#sorry holy shit a bunch of anxiety just hit me mid-though
cinnamon-grump · 1 year
It’s kinda funny, I didn’t think I’d ever feel hurt by someone referring to me with he/him or as “the new guy” but… it’s a little jarring at least, when I’ve got my pronouns literally pinned to my chest.
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Draco Falling in love if you were in Gryffindor Pt2
Warnings: Swearing. Angst.
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You were there for the last trial and some anxiety just fucking hit you like a bus
Something was wrong. You knew this and you tried to voice that.
Draco could tell you were nervous for your two friends that were in this
Most of the trial was spent trying to calm you down, Fred and George also trying to distract you
That's when Harry came back and you stood up and saw it
"No." You whimpered.
Draco couldn't see what made you react like that until he realized that Harry was on top of Cedric.
You buried your face in Draco's jacket and just sobbed
Fred and George couldn't believe this happened.
Hermione and Ron watched as Mad eye Moody walked away with Harry sobbing
You were left to hear Cedric's poor father screaming over his dead son's body.
The next few days were hard
No one dared to separate you and Draco.
Which finding him asleep on the couch with you in his arms in the Gryffindor common room was now a regular occurrence.
Mcgonagall never questioned shit.
You helped Harry through his grieving and he helped you with yours.
You spent the summer again with the Weasleys
Fred and George's business was surprisingly well
Something strange happened though.
Mid-day, all of you were sitting around having lunch and there was a knock on the door.
Draco was standing there with this shocked look.
"Draco? Sweetie what's wrong?" Molly asked.
"I've uhm..." He walked in and ran a hand over his face. "I've been disowned." He said making everyone stand up.
"What!?" You asked.
"My uhm.. my family called me a blood traitor for being with you and uh..." Draco blinked a few times.
"They disowned me." He repeated.
"Good lord!" Arthur gasped and you hugged him.
"You've got us Draco... We're not going anywhere." Fred said putting a hand on his shoulder.
"If I see Lucius in public can I kick his balls?" Ginny asked making everyone turn to her.
"What? I'm just saying! A swift kick to the--"
"OKAYYY GINNY!" Molly said putting a hand over her daughter's mouth making you all laugh.
Draco stayed with all of the Weasley's too.
Molly found him sitting outside one night and she sat next him.
"Are you alright?" Molly asked.
"Couldn't sleep. I give Y/n so much crap about staying up late but I'm the one who can't sleep." He chuckled.
Molly put a hand on his shoulder and he sighed.
"We love you Draco. Just the way you are and we wouldn't change a single thing about you. You're not a blood traitor." Molly said.
Draco hugged Molly and she gained a son that day.
The school year started with Umbridge.
That damn woman and cats. What the fuck was with her and cats!?
You hated that woman more than anything and when Fred and George pulled a bunch of fireworks out you were like "Right on!"
Course when they were expelled it pissed you off more than you could possibly say.
For some reason Draco was loved by this woman though and he used that to his advantage.
When he found out about her hurting Harry you actually had to restrain him from killing her.
When centaurs took her you wouldn't stop smiling.
You kept singing "ding dong the bitch is gone" and everyone couldn't stop laughing.
Draco's parents did try to convince him to leave you and come back home to which he responded with a simple "No. Fuck off."
You guys joined the order
You stood by Harry every step of the way and when Arthur nearly died Draco was pissed.
Like he had some murderous rage in him
You all worked with Harry and Sirius though
Sirius actually loved Draco
Like yeah, the kid's dad is an unbearable asshole but damn this kid's got a spark!
Draco actually thought Sirius was awesome too.
When he found out the two of them were related they were like "Hey! Disowned buddies!"
But everything came to a screeching halt when you helped Harry
and ended up in that battle.
Shit hit the fan and of course Draco's father was there.
It all happened so quickly, flashes of light going by you as Tonks tried to get you and Draco to safety.
Then you heard it.
