#sorry for being late work is getting stressful and i didn't get anytime for drawing
the1weird1pencil · 8 months
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Tired af x full of energy
Day 5: Ship
Read more for the funny frame
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Secret Santa 🎅 time!
@thistaleisabloodyone here is your gift from me ♡
Title: Greatest Gift of All.
Genre: Fluff, AU (I made Riku a different form of artist. I hope you don't mind 😬)
W/C: 1192
Pairing: Riku & OC 1
Merry Christmas Tale!! I Hope you had a great one. Sorry it's late, but I hope you like it. ♡
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Himari noticed Riku for the thousandth time come and go at the Café she worked at. Every single time, they would sneak glances at each other without it being too obvious. He was always so soft-spoken with her, trying to make small talk. Where she shrugged it off as he was being kind, he just wanted her to know he existed. Anytime he came in, he had a designated spot by the window. He also always had smudges on his hand that she could never pinpoint the reasoning. She understood since he always brought a notebook and pencils, laying them out surgically like tools. Hours upon hours, he'd spend doing things in his notebook. It did draw curiosity from Himari, wondering what he was up to, but she never pushed to ask. She just figured it was for his eyes only. Riku looked up from studying his book, just enough to see Himari. She had a nice smile. One that decorated her eyes as well. Riku liked that. It was genuine and gave him butterflies, which he had never felt before.
Christmas was around the corner, which meant the perfect time for hot chocolate. He ordered two, which threw Himari off since he was alone, but she figured he just wanted an extra one. She brought them out, placing the mugs on the table leaving Riku admiring the tree in the whipped cream.
“Excuse me Himari,” he gathered his nerves to talk to her, “the other is for you.”
She looked bewildered, “For me?” she turned slowly meeting his glance.
“Mhm. You're always on the go, I believe you deserve more than just a simple thank you. Please sit,” He pointed at the seat right in front of him.
Himari wiped her hands on her apron as she obliged. She was beginning to get tired and cold, this was a kind gesture of him to do. He was easy to open up to. One thing she noticed, was how attentive he was when she spoke. He gave her his full attention. In all the years of being in customer service, she never had that happen.
“Thank you Riku, this is kind of you,” she intertwined her fingers around the mug to feel warmth.
Himari just stared off, before he broke her concentration elsewhere.
“You decorated the place nicely,” He took a sip.
“Oh no, I didn't do this. Honestly my heart wasn't in it this year, so I can't take the credit. This was all their doings,” she looked over at him forcing a smile.
This year wasn’t the best for her, being the first Christmas she wasn’t able to spend with her family. She didn’t explain much, but she tiptoed around the topic. Riku glanced down at his book, as she didn’t notice the shift in his glance. It was sad for him that she wasn’t the normal upbeat person he had known for a long time. Times were just rough, making it hard for her to afford going back home.
Snow was gently falling from the sky as it started decorating the sheets in a beautiful white blanket. The way the flakes danced in the sky, was truly a sight to behold. Himari wasn’t feeling at all the Christmas spirit that her coworkers were engulfed in. Families far and wide surrounded the dinning room, making Himari miss hers. He felt sadness in his heart that he never felt before. They finished their hot chocolate as Himari picked up the mugs. He packed up his items, placing them in his bag. When Himari walked back into dining room, Riku waved bye. She shot him a smile waving.
Himari stepped outside momentarily to feel the cold wind blowing. Before Riku, she never tried to put much thought in missing Christmas, but talking to him relieved a lot of worries and stress off her shoulders. Every breath she took, she could see the steam. Her neighbors really knew how to decorate, their lights illuminating the streets. She was just happy about the snow. Himari skimmed her foot in the snow, looking around to make sure she was alone. A thought crossed her mind as she sat in the snow lying back, arms out to her side. The thought that she looked ridiculous did cross her mind, but she didn’t care. She raised her arms, spreading her feet apart making a snow angel. The only problem was that it would be ruined once she tried to get up. Suddenly, a voice broke her train of thought.
“Here, take my hand,” Riku extended his hands for her to grab.
She jumped up to her feet next to Riku admiring her work. She wasn’t artistic to say the least, so seeing something so beautiful come from her, was exhilarating. He looked over at her smiling, happy to see that expression decorating her face once more.
“What are you doing here Riku?”
“I think I left something at the Café.”
