#sorry i don't have any preview to give...but i mean my prompt was pretty fucking meaty lol
starsscarmyceiling · 1 year
We’re more ghosts than people sounds interesting af 👀
Okay AH again sorry this is a couple days late, but my work has been CRAZED, but I still wanted to get to this!!! Thanks for asking girl 🥰
AGAIN, if you have seen this prompt post that I wrote out, this was another one that had origins in what I wrote out in the AU section...
"Sorry I am on some Red Dead Redemption shit but I simply cannot help myself but to shove all of my favorite things together alright. Cal is apart of some kind of roaming squad (IF you chose a band of outlaws I wouldn’t be opposed), and they are in this one town for a bit. He starts to go to a general store where a Russian aunt and niece run it, and a lot of people just assume Merrin doesn’t even speak any English and dismiss her a lot of the time. But maybe he’s seen her at one of the saloons or tending to one of her horses and thinks that there’s more to her than what she is presenting to the world (and lol she is prettyyyy 😍) He goes into the store with Greez one day, and he ends up asking Merrin something, and Greez is like lol why do you bother she isn’t going to answer you. Cal is like pssssh this girl is trolling all of you I just know it. Merrin looks at him like he’s grown a second head, and then Asajj comes out and starts to put on the charm and Merrin just yeets right out of there. Perhaps Cal was wrong. Maybe she didn’t understand him, but that doesn’t mean that he wouldn’t want to get to know her. So he just continues to go to the store anyway and keeps talking to her all the time (We all know the boy can ramble let’s go). Maybe he even runs into her at other parts of town, or even on the outskirts where she’s taken her horse out, and he happens upon her while he’s on his. She does some target practice with a pistol and he’s impressed. He wished he at least knew her name. There’s a Russian woman in their group, and Cal asks her about a few Russian phrases, to which she complies, but then asks why. Cal is all SUPER red and is just like LOL NO REASON K THX BYEEEE! Cal goes into the shop, tries out a phrase or two, attempts a hello and asks her how she is doing. He feels like he is making a fool of himself, but then he swears out of the corner of his eye he sees her smirk. He asks her name in Russian, and she sighs…so Cal assumes he’s asked her wrong he clearly couldn’t remember it right and looks at the ground. “Merrin,” she says. His heart races. Asajj comes out and interrupts them OF COURSE. The gang wants to move on soon, but Cal isn’t ready to let go. It seems silly because practically every interaction they’ve had have been one sided conversations, but he still goes to the store nonetheless and tells her they are going to be leaving. She looks at him poignantly, and he still just doesn’t know if she’s pretending or really doesn’t understand. He dips his cowboy hat to her and tells her it was nice meetin’ ya milady dasvidaniya. Merrin shouldn’t be disappointed in the American man who came into her shop all the time to annoy her, really it doesn’t matter. How could it? He was really just a nuisance more than anything else, that Calvin ‘Cal’ Kestis. But, he was truly the only person that she could recall in what feels like a lifetime that looked her in her eyes, talked to her like a person, even if it was at annoying constancy. And GD he even learned some Russian just for her…but she tries to just forget about that handsome, redheaded cowboy all the same. Merrin is tasked to travel to a few towns over to pick up a delivery for the store, and after the long journey wherein she is going to have to spend the night anyway, so she decides to go to one of the saloons. She rolls her eyes as she sips at her whiskey because more than one man has approached her and thought she was a hooker. A brawl breaks out and she rolls her eyes harder. Stupid men. All of them were just children.
