#sorry for any typos cuz i didnt have time to read it over
fictionfixations · 5 months
book 7 part 4 spoilers
im having intrusive thoughts (theyre UNWELCOME. ive been hit by so many emotions i cant stop myself from actually crying rn ) now that i finished it okay so
if there are any typos or wrong words that dont make sense im SO sorry i usually sleep around this time (i wrote confused instead of convinced im SOBBING) so my brain is slowing down on me
whbat if. what if if
we encounter the dawn knight
and silver's ring starts glowing
and they accuse him of being a traitor because it seems weirdly familiar (or the knight accuses silver of being a thief? IDK)
LISTEN im still convinced that the dawn knight and silver are connected in some way. i just dont know how yet. aghhhhh
ALSO WHEN is the conversation about them mentioning 'hey you keep calling me father..' (could be brushed off as 'you remind me a lot of my father'. cue probably mixed feelings) or '..hey what was that about you calling yourself a zigvolt when we first met?'
i mean sharing LAST NAMES (edit: i said nicknames wtf? im so sorry) without being related is normal. although i dont know how normal it is in twisted wonderland.
ALSO sebek also like doubled down like
baur: you dont have the signature scales
sebek: my mother has them!
baur: then why dont you?
sebek: ... (ashamed of his father. ashamed of his blood. poor baby. he really just ended up taking being called a 'human /neg'. to be fair i dont want to know reactions to a half-fae, because that would mean during the war between fae and humans, a fae got together with a human. and we know that that relationship was looked down upon even now in the future where the war is over, i think.)
(this book made me such a sebek apologist 😭)
like COME ON dont brush it off. i mean im going to cry for that conversation because its just going to be PAIN but like CMONNN????
where are the consequences?
then again this isnt real its just. a dream.
also what if the dawn knight is silvers dad and lilia fucking idk kidnapped him and it started the war [although he'd be way too young in that case since this is 400 YEARS in the past] (but then theres the note lilia read him which means silver probably did get abandoned. .......or maybe lilia killed the dawn knight and his last words were giving his son over and that note about not wanting silver's eyes to cloud over in sorrow, and to instead be as clear as the jewel on the ring...)
or or or or
i have. so many thoughts.
i STILL believe silver's at least related to the dawn knight. ...im just not sure how but i keep backtracking to son because yes.
and like itd also play into the 'fae stealing children' idea thingy. although i wonder if thats more offensive if that gets mentioned at all. if it was like some sort of propaganda bedtime story that humans told their children to make them terrified of fae and viewing them as monsters or something..
remember that merchant in the port town(?) area thing
first mistook us for monsters because of our masks (but thats fair)
realized we were like fae?? made a racket
this guard came over and the merchant accused US of threatening the guy to hand over his shit like what??? WE DIDNT DO ANYTHING WHAT ARE YOU ON ABOUT?? we dont even want your fucking spices or whatever wtf ???
i am also a believer that there's a huge misunderstanding between the fae and humans that caused this war.
but also.
i know twisted wonderland is very tragic and everything
but if the dawn knight and the ironclads kill malleus' mom im going to hate them so much. more than i already do [well i hate the ironclads, not the dawn knight, since one bad apple doesnt make them all bad apples]. (look they probably killed raverne but..... malleus' parents man. one is better then none. :( )
imagine though that the dawn knight is silvers dad (in whatever twisted time loophole age gap thing whatever the fuck even if it doesnt make sense)
and the dawn knights kills maleanor . . .? i. cant remember (OKAY maleanor is malleus' mom.? and maleficia is like grandma. i think... i. bro the overuse of mal is confusing me so bad sob)
just. imagine silver spiraling into a sort of self-hate. like. im the child of your enemy. my dad ("your dad is LILIA." says someone) killed malleus' parents...
and it probably feels worse then. idk. being a human in a land of fae. like so much more out of place
and so horrible
ahh im worried
..then again maleanor (i almost said maleficia oops) is super strong right? so she'd probably win.. (but also. its a lot harder to fight with something to protect. that being your precious little eggwhich you would probably die for to keep safe) ALSO SHE DIED SO LIKE ???
hhh i dont know what to think
JP SPoilers now
also really fucking worried because JP server's all the way in like idk pomefiore and im just like
how did you even get there. whAT? THIS ENDS?
like i know it'd have to end eventually but i just cant see an end in sight...
i hope we can bring lilia with us. but there might be a chance he'll be made to fall into a deeper sleep where we cant assist since the whole point of his overblot was about lilia and wanting to keep him 'alive' and there
im just. sad.
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storytaeme · 7 years
fantasy – vmin
All his life, Taehyung wanted to believe he was destined for something greater—he just never expected greater to be the crown prince’s lover.
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vmin week 2017 – taehyung x jimin
❧ Elements: Fluff, Smut  |  Royalty AU
❧ Word Count: 6,520 words
❧ A/N: I’m late I know i’m so sorry!! I really hope you enjoy this one though. It was supposed to have much more content but then one thing and led to another and BOOM SEX. so yes :D
“What did the pirate say when he turned 80?”
Jimin waited, tapping his lip thoughtfully, his eyes glittering with delight.
“Aye matey.”
Pause. His finger stopped, his gaze flicked up to meet Taehyung’s. It was almost comical to watch the realization dawn on his face. There was a slow curl of his lips then the furrowing of his brows, throw in the parting of his lips and the way his body shifted back. Jimin tossed himself into laughter. It was mesmerizing to watch how quickly he transformed his entire position. Laughter sprung from his lips and filled the empty room while Taehyung made a drumming motion. Ba dum ts.
“T-that was terrible,” Jimin swiped away a tear, groaning, “why are you like this? I thought you were supposed to be funny.”
