#sorry for the circus theory
libunityfan69 · 7 months
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most normal radcen fan creates yet another outfit for him
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nonomives · 1 year
How do you color your art!? Like color theory and stuff!! Your art looks so vibrant and gorgeous!!!
I like your Circus AU very much, Julie looks absolutely adorable haha!!
Babe im gonna be real with you, I just fuck around and find out--
Okok but in all honesty, I dont know. My main tip when it comes to coloring is knowing the value (darkness and lightness of colors). Your art could have the wackiest colors as possible but if you nail the values right, it will work out
Another thing, pride flags lowkey actually highkey are useful as references for color combos. Some peeps actually pointed out how Dolly's hair is the lesbian flag and yeaps--
Also also thanks! Have this Julie! Im still figuring out the other peep's designs but her's is pretty much set lol (i used the trans flag as a color guide hkabjdggjagjdg)
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toonsforkicks22 · 1 day
A ship name other than Royalcourt:
Kingmi. Like “King me” in checkers (or chess if you’re funny.
Also a fancy way of saying “f*ck me” 🤣
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(My Royalcourt fanfic has Pomni saying that word in chapter 2 if you’re brave enough…)
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fandomfreakstudios · 4 months
Caine is a human and I will die on this hill (theory)
due to popular demand (losing the poll) I wanna post my Caine theory in proper depth.
My theory is essentially the idea that Caine is not an AI but is in fact a human trapped in the digital circus just as much as all the other players.
Sounds ridiculous, right?
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[LONG post incoming, be warned]
To start, we need to understand the digital circus and its origins.
a place like the digital circus is very likely to be man-made as a place, a game, a computer program, whatever. This place did not appear out of nowhere. It is accessed through VR or some VR-esque technology, and takes on the appearance of a retro game (evidence given below)
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Now, video games (unfortunately) don’t just code themselves, there has to be at the very least one person creating this game. Fortunately enough, we can deduce the name of the company from what is given within the show.
It is very common knowledge at this point that digital circus takes place within a computer in some sort of office building (as is implied by the ending scene in episode 1)
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This computer is also seen at another point... namely when Pomni is running through the backrooms-like offices. She once again comes across this computer.
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Now this implies that this area is at least SOMEWHAT a reflection of the real world, so analyzing this location isn't inherently pointless. Now one other interesting part of this office area is the logo on the wall, which reads "C & A" which people have unanimously agreed to mean Caine and Abel
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The important thing about this is that Caine as a concept is somehow connected to the person who created this game, through the founder choosing to name Caine after the company, or vice versa. Now you could easily argue that the company was named after Caine, or Caine acts as a self insert for the creator, but I am here to argue that maybe Caine IS the creator.
More specifically, Caine is an original creator of the game (not necessarily the sole creator) aka the amazing digital circus, and in testing an incomplete game managed to get himself trapped, as does any other player who chooses to attempt to play.
Looking back at episode 1 there is something interesting for us to think about. Caine attempting to create an exit door, but being unable to figure out what to put on the other side.
Now this could very easily be interpreted as Caine being unable, as an AI who's only knowledge is of what's within the game, to imagine anything outside of it, and therefore fumbling the task. This is a reasonable interpretation, this was MY first interpretation, and it honestly adds so much horror to the episode on a first watch through.
But in all honesty that still leaves a lot unexplained.
The question still remains why Caine, as a struggling AI, would choose to create something like what he did. From his perspective he has never seen anything as dreary as these office buildings, nor does this space make any semblance of sense as Caine's environments tend to do. It seems less like something a well-polished AI would create, and more like what a human would come up with when trying to create something from a distant memory.
That's something incredibly important to keep in mind going forward. If Caine is in fact human, he would have been trapped in the digital circus for a LONG time, with it becoming increasingly difficult to recall his human memories (something it is confirmed humans trapped in the circus can recall). at the very least, longer then Kinger, who is clearly very mentally effected by his time at the circus.