Bellatrix's killing curse.
You turned around and saw Sirius stumble and your heart dropped.
You broke away from Tonks, sprinting to Harry.
You had to pull him back as he let out this hauntingly sad scream.
When you finally got out of there Harry was of course having a meltdown.
Draco was there for him though listening to it all
It was almost hard to believe that Draco hated him at one point.
Draco made him laugh at one point
"Did you see my father's face when the thing actually broke though? I think he almost cried"
Harry was glad he had this guy as a friend
The school year was of course hard on Harry
Ron could see the poor guy's mental state just deteriorating
Draco no longer had to worry about things getting back to his parents, so you bet your ass Harry sat at that table every fucking day.
"Wait wait wait. You're telling me that his cane is also his wand?" You asked about Lucius's cane.
"Yeah he pulled out at the ministry, that's why he carried it with him? I always figured it was because he was a pompous ass who wanted to look official." Harry said making you all laugh.
When Albus died all of you were in this state of shock
Like holy shit this is bad.
Like it was bad before but now it's bad.
When Snape took over Draco genuinely could not tell if he was evil or not.
He was literally the only one in the group who was automatically like "He's evil dude"
You guys didn't realize how bad this would get until you had to bust into Bellatrix's vault
You were more of a look out of sorts
And uhm
All of you ended up at the Manor.
"Seriously, is your dad goth or just a fan of black?" You asked.
"Personally I think he takes the whole evil thing too seriously." Luna said.
"See Luna gets it." You said.
Then they chose a prisoner... Or two.
They figured the quickest way for information was to ask Draco while hurting you.
And boy it almost worked
You screamed bloody murder as she carved into your arm
He had to restrained by two people as you screamed.
Even Lucius thought this was too extreme, for fucks sake you were children.
Harry finally got free though and you all left
You were crying like crazy, you couldn't catch your breath as Draco held you.
The two of you were so scared then and damn it only got worse as that final battle approached.
You told your family to run and do not fucking look back and they did
Molly hated seeing you come home that day
You looked so exhausted and you just hugged her crying.
Fred and George both hated seeing you like this.
I mean: yes you spent your past few years here in the burrow but damn it that was your family.
You finally got to that battle
You fought strong and hard the whole time
Any death eaters near you or your friends went down in seconds
Draco saw Fred in danger and saved his life.
"You just saved my life!" Fred panted.
"Anything for a friend." Draco said also out of breath.
"We're not friends Draco." Fred breathed. "Sorry I--" "We're brothers." He finished.
And damn it Draco fought even harder because the Weasleys became his family.
When Ginny and Molly were in trouble he was not having that shit.
"GET AWAY FROM MY MOTHER YOU PRAT!" he said before fucking destroying her.
Molly managed to find a smile in such a tense situation.
Ginny also thought "This guys an asshole. But he's my brother so it's fine."
You and Draco fought together at one point against his parents
Oh God Draco was a wreck as he was arguing with his father.
"I JUST WANTED YOU TO FUCKING LOVE ME!" Draco answered, knocking Lucius on his feet.
"Go. Don't you ever show your face again!" Draco told him.
And Lucius booked it with his mother.
Then the battle reached a halt when Harry was dead.
Draco took it hard, burying his face in your shoulder as Hagrid held Harry.
Hermione and Ron both couldn't believe this was happening. This was their best friend.
You listened to Neville's big "Fuck you" to voldemort before noticing Harry's leg twitch.
You touched Draco's shoulder and Harry finally fell out of Hagrid's arms and Draco grabbed the wand and threw it to Harry
The battle was so bright it looked like the light from it was fucking melting
And then Harry won
It was over.
Everyone was cheering until their throats gave out
You hugged Draco and the Weasleys hugged you guys.
When you finally let go Draco let out a laugh.
"Y/n I have a question." He finally said.
"What is it?" You asked.
"Will you marry me?" He asked.