“I am funny,” Taehyung argued, “almost as funny as the time someone swallowed a wire from their braces and I told them to brace themselves.”
Cue the laughter. It was the squeaky one this time, the one that sounded like he was hiccuping and giggling simultaneously. Jimin practically flung himself on the side of his chair, prompting his right hand men to drift towards him. But he only batted them away, shooing them back to the door where they usually stood.
“Alright, fine, fine, I’ll concede just this time,” Jimin grinned, dabbing at his eyes again.
Taehyung skipped on his feet and did a flourished bow, “Thank you, your majesty.”
Kim Taehyung. 21 years old. Son, brother, friend. Lover.
In the time of knights and mythical dragons, of rich royalty and poor peasants, Taehyung was caught in between the two worlds. He had grown up in the disgustingly realistic income inequality where his parents broke their bones to support him and his brother and sister. Taehyung had lent a hand at the time as well, bringing their fresh produce to the markets to sell. They were one of the popular vendors, thankfully, and managed to garner enough to support the family.
Well, barely.
Village taxes were atrocious and all of it went into the luxurious life of the monarch. They fed the king’s belly and his men and women and share of mistresses. Taehyung had always spited them for it, but kept his mouth shut. He had to be the good kid, couldn’t pick fights with anyone if he wanted to live. The royal family didn’t take criticism very well, and it was the only form of governmental power they had always known.
“Taehyung, you get lovelier everyday,” an elderly woman cooed, patting his cheek as he handed her her purchases. He only chuckled because a nice front was all he could put up to ensure that business flowed smoothly. Taehyung was a charmer, sure, and that meant he had to use it to his advantage. “How about marrying my daughter? You’re at such a ripe age now.”
Ripe. The world left a bad aftertaste on his tongue, but he bit back his flinch and grinned at her. “But you know what’s even riper, Mrs. Han? Our apples. Fresh picks and I’ll even select the best of the best for you.”
“Oh, you,” she clicked her tongue but tittered, “but alright, I’ll take a few. But only the best, alright?”
Taehyung beamed right back at her and did so. It was all about the money.
“Have a good day, son, I’ll be back tomorrow for more,” she smiled before scurrying away to the next vendor for more groceries.
Smiling took a lot of effort, strained too much on his face muscles. This was his everyday life, he supposed. Harvesting fruits and vegetables from his family’s farm, bringing them all to the packed village market, using his natural likable personality to sell everything out. It worked. This worked.
Sometimes, he thought about whether he was meant for something bigger than this. Bigger than this tiny village. He wanted to explore, wanted to venture in the world outside of his little town and see what this vast universe could offer him. Alas, he did not have that luxury.
Taehyung thought that he could be content with the way things were, but that was until his world was turned around one particular day.
It was a blistering day with the sun raining down hell’s fire upon the village. Everyone was sweaty and pissed over how ridiculously high the temperature was. Taehyung wanted to argue whenever his customer complained about the high prices of their sales (they really weren’t that high considering the quality).
“But, Taehyung, these aren’t even fresh,” Mr. Park bitterly commented at his spread of lettuce and cucumbers.
“Mr. Han, I can assure you that they are. We just picked them this morning and cleaned it. It’s the best quality you can find around here,” Taehyung softly soothed him.
“Can’t you lower the prices just a little bit? Money’s a little tight.”
Money’s a little tight for everybody, Taehyung wanted to snap back. The heat wasn’t doing much to assuage his irritation either. “Sorry,” he apologized sheepishly, “these are the best in the area so I can guarantee that this is the best price for it.”
“I can help,” a voice sounded next to Mr. Park.
Holy shit. Taehyung’s knees weakened and heart rate picked up. Mr. Park stumbled around too before dropping to his knees. The man flailed almost hilariously as he urged Taehyung’s customer up. His knights worked quickly to bring the man back to his feet, insisting that he shouldn’t touch such people. Taehyung wanted to snort.
The man instead pulled out a few silver coins, enough to cover a good amount of the produces Mr. Park had been looking at. “Will this do?” he asked, voice tinged with worry. “I have more if needed but I wasn’t sure—”
“Your highness—” his knight and Mr. Park interrupted at the same time. “You certainly don’t have to, your majesty. I can still afford it. Please. I wouldn’t subject you to that.”
His laugh tinkled in the air, carrying a sweet tune that would never exist in a world as bitter as those in the village. “You’re not subjecting me to anything, I assure you. This is the least I can do.” The man pressed the coins in Taehyung’s direction who glanced between the knight, the prince, and his customer warily.
He accepted it gratefully and bowed. “Thank you, your highness.”
“Give this man the best,” he giggled happily again.
Taehyung quickly worked on selecting the freshest ones to offer Mr. Park. With how much the prince offered, Mr. Park could’ve easily bought enough lettuce to last him the week. Taehyung packaged them carefully before handing it over to his regular. Mr. Park nodded a billion times to the prince, bowing in appreciation.
“Please, please stop,” the man pleaded, “it’s completely alright. I hope you have a wonderful day.” Mr. Park hurried away afterwards, fresh groceries in hand to feed his family.
He wasn’t sure what to expect, but it wasn’t for the prince to stick around, perusing over his goods. Suddenly, he didn’t feel like the ones he had up were adequate anymore.
Prince Park Jimin, the only heir to the throne, the next in line. He was a beautiful specimen, but it was hard not to be when he only had the best of the best to care for him ever since he was a mere infant. He looked almost ethereal with his sleek black hair styled neatly atop his head and clothes glimmering underneath the sunlight. Prince Jimin was a crowd favorite. It was hard not to love the man who was so humble and kind. He was always paying visit to the town, ensuring that people were happy. He listened well to the villagers, and was an all-around good-hearted man.