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Caine would likely also be showing some level of insanity or mental instability if he had been trapped with no escape for this long (and yes I do believe that he also cannot leave, and I have some evidence later down the line that will explain this perspective), and he hasn't been seen to do this at all, right? Well, I think he is, but it manifests a little differently then Kinger, or anyone else for that matter. Keep this in mind as we go forward.
Caine's purpose within the circus is fairly straightforward. He is the ringmaster, he creates daily adventures akin to ttrpg oneshots, and he exists to essentially guide the player through this video game world.
Now in the event that Caine was a human who was pulled into the game, why would he need to fill this role? Even as a dev he should still be playtesting as, well, a player. I believe that at the time of the dev's entrapment, the ringmaster AI had not been programmed into the game.
Y'see the Caine we know is a MAJOR perfectionist. He neeeever likes anyone seeing his unfinished work, kinda odd for an AI within a game to be embarrassed about. Yeah, he's a generative AI that creates locations, but creating something in multiple steps is something an AI cannot do. Furthermore, an AI should not feel "embarrassed" about it's work, AI by virtue is always 100% convinced what it generates is perfect, or else it wouldn't have generated it like that.
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Also, if we're working under the assumption that the backrooms-esque offices were just an AI hallucination or bad generation, why would Caine KNOW it's not what his players are looking for? For a dev however, this makes sense.
Caine also has a lot of other actions that, as an AI require a bit if suspension of disbelief, but make tons more sense if he's actually a human, and furthermore a dev.
As mentioned, perfectionism, not wanting people to see incomplete or unpolished areas of the game
Realistic depictions of emotions (frustration, embarrassment, confusion)
Annoyance at Bubble for being a sucky AI (her swearing, interrupting him, inhuman and unrealistic speaking patterns and behaviors)
the need to "Reuse AI" which, if the characters are all AI created by other AI would be unnecessary because AI generating would take Caine no effort. Nor should a generative AI ever run out of ideas.
As mentioned, perfectionism, not wanting people to see incomplete or unpolished areas of the game
Realistic depictions of emotions (frustration, embarrassment, confusion)
Annoyance at Bubble for being a sucky AI (her swearing, interrupting him, inhuman and unrealistic speaking patterns and behaviors)
the need to "Reuse AI" which, if the characters are all AI created by other AI would be unnecessary because AI generating would take Caine no effort. Nor should a generative AI ever run out of ideas.
I wanna highlight that, while this is a joke post, I am enjoying the implication that Caine has a name (something only a human would have)
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(top right is a particularly interesting example of him just acting super human and "dropping the act" so to speak. Getting distracted, stuttering, losing track of the conversation, all that. And bottom right is similar as he is nervously fidgeting).
Caine has all the fixings of a human dev, trapped in his now incomplete game. A game that had not had it's "ringmaster" character implemented at this point in development, likely with nothing more then some competed (albeit unpolished) locations for the game.
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The idea Caine is actually a dev as opposed to an AI is further supported by Caine's ability to create and alter things from within the game. Creating areas without human prompt, deleting characters, he seems to have a level of autonomy and intelligence that no AI should EVER have.
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Furthermore, the man ACTS human, a weird ass human, but a human nonetheless. He's responsive, emotive, emotional, and he's not nearly as glitchy as the other AI. He never slips up and activates some sort of internal filter like bubble, or insists on weird mannerisms like the moon or the sun, he seems to just KNOW better somehow.
He acts like the more "immersive AI" from ep2 if anything, which he's clearly been around longer than. Someone needed to program that AI, and based on previous patterns is implied to be Caine. Once again, way out of his job description as another AI (plus how would this AI be MORE realistic if it was learning from another, older AI).
Not to mention the fact he's ALWAYS around somewhere, whether he's in his own realm he made, or just chilling around the circus (unlike bubble for example, who comes and goes at Caine's will).
It's clear he does this for his own comfort, but WHY would he be programmed to do that as opposed to only existing when necessary to prioritize memory or something.