“Oh, well we can go see about that,” she led him to the door.
Once they got inside, he walked over to the table where they were sitting earlier. He looked it over a few times as he returned handing her a present. She was stunned at his actions, but took the present thanking him.
“I wanted you to have this. I hope you like it.” Riku placed his hands in his pockets nervously awaiting her to open it.
Himari sat down as she unwrapped the gift slowly. She was staring back at herself. Riku had sketched her at some point, capturing her beauty. She smiled as she looked up at him, jumping up wrapping her arms around his neck. He reciprocated the hug, just happy she liked it.
“It’s beautiful Riku, thank you. This is the nicest gift I’ve ever received.”
“You’re welcome Himari. Merry Christmas. I just wish I could make it better for you.”
“You already have, but I’m sorry I don’t have anything in return.”
“You’re enough. Listen Himari, I’ve tried thinking of different ways to explain how I felt.”
“Wow Riku. So you’re asking me out?”
A grin formed around the corners of his lips as he nodded. “I hope you don’t mind.”
“Not at all, but why me?”
“You are the only lady that has ever controlled my emotions. I laugh when you laugh. When you smile, my heart literally smiles, I’m not sure how but it does. When you’re sad or look like you’re brooding, I just want to make all your negative intrusive thoughts disappear. I would love the chance to be that and more, if you’d let me.”
Himari thought for a second before looking back at him. She did like Riku and liked the fluttering sensation she gained whenever he spoke, so she nodded.
“I guess we can give this a try,” she ran her hands through her ponytail playing with her hair.
He approached her once more placing her chin lightly in his hand. They met halfway as they shared a slow loving kiss. She felt a smile form on his lips, as he looked up. Wanting to see what stole his attention, she noticed mistletoe right above their heads.
“Merry Christmas Himari, you’re the greatest gift I could ever ask for.”
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everafterkeiji · 3 years
HI i love ur writing A LOT! feel free to ignore, can i ask for a mikey hcs with and artist s/o that likes to draw anything anytime? and her/they/his sketchbook is full with drawings of toman members ( mostly mikey ofc) ?
helloo!! so sorry this was so late cnsjnf but thank u so much for loving my work(´∩。• ᵕ •。∩`) thank u for requesting and have an amazing day!! stay safe always mwah o((*^▽^*))o
PAIRINGS: Mikey x gn! reader
GENRE: FLUFFFF (not proofread hehe)
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♡ 𝐌𝐈𝐊𝐄𝐘's eyes always seem to be caught by you even if you weren't keen on listening to the teachers discussion. If you're left to answer, he's got a glimpse what you've been doing and he has been struck by your drawing, admiring every piece even if you were quick to answer to the teacher, fumbling with your words at your lack of focus to it so you were instructed to seat down and Mikey was left to wonder about that piece that you drew.
- He's going to be a bit intimidated by you at your first encounter because he feels that you are tremendous at what you do and even if he wanted to compliment you on that matter, he still needed a better approach since he surely didn't want to come off as a creep.
- He's got his chance by lunch when you left school your sketchbook as you went to go and get some food and some people were trying to look over it without your permission so Mikey sat at your table, sending them a smile before he's closing your sketchpad and takes it to his side knowing they weren't in your group of friends.
You come back with a tray in hand and a dazed expression, questioning how the blonde managed to sit with you when you weren't as interactive with each other.
"Hey—I'm sorry for just sitting here but some of our classmaters were peaking through your sketchpad." You were happy to hear how he noticed that habit of yours to be timid around others when they'd ask to skim through your notebook so you sat beside him with a kind smile.
"Thank you, you're Manjiro right?" You asked him and even if he was preferred to be called Mikey, he just beams at you and answers, "Yep!"
- Ever since then, you're smiling to each other once you lock eyes. He can sense how the atmosphere was still new so he had to think of others way to let you feel comfortable around him even if you saw him as a person to get along with easily so he'll pass by with some compliments to your work.
- To show some of his humor whenever he sees you frustrated by a drawing, he can tell it in how many times you're licking your lips, erasing everything as you go so he's grabbing a paper of his own to scribble on it, a figure of himself as tiny and comprehendible as he can make it before he's writing a note to it at the bottom. He proceeds to fold it into a paper plane and when he's done, he's flying to your seat while it lands to your desk so you took a glance at him and he's just pretending to look back on his notebook.