But then this man comes in the middle of it and tries to break it up. His voice sounds familiar, but she thinks he’s hearing things. She tries to tune it out, but notices he gets punched anyway, and his hat flies off. Yeah, no there was no denying that red hair. She wants to leave, but she can’t; she’s stuck on her stool. Once the fight finally ceases, Cal is with that small man he came into the store with sometimes as he retrieves his hat. He talks with the short man, and she thinks he’s going to leave, and he is just going to be lost to her again, but then he seems to stay for another drink, probably wanting to nurse that black eye he’s no doubt going to get. He sits at one of the stools and downs a drink. Oh lordt should she go up to him now? After everything she’s lost, it seemed ridiculous to do such a thing, but she finds her feet moving of her own volition. Oh GOD what is she even going to say. “That is quite the punch you took,” she says, sitting down next to him, “I probably have something in my supplies that could help with that.” Cal whips his head to her and quickly voices her name, which she was certain he was going to forget. And he seemed most certainly shocked that yes she does indeed know English and has this whole time. There’s smiles all around as he offers to buy her a drink and she accepts. But she also has to make fun of how terrible his Russian was."
So then there was this one fine morning on the Merrical server where @myfaenwy posted this photo shoot of Cam that was so very rude of him, actually...I mean...look at this slut wtf
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(affectionate, obviously haha we love him)
I then liked begged @myfaenwy to write the prompt that I wrote out, but then...I just posed the idea of writing with her (something neither of us have done), and much to my delight...she was down.
Unfortunately, we've both been pretty busy with other WIPs, so we have not actually started writing, but we've been talking about this like since before JS! We are wanting to follow a lot of my prompt. And since both of us are also big fans of Red Dead Redemption 2, it will also be pretty RDR coded (which is the inspiration behind the title)...
We've had a drunken brainstorming session LOL that also involved:
Greez running a saloon, obvs. Cere is the bitch who runs everything as the wealthy widow. Aunt and niece duo Ventress and Merrin as Russian immigrants that run the general store in town, also obvs. Cal's gotta horse named Beauregarde Deaugustine the First, and I mean...look at fucking Koboh...it's all right there!!!
Basically, this fic is just kind of begging to be written! We are soooo very excited to start writing it and be able to show it to y'all!!!
Y'all think Merrin will want to save a horse, ride a cowboy?😏🤠
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hikarimiyanaga · 3 years
Hai! do you mind if I request something? you don't have to do if you don't want to...my request is can you do a demon f!reader x donna where they captured the reader in the middle of the meeting because they sense the reader's presence and mother Miranda ended up giving the reader to Donna but the reader is curious about Donna so she played along oh and they didn't know the reader is a demon cause the reader can hide everything but her powers will be revealed when she protects donna in front of everyone
I love your stories btw<3
I don't mind requests at all!
So here you go!
You open your eyes as you hear voices in front of you. What is happening?
"I am telling you! She is dangerous!"
"For what, Karl? She hasn't even done anything yet!"
"And yet you, man-child have captured her! What were you thinking!?"
"Oh, come on, just because she's a girl doesn't mean she gets an automatic pass! Foreigners are still foreigners! And I'm telling you! She's dangerous!"
"Um." They all turn to you and you groan as you feel the handcuffs on your hands. "I think I'm pretty harmless so can you all free me?"
"No." The woman with wings and halo says. "One of the lords shall observe you until they see you fit to live in our village."
"Lady. I'm not planning to live here. I was just wandering around when that prick captured me out of nowhere."
"You are dangerous." Your eyes take on a dangerous glint.
"Free me and maybe you'll see that for yourself."
"Enough! Beneviento. The girl shall stay with you. In a week, we'll see if she is dangerous or not." Donna looks at you and you sigh in relief as Karl frees you.
"Watch your back, prick." You threaten him as you follow the lady clad in black. You crack your neck and stretch your body as you follow her out of the church.
You arrive at her house and hum as you look around.
"Are you curious?" A doll asks and you get taken aback. You look at the woman but she ignores you in favor of brewing tea.
"Yes? This is a very weird village." The doll giggles.
"Do you wanna play a game?"
"A game?"
"Yeah! Hide and seek! I like playing but Donna likes relaxing more."
"Relaxing?" Both you and the doll look at Donna as she sips her tea.
"Yeah! Specially after a family meeting." You sigh.
"Yeah. They seemed very intense."
"Right!? I try to get her to skip but she just won't." You smirk.