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But one would be right to say he's slightly... off. He is a strange one, if he was a human. He's erratic, unpredictable, and often manic at times. This goes back to the point I made with Kinger, where I claimed Caine should also be exhibiting signs of mental illness
Under the assumption that Caine, in the act of playtesting the game, got trapped, a handful of things would happen (the finer details are negotiable, this is just my knee-jerk reaction):
He'd realize what happened and that he can't get out
He likely felt as though he was in his own personal hell, as he was trapped in a scuffed, incomplete skeleton of his own passion project
He likely found some sort of way to alter stuff, a backdoor that only he as the creator knew about, or some sort of privilege in being the first to enter the realm
He got his first or first few players. This was probably alarming to him as there was no ringmaster, no worlds, nothing. All the AI he had created thus far had been poorly made and could not function which such a difficult task. But then he realized... HE could be the ringmaster
This is probably around the time as well that he realized he could not remember his own name. But he remembered what he wanted to call the ringmaster... Caine
He takes on the identity of Caine, acting as ringmaster, polishing the game behind the scenes, and creating daily activities on an "as needed" basis
Now this is where it gets interesting. I believe, at this point, Caine has taken on the identity of this AI generated ringmaster for so long that he's beginning to lose himself. He's beginning to lose memories of his life, he's becoming more detached from the side of himself that ISN'T Caine, and he's starting to catch himself believing he IS Caine, he IS an AI.... and he's scared
He's completely lost the ability to create any meaningful connections with others, as he needs to keep up the illusion of being an AI. He's lost his humanity, become detached from the way other humans think and feel, and its starting to make him become more AI then human if anything.
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(left image does not crop nice, plz click to view the whole thing TvT)
He's probably seen at least a dozen people lose their mind in so many different ways. While he knows he's different then them, TECHNICALLY he's still a player, and can abstract all the same. This is why he seemed to freak the HELL out at the idea of an AI and a human getting mixed up.
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One last bit, and it's a simple one I promise. Caine has been described as the main antagonist outside of the show. This is interesting as up until now Caine hasn't done anything actively malicious (aside from Gummigoo, but he seemed to have solid reasoning for that, just not anything he chose to share with the audience).
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[does ANYONE have the "weight of Caine's sins?" tumblr ask I am having no luck finding it again]
At this point, this would be shooting the messenger. He is simply a byproduct of the system that is keeping these folks trapped, right? Caine himself didn't put them there, he just takes care of them.
Unless... Caine was the one who made the AI. Then he would inarguably be the reason everyone else was trapped there. And goose is right, that wouldn't make him an AWFUL person either, but he does still have many sins weighing on his back, and many deaths on his hands. And there's nothing he can do about any of it, because he's just as helpless as they are.
So yeah, TLDR: Caine was the creator of the circus. In attempting to playtest he got trapped in the game and eventually took the initiative to play the ringmaster within his own game, but he is slowly beginning to lose his mind, as happens to everyone.
Hope you all enjoyed the read! If anyone's still interested at this point I have a few more small bits of evidence (more from outside the show on Goose's socials and whatnot) which I could not fit in the bulk of the theory. I'll reblog with some extra bits so this post is still complete but I don't break the flow of my main ideas.
And if you get this far, thank you so much. I don't typically post long form theories like this but if this gets any sort of traction I definitely will begin too.
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skellyjingles · 5 months
I was willing to give it the benefit of a doubt in the pilot but Ragatha avoiding/ignoring Gangle seems very… intentional.
You could argue that she had tunnel vision and was focusing on Pomni because she’s the newbie but she still talks to Kinger, Jax, and Zooble.
Despite Gangle actively telling her that she’s *not* okay, Ragatha doesn’t even acknowledge it. Meanwhile, Jax was sulking to himself about the adventure and she goes to him and makes an attempt to make him feel better (even if it falls flat).
There’s something there and it makes me wonder how much that has to do with ‘the figurine thing’.