“Are these good?” the prince smiled up at him, Taehyung’s heart skipped a beat, pointing to the cherries.
“Yes, your highness. It’s our sweetest bunch yet,” Taehyung cleared his throat, fidgeting nervously with his fingers. It was hard not to be intimidated when the prince’s knight was glaring down at him as if he wanted to slaughter him and have him for dinner.
“May I?” he asked, gesturing to it again. Did he have a choice to say no? Taehyung nodded. He plucked one out from the box and slipped it past his lips, the act itself was beautiful, elegance in his movements. Those of the higher class had a different taste to their movements, Taehyung supposed. “Mm,” he hummed, going as far as to suck his fingers into his mouth to lick up the excess juices. “It’s very sweet.”
“Thank you, your highness.”
The prince grinned and, Taehyung wasn’t sure, but it bordered on a smirk. There was a glint in his eyes that made his stomach churn but he made no comment towards it—he couldn’t, not if he wanted to keep his head. “What’s your name?”
“Taehyung, your majesty, Kim Taehyung.”
“Taehyung,” he echoed in a murmur, “pretty name for a pretty boy.”
Taehyung could hear a pin drop in the sudden silence of his hears. Did he just—was he so old as to start hearing things? “I—um—”
“You don’t agree?” The prince was downright teasing him at this point. Even with the heat, he could feel his cheeks flame again. What was the right answer? Was he supposed to agree and sound like a big head or deny and risk getting his head sliced off?
“I’m, I’m not sure, your highness,” Taehyung stammered awkwardly, tugging on the loose collar of his shirt.
“Well, I think you’re really pretty,” the prince giggled, “how much for the cherries?”
Taehyung coughed, “Free of charge if you’d like, your highness.”
“Please,” he scoffed, “drop the highness thing. Think of us as friends, yes, friends.” Friends with the crown prince? Only in his dreams. “This hopefully should cover a box.” He dropped a few in front of Taehyung on the counter.
That would cover ten boxes and a half. Taehyung didn’t have the heart to refuse when it could certainly help his family.
“I’ll see you around, Taehyung,” the prince flashed him one last dazzling smile before walking on his merry way again.
The other boy was left in a daze, wondering if that really just happened. His parents had been pleased of course by his earnings for the day and promised a feast for that night.
And that happened again and again for several days. The prince would appear before him, tasting a few of the products before offering him an ungodly amount of money for a disproportionate amount of the produce. He would call him pretty each time, tell him that his groceries were as sweet as he was. Taehyung wasn’t sure where all these comments were going but he would be lying if he didn’t preen at the man’s words. It was the prince praising him after all.
Taehyung knew he was attractive, by commoners’ standards at least. He had strong features and the gentlest of expressions, he was tall and fit, but soft enough to come off as friendly. His skin was rich and tan, healthy from all the sunlight.
However, never in his life did he expect the prince, who was surely surrounded by beautiful people everyday, to think of him as pretty and to tell him as such.
“Taehyung,” Jimin, as he insisted Taehyung to call him, said after he purchased a bag of apples. “What time do you usually finish work?”
“Five in the evening, your highness.”
Jimin clicked his tongue. “What did I say about calling me that?” he asked sternly, making the other boy duck his head shyly. “Would you care to join me for dinner at the palace?”
What? Was he hearing things? “Excuse me?”
“The palace. Would you join me for a meal? Of course, I’ll be providing everything for you and I’ll ensure that you would be returning home safely,” Jimin explained then paused before adding, “unless you’d prefer to stay at the palace. My room can squeeze in one extra guest.”
That had left his mouth dry and he didn’t have time to assess whether Jimin had been serious or not when he broke into a laugh.
“So, how about it?”
“I, um, would but my family—I usually help prepare dinner and yeah,” he finished lamely. There was a huge chunk of him that felt fear over this entire situation, how odd it was.
Jimin clapped his hands together, “Oh, of course! My apologies for being so inconsiderate—” Taehyung was about to say that he didn’t have to apologize because royalty just didn’t “—what if I send over food from the palace and a couple of maids if you’d like? They can help anything and even clean your home.”
The thought of Jimin’s staff visiting his home left a sinking feeling in his gut. His home was far from fancy, far from the luxurious setting Jimin was probably accustomed to. “Y-you don’t have to,” Taehyung rejected.
Jimin caught his waving hands, halting his movements. “Please?” he asked sweetly, “so you can join me for dinner.”
“I—” Taehyung looked at the contrast between their hands, how Jimin’s were small, delicate, and clean but his were decorated in callouses and dirt. “I don’t have anything to wear,” he reasoned lamely.
“Don’t worry about it, it would just be the two of us,” Jimin beamed, squeezing his fingers. “Please, Taehyung?”
His hands were tied. So he squeaked out an “okay.”
The sheer excitement painted on his face had Taehyung’s heart twirling in his chest. “Perfect! Oh, okay, I’ll be back by then to pick you up and I’ll ensure that my maids will be there earlier to help your parents.”
“I should, um, tell them.”
“Of course! How stupid of me,” he giggled, “I’ll meet you there th—”
Taehyung quickly blurted out “no,” he coughed, “I mean, I’ll make my own way to the palace. You don’t have to.”
“Taehyung,” Jimin said. His tone had him clamping his lips shut. A shiver snaked down his spine at the look in Jimin’s eyes, one that had his entire body stiffening. “Let me take care of you, pretty, okay?”
Taehyung choked, “O-okay.”
“Perfect,” and that look was gone. Jimin was smiling again and his eyes disappearing. “I’ll see you then, Taehyungie.”
God, what had he gotten himself into?