"Let's to convince her sometime then, huh? I'm Y/N, by the way."
"Angie." You nod then smile.
"What about that game?"
A week has passed. You've bonded with both Angie and Donna. You learned their hobbies and habits. Donna even read some of her books.
A week passed and your dreaded day comes.
You were standing before the five people again. The difference? Donna seemed worried as you stand before them again.
"So? Donna? Is the girl dangerous or not?"
"She isn't."
"Have you even tested her? Made her do anything? DAMN IT! Were you just playing around with her?" He stands and slowly but surely was getting closer to Donna.
"SHUT UP! She's a foreigner! We might be in danger! Why can't you be more curious?" You snarl and they all look at you.
"Get closer to her, prick. And you'll be sorry on how curious you could be."
"Why?" He grabs her hand and shows it to you. "Wha-" Before you knew it, you've already carried Donna and Angie was clinging to you. Your red wings are in full view and your eyes were red.
"I'll show you a preview of hell." They all gulp as the room gets hotter. You hide your wings and look at Miranda. "I won't interfere. With whatever the fuck it is you want to do. Just. Do not rope Donna or me. Or else. You'll know what true despair is."
"What are you?"
"I'm a demon." You put Donna down. "And if any of you try to harm her. You'll face my wrath. And trust me. You don't want that." You carry Donna home.
It was a miracle. You just walked back to the Beneviento house and not even Angie has made a noise since your revelation in the church.
You put Donna down in her courtyard and she turns to you.
"Is it true? Are you really a demon?" You smile then nod.
"If the whole wings didn't convince you, I also have the horns and the tail. I can also summon a demon army at command."
"But why-"
"Why hide? Why even be up here at all?" She nods and you look at the sky.
"I may be a demon, Donna. But I also have my limits. And I come up here to either relieve stress or relax."
"And? When are you going back?" You turn to her and see that she is hugging herself.
"To where?"
"To your home." You laugh then take her hand.
"Not anytime soon. If you'll let me stay." You kiss it and knew that she was blushing under her veil. Angie attacks you and you laugh as you and Donna get inside her house.
Such a fun prompt.
Am I getting my writing groove back on? Maybe.
My sibling still isn't finish with their classes so we'll still see.
Comments and thoughts are always welcome!
Thank you for reading!
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kfawkes · 7 years
Please can you write one for Eggsy with the prompts: "I don't deserve to be loved." & "Why are you bleeding?" Could it be like Eggsy walks in on the reader after she has self-harmed and they're best friends so when she breaks down in front of him it breaks his heart. Plus they've always had feeling for eachother so he confesses it to her to show how much he truly loves her.
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Thanks so much for being patient! I hope you like it!!!! As always it takes me 10000 years but it’s here so ;.;
*I also wanna say that if you or ANYONE on here are having a hard time and are self harming/thinking about suicide please try to resist and talk to someone. Here is a link to some of your options. As a side note I also wanna say that If you don’t think you can trust anyone or no one will be there– fucking message me. I will be here for you okay? Okay.*
Pairing: Eggsy x f!Reader
Words: 1.8k
Warnings: SELF HARM. Blood, cursing. 
Please be warned this is relating to self harm as the prompt states. I will not be giving a ‘preview’ this time, read below the break. But it does end up alright!!
You were so sick and tired of feeling like this. Feeling like shit, feeling like the entire world was out to get you, like you were alone, scared… destined to just float aimlessly through the void… It was exhausting, taxing and some days you wondered if you’d even make it to the next one.
Some days you didn’t think you would… days like today. Which was why you were sitting on the bathroom floor, your previously white hand towel stained in a deep red of your own doing… Well, mostly. There were a few in there from your ex of course… But bottom line was this fresh blood that ran down your arm, dripping into a pool of temporary peace, was all thanks to you.
It wasn’t something you were proud of, but when things got to be too much you just… did it. You had to let it out somehow, didn’t you? And the only way you found you were able to get through it all was to hurt yourself… It was the only way you could—
Knock, knock, knock.