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picnicpants · 5 months
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am i on to something or is this some form of eldridch tiktok conspiracy brainrot
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pikolswonderland · 10 months
Me, having recently got into the TADC fandom: Awww, Kingmaster is such a cute ship, I really like it!
My Brain: Wait, since Kinger is a human and Caine is an AI, and AI usually falls into the same classification as robots, would that then technically make Kinger a Robotfucker?
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madcourtjester · 3 months
Despite theorywriting on it, I don’t really believe Jax is an NPC bc 1) I just instinctually feel like he’s not idk and 2) I think it’s just objectively funnier for him to be just a guy. Who sucks. Especially with the like fan back and forth on him. I think the funniest possible pay off of all of that is him just being. Like that.
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lxikoniko · 5 months
TADC EPISODE 2 THEORY TALK (its about Caine my beloved denture goober)
I've seen some people talk about the potential that Caine could be human since he said the thing about mixing humans and AI, and I absolutely refuse to believe those theories until given more information. I want him to stay as an AI and making him human would be weak let him be a goofy little AI that makes mistakes.
Caine is an AI as far as we know, and what do people do with AI? Train them off of infomation given. I'm not an expert with any sort of tech stuff but I have watched videos where people train AI to play mario kart and if you watch it you see that even with programming the AI doesn't know what to do at first and continuously makes mistakes.
I do think Caine might've accidentally lost or killed a human in the past thinking it was an NPC, but it was early on in his lifespan so he hadn't had the proper training to understand. So now he tries to keep humans and NPC's separated outside of missions just because its the easiest way to keep track of them.
If I had to guess why they might look similar to him it'd be because pretty much the only difference between the NPC's and the humans are their minds. Everything else about them is code, and as an AI that is probably one of the only things Caine is able to understand. The only thing that isn't code is the human minds, and if its not code then Caine is likely blind to its existence. He's aware that its there but he is unable to "see" and understand it.
TLDR even AI can make mistakes, we see it all the time and thats the point of AI is to constantly learn and improve. So Caine making a mistake does not automatically make him human. Or it could be entirely in his programming to not be able to tell the difference, be it mistake or intentional by the developer.
It could also be that due to the other AI programming becoming more "responsive" and essentially human-like he's concerned it could ruin his pattern recognition of understanding which is a human and which is an AI. Which could lead to an accident happening again.
Idk if the next episode comes out with information and I'm proven to be wrong and Caine MIGHT be a human then I'll eat my words ig. But I just think there are other possible explinations as to why Caine could make a potential mistake.
Gooseworx if you happen to read this and I am completely off the mark then I am so so sorry.
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midnight-in-town · 2 years
A tragic parallel between the F.O.L orphanage and Baron Kelvin’s workhouse
I wanted to point out that it’s interesting “the oldest siblings” of each group actually aren’t the ones getting their “fledging day” first. 
In fact, as we could see with this chapter, little Ginny who was scared of horses, something unbefitting of her aptitude as a Corgi, is the one who got a sudden “fledging day”. 
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Thanks to this chapter, it’s also pretty obvious that “the oldest siblings” know where the other kids are sent, as indicated by Oliver’s and Artie’s scared reactions in this chapter.
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The “oldest siblings” being aware of what’s going on also explains why Oliver sort of “protected” Daniel, when he conveyed to the adults that he didn’t fit in the Collie group. 
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In other words, when the operation needs a kid (for blood or some other reason), it’s those who don’t fit in who get taken first so, Ginny aside, we should also definitely worry about Daniel but also Nick from the Pomeranian group.
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Focusing a little bit on Artie, a Mastiff, who brought Daniel, a Collie, to his class and Oliver who interrupted Daniel talking about “fledging day”, it seems the “oldest siblings” are trying as hard as they can to protect the other kids from meeting a terrible fate. This also explains Theo’s helpful attitude with Ginny in the last chapter: 
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However, despite Theo’s best efforts, the adults noticed that Ginny was not living up to her aptitudes as a Corgi and she’s now about to reach “fledging day”. ://
The “oldest siblings” also definitely know that Doll is probably the one who’s watching over the whole orphanage operation, as indicated by their reactions when Snake introduced himself as Doll’s acquaintance...