When he returned home to his parents and informed them of his dinner plans, they had laughed at him, thinking their son had finally reached the pinnacle of insanity. Taehyung kept trying to convince them but they only brushed him off, that was until a car pulled up up front. Taehyung wanted to know how Jimin knew where he lived but royalty seemed to know everything anyway.
“Good evening, Mr. and Mrs. Kim,” Jimin smiled. He looked so out of place in the average household that was closer to shabby on the spectrum. His clothes glimmered with its golden pieces and his smile could rival them with its brilliance.
“Y-your highness!” his father was the first to recover and drop to his knees and his mother followed suit. They urged their children to follow but Taehyung could only stand stone stiff. Jimin has told him before that he hated it. As predicted, he crouched to encourage them to stand. “W-what brings you to our humble home, your highness?”
Jimin tilted his head then looked at Taehyung. “I was under the assumption that your son has explained the situation to you. I will be having him for dinner and, in exchange, I can lend you the services of the royal staff.”
I will be having him for dinner could be taken in two very different ways.
“That won’t be necessary, please, he would be honored,” his father cleared his throat and his mother hurried to Taehyung, mentioning something about preparing him.
Within minutes, they put him in the best threads they had which probably couldn’t compare to even the worst of Jimin’s outfits. However, it was the only thing they could gather up in such last minute notice. His mother was going to rip him a new one when he came back.
Leaving his family to Jimin’s maid made him a little uncomfortable, but he didn’t have time to regret as the prince himself pushed him into the car and allowed him to settle back against the leather seats. It felt almost like a sin for his filthy hands to touch the clean setup of the car, but Jimin kept insisting that he relax. The two talked quietly on the way back, mostly with the prince questioning him on his daily life. It didn’t feel right for him to do vice versa as, well, he was the prince.
Although Taehyung had seen the castle from afar, the up close and personal view left his jaw dropping. It was massive, stones layered over each other to construct a massive building fit for the royal family. They rounded the estate and went to one of the smaller towers, which he assumed was where they were heading for dinner. Instead of the staff eyeing him strangely, they instead regarded him with nothing but politeness. It was almost unnerving to have people serve him and offer him things when that had always been his role.
Jimin had ensured that they prepared a great spread for the two of them and he was right. He was most definitely right when Taehyung’s gaze landed to the full table stretched across the room. “I wasn’t sure what your favorite was so I sort of got them to make everything,” he chuckled almost nervously.
Again, all throughout dinner, Taehyung ate humbly, picking on things he liked and never asking for more. Though, that didn’t prevent Jimin from piling more atop his dish and having him fill his stomach to the brim. Jimin continued to ask him questions about his life, how he liked it in the village. “I’m just so curious,” Jimin grinned earnestly.
“This is like a prince and the pauper moment,” Taehyung muttered under his breath, never intending for the prince to hear it but he did and he asked the boy what he meant. “Um, like the story? The story about the prince and the pauper who exchanged places for a day as they looked alike so one could have a taste of the other’s life.”
Jimin looked genuinely surprised. “That sounds interesting, I must read that. I’m not sure how that would work with us though. You’re so tall and handsome.”
Taehyung felt heat sneak up the back of his neck and to his face, garnishing his face with a pretty coral color. “Ah, thank you. But you are–handsome, that is.”
“Not tall?” Jimin teased.
“Not taller than me,” Taehyung chuckled, then his eyes instantly widened, a “sorry” on the tip of his tongue.
“Don’t apologize,” Jimin giggled, “that’s what I like to hear. I want you to be relaxed around me, okay? We’re friends. Yeah, friends. I need you to be able to talk to me like this.”
That really was a feat considering Jimin was the actual prince and, if he wanted Taehyung’s head on a plate, he would have it served on a golden platter (he wasn’t sure why but he figured royalty would have a thing for decapitation). “Alright, I’ll try,” he murmured.
“And,” Jimin coughed, hiding his smile behind his fist, “if you’d like, I’d love it if you would join me for dinner from time to time. The castle gets a little lonely so it will be nice to have some company.”
It was a strange request, but Taehyung’s heard his fair share of it, he supposed. This time, it just came from someone who was on his way to ruling the entire kingdom. Taehyung could only smile and nod, agreeing that he would make some time to make it to Jimin’s dinners.
That was the beginning of it all. The start of their odd friendship kept a hidden secret from everyone else. Jimin’s closest maids and knights knew him, were familiar with him even and would go as far as to treat him like royalty in spite of his insistence that he really was still not. He sometimes slept over at Jimin’s place before returning in the early hours of dawn to get back to work for his family. Other times, the two would share a few drinks that left them all buzzed and warm—these days, Taehyung would end up teasing Jimin more, the two of them getting caught in a tussle that finalized with either of them pinning the other down, announcing their victory. It started with small touches, light swatting of hands, then a little bit of wrestling and pinching, before they started to feel comfortable with hugging and sitting on each other’s lap, tickling the other’s chin and kissing their cheek.
It was all supposed to be harmless and temporary. Taehyung thought that way—or tried to convince himself at least. However, it wasn’t until that one night that things spiraled.
Jimin had stolen a bottle of wine from his father’s private collection, bringing it to Taehyung with happy tittering. As they always did, they pulled out the cork and ended up in Jimin’s bed and popping open his television to watch some dumb show that was playing. Only this time, they managed to finish the entire bottle after cleaning out a few margaritas that his chef had prepared.
“Mmm,” Jimin hummed, nuzzling his face into Taehyung’s neck, hand placed on his broad chest. “God, this feels so nice and warm. You feel so good here. You should stay here all the time.”
Taehyung laughed, “If only, Jiminie. It’s nice here, I like it. But I still have my family and responsibilities.”