'I don't know how to draw but hopefully this shows that you've inspired me to take some risk to it so I wouldn't want my rolemodel to be stressed - Mikey.'
Now that he still wasn't looking at you, you're standing up from where you are with your annoyance deflating as you made your way to him and you're placing your sketchpad to his empty desk.
"Well, I think I'd need some help with it." You said, offering him a pencil as you took the vacant chair in front of him and Mikey swore he felt a sudden jump to his heart by how you looked at him so he takes the pencil, using eraser part of it to tap your forehead.
"Okay then, if this turns out to be cool then you just found yourself a competitor, Y/N. "
- Then the random sketches at the back of your notebook began to increase since then. Random back and forth doodles from the two of you, sometimes the casual game of tic tac toe—even going through multiple rounds just because you two paid more attention to it than the lesson occuring in the background.
- Soon, you found yourself being more natural with him now that he succeeded in making you know that he truly was a friend that you could be with and that's where he's taking you to a Toman meeting but he promises you that it was okay if you didn't come. You insisted anyway just as long you were in the sidelines to avoid any conflict or being too intimidated.
- You knew about Draken so you found at least one other person to come to but seeing that they're a 100 membered gang, you still felt that sense of intimidation especially when all of them bowed to their leader as Mikey walked in the middle with his uniform coat blazing in the air as he stood at the top of the stairs, looking proud and there's that sensation that goes through you at the sight so the idea sticks to you, the excitement rising to you for you to go home.
- Mikey takes you home that night and he was curious about what's got you to be in a rushed state but the moment you stepped inside, you were already letting the pencil move to the scenery you just saw, spending perfect time for each detail.
- Of course the next day strolls in and Mikey is greeted by you covering his eyes with your sketchbook on his desk.
"What's this about?" He asks chuckling, finding it cute that you were being like this.
"Tada!" You said, dropping your hands and he's faced to face with a drawing of the Toman meeting, the colors that were done in their uniform and hints of red on the background with the same writings embedded on their clothes were drawn through paint and two blondes had their jaw to the floor.
Draken is the first to say how amazing you did it and he'd love to have it framed if he had the chance but you turned to Mikey who was holding it close to him, eyes still prancing around it so you tapped his shoulder. "You okay?"
He just responded by setting the notebook down to embrace you while you're stood frozen but reciprocate it and both of you mirrored the same smile.
"You're the best, Y/N. Never failing to make me starstruck." He whispered to you just as your heart collapses under his words.
- A few more meetings to Toman and getting to know the others, in that span of days, you're feelings for each other was just strengthening that you find yourself drawing Mikey. Even if you have a few sketches of the other members since they kindly requested, Mikey's leadership and his influence to them always stood out and to not draw him would be a waste of time.
- You drop by to their meeting the upcoming night and the vice and division captains are approaching you, praising you for the news they'd heard that you drew their previous meeting and they kindly asked if they could see your drawings and from knowing them for a long time now, you allow them and each page they're already complimenting you and teasing each other how good they looked to which you laugh and thank them. Mikey just watches from afar with a smile of his own, happy that you were getting the recognition you deserved.
"That's Y/N for you." He mutters as Draken nudges him to let him know that he was heard by him and Mikey just rolls his eyes not caring since he knew it was true.
- He's aware that you draw him but he doesn't want to check it yet but he sees it in the way you stare at him, staring at every corner of his features and it makes him flustered at how it's been happening for a while now so when he asks if he could take a look to it and you just let him roam free at it, his heart doubles its pace at how you're just drawing him like that—various of designs to show how he's been racing in your mind and Mikey knew right then and there that he had to show his admiration to you more than just taking you home.
- He'd be even more energetic with you, a sudden growth to his joyousness because of you drawing him and he definitely feels like he owns the world because he had you. He feels like it was an honor to be drawn by you so with any chance he gets, he lets you know just how much you mean to him.
"Everything you do is just—magic, no I think that's understatement, Y/N. I love everything you do."
"Thank you so much, Mikey."
"And I am one handsome model, huh?"
"Can't argue with that one."
- He's offering you to a date in the afternoon, which causes a panic to your heart but you loved how he brought you to a café where you were able to paint so he's got an excuse to gawk at your focused mode as you were busy with your canvas. Mikey just draws what seemed easy to him, palying around with the sizes of the brushes and as usual, he'd be placing paint to your face and scurries to his seat so you can't disturb him but of course you took revenge.
