#sorry for that metaphor lol I'm just hungry
alicepao13 · 8 months
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Well, it's like I knew. Not hard to guess, really.
Gather round, Citytv (for this exercise we are pretending that they want to learn) and Hudson and Rex folks, because I'm about to tell you what you need to show in a season premiere. Now, you may think that because I've never done tv in my life I'm not qualified to give that advice, but as an audience I've consumed tons of it, and sadly for you, 90% of it were crime shows. And since I don't see anyone from either Citytv or Hudson and Rex knowing what you need to show in a premiere either (like, in any season), let me be the one to tell you.
Have action packed episodes. Chases, runs, car chases, fires, shootings, terrorists (in St. John's? Well, people are crazy), general mayhem and chaos. It's a crime show. I mean, I don't expect them to happen all at the same time, but from what I saw in the season promo, some of these do happen in later episodes. Were there any shots from the premiere included in the season promo, by the way? Because that was actually action packed.
Have your characters display emotions! Which also makes your actors show that they are indeed actors. These are the kind of episodes that make me reconsider my entire stance on AI.
Set up a season arc. Plant tidbits that will lead somewhere eventually. Revolutionary idea, I know.
Show character bonds. It doesn't have to be Charah. Charlie's "Here comes the team" or something like that is followed by an episode of how much not like a team they operate. Singular and isolated. Absurd. And while in the final scene, they seem to be all boarding the ship, in the end we only see Charlie and Rex in the shot?
Make the episode a "Visit Newfoundland" spot. No one cares to see that in the season premiere. It's a nice place and if I could throw that much money on a single trip, I'd be there in an instant, but put it somewhere other than the premiere that we've been expecting for more than five months.
Make your episode vastly different from what the rest of the season is going to be like. Unless this is meant to warn me that we're going to spend the rest of the season on a boat searching for missing people. That's a general issue with this show's premiere episodes, and I'm struggling to understand why they do it. It sets up false expectations for the entire season.
Neglect your characters in the first fucking episode of the season. I think the whales had more sreentime than Sarah. Also, I'd love to know what happened to Karma, although understandably, that wasn't an episode where you had to involved a coroner.
Now, I'm unsure of this, so I apologize if I'm wrong, but I think they even used shots of Charlie from S3 for the shots where he comes out of the water. If you have him wearing the diver suit, have him dive. If he doesn't want to dive or the water is like five degrees, don't replace that with old shots. Just do something different.
Anyway, I feel that while a lot of things they did fell flat, that doesn't really discourage me from watching the rest of the season because they've always pulled this kind of shit in the premiere. In a show like Hudson and Rex, you just have to weigh the good and bad episodes in the end and only from that you can conclude whether it was a good or bad season. They are all single episodes after all, it's not like you can judge whether an arc is good or bad because there's usually no arc.
Biggest win: I spent a bit of time whining about it, so I'll just say that Charlie's hair is fine. For now lol. I still don't get what the hell they did to him in the promo photos. Citytv, I've got a few upscalers and editing software to recommend to you.
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idontwikeit · 7 months
I'm fascinated with your iwtv haunted house video, what inspired you to put the images in the order that you put them in? What made you choose that poem to set the video to? I just want to know the whole artistic process behind this video, I've watched it like 10 times now, its so good!!!
Thank you!! I’m sorry I reply this late but this is a long answer. The poem is actually not a poem but “tapes” audio tracks lifted from the horror game Anatomy by Kitty Horroshow (itch.io// full gameplay link with no commentary // all tapes // tape transcripts for your reading pleasure) the rue royale one is based around the “final” one towards the ending. It’s one of my favorite horror games and it features one of my fave concepts with the house as a living breathing being
the idea of the amv is based around “louis as a haunted house” which I saw on a tumblr post/tag (i got zero clue where i saw it but it is probably from my trusted mutuals), aside from a few scenes that are based around claudia (since simply there are no ldpdl scenes close to the dialogues) they should all revolve around louis
Pretty easy from there since scenes are chosen based on the monologue, so I first chose the key scenes to feature first, then I usually edit the first and ending first so to get a vibe I want for the amv. You can see from my draft which I posted before when I missed the deadline oops
But to deliver the horror tm, I prefer building up quiet tension and interrupting with action or cut (like my other amv rip selfpromoting here but its less intense), so lots of the cut evolve around the key scenes, with the under layer a long scene preferable steady wide shots which led to this:
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you can see the third track is filled with short clips, cut scenes that interrupts the longer scenes which I put underneath, and you can see there are more cuts in the middle part here so to make the amv getting more chaotic before metaphorically dying out, matching the "lie in wait" "hungry". the cuts around the key scene will either be parallel or contrast: like the one with them in the living room(?) sitting but the cuts are all actions: lestat throwing louis across the room, or them in the garden etc? the common themes will be the room they are occupying/ the object in the scene so there is transition but also not? just some discordant added
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there are cuts that are like 1-2 frames only (like them dancing around the incinerator/far shot of them burning the evidence/hand) but I put them there for my own fun mostly and to disorient vision so if you are lucky and pause you can actually get those frames lol
This is similar to what I did for Part 1 dubai, I used the scene with louis controlling daniel's hand almost throughout, interspersed with cuts to amplify the panic, but since that one is FILLED with lost temper, there are much MORE cuts i was insane for that 50sec tape
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felizusnavidad · 5 months
which 2-5 lyrics/verses from hadestown describe you the best?
yaay! this made me so happy, we don't talk about hadestown here that much and we totally should because it's one of my favourite musicals of all time! so let's go:
eurydice was a hungry young girl - sorry i'm just trying to be funny again it's true! i may not be young anymore but i am constantly hungry lol
i was alone so long i didn't even know that i was lonely - do i even have to explain?
why do we build the wall? we build the wall to keep us free - listen, i know it may sound stupid but i can relate because i, too, have built a wall around myself (out of all the things i'm obsessed with) to keep myself free from the enemy - my own metaphor of distancing yourself from all the people (this is just my own interpretation, i just really like this song & i always think about it when i listen to it)
what i wanted was to fall asleep, close my eyes and disappear - can you tell i'm fucking broken inside?
fun bonus: every time i do or say something totally unhinged i always say to myself "OOH, SHE'S CRAZY!" with eva's voice, just like eurydice said about orpheus in come home with me...
