#flowey the depressed flower
snowmeow03 · 10 months
I know what I should draw for the eighth anniversary, but just having ideas and finding that my own level doesn't meet my own standards often leads to procrastination:(
anyway here's some alterplates doodles
It's so hard to collect all my settings for this au so maybe I won't present them or maybe I will somehow, who knows, it's not like anyone will watch it lol
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mysteriousbp · 7 months
Decided to jump into the Deltarune Yellow wagon. Just to make up designs and ideas... I'm not going to make something out of this.
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(Sorry if Clover looks bad. I still suck at drawing humans. And I'm bad at color palettes)
I decided to make Kanako the player character because of her soul thing in Undertale Yellow. While Clover is the lighther partner because they are manipulated by Flowey and Ceroba to do what they want (Getting the souls and saving Kanako.) so it will be fun having Kanako manipulated Clover into shooting their friends.
And there my version of the darkner of the legend "Goldie the Flower."... I'm not very original with names.
Some info of my take of this AU thing.
Clover and Kanako are siblings. Clover being adopted after Chujin found him has a baby abandon in a bush when he was returning home.
This takes place around when Asriel was still in school. Clover and Karako are around the same age has Asriel so they are in college when normal Deltarune happens.
Chujin used to be a college teacher... Now he's dead... He got sick and died... Very close to the events of my version of Deltarune Yellow...
Ceroba is a recent widow that is still grieving over Chujin death... Barely leaves her room... Has depression...
Starlo is a police officer in the town. He likes to call himself a sheriff. He's been taking care of Clover and Kanako and trying to take Ceroba out of her room. He's still her best friend and wants nothing more for her and her family to move on and be happy.
Dalv is Clover and Kanako teacher and Martlet is a old college student of Chujin... I don't have a lot of thigs for this two...
Moray is Starlo police buddy. Mooch is in the police station jail. Ed is Dina's bar bouncer. Ace works has a poker dealer in Dina's bar. But the four plus Starlo are still good friends.
Axis and the other robots are darkners.
Clover is trying to be strong and trying to help his sister and mom to move on... He's just wants to see them smile again... He's still sad over Chujin death but he wants to be strong...
People think Kanako turn into a quiet kid because of Chujin death... They don't realise that she isn't in control of her body anymore... She is really afraid of the player, trying to run while crying when she rips the player out... But she's never able to exit the room or get help before the player gets back in...
I thought of this while I was bored so... They aren't perfect ideas.
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UT AU, where Asgore succeeded in getting all 7 human souls, broke the barrier and declared war on humanity...
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However, a few moments after the soul-powered king began his rampage on the nearest human city, the souls escaped his body and attacked him until he was on the brink of death...
The souls leave and the city humans finish him off, then the humans begin to destroy or capture the rest of Asgore's kingdom in revenge...
The surviving monsters either fled to the forest to hide or stayed in the Ruins with a depressed Toriel...
Asgore is dead and Toriel stays in the Ruins comsumed by depression over his death and the destruction of their kingdom.
Most of the Ruins Monsters have no idea what's going on.
Undyne is the new leader of what's left of the kingdom... She hates humans more than ever, wishing to make them go extinct... She became a colder, more serious person (like how she is when she's wearing her helmet, only it's all the time now).
Alphys was overwhelmed with the grief and guilt of losing so many people as well as being hurt by the hatred the family members of the amalgamates are giving her... You see, Alphys left the amalgamates in the lab when the war began and the amalgamates got captured by humans, so the family members are less forgiving of Alphys when she tells the truth... In her pain, Alphys creates a special potion that takes her ability to feel emotions away so Alphys can focus on helping Undyne, making her even colder than Undyne.
Mettaton is a shell of his former self... He's constantly nervous and he's horrified by all the messed-up things that are happening, but he's too scared to actually do anything about it... After Napstablook got captured and he lost his TV Show Fame, Mettaton basically became the new Alphys and he isn't as vengeful against the humans as most monsters are.
Papyrus tries his best to stay hopeful, but he became kinda depressed after Sans' death by human hands... He wants to prove to Undyne that he can kill a human like her... But instead he befriends one named Frisk.
Monster Kid is staying hopeful like Papyrus, but he's not as depressed, since his whole family is still alive and also not captured.
Napstablook and Mad Dummy were both captured by humans.
Muffet and most of the spiders were captured by humans, but a only a few small ones managed to escape.
Grillby is one of the guardians of the Monsters' Hiding Place in the forest.
Jerry was captured by the humans and he's ironically the only monster that managed to escape on his own, much to everyone's disbelief.
Sans was killed shortly after Asgore's death.
Flowey is ironically probably having the least terrible time right now... After the barrier broke, he traveled across the surface, both the forest and the city (while pretending to be a normal flower when the humans are watching)... The barrier breaking somehow made him lose his ability to reset... After Papyrus and Frisk befriend each other, Flowey befriends Frisk, because the child reminds him of Chara... Flowey is less evil and less mean then in canon, but still calls other people idiots sometimes.
Papyrus traps Frisk in the forest and tries to kill Frisk, but he couldn't do it and lets Frisk go instead... Immediately Frisk knocks Papyrus to the ground and is about to stab him in the skull with a knife... But Frisk decides against and calmly tells Papyrus to leave the child alone, then Frisk quietly walks away... And that's how their beautiful friendship starts!
The 7th soul that Asgore used was Frisk's older sibling and Frisk vowed to destroy what's left of the monsters in revenge... But Frisk couldn't destroy a monster that spared the child's life... Eventually, both Frisk and Papyrus realize that they were both wrong about each other's species and that revenge/war is stupid.
Neither Frisk nor Papyrus killed anyone before and they form a forbidden friendship.
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(This is AU is based on the fact that Flowey eventually lost control over the human souls... and on the fact that Asriel had trouble controlling Chara's soul... What if the same happened to Asgore if he gets all the souls?)
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nyriatamare · 5 months
Hi, you know that GZtale is no longer owned by golzy, yeah it's owned by you now, and you can decide the story and doing whatever you want with that AU,
but yeah I still want to share my theory about GZtale idk if this is cringe or doesn't make sense, I don't know if you actually read a my theory that was like 3 paragraph
Remember gztale was being cancelled, so I was having some theory about GZtale, after bloodshed arc, it was caretaker arc, I was thinking caretaker arc is just like amnesis arc but Ganz doesn't do a same mistake, so papyrus it's not mad to ganz and if you see the cover arc concept ganz was walking with Luke and Jean, and papyrus it's like helping some Royal guard member, so frisk is finally meet her brother in this arc and maybe pacifist will happen in here but because ganz is not felt depressed, Mel is pointless now, and began to Die/Dissapered I got the theory about Mel die if ganz happy from repost comic on YT idk it's canon or not but the style is like original from golzy, but because he don't wanna die he is use RESET, since ganz is absorb determination pill maybe he could use a reset, and To be continued to animosity arc....
