#sorry for the late response btw it’s been hectic lol!
golbrocklovely · 7 months
now im sending the bat signal out for you… 19 hours since you were last online??? what am I meant to do? 😂 im totally jking btw i hope you’re having a nice day :) - aussie anon
haha sorry for the late response
today has been a hectic day, not only for my real life but also in general online. twitter is a blaze, as usual.
but i'm doing fine. thanks for asking ! i'll be sure to answer your other asks now lol
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luuxxart · 2 years
Just found your stuff and the student council au really drew me in. Wanted to say that I am invested in your OCs and want to find out more about them. Bc I noticed you seemed self conscious about them a lot so just wanted to put that out there. Good luck 👍
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i have,,, so much stuff in my sketchbooks I hope to digitize eventually,,,, and I’m currently at. 47 pages sketched out (and some completed) of the actual. Like. Story comic for the student council au. I’ve got a smol mini comic that should post Wednesday ,,,
I’m now realizing tho that when I introduced them I never introduced their elements or their pronouns lmaooo so here’s those
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dimpledpran · 4 years
me beginning to read ur response; are we the same person? lol completely feel the homebody/fic reading/picky eater, that sounds like a nice time tbh hehe...ahh yes that's good, im the same way i will listen to a bit of everything! but oh i used to love 1D, and ed sheeran is p good too, honestly i only ever heard his first two albums lmao then the next one i kinda didn't vibe too much w it lmao oops. LITTLE MIX THEY ARE MY ABSOLUTE FAVE! god, did u see the jesy news? how we holdin up? (1/?)
oh that is so exciting! what kind of dancing? (continues to read and realizes u answered this as u went lmao srry) oof i admire anyone that has rhythm in their bones cause lord knows i can't dance to save my life lmao but wow wow ok that sounds really really cool! i hope u can go back to dancing&such if u really enjoy it! sounds really cool tbh SINGING IS ALWAYS GREAT NO MATTER THE TALENT YOLO lmao don't let anyone stop u from ever singing lol. sounds like uve done some good ol tv watching (2/?)
oh man ice cream is well deserved and received on any day good or bad but ahhh yes pls a good ol fic can always be a good mood lift :')) i love this we've got quite a few shared interests and such its p cool considering we are the same age!! well im 26 still but i turn 27 in feb lol so but skdlfjs seems like u really loveeee food that is great! and aww the mom food comment, ok same here. u have really good taste in food! u know ive never had indian food! i wanna try some! (3/?)
i can't seem to find any other asks we have shared? i could have sworn i had sent a couple other ones? and u answered? i sha;; go thrpugh your blog since its not in the tag ok! don't wanna leave something un-replied too heh (4??/?) << i think
found it! i knew it! us 'adults' have such busy schedules huh lol i hope you've been resting better these days and not staying up TOO late lol do let me know when ur ss thing happens! wanna hear all abt it heh but anyways lovely i hope ur doing well! taking care of urself and having a nice time! stay safe and i will be back soon!!(5/5)
Hiya love! I shall once again leave my response below the cut. :)
Hahah yay! Glad to know I am not alone in that! 🙈
Used to listen to 1D? Not anymore? I’m offended on their behalf. Just joking. Who are your fave artists?Ed’s first two albums are amazing, the recent one is more pop, but there are a few beautiful songs! YESS! OMG LM ARE SO UNDERRATED AND IT IS DEPRESSING! yeah, I saw the news. I am upset, but I also really am happy that she finally can focus on herself. The industry is too messed up and I hope she gets to where she wants to be mentally and emotionally. She really deserves the best! How are you coping with that?
I have a friend who has no sense of rhythm, is stiff as a rock. We ended up being partners when we learnt Salsa in school, and she chose to be the “lead” and i was to follow her. It was not an easy ride, but in the end we got a B for the exam. So i believe that if she can get a B, anyone can dance! Just gotta keep trying! 💪 HAHAHAH IKR! it is always fun to just belt out and have bathroom concerts! My neighbours should be honoured to listen to me! 😂😂Hahah yeah. the TV watching is what lead me to creating this blog, so no complaints. 