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...And it’s very interesting, because I think it creates a parallel with Doll’s own situation, back when she was alive. 
After all, as a kid from Kelvin’s workhouse, when she joined Noah’s Ark, Doll began abducting kids with Joker and co to satisfy Kelvin’s madness but also to protect their younger siblings back at the orphanage. However, this was all for naught, as Kelvin had already killed those kids for his mad project, something our!Ciel discovered at the end of the arc.
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At F.O.L orphanage, the “oldest siblings” act similarly: they were probably told the sad truth behind this orphanage and they have no other way but to go along with it in order to survive, which makes them accomplices, while still trying as hard as they can to protect many of their fellow “siblings” so that they won’t get to their “fledging day” too quickly. 
It’s tragic really and, since they think Snake and Finny are Doll’s friends, they probably won’t trust them to help. :/ 
The single silver ray of hope I have is that Theo reminds Finny of someone: could be either twins or it could be a kid from Finny’s own tragic past from that scientific lab in Germany and, in that case, if Theo can eventually trust Finny, then maybe Finny and Snake will learn the truth and help save all these kids.
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It would also make a beautiful parallel with Theo reading Fenian cycle... 
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...since our Finny is indeed stronger than many others and could definitely help saving them. 
TL;DR Doll probably pushed the “oldest siblings” into the same situation that she experienced when she was alive: become accomplices in order to survive but also to protect innocent children, which is exactly how she lost herself and died. Here’s to hoping that Snake (who wasn’t a part of Noah’s Ark abduction ring) and Finny (who’s very strong) will be able to realize the truth in time, in order to help these children. 
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thecaptainamore · 20 hours
Ok something very cool from the digital circus trailer + Goose’s screenshots is I think we’re gonna see dark/spooky versions of our main cast??? vv
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Like come on that’s scary Jax
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This looks like Pomni, mostly from the hair but you can see her blush design as well
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Idk this might be Zooble from the triangle shape? Not totally sure but love the photorealistic hand😭😭
Anyway I’m hyped & terrified👍
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kay-southpaw · 5 months
TADC Ep2 Theory
Okay, sooo since everyone lost their minds after the last episode (understandable) and many people now panic and think that one of the circus members might be an NPC (oh no), I thought I'll throw in my two cents... or however that American saying goes.
I don't think any of the members are NPCs. None of them. I do think that some NPCs had slipped through before, but Caine specifically said in this ep that he made the AI 57 times more immersive. Which sounds like a lot, right? So, I think older NPCs were kinda stupid, maybe in a cute and innocent way (this is a kid-friendly software, after all) and that made the humans grow fond of them rather fast, resulting in them mingling with the NPCs even after adventures. However, Caine - perhaps because of his nonexsistent people-skills, or because of the fact that he can manipulate npc and player sprites the same way - did mix up NPCs and players before. It's not about the fact that players can't tell themselves and AI apart, it's that Caine can't. And of course, in good old rusty Caine AI-fashion, he has no idea of the damage he had done.
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thatguywhodoesstuff · 9 months
I was thinking back to a conversation me and @robotoast03 had recently about potential voice cameos that may appear in The Amazing Digital Circus, wherein I mentioned the crack theory that Jack Black will voice Kaufmo in flashbacks to before him Abstracting. Ever since then, I haven’t been able to get this video out of my head, but with Kaufmo and Kinger taking the place of Jack and Kyle respectively. Given how Gooseworx has stated people on the verge of Abstracting become increasingly irritable and difficult to be around, I could imagine this happening not too long before Kaufmo lost it.