- Mikey gets distracted just by the sight of you that day. He can't seem to forget how you beautiful you looked, sat on the chair as effortlessly that captivating to simply exist so he knew that his feelings had reached the peak of it's intensity towards you.
- So that's when he's taking you out on more dates, more memories that were meant to make you both cherish with how every night and every day were just painted in the prettiest smiles from both of you and vivid laughs turned into colors.
- But with every date, Mikey takes a photo of what you painted that day just like he takes a photo of you when you're painting or drawing and he likes to compile it.
"Hey Y/N?"
"Can you draw us?" He asks with a sheepish smile and you're wondering how that could be since you don't usually take that much photos together. "Well we might need a photo for that but sure, Mikey." You answered and he's softly tugging on your arm to take you to a photobooth.
- Then the chaos in your heart begins when you and Mikey were sat on the photobooth, smiling at first for the first photo. The second photo was taken with Mikey staring at you with a smile while you were looking at the camera. You noticed this so you turned to him and the blonde just smiles before he's kissing your cheek which your reaction to it was the perfect shot. You laughed, which to you your third photo was a favorite because you two were laughing. The fourth and fifth photo were just silly faces and the booth is over.
- Mikey wrote something at the back of the photo, instructing you that you shouldn't look at until you were done drawing so you just obeyed. Your heart was just fluttering as you draw, the memories from that night refreshing your mind like usual and by a few days you were done so you let Mikey know.
- He visits your room with a notebook in hand and some flowers which was absolutely took a turn to your hand and he explains how you should open the notebook just for you to see the photos of yourself painting and some silly photos he took of you two and the doodles from the back of his notebook all in one compilation with little insights of what happened that date.
"I'm not good with drawing but I hope this was okay. Once you reach the last page, can you read what I wrote on the back of the photo?" You nodded, fighting the urge to stop smiling so much because your cheeks were starting to hurt from it. Seeing the last page, it was the set of pictures you took from the booth, you turned it around and you swore your heart couldn't handle anything else.
"This was the day I knew I wanted you to be mine." You read, looking at him with soft eyes as he chuckles.
"I figured that it'd be best if that drawing of us would be the first thing to put on a new page, that is if you let me be yours?" Mikey asked with that smile of his and you're purely nodding, at a loss for words as you take him into your arms and he immediately hugs back even tighter.
"Yes Mikey, thank you so much. " You whispered to him and he takes a glance to your drawing and his heart knew he found the right person.
"That's my Y/N, never fails to make me fall in love."
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TOKYO REV : @strawberrieas @kwrg @raya-sano @kimrena-stuff @heavensbeloved @rosewood1999 @beezebub @l-luci @bekky06 @keiisukebaji @tomanjirouu @smileysmileysmiley
OVERALL: @stesphy @itsmeaudrieee @crapimahuman @meguroshi @floydenai @dai-tsukki-desu
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tbhchoi · 3 years
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proud of you
pairing: san x reader (gn but see warnings for use of pet names!)
genre: established relationship, minor angst (reader is upset at the beginning), fluff
synopsis: y/n is going through a tough time but luckily their boyfriend san is there to comfort and reassure them
warnings?: terms such as 'love' and 'baby' are used
word count: 1k
i really wanted to make a short story like this since i know many people find comfort in the members, i may make one for every member, always remember ateez loves you and are always proud of you, everything will be okay <3
the sound of your front door opening and closing brings you out of your thoughts for a second. you're aware it's just your boyfriend san coming home but still a small amount of worry rises in you. you have always hated him seeing you this way, you've always tried to hide your worries and insecurities in fear of him seeing you differently and being seen as a burden.