In animosity arc
It's just like same like bloodshed arc, the difference is ganz is not holding back he doesn't want to protect human anymore, he choose to run with undyene than run to ruin, I got this theory from fake screen shot that golzy made, then ganz is not scared to fight undyene or his brother until he is get a lot of scar after a battle fighting them, then he is run to ruins and get some medicine by toriel, in the ruins he is meet Mel again, and asking why he is use reset abilities, then ganz is trying to kill Mel just like in fake screen shot I saw, after that ganz is feels hopeless after what he did and everything reset back again because his dad try to fix his mistake, he is use his soul to reset and dissapered from all timelines, and to be continued to Determination Arc....
In determination arc
In this arc it's like bloodshed + caretaker
Ganz it's not break half papyrus soul, but he is claim as a criminal for protection Jean
Frisk is try to run from ruins, and she is finally made a friend with a monster and other monster try to make other believe that human it's not dangerous, and all the monster is believe, except papyrus.
papyrus is meet flower and they are work together to catch frisk, because it's papyrus is the head of Royal guard so he is can't disappoint his king, so he is go to alphy to ask her to make a trap, but she is doesn't agree because human is not actually dangerous, but actually she is hide frisk from papyrus, but frisk is accidentlly go to secret alphy lab just like the original Game story, and meet papyrus in the last corridor, and papyrus became a paylor, and he is finally catch frisk, then papyrus bring frisk to asgore, but the other monster is came and help frisk because frisk is not dangerous human, while other monster is fighting asgore and papyrus, flowey is trying to trap everyone just like the original game and use their power to became asriel dreemur, and then pacifiapacifist route is happening in here, in the ending Mel is said goodbye to ganz since ganz is no longer depressed.
And GZtale comic is over here...
I don't know this is was real story or not
This is just my theory
This is a good theory! But unfortunately not how the story was intended to end :O When Golzy made the comic it was mostly, on the fly to say the least. Golzy didn't write a whole paragraph of scripts just went with it. I myself don't know the true ending of Gztale, but ever since given the ownership, I took creativity to make my own ending. To fit the current canon and to give more of a bittersweet ending than an all perfect good ending. Firstly, Mel was made to be a 'Nightmare Catcher' a creature that lives inside of every monster. The idea came from my own au UnderNC (UnderNightmareCatcher) and I asked Golzy to make an NC for Ganz since I made one for my own Sans, Sensy at the time. Hence the existence of Melancholy Ganz. Mel's original purpose was to be the embodiment of Ganz's depression. Basically a creature made to make Ganz depressed constantly. And the only way for Ganz to remove him from his soul, was to rip his soul in half. There was a lot of artwork that Golzy made that was 'for fun' and wasn't intended on being canon most of the time. Some art was just symbolism and some where when Golzy was bored and wanted to draw angst and sadness :') So by the end of it, it's up to interpretations.
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is--this--name--taken · 6 months
Underfell exists
list of possible Underfell interpretations
there are two interpretations of Underfell: 1. Characters personality reversed, with generally nice characters becoming mean, etc. 2. The worst trait of a character coming into light, e.g. Toriel’s possessiveness, Undyne’s fury, and Alphys’ manipulation Meaning, there are two interpretations of Underfell Sans. 1. Personality reverse, where he’s active instead of lazy, rude instead of helpful, and breaks promises unless it really matters. (opposite of Sans’ keeping promises until it really matters). He also prefers to be straight to the point and doesn’t make jokes. 2. His worst traits coming out, which means a more depressed and nihilistic lazy Sans. He already uses gags in base Undertale, so Underfell Sans is the kind of person to use the same (ex. fake spiders, that weird electric button thing) Underfell Sans can be called Fell, but DON’T call him Red because that’s a very different character, one who’s famous in their own right for being in one of the best early Undertale fangames. He also doesn’t have a crack on his head, which was stated to be inaccurate by the creator
Underfell Papyrus is mostly the same in both interpretations. Rude, arrogant, murderous, and makes lasagna (because of a lack of dogs to eat said lasagna). It’s up to interpretation whether he likes the cat (annoying dog of Underfell).
Undyne is also… pretty much mostly the same. She probably hates Asgore, though. She still tries to kill Frisk, because evil fish lady, but she has her own reasons for it. Alphyne is still canon.
Alphys has two interpretations. 1. Personality swap, where she becomes more outgoing and also rude, not wanting to befriend the human and also making Mettaton due to a business deal or something 2. Still nervous, but more manipulative (convinces Mettaton to genuinely try to kill Frisk for her own reasons) and relies on her inventions instead of doing things herself. Prone to mental breakdowns.
Toriel generally is just Toriel but insane. She kills any monster that goes near Frisk to protect them but doesn’t hesitate to hurt or kidnap Frisk if they disobey her.
Flowey is generally either just terrified flower trying to survive by staying with Frisk or someone who’s genuinely trying to help people but is too weak to do it (usually the first one.) They also sometimes believe in Kill or be Killed, but they’re usually the one almost being killed
(not canon, maybe?) monster kid knows frisk is a human and does not like Undyne. they’re paranoid and are constantly moving slow for balance.
asgore is murder murder goat idk
we don’t talk about asriel (i don’t like fell asriel) but I think they get a redemption arc if you commit extreme murder (forced to become God of Hyperdeath and save everyone)
Frisk is basically normal Frisk, but Chara is slightly different. They weren’t very good friends with Asriel and weren’t the biggest fan of monsters in general. They were also the one being called a crybaby by Asriel instead of the other way around.
River Person is still River Person (but their cloak is more withered)
mettaton is hot (joking)
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prism-forgone · 9 months
Asriel Dreemurr is a Prince of Doom ((bangs pots and pans))
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[ALT: he seems like he'd be a prince of doom since princes usually act like their opposite aspect AND he acts like a life player methinks]
via @ghostzdrawz
in a reblog for this post: x
putting this as a separate post because it got so long that i couldn't simply put it below your reblog ^^'
yes that is exactly my classpect for asriel!!
( just as a sidenote, I find it very fun that, given my track record of assigning UTDR characters classpects, when a character is a Prince, they are also literally a prince in canon, like Ralsei, and now Asriel).
Asriel Dreemurr // Prince of Doom
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You (very correctly!) stated Princes ghost their opposite aspect, and they do that since it's only prudent for a destruction class to destroy their aspect through leaning into the opposite one, too. The fact Princes destroy their aspect or destroy with their aspect supports this even more. They're destructive inwards and towards their environment, zeroing in on things having to do with their aspect and, depending on their mental state, destroying the enemies of its well-being or (usually, really) making it wither.