“Fuc—“ you mumbled under your breath, biting your lip hard as you pressed the towel deeper into your arm. “Uh… just a second!” you yelled towards the door, but you could hear whoever it was already pressing it open, another knock echoing alongside the familiar voice.
“Y/n? You in here?”
It was Eggsy, but of course it was.
He was the only person that would stop by this late on a Saturday night. He was the only one with a key to your place too now that you though about it. But, this was really not a good time considering all the tears and the blood…
You stood quickly, wrapping the towel the length of your arm while you stumbled around cleaning up the mess you’d made. “Um, yes. Ju-just a second, Eggsy.”
No, this really was not the time, but time or not he was here, and you had to pull it together and quick— you couldn’t let him see you like this. You walked to your mirror, wiping under your eyes and powdering your nose lazily… you knew it wasn’t going to be that convincing considering how obvious it was that you’d been crying, but you had to at least try, right?
So you shoved your bathrobe over your arms, the hand towel still wrapped tightly around your arm as a makeshift bandage. After a deep breath you pushed through the door offering Eggsy a wide smile, yet avoiding his gaze as you hugged him in greeting. Before he had the chance to examine your face further you had already made your way into the kitchen, opening the fridge for absolutely no reason other than to appear busy.
Eggsy offered his normal set of pleasantries at first as he sat at the table, watching you carefully. Your back was to him still, which was the first red flag. He was your best friend after all, and you really should have known you couldn’t fool him.
When you turned towards him with two bottles of water he made that perfectly clear. His arms were crossed and he was leaned back deeply into the chair with lips pursed and brows raised suspiciously. “You alright, Y/n?”
And to that you offered an unconvincing smile, trying your best to brush off his question as you walk from the room; making your way to your bedroom. Eggsy was following closely behind, and even though you couldn’t see him you knew he had that same look set like stone.
“I’m fine, silly. It’s just late. You’re the one that came over at like… what 11? I was sleeping.” you answered, not looking back as continued forward. You could feel how closely he was to you, and it made you nervous, and you knew you weren’t going to be able to keep this up if he kept asking questions.
“You was sleepin’?” he asked, completely unimpressed, ignoring your silent plead.
“Yes? I was… why is that so hard to believe?”
“Well, you ain’t slept earlier than 2 since senior year t’start.” he reminded you raising an unsatisfied brow as he narrowed the gaze below it.
“Yeah, well… I did today.”
Eggsy stood at the door, crossing his arms deeper as that frown spread like a wave. “Stop it.”
You froze then because there was no way you were capable of handling this right now, and the last thing Eggsy needed was to worry about you. He had enough going on with Dean and his mum… You were supposed to be a safe place, not something that made him feel worse.
“Stop… what?” you asked even though you knew exactly what he meant.
“Lyin’.” he stepped closer to you, his eyes never leaving yours. “You can tell me anythin’ you know that, yeah?”
“I know, Eggsy… but, honestly it’s fine.” you lied. You wanted to tell him you were sick of your ex. That you were sick of school and work… that you were sick of everything.
But you couldn’t. No, you wouldn’t.
And Eggsy definitely didn’t buy it. You really should have seen that coming as well. But even though you both knew you were lying, he didn’t say a thing. He just sent you a sympathetic smile, one lined dolefully with failure… Eggsy wanted to know what had you crying. What hurt you so bad… he wanted to tell you it would all be okay and that you were so beautiful, even now when you were lying to his face.
But he never was one to push, and if you didn’t want to tell him, then he wasn’t going to make you. Except, when he grabbed your hand he felt something… a silky, smoothness that seemed to be we—
“What the fuck?” he pulled his hand to the light, they were lined red with blood. How you hadn’t felt the steady stream running down your arm was beyond you, but somehow you hadn’t, and now you were fucking caught.
“It’s nothing.” you lied again, pulling your arm to your chest as you step away from him.