Awww that’s so cool! We are of similar age and have so much in common! Yeah, I am a bit of a paradox. Like I am very picky with food, but I also really love food. haha.  Yess! Mum food is always the best! OMG you should try Indian food!! It depends on if you like more sweet or spicy or sour stuff, but there is pretty much something for everyone in Indian cuisine! Where are you from btw? I dont think I asked this before. (I am sorry if i alr did, and this is a repeat qn)
Oh god! I am so sorry!! I didnt realise that I misspelt the tag, so it was mzdsnetcc instead of mdzsnetcc.. I am sorry that you had to scroll through and find it. But I have rectified it, and I will make sure i spell it correctly henceforth. 
Definitely have been resting better! Thank you! Yeah, working life is more hectic, but i honestly will take this over schooling again. I am so glad to be done with studying. My office SS is finally happening tmr! I can tell you about it next time on how it goes! Thank you for your lovely message! I hope you are having a great week! I believe you have tmr off, so I hope you enjoy your break! Hope you get to do something fun! Take care and stay safe! 🥰🥰
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ladytelos · 6 years
Video Chats (Keith Kogane x Reader)
OML I haven’t updated in ages and I am soooo sorry. I’m about a month away from graduating HS right now and things have been hectic. I finally sat my butt down and was like “Get some work done you lazy bum” so I did.
I hope this isn’t too bad, I haven’t written in a little bit, but I decided to write about my boy Keith. So I hope you enjoy. Also @daydreamermika I swear I will answer your tag LOL I just haven’t had time past this and I really wanted to update.
I’m not putting spoiler warnings for s5 anymore cause at this point I don’t really see a reason sooo. 
Btw fun fact I had guessed that the episode Bloodlines was going to reveal Keith’s mom just by title and description before even watching it, my friends all flipped out on me XD 
Anyhow this was in fact a request so I hope you all enjoy. ‘\^.^/’ Also I just realised I had 2 requests for this lol
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Keith had been gone for a while now. Permanently residing with the Blade of Marmora for missions and the like. The two of you hadn’t had an incredible amount of contact in the last few months but with a war going on it was easy to ignore in a way. Occasional video chats were about as much as you could be satisfied with but it never really put a strain on the relationship, you always made sure that you both knew that another time to talk was coming.
Recently though Keith hadn’t been able to talk with you, having a large onslaught of ‘top secret missions’ as you were told. The only thing you knew was that he was to destroy some kind of weapon and past hoping for his safety you didn’t think to much of it. Just a fairly regular mission and you had full confidence in your boy. So you carried on and waited for the inevitable video chat that would come after his mission had been done and settled.
It had been a regular day on the castle ship, keeping track of different convoys. You had just recently gotten back from the visitation of the Galran central hub and were still getting your head back into normal working mode. Typing monotonously, scouring through heaps of information dumped on you to filter through, you sighed and leaned back to close your eyes for a moment.
The stagnant silence surrounding you, however, was suddenly broken. Your communicator soon began to go off in the shrilling ringtone you were all too familiar with. Blinking slowly you reached for the small orange device to look at who it was. When you expanded it you couldn’t stop the grin stretching across your face. It read Keith Kogane. Sitting up, you clicked the answer button, swinging your legs in anticipation.
When it connected through the familiar face of a young mullet headed teenage boy popped up. The purple lined tired eyes of a boy much to troubled with responsibility popped into your view. And yet somehow they were still the most beautiful optics you had ever seen in the known universe.
“Hey baby, I missed that face.”You tell him leaning forward, almost to get closer to his presence, a small laugh escaping your mouth. A small lethargic smile lifted the corners of Keith’s mouth as the words left your mouth.
“Yeah I’ve been really missing being around you lately, things have been so crazy, I miss quiet mornings with you.” He sighs in response to his remark. Staring at you with unsaid affection. Actions over words almost always. You blink nodding in agreement to his sentiment before humming a little.
“How did that go by the way, your last mission I mean. I never got to hear much.” You tilt your head to the side staring at his face. Suddenly his eyebrows scrunch in a little and he bites his lip, thinking about something. You sit a little straighter in response, worry numbing your bones.
“Keith? What happened, you look worried.” He glances up and clears his throat.
“Nothing bad happened really, but (Y/n) I have something crazy to tell you and there's uh someone I’d like you to meet.” the nervousness lacing his eyes did nothing to quell the anxiousness filling yours. Staring in anticipation as suddenly a woman, a very tall woman, come into view. You noticed strikingly Galran features of her appearance, but not completely. The beautiful purple skin and the markings crawling up her body and onto her cheeks. She was gorgeous, but the thing that stuck you the most was the fact that she looked exactly like Keith.
