing... but if you carefull watch I think is not like that, he have suffered and almost break. Again... yeah... almost all of this is my perception, my interpretation that the stupid and evil bull is a good boy in the inside. I too couldnt defend him like this some chapters ago... I haven been puzzled too, is he good? is he bad? why are you doing this? how you will end this? But this is exactly why Geats have been so fun... at least for me.
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Stickmen violence but Kamen Rider (PT. 2)
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Sorry these are more low quality than the previous batch, the first three were made before my last exam- Luckily they're done now so hopefully I can make more soon and get ideas more quickly!
Den-O has been bloody getting to me in terms of sadness, excitement and anger. Geats has been getting to me in terms of extreme excitement and hopes. Nothing else has been happening.
Sorry half of the characters are unrecognisable- Drawing half of them is pretty hard
Credit to the original artists of course-
Part 1 here
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tsuki-sennin · 2 years
Danger! Danger! Death the Crisis! Dangerous Zombie! Our next round sees us taking on a zombie horde! Likely a nod to the Left 4 Dead series or Capcom's failed multiplayer experience Umbrella Corps. Mmmmm... or perhaps because Bandai, it's a nod to Splatterhouse?
That there slippery fox is leading us down a very interesting trail, that's for sure. I sure hope that it keeps its momentum going strong.
Spoilers, I guess...
-Taira-san... :(
-I guess keeping record of your descent into toxic gamerism would be a good thing to do if they ever find you dead.
-Tsumuri, you are immensely creepy in the best way, I love you.
-Only the Jamato, huh?
-They ate him.
-Poor Keiwa.
-Wow, the Sonozakis would be envious of this amount of real estate.
-Who you lookin' for, Ace?
-Yeah, Trust Last is fantastic. I wanna hear the full version so much.
-Oh... static...
-Mr. Ginpen is gone...
-I wonder... could anybody who was involved with the production of the first episode of the original 1971 series, anybody at all, could they have predicted we'd reach this point?
-The two most famous human beings in the world, together on camera!
-Oh shit, Da-Pan!
-"Streaming your escape attempts?"
-Honey, cats don't do too hot
-Oh shit, the bodyguard dudes.
-Awww, they're starstruck :)
-These guys seem like really fun side characters, hope they stick around
-Oh my god, video game graphics.
-Oh wow, there's a lot to these games.
-I wonder if they're trying to encourage kids to try and play with these rules?
-I see there's a lot of emphasis on playing fair this round.
-Gambling in full view of Miss Tsumuri, huh?
-I love all the poses!
-Neon's prolonged one is adorable btw
-I love the look of this man's shield.
-Seems like we're all ready!
-Oooooh, and Buffa draws first blood!
-Meanwhile Mr. Tycoon's doing a great job helping civilians, what a guy!
-Oh shit, the boost!
-Nago, you don't have to be so catlike!
Da-Paan: Nobody's stupid enough to help you! Geats: immediately helps her
-You should've gone for the head.
-Man, I love the use of the environment, it's so cool.
-Poor Nago.
-Hello Mary!
-You seem like a pretty cool guy.
-Costumes, of course!
-"Typical rich people... you are not an EPIC PUBG GAMER LIKE ME, WHO SPENT LIKE 6 HOURS FOR A PAIR OF JEANS!"
-These characters are so funny hjkhgj
-Gotta meet that prince!
-"No fighting :c"
-"Sorry Keiwa, we're all rivals."
-Yep. This is a proper Death Game story.
-I wonder how much money this DGP swag goes for on Premium Bandai? Maybe... 20,000 yen? 400,000? A kidney?
-I see...
-This is fun. I really love these kinds of "death game" stories, there's so much to the way characters are written and how
-To create our ideal world.
-The second wave comes.
-Da-Paan with the assist!
-I see the Pipe Bonk strat has been taken up by Buffa!
-What's this? Ace Ukiyo's just standing around! Oh, and he hops in! Here comes the Zombie Raise Buckle! Gotta say folks, this look is absolutely working for him!
-Ready! Fight!
-Jesus Christ man, what the hell
-Just gonna shoot a girl in the back like that?
-Gotta say, the zombie look is absolutely workin' for Geats.
-I love the brutality behind this weapon too.
-Yep, this is absolutely a Splatterhouse reference.
-I see Da-Paan's score means nothing to him.
-Oooooh, dodging with the revolve!