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cookieswithay · 2 years
"MHA boys when you're hungry" fluffy!
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Thought about this since I'm currently hungry □U□
⚠️Little warning: a wee bit embarrassing⚠️
Completely fluffy
Also not proofread, so please pardon any errors
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•°Mido! (Izuku Lol)°•
You inhaled sharply and covered your face. Wanting the awkward silence to go away, Izuku cleared his throat. "It's okay, we can just order something." He said pulling you close and his phone out. "Chinese food would be nice." You mumbled. 🥡
•°Bakubear! (Katsuki obvi)°•
Since Bakugou was falling asleep on your lap, that woke him right up. Which made you cover your face. Since you were still hiding, he had deal with this himself. He simply got up, kissed on the cheek, and walked to the kitchen. And about 20 minutes later, he came back with some food. 🍛
•°Doroki! (Shoto!)°•
His ears perked up. "You have a stomachache?" He asked concerned. "What? No, no, no, I'm just hungry, baby." You said quickly. Why did he assume that? "Oh," He thought for a second. "What do you wanna eat then?" You shrugged. After 10 minutes of deciding what to eat, you both settled on sushi. 🍣
•°Iida darling! (Iida...have I always been bad with nicknames)°•
Checks his watch. And the clock. The original plan was to be embarrassed, but you were wondering what he was doing. That's when your bf got a light bulb. (Idea metaphor) "We missed lunch, didn't we?" Iida asked, turning to you. You shrugged. He nodded and picked you up. "I know the perfect place to go." 🍝
•°Kiri! (Kirishima baby!)°•
You covered your face and hid in his chest. He laughed. "Don't worry about it," He said ruffling your hair. "I'm hungry too." Kiri leaned over and grabbed his phone. "Wanna try that new pizza place?" He asked. You nodded. As he typed away, you lying about being hungry. A couple rumbles escaped him. So...embarrassed again. 🍕
•°Kami-san! (Denkiii!)°•
"Ah!" He shouted rolling off your lap. You sighed. "It wasn't even that loud, Den." You muttered, feeling embarrassed. "No, no, no," Denki said waving his hands. "Why didn't you tell me you were hungry?" He said while putting his chin on your thighs. You shrugged and looked away. He hopped up and grabbed his phone. "Don't worry babe, I got you covered." 🌯
•°Hanta! (Sero!)°•
You both a went silent. Sero looked up at you. (You were brushing his hair)"Sorry." You muttered, looking away. He smiled. "That's fine." He whipped his phone and probably started ordering something. "Glad it was you instead of me." He said under his breath. "I heard that!" He started laughing.
In all honesty, he's been coughing to cover up his own 'sounds'. 🍜
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Just wrote this out of boredom and hungriness. One piece scenarios AND imagines coming soon.(|□3□|)
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matan4il · 2 years
I love that food became the language of love again. We have talked about food before. The way its a metaphor for a love on here. I always joke that I'm hungry after I watch 911. I was never that hungry during S5 lol..
But seriously Bobby's everything he makes for his team/family, Athenas soul food, Maddies meatballs.
Then you had Anna and her weird over abundance of basic food, cakes, salads and muffins. To Taylor's frozen waffles.
Yet here we are , I actually have no clue what Buck was making in the pot because the lasagna is done but I don't care lol. Making them lasagna, dim lighting, boggle playing!!!!
If I don't get Canon Buddie just please writers give me this forever. No more women. I missed this stuff so much after the introduction of Anna.
Hello Nonnie!
Yes, def! I mean, in addition to what we saw in 601, the idea of different forms of food as an expression of love and family ties (or lack thereof) has been a part of the 911 verse going all the way back to Bobby making meals for the 118 as a part of choosing to be more than just their captain, of adopting them as his new family.
"I was never that hungry during S5" OMG, I am grinning like a mad woman right now. XD Def this, and TBH, there are so many ways in which our guys make us hungry, don't they? ;p (sorry, I couldn't help this lame joke)
I like to think that Buck was making something for dessert in that pot, and God only knows how many tries it took him to perfect that. And I ADORE the contrast between how hard he's working to make the food perfect for his Diaz boys, while everything around him is messy, it's exactly how you can tell that this is love, and it's the realest kind of love, where you want to make your loved ones so happy and at the same time, you don't mask who you are from them.
And I'm with you, even if we don't get canon Buddie, as long as we get husbandy Buddie scenes and domestic Buddifer ones, I can still be happy and fill in all of the missing details of how Buck and Eddie will eventually get together myself (or through fic). And it's true, with a show as thinly stretched as 911, where a big chunk of the time is spent on the calls, and the rest has to be split between a big cast, external Love Interests (of any gender) will necessarily come at the expense of Buddifer. So I hope (and tend to believe) the higher ups are taking note of what actually makes viewers happy...
Thank you for this lovely ask, Nonnie! Have a great day! xoxox
(If you’re looking for my ask replies, here is my ask tag! xoxox)
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thelittlestspider · 1 year
🧠 🤲 !!