Or more appropriately, he looked just like her. You blinked rapidly in confusion, your brain coming to the conclusion of it all faster than you could actually process.
“(Y/n) I want you to meet my mother, this is Krolia.”
There was a slight ringing in your ear as the cogs in your head started working a little faster, and your jaw dropped. This was the woman the two of you had spent countless nights discussing, the root of Keith’s trust issues. You didn’t know if the feeling brewing in your chest was happiness or anger. Maybe a mixture of both. You swallowed a lump gathering at the end of your throat.
“W-what.” still processing all the info that was rummaging through your brain. His mother was staring at you.
“Yeah, she happened to be the Marmora operative running the base of my last mission and the cat just kinda fell out of the bag.” he shrugged as if he didn’t see it as a big deal, but you knew him better than that.
“Well then Krolia,it’s, uh, it’s exciting to meet you I guess.” You looked at her and she nodded back.
“Likewise, my son mentioned you on our travel back and I was intrigued to meet you.” She had a stern look about her but the way her eyes softened you could tell she was at ease. You looked down for a moment before clearing out your throat. You made eye contact with Keith for a moment.
“Well if you don’t mind, could I have a moment alone with your son, I just want to talk to him about something for a minute and then we can all talk.” you kept eye contact with him as his eyes furrowed. You knew he wanted to talk about something, even if he didn’t.
Krolia nodded her head once again, blinking her eyes between you two. “Of course, I understand wanting a moment to speak with your significant other.” She turned herself away then and left the screen.
Your mind was still buzzing over the encounter.
Keith looked back at you after watching her leave.
“So what did you want to discuss?”
“Oh you know, the weather.” You blinked at him with a ‘really look’ for a moment. He rubbed his neck in a nervous movement as he waited.
“So…” you drew out.
“So?” He blinked at you.
“Your mother, finding her, everything? How are you feeling right now.” you questioned him, trying to understand what was running through his brain in this moment. He looked down and around at random things, thinking for a moment.
“Honestly, I don’t know how I feel yet. Scared, mostly, I guess.” He swallowed the quivering down his throat.” I don’t know, I don’t want to trust her but...I don’t want to lose her again. I just, I don’t know what to do at this point.” tears lined his eyes a little as he tried to blink them away. This had always been a hard topic for him to approach, even harder now that it was tangible.
You looked into his eyes and let out a small sigh and then gave him the smallest of smiles. Lips upturned enough to try and evoke some semblance of support.
“Well I guess that just means we’ll have to do this together then, doesn’t it. Don’t get me wrong Keith, I’m happy for you, I just want to make sure you're doing okay.’’ You keep the soft smile on your face, wishing more than anything in this moment that you could hold his hand and squeeze it in assurance. Your words would just have to do for now.
“It’ll take time, but a small part of me is really hoping this goes well. Most important though, is that you two get along. I just, you’re on of the most important people in my life and this wouldn’t mean a thing if the two of you didn’t like each other.” Your heart swelled a little at his admission, how much your approval meant to him in this equation.
“Well if she’s anything like you, I’m sure we will get along just fine.” You smile and he does too. You glance down for a moment before coming to a quick decision. “Hey Keith, would it be alright for me to speak with your mother alone for a moment.” He blinks and raises an eyebrow before slowly nodding.
“ I guess yeah, just let me go get her.” He walks off for a moment and in his place Krolia walks in. She grabs the communicator before looking you in the eye.
“Keith told me you wish to speak with me.” She states. She still has that rigidness about her stance but her eyes continued appearing soft while she looks at you. Probably because she understood what you meant to her son.
“ Yes, I do. Look, I value you opinion and presence as much as any significant other would of their partners parents. I’m glad Keith gets the choice to have you in his life and I will support him to the end no matter what he chooses. But let me get one thing very clear, if you ever hurt him like you did before I will personally hunt you down and take you out. I never want to see him in so much pain over something like that again. Am I clear.” There is a slight harshness to your voice, a serious look covering over your features as you stare directly into her eyes. She's an intimidating woman, but you won’t back down, not with Keith.
