#sorry for the weird format on tumblr mobile and for some reason lyrics are always weird when you copy and past it on here
hanafubukki · 5 months
Rereading book 7 translation and it just dawned to me (pun not intended) that Malleus' reaction to seeing baby Silver was "naked monkey".
Naked monkey.
And you know which one is the famous Disney naked monkey? Tarzan. Amazing how the writers manage to slot a reference in this scene. *Two Worlds playing as bgm*
Hello Anonie 🌻💚🌷
Anonie, I hope you know that you chose one of my favorite moments in chapter 5 and one of my favorite Disney movies. How can I not ramble?? You have opened Pandora’s box.
I have seen several tls that have Malleus referring to Silver in different ways? Naked Monkey was one of the first I saw. But also “he’s different, he’s weird, he”s ugly?”
Suffice to say, Malleus has never seen a human before, and possibly, a baby. (If we follow usual fae lore, it’s harder for them to have children but this was never mentioned in twst)
(But I’ll refer to this tls )
Anyways, Malleus looks at this baby who’s crying. And he hums a lullaby. Not just any lullaby, but the lullaby his mother and Lilia hummed to him when he was an egg.
The true love lullaby that we keep hearing throughout the chapters. This lullaby thats always conveying the love the characters have for each other.
Just like Lilia, Malleus also loves Silver, at first sight you can even say. Something that deep and comforting to him, he was able to dig up after centuries of not hearing it.
Silver says it’s a lullaby that he’s heard since he was a child, and if Malleus couldn’t recall it, it means he hasn’t heard it since he hatched.
But then you have Malleus Draconia, who hasn’t heard it in so damn long, hum this lullaby. To Silver?? How can that not be love? Something that comforted him as an egg, he used to comfort a crying silver, and I just 🥹🥹
And then you have Tarzan, Tarzan about a human trying to fit in. Tarzan, a movie about two seperate worlds meeting and realizing, in the end of the day, we are not so different after all. (You know how humans and fae are not so different)
A movie where a mother raised and loved a human, and that human who always loved the family he grew up in.
A movie where Tarzan learns about his roots, and despite it all, he chooses to stay with his family.
Just, Anonie, can you see?? What I am talking about??
And then you have the songs “Two Worlds”
Put your faith in what you most believe in
Two worlds, one family
Trust your heart
Let fate decide
To guide these lives we see
Is this not Diasomnia coded?
Beneath the shelter of the trees
Only love can enter here
A simple life, they live in peace
Can you see?? The cottage where not Lilia and Silver lived, but the place where Sebek trained. The place that was Malleus’ haven, where he helped raised Silver.
This cottage filled with love.
Two worlds, one family
Also, how can I not mentioned my other favorite song:
“You’ll Be in My Heart”
Just take my hand
Hold it tight
I will protect you
From all around you
I will be here
Don't you cry
You'll be in my heart
No matter what they say
You'll be here in my heart
This song is such a Lilia to Malleus and Silver coded song and you don’t understand 😭😭
“You’ll always be in my heart, no matter what they say.”The way the senate tries to seperate Malleus and Lilia 😭😭 but Lilia will always love him. “I will protect you from all around you, just take my hand and hold it tight” the way he kept telling Malleus to hold on and to come out and how he’ll give his everything to him, so don’t cry and you’re not alone anymore. He always thought of Malleus during trips and brought back gifts. He learned to enjoy food because he enjoyed the way Malleus ate.
And then we have Silver, Lilia found a baby in this abandoned castle and chooses to love him. He didn’t know how to raise a human, but he made the choice. He raised that baby, loved him, and trained him. It was always in his actions. Lilia says he would give strength to break a curse and that’s what he did. He held that hand and gave him protection. Don’t you cry, to the baby who woke up and how he’ll always be in his heart. And how when Silver realized his father loved him, he also heard his father’s voice.
(I had soundtrack playing all day 🥹😭)
Thank you for sending this in Anonie 🌻🌺🌷
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