The ways Asriel supports Doom as an aspect are so numerous that it isn't even funny, so I'm just gonna list some things from my aspect notes and provide brief explanations:
affinity for unfortunate events, either in being the victim or invoking them (the incident he and Chara had with buttercups instead of cups of butter, Chara's death and subsequently Asriel's death during the scheme they both agreed on, creating entire timelines where he concocts his own genoroutes)
natural magnet for the worse parts of the narrative (being fated to live as a soulless being by pure chance, since his ashes were on the flowers purely by coincidence)
great supply of empathy and/or wisdom (the former is true for Asriel, who has a soul; the latter for Flowey, who is soulless and tested how things work many times - he even gives you a mock tutorial)
sufferers and martyrs (Asriel sacrificed himself to not kill anyone, even when attacked)
affinity for attunement with some kind of... otherness, alongside Life (like the exiles or horrorterrors in HS, or what I interpret as game mechanics in UT, and kinda just us - Flowey addresses Frisk, Chara and the player all at separate occasions)
Doom's symbolism of skulls, fire, explosions and bombs (he literally uses all these in his various attacks, most in the Omega Flowey form, that one with the added caveat of vaguely destroying Doom by using plants, Life's domain, too; but the skull appears in his Hyperdeath form attack)
literal meanings of death, sacrifice, entropy, acceptance (the first two are already plenty clear, entropy is just what Flowey was doing before we got here again and again, and what he attempts to do as Omega Flowey; and acceptance is what he finally exhibits at the end of True Pacifist)
abstract meanings of deterioration, nihilism, stagnation, static state of affairs, pessimism and limitations (most are already clear - the static nature of Flowey is him resetting again and again, to the point where Sans, along with whoever he was conducting research with, noticed the time anomalies and literally had depression induced because of the fact time is just Standing Still in a loop and nothing seems to matter anyhow so why bother trying <- destroying with Doom at its finest example; but also, the loop could be seen as something exactly opposite, since Flowey always tests something different).
Additionally, as the Extended Zodiac tells us - even though I try to not rely on it too much - the best a Doom hero can be is wise, kind and non-judgmental, while the worst they can be is being filled with bitterness, resentment and fatalism. The difference is between if they cling to the past or if they learn from it.
so, yeah. to sum up, my track record already shows i need very little to get me going about this so i'm very sorry ☝️however, counterpoint: it's really fun to do this hahah
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copwef · 4 months
ROTTMNT undertale au(turtle-tale)
Long ago, two races ruled over earth: Humans and yoki. One day, due to reasons few people know, war broke out between the two races.
Suffering many casualties, the remaining yoki fled to a series of hidden underground city's and in an act of desperation, sealed themselves in with a mystic spell.
However, to the yokis horror, the mystic powers they possessed were not enough on their own to undo the mystic spell.
To undo the mystic barrier would take the mystic power of 7 yoki, and the souls of 7 creatures that were once human....
New York.... 2018
Legend's say that those who stumble upon the hidden gateway never return....
Leo - papyrus
Mikey - sans
Raph - asgore
Donnie - asriel/flowey (he died few years back also his name after becoming a flower is daffodil)
Draxum - alphys (royal alchemist)
Todd - toriel
Waren Stone - Jerry
Mallory(my AUs big mama)- muffet
Splinter - gerson
Casey senior/ foot recurit - undyne(she's a yoki here)
Casey Junior/Future boy- frisk/ 8th fallen human
Foot lutenent/foot brute- royal guards 1 and 2
Venus de Milo- Chara (they are a human here)
Hueso- grilby
After the war and the sealing of the yoki in the hidden city's the turtles(especially Raph) take it opon themselves to rule over the hidden city.
While the rest are content, Donnie makes it his main goal to find a way to break the barrier. One day a human named Venus find's there way into the hidden city.
The adopt then as one of there own and treat her like a sister. Donnie and her team up and do research as to how to break the barrier. They discover that the combined power of a human and yoki will allow temporary passage through the barrier.
They plan to pass through the barrier and find 6 more willing humans to help them break the barrier and establish peace. However Donnie is killed by the humans for being a yoki and Venus is killed for siding with him.
Utilizing the escape pods there bodys are transported back to the hidden city but by time they get there here Venus died due to their injuries. Donnie survived the trip and warned his brothers to make peace and not blame all of the humans for some of there actions before passing away himself.
Mikey and leo are upset but decided to respect his wishes. Raph however in a fit of rage at his brother's fate declares war on the entirety of humanity, stating he will kill any humans spotted in teh hidden city and use their souls to break the barrier and seek revenge on all Humans.
Leo and Mikey, horrified at the disrespect of Donnie's final words renounce their royalty and shun Raph. The two of them moving to cool town(my version of Snowdin) to start new lives as Neon Leon and Mike.
Raphael realizing his mistake and his inability to change his choice appointed Todd to watch over the remnants( my Verizon of the ruins) to give any humans who traveled through the gateway some good memories before he is forced to kill them.
Meanwhile in grief Draxum runs a half baked lab experiment by stealing some of Donnie's DNA from his corpse(an act that makes the remaining brothers despite him) in a last ditch effort to bring him back.
It fails and he falls into an depression. However what Draxum doesn't know is that it worked, bringing Donnie's mind back into a mystic daffodil. However the experiment seems to have given him some control of the flow of time in the hidden city, allowing him the power of save and reset. Donnie, unable to feel anything does what flowey did(everything) before losing the power when Casey Junior fell.
Concept art
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mediocre-noodle · 2 months
was gonna fix the formatting but hhh so much work hhhhbgrggr
play on kismet (destiny)
something to do w a tree— the diff parts of town are called diff parts of tree. ex: the docks are called the roots -> (tree) bc ehe world tree
kisamadoré (called kisa/kisi for short… or kiscity… kis-city…) — KISMA MEANS HOME? maybe ‘free home’?
“refugee city” is an outsider’s nickname for it ig? i dont remember wiritng this much. i mean,, it IS refugee city after all.
Day of the Krow (DotK) - July 23rd
- town dallas n copperheads made during wilds arc made a holiday for dallas after his death called ‘Day of the Krow’ (DotK) to celebrate their independence and dallas’ leadership and mourn his death. lots of happy fesital stuff, not sad. imagime halloween, dia de los muertos, and the tangled damce scene.
- mass candle lighting and dancing all night. mariachi band all night
- face-painting and henna are common stalls, along with a giant poster for finger-painting
- people wear compass necklaces all day. OG copperheads wear their og necklaces from their squad— the next gen ones are silver and not bronze.
Remembrance Week - july 21-27th (HHAHSKDNS TODAY???? I DIDN’T REALIZE)
- a week of festivities decided to mourning the losses of loved ones from in the walls. again— lots of happy festival stuff, not sad.
- people gift mourners marigolds, gladiolus, chrysanthemums, white roses, or forget-me-nots.
- people will keep them in their house or on their person the entire week until midnight the last day, where people will gather to the lake-side then send the now wilted flowers gently down the lake. this represents a funeral passage* and letting your loved one pass on peacefully and with love.