“I know,” he moaned, rolling over so he was practically draped over Taehyung, “but I just like having you here. The palace is always way too quiet, you bring a little more light into it.”
“That’s romantic,” Taehyung murmured, drawing his gaze away from the screen to look at Jimin. The prince was staring right back at him, big eyes peering into his soul. Absentmindedly, Taehyung’s eyes fell to Jimin’s lips. His plump, thick lips that wrapped around fruits so prettily, that rounded to form the syllables of his words. Taehyung had always found them pretty, thought them to be the sexiest part of Jimin.
The air crackled with heavy tension as the two remained silent, only their breathing echoing in the empty room. The maids have all gone off to bed for the night and Taehyung and Jimin were alone in his room. Jimin shifted a little, moving upwards so he was face-to-face with the other boy. He drifted closer and closer until their noses bumped, until he could fan his breath on Taehyung’s cheek, until their lips brushed. It started slow and steady, Taehyung unsure of what to do as his hand raised to the small of Jimin’s back to draw him tighter into him. Jimin moved his lips against Taehyung’s who followed his lead and swallowed Jimin’s small groans of pleasure. He pressed deeper and harder, lips seeking out Taehyung’s more insistently.
Kissing Jimin was like an instant addiction. Taehyung knew then that Jimin had ruined kisses for him forever. His tongue darted out to seek permission from Taehyung and the boy’s mouth opened for Jimin almost obediently. Their tongues tangled together, saliva mixing together and the sweet taste of sugar in their mouths. Hot breath mingled in the air in between them as their hands began to roam. Taehyung ran his hands over the hard planes of Jimin’s abs and shoulders while the prince felt up the softness of Taehyung’s belly. They kissed and they kissed until their lips were sore, until Jimin tugged Taehyung’s shirt over his head. He nosed down the other boy, along his jaw and down his neck, pressing wet kisses and grazing his teeth on the delicious caramel skin.
“Fuck, Tae,” Jimin moaned, his voice vibrating into Taehyung. “You’re so goddamn pretty.”
“J-Jiminie, please,” Taehyung whimpered jerking his hip up.
Jimin kissed his way up his neck and to his ear, nipping on the skin and tugging on it. “Want you on my cock, pretty. I want to see you. Have you ever touched yourself?”
The question had Taehyung blushing, entire body warm with humiliation that Jimin took in more than happily. “N-no, never,” he whispered, losing all sense of understanding as Jimin captured his lips again.
“Do you—do you want me to show you?” Jimin asked, eyes twinkling in the dim lights of the room. Taehyung managed to swallow thickly and nod. “Turn around for me, pretty, let’s see that ass of yours.” Taehyung, ever obedient, did as he was told and pressed his face into Jimin’s pillow. He was lying face down but Jimin propped him up so his knees were planted on the sheets and his butt in the air. The prince ran his hand over the curve of his pretty ass, whispering about how Taehyung had a fantastic ass. “Every time you bent down in the market,” Jimin moaned, “God, I wanted to smack this ass of yours. Make it all red and pretty in front of everyone.”
A gasp slipped past his lips at Jimin’s admission and Taehyung found his body lighting up with interest. His cock twitched in his pants, a familiar reaction around Jimin, yet also novel in the wake of his words. The thought of getting stripped naked, humiliated in front of everyone, lit a fire within him. Instead of feeling disgusted at the thought, Taehyung could already picture himself basking in the attention as well as Jimin’s touch.
“You’d like that, wouldn’t you?” Jimin growled, fingers digging into his scalp and tugging lightly on the thick locks. Taehyung whined a little at the sensation, loving the way it sort of stung. “Who knew you could be so desperate like this, pretty?” Jimin grinned wickedly, “You’re so pretty already, but I can’t imagine how great this must look, hm.” He smoothed his palm down his behind again, stroking it gently.
Taehyung felt the fabric slip down, the looseness of the comfort of his pants falling away. The sudden chill was almost immediate, but Jimin quickly countered it with his hand that radiated warmth. Jimin kneaded his ass, spreading the cheeks far apart before letting it squeeze back again. Each time with a groan louder than the previous.
The atmosphere was magnetic, drawing Taehyung in like a moth to light. Jimin’s touch seared fire into his skin, imprinting a new wave of pleasure each time. He had never known a presence to be so prominent, creating a bond that connected the two of their souls as one. He chanced a glance over his shoulder to see Jimin leaning closer and pressing a kiss against the plushness of his ass.
“May I?” Jimin asked, the sweet lilt in his voice ever present. It threw him back to the time they first met. Oh, how far they’ve come. Taehyung trusted Jimin, loved him even—but the latter he would take to the grave. He nodded his consent and Jimin beamed happily, peppering his soft skin with kisses that had him melting.
When he felt a sudden coolness touch that part of him, he jerked away. Jimin almost leapt away in worry, but apologized for the abruptness of it. “W-what is that?” Taehyung stammered, feeling the cold liquid drip between his cheeks and down his legs.
“It’ll make it hurt less, baby, I promise.” Baby. Jimin had never used pet names with him, but he never wasn’t objecting to the idea. It sent another dose of desire crashing upon him. Taehyung nodded and hid his flushed face back in his sheets.
The prince moved slowly and carefully, making sure that Taehyung was comfortable throughout the entire thing. Despite the initial sting when Jimin slipped one finger into his hole, one he never dared venture to, Jimin bode his time and continued to whisper sweet encouragements in his ear and soothing touches on his skin. He stretched the entrance, tugging on it at times whenever Taehyung moaned his approval. With that in mind, he managed to squeeze in two then three fingers inside of Taehyung.