Everyone in your vicinity went dead silent before you said
Your wedding was awesome by the way
Molly made the cake
Later down the road you had kids
And you spent every holiday at the Burrow because the kids loved their grandparents
Course they also loved their uncles who gave them free stuff from their shop.
Everytime you went to King's cross you and the group would get dinner together.
You became a journalist, Draco worked at the ministry alongside Arthur
You absolutely loved the people sitting at the table.
Because damn it: This was family.
And it wasn't going anywhere.
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livexdolan · 4 years
Sushi ~e.d
A/n: ok so, yes, this is another Ethan story, I’m sorry I can’t help it, he’s my baby. Anywho- this is based off a lucid dream I had A WHILE ago- but are we surprised this took me so long to write? (the answer’s no lol) I was just mentioning the whole dream thing because, this is my story so of course it doesn’t make complete sense- sue me. 
Summary: You’re going out for dinner to your favorite Japanese restaurant that happens to be packed. The only available seats are at the sushi bar next to two young guys You don’t realize you know the two men until it’s too late- but is this just a blessing in disguise?
Warnings; Fluff, anxiety, fluff, and, oh hey- some more fluff.
Word Count: 2.2k
Tags; @episkygrant (my bup :)) and @georgia302
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“Would you just walk?!” I exclaimed, pushing- or trying I should say- my 6 4’ dad through the little curtain that has a very large sumo wrestler that never fails to creep me out. 
My mom just sighs behind us, “Kevin would you stop being an ass, we’re all- oh,” my mom stops mid-scold. We all stand close to the corner as we look around our favorite local Japanese restaurant.
The place is packed, every table and booth occupied by families or teens chatting loudly. Waitresses move around quickly table to table and I just happen to see that the sushi bar seems to have empty seats. “Good evening, Welcome to Wasabi, is it just the three of you tonight?” The hostess asks us.
“Y-yes, just the three of us,” My mom replies still seemingly shocked at how many people are in the small place. 
“Okay, I’m sorry but there’s a 30-minute wait on any booths and tables right now-”
“Can’t we sit at the sushi bar?” I say, pointing over to the counter where two people are sitting, three seats open on the left of them, and three on the right of them. My parents look at each other, me, then the hostess, my dad raising his eyebrows as though he’s asking if that’s okay.
“Yes, of course, I’m sorry I should’ve asked if you’d be fine sitting there,” She smiles at us, grabbing three menus.
“Oh, it’s totally cool, no worries,” My mom smiles reassuring the hostess, who now that I’m getting a closer look at, seems to be new.  
We make our way over to the bar when one of the men sitting at the counter turns to the other, giving me a view of his side profile that I know way too well. I can’t help stopping completely, my mom bumping into me and asking what’s wrong. 
My throat feels tight, my hands are clammy and my mouth feels like someone just stuffed cotton in it. “Y/n, are you okay?” My mom questions worry evident in her eyes as she searched my glossed over ones.
I can’t speak, I can only move my eyes between my mom and the two tall, loud men sitting at the sushi bar. My mouth keeps opening and I can only imagine that I look something like a fish out of water. No way is it them.
My dad sits next to them and looks back, realizing my mom and I are not following him anymore his brows furrow and he looks around confused at what’s happening. “Oh- honey is that- are those the-” I cut my mom off by nodding my head rapidly. 
“I-” I clear my throat trying to dislodge the lump in my throat, “I’m going to go to the bathroom,” I push past my mom and keep my head down as I pass the sushi bar and avoid my dad’s worried looks. 
I glance up and see the older twin filming a snap video of his younger twin messily eating a piece of sushi and they both start laughing. I walk down the small hallway and go into the bathroom. Looking myself in the mirror I pray that this isn’t a dream. 
Okay, breathe, it’s just the Dolan Twins sitting at the sushi bar at the local restaurant in your town, sitting next to your parents at the sushi bar. I look at myself in the mirror and try to fix my hair a little, shifting my shirt out of habit. I add a little bit of chapstick to my lips.