🧠 Pick a character, and I'll tell you my favorite headcanon for them.
(i couldn't pick just one, so here's a few)
- peter plays games like online solitaire, chess, sudoku.
- he goes on wikipedia, hits random and reads whatever articles pop up. he can sit there reading for hours.
- his comfort movie is legally blonde.
- he has a memorial tattoo for gwen.
- this is more of a crack headcanon turned beloved, but i love the thought of him being an estranged member of the addams family. or morticia's family the frumps. i think in this one ash's mom was a frump.
- wade loves parties. going to them, throwing them, it doesn't matter.
- wade loves pop music. britney spears, abba. he also loves charlie's angels.
(wade is britney coded and ash is lana coded. which are really funny energies to put together lol)
🤲 Would you please share a snippet of a wip?
this is a scene from these hungry streets i haven't really had time to write yet, but it's peter/ash with hints of their sun/moon imagery.
peter sits up on the edge of a building, tired and discouraged. he's been swinging around for what feels like forever in the hopes of finding ash walking around in the early hours like before.
in his absorption with his thoughts, he almost misses her. but williams luck cancels out parker luck and he sees ash walking down the sidewalk below, dressed in a white wedding dress and veil, long legs eating up the pavement in graceful strides despite the high heels she's wearing.
she stops under a streetlamp to fish a cigarette and a lighter out of her garter pocket, lights up, and takes a drag, her face tilted up, eyes closed. peter's throat dries. she's so fucking beautiful. like some horrible angel made in a lab specifically to torment him.
peter's climbing down before he even realizes he's moved, jumping to the top of the streetlamp and gliding down it from a web upside down. ash hasn't seen him yet.
"what's a girl like you doing in a place like this?" ash immediately whirls around and punches him with her metal hand, quick as lightning, but peter's faster and catches her hand. "hey hey, it's just me, angel."
ash frowns, brows drawn together in anger.
"don't fucking scare me like that, you asshole," ash says. "what the hell are you doing here, anyway?"
"i was looking for you," replies peter, jumping down from the web strand. he moves closer to ash, hoping she isn't going to sock him again. ash just looks at him with those big dark eyes, made even bigger with the liner and mascara. her makeup glitters in the light, shimmering every time she moves, making her face look luminous. peter is entranced.
"because i wanted to see you." it comes out more earnest than he'd meant, and peter cringes inwardly. might as well go for broke. "and to beg you to take me back."
"no wait, just listen to me," peter reaches for ash, pulling her closer. ash goes, wrapping her arms around his shoulders. peter almost gives in to the weak feeling inside him that wants to just sink into her, but fights it back so he can say his piece. "i love you, and i'm sorry--"
"peter, i love you too." peter's heart skips a beat. "but you have severe emotional problems and you need help." peter pulls back to look at her incredulously. ash rolls her eyes. "yeah i know. that's rich coming from miss mental illness america. but pete the way we're going isn't healthy. we almost ended up holding hands on the metaphorical train tracks."
"look, i'll give you anything, tell you whatever you wanna know, just don't disappear again."
"i can't promise that. but i'll try to leave a note if i do."
peter sighs in relief. "that's all i ask."
they stand there under the street light for a moment, embracing each other. ash pulls back with a tentative smile.
"do you wanna go to a party with me?" asks ash. peter's eyes widen in surprise at the sudden change in subject.
"a party?"
"yeah, that's where i was going when you scared the shit out of me. mystery inc. throws them every year."
peter gasps. "you know mystery inc.?"
"yeah, we help each other out sometimes." ash pulls out of peter's arms and tugs his hand in the direction he assumes the mystery gang's place is. "i didn't know you were a mystery inc. fan."
"i have all their books," replies peter, embarrassed. ash laughs.
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ameliasbitvh · 3 years
𝐜𝐚𝐫𝐝𝐢𝐠𝐚𝐧 | 𝐝.𝐦.
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a/n: here's part two, came much earlier than i expected bc i decided to write it all in one go and just go with it !! i hope it’s good because i rushed, you could say?? anyways i ACTUALLY typed out the lyrics for once lol and this turned out to be way longer than i expected too ! i feel like this fic series is going to be rlly confusing yk?? Pretend that the rooms in the Pucey manor are all sound proof. Idk but i hope you enjoy it !! (please don’t read this fic series if you can’t handle reading verbal arguments, toxic relationships, and pregnancy!) oh yeah - i apologize in advance for the pregnancy. (btw all smut scenes are consensual !!)
library account @ameliasbitvhlibrary !!
pairing: draco x reader, adrian x reader, and draco x astoria !!
summary: read to find out lol (i just rlly dont know how to summarize this bc i feel like sm happened yk?)
wc: 3.7K (3721)
warning(s): toxic relationship, gaslighting, manipulation, draco being a jackass and EXTREMELY bipolar, smut scene with adrian pucey, smut with draco, smut, foreplay, dirty talk, pet name uses of Doll, Sweetheart and Baby, a lot of arguing, harsh use of words, degrading kink, praising kink, baby bump kink (??) im sorry babes i dont rlly even know what a baby bump kink is but im adding it LMAO, use of drugs and intoxication for metaphors, breeding kink, breeding, pregnant!reader, draco x astoria, adrian x reader !! STOP OUT OF ALL WARNINGS I FORGOT CHEATING - last warning is cheating !!
Vintage tee, brand new phone
High heels on cobblestones
When you are young they assume you know nothing.