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blu-ish · 11 months
💫Blu theory timeeee :D✨
Okay, not sure if anyone else has already said or thought about this but, I NEEDED TO WRITE THIS DOWN TO GET IT OUTTA MY SILLY HEAD AND YALL ARE COMIN DOWN WITH ME >:)
(Digital Circus Edition!!!)
Now that I've got your attention hehehe, lets take a momentary deep dive into the wacky world of The Amazing Digital Circus!
So lets review what we know from the pilot ep.
The world inhabits some sort of virtual reality.
Its completely run by AI, that being Caine, Bubble, and other artificial characters that seem to be spontaneously created by Caine at will. (For example the Gloink Queen, those wooden mannequins, ect.)
The human victims are transported to the "digital realm" when they put on some sort of headset.
The transition completely wipes their memories of their past lives.
When the human mind is clouded with existential dread, that being caused by loosing all sense of sanity at the realization of never being able to leave, the person becomes "abstracted" and aggressive.
This behavior not only affects the other "players" but the AI as well in some cases completely destroying them.
Caine is capable of fixing small abstractions (like Pomni and Ragatha) but unable to with a completely abstracted individual. Which seems to automatically cross their pfp on their respective doors and generate new slots for new players.
What we DONT KNOW as of when I'm writing this lmao...
Who built/programmed the headsets and why?
How are all these people getting possession of them?
Is it a company? A case of rouge AI? A tiktok trend gone wrong???
What happens to the victims originals body? Does anyone in the real world know what's going on??
How long has everyone been in there?? Does time work differently in the virtual world?? Does time pass at all??
DOES GETTING ABSTRACTED MEAN U DED??? Or is there a way to fix being abstracted?? (GIVE KINGER HIS WIFE BACK)
Now that THATS outta the way... lets move on to my theory.
I firmly believe Caine genuinely has no clue why humans are popping into the circus at all. I know this already has been debunked by goose but I just wanted to clarify.
He doesn't really understand human emotion, he is an AI after all, so he naturally lacks empathy. All he really knows is to keep the humans entertained, censor swearing, and be silly lmao. It's refreshing from the classic "grrr angy bot mad at hooman" stuff. NOT SAYING THATS WHAT HAPPENING BUT SPECIFICALLY FOR CAINE AND BUBBLE LOL. they just goofy fr.
It kinda reminds me of the generative AI, like whats going on today with ChatGPT or CharacterAI. Its a software that entertains the human by creating random means of conversation or environmental; storytelling. (Its so funny because I'm writing a paper about it in college, I personally don't support AI generative content but it's still very fascinating to explore how these machines work and function. And this is just a silly cartoon after all lmaooo.)
The reason I bring this up is because of the "Machine Learning" aspect of it. You see, generative AI nowadays is fed certain information from its human user, which then uses what knowledge its given in the input into the output.
This could be the reason why the "exit door" kept popping up. Because the algorithm is being fed information from its human users and the output being the existence of a "fake exit" door. The software is just trying to simulate what the humans want but cant physically do because as of right now, its impossible.
I also think this affects how humans are perceived in their avatars. Everyone has a unique look to them when they enter the circus, this could be caused by the AI reading whatever was left of their thoughts or feelings before entering the virtual world.
Ragatha is perceived as a doll, or some sort of child's toy. (she kinda reminds me of the ones I used to have as a little girl.) It could've recognized something she was fond of, or maybe how she perceived herself when she was human, maybe she saw herself at some point being toyed with mentally or perhaps she was in a situation were she felt like she had no control. Which is why she attempts to stay optimistic and see the brighter side of every situation.
