#sorry gotta go chug a bunch of tablets down my throat
angel-c13 · 2 years
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Flowey is such a mood tbh
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hollymartinswrites · 5 years
Chapters: 14/? Fandom: IT - Stephen King, IT (Movies - Muschietti), Doctor Sleep - Stephen King, Doctor Sleep (2019) Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Eddie Kaspbrak/Richie Tozier, Ben Hanscom/Beverly Marsh Characters: Eddie Kaspbrak, Richie Tozier, Ben Hanscom, Beverly Marsh, Bill Denbrough, Mike Hanlon, Original Child Character(s), Dan “Danny” Torrance, Abra Stone Additional Tags: Fix-It, Post-Canon Fix-It, Post-IT Chapter Two (2019), Domestic, Light Angst, Family Feels, Childhood Trauma, Adoption, Kid Fic, Adopted Children, Richie Tozier Loves Eddie Kaspbrak, Eddie Kaspbrak Loves Richie Tozier, Marriage, Eddie Kaspbrak & Richie Tozier Are Parents, Angst, Fluff, Fluff and Angst, Minor Ben Hanscom/Beverly Marsh, Beverly Marsh & Richie Tozier Are Best Friends, Catholicism, Richie Tozier Has Issues, Extended Tozier Family, Medical Examinations, Stephen King References, The Shining References, Doctor Sleep References, References to Depression, Depression, Mentioned Sonia Kaspbrak
Eddie and Richie embark on the most terrifying experience of all—parenthood. Or, the author desperately needed a domestic, family fix-it for Richie and Eddie and it turned into a much longer, angstier exploration than I expected.
Chapter XIV: The Tozier Family trip to Seattle is not without its surprises and gets Richie thinking.
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Several weeks later
Richie was just on the edge of sleep when he felt a nudge. He opened his eyes and smiled as Eddie offered him a glass of red wine.
“Thanks, babe,” he muttered, yawning. Eddie collapsed beside him on the couch with his own glass and sighed happily.
“Merry Christmas,” Eddie said, clinking his glass to Richie’s before taking a sip. “We survived.”
“We sure did,” Richie replied, gazing at the unwrapped gifts under the tree and garbage bag filled with torn paper and ribbons. “It was a good day.”
Eddie nodded, leaning his head on Richie’s shoulder.
“I think I enjoy Christmas more now with the girls than I ever did as a kid,” he observed. “Well, that’s probably my mom’s fault but still.”
“Now, you’re right,” Richie agreed. “I remember in college, being depressed that Christmas would never feel the same but this is pretty damn close.”
The two men fell silent as they gazed at the tree and gifts, content to merely be alone together with one another. Richie closed his eyes again and yawned again.
“Ready for bed?” Eddie asked.
“I’ve been ready for bed since Thanksgiving,” Richie replied.
Eddie laughed before taking another sip of his wine.
“At least we got a few days to relax before our flight,” he observed.
“Why’d we even agree to this trip?” Richie groaned. “Can’t we just stay in bed until January 2nd?”
“Because we promised our friends,” Eddie pointed out. “And we love them.”
“Let’s cheat on them with sleep.”
“The tickets are already paid for.”
“Ugh, fine,” Richie sighed, opening his eyes and smiling down at Eddie. “I hate it when you’re rational.”
“You love it,” Eddie said, draining the last of his wine.
Richie nodded and curled in closer to his husband. His mind drifted to that morning, and he smiled as he recalled how excited and happy their daughters had been all day, the smiles never leaving their faces. It had made all the stress and planning worth it.
“Do you think the girls will be okay with this trip?” he asked quietly.
“Why wouldn’t they be?” Eddie asked.
Richie shrugged.
“It’s a long flight to Seattle,” he explained. “And Tess has never even been to an airport.”
“Yeah, but we’ve been preparing her,” Eddie replied. “And her therapist gave us plenty of help, too. Plus, she’s excited just because her sister is excited.”
Richie shrugged again. Eddie wrapped an arm around his shoulders.
“You worry about her too much,” he said softly. “She’s a lot more capable than you think.”
“I know that,” Richie said quickly. “I don’t think she’s delicate or anything. It’s just that she’s…”
“She’s our baby, I know,” Eddie replied before leaning in to press a kiss against the side of Richie’s head.
“She has been doing a lot better,” Richie admitted. “I thought for sure that losing Abracadabra was going to be a bigger deal but if anything, she’s become more confident lately.”
