#sorry for being so sexy and mysterious (the mystery is autism :3)
p3rson27 · 1 year
I love the way wine hits it's like
I'm fine :) (I'm so sexy and powerful and this alcohol isn't affecting me at all)
*stands up*
Uh oh
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Hi there friends! Welcome to episode 4! Transcript under cut
Nick: Welcome to another stirring installment of Adulting With Autism
Liz: I’m here this time
Nick: Yes there is another human with me. Things are back to normal. It’s nice. We only have one question this week so I’m going to assume that everything is fine and dandy for most people, everybody’s having a swell time
Liz: Or our advice was so good nobody needs to answer any more questions
Nick: I think we’ve solved life, we’ve solved being an adult which is great but it means the follow-up is going to be a tough one. It’s like, you know, Orson Wells made Citizen Kane but then Magnificent Ambersens. People don’t talk about that as much
Liz: Never heard of it. Is it bad?
Nick: It’s alright actually, but it’s no Citizen Kane. Unlike Citizen Kane.
Liz: You can say that about all films, like the Rugrats movie. It’s no Citizen Kane
Nick: That’s because it’s better than Citizen Kane
Liz: I first watched Citizen Kane at the age of 12, at that point I did prefer the Rugrats Movie
Nick: What’s important to note is the much broader palette of colours the rugrats movie uses
Liz: More variety in outfit design as well. You wouldn’t see a Citizen Kane character in a nappy
Nick: You would most likely not, except at the very end of his life just before he uh…
Liz: No spoilers
Nick: Yeah. Just in case anybody out there
Liz: In case anybody does’nt know what happens at the end of life, we’ll just leave that until you watch the film
Nick: Keep things a mystery, you know? we seem to have been temporarily rebranded into a film podcast by accident, which is great. That’s what everybody’s here for.
Liz: Yeah if there’s one thing the world needs is more film podcasts
Nick: There’s just not enough of them. We have a question…
Liz: We do, we have exactly one question and it’s from anonymous
Nick: I like them, they’ve given us a lot of material over the past weeks
Liz: I prefer their early work
Nick: Me too
Liz: Well, The Legion would like to know how to keep up with household chores if you get tired or executive dysfunction
Nick: That is a good question
Liz: There’s multiple options, Option 1 you don’t. Option 2 you have housemates and they don’t mind you not doing much
Nick: Option 3 is, you’ve got to make compromises with yourself. At least say ok I’m not going to be able to get on top of everything today. But today’s dishes, tomorrow’s vacuuming or something like that. Just take it bit by bit and you might sometimes be behind it’ll at least be behind in the sense of oh this place could do with a bit of a clean rather than this place is a dump
Liz: One thing I find is quite useful for me is sometimes you might get a sudden burst of energy that’s directionless even if youre’ completely exhausted. What I do is set a 10-15 min timer on my phone and keep going until it stops. That’s enough time to do a load of washing up, tidy up a small section of a room, put some laundry in.
Nick: That seems to be something that works for you. I find I’m not a morning person but I find I start off with more energy when I do wake up
Liz: Yeah you’re like an iPhone. You charge overnight, you’re full of energy and you do something and very quickly lose all your energy
Nick: My energy levels are very very strange things. I find that I don't know if this is just me personally but I find it’s important to say “I’ll take it easy today” but I find saying that I always do the opposite
Liz: Yeah, and that’s by no means an autism thing, my mum does that. She’ s the worst person at being ill. She will have the flu and say I won’t do anything and will go and hoover the living room, do some gardening, do 3, 4 loads of washing up.
Nick: I don’t tend to tire myself out in that way I don’t tire myself out doing useful stuff. 
Liz: [sneeze] sorry about that loud noise
Nick: It’s always like “ok I’m not going to write anything I don’t need to do that, I’ve done plenty lately. Oh no I’ve done 10 pages I messed up”
Liz: 10 pages? Last time you did that you wrote an entire sitcom pilot
Nick: Well, potato, po-tah-toe, p-ilot
Liz: P-ilot?
Nick: Yeah. P-ilot. Thank you for that question anon, and if anybody has any questions please do send them in because we are bereft.
Liz: We’re not even at 7 mins
Nick: Not even at 7 mins.
Liz: One thing that might be good to talk about today is surviving summer with sensory issues
Nick: Ooh that’s good because we’re dying, we’re absoluitely dying today
Liz: It’s the mid-high 20s with 70-80% humidity, which is what I like to call the death zone
Nick: I don't know where our listeners are from
Liz: According to the youtube stats we have France, Germany, the US and Canada but not the UK oddly enough
Nick: That’s interesting
Liz: Youtube says no-one from the UK has listened to our podcast. It may be incorrect but that’s interesting.
Nick: Okay, I need to explain at this point everything in this country is built to maintain heat. It’s like the country is wrapped in blankets all the time, so when it gets above 15 everyone just starts dying
Liz: Thing is when you live in cold and windy land the majority of the year your houses and buildings are desgined to keep heat in and you don’t have air conditioning except very modern buildings so when it does get hot there’s no escape
Nick: And we live in quite a traditional terraced house so we are toasty
Liz: But not in a fun cheesy way, though we can be fun and cheesy
Nick: [groans]
Liz: You are not allowed to complain about puns NickBlake
Nick: Ok
Liz: You are the one person whos not allowed you know this, for you are the font of puns
Nick: I am. Fun Times New Roman.
Liz: I have no words
Nick: I have plenty that’s everyone’s problem with me.
Liz: So yes, surviving heat. 