“Such a good boy, Taehyung,” Jimin murmured, watching in absolute mesmerization as Taehyung’s tunnel sucked his fingers in. “Look at you, pretty, taking my fingers so well. You really do like this.”
He did, he really did. He enjoyed the friction much more than he should’ve. He felt a little pathetic that his cock was already dripping filth onto Jimin’s pure, silky sheets. There was something sinful to the act, of tainting something so expensive with his arousal. Taehyung could only groan whenever things felt good, wince whenever it hurt a little.
Jimin continued to move his fingers in and out of the tightness slowly, curling them from time to time to pry his insides open. However, it wasn’t enough. Taehyung wanted more, he wanted that release. “J-Jiminie, please. I-I want you.”
His fingers stuttered in their movements as Jimin gaped at the boy. “Are you sure? We can just stick to this for now.”
“N-no,” he breathed, “please. I—fuck, I just really want you inside me right now.”
Jimin’s throat moved as he gulped and nodded, shedding off his own pants and—holy shit. Taehyung was graced with the beautiful sight of Jimin standing stark naked before him. Jimin moved to pull the boy’s shirt over his head and toss it aside. However, all the boy could pay attention to was the smooth, unblemished skin. Taehyung could think of a million adjectives to describe Jimin’s beauty and none of them would ever do him justice. His gaze finally dropped to his cock, thick and hard, curving upwards with the blood that had rushed south between his legs. “See what you do to me?” Jimin snarled quietly, crawling over Taehyung’s nude form to cover his mouth with his again. “You’ve got me so hard, pretty. Looking at you all hard and wet for me, fuck. I want that all the time, want you always naked on my bed, stripped bare and open for the taking.” He nipped and nibbled on Taehyung’s swollen lips, loving the whines he drew from his lips. Jimin’s fingers toyed with his nipples, pinching and fondling them until Taehyung was crying against his mouth.
“J-Jimin, please,” Taehyung bucked his hips up desperately.
“Up, baby, let’s get you on my cock, yeah?” Jimin rasped, voice sounding a little breathless and sexy as fuck. “Since it’s your first time, I don’t want to hurt you so let’s have you ride me so you can control how fast and hard you want to go. Okay, pretty?”
Taehyung swallowed up all the compliments, absolutely adoring the way Jimin always called him pretty. He had felt attractive once upon a time, but it was nothing compared to the way Jimin showered him with praises of his beauty and charm. He nodded and backed away as Jimin settled back onto the sheets.
“Now, I want you to watch me,” the prince smirked, grabbing the unlabeled bottle he had used earlier and dropping a huge blob onto his cock. His hand quickly worked the gel along the length, his lips letting out a small hiss at the coldness of the material. “God, what have you done to me, Taehyung? You always have me so damn desperate for you, my cock always so hard for you. You’re such a filthy little thing without even trying, you sinful thing.”
The other boy babbled incoherent responses that only made Jimin’s lips curve into a smug smile. Jimin threw his head back, eyes falling closed as he continued to stroke his shaft. The lewd sounds filled the empty room, slick squelches bouncing off the walls to replace the silence.
“S-shit, feels so good, can’t—goddamn, can’t wait to be inside you, pretty,” Jimin gasped, opening his eyes and staring at Taehyung with a glazed feral look swirling in his eyes. He seemed almost manic, crazy. It was the kind of look that had heat bubbling up in Taehyung’s stomach. “Climb on top, pretty, slide that pretty ass down on my cock.”
Taehyung quickly scrambled over, straddling the boy and biting his bottom lip nervously. This was his first time and his heart was racing. Although he had always had the telltale signs that he was attracted to Jimin, acting upon it was a different story altogether. Jimin coaxed him slowly, words of encouragement tumbling from his mouth that spurred Taehyung’s confidence.
Taking a deep breath, he positioned Jimin’s cock at his entrance, tip swirling around the rim clumsily. He loved what it did to Jimin, had him groaning in protest at how Taehyung was teasing him, mocking how fucking desperate he was for Taehyung’s ass. When he finally pushed it in, there was a sharp pain that shot through him. He almost cried at how thick Jimin was, the head of his cock barely making it past the ring. The prince easily pulled him down to a kiss, distracting him from the sting as he slowly sunk lower and lower. Before he knew it, Jimin was buried deep inside of him. His entire body was throbbing and screaming, but Taehyung could still feel that brewing pleasure inside of him.
“You—” Jimin choked “—you can move, pretty. Take it at your own pace, yeah?”
The boy nodded and lifted himself up before sliding back down. His palms were planted firmly on Jimin’s chest for support as he moved himself along the cock, ass taking in whatever it could of the prince’s length. He rode him slowly at first, then faster and faster, before returning to a cautious pace. The mixture of speeds fueled the fire that had ignited inside his stomach. It was a deliriously good sensation.
More filthy praises fell from Jimin’s gorgeous lips, persuading him to keep going, keep riding him. The friction sent bolts of electricity shooting through him at a rapid pace that had his cock twitching. Every time he fell down, cock sinking deeper and harder into him, his cock bounced against his stomach. The tip was oozing precome, drops of it rolling down the length. Everything felt so good, felt so incredibly indescribable. Taehyung had never felt this kind of pleasure before, never in his life.
It was the sort of pleasure that would leave him coming back for more. Once you fell into this world, there was no rising back from this sheer thrill. Pants escaped his mouth, filling the room in the sounds of desire. Everything was wet and loud, echoing in the span of the room loaded with nothing but the two of them. Taehyung remembered all of Jimin’s little whines, his grunts, and stored them away for safe keeping and future reference in his memories.
“J-Jiminie, wanna c-come,” Taehyung sobbed out, “f-feels so—ah—so good. Hnnng, s-shit, so good. I’m so—oh God, mmph—so close.”