- *lots of people who died didnt get a funeral because of mistreatment by the guards or their bodies were never found/disposed of already.
- theres quiet pockets for grievers if you need a break. theyre full of people who will support the mourners, talk to them or help get their mind off depressing thoughts.
- mass candle lighting ceremony
- english, japanese, russian, german, arabic, spanish, A LOT- basically any language
- kisman (mixed language for city)
- kisma means home
- hábi means mom
- “blowing on a dandelion and waiting for it to sing” -> wishing for something/having a dream but not actually putting any effort into making it happen
- theyre nomads, dont have a currency bc focused on survival -> more bartering and community based to keep everyone alive. kinda carries over when the city is developed fully years after dallas’ death. -> in detail, more of a “hey, does anyone have ____ that i could borrow?” (several voices overlapping saying yes, they do and yes, they can borrow it). no need to buy anything, really.
- music
- doesnt matter what genre. the people are loud because we are alive! we are free! rejoice!
- many people love drums and violins and EDM though. be as loud as you can be. violin is popular because dallas loved it a lot and played many songs with it during the rebellion arc (specifically inspired by lindsey stirling).
- genres
- phonk, electro-swing, folk, electro-violin(?), will wood, etc
- clothing + accessories
- flowy clothing- dresses similar to flamenco or chicano? i have an image ill put at the bottom
- different designs but still has the BIG flowey and ruffle
- lots of jewelry and bells that make noise connected to them
- ankle bracelets and the ones that are on your feet also normal.
- jingly accessories in general are big
- piercings are common and people dont shame them.
- same w tattoos bc art is loved and appreciated. “your body is a temple and you choose how to decorate it” kinda thing
- bright clothing is common but its not expected. actually-
- NONE OF THIS IS EXPECTED!! people are accepted even if they dont dress according to the culture!
- food: (WIP)
- snow cones/ice cream
- funnel cakes
- baked potatoes
- tex-mex food is common
- dance:
- many different cultures mashed together
- commonly southern culture mixed with mexican
- flamenco, 20s flapper/charleston?, street dancing, country swing, boogie woogie(?), line-dances, some indigenous dances (LOOK INTO THESE)
- street dancing is very fast paced and not choreographed. you just join in and dance however you like.
- something like the kingdom dance scene from tangled
- dancing until dawn is common on holidays, esp DotK (day of the krow). people start the festivities at sunset and dancing starts at night. its party all night!
- some people dance in the rain to show thanks to The Syzygy.
- lots of clapping and stomping, swishing and swaying -> noise -> jangles bc accessories (or just the action makes noise) -> happy bc “we are alive and we must show it” kinda thing
- art:
- painting is big- esp finger-painting with kids
- all art is seen as sacred. no art is better than the other.
- nature connection
- animism elements
- nature is to be respected!
- its like a spiritual connection to nature but without the religion stuff
- people often get blessed by eyeless*. similar to holy water but in the eyeless respect-nature-way and not God-blessed-this-water. its more like ‘be more connected with nature’
- people dont stop everything when it starts raining. often people go outside and play in the rain. dancing in the rain is also common (rain dances) -> however you must go inside when you hear thunder to respect it or else it will get worse (superstition)
- people also dance FOR rain
- bc of this, gardeners and farmers are VERY important
- flowers
- carries over from the flower symbolism used during the rebellion arc
- crow & copperhead symbolism (bc “krow” and the Copperheads. dallas’ symbols and also bc copperheads were a group. the vets are still around btw)
- the stars are important too bc people who follow The Eyes consider the stars as members of The Eyes looking down on them. like,, the stars are Their eyes. therefore, throughout kismadoré, theres a lot of star and eye symbolism.
- side note, bc most people in the resistance followed The Eyes, most people in kismadoré do as well. its not forced onto the Eyeless, though.
- community
- bowls of dried petals are kept on the bridge over the river that leads to the lake so you can send a message to your lost one whenever. there are also little messages carved into the wood telling you that everything will be okay.
- these petals also function as a wishing fountain!! (not only the acorns) you make a wish to your/other’s ancestors, The Eyes, etc.
- “it takes a village to raise a child” thing. everyone is connected and close.
- games
- 42, chess, hide n seek, capture the flag, (WIP)
- wind chimes, wind spinners, bottle trees, wishing wells but they wish on acorns bc they dont have coins for currency, flower wreaths, candle, weather vanes, COMPASSES
- busking
- street vendors!! all for farmers market and small lemonade stands. magicians too!
- cleansing w salt + throwing salt over shoulder, banging pots and pans (WIP)
* some term for people who follow the family (the eyes). they call themselves that bc, as mortals, they dont have Eyes like The Keepers do. (aka they arent all-knowing)
the image of the dress i was talking about! in my hometown, we had a fair on the square and thered always be a group of women who would dance in these dresses on a lil wooden stage. its one of my favorite things to see whenever im able to make it (which is hardly ever nowadays) (theyre the ones who inspired this btw) ->
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im…. i…………
i want to live here so badly xi you have no idea
this little town…… they make noise because they are ALIVE goddammit and they will tell the world…………………
im. obsessed??? with the community mentality and the acceptance as like. a metaphor for not only leaving behind the physical Walls but also the social ones as well. im. unwell..
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sukifoof · 2 years
hi i am once again back to talk about how flowey is an extremely good example of how to write ptsd :) but this time i am Also thinking about toriel and how similar she and flowey are... i’ve played undertale so many times and i’m Once Again nearing the end of the game, so i’ve been thinking a lot about how everything he says at the end of his fight makes me cry, but ESPECIALLY this line
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everything he does is an effort to keep himself from being hurt again. he refuses to let himself get close to anyone, even his own parents, for fear of losing those he loves again. he’d rather kill over and over to have a sense of control over the loss he experienced than accept what happened. he cant let go-- he has to have control, because if he doesn’t, who knows how bad he might get hurt again. he’s an incredibly good example of what dealing with that kind of loss feels like and Oh Boy it Always gets me
its much easier for him to lie to himself and say he doesnt care at all and that he Does have complete control and that he Knows Whats Going To Happen Without A Doubt. he needs to know everything that could happen and he freaks out at any circumstance of learning something new. he says he’s bored, but he doesn’t really seem to... want?? new experiences?? he’s comfortable in this sad little life he lives because he’s scared of the future and what could change.
a lot of his alarm clock dialogue also shows how everything has affected him. of course he goes on about how it would be completely useless if he got a bike and that once you grow up you stop wanting things for the holidays. it’s pretty. depressing... he was deprived of the childhood he should have had, and now he feels it’s too late for him to be allowed to experience that. trauma can like. take a chunk out of your life that you’ll never get back, and it’s really interesting to see how that changed the way flowey views himself and his parents.