you know it's a senseless worry, san isn't like that and wouldn't think of you like that, anytime he has seen you when you weren't okay, he was right by your side comforting you
"y/n i'm back!" you hear him shout through the house, after hearing no reply from you, you hear him come down the hall looking for you
"love, are you here?" he asks as he slowly opens the door to your room
you do your best to act like you're fine, you put on a strong face determined not to let him see you broken
"i'm sorry, i was zoned out," you tell him, doing your best to fake smile
he gives you a look as if he didn't believe you but you brushed him off. he comes in the room and sits next to you on your bed
"baby," he says soothingly while placing his arm around your shoulders bringing you into him
you let out a noise of acknowledgment towards him
"what's wrong? you know you can talk to me," he says
"i'm fine"
"ah, but you're not," he disagrees, "you seem to forget how well i know you"
you don't say anything to him yet, your thoughts still aren't all together for you to be able to. after a few moments of silence he sense you aren't going to say anything and continues
"you can always talk to me about anything," he says while drawing circles on your arm
"it's hard," is all you can manage to say
"i know baby, i know. i believe in you though, if you want to talk about it i'm all ears my love," he encourages you while kissing your temple
and you know that if you really didn't want to talk about it, he'd respect that and drop it but some how that action was enough for everything to spill out. you're telling him everything, all your insecurities within yourself, your stress from school and work. before you know it tears are about to fall out
"sometimes it just gets so hard you know. sometimes i just need a break, i'm one person. my mental health is going down and i'm trying to swim but i'm drowning in late school work and extra work shifts," you rush out taking a deep breath
the whole time san has been so intently listening to you, letting you get everything out. you'd forget he was there if it wasn't for his hand rubbing up and down your arm soothingly
"baby, you're okay, you're okay," he says reassuringly, trying to calm you down
he gives you a kiss on your temple
"i know how hard it is love, you've always been such a hard worker," he continues, "you're doing so well, i'm so proud of you, i always am. but sometimes you really do need to take time to yourself, even if it's just a day"
"do you have a shift tomorrow?" he asks you
you nod
"baby, let's call out, i'll stay with you, we can have a relaxing day doing anything you want, even if that's catching up on school work, i'll help you with it," he tells you
"i don't know if i can san"
"it's okay to take time off, it's okay to take a mental health day, we all need them, even if we seem like we don't," he reassures
you think about it for a second, you really do need the time off, "okay, okay i'll call out,"
"but you really think you can help me with my school work?" you jokingly question him
"hey, i'm smarter than you think," he jokes
you let out a small laugh, "i love you," you mumble
"i love you more than anything," he tells you
he continues, "and really, i am proud of you. you're doing well even if you don't think you or you don't see it, so many people see how hard you're working"
"thank you san, really," you tell him wiping your nose
"thank you so much for telling me, you can come to me, you know? don't hold things in"
you nod at him, "i'm sorry"
"don't apologize," he tells you, "i know you're going through a lot"
"just remember, even on your worst days, i love you and believe in you"
him telling you all these sweet and reassuring words continues on for awhile but the whole time all you can think about is how thankful you are for him. you really don't know where you'd be without him. you're also punching yourself for not coming to him earlier
"is that good baby?" he asks breaking you out of your trance
"i'm sorry, what?" you ask
"i'll order us some take out and make us both milkshakes and then we can watch our favorite show together? just have a relaxing night in?"
"that sounds amazing right now," you tell him
he stands up from the bed, "good, i'll get everything ordered, come down whenever you're ready, okay love?"
you tell him yes and he gives you a peck before leaving to order the take out
now you're alone again, but this time instead of negative thoughts drilling at you, you're more at peace. of course not everything is solved and you know you'll have more stress to come, but you know with san by your side, you'll be okay. everything will okay in time, you got this
© tbhchoi. all rights reserved. all reposts, along with translations are prohibited.
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hobisenby · 4 years
role model
jungkook x male reader
Summary: a young male, y/n, debuts into bighit. The boys from BTS take it upon themselves to help and guide him, but one of them in particular seems to take a liking to the shy boy.
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Y/N Y/L/N, latest addition to the bighit "family" as some might call it. A shy and kind, but talented boy. But then again, how couldn't he be talented if he was allowed to debut? It was a surprise to the boy as well, his audition not having gone the way he hoped for. But luckily they saw potential, and looked through the mistakes he made.
During his tour through the bighit building they'd show him where the other artists work, so he'd know where to stay quiet, and where he is to work on his songs. He got a little studio of his own to write and produce his songs, knowing his debut would be soon. So when he was left alone he got to know the place a bit and then got right to work.
A few days later is when he ran into some txt members, Soobin and Taehyun. They all politely greeted each other and got to talking for a bit, the main topic being y/n's upcoming debut. They gave him some encouraging words, and a bit of advice based on their experiences, and then went on to join their other members, leaving y/n alone to wander back to his studio.