She gives an ever so slight smirk, almost impressed with the guts you possessed. Nodding her head she affirmed.
“Of course, I do not intend to leave him ever again, understand that my intentions are pure. He’s my son and I won’t let anymore of his life slip from my grasp.” The sincerity in her eyes is overpowering. You smile and your shoulders start to get less tense.
“Besides that, I’m glad to see that my son has such a strong-willed partner in his life. I’m glad that my son has had someone like you in his life up till now.” The gentleness feathered in her façade was slightly embarrassing. Your face burst into a bright red burning sensation. Keith finally decided to come back in, feeling as though you had enough time, as he still wanted to speak with you.
As he walked in he looked between the two of you again. “Everything alright?” He questions, a slight worry on his shoulders. “Why is your face all red (Y/n)?”
“No reason, none. I think your mother and I have come to an agreement.” You smile and she smiles back. “I think the two of us will get along just fine.”
“ Yes I think we just might” Krolia adds as Keith looks confusedly between you two, unsure of how to take the situation. Eventually he just shakes his head.
‘Well, I’m glad that things are going well.” A relief seemed to life after hearing that you two were getting along fine. He came over and grabbed the communicator from his mom.
Soon the three of you engage in a small conversation over things before they went in to meet with Kolivan.
A smile still etched to your face, you and Keith both thought “Thank Goodness that went well.”
Neither of you certain of what this new-found development would mean for the future but knowing full well, no matter what,you at least had each other.
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a-confused-turtle · 7 years
Aunt May is Going to Kill Us
Fandom: Marvel’s Avengers
Request by @ tom-parkers-girl : “Hey, I absolutely am in love with your writing, and while reading it I stumbled across a Peter Parker x reader and fell in love with it also, Sooooooooo, i was maybe wondering if you would do a Tom Holland or Peter Parker (which ever one seems better) x pregnant!reader fan fic where he takes the reader to Disneyland and she finds out there, And super fluffy and cute, Sorry if this was weird i just have had this idea for I while❤😘PS if you decide to do it (even if you don't) please tag me -A”
Words: 1,200+
Pairing/Characters: PeterParkerxReader, mentions of Aunt May, and a few other Avengers
Warning: Fluff, Teen Pregnancy...
Author’s Note: I made this post-high school for Peter. I hope you like it! (And I’m working on a couple other imagines too, it’s been hectic this semester). I’ve never been to Disneyland or Disney World btw, so I hope i didn’t mess that up lol....
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You couldn’t be. No. Absolutely not. You’d been careful, both of you had. This wasn’t possible. It all had to be a dream, because you just couldn’t be. You were too young, same with Peter. Fresh out of high school. It’d only been a three months since graduation and you already had no idea what you were doing! Everything had inverted into this test you had no idea you should’ve been studying for-
An abrupt knock at the door roused you from the reverie of worries. Without even thinking, you set the plastic stick you’d been agonizing over on the bathroom counter and strode to your hotel suite’s door. There you found Peter adorably wearing mickey ears and holding out a pair of minnie’s ears for you. The sight made your heart melt, momentarily forgetting your predicament…
“For me?” You giggled, snatching your ears out of his hands and pulling him inside.
He pecked your cheek in response, murmuring, “Of course.” The smile in his eyes kept you grinning too, until you remembered, until it all came crashing back.
What were you going to do?!
“So, where do you want to go first?” He asked excitedly as he made his way over to your room’s window.
While he thoughtfully examined the view, you tried to think. Tried being the key word. You felt frozen, rooted right to the ground where you were standing, unable to get any sort of words out, whether they were the truth or not.
“Y/N? Are you alright?”
You blinked a couple times, jerking your head toward Peter’s sweet voice only to find him standing right in front of you, hand reaching for yours.
“Let me get you a glass of water,” he both suggested and insisted with that concerned boyfriend demeanour you usually enjoyed. It even got you blushing on normal occasions, the thought that Peter Parker worried so much about you.
Your hand refused to let him out of your grip. “No! I mean, no, let’s go. I think maybe Haunted Mansion? Or that Indiana Jones thing?”
“Are you sure? We have all day, we can spare some time to-”
“No, come on, dork! I want to get a picture with Mickey and Minnie with our little ears.” With your continued insistence, he followed you out of the room, though you basically dragged him along with you…
In a wave of giggles, you rushed into your hotel room, flopping onto the bed. “Let’s do that again! Oh, and I love our picture with Goofy! He was always my favorite.”