and toriel is a perfect emotional parallel to flowey. she closes herself off. she too wants to keep you there forever and pretend everything is perfectly fine, but she breaks so much easier than flowey. the human children she took care of reminded her of the children she lost, and while she doesn’t want to let them go, she does. she wants you to leave and just forget about her a never come back, just like asriel. somebody needs to take care of those flowers. flowey and toriel are extremely similar in the way they handle grief, so that makes this line extremely interesting
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toriel will always open her heart to new kids that need to be taken care of, because she feels she failed her own children. toriel is willing to get hurt just to try to correct her past and prove that she can save at least one child. but, she can’t even take care of herself, and neither can flowey. he constantly neglects his emotional needs for the sake of never being hurt ever again, and the fact that toriel does the opposite probably really irks him. he just doesn’t Get it. but he still considers himself the Prince Of This World’s Future. he still tries to take care of toriel and gives her a glass of water when she passes out and puts her to bed.
he still wants to take care of everyone. i don’t know how much i’ve talked about it but i feel like a lot of his relationship with chara was him trying to take care of them as an older brother, and they both were given too much responsibility as children. so the fact that he thinks they died because he didn’t want to fight back, and that the whole kingdom fell into despair after their deaths is. oh boy. he definitely feels like a failure and he doesn’t know how to repair the damage he feels he’s caused. and now that he’s doomed to live in the underground forever, repeating over and over starting from right after everything was ruined for him? of course he thinks there’s no happy endings.
he takes on this huge task of saving everyone at his own expense but he can’t even take care of himself. similar to toriel, frisk almost feels like a redo of what happened with chara. he’s projecting the past onto them, as is common with ptsd. he’s convinced that they’ll leave and he’ll be lonely and sad forever again. so he keeps them there and goes, “okay, if you can defeat me (Which You Cant) i’ll free everyone and break the barrier.” because of COURSE that’s what felt like an impossible challenge to him. he makes himself the delta rune, a symbol of a savior; something he was never able to live up to, and something no child should Have to live up to.
his whole fight is him pretty much fighting against himself and this mindset he’s been stuck with for who knows how long. he has to accept that he can’t control/ save everything and that it’s okay to let go. he has to be saved from his own way of thinking and be shown that he’s worthy of being saved. his “i’m not ready to say goodbye to someone like you again” always makes me cry cuz he’s so clearly reliving his trauma and struggling to accept that chara is gone. it’s just such a good way to depict trauma and loss and how it feels to go through something like that.... flowey is such a well written character i love him
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wishing-stones · 10 months
(love your writing sm sufuhrjeksh)
W. Waiting impatiently for something.
Every day, more of the same.
Papyrus was beginning to feel that perhaps... he'd lived this day before. More than once.
It was like an itch between his scapulae that he couldn't quite reach, a feeling he couldn't shake.
He stood beside his guard post, arms folded and foot tapping in the snow quickly.
He'd waited here for at least an hour each day, in case a human came by. Why they'd be all the way out in the sticks of Snowdin forest, he'd never know, but...
It was where his station was. He'd even built it himself. Sans had sort of helped, but only enough to make sure the thing didn't collapse on itself.
Sometimes his brother's intellect came in handy, if he ever decided to apply it like that.
That was another thing entirely, and Papyrus did not want to think about that right now. If he did, he'd get upset. Sure, Sans got lazier and lazier every day...
...But Papyrus knew better than that. Sans was deeply, blackly depressed, and about what, he couldn't put his phalange on.
Then again, lack of freedom was likely the cause, as it was for most monsters; Papyrus included.
It was part of the reason he tried so hard-- if he kept going despite the odds, maybe Sans could find it in him to do the same. He could have a reason to get up in the morning. To keep standing and walking.
To not Fall Down.
His foot tapping grew more agitated, and he scowled down at the snow with a grunt.
He was getting tired of waiting. Papyrus... was patient. Despite a tendency to want to rush things in his excitement, he could wait the sun from the sky outside if he wanted to.
...But that patience was beginning to run thin.
"Golly, you're gonna tap your way out of the underground at this rate!"
Papyrus only sort of jumps, but a great deal of his nervous energy vanishes as he turns to address his friend.
"Don't be! I only just got here." Flowey beamed up at him, "But wow, you seem really upset! Did something happen?"
Flowey was a great listener. Papyrus was happy to have him as a friend.
"Oh, Papyrus!" Flowey frowned at him, and Papyrus crouched down into the snow to be more on his level, "That's not true! Someone's bound to come down here eventually! And you're so diligent that you'll more than likely be the one who catches them!"
"I know so!"
Papyrus felt the tension leave his shoulders. Flowey always seemed to know just what to say. He was thankful to have a friend like the little flower, who... despite his coolness, seemed to be Papyrus' only friend.
Quality over quantity, he supposed, but he'd love to have just a few more...
Thoughts for another time.
"It's one of the only paths through the Underground from an entrance! If someone comes down here, they have to come this way to get to the Barrier!" Flowey took on a look of confident smugness, so completely assured in what he was saying that Papyrus knew he was right.
He just had to wait a little longer.
"Which, speaking of... you might not have to wait all that much longer..."
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Flowey's Funniest Home F Ups
(Contains MAJOR spoilers for my fics, Growing Pains 1 and 2) Basically, little scenes from throughout story where Flowey accidentally does something stupid and it ends up biting him in the metaphorical ass (BUT it's more funny than depressing)
Interestingly, I noticed there were more of these types of scenes in GP 2 than in the first one, he gets VERY humbled in a more physical comedy sort of way.
Growing Pains 1, Chapter 2
Flowey summoned up a spikier vine to guard him, to which the girl nimbly backed up from before she could run face first into it.
“Apologize first!” Flowey snapped back.
“Apologize for WHAT?” she argued, she too was beginning to look like she was about to cry, mainly out of frustration.
But apparently wasn’t as frustrated as much as Flowey was as he lost his patience and slammed a basketball hard into the side of her head, she immediately fell to the grass.  .   .  .
 He stopped everything when she didn’t get up fast enough; noticing her eyes were closed, he stared carefully, fear twisting inside of him. .  . 
The fear rose when the others quickly became aware of the scene, he could see the anxiety in their eyes, the hushed whispers between them as they stared at the scene. .  . 
 He was beginning to call it quits as the sickening dread spread through him and worsened, if the others found out that he killed a human or severely hurt one they’d probably lock him back in the Underground or… worse.
All he wanted was to teach these brats a lesson they’d never forget, not kill them. . .
Then! To his relief, the girl suddenly groaned and rubbed at her head and shot up back to her feet.
“Done napping?” he quipped, quickly brushing the incident off as if it were nothing.
Growing Pains 1, Chapter 2
“You have to talk to me, you can’t ignore me forever. We live together for fudge sake!” They said, talking to his back while he was pretending to be busy playing his zombie game.