A week after that is when y/n first ran into Jungkook, literally. The older boy seemed to be in a hurry and didn't look when he turned a corner, bumping into y/n, causing him to fall over. Jungkook exclaimed in surprise and quickly bent down to help the small boy up. "I'm so sorry, I was in a rush and wasn't looking where I was going." But instead of replying the other boy just nodded, his cheeks seemingly turning red, and his eyes slightly bulging. Unknown to Jungkook, the younger boy was just kind of intimidated and shy in front of the good looking but sweet boy. "I have to get going, I'm sorry again." And Jungkook continued on his way, leaving the flustered boy behind.
Ever since that incident y/n had been bumping into him and the other members quite occasionally, and he got along with each of them well. They all seemed to want to help him with the debut and the stress that will come with being an idol. All of them offered a different kind of support.
Jin is mostly the type to make sure he takes care of himself. Always reminding him that eating and resting is important. Yoongi is the type to listen to the boy rant for a bit, maybe not giving advice, but the fact that he listens can be enough. Hoseok is the one that has assisted him with the choreography for the debut. Namjoon as a leader knows a lot about responsibility, and as a solo artist you'll have to face a lot of stress and responsibilities. So he gives advice and tips concerning all that. Jimin and Taehyung aren't people y/n runs into a lot, but when they do its all so natural. They talk and have fun, making y/n forget about all of his stress for a little bit.
But the one to have been there the most is Jungkook. And to be fair, y/n always goes to him the most, feeling the most comfortable around him. See, y/n is a very shy person, so approaching someone for any reason at all isn't a common accurance and is very hard for him. But Jungkook is one of the few people he would dare ask if needed. Maybe because Jungkook is and always has a huge support to him. Like right now.
"You seem nervous." Jungkooks voice is soft and gentle, like talking any louder will startle the younger. And to be very honest, it actually might. Y/N flushes, keeping his eyes on the screen in front of him. "I am." He whispers. He sounds very unstable and shaky, sounding like he might fall apart any minute. Jungkook sighs softly, turning the chair the boy in sitting on and kneeling, getting to his eye level. He gets close and lays his hands on the boys knees, taking note of how y/n looks anywhere but him. So to create eye contact he lifts one hand to the boys chin and turns his head to his. "Its okay, its been 7 years and I still get nervous when we drop an album, it's natural. But you'll be okay, people will love it." He smiles, dropping his hand to y/n's shoulder instead. This seems to cause the boy to feel flustered, as his ears turn a bright red and he chuckles nervously. "Thank you, Hyung." He stutters out. Jungkook laughs and pulls the boy up from the chair and into a hug. "Anytime."
"Whatcha working on?" Y/N startles at the sudden voice behind him, but doesn't turn around. Instead he keeps drawing. "Some sketches for upcoming mv ideas." He softly tells Jungkook.
Y/N is still that shy small boy around Jungkook. He still speaks softly, stutters and gets flustered by almost anything Jungkook does. And for some reason it drives Jungkook to him, he finds his responded cute, endearing. He loves it and purposely draws them out. Like this
"Hmm, like what?" He comes closer, almost standing against the back of the chair y/n is in, and lays his hands on the boys shoulders. It's impossible to miss the way y/n tenses under his touch, but doesn't respond to it. Still drawing the boy starts to explain his ideas, talking more freely the more he gets into it. Which is another thing Jungkook loves, how he starts talking louder and faster when he's invested in something. But instead of paying attention while y/n speaks he focuses on something else. The way the boy seems to jerk and tense as Jungkook softly starts to massage his shoulder. Y/N starts stuttering and tripping over his words, clearly not being able to think properly while being touched like this. But what neither of them expect is the yelp he let's out when Jungkooks hands wander to his back. Both of their faces turn red and they go back to what they were doing earlier, neither of them wanting to bring it up.
"I don't know if I can do this, Hyung." Y/N and Jungkook sit on the couch in y/n's studio late at night. Both of them next to each other as y/n talks about his troubles. In this case its an upcoming award ceremony, and the boy has to do a speech. But he knows his shyness will mess it up for him, and he's terrified. "You can." Jungkook simply says, laying his head on y/n shoulder and yawning. He feels the boy tensing one again but he doesn't milk it this time, knowing it's not the right timing. "You're y/n. You're talented, kind and amazing. You can do anything." He continues snaking an arm around the younger. Y/N coughs and looks to the left, the opposite way of where he'd be able to see Jungkook basically cuddling into him. "I hope you're right."