“Yeah, pretty?” Jimin panted, “you close? You want to come, pretty?”
Taehyung nodded eagerly, tears streaking down his face until the saltiness reached his tongue. “Please, yes, aaah—please, let me come.”
“Go on, baby, go on then. Let me see you come all over that pretty stomach.” Jimin grunted, jerking his hips up this time in tempo with Taehyung’s movements. The action had his cock hitting deeper inside of him, harder too. The tip of his cock kept pressing inside of him. His prostate had been worked to sensitivity and was then pushing harder for his release. “Let go, Taehyungie, I want to see you come.”
He didn’t need to ask twice, especially not when Jimin had wrapped his small fingers around the thick girth of Taehyung’s cock. He tugged on it, pulling on it hard and fast until Taehyung was spilling all over his hand. The milky white semen looked incredible all sticky on his skin. Jimin grinned as well, happy with the result. He continued to squeeze him until he released the last drop of his release.
Taehyung’s movements slowed as the adrenaline seeped away from his body, leaving exhaustion in its wake. It was then that he realized his thighs had been burning the entire time from the strain. “Up, baby,” Jimin breathed, “can I come on your face?”
Without fucking question.
Jimin maneuvered him so he was lying on his back then. The prince climbed on top of him, cock directly in front of his face. Taehyung’s mouth watered at the sight, and he could even feel his cock rising to attention again. “So pretty, look at those lips,” Jimin moaned, “you’re so pretty, Taehyungie. I want to decorate your pretty face with my come.”
“P-please,” Taehyung panted, lips parting almost unconsciously as he stuck his tongue out.
The other boy let out a pleased sound at the view and his fingers moved along his length faster and faster, precome already dribbling all over the place, all over Taehyung’s chest. It wasn’t long before Jimin was spurting hot come all over Taehyung’s face, streaking his pretty features with white that covered his lips and lashes. God, it was like a work of art he wished he could have it framed. Jimin came hard and let everything flow out naturally.
When the two finally fell back spent, Jimin quickly lifted Taehyung in his arms bridal style. He touched the warmth of the bath he had prepared earlier and thanked the heavens for heated tubs. Carefully, he set the boy down into the tub and let the warm water soak him. Taehyung hissed at his sensitive skin touching the heat, but felt all of his muscles unwinding. “There you go, pretty,” Jimin breathed, chest heaving with his lack of breath. “I’ll wash you all clean, okay?” Jimin grabbed a sponge and, despite his tired state, he began to scrub Taehyung and soaped him up.
“Jiminie,” Taehyung whispered when Jimin was concentrating on cleaning his chest, brows knitted. He looked up at the call of his name and the sight of his gorgeous friend looking at him with such intense affection. Jimin felt his own heart skip as he smiled, asking him what he wanted. “Kiss. Want a kiss.”
The request took him aback but he giggled and humored him anyway, leaning forward to press his lips against Taehyung’s. They still felt as soft as he remembered.
“You did well today, Taehyungie,” Jimin murmured, drying the boy and blowing his hair with the whirring machine.
“Mhm,” the prince hummed.
Taehyung sighed, “I want to do this again. I like this.”
“Yeah?” Jimin beamed, “we can definitely do this again, but for now, let’s get you into bed. You need your beauty sleep.”
The boy was pliant and soft in his hands, doing as he was told and slipped underneath the covers. “Goodnight, Jiminie.”
“Goodnight, Taehyungie.”
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survivor-guyana · 6 years
Episode 5 - "Another day, another swap." - Jess
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Sarah was robbed.
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Please tribe swap, please tribe swap.
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Not really sure how to feel at this stage...
Jess absolutely botched this challenge for us, and it was probably the worst individual effort in a competition that I have seen in years. For that, she automatically created a target on her back.
HOWEVER, I need to control who goes here, and it won't be Jess. It sounds like Dani and Nick were on opposite sides of the joint tribal, and will likely target one another.
I would personally like to see Alyssa go sooner than later, but there is no context in taking her out right now. She is "Hosororo strong" apparently, but the tables have turned. I'm not sure if I am willing to give her the same mercy that the favs gave us.
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Honestly I wouldn't mind losing this so Mitchell goes home but then again I wouldn't mind Arakaka going to tribal either. I also feel like Nick is fucked over at Takama. He has the idol but that'd require someone using it on him which I doubt would happen. He better up his social game! If Arakaka goes to tribal then it should obviously be Aidan bc of his advantage and bc of Jones, Sammy, and Chelsea/JD alliance. Wait is Chelsea a fan? Lol idk.
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So Ive been talking to Maynor and TJ individually about having an alliance of us 3 since I put them both high on my list! They both agreed and so I formed the alliance called... JONES'S ANGELS! I feel like we're gonna be a good alliance as well. Oh José is on our tribe as well as Mitchell. José is someone that I talked to the least on our OG tribe and from the looks of the trust list, someone who is not very trusted. Mitchell has his karma coming from the joint tribal round and for voting out Sarah. (PSST Sarah I miss u queen I can't wait to see you in Survivor Michigan.)
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Another day, another swap. I've officially been on EVERY single tribe now. I am Guyana's Orphan. Honestly, I'm actually okay with how we swapped this time around.
I'm in the majority both in several ways. 1. I'm in the majority if Devon and I decide to stick with the "Fans" (barf). 2. I'm in the majority if we decide to go to Hosororo Way (yassss bitch) 3. I'm in the majority if Favourites attempt something (meh).
BUT this bitch is literally her OWN ENEMY RIGHT NOW. I flopped that memory competition harder a nerd at Comic Con trying to talk to a female. YIKES. I hope the flu isn't what sends me home or else I'm going to FUCKING RAGE.