“Look I’m sorry for outing you to mom, but you know she deserved to know you were alive, dad too, besides, you know they were eventually going to find out anyway, I know you try to hide it, but you still sort of look like yourself, I know that doesn’t make any sense but- it’s true,”
“If you’re a grumpy jerkwad who beats up people with basketballs say nothing,”
Finally, Flowey shot around inside his flower pot to look at them so hard he nearly knocked himself over, his face seething with anger, “ME?! YOU THINK I’M THE JERK?! I TOLD YOU I DID IT FOR YOU!”
Growing Pains 1, Chapter 2
His bad mood was getting worse and worse “what are you TALKING ABOUT?! I’ve told you, I don’t HAVE a soul- WHICH MEANS I CAN’T CARE ABOUT ANYONE! This is a stupid pointless conversation! Don’t you understand that taking me a therapist isn’t going to work?! I bet you’re just doing this to make you feel better about yourself!”
Toriel remained calm though, if anything, she seemed almost intrigued “but if you do not have a soul, then why did you want ‘revenge’ on the other children that bullied Frisk?”
But stubbornly, Flowey was no longer listening, “LALALALALALALALALALA!!! I’m not talking about this anymore! This whole thing you call a ‘conversation’ is as stupid and idiotic as you are, you OLD. UGLY. HAG!!”  
 “ASRIEL!” Frisk gasped loudly in disbelief, glaring at him in disgust.
Growing Pains 1, Chapter 3
Once Frisk was finished they finally looked back at Flowey, whom had been distracting himself by making tiny airplanes out of the sticky notes, catching him in the act of aiming a plane at them, one eye squinting in concentration.
The little teenager cracked an amused grin as the airplane flew off and immediately began to crash way too soon, falling to the floor between the two.
Flowey’s face went deadpan serious, “look at what you did.”
Frisk didn’t fight the giggles that came out, and it forced Flowey to break character and crack a shy smile.
Growing Pains 1, Chapter 21
Frisk sighed glumly, "I miss the Shopkeeper, she's so nice and pretty, mom, we should really go back for a visit sometime,"
"Of course Frisk, oh and that reminds me, Flowey, when will you visit the Underground again? It's been so long since you left, don't you miss it at all?" Toriel asked.
Flowey licked a bit of marshmallow from the side of his cheek, "nope! Hahaha."
Toriel paused at his answer, leaning forward to get a clear, careful look into his eyes "...dear… just how many s'mores have you had?" she asked with a skeptical frown.
"Just one, I think I need- s'more!" Flowey replied with a giggly toothy grin.
Toriel and a few others giggled, but Papyrus gasped, "YOU NEVER MAKE PUNS, WHAT HAS GOTTEN INTO YOU MY FRIEND?" and then, as he looked closer, he noticed a small plastic bag that Flowey was hiding behind a blanket close by, and with a quick snatch, he held it up in the air.
It was the second bag of backup marshmallows, and by the looks of it, Flowey had managed to eat half the bag while no one was looking.
"lots of marshmallow by the look of it," Sans quipped.
"Golly, not my marshstash!" Flowey said in a sudden surprise, but was unable to hold the frown and started laughing hard; the second pun causing Frisk to finally crack and join him in his laughter, unable to resist his silly behavior.
"Oh Flowey no! You know what too much sugar does to you! You are going to regret this later when that headache hits mister," Toriel lectured.
(Later that night…)
The downside to it was that he was unable to sleep due to the headache that was rearing its ugly head, he opted for closing his eyes and focusing on the gentle sounds outside, the slight shifts of everyone's slowing movement, quiet conversations he couldn't quite make out, the peaceful crickets, hushed giggles coming from Alphys that insinuated she was probably texting Undyne. . .
Growing Pains 1, Chapter 13
Frisk sighed, groaning to themselves "I should have just surprised you, I don't know what I'm thinking. Ugh, I feel so baaaaaad,"
"Go back to bed,"
"Read your book,"
"I don't feel like it,"
"Alice in Wonderland is a good book. Keep. Reading. It."
"You want to keep talking don't you?"
"Ugh," he did, but he really wasn't going to admit it.
On the other end of the line, he heard Toriel say something in a stern voice, causing Frisk to abruptly start talking again.
"Oh-! Never mind, queen of the house wants me to go back to bed too, like mother, like son… well, love you, talk to you later,"
"Love you too,"
There was a sharp pause over the phone. . .
Growing Pains 2, Chapter 2
He sat there for a moment, completely enchanted until he finally noticed he was staring and that Frisk hadn’t noticed he was there yet- oh, jeez, was this creepy? He hadn’t meant to spy!
He was quick to make himself known.
“Howdy I-,” he began but took a misstep with his roots and fell face-first into the carpet “ggghh, damnitall,”
Maybe too quick. 
Frisk jumped to their feet, brush still in hand as they hurried over to him, kneeling down in worry, ready to help as he worked to push himself back up.
“I literally just bathed,” he grumbled, rubbing at his face in annoyance.
Growing Pains 2, Chapter 2
Toriel had taken Frisk out to do some clothes shopping, leaving the teen home alone and unchaperoned.
Everything was going fine until he found himself feeling peckish.
That in itself was also fine, heating up two… no, three simple easy to make frozen burritos, the big problem was a few minutes later after he finished his food and attempted to crawl back down the table when he lost his bearings and slipped off, falling down onto the hard floor below.
Usually, he was good and did well when it came to falling, he was lightweight so it was rare for him to get hurt from doing so, but this fall in particular hurt, a lot, maybe it was because of all of the extra burrito weight that he was holding inside himself or… the weird angle he’d fallen in, or… maybe it was from the armrest of the chair he’d smacked into on the way down.
 All he knew was that his head and left eye hurt and that he was dizzy and angry that no one was there to help him when he finally needed it.
He groaned in pain, he had felt worse, much worse than this, still, though, he was hurt and he was embarrassed he had fallen so unceremoniously.
…Maybe it was a good thing that no one had been here to see it happen.
Growing Pains 2, Chapter 9
“Alright, as much I love chatting with crazy women, it’s time to get going, c’mon Frisk,” Flowey said quickly, hastily hopping out of the boat.
“I share the same feelings, I love talking to the local crazy women here, we usually get together and talk about annoying teenage boys who don’t know how to hold their tongues when they should,” Vise retorted.
 Frisk smiled nervously, “sorry about him again, I guess we’ll see you later?”
Vise nodded to Frisk, “you will, but not too soon,”
“Oh, okay, well thank you for the boat ride!” Frisk said and hopped off, running to join Flowey who already started rolling away.
And as they got a better view of him, they started giggling.
“What is it?” he asked, still slightly annoyed.
Frisk bit their bottom lip to stop themselves from letting out any more giggles, they then took out their phone, and with an easy ‘click!’, they snapped a picture of him.
They then showed him the picture, revealing that somehow, Vise had placed her orange on top of Flowey’s head, it was strangely a cute look for him.
Flowey gasped, reaching up to snatch the orange from off his head, and scoffed in annoyed amusement.