I take a deep breath and walk back out into the loud restaurant. When I get back to the sushi bar I’m surprised- to say the least- to see that everyone’s shifted down to the right one seat, leaving me with nowhere to sit.
That’s not what has my mouth hanging open- it’s the loud obnoxious laughs coming from not only my parents- but the twins as well. Holy shit. My parents are laughing and joking with Ethan and Grayson fucking Dolan. 
I slowly make my way over to my mom who’s sitting in the seat that was supposed to be mine. I shyly tap her shoulder, she turns around and gives me a soft smile, “Oh, honey! We had to move down but there’s a seat next to Ethan.”
I bite my lip and look up, seeing that I’ve become the center for attention. I make eye contact with the older twin and he smiles at me, calming me a little bit as I start to stumble over to the seat next to him my hands start to sweat and I crack my knuckles out of habit when nervous, “O-ok.”
I try my best to gracefully slide into the high seat next to him without leaning too close to him. He does a quick scan over my body, his tongue coming out to lick his lips before he clears his throat and looks up at me. Once he notices that I’m already staring at him he blushes, and I feel like my entire body flushes and is on fire.
He sends me a shy smile and I bite my lip to hide the wide grin that is fighting its way onto my face. I feel like I’ve just won a medal or something, I made Ethan Dolan blush. 
“Ok, so I’m Ethan, and I’m assuming you’re Y/n. Your parents told us a bit about yourself.”
“Oh God,” I groan, putting my head in my hands and pushing my hair back before looking at him again and very shyly asking, “what’d they tell you?”
He chuckles at my reaction and I realize that his laugh is my favorite sound- on and off-camera. His dimples show as he replies casually, in a cocky tone, “Just that you’re 17, a senior, really into YouTube…” he trails off and sends me a teasing smirk.
“Great!” I say sarcastically, “so they told you I watch y’alls videos?”
“And that you might have some Dolan Twins merch in the back of your closet- I was a little upset to hear you don’t wear it much anymore, to be honest.” 
I drop my head to the counter with a small strangled noise then sit back up straight and clear my throat looking him dead in his hazel eyes, “Ok, look- stop making that face,” I point an accusatory finger at him as he bites his lip to suppress his smile and holds his hands up in surrender, I roll my eyes at him, “I’m not like- I don’t know everything about you and a bunch of weird facts and shit like ‘Did you know Ethan Dolan sprained his right knee when he was 4 years old after his sister pushed him down the stairs?’ Ok? Yes, I watch your videos, yes I follow you on social media, yes I’ve been watching you since like before 4OU, Yes- ok, I used to have a fan account at one point- but I’m not like that anymore. I got your merch for my birthday a year ago and I- I don’t really fit it anymore so I don’t wear it. Ok,” I take a deep breath, “that’s it.”
“Wow- okay, a lot of information to process but I think I get it now. I’m sorry for teasing you, I was just joking.”
“I know you were- but I also know that you two deal with crazy fans and I want you to know I’m not one of them.”
He sends me a smile and is about to say something when we’re interrupted by the waitress placing my food in front of me. My mouth starts to water at the sight of one of my favorite meals- shrimp fried rice. “Damn, that looks good,” Ethan hums from next to me.
I look up at him through my lashes, “You want to split it with me? There’s no way I’ll be able to finish this, I never do,” I laugh and gesture to the bowl. 
“Oh no, it’s-” his eyebrows raise at my stern look, and I slightly push the bowl closer to him, putting it right between us, he sighs and gives me a crooked smile, picking up his silverware, “I guess one bite wouldn’t hurt, right?” I nod my head, agreeing with him, and hand him the soy sauce.
Twenty minutes later we were laughing and we had all fallen into a very comfortable flow of chatter and silence and my nerves were dissolved almost fully. My mom and dad get up with Grayson to go over and pay the bill while Ethan and I finish up our food.