I was able to re-connect with Dani which was okay? for me? I guess? Honestly at this point I have no loyalty to the Fans tribe (I don't think I ever had any tbh). I don't think a label in front of someone's name should stop me from trying to further my game. That being SAID....
Nick is on A WHOLE NOTHER' LEVEL Y'ALL. This man literally knew me for 5 seconds and spilled his whole game. I expected more from a dude who owns a buff personally. The only thing he didn't tell me last night was his social insurance number. I kind of feel bad for him but I don't want to let him get far. I rather keep Dani around than him at this point. I don't want that to hurt my relationship with Alyssa so.. I AM STRESSING RIGHT NOW.
Speaking of Alyssa...
MY GIRL ALYSSA GETTING FIRST.. fucking SCARES ME SHITLESS. I would honestly consider her my #1 at this point but now this has me thinking.. am I really HER number 1? Does she have the same relationship with me like she has with others? If we merge does she have my back over people like Jones/JD who she speaks HIGHLY of to me? I have my doubts but I think having someone like her on my side in this crucial time is an ASSET. She is VULNERABLE and I need to make sure I make her feel as fucking comfortable as possible. It's times like these where those strong relationships form and I honestly think if we can possibly
That's my bitch, that's my girl. I honestly think Alyssa is my gate-way drug to the Favourites at this point. I also really just want to meet Jones because I'm convinced she's my future best friend.
Something I haven't touched on.... ever BUT I can't wait to possibly re-connect with TJ. I miss being able to strategize with him. The way he sees games is insane and I have a half of a brain cell so it's always nice to have a smart person do the thinking for you.
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I cant believe we won immunity. I was really scared that we would have to go to tribal. Me, TJ, and Tim made an alliance called Jones’s Angels and i cant wait to be reunited with Jones. Mitchell is acting like last vote wasnt against me but it was like. How can you say theres 100% trust when there isnt. The Jenna vote was not  as much of a suprise for Mitchell cuz i mentioned my worries about Jenna. Im being buddy buddy but if we lost next round. He is going home for sure. Once you brake my trust, you cant really get it back. Sorry mitchell buddy. And i have eyes on Aidan and Dani. Karma for Sarah is coming.
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WOW! That's all I have to say right now. This game is really putting me through the ringer but I'm in it to win it and this fucking tribe swap threw me for a loop. I knew the trust lists would come into play but I didn't know right away. But I sort of made such a power move on my tribe and then got shuffled into this and I saw the numbers and went FUCK.
Like four favorites versus little old me! But I like a challenge... I'm not Sarah, I'm not going to let myself get swapfucked. *gives the camera a shady look*
Having the Opal Idol in my pocket is amazing and I'm glad I went for that temptation. Everyone knows I have it but honestly I think there's an advantage to standing out. I feel like this series is used to a lot of UTR, lowkey players and people lying low and that's just not my thing... I honestly can't lay low to save my life. So my plan is to go after them. Honestly since I was low on the trust list it makes sense to go after people high on the trust list. I'm honestly not that bitter but if I can use it to justify targeting some people, I'm going to do it.
I'm not sure of my tribe because everybody is meh so far? I don't know if I'm dry or they're just all in alliances but I can't get a read on them for shit. I saw how well they all did in their past games and JD is giving me this loner act but she's been to an FTC so I know she's not as dumb as she's letting on. For some reason the fact that there are more girls than guys concerns me because I feel like those bitches could link up?
I guess I like Chelsea the best but maybe that's because she seems a little more exciting. Sammy does too but he seems like a game threat. I think I'm reluctant to share anything with anyone because I'm not sure of their relationships with each other. I think I want Jonesy out though... she has this cutesy act that is relatable and did pretty well on her first season. She was high on the trustlist too.
In all... I feel isolated but not intimidated.
Nobody has asked about the temptation but I'm ready to lie about it being a vote steal like I told Dani and Mitchell. I need to start keeping my lies in order because they're going to be PISSED when I reveal what it really is but hopefully they understand... if I ever see them again. I'm worried about Dani AND Jess over there at Takama because Devon is crafty. They are some people I hope I can rekindle with at merge. I'd consider working with Maynor but he seems like the type to want revenge.
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WE WINNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN fuck yeah also i wanna elaborate on something i said in my last confessional about using Aidan as a shield bc idk if I ever explained that Aidan has proclaimed that his tribe did not trust him at all, AND he has an advantage, right? so obviously, people would want to vote him out because of it. HOWEVER, if I get him to trust me/on my side, not only can we work together, BUT everyone will always target him over myself, so yeah, logic ;)
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Unfortunately we didn't lose and just as I feared Nick's tribe lost. Welp you had a good run Nick.
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So this round has been messed up.  I was swapped to a tribe with 1 person I talked to breifly on our original tribe and had an alliance with to search for idols.  The other 3 players were all people I never spoke to.  Furthermore Dani even voted vote for a few tribals ago.  After a botched challenge I’m hoping that it’s going to be Dani tonight and not me.  I’ve spoken with Jess and Devon and get good vibes that they want to play together.  Let’s hope their not playing me.
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So pretty much I’ve been able to establish a strong relationship with Maynor this game... now I just need a majoritu on this tribe to be able to cause some damage within the merge, so we’ll see how things go when I reach that phase 😤 I want to work with TJ tbh, but we’ll see how that goes I guess haha
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Ugh I hope Jess and devon aren’t ducking with me but I think it’s me or nick. Really hoping it’s nick. Sorry for typos drubk
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Ummmm, so what did i do? Nothing, what have I done? Nothing, I didnt do the challenge ether cus like, wow I do not have a shity memory. But we won so yay team! 
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