Growing Pains 2, Chapter 11
It was then, up ahead in the distance on the road, he caught the glimpse of all too familiar car, Toriel’s car-
Instantly panicking and his mind running faster by the millisecond, he turned and left, running off the pathway and speeding into the grass, making a beeline toward the nearby overgrown bushes that towered over the both of them.
“What’s wrong? Where are we going?” Frisk asked with concern.
But he didn’t get to answer them as he made another turn, but it was too sharp and too fast-
-and due to the combination of physics and gravity-
-It threw Frisk off of him and straight into the bush, practically disappearing- except for their hat, which was grabbed by a branch.
“Agh! Holy crap!” he heard them shout in distress.
(Growing Pains 2, The Entirety of Chapters 22 & 23)
Growing Pains 2, Chapter 25
Sunday, the same kid came back, catching Flowey in the middle of shooting bees. 
“HAHAHA!” Flowey laughed as one exploded.
“You’re not supposed to do that, my teacher says the bees are dying out,”
“Heh, I hope so!” he said, then shot another, “I hate bees with a passion,”
“They’re helping to keep the earth alive, please don’t do that!” the kid said, getting upset.
Flowey looked over at the kid, “I’ll stop when they leave ME ALONE!”
At this, the kid backed up, “wait here… I can get you something, just please stop hurting them,” then ran off.
“Huh?” Flowey said, confused, “what are you going to get?”
“BUG REPELLENT!” the kid shouted back.
Flowey watched as the kid proceeded to get on a parked bike and fly off, disappearing from view.
Flowey then screamed in terror as a bee landed on his cheek, and he swatted it away and then proceed to shoot it dead, glaring down at the corpse with disgust.
After a few minutes, the kid came back, urgently spraying the bug repellent all around Flowey.
Once they were done, they handed it to him.
“Please don’t hurt anymore bees,” they said simply and ran off.
At this, Flowey only sighed, staring down at the bottle, reading the label and ingredients out of boredom, then proceeded to squeeze the trigger, accidentally spraying himself directly in the eyes and swearing obscenities in pain.
Growing Pains 2, Chapter 25
Then, Flowey screamed and jerked back in fear as the loud sound of thunder instantaneously pierced into his brain, and then he jumped in the distance, lightning struck… catching a tree on fire.
He stared at the sight as the shock quickly faded, it was too far away to be an issue to him.
But he decided to take it as a sign, he needed to leave, now, before he was burned too.
At this decision, Flowey slid off the jungle gym, tunneling into the ground, going south. 
But after fifteen minutes, he heard the strangest sound coming from above… it almost sounded like… rushing water?
That was odd.
There shouldn’t be water in this area…
In his curiosity, Flowey began to climb to the surface, but as he did, he was abruptly grabbed and swept away by a strong current of rushing water, quickly solving his curiosity.
Growing Pains 2, Chapter 30
Four hours later…
Flowey was currently mixing Frisk’s cake in a mixing bowl, humming nervously as he eyed the coo-coo clock on the wall.
Then he screamed as he accidentally splattered the mix onto his face and eyes, dropping the bowl in a panic-
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snowmeow03 · 10 months
anyway here's my thoughts about flower Gaster and alterplates Asriel...
We can see that hp!Gaster is so depressed and emo while Flowey is full of madness and savage, so perhaps their unhealthy behaviors are also the same in another story
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So I'm thinking about a royal scientist who is extremely annoyed and irritable because of his own terrible experiment, and a tiny flower that realizes that it can never escape hell and becomes depressed and numb
Also, even though Flowey is able to use vine, he is still using bullets to attack, I personally think that this is because fire magic and bullets share very similar shapes, so perhaps flower Gaster will use vines more often because... Well they look like bones after all
Plus it'll be too simple to find out he's Gaster if flower G has only one eye so I think he's able to open both of his eyes, but only shows one if he's mad
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askfallenroyalty · 1 year
"After a few months of post-pacifist, Chara feels they "have to true reset" after something bad happens to Flowey"
Ruh-roh; if it's not too spoilery, what happens to Flowey that causes Chara to feel the need to True Reset?
//probably won't be explored for AGES. cause the kids have so much on their plate they're not going to reminisce on why they got on this quest to SAVE Asriel.
And because the True Reset wasn't a year (cause really, that was too extreme in my writing) Frisk isn't like, THAT upset over losing that timeframe. I mean, don't get me wrong, it still sucks, but they were struggling with life post pacifist which is something I regret not committing to. (Frisk implies this way back in Chapter 1)
Frisk likes the adventure underground because its predictable. It's easier than the scary unknown, and Frisk missed their ghost buddy. (another change where because it was so long, Frisk forgot Chara which. I feel is a bit too mean/sad as a story beat. the two saved monsters together. they literally shared a SOUL! of course Frisk cares about Chara and wouldn't forget them!)
anyway i'm going to spoil this plot point. ignore this if you just want to read it in comic.
like in Chapter 4, 5 monsters go missing. (Sans and Papyrus aren't included so it's 5) Frisk is staying with Toriel and is ambassador. There's a lot of tension from that responsibility where they feel torn to just be Toriel's child and being responsible for the peace. Tensions become high but Asgore brushes it off, more humans start to visit monsterkind's home base area. Monsters start exploring the world, more and more monsters go missing and more conflicts build up. Frisk is Scared. The underground is predictable and safe once you know what happens. This is scary, and Frisk has to deal with humanity up front.
Meanwhile, Flowey is the caretaker of the Ruins, mainly gardening and overseeing Chara's grave. When humans start to see Mt.Ebott as a tourist spot, Flowey's home is invaded and defiled. This gets bad enough that a bunch of humans picnic at Chara's grave and get upset when Flowey tells them to scram.
This leads to the humans stomping on the grave (not that anyone knows that it's a grave, but I think on some level Flowey sees it as it. Canon Flowey only pieces that together in NM). Flowey freaks out, gets hit when trying to stop them. Chara's life force is within the flowers + their worry over Flowey causes a True Reset.
This time, while Frisk is upset at being ripped from their life, they understand Chara's dilemma more. Their worries as ambassador and their wish to escape makes this a bit of a relief. (in my thought process that this hard period would of been passed and Frisk would of been happy, but they didn't get the chance to cause of the True Reset)
Also, I want to show Chara and Frisk's bond is greater and more mutual in this version, so Frisk also missed their ghost pal. Cause Chara went through all of that with them. They understand Frisk more than anyone else. They literally shared a SOUL together. Of course Frisk wants their friend back, and right now they're upset. Of course Frisk would see their job as peace keeper and savior incomplete.
in the first writing of AFR I never explained why Chara wanted to True Reset. I was saving to reveal Flowey and Chara had a fight, or that Flowey was growing more depressed and it'd be foreshadowing for Asriel's present day depression but I already felt bad over how the backstory was handled and didn't wanna add more onto it.
