#sorry gringos
nenehyuuchiha · 1 year
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thefirstmuse · 2 years
As a brazilian, i'd like to apologise for the absolute chaos gremlins we (will) become whenever our nacional team is playing.
This apology is valid for any sport in the eternity of ever and we will NOT be doing anything to fix it
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saelresposts · 2 years
Trolagem com México
Finalmente posso postar isso!
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'Children Are Not Mothers': What is at stake with Brazil bill that equates abortion after 22 weeks of pregnancy to homicide
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A bill signed by 32 deputies intends to equate any abortion performed in Brazil after 22 weeks of pregnancy with the crime of homicide.
The rule would even apply to cases in which the procedure is authorized by Brazilian legislation, such as pregnancy resulting from rape.
Bill 1904/2024, whose first author is congressman Sóstenes Cavalcante (Liberal Party - Rio de Janeiro), adds a few paragraphs to four articles of the Brazilian Penal Code, which was established in 1940.
Article 124 of the Civil Code, for example, already establishes as a crime "causing oneself to have an abortion or allowing someone else to do so."
But, according to the new proposal being discussed in the Chamber of Deputies, "when there is fetal viability, presumed in pregnancies over 22 weeks, the penalties will be applied in accordance with the crime of simple homicide."
On Wednesday night (June 12th, 2024), Brazil's Chamber of Deputies approved the urgency regime for processing the project, which was requested by congressman Eli Borges (LIberal Party - Tocantins) — who also signed the document.
This means that the proposal can be voted directly by the plenary of the Chamber, without the need for debates and opinions in thematic committees of Congress.
With this, the Plenary can vote on the project in the coming days. The urgent request was included on the agenda by the President of the Chamber, Arthur Lira (Progressive Party - Aladoas).
Victims of violence
Bill 1904/2024 intends to change some articles of the Penal Code, with the aim of preventing any abortion from occurring when the pregnancy exceeds 22 weeks.
Currently, Brazilian law allows abortion in three situations:
When the pregnancy is the result of rape;
If the pregnancy poses a risk to the woman’s life;
If the fetus is anencephalic, a condition characterized by the absence of the brain and skullcap.
In an article published on the website of the Brazilian Center for Health Studies (Cebes), doctor Ana Costa, executive director of the institution, classifies the bill as "a reissue of the 'Rapist Statute', which obliges women to become pregnant as a result of rape under penalty of imprisonment".
Cebes also highlights that late access to legal abortion "reflects inequality and inequity in health care, particularly impacting children (10-14 years old), poor women, black women, and those living in rural areas."
A group of 18 entities in the sector came together to create the "Children Are Not Mothers" campaign, which characterizes the changes proposed in the law as the "Child Pregnancy Bill".
According to the creators of the movement, the change in legislation will mainly harm children under 14 years of age, who represent the largest group that needs abortion services after the third trimester.
According to them, in this age group — in which any pregnancy is the result of presumed rape — it takes longer to discover or even identify a pregnancy.
Furthermore, in two thirds of cases, the perpetrator of the rape is from the girl's own family — which inhibits the victim from seeking health services or reporting the crime to authorities in the first weeks of pregnancy.
The campaign also highlights that the eventual change in the law will mean that those involved in abortion could be convicted of the crime of simple homicide, with a prison sentence of up to 20 years.
Meanwhile, the legislation establishes a sentence of around 10 years — or half the time — for the crime of rape.
According to the Brazilian Public Security Yearbook, 74,930 people were raped in Brazil in 2022. Of these, 88.7% of the victims were female and around 60% were at most 13 years old.
DataSUS reports that, in 2019, around 70 pregnancies were legally terminated in Brazilian children and adolescents under the age of 14.
The campaign warns that, if approved, the project "will force girls who are victims of violence to continue their pregnancy" and this will mean a setback "to the sexual and reproductive rights guaranteed by law since 1940."
What supporters of the bill say
The project being discussed in the Chamber argues that the Penal Code, established in 1940, does not establish this limit of 22 weeks because "a last-trimester abortion was an unthinkable reality [at that time] and, if it were possible, no one would call it an abortion, but homicide or infanticide".
The text of the project also argues that "to grant women the right to terminate pregnancy, regardless of gestational age, and whatever the weight of the unborn child, it was necessary to subvert the basic principles of the Rule of Law, the same ones that gave rise to to American Independence and modern democracy."
According to the deputies' proposal, people involved in an abortion after 22 weeks of gestation — such as the woman and the health professional — can be convicted of the crime of simple homicide.
Currently, sentences for simple homicide in Brazil range from 6 to 20 years in prison.
On social media, congressman Sóstenes Cavalcante wrote that Bill 1904 "aims to consider late-term abortion as homicide, reinforcing the protection of life from conception."
The project was filed on May 17th. That same day, the minister of the Federal Supreme Court (STF), Alexandre de Moraes, had suspended a resolution from the Federal Council of Medicine (CFM) that prohibited the so-called fetal asystole.
This procedure, recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO) as one of the stages of abortion resulting from rape in the last trimester of pregnancy, uses medications to stop the fetal heartbeat before it is removed from the uterus.
According to Moraes, the CFM resolution exceeded the regulatory competence of the council and imposed "both on the medical professional and the pregnant victim of rape a restriction of rights not provided for by law capable of creating concrete and significantly worrying embarrassments for women's health" .
The STF minister also recalled that Brazilian legislation does not stipulate any "circumstantial, procedural, or temporal" limitations for carrying out the abortion provided for by law.
Moraes's decision was preliminary and will be discussed in the future in the Supreme Court plenary. The CFM also appealed the minister's opinion.
Source, translated by the blogger.