His hips crashed into yours, he rocked your whole fucking world. Your arms locked behind his neck and he took a bite of the sweet flesh that laid on your neck marking you. You tossed your head back from the overwhelming pleasure of his cock digging into your sex. Cries leaving your lips like a prayer to him, your God. his bright platinum blonde gleaming in the lamp light, his smooth and pale skin against yours, his deep gray eyes boring into yours. In these moments you forget that you're married, that other people exist, it's only you and him. And you hoped it’d stay this way.
Sequin smile, black lipstick
Sensual politics
When you are young they assume you know nothing.
Your lips, so sweet it was intoxicating to him. You were the cigarette that nimbled in between his fingers and he just couldn't get enough of it. He inhaled and exhaled, but he wanted more. He was hungry, craved for it and he needed it, willing to rip himself to shreds if he couldn't. You were his drug and he was addicted.
He loved the way your body responded to him, the cries that rippled from your throat and the way you held onto him so tight. Oh and how he loved the way that you both fought. So passionately and fiercely that he wanted to tear your fucking clothes off everytime, the only girl he’d ever felt that way for. But how many times is too much? You were soon to grow tired of this illicit affair and he knew it. But for now he would keep you close and away from anybody who tried to take you.
And because of this mentality a problem soon arose.
But I knew you
Dancin’ in your Levi’s
Drunk under a street light, I
I knew you
Hand under my sweatshirt
Baby, kiss it better, I
After one last thrust, his seeds spilled into you. Your body thrashed and shook as his hot cum shot into you. Your legs clenched, squeezing around his waist as you came. Soon he fell onto the bed right next to you and tried to catch his breath, he turned to the side and admired your beauty. You caught on and laughed, “Stop looking at me like that you dork!”
“I cant help but stare when a fucking gorgous woman is right beside me, I’m a lucky man.” he smiled, but you didn’t. Your laughter died down, ‘I'm a lucky man.’ but you weren't even his? Sure you were in some aspects, but overall you weren't and that made your heart shatter the most. Not even ths fact that the only time you ever see him was to fuck each other like hormonal teenagers, but that you werent actually his and he acted like you were. Did he not know how much it hurt?
He thought the same thing. Did you not know how much it pained him to see you and Adrian act like a happy married couple and the fact that he wasn't able to grasp and call you his? Because you weren't his, and you certainly weren't his to keep. He wanted to hold you and never leave you standing alone.
And when i felt like an old cardigan
Under someone's bed
You put me on and said i was your favorite
He’d twirl you around the room, smiles decorating your faces as you both danced soulfully to the music bouncing off the walls. You both were so dumb in love but never had the courage to speak up, so the only option you had left was actions.
Small things like your favorite flower, a single red rose. He brought one every time you two would meet up ever since you told him. You smiled and giggled like a child when he presented you with a red flower on late friday nights. Always pressing a loving kiss to his lips as he held your waist and tore off your clothes one by one. His hands traveled everywhere possible, he examined every piece of skin you had and he loved it all. Constantly praising you as the most beautiful woman he's ever seen and you believed him. Just for those few hours you spent with him, you believed it. You believed you were the most beautiful woman.
A friend to all is a friend to none
Chase two girls, lose the one
When you are young they assume you know nothin’
His gaze landed on a young lady, legs crossed together, hair nicely displayed and she sipped on her tea with grace. She intranced him, she was the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen. Big green eyes, long brown hair, a slim figure and petite. He smirked to himself.
For some reason, the one that he held such care and love for simply no longer existed in his mind. You had vanished. It was like he’d never even heard your name before and in that moment he’d hoped it stayed that way.
He took long strides forward to introduce himself to her, holding his hand out with a smile on his face. “I’m Draco Malfoy,” and looking up she too with a smile on her face took his hand, “I’m Astoria Greengrass, nice to meet you.”
From that point on you noticed his distance from you. He never brought that single red rose, did not look you in the eyes at all, never cared for your pleasure like he used to. What happened? What happened to the man who’d rip himself open for you, pour his soul out, the one who showed you what love was. That was love, right?
Wasn't love when you felt like you couldn't breathe without him. Wasn't love when you’d sacrifice anything for him. Isn't it when you get those tingly feelings in your stomach… butterflies? Isn't isn't when you feel so vulnerable, naked to the eye. Like removing a piece of clothing off of your body, because you wanted him to see you. To see the you that craved him, the you that needed him because you were so intoxicated it drives you insane. And you couldn't do anything about it. All you could do was sit and watch everything unfold in the way you wished and hoped it never did. The day that he'd leave you.
The day that he'd find another girl to call his most beautiful. Weren't you his most beautiful? Weren't you enough? What did she have that you didn't? But that was the problem: you had something she didn't. A husband. Your chest tightened, you wanted to leave this marriage from the very beginning, it isn't fair. It… it isn't fair. But then you realize life isn't fair. The relationship you had with him wasn't fair, you were a married woman and he was a single man looking for fun but found something more and he - just couldn't do it anymore. So many possibilities of getting caught and he couldn't bear the shame for the Malfoy name, he couldn't. But if he loved you wouldn't he risk it all like you did? But that new girl, completely different from you. Poised, knew how to communicate with him, and made it clear that she wanted something more.
But i knew you, playing hide and seek and
Giving me your weekends, I
I knew you
Your heartbeat on the highline
Once in twenty lifetimes, I
“What do you mean, mother!” you cried out, hands thrown up. “Dear, do you know how much this will elevate our status? If you and Adrian have a child, our families will grow at such a faster pace, it would be rapid!” she laughed, flicking her wrist as if what she said was just as funny as her hair line. Adrian sat there, hands glued together, his mouth opened to say something but his mothers hand gesture immediately shut him up. Ah, yes the mothers teaming up just to convince you two that having a child together would be the greatest plan the wizarding world will ever hear.