-Y'know Sumida, you really set my expectations low, but goddamn.
-Oh shit
-Got run down, and your dreams with you?
-Naturally, you gotta make the entire world suffer alongside you!
-You're quite a piece of work, huh man? Monokuma lookin' ass.
-Oh man, we're doing a Sengoku thing again, huh?
-Oh shit, Neon
-Damn girl, you waited
-So we have a chance.
-You die in the game, you die in real life. Couldn't have seen that coming, huh?
-Ohhhhhhh, Na-Go's got the Boost Buckle next episode!
-Hell yeah, gurl! Get it!
-Eagerly anticipating our next wave.
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iristial · 2 years
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New plushie shelf setup, since I got a new clothing rack(?) after the old one broke and had to rearrange my bedroom furniture. Surprisingly, everything fit! I love how colourful it is 💕
Other stuff...?
My last shift was on Friday and the feeling was - surreal yet liberating. No more "making it green"! No more managers making me do five different things at once...for now! (It was to the extent where several of my coworkers said they felt sorry for me, running all over the place because of my workload) Had a little skip in my step when I walked out the door the last time ~
Now that I have actual time on my hands, I can get my community service card renewed, ask the post office how to send mail internationally, finish a drama, a toku, maybe visit the city, eat regular meals...as you can see, work sucked out all my energy this past year
In the spirit of me learning new things about merch this year, apparently trading luck-based/randomized merch has always been commonplace? I've seen this happen for K-pop photocard collecting and the aforementioned keychains. People post their array of pulls up for trade and request for certain items in return. It looks like a lot of fun ^^
The Geats cast are so quiet on social media. At least compared to previous years, I think? Yuna and Kazuto are quite active, whilst the others exclusively post about the next Geats episode. Nothing wrong in that, of course. Social media isn't always a true measure of people's character and their relationships. I'm just a very greedy person who wants to see a bit more cast banter and cute times on Twitter, as opposed to learning from interviews I'd usually never read (because I focus on the pictures) that Hideyoshi and Ryuga Sato went to the sauna together lol
Apparently Geats has been doing super well in Japan, which means 👉👈 more than one photobook for little old me? (Trust Yuya Takahashi to create series with no less than five photobooks xD) At this point I'm craving one badly, and with the rapidly adding to my toku stash saga feat. wailing wallet and banning Heisei era saga ending, the excitement for new material will multiply who knows how many times. Right now all of it will be Geats related. I'm enjoying it so much! I say it every week but it's true
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transmandonnie · 2 years
5, 7, 9 apex. 13 for engineer tf2. 10 and 24 for ur little uhhh gay men fighting kaijus shows
5. Has fandom ever ruined a pairing for you?
LOL yes. sorry to everybody but waaay back around apex season 1 the mir*gehound fandom was so annoying that I stopped shipping them cold turkey. nobody would ship miragetane with me after that, but they still hold some place in my cold dead apex heart
I'm pretty sure there's been other ships like this, but this is definitely the most recent example.
7. Is there anything you used to like but can’t stand now?
The above, but also ummm just. multiplayer first person shooters in generalJKLFDJKLDFSKLDSLKDSLK y'all's fandoms suck dick n balls. uhhh. h*mestuck. comic book fandoms. can't think of much else
[apex] 9. Most disliked character(s)? Why?
Sorry I just do not like Wattson. As an autistic person I love getting representation but she is not what I'm looking for. Her writing is bad and the ship is forced. If she was a lesbian she would have massive character growth, I think. At this point, I don't think there's a single redeemable trait in her for me.
Who else. Caustic. I don't have a reason I'm just bad-hairline-phobic I guess and I'm sore about his gameplay. Oh right Valkyrie. She's like a lesbian written by a straight man. I could write a dissertation about that.
Everybody else has some sort of charming point, I guess, so I'm not ranking those. also I feel like saying more is gonna get me burned LMFAO
13. Unpopular opinion about Engineer?
I'm gonna be real with you. The TF2 fandom is the most chill fandom I've ever been in. There literally aren't any popular opinions about Engineer that I disagree with. Except maybe that I don't actually like the beard look on him, but I feel like you're well within your right to decide that for yourself when you're 40+ years old. I treat him like he's a real person because he is my friend and I respect him so much.