"I WON!!" y/n yells as he runs up to Jungkook. He has a huge smile on his face and his yell could probably be heard throughout the entire building, but neither of them care. As the younger gets closer Jungkooks first response is to wrap his arms around him and lift him up. "I'm so proud of you." He exclaims and puts the boy down. Y/N face could be compared to a tomato and while the smile is still on his face his eyes show just exactly how flustered he is. His excitement gets a bit lesser and the shy boy Jungkook knows so well is right back in front of him. He smirks, knowing how easily he can make the boy act like this. "It's all because of you, Hyung." The smaller whispers, causing Jungkooks heard to flutter.
He moves some hairs out of the youngers face and smiles the way someone smiles at the one they hold dear and love the most. "I told you you're amazing."
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ridiculousravenclaw · 4 years
The life of Elara Ware - chapter 3
So, funny story. I accidentally shut myself out of this account when I forgot my damn password. Then there was this pandemic and being technically a key worker, that was stress. Then I just started writing other stuff. So yeah, I kinda left this behind, which was a shame because I had a lot planned for it. But anyway here's chapter 3 as I wrote it ages ago and who knows, maybe I'll keep going. FYI I could not be bothered to go back and check it so theres almost definitely a spelling mistake or some grammatical errors. Sorry about it.
The next few days at The Burrow passed far too quickly for Elaras liking. It could be hectic at times with so many of them in one house. A fact Mrs Weasley continuously apologised for. But Elara, so used to being alone, loved the business of life at the Weasleys. She had missed George more than she thought she could. They relished in the time they spent together and, when they were sure no one was around to see, stole as many kisses as they could. With so many of them in the house though the later was practically impossible and more than once their embrace had been broken up my someone walking suddenly into the room. Ron couldn't look Elara in the eye for days after he walked in to find a particularly passionate scene. In fairness it was actually his room.
The fullness of the house had at least meant that they could stage 4 a side quidditch matches in the garden with the Weasleys and Harry. Hermione preferred to watch. When they weren't doing that Elara found she enjoyed chatting with Ginny, who to Elaras great surprise was not as girly or shy as she thought she was. Or talking with the eldest 2 Weasley boys; neither of whom she'd met before and had a number of interesting tales about the twins growing up. Then there was Harry, Ron and Hermione. They were a bit of an unlikely trio and Elara was convinced Ron fancied Hermione, but nether the less they were obviously good friends and Elara enjoyed spending time with them. Especially Harry. She'd always really liked Harry Potter, he didn't want the pitty the world gave him, he just wanted a normal life. Elara found she really respected that. The only person in the house Elara found she clashed with was Percy. Though she got the impression that it wasn't just her he had that affect on. For lack of a better word, Percy was a bit of a snob. Thankfully she rarely saw him as he spent most days at work and often chose to stay late most nights.
It was the last day of the holidays and they were all sat in the living room except for Mr Weasley who still wasn't back from work. Elara had parked herself on the furthest seat from her boyfriend and his twin. There was 2 reasons for this. First it meant she didnt have to resist the temptation of his soft lips whilst everyone was here to see. Secondly it made it far easier to feign ignorance to what the pair were currently doing. As they sat huddled together, talking in hushed whispers. She wasnt entirely sure what they were up to but it was almost certainly to do with Weasleys Wizard Wheezes, something Mrs Weasley highly disapproved of. As she sat alone she found her mind wondering and without meaning to found herself going over the dream she'd had the night before. She couldn't explain why but it had been bothering her all day. It wasn't a scary dream or in anyway disturbing. But Elara found herself shaken up by it none the less. Especially as she was almost certain she'd had that exact dream before.
In the dream Elara was walking through the woods at night. The only respite from the dark provided by the moon as its faint light battled through the thick branche above. She's looking for something but what it is or where she should look remains a mystery. Still she keeps going. Undeterred as the trees and undergrowth becomes denser and more wild. Then all of a sudden she sees a shape moving through the shadows. It slides slowly through the trees towards her until it stops in a clearing ahead. Bathing in the moonlight is a great white fox. Larger than any fox had the right to be and more majestic than any she'd seen. Its pure white coat shining brightly as though lighting up from within. Elara feels a pang of familiarity deep in her heart as she looks into its eyes. She doesn't run or scream. She knows she's safe. The white fox is here to help her, like a mother looking out for her cub. Its gaze is mesmerising and Elara could read the message in its eyes. 'follow me. I'll show you where it is'
"hey! daydreamer! wake up!" Elara was suddenly pulled out of her thoughts to find the whole room staring at her. She shakes herself mentally, uncomfortable by the sudden attention on her.