Nick: We’ve been opening all the windows and back door and that. We’ve stockpiled a reasonable amount of icepops to keep us cold
Liz: If you have the freezer space I highly recommend going on amazon and buying 150 Mr Freeze icepops, so you know you're getting the good stuff, for 16 pounds. I don't know what that converts to in whatever currency but it’s not a lot of money
Nick: For what you get it’s pretty good
Liz: It’s pretty much wholesale
Nick: We got wholesale price iced pops, so that’s good
Liz: It does take up an entire freezer drawer but you could always not freeze all of them at once
Nick: It’s kinda great. We’ve been taking as many pajama days as possible
Liz: You’ve been having pajama days because your pajamas are not wearing clothes. I’ve just been wearing tiny skimpy outfits
Nick: Yes, light clothing as much as possible, open the windows, get 150 ice pops
Liz: Eat ice and be sexy is how to survive the summer
Nick: That’s exactly how you survive the summer
Liz: Cold foods as well. Thing is there have been studies that show things like apple juice and milk hydrate you after exercise better than water does, so logically things like that would also hydrate you better when it’s hot right?
Nick: So what you're saying is you should be a good milky boy
Liz: Or girl or non-binary person. Yeah. Or a juicy boy if you prefer. But also we had pea and mint soup yesterday. Which is apparently not a thing in the US? I have been told this
Nick: I’m very confused because I distinctly remember in my early childhood watching Rescuers Down Under and pea soup was explicitly referenced in one fo the opening scenes.
Liz: Maybe they never thought to combine peas and mint or maybe this person’s never heard of it and they’re the anti-soup Georg
Nick: Thing is it’s we’re talking about Americans thinking to put seasoning in the dish so… 
Liz: To be fair though a lot of Americans are good at seasoning, it’s WASPs who are bad at seasoning. Though my friend is a WASP, they live in Upstate New York.
Nick: Ah. Maybe I think there are a lot of people in America who are good at seasoning but they’re all in the south. They’ve clumped, like chili powder when you’ve had it too long.
Liz: Not that they would understand that reference, the WASPs. I say that I am technically a WASP but it’s different
Nick: Yup, a whole nother thing. Well, we’ve dispensed some nice advice
Liz: Soupy advice
Nick: Nice soupy advice.
Liz: If you want to make pea and mint soup by the way really easy for 1 person you want 250g frozen peas you cook them in stock you add however much mint you want and you blend it. That’s it.
Nick: You can add an onion
Liz: Some people also add a potato but we didn’t
Nick: Too much potato can make it a bit starchy I think
Liz: And don’t worry if it ends up looking like green paint, it still tastes good
Nick: You're on the right track if it looks like it’s not edible
Liz: A lot of soups and stews look like that. I’ll say it a lot of my Mums cooking looks like vomit it’s delicious.
Nick: A lot of old English food doesn’t look pretty, it’s not designed to be appetising. It’s brown liquid with things in it. It’s good and keeps you going.
Liz: It coats your bones as they say
Nick: Yes it coats your bones which sounds so gross
Liz: You don’t want that you want pea and mint soup
Nick: You want bleached bones
Liz: You don’t that’s just a thing that happens in the sun
Nick: Don’t die, don’t have your bones be bleached. That’s my survival tip. Don’t die
Liz: Good survival tip, I like it
Nick: I might write a book one day. 
Liz: On how to not be dead
Nick: You just put your lips together, then put some food between them. Followed by liquids
Liz: It’s probably easier if you open your lips a little bit
Nick: And I think a combination of meats and various legumes and don’t have poison.
Liz: I think we should possibly end there because we’re degenerating into just mindless rambling
Nick: I maintain my survival tips are solid
Liz: Maybe you should start your own podcast where you just talk for half an hour, see what happens
Nick: I’ll have a straw poll on that. See what listeners would want. Speaking of rambling and voices and talking and natural segues, we had an offer from one of our listeners to come on our show and chat. Nothing came of it but I think that might be an interesting angle to pursue, talking to people about how they adult with autism.
Liz: Maybe have them help answer questions. Could be fun
Nick: I think what I’m doing here is setting the floor. If you feel self conscious about what you’re saying, remember I suggested meat and legumes and not dying as survival tips. You can’t get worse than that. So yeah, if you’ve got questions let us now, if you might want to guest on the show also let us know.
Liz: If you want to contact us personally, at invisible-goats
Nick: And Nightwarbler
Liz: That’s all one word
Nick: Yup.
Liz: We’re not doing too badly for length
Nick: We’re not. Slightly shorter than usual but we have a hefty big proud boy, big nice…
Liz: Are you hoping if you keep talking like that they’ll let you on Maximum Fun?
Nick: Now you’ve rumbled me, that was my secret plan
Liz: Just call me Rumblestiltskin
Nick: Niiice. If you have any kind of oddly specific products for me to endorse for money like I’ll definitely do that. Send me some underwear or mattresses and I’ll just record all the podcasts on my nice new mattress in my nice custom underwear.
Liz: Custom underwear?
Nick: You’ll have to go one better than the others, you know
Liz: I wouldn’t turn down custom underwear it’s hard to buy bras
Nick: Send us your custom underwear and I will heartily endorse it. Just…yeah. Bespoke…coverings, that’s what I want…or...
Liz: A mattress is not a covering
Nick: It’s a covering for a floor
Liz: Only because we don’t own a bed
Nick: Send us your questions and offers to be on the show. Don’t send us underwear come to think of it that doesn’t sound like an ok thing
Liz: And we’ll be back in a couple of weeks, hopefully with more questions and less about underwear and poison
Nick: Yeah, don’t send us underwear don’t eat poison
Liz: And don’t kiss your dad square on the lips?
Nick: Yeah that’s weird. That’s a bad thing to do. Yeah, see you next time.
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