Now, when Asriel is king Frisk can reflect on what the original timeline was like, and how stressful it was and Chara can be like "yeah and humans coming in only caused problems for us too. we couldn't protect ourselves." which shows the stakes of what could happen if Asriel doesn't handle things "correctly" this time. Which obvs builds up to the border closing, which while, yeeeessss monsters were unsafe and public understanding of them was limited and humans can suck, is STILL VERY BAD.
hoping this all works better to show character motivations and makes things feel more organic and less angsty x-x like the whole point was they were trying to help Flowey, the focus should be on the kindness of that. And yes, its important to respect Frisk's life too, but I feel it can be in character if pushed in this scenario to want to use the SAVE power alongside Chara. Which is why they can remember true resets, cause they're still a team
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icekingofhope · 1 year
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So side rant but one of the main things I love about Undertale it’s the two characters
Asriel/flowey and chara
they were are both traumatized children who had been threw a lot
chara was implied to be depressed and suicidal due to the flashbacks of them climbing the mountain and fallen (yes due to having their foot getting caught by a root but it’s impiled it would have happen either way)
after realizing they are alive and probably badly injured (cause you can’t tell me from a fall like that they aren’t injured) they called for help then their future best friend and Prince of monsters found them and brought them home where his parents aid their wounds and adopted them as their child
everything was perfect chara had a loving family a royal life but unfortunately even if good things do happen depression doesn’t just disappear
they then poison themselves for asriel to absorb their soul and go across the barrier to get six human souls to free the underground (I do have a theory that they were losing themselves to depression but didn’t want to leave their family stuck underground so they went and did what they did)
but after they died and asriel absorb their soul asriel gets himself killed by humans
but to make things worse asriel was then brought back to life as a sentient flower with no soul no ability to express emotions
and chara who presumably a ghost has to (what I guess in their own head) their family and friends leaving them behind and in genocide they are taught that murder was ok and such
and I hate how the fandom makes them out as “MWHAHAHAHAH IM EVIL “ when they aren’t really they are just traumatized children who were killed and brought back to life into soulless beings who wish they can go back and be kids again
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thecrimsonrescue · 2 months
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Nickname: Mustira
Bitty type: Asgore (Goat Monster bitty)
Rank: Alpha
AU: Posttale
Post tale bitties are much more aggressive and less trusting then others, most of them are better suited to experienced bitty owners, Do not adopt a Post Tale bitty if you're not prepared for a potentially difficult ride. The ride is worth it though. Mustira bitties are fatherly bitties that often come off as too sharp, They tend to be calmer and much gentler bitties despite seeming stoic or cold. Mustira bitties after close themselves up so they don't let other get too close as they fear to harm or grow attached to others. Mustira have a fear of the unknown and being alone as they tend to have issues that spring up from their closed off nature. While closed off, it is possible for them to begin to open up. They can be calmed and nurtured with calm bitties and a caretaker that is willing to work with them. They become big emotional softies with those they feel safe with and will comfort, hug, cuddle and listen to others. they want what's best for others but has major issues caring for themselves due to regret and depression. Self care is vital for these bitties. They enjoy calm lighting, books, a spot full of flowers, fluffy things and comforting objects. they cannot sleep in complete darkness so they prefer a night light. BE AWARE THESE BITTIES CAN GET EXTREMELY DEPRESSED. You must make sure they are taking care of themselves and also around a good pack. They will NOT do well with Posiels, but Baabaas and Big Baas/Praziels, They don't do well with Flowey bitties but can get used to them. as always, Postale bitties always have a tear appear in any close they wear and have to be stitched up. In Mustira's case it's clothing AND armor.
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teamskull-datingsim · 7 months
okay just for my own sake heres my relationships with the undertale cast.
for context: in jeremytale, as im calling it, the Player latches onto me instead of frisk but frisk is still there. and killing someone is never a possibility. the dialogue options, whether mean or sarcastic, are something I myself would say regardless of being possessed by an Entity
frisk: thats a little sibling if ive ever seen one holy shit. in general i think theyre a cute kid and i think they look up to me but also theyre full of sass and love to backtalk (back sign??) me
chara: another little sibling. I love narrachara theory and it carries over. little dead guy (nonbinary) and their strange living cohort. chara voice Fun fact! If I was alive, I'd be your age! jeremy voice Thats really depressing dead kid
flowey: little sibling number threeee jesus christ. yes he hates me yes if something bad happens to me he will try and hurt the person who did it!! i just think hes a weird flower... until i learn the truth obviously. i try to be supportive but hes kind of a stinker
toriel: "wow this is. a bigger human than im used to having fallen here. Whatever still my child." i think shes awesome and i would love to hug her. however i do think i remind her of chara and asriel for time until she realizes that comparing me to either of them is unfair to everyone. im still her child though. Goat Mother
sans: he goes between "i need to avoid this guy at all fucking costs" and "hey it's not that bad. hes just autistic. thats cool". I do get mad at him frequently for patronizing papyrus (and he tries to do it to me too but i am not above threatening him). on the surface we relax with each other quite a bit. Especially when he realizes that me and papyrus are a good match. and also when he stops babying his brother lol
papyrus: man. cmon. you know this. i do think itd be funny that if i ever actually made jeremytale the outcome of the papyrus fight will always be the dating segment no matter what the player has me do. compliment him? "hey buddy i like your scarf! i have one just like it" "Y-YOU... SUCH A SINCERE TONE! ARE YOU... FLIRTING WITH ME?!?!" ".What". intimidate him? "(*You stand up to your full height and look down on Papyrus.)" "W-WOWIE... TRYING TO SHOW ME YOUR IMPRESSIVE STATURE... ARE YOU... FLIRTING WITH ME!?" "huh." just straight up spare him? "S-SO MYSTERIOUS AND STOIC... YOU MUST BE TRYING TO IMPRESS ME... YOURE FLIRTING?!" "WHAT!!!!!!!"
undyne: at first she hates me but once i get the undyne hang out we are. Basically siblings. she thinks me and papyrus are great and we become a trio of it. she loves noogieing me because i actually put up a fight. i also confront Her on babying papyrus but i think she already knows its bad. i also think she is so funny. most forgetful fish on the planet. WHY DIDNT YOU SIGN YOUR LETTER
alphys: im so cool to her when shes just watching my journey but when we meet face to face she quickly realizes im just as much of a dork as her. we're best friends
mettaton: i am so quirky and funny to him not in a patronizing way but like. That one video of "(excited voice) How do you keep your pants up when you perform, its incredible!" "....... belt". of course once i see EX its like. of course you have black hair and pronouns. unparalleled friend group of me, papyrus, undyne, alphys and mettaton
asgore: he is so. he thinks im an odd chap but mostly very polite and sweet. reminds him of chara much like toriel and makes him very sentimental. hes not really a dad to me but i do think he enjoys my company
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