10. Most disliked arc? Why?
I can't really point out specific arcs within seasons because everything is so intertwined and so chaotic I can't really make heads or tails out of it tbh. I do have to say some seasons have absolutely godawful pacing in some episodes and the ~50 episode ~24min runtime limit is really harming the storytelling. I get that it's supposed to be digestible for kids and it depends on the director, and sometimes I actually like this type of thing! but they really do rapid-fire stuff at you in the newer seasons lmao 😭 this show is so adhd about their characters
24. Would you recommend Kamen Rider to a friend? Why or why not?
yes yes yes a hundred times yes. If you liked Power Rangers, Jojo's Bizarre Adventure or superheroes at any point (or anything that's like this, for that matter), you will ESPECIALLY like Kamen Rider. Because it has a SHITTON of (mostly disconnected) seasons however, I recommend starting with any heisei-era shows that catch your interest in its general theme (although if you pick Decade or Ex-Aid as your first show, god help you). I've watched Den-O, OOO and Wizard, which are all extremely good, and I'm planning to watch more of W, Build and Ghost. The suits are excellent, the themes really hit home and it's overall a fun time. If you want to start with the most recent shows though (not sure why you would want to but ok), Revice is REALLY good for the gay ass dynamic, and if you want to see a fundamental misunderstanding of Apex Legends, watch Geats.
Also Momotaros is in Den-O. You agree. You will watch it.
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scoups4lyfe · 2 years
Yep, we have a visual of the New Season Rider, the colorless logo has been out for a month now and today the suit dropped in a poster for the Winter Movie (December 23) with Revice. Kamen Rider Geats (No idea how to pronounce it, gonna come out on September 4 from what I heard).
There's also a new Revice SpinOff that's been announced but no spoilers for things you haven't seen. And the Revice Movie. Damn, you missed a lot.
Also, the foreshadowing ask, holy hell that person choose violence when they made that, honestly, be prepared for a few trains to hit you Donbrothers is a thing to analyze every second because everything is crazy, still love to hear you want to protect Taro, he's the best (Honestly all the Donbrothers are a bunch of beautiful crazy people who are just really fun to see, from afar, as in from another universe... Except Taro). Sorry for the long Ask, I'm not good at social interaction of any type.
lmaooooo the long ask is A-ok my G
esp cause I love them LOL
You've heard of YEET now get ready for GEATS (the s is silent)
I HAVE missed a lot LMAOOOOO.
Depending on where I get this weekend in Donbrothers I might start trying to Catch Up for Revice LOLLLLL.
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feels like you guys are bullying me about the things I have yet to see LOL!!!!
Me: No one hurts Delivery homies in THIS house!! >:((
Everyone else: O hoo hoo,,, o hOO hEE
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beowulf retelling and closing thoughts
I'm just typing this out, not doing speech to text (sorry!), but I am not referencing notes if that makes it more authentic? idk
long story short: big ego'd man fights increasingly difficult beasts, eventually loses.
long story long: The first chapter of our story begins in Denmark with our good king Scyld. He was good, people loved him! He had a son, Beow, who had many more sons (and a forgotten daughter). One of these sons is Hrothgar, whom we will call him Roger. During his ruling, Roger flipped a massive boat upside down and created Heorot: a man cave of drinking and arm wrestling matches. People loved it! Until Grendel, descendent of Cain !!!, arrived and ruined the fun drunk vibes. Many years went by of Grendel's reign over Heorot. Word had spread far of Denmark's troubles with a beast. Enter Beowulf. He leads a group of Geats to Denmark to come to their rescue. Upon arrival, they are met by the petulant guard who does NOT like the Geat's war gear. After explaining their intentions, the guard returns to Roger and lets him know of Beowulf's arrival. Roger is THRILLED by this news because he knew Beowulf's father and believes Beowulf has been sent by God to save them! Beowulf and his men are welcomed warmly into Heorot, drinking ensues, and they are set to fight Grendel in the night...
xoxo gossip girl
Overall, I really enjoyed Beowulf. The whole book is so overly masculine in a way that I found to be really fun, and it felt like it wasn't taking itself too seriously. Some of the politics going on did confuse me, but that was undone by every repetition of the phrase "fucked by fate". I don't exactly believe in fate or destiny in my own life, but I DO love stories about it (exhibit A: the multiple Kaer Morhen posters hanging in my dorm). Putting this book into the larger context of this what this class is, I found it so interesting to think about what different iterations Beowulf might have gone through as it was passed around orally and eventually recorded and the social/cultural implications that go along with each iteration.
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