“You are hilarious, y/m/n! Everything you said is so true,” his mom wiped her tears from her cackling away. Your mom's head perked up and she clapped her hands together, “Well you two should go and get on with that baby making!” Both of your moms walked out of the manor crying out the last of the dignity they had away.
Quickly after they left he stood up, “We don't have to-” he was interrupted by your lips crashing onto his. You had all this pent up anger building inside of you and needed a way to release it, this isn't your best idea but it got the job done. You jumped up wrapping your arms around his neck, it didn't feel right because he wasn't him. His nails dug into your thighs making you whimper into his mouth, he grinded his sex against yours.
Next thing you knew your back was up and against the couch, the same couch that the blond man had fucked you so hard on you cried, your nails scratched the skin of his back and you were limp. Always so damn Limp. Empty. Bare. Meaningless.
“Fuck I’m gonna fill you up so good,” Adrian groaned into your ear while he dry humped you, quickly your both removed your clothes trying to get this over with. And honestly, this is the driest you’ve ever been since you met Draco. Adrian didn't arouse you the way he did and he didn't speak or move the way he did.
The tip of his cock met your entrance and he pushed in, invading your home that you had built with Draco. He broke down the walls and you collapsed.
Finally, he came in you.
And when I felt like an old cardigan
under someone's bed
You put me on and said that I was your favorite.
Draco woke up with a yawn escaping his mouth, rubbing his eyes he looked at the Daily Prophecy and couldve swore he saw you and Adrian on the front page, he couldn't tell if this was his mind tricking him because he wasn't over you yet, or maybe the fact that you were actually on there. So he took a double take, removing Astoria’s head off his shoulder. His eyes skimmed over the paper and met yours. ADRIAN AND Y/N PUCEY CARRYING THEIR FIRST CHILD!! SKIP TO PAGE 12 TO SEE THE INSIDE SCOOP ON THESE TWO LOVE BIRDS -
His blood fucking boiled, what the fuck was your problem. “Getting pregnant?! For all we know it could be my fucking child not Adrian fucking Pucey’s.” he laughed at that. His hands started crumbling that Daily Prophet, his blood pressure was high, he was going insane. He couldn't take this. You, being pregnant with someone's damn bastard of a child?! And not even his. Not that he ever wanted you to get pregnant - but… maybe he pictured you in the future with him and a family of his own with you.
To kiss in cars and downtown bars
Was all we needed
You drew stars around my scars
But now I’m bleedin’
You know what? It was a Friday and he planned to see you today, maybe you wouldn't know of his coming, counting the fact that he hadn't shown up in a month, 2 weeks and 3 days but hey! Who's counting?
Quickly he apparated to your place expecting to just see you, but low and behold Adrian Pucey. “What are you doing here, Malfoy? There’s no event or anything here?”
Draco rolled his tongue against his cheek and for some reason a part of him wanted to say, ‘i’m here to fuck your wife brain dead.’ But he didn't, he’s been working on self restraint for a month, 2 weeks and 3 days now! Yay! So yes, right after he found out you were pregnant he apparated over.
“Where’s Y/n?” he demanded.
“You both are on a first name basis I see.” Adrian's eyes pierced through the blondes. A staring contest began. “Oh, well you see your wife and I are very close.” he smirked villainously. “Then why has she never talked about you?” Adrian questioned.
“Well Pucey, you dont go around telling your husband about the very person you let fuck you every friday, now do you?” how he would’ve loved to say that.
“Where the fuck is -” “Adrian, who are you talking to?” you asked, walking down the stairs. Draco’s breath was caught in his throat, he longed to hear your sweet melancholy voice for so long that your voice lingered and echoed in his mind. Looking up, your eyes met his. “I - Draco? What are you doing here?” The last part came out colder, a shiver traveled down his spine. “I need to talk to you, please.”
“I don't know,” you mumbled.
“It’ll be quick, I promise.”
‘Cause I knew you
Steppin’ on the last train
Marked me like a bloodstain, I
I knew you
Tried to change the ending
Peter losing Wendy, I
I knew you
Leavin’ like a father
Runnin’ like water
You and Draco both walked to a room to be more secluded and have privacy, leaving Adrian in the living room. Before you left Adrian gave you a pair of concerned eyes, you shook it off.
“What do you want from me?” you asked, arms crossed like you were defending yourself. “Listen, just - are you actually pregnant?”
“Is that what you came for?! To know if im actually pregnant or not, you sound like the whole fucking wizarding world! Of course I am!” you yelled with anguish, you were so sick of people. His arms came to the sides of your arms and caressed them, “Baby, calm down,” he tried to soothe you but you thrusted his arms off of you disgusted.
“Don’t call me “baby”! You left me, Draco, you left me… you made me feel things that you knew I wouldn't with anyone else, so why’d you leave? Because you met a new girl? Look at this godforsaken mess that you made me!” you cried out, your hands forming into fist banging against him, your tears soaking his shirt. “Shhhh, it’s okay.” he mumbled into your hair as his hands traveled your body trying to comfort you. “No, no it’s not okay… why aren’t you fighting with me? Why are you so quiet, goddamnit get mad, throw something, just - yell at me!”
But I knew you’d linger like a tattoo kiss
I knew you’d haunt all of my what-ifs
The smell of smoke would hand around this long
‘Cause I knew everything when i was young
I knew I’d curse you for the longest time
“Yell at you?” he questioned, his face contorting into anger. His voice grew, “You want me to yell at you! After everything! I was trying to be nice, can you not take nice? Why do you always want me mad, you drive me fucking insane, you know that! I can't spend one moment with you without raising my voice, making you cry! Do you know how much it hurts me to see you cry and know that you're crying because of me?”