Peter agreed and flopped down beside you, causing you to bounce a little on the mattress. He laughed allowed, eyes bright and face dusted with pink from the day’s sun. “We have to do the Matterhorn though, that’s next!”
Dashing from ride to ride with Peter left you bubbly and unbelievably at ease. With him by your side it felt like you could do anything, and he just knew how to cheer you up even if he didn’t know what was wrong. Blushing a little at your thoughts, you bashfully turned to Peter, who was already staring at you.
He smiled sweetly, that pink tint in his cheeks even intensifying slightly, as your eyes met. “What?” You asked innocently, “Do I have something on my face?”
Peter shook his head affirmatively as he scooted closer to you. “Oh yeah, big time. It’s everywhere, but mostly here,” he teased, his thumb eventually landing on your lips in a tender caress.
“What a shame. Think you could help me out with that?” You teased back knowingly, your own arm falling over his middle just for the extra contact.
Eyes entirely focused on you, as if the two of you had your own little world right there in that hotel room, he replied in a firm whisper, “Anything for you.” Then, without pause, his lips were upon yours with such sweetness and love he might have been giving you cavities.
While the kiss lasted for ages, when he pulled back your frowned. “As much as I don’t want to leave this spot, I need the bathroom,” he explained.
“No, not allowed,” you countered playfully indignant with an equally insistent hold on his arm, “You’re staying here.”
All grins and laughs he finally managed to untangle himself from you and stride over to the bathroom. You too had that lovey dovey smile plastered to your face, your eyes watching him go and skin feeling his lingering touch, already missing it and wishing for it once again. Well, you were doing all that cheesy romantic stuff, until you remembered that pesky predicament and where the evidence of which was sitting… right on the bathroom counter.
The instant you realized, sitting bolt upright as you did, Peter stumbled out of the room clear bewilderment written all over his face and a visible sway in his step. “Wha-What’s this?”
You swallowed hard and bit the inside of your cheek. Waiting for the words to come wasn’t the best option, but it was all you had at the moment…
Peter sank down next to you, eyes searching your face for an explanation. “Are you… pregnant, Y/N?”
Only when his hand squeezed yours demandingly did you finally meet his gaze. “Yes,” you replied as tears began to sting your eyes, “I was late and I thought I was being paranoid, but I got a test just in case and it was positive. I didn’t know how to tell you and-”
“Marry Me?”
“What? E-Excuse me?”
“Not because of this,” Peter clarified, motioning to the test still securely gripped between his fingers, “But, because of this.” To your utter amazement, he produced a small box from his pocket, a box containing something you hadn’t even thought about until that moment. A ring, a beautiful, shiny ring. “Y/N, I was planning on asking you, I just haven’t found the right time and then I thought it was too soon. I mean Aunt May would freak out, I can’t imagine what your parents would say-”
“I’m rambling again, sorry… It’s just, I love you and I’m yours. God, I’ve been yours since the moment I saw you, but maybe we’re just overachievers here, a little ahead of schedule.”
At his phrasing, you couldn’t help but laughing and you knew that was what he’d been aiming for. The man could always make you laugh…
He smiled at your lovely sounds wiping a stray tear away here and there. “We’re going to be parents,” he mumbled in amazement though his eyes still focused entirely on you, like only you existed.
In response you pulled him into a hug. “Of course I’ll marry you.”
He squeezed you back and pecked the side of your head. “Aunt May’s gonna to kill us, Tony too probably, but this kid is going to be so loved.”
“Don’t forget about Nat, I’d worry about her first,” you mumbled with a small chuckle. But when your eyes met his, every worry was suddenly replaced with this serene awareness. The waters stilled as you noticed nothing but happiness in his captivating eyes. “So, Splash Mountain?”
Peter kept his arm around you, but his expression changed out of nowhere. “No way, woman! You’re pregnant!”
“Just scream it from the rooftops why don’t you,” you shot back, rolling your eyes, “Peter-”
“No, absolutely, not.”
“You’re no fun.”
“And you’re a dork.”
“I’m your dork.”
“Damn right you are, and we have another little dork on the way.”
Tags: @enniaram (@inlovewithnovels - Didn’t work?)
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