As Ethan steals a shrimp from my designated side of the bowl- again- I hit his fork with mine causing him to drop it and his fork hits the side of the bowl with a loud clatter, making everyone look at us as we both just look at each other. We both grow red in the face and start laughing.
Once our laughter died down a little I realized I was getting a little chilly so I set my fork down and rubbed my bare arms to try and get some warmth. “You cold?” 
Ethan’s voice startles me slightly and I just smile at him before grabbing my fork again to steal my shrimp back, “Just a little, but m’fine. It’s not that bad.”
He sighs and shakes his head slightly, “Well, I don’t believe you,” I’m about to question him when he stands up abruptly. He starts tugging his large hoodie off his body, as he pulls it over his head, his long-sleeve comes up a little. I blush before quickly averting my eyes from his prominent v-line and try to keep my mind from diving head-first into the gutter, “Here,” he says in a soft, but commanding voice, pushing the hoodie towards me.
I sigh and look up at him, “What’re the chances of you still giving me that hoodie even if I tell you I’m really not that cold and I’ll be fine?” I raise an eyebrow at him.
He smiles at me, his dimples showing and the mole on his cheek raising slightly. He shrugs and pushes it into my lap, “Very high.”
I shake my head and slide out of my seat, “Fine,” I pull the hoodie on over my head and as I pull my hair out the back, I feel a hand against my face lightly pushing the hair out of my face.
My breath hitches as my eyes meet Ethan’s. He leans in closer, his lips brushing against my cheek before going to my ear, “What’re the chances of you giving me your phone number so we can hang out again and keep in touch?” 
I look up at him through my lashes, grabbing his hand and leaning up to his ear, whispering just as softly as he did, “Very high.”
I pull away slowly and he smiles at me. When I return the smile he winks. I snort and roll my eyes, grabbing my phone off the bar, I hand it to him as he pushes his phone into my hand. Already pulled up to a new contact page, I put in my number and name into his phone. I quickly open his camera and take a picture with my tongue out, fingers up in a ‘peace’ symbol with my right eye dropped into a wink, I set that as my contact photo before he suddenly grabs me and pulls me into his arms. 
I gasp as my back meets his hard chest and he wraps one arm around me, my phone in his other hand, the camera pulled up and pointing towards our faces, “Smile baby,” he kisses the side of my head quickly before smiling at the camera. My face flushes deep red and I grin at the camera. The butterflies in my stomach from the pet name are so strong that I feel like I might fall over. 
“Okay, lovebirds, let’s go,” Grayson’s voice brings us back to reality and I realize that my parents have already stepped outside. 
We walk outside and I pull the sleeves of Ethan’s hoodie further down so that I can grab them with my hands, making ‘hoodie paws’ as some people put it. I look down to hide the constant blush that’s on my face when Ethan wraps his arm around my waist again. I look over at my parents, worried to see their reactions only to find them smiling softly at us before looking away once they saw I was watching them.
I turn and bury my head in Ethan’s chest, wanting to feel his warmth again and have him hug me. I wrap my arms around his neck and he ducks his head down to put it in the crook of my neck, his scent completely engulfs just like it did when I put his hoodie on and I smile at the sweet, soothing smell. We can faintly hear my parents getting Grayson’s number and bidding him goodbye. 
We reluctantly pull away from each other, very slowly. Ethan smiles at me and kisses my nose, “I promise you- we’re going to hang out soon. I’ll call you later, yeah?”
“You better,” I say back and lean up to kiss his nose.
I turn out of his grip and go to quickly hug Grayson, “It was so nice meeting you,” I grin up at him and he mirrors my expression.
“It was awesome meeting you too, Y/n, you have some pretty cool parents,” he chuckles.
I look over at my parents saying goodbye to Ethan before my mom catches my eye and winks. I turn back to Grayson, “Yeah, I really do.”
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