“Nothin’? You’re bleedin’, Y/n… Why’re you bleedin’?”
“I’m not.”
“Wh— you are. I got it on me don’I? Lemme see it…” he gestured passively towards your arm, the rose color was undeniable on your light gray robe.
His face pulled into one of disbelief at your flat out refusal, and when he opened his mouth again you were pretty sure he knew just what was going on. No, you were positive he knew.
“What d’you mean ‘no’?”
“I mean ‘no’. Does that word ever have a different meaning?” you glared, becoming defensive as you pulled your arm to hide beneath the other. You could see the red now staining your side and sleeve from the pressure, but you tried to avoid it as best you could.  
Eggsy couldn’t however, and his eyes grew so wide it was a wonder they didn’t pop out of his head to be honest. If it your world wasn’t crumbling around you, you may have even laughed at it.
“Goddamn it… Please Y/n… Can I see your arm?” he stepped closer to you, his chest rising and falling in a cadence you found more comforting than you should. When you looked in his eyes, they weren’t angry at all, and despite the quickness of the words leaving his mouth; neither were they.
Actually, Eggsy didn’t sound mad at all. Just… scared. Like his world was crumbling before his eyes…
You opened your mouth to protest again, but instead you just started crying, and you couldn’t help but curse yourself for being so weak. But he grabbed you immediately, his hands wrapping so tightly that you couldn’t help but break down further.
A moment later he slid his hands to either side of your face, his eyes flickering between your own almost desperately… that look of utter concern entrapped his usual cheeky expression, and you hated that it was your fault.
“What’d you do, luv…” he asked quietly, pressing his forehead to yours, the desperation seeping off like the sweet smell of his skin.
“I… I’m sorry. I just… I don’t know, Eggsy I c-“ you broke down again, the tears sliding down your face and they were anything but kind. “I can’t do it anymore… I just can’t. Everything with my family… with work and school a-and just… I can’t handle it. I don’t deserve anything…”
“Stop it… don’t talk like that.” this time when he spoke you could hear the mist of fear and affection seeping off his every syllable. “You can’t do this shit… what if you really hurt yourself, Y/n? Hmm? What am I supposed t’do without you?”
“Things is tough sometimes, an it’s shit. But that’s jus life, luv… but you ain’t alone in it. Not ever.”
If you didn’t know any better you’d have said Eggsy was almost crying when he spoke… like the idea of losing you shook him so deeply he couldn’t even think on it it without breaking down himself.
“I fuckin’ love you, yeah?” his lip was quivering slightly, and even though it was a frown of sorrow you couldn’t help but see it’s beauty.
You couldn’t help but— wait what?
“You… you love me?” you looked at his face as if he were just fucking with you… but you knew Eggsy would never do that… But still, you just couldn’t believe it. “No. I don’t deserve to be loved.”
“Oh, for fucks sake…” he sighed out heavily pulling you closer, his fingers braiding through your hair, sliding to their place with ease as he kissed you. Soft and tenderly… and it was everything you ever imagined it would be. And yes, you’d imagined it more than once.
When his lips parted yours, both of your eyes remained closed for a moment, your noses brushing softly together as you reluctantly slipped back to reality. “I love you, an I ain’t losin’ you, d’you hear me?”
You smiled, and it real this time as you  pulled him closer; breathing him in deeply as you nodded into his chest. The soft tears still streaming as your eyes and arm stained his sweater.
In truth you could have stayed there— like this— forever, but there was no way Eggsy was going to let that happen, even if he himself had been waiting for that kiss since he met you in the 7th grade.
“Come on, luv. Let’s get you cleaned up, yeah? We got all the time in the world now.”
A long happy sigh left your lips as you nodded allowing yourself to be led towards the sink. You couldn’t describe it but you felt so much stronger all of a sudden. Like you could do anything as long as Eggsy was by your side. Like together, you two would be unstoppable.
You weren’t sure if any of that were true, but you seriously didn’t care and were absolutely ready to find out.
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