“Then stop, stop making me cry!” you fought, fueling the fire.
“How? How do I stop being the reason you cry, how do I stop making you cry!”
“Love me! Just fucking love me, that’s all i’ve ever wanted!”
“You don't think I do?! I fucking love you, so damn much I’m addicted to you! To your smell, your body, your skin, I just want you, all to my-fuckingself! What do you think I've been doing all this time? Trying to get over you! I could try every flavor and you’d still be my favorite! I’ve spent so long watching Pucey parade you like a fucking trophy and do you know how fucking mad i get? He gets to go out and show off my girl, something I should be doing because you're mine and we both know it!” he took a step closer to you, his hot breath dancing on your skin and your breath hitched feeling him so close.
He looked into your eyes and that's where you saw his vulnerability, he was telling the truth. Wasting no time you smashed your lips against his and he immediately reciprocated your actions. Your lips brutally brushed against his, it was piercing. You both ate each other up like you’ve been starved for numerous years. He tasted like cigarettes and mint, refreshing and venomous all at once fogging up all your senses. You were in a new world, one where it was just him and you. Both happy and free to go out in public with no criticism or shame, somewhere that felt like home. He was - is and will always be your home. The one place that you knew you could always find comfort, love and support. You were for sure he’d always be there, so maybe it was how gullible you were that got you into this mess.
Chasin’ shadows in the grocery line
I knew you’d miss me once the thrill expired
And you’d be standing in my front porch light
And I knew you’d come back to me
You’d come back to me
And you’d come back to me
And you’d come back
“God, I missed this pussy. So wet, practically milking for me, Sweetheart.” he praised, his hand moving to your clit. Your back was laid on the bed and your clothes were torn to the ground, tossed away. You whimpered, biting your lip down to keep you quiet. “Tut-tut-tut, I want to hear you, Doll. Stop biting on that pretty lip and let Daddy hear those pretty noises, yeah?” you nodded your head in submission and let go, cries rip from your throat as he pleasured you like no other man could. Following after the foreplay he positioned the tip of his cock at your hole. “B-but what about you?” you asked with innocent eyes making him want to fuck you brain dead until you’re squirting on his cock like a whore. “This is about you, Baby. Let me take care of that aching pussy, alright?”
“Alright,” you agreed. “Atta girl,”
And when I felt like an old cardigan
Under someone's bed
You put me on and said I was your favorite
His cock slid into your cunt and your back immediately arched, bringing you closer to him. He kissed around your body praising you like a goddess, and all you could do was enjoy what you had of him and you loved. Then he began nipping at your skin, sucking on it, purple hues started to appear scattered along your body. His lips reached your ear and his thrust became hard, fast, and brutal. His grip on your waist tightened and was bruising, “Did he fuck you like this? Could he fuck you like this? Could he even make my Good Girl cum?”
“No, never!” you cried.
“Tell me Princess, how’d he fuck you… did you like it?”
“Slow, wasn't hard or fast enough and couldn't make me cum - only you can!”
“That’s right, Baby only I can,”
His hand went right above the small baby bump on your stomach. “You feel my hand right there? Do you even know who the dad is, Doll? Or are you too much of a whore to even know?” you watched as his cock slid in and out of your cunt. “I -'' and you couldn't respond because in all honesty you don't know who the dad was.
“No good, fucking stupid slut.” he barked, his palm hitting your cheek and a burning sesation started tingling.
Suddenly you heard the door knob starting to shake and there was a knock on the door. “Oh shit!” you yelled in shock and pleasure, what were you to do? “Draco, Draco!”
“That’s my name, Doll, don't wear it out.” he laughed. You were trying to fight your orgasm so bad your legs shook with so much force. “Adrian -'' Draco's hips immediately took a halt.
“What the fuck did you just call me?”
a/n: i apologize for making you pregnant. I'M SORRY I KNOW PPL DON'T LIKE IT I DON'T EITHER BUT I NEED IT FOR THE PLOT I SWEAR ON MY LIFE !! anyways left you guys on a cliff hanger and probs won't update this series until a week or soooo LOL.
🏷: @underappreciated-spoon-321 @o-rion-sta-r @orphixc @dracoscum @marrymetheonott @l0vely-lupin @kpostedsum @malfoysmainb @drac0spersonalslut @youreso-golden @yiamalfoy @just-a-smol-spoon @dr4cking @dlmmdl @hotgirlwhoreadsff @littlemissnoname13 @f4iryluvy @itsmentalillness @pansyspet @thatsluttybitch-blog @teenwolfbitches28 @mvdbldd @angel4you @squishytomatoes (hmu to be added !!)
special tag for the one and only @wolfstar-lb !!
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gracielitamargarita · 3 years
Thoughts on Kyoru in Fruits Basket: The Final as a manga reader
(and bad metaphors about lava cake)
So with next week's impending shit storm of a Furuba episode next week, I've been doing some reflecting on our favorite Mutual Pining Idiots, Kyoru--and thinking about how the anime adaptation's choices in rearranging or removing content has impacted things, specifically with Se3E6.
And just to preface, I think the anime adaptation has been terrific overall. I also think loving something and critiquing something aren't mutually exclusive either. The goal of what I'm about to write is not to incite negativity, just to get some feelings out about my favorite pairing from my favorite manga series and provoke some deeper thought, I guess.