“We gotta stop calling her that,” Eddie laughed. “The poor girl’s name is Abra.”
“I know, I know.”
“Do you think…” Eddie cleared his throat. “Do you think we should reach out to her again?”
Richie gazed at him.
“What do you mean?” he asked.
“Sometimes Tess brings her up,” Eddie said, “and yeah, she’s been fine but maybe she should...meet her.”
Richie sat up and blinked at him.
“I know I’ve said I don’t want her or Dan in our lives but she did help our daughter and maybe it’ll be good for Tess,” Eddie sighed. “I don’t know, it’s just a thought.”
“Well, okay. It’s something to think about.” Richie gazed down at his unfinished glass of wine. “I’m gonna chug this and then we’re going to bed, okay?”
Eddie laughed again.
“Okay, babe,” he said.
“Their house should be coming up on the left,” Eddie said as he gazed down at his phone.
“Okay,” Richie replied, slowing their rented car down. “What’s the number again?”
“112. I think that’s it.”
“Holy shit,” Richie breathed.
“Papa said a bad word,” Lydia declared from the back seat.
“Yeah, I did, sorry,” he muttered. “This is just a kickass house.”
“That’s another bad word!”
“I know, I know. I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay,” Lydia shrugged.
“This is a really nice house,” Eddie observed as they pulled into the driveway. “Way too big for just the two of them.”
“They probably got a bunch of live-in assistants and housekeepers and whatnot,” Richie said, parking the car. He turned in his seat to gaze at his daughters. “You girls ready to see Uncle Ben and Aunt Bev?”
“Yes!” Tess and Lydia both shrieked excitedly.
“Best behavior, okay?” Eddie said. “We don’t want to give Uncle Ben and Aunt Bev a reason to regret inviting us over, right?”
“Right,” Lydia answered as Tess nodded solemnly.
Richie grinned and stepped out of the car, helping their daughters unbuckle and climb down.
“Where’s everyone else?” he asked Eddie as they walked up the winding path to the front door. “You think they Ubered or something?”
“They’re not coming in until tomorrow,” Eddie replied, holding Lydia’s hand. “Remember? Bev told us that last week.”
“Oh yeah. Why’d she want us earlier?”
Eddie shrugged.
“Maybe to kill us,” he offered.
“Aunt Bev wouldn’t do that,” Lydia insisted.
“I know, I’m just teasing.”
Richie reached down and lifted Tess into his arms.
“Wanna ring the doorbell?” he asked. She nodded her head vigorously and immediately reached out to press the button. “It’s got a camera, make a funny face for them.”
Tess and Lydia and Richie all pulled ridiculous faces at the camera while Eddie rolled his eyes and smiled fondly. The door swung open and Bev greeted them with a wide grin.
“Aunt Bev!” Lydia shrieked before anyone else could say a thing and immediately launched herself at Beverly.
“Hey, whoa,” Bev laughed, wrapping her arms around their daughter. “I’m happy to see you, too.”
“I think she’s just stircrazy from being cooped up in the hotel,” Richie observed. He leaned in to kiss her on her cheek. “How’re you doing, Bev? Merry belated Christmas and Happy New Year.”
“Merry Christmas,” Bev replied. She smiled gently at Tess. “Can I get a kiss?”
Much to her fathers’ delight, Tess nodded and allowed Bev to peck her quickly on her cheek.
“Good to see you, Bev,” Eddie smiled as he embraced her in the doorway.
“So good to see all of you,” she replied and stepped back. “We’re so glad you made it. I know it must’ve been hard to travel all this way. Come in.”
“Oh, nothing Xanax and a tablet full of downloaded Disney movies can’t handle,” Richie shrugged. He set Tess down on the ground. “Take your shoes off, girls.”
“Oh, they’re fine,” Bev said waving her hand. “Come in, come in.”
“Where’s Ben?” Eddie asked, hanging up the girls’ jackets.
“He’ll be right down. Come on, come into the living room.”
They followed her into a spacious living room, still decorated for Christmas, with a large sectional couch and huge TV that was already conveniently quietly playing cartoons. Lydia and Tess immediately sat down in front of it.
“Sit, sit,” Bev insisted. “Do you guys want anything to eat or drink?”
“We’re fine,” Eddie replied, “come here, talk to us. Tell us about your holiday.”
“Yeah, and why you and your trophy husband have been so cagey about this trip,” Richie said, sitting on the sofa. “I had a bet going with Eds that you were pregnant.”