"sorry" she said trying to laugh it off dismissively "miles away"
"whatcha thin huh in abou?" asked Ron mid yawn. Elara sighed
"that out of all Georges siblings I like you the least" she said dryly
"no" she says with a smile, earning a few laughs. Ron a few seconds behind the others before he got the joke.
Suddenly his face changed
"woah!" he said, staring at Elara in amazement.
"what?" Elara said. she suddenly felt a bit self conscious.
"your eyes are different colours!"
"oh" She giggled breathing a sigh of relief. "you've just noticed? really? how long have I known you?"
Everyone was laughing again
"what. have they always been like that?"
"yes!" everyone else said in chorus.
"Since I was a baby Ron. what did you think I did it deliberately? I got bored one day and coloured one in with a sharpie?"
Ron made a face somewhere between confusion and embarrassment.
"what's a sharpie?" Ah, Elara thought. muggle reference, complete miss.
" Well we all know ickle Ronnie kins is a complete idiot at the best of times. "Said George as he crossed the room and squeezed on the armchair next to Elara before pulling her onto his lap.
"what is a sharpie?" he added to her at a whisper. Elara smiled and shook her head dismissively. The rest of the room going back to their individual conversations.
"muggle stuff" she answered
"Ah. well then whatever you do, dont mention it in front of dad. he'll get all excited and interrogate you again." George said as he started rubbing small circles onto her hip with his thumb. Elara couldn't help but smile at the gesture.
"oh stop it hes not that bad. " She said rolling her eyes.
"yes he is, remember when you mentioned the cinema?" Elara laughed. She did remember that. It had taken her the best part of an hour to explain the concept to Mr Weasley.
"Anyway. Don't be so mean to your brother, as I recall it took you months to bloody notice." George looked blank for a moment.
"notice what?" he asked
"my eyes!"
"oh" he remarked, realisation dawning.
"it wasnt months was it? maybe a few weeks" Elara was giggling now, enjoying the slight embarrassment creeping into George's cheeks.
"nope definitely months. it was around Christmas time. remember? you thought I'd done it with magic to be all christmassy. Though how that's a christmassy thing to do I dont know."
"oh. yeah. well... that's only cause I'm not a weird person who stares at pretty girls eyes" George said, mockingly batting his eyelids at her. Elara grinned fondly at him, then leaned forward and left a light peck on his lips.
"Yeah you are."
"a couple of months is good for him" Fred said " George didn't realise we were identical until we were 7" Elara started slightly having not realised Fred had come over. He was sat on the floor next Charlie looking amused.
"in fairness that's not so obvious as I have always been way better looking than you." George retorted quickly.
Both twins sniggered and Elara noted that even their laughter was the same.
"did we mention he's delusional? sure you want him El?" Fred said
"Oh someone sounds jealous to me. Don't worry Fred I'm sure we can find a girl to take pity and go out with you"
Elara could tell this verbal tennis wasn't going to stop anytime soon.
" *cough* testosterone *cough* "
"oh look your fathers coming" Mrs Weasley suddenly announced getting everyones attention. Sure enough the hand on the grand father clock which bore mr Weasleys likeness had moved and now pointed at travelling. Then it moved once more settleing with the other hands on home. At the same time the door opened and Mr Weasleys voice could be heard from the kitchen. Mrs Weasley scuttled out to greet him. With the others distracted by this Elara inexplicably found her mind once again wondering back to her dream and the White Fox. Its magnetic familiar eyes drawing her in.
"you okay?" George said quietly. Wrapping his arms around Elara protectively and pulling her back to the present.
"yeah of course" She said trying to sound as casual as possible. George wasnt convinced. He knew her far too well and having shared it with him that morning knew what she was thinking about.
"It was just a dream you know El. I know it was a bit freaky. But it cant hurt you" he said, squeezing her arm reassuringly. That's just the thing, she thought, it wasn't scary to me. But she smiled at him appreciatively.
"I know"
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