ALSO, I hope you don't mind metaphors--specifically ones about chocolate-raspberry lava cake, because that's what I've decided works best for explaining Kyoru. So FASTEN THOSE SEATBELTS PEOPLE 
MANGA SPOILERS regarding previously omitted content as well as VAGUE ANIME SPOILERS that can be implied/inferred from the ending of Se3E7 under the cut.
I think one of the (many) reasons I find Kyoru to be such a satisfying ship is because of the slow-burn element. Come season 2 through the beach arc, their chemistry is palpable, natural, and growing stronger and stronger with each episode. When Kyo finally admits to himself that he's in love with Tohru in Se2E9, it feels like we've been rewarded with a chocolate lava cake topped with raspberry sauce--it's delicious, complex, and full of gooey and satisfying substance.
Now like many, I'm a sucker for the pining idiot trope--let alone the MUTUAL pining idiot trope--and we do get to see this through the end of season 2 as Tohru's feelings for Kyo become more apparent to everyone BUT her. It's like we're LOOKING at the chocolate-raspberry lava cake, so close that we can ALMOST touch it, but we as viewers aren't allowed to cut into it yet--which makes every little encounter between the two of them all the more exciting, because we wonder what's finally going to allow us to ravish this goddamn lava cake (sorry).
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Which is why I realized I'm actually struggling more than I initially thought in the final season. As it's been widely speculated, discussed, and now officially confirmed, we're getting 13 episodes this season. And while like most everyone else, I'd be thrilled with two cours, I don't know the ins and outs of anime production, AND, while I'm bummed, I've accepted that it is what it is--and that it isn't the reason I'm writing this post.
Of course not every panel or fleeting moment can be adapted from the manga to the anime. There were small little cuts here and there over the course of the first two seasons, but nothing in my opinion that's really SO substantial that it drained the lava cake of its filling--maybe some of that raspberry topping, but generally, the good stuff is all there. (Though I do love this moment below from chapter 82, which was skipped over in Se2E19)
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The final season has been different, though. As we know in the manga, the inner turmoil for Kyo--and Tohru to an extent--really starts escalating immediately after Cinderella-ish with Kyoko's backstory and Kyo's nightmare from chapters 90-93. I also understand that Cinderella-ish was Se2E23, and with only 2 episodes left in the season, it made sense from a directorial standpoint to end with the Kureno/Akito reveal versus Kyoko's backstory and Kyo realizing he needs to know his place.
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But without this context, it leaves moments like the flower scene from Se3E2 less impactful--like a lava cake made by someone who skimped on the filling. To an anime-only (and even as a manga reader), it's likely still a satisfying moment to watch: we know that Tohru clearly has a lot of inner turmoil following her conversation with Kureno. Kyo's turmoil following his nightmare, however--and overall, the sentiment of him thinking he needs to stay away from Tohru, yet still finding himself drawn to her above all odds--is deeply diminished.
Which leads me to the main reason (finally, sorry) that I wrote this post--Se3E6, or the episode when Tohru finally admits to herself AND to Rin that Kyo has taken the place of her mother as the most precious person to her. 
In the manga, Se3E6 is made up of chapters 107, 108, 109, AND 114, spanning the end of volume 18 through the beginning of volume 20 of the TokyoPop mangas. Volume 19 in particular is one of my all time favorite mangas in the entire series for one clear reason: just as we've seen Kyo get to do in season 2, we finally get to see Tohru slowly own her feelings for Kyo, and MY GOD, is cutting into that lava cake and enjoying that delicious filling satisfying AF. The Mutual Pining Idiots are in full swing here, both dealing with inner turmoil but also being unable to stay away from one another either. In addition, they're dealing with normal teenage awkwardness too, which feels like a bonus topping (would nuts go well, do we think? LOL) to the Kyoru lava cake.
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But between the producers adapting Momiji's arc prior to episode 6 AND the producers ending episode 6 with a 2-minute horror movie essentially--AND, lest we forget, none of the Kyoko backstory at this point--we lost essentially all of that satisfying filling. 
And again, I understand, only 13 episodes and the producers are trying to make shit work and I do see why they made some of these changes in the overall big picture of things, but I wish it weren't at the expense of Tohru's character development and also for Kyoru, which had been so thoughtfully and delightfully well-developed in the first two seasons.
My biggest issue BY FAR with episode 6 is Tohru's confession to Rin happening before the sheets scene. The producers combined 109 and 114 for the second half of episode 6. In the manga, Tohru is able to openly admit that Kyo is the most important person to her BECAUSE of how he accepts her after she "opens the lid" to reveal the ugly feelings she's been harboring for years about her father. And in the manga, since we have the context of Kyoko's backstory and can see how she nearly committed suicide and left Tohru alone for days, it is gut-wrenching to finally hear Tohru confront and express her trauma in her own words. 
The sheets scene is arguably my favorite scene in the entire series. The anime portrayed it beautifully. Jerry and Laura ripped my heart out with their performances. It was a deeply moving scene (even with all of the changes) and the romance and pining was there--but, I hate to admit it, the feeling of cutting into that delicious lava cake to reveal that even more satisfying filling was not.
And now, come the end of Se3E7, we're approaching the climax of the series that we've been salivating for for so long now, the result of all of this inner turmoil and secrets and deep, deep longing for one another--and it almost feels now like the cake was baked too quickly, in addition to being drained of much of its filling. 
I was debating waiting to write this until next week after we see how Se3E8 goes, but my thoughts have been swirling about and this clown couldn’t help herself. I'd like to end this post on a hopeful and more forward-thinking note, though, if you've made it this far into my novel LOL.