Bev laughed and shook her head.
“No, no,” she said. “Sorry to disappoint.”
Richie shrugged.
“No big deal, he just owes me twenty bucks,” Eddie replied. “So what is going on?”
“Well…” Bev trailed off when they heard steps coming into the living room. “Here’s Ben, he’ll explain.”
As the two men turned to greet their friend, words abruptly died on their lips when they saw him standing there, smiling bashfully, with a baby in his arms. All was silent for a long moment, until Lydia excitedly exclaimed, “Baby!”
“Holy shit,” Richie gasped.
“Papa, stop saying bad words,” Tess insisted, sounding terribly embarrassed.
Bev and Ben both began to laugh.
“What is going on here?” Eddie asked, wide-eyed.
“Whose baby is that? Did you steal it? Are we accomplices now?” Richie quickly asked.
Ben rolled his eyes, still laughing, as he stepped into the living room, the wide-eyed baby carefully cradled in his arms.
“Tozier family,” he said, “meet baby Ida.”
“Hi Ida,” Lydia and Tess both said quickly, gazing at her in wonderment.
Ben smiled and stepped up beside his wife, who wrapped her arms around him. Richie and Eddie both continued staring at the two of them, slack-jawed.
“Well,” Bev said happily, “welcome to our surprise. Meet our daughter.”
Richie was the first to have his brain finally catch up with his mouth.
“So you were pregnant,” he declared. “I knew it! You owe me twenty bucks, Eds.”
“That’s what your first reaction is?” Eddie asked, dumbstruck.
Bev laughed.
“No, we used a surrogate,” she explained. “A college friend of mine. So, I’m sorry, Richie, Eddie wins on a technicality.”
“Damn it,” Richie muttered.
“Can we see the baby?” Tess asked gently.
“Wait, you need to wash your hands first,” Eddie said, snapping out of his shock. “We all do.”
“Bathroom’s right here,” Bev said, leading them down the hall, where they quickly washed and dried their hands.
“Why didn’t you tell us?” Richie exclaimed, as they returned to the living room, Ben sitting on the sofa with Ida in his arms. She was happily sucking on her own hand.
“Well, it was Bev’s idea,” he admitted as the girls carefully sat on either side of him, gazing down at the baby.
“Bev, what were you thinking?”
“We didn’t want the fuss,” she explained, sitting down next to Lydia. “At first we were just going to wait until later in the pregnancy but then thought it would be easier to just keep it all a surprise.”
“But what about a shower or…?” Eddie asked.
Both Bev and Ben shook their hands.
“We don’t need stuff,” he said. “We just want you guys here. To finally meet her. That’s way more important to us.”
“How old is she?” Lydia asked.
“She’s just over three months,” Ben said. “She just started sleeping through the night.”
“So did Eddie,” Richie cracked.
“Harhar,” Eddie grumbled. He sat beside Tess and gazed at the baby in Ben’s arms, his face soft and gentle. “She is beautiful, you two. Congratulations.”
“Oh, yeah, we didn’t say that, did we?” Richie observed. “Congrats. And welcome to parenthood.”
“Thank you,” Bev said, smiling beatifically. “That’s actually why we asked you to come here before the rest of the Losers.”
“What do you mean?”
“You guys are parents,” Ben explained. “And amazing ones. We need advice.”
“More like we need all the help we can get,” Bev added.
Richie and Eddie both blinked and stared at one another, mildly confused.
“I don’t know if you’ve noticed,” Richie explained, “but Eds and I are pretty much just winging it.”
“Yeah,” Eddie agreed, “plus, we’ve never had a baby. Lydia was five and Tess three when we adopted them.”
Bev opened her mouth to respond when Tess looked up at her father and made a tiny, whimpering sound.
“But I’m your baby,” she said softly, her eyes wide.
“Oh, for goodness—of course, you are, sweetheart,” Eddie said, quickly gathering Tess into his arms.
“Daddy just meant you’re not a little baby by Ida here,” Richie explained quickly. “You don’t need diapers or bottles, right?”
Tess considered this before nodding. Bev smiled gently at her.
“Would you like to hold her?” she offered gently.
Tess’s eyes lit up as Lydia pouted and Eddie’s own eyes widened in fear.
“I think she’s too young for that, right?” he asked.
“Nonsense, she just needs to sit still and have a pillow on her lap,” Bev explained. “Here, sit back, Tess, let me get you a pillow.”