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mirkobloom77 · 5 months
‼️🇲🇽 American tourists in Mexico try to shut down restaurant in Jalisco because Mariachi music is “too loud”
🔸 Source: Fernanda Cortes
Jalisco is the birthplace of Mariachis, and their music has been around since the 17th century… y’all don’t get to come over and get rid of it 😭
If you’re a tourist in Mexico (and ANY other place) for god’s sake remember that you’re a TOURIST. You’re VISITING. You don’t get to come here and try to shut down restaurants and bandas because they annoyed you on your two week trip with the family.
If you’re coming to the culture you’ll find the culture, in case that isn’t obvious. If you’re really that annoyed by it, go to Cancún and Cabo San Lucas, as the video said. Or just stay home.
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postalrue · 6 months
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I love Zack Ward.
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citrickid · 7 months
dude I feel like english speakers are missing out so much on bands from latinoamerica, our rock bands from the 80s go so hard
we all know about their bands and stuff but they never know anything from here because it doesn't get as much attention and it's kinda sad because all those revolutionary lyrics they praise in british rock are nothing compared to any song from, for example, Los Prisioneros
but that's what they get for never taking the time to learn about our culture ig (still if anyone wants a list of songs hit me up I never shut up ab them)
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araguaneys · 28 days
wait on the topic of putting distance and trying to repress things about your country in dictatorship/conflict, especially when u migrate i hope u don't mind me sharing your tags @glittertrail bc i think also bring a good view into what it's like, i understand how sometimes people who haven't migrated might not get it or how someone from the outside might think we don't care but i think it's something you have to go through to get? especially if not my case tbh but ppl have gone through genuine trauma during dictatorship, war, genocide, poverty etc, hopefully non venezuelans diaspora can also relate, its also nice to see that most venezuelans are on the same page now and we are determined to face it all and keep talking about it
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oconist · 24 days
unpopular opinion but i do get what williams is trying to do and i'm not really mad? like, ofc i feel bad that they're not giving sargeant a full second season after pulling him early, but i don't think they are ruining franco's career. he gets to drive an f1 car for half a season and then go back to f2 to gain more experience because he was never going to get an f1 seat next year, let's be fr, and sargeant was not going to either even if he scored points.
they're using the driver academy as a driver academy is intended, as a path to get to f1 (rushing the rookies through tho). franco has almost no pressure (he's not fighting for a seat next year) and probably only has to try his best (and try to score points) and then go back to f2 and prove himself there. i don't think james vowles intends for franco to be the second coming of christ, but if having sargeant is not working for the team, why drag it more races when they could try to see how franco does in f1? not saying that it isn't ruthless, but the drivers in the williams driver academy are actually driving in f1, which is more than some others academies can say.
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lovetheorem · 2 months
yk what this is not a post for the tags tbqh. im gonna be so real rn i cannot stand reading takes from usamericans about venezuela. like, i understand and agree that you should be allowed to critique and question all kinds of US intervention or support. which is why anyone would be hesitant to support the US backed opposition in venezuela. but at the same time you should also be able to recognize that this country has been suffering under a left wing dictatorship for the past 20+ years that has constantly cheated and committed fraud, imprisoned political opponents, violated human rights, and more recently, lead their country into starvation and an economic crisis. like. there HAS to be change!! it's gone on for too long!! anyone who has looked into venezuela even a little beyond the surface will realize this! i'm not asking for a US intervention either i'm just saying that you SHOULD NOT be supporting maduro's reelection and the majority of venezuelans wouldn't want you to either because he DID not win
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tench · 8 months
I was scrolling through a news site and I completely forgot about that weather phenomenon, so it took me a while to piece together why Some Kid is affecting agriculture.
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osarquivosmagnus · 1 year
I really miss the early interactions between qcellbit and qmax, they were really funny together
It breaks my heart to know this is probably bc max doesn't really trust cellbit anymore since he infiltrated the federation and took sofia from him (which is 100% understandable. I would, too, be suspicious or hesitant after all that). I saw some people saying this is confirmed on max's end but I don't watch his vods, so Idk
I was just thinking how actually this is true from cellbit's pov as well... I don't think he trusts max as much anymore either :( it started even before he infiltrated the federation, tho, I remember when bbh pulled him aside and said it was pretty weird how max had access to sofia in first place by being gifted something from a figure none of them know or has seen since... and then afterwards with the wedding and now the elections cellbit and him haven't talked much (although everytime they did interact it was hilarious - "father" marrying cellbit and roier or when cellbit became a nurse to help foolish... do surgerie in max's butthole...)
And then after cellbit was infiltrated he had the theory the federation helped him after the codes attacked him just like they did to max (by bringing them to the hospital), I guess that made him even more suspicious of max
Idk. I just miss them.
Also it's hilarious to watch some old roier vods and how cellbit 100% trusted max with everything but was suuuper suspicious of roier and there was even an awkward moment they visited his base and cellbit wouldn't let roier in lmfaoooo to see how they are now married and in love is crazy
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amoritasart · 11 months
I have an irrational need to point out that Philip Wittebane died two days after Halloween on the Day of the Dead.
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latinotiktok · 1 year
dean winchester es re argentino, nomas se confundio cuando nacio en usa. Originalmente estaba destinado a nacer en cordoba, no lo ven bailando las de rodrigo con un re fernet todos los sabados en los boliches?
Yo lo veo a Dean como un hombre latino, medio misógino pero por su homosexualidad reprimida
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not-those-kids · 11 months
sam is honorary latino in my eyes. like spend thirteen years in prison in panama i’m sure he just has hispanic mannerisms and sayings down pat
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aroaceacacia · 1 year
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me when i realize the piranha in piranha duo doesnt mean the fish
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