There is definitely the potential to add a little more about Kyoko's backstory in next week's episode. I also expect that we'll hear more of Tohru's inner narrative and thoughts, which I’m really looking forward to. As several others have speculated as well, I predict that we'll be getting chapters 119-122 next week. Despite it being 4 chapters, everything should happen in sequence (versus with episode 6) and there's a lot of action, so I do feel like it won't feel rushed or disjointed. And while I could see them possibly ending with 121, 122 would be my preferred ending for many reasons (manga readers know where I'm going with this ;P) and I honestly see it fitting best there.
And regardless of what happens, I'm looking forward to eating whatever variety of lava cake is served to us next week.
And at the end of the day, we'll always have the manga, which will probably always be my favorite lava cake of all.
(and now I'm hungry for an actual lava cake)
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lansizhuis · 5 years
Hellp nottie!! UwU I was wondering whats ur take on ljy's characterisation? How do u feel like depicting him? How do u see him as a character?? I wanna write a fic and I remember really loving the way u talked about him once so I'm curious how u break his character down. Also do u happen to know his zodiac sign? Not the Chinese one, but the western one. Thank u!!!
confession: i kept putting off this ask bc i wanted to answer it while going all out bc my number one favorite mxtx character deserves nothing but that BUT THEN apparently i overestimated my one (1) brain cell whelp
Easy ones first - nope, he doesn’t have any zodiac bc he doesn’t have his own character card info hence no official birthday. Personally, I’m shoving him to CN zodiac as Pig and maybe a Taurus sun, Pisces moon, and a hmmm most probably a Taurus rising?? (im sorry my astrology ass is showing kadbskfbskdf)
It’s honestly difficult to break down LJY bc he’s a side character that wasn’t delved upon (coughs in the almost non-existence merch he has and the absence of character info card). However, base from what we know in canon - there are 3 major things I wanna talk about. 
First, there’s a reason why I jokingly call him “the most un-Lan Lan that has ever Lan’d in the history of Lans”. We know what’s expected of Lan sect disciples as we see from prominent figures like LWJ, LXC, and LQR as well as how the cultivation world views how respectable and poised they are. And then there’s LJY who has most probably broken as much rule as WWX. Actually, I’m certain he’s broken more than WWX bc he had his whole life in CR while WWX only had 3 months there before hahaha In fact, LSZ who isn’t a Lan by blood is more of a “Lan disciple” than he is. LJY is loud, brash, and very open with his emotions - traits that a Lan should “not” have bc they practice restraint among all things as evidenced by their famous forehead ribbon’s meaning. But the thing is that these traits that makes him the “worst Lan” are also the very same traits that make him a “good person/cultivator/Lan” because he lives by his principles in his own way without hurting anyone around him. He knows what’s right and wrong and he calls BS when he sees it (there’s a reason LSZ shoved a chicken on his mouth and covers his mouth). Back in the second siege of Burial Mounds, he was fearless when he was interrupting and calling out a sect leader’s BS (tbf Su She is only a minor sect leader BUT STILL in a culture ruled by deference to elders and authority, he has so much guts lol). Let’s put it this way - if a typical Lan sees something wrong, let’s say LSZ witnesses a thief...well...stealing (im sorry i cant english apparently haha) maybe for his family and the owner of the stall beats said thief up, he’d calmly diffuse the situation by presenting both of their sides to one another and offer a compromise. If that had been LJY, he’d most probably be the one with the loudest voice berating both the thief (“Stealing is still stealing!”) and the stall owner (“His family’s hungry!”) in broad daylight in the middle of the street. 
Second, grabbing the statement of him being very open with his emotions from the previous point - this is one of the things that made me love him so much. Personally, I usually prefer “cool” characters who aren’t controlled by their emotions so liking someone like LJY was a wild ride for me. I think that one of the greatest strength of an individual is when they do not wear metaphorical masks because it exposes them to a certain vulnerability in a world that won’t hesitate to exploit that. Perhaps it can be because that’s just how he is as a person, but noting that he’s been trained by the Lan sect since young then we know it must have been tried to be tamped down by his environment and yet at ~15/16 years of age, he still retains it. Academic prowess is one thing, but the ability to empathize with others remains one of the greatest strength one can have because it is a means to strengthen our understanding and resilience to the world. LJY has the ability to not only survive in the typical imperfect world (thanks to his training), but also the ability to thrive in it (thanks to this openness and empathetic self). Note how he easily accepted the supposed lunatic MXY and it barely bothered him when he was revealed to be WWX. He was “annoyed” with WWX before not because he was the Yiling Patriarch but because WWX was acting crazy + shameless and teased them in Yi city arc. 
Third, he’s such a happy individual. This is self-explanatory and simple, I know but I think it’s very important to point this out. Maybe he had an easy childhood compared to others and maybe he was loved dearly by those he loved as well - but that’s the interesting thing about him, at the end of the day, we really don’t know. And while we may not know the external cause of him being a happy individual, we are certain that he has that trait within HIMSELF as the internal cause. I love the innocence he has that adds to his happy self! It is his image that I believe what makes the older generation believe that they did the “right thing”. WWX and LWJ’s generation fought for these youngster’s generation’s future and seeing someone like LJY who doesn’t have to taint himself in war like what happened in the past is what makes it worth it. It’s that trait of his that makes me wanna wrap him up in a burrito blanket and ensure he doesn’t have to suffer in the years to come /sobs
In short - LJY living by his own principles in his own way shows he has high aptitude in thinking outside the box; LJY’s openness and empathetic cores enables him to thrive in the world without stepping on anyone; and LJY’s innocent happiness serves as the kind of future we all aim to have.
((also throwing this here bc i have a lot of feelings for the future of the junior trio))
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