“And then you can hold her for a bit, Lydia,” Ben said, quickly noticing the pout growing in intensity on their other daughter’s face.
Richie sighed in relief, desperate to avoid a full-on meltdown within the first half hour being there, and smiled reassuringly at Lydia. With Eddie’s help, Tess sat back on the couch as Bev placed a pillow on her lap.
“Hold your arms out,” Ben explained softly, “and be sure to support her neck.”
Tess nodded seriously and stared in fascination as he gently played Ida in her tiny arms. Eddie reached out and helped arrange her arms, whispering, “Careful, and be gentle. You’re a lot bigger and stronger than her.”
“There you go,” Ben said, sitting back. “You’re doing great.”
Tess stared down at Ida, whose big eyes were gazing around her in curiosity. Suddenly, a smile spread on Ida’s little face and she waved her chubby arms about.
“Aw, she likes you,” Bev exclaimed. “Maybe you and your sister can babysit someday.”
Tess looked up at her fathers and beamed. Something bright twisted inside Richie’s chest as he gazed at his daughter and when he looked up to meet Eddie’s face, he knew his husband felt the same way. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Ben snapping pictures with his phone.
“My turn,” Lydia said, “please, please.”
“Alright, alright,” Eddie said, before turning towards Bev. “Okay if I do the hand-off?”
“Of course,” she said happily.
After repeating his instructions to Lydia, Eddie carefully took Ida into his arms and allowed himself one brief moment to simply cradle her against his chest before placing her in Lydia’s outstretched arms. Richie exhaled a breath he hadn’t realized he had been holding and all he could think as he watched his husband holding the baby in his arms was, I hope this doesn’t awaken anything in me.
Gazing out at the skyline, Richie leaned against the balcony railing. The lights of the city were bright against the dark sky and though it was beautiful, he was looking forward to going home. He yawned and could see his breath escaping. He shivered.
The balcony door slid open and Eddie stepped out quietly before closing it behind him.
“What are you doing out here?” he asked. “It’s freezing.”
“Got my coat,” Richie shrugged, his hands shoved in his pockets. “Just needed some fresh air.”
“Seattle has some of the worst air pollution in the country,” Eddie observed, standing beside him and wrapping an arm around Richie’s.
“Of course you would know that,” Richie smirked. “Still, it’s a pretty view.”
Eddie nodded.
“The girls are asleep,” he said. “Why don’t you come back inside? It’s been a long day.”
“Eds,” Richie began instead of answering, “I...you...fuck.”
Eddie laughed.
“You still jetlagged, babe?” he asked, reaching up to curl a strand of Richie’s hair behind his ear.
“Do you ever think about having another kid?” Richie blurted out, inwardly wincing.
“Oh, God,” Eddie laughed, rolling his eyes, “I knew this was going to happen. The moment Ben put Ida in your arms, I saw you get all gooey and lovestruck.”
“I did not!”
“And when the girls were talking to her and reading her stories and when Ben asked us to be godfathers…”
“Alright, alright, I get it,” Richie huffed. “One day with an infant and I get baby fever. It’ll go away as soon as we’re on the plane back home.”
“It’s just, I love our girls, right? I love them so fucking much, I can’t breathe at times,” he murmured, looking out towards the skyline again. “And I love raising a family with you and I think we got this parenting thing down pretty good so far. Besides, we’ve never had a baby.”
Eddie sighed and rested his head on Richie’s shoulder.
“I love our girls, too,” he said softly. “And being a parent with you is the best thing that’s ever happened to me but don’t you think our family is complete? And you know how hard it is to adopt a baby versus an older kid.”
“I know,” Richie sighed. “I’m just...thinking out loud.”
Both men fell silent, gazing out to the city. Richie felt Eddie shiver and was about to offer to go back inside when Eddie reached up and kissed him.
“I did enjoy seeing you hold Ida,” Eddie whispered against his lips. “You’re a great dad and I have to admit, it’s a major turn on.”
“So I’m a DILF?” Richie asked, grinning. “I fucking knew it.”
“Mmhmm. Too bad we’re sharing a hotel room with our daughters,” Eddie whispered, smirking at his husband.
“Yeah, too, bad,” Richie replied. He glanced back at the sliding balcony door and was relieved to see that the curtains were closed. He started and turned back when he felt Eddie’s fingers at his fly. “It’s freezing out.”
“So let’s get warmed up,” Eddie replied, leaning up to firmly kiss him again as he unzipped Richie’s jeans.
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