Jax is some sort of anthropomorphic rabbit, (I like to believe his name is a play on Jack Rabbit lmao.) not sure why the algorithm would perceive him as a rabbit?? Since rabbits usually symbolize humility, kindness, and compassion. Which he is clearly NOT LMAOOOO. (then again it could be the software being ironic 💀)
But I think its more or less his mannerism's of his eyes and mouth. His teeth are almost always closed and his resting face is a sly smile. I adore the idea many have had of it symbolizing him "lying through his teeth". Which he could 100% be doing. Also, he seems the most unaffected human considering the situation he's found himself in, being trapped in a virtual world for eternity and everything doesn't seem to bother him much. (He rlly is winning the idgaf war)
Maybe he had to learn to be that way when he was a human, to just become "unbothered" by his crappy situations and turn them into a joke he could inflict onto others. Or maybe its just the way he is idk. He seems to be actively trying to get the others to hate him more then they're situation rn.
Then there's Kinger, who he and his wife has both been turned into chess pieces. Which actually gives us a lot of information about who they were or what they acted like. And their relationship to one another.
In chess, the Queen is the most powerful piece in the whole game, and she actively protects the king from the enemy pieces. As for the King.. wellll, not so much. Being the weakest piece in the whole game, and the most venerable without the queen or other chess pieces, it fits almost to a T. (Poor kinger...)
Maybe when they were humans, Kinger and his wife were clearly never really apart, maybe they had a silly date idea and wanted to try VR...
Gangle is interesting to me, she has different masks that show different emotions, and effectively cause her to change her mood drastically depending on which one she wears. (I mean we've only seen her with the sad mask on since her other one broke, maybe she's normally rlly chill??)
perhaps she normally bottled up her emotions when she was human? maybe the computer turned her into a delicate ribbon like creature with very breakable persona faces for this reason??
Zooble instantly reminded me of preschool, we used to have these shapes we could mix and mash together to create our own creatures. Their design is the most unique outta all of them, this could easily represent their mindspace or some sort of confusion they were going through when they were human. They just seem very DONE with everything lmao. mood.
As for Pomni, well, she's the reason I wanted to write the whole long thing hsjshss.
Her avatar is jester like, and a jester is known for entertaining guests of higher status. Could this have been what her job was like as a human. I know a lot of people theorize her job being an office job, and I completely agree. She could've easy felt as if she was just a jester forced to entertain or follow whatever her work life was like.
She's very nervous and rightfully confused after entering the world, wanted to leave immediately. But, I have to wonder, why would she even have a headset?? Better yet why did any of them put one on at all??
I think it was a form of escapism from reality...
That's what VR is in general right? A way to escape the real world. A virtual reality.
Maybe the humans were lulled into a sense of escapism from their troubled lives, paying taxes, dealing with bosses, family, emotions.. or maybe were just genuinely curious..
I mean the first thing people really said after watching the digital circus was how amazing it would be to just end up in a place were you could just do "fun things all day" or "not have to worry".
And I think that's exactly what the AI wanted and is trying to do.
We all know AI isn't the brightest.. all things considered. Its a machine, it takes things LITERALLY.
Caine is just doing what he is programmed to do. He doesn't know what's going on, maybe he doesn't even know WHY he's the ringmaster in all of this.
But someone DID create him.
Someone DID develop this generative virtual world.
The question is why?
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starrygalazy · 11 months
Okay so hear me out in The Amazing Digital circus.
So imagine, everyone gets out of the circus, idk how they just do. Could be abstraction, could be finding that damn exit, WHO KNOWS.
Either way, imagine they all get transported back to their homes and whatnot BUT they're like. Scattered across the world- like they all live in different places (idk headsets were probably manufactured by the same company).
But so, they all have NO IDEA what happened to the others, okay? Until somehow, SOMEHOW two of them run into each other. And the SECOND they see the other, they just. Instantly know.
How cute would that be??? Imagine the reunions when they start like. Trying to find everyone else and such. IMAGINE THEY EVEN FIND KAUFMO OR QUEENIE OR WHOEVER ELSE ABSTRACTED
Idk just a sweet, wholesome, human-world idea I had for them
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imbree64 · 4 months
I dislike this theory so much. Jax is just like the other circus members. The pin is probably hiding a huge spoiler. What is wrong with this theory? Jax is 22. NPC's don't have ages. Why does this even exist.
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