#sorry i needed to get this off my CHEST it is EVERYEHERE on here on twitter
atopvisenyashill · 1 month
if i gotta see one more person say “it’s bad to compare aegon to literally any character because he’s a rapist” or god fucking forbid a “grapist” EYE am gonna start feeding people to dragons.
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boulbilehibot · 4 years
Hard night.
( I apologize in advance, english is not my maternal language( sorry for the conjugation and awkward vocabulary!) , and it's my first... Fanfic?But I wanted to participate! :D hope some of you will enjoy!)
It was already pretty late that night. They had just return to Hogwarts after the summer cut. The marauders had gone to bed. Belly full. Exited to begin their new year.
A sound of thunder wake up Remus.
In the shining light of the moon, he could see that Sirius was out of is bed. Curtains open, leaving a view on his empty, and messy bed.
Remus knows that is friend was having hard time at home. And when they return to school, he need a time to adapt and retrieve his habitual joy.
He also know that Sirius is probably out with James's cloak.
- "I Sollemny sware that i'm up to no good" Remus whisper, with tired eyes ,over the parchment.
-"He's here... What the hell is he doing in the park?...
Remus put on his shoes and a coat and leave the room quietly.
Sirius doesn't move on the map, yet he doesn't see him as he arrive to is level.
Remus try to put his own name on top of Sirius's one on the map.
He's almost on it when he see an hand llying on the grass.
Carefully, he move his hand forward, and remove the tissue from Sirius body.
-"Fuck! "
He take less than a second to kneel by is friend, but it feels like an eternity where he notices:
Sirius eyes are closed and he got trails of his dried tears on his cheeks,
Who are thinner than usual and he can see from is shirt raised to is ribs that he's best friend is only flesh and bones;
Sirius lips are white/blue and his face, pale as paper;
Their is bruises on is chest, torso, back, arms;
But he is breathing... And shivering.
His breathing is fast and shallow.
... Why the fuck didn't he noticed any of this sooner?!
- "Hey, hey, hey, I got you buddy... "He whisper with a deep and wet voice as he carefully take the top of Sirius in is arms.
With one hand, Remus shake gently Sirius's cheek then shoulder.
-"Padfoot.... Pads... C'mon wake up... Sirius?!" He finish, his voice raising with his panic, seeing Sirius unresponsive.
-"Re... Hi." Expired Sirius With irritated voice. Eyes slowly blinking, befor weakly opening.
- "Oh pads... You scared me so freaking much! Are you ok? "
He cursed himself to dare ask this question to is friend that he had found unconscious on the cold, wet grass a minute ago.
-"Ye-yes. Sirius manages to whisper. What- What's happened?... He was shivering violently, teeth rattling . "
- "Well you tell me Pads...I found you lying here under the cloak... What's all that bruises and cuts?... "
Sirius looked away. Remus got the message.
-"C'mon, you freezing. Let's warm you up. Can you walk? "
Sirius nodded. He tried to push himself up, helped by Remus. But he was barely standing and instantly collapse on Remus.
-Gat you. It's ok Pads... Remus said softly as he catches him up by the Waist and passes his arm around his neck.
Sirius tried to swallow a sob. Only to explode in tears and cries.
-'m I'm such-a fa- a failure. Look at that. Can-can't even walk - by - by myself. She's right.
Last words chocked in is throat. But Remus understand what he had said only too well.
- ush now... Shhh, he kissed is forehead before going on
-... Sirius... You can't walk 'cause you have been starved and beaten and god knows what for weeks.
Sirius knees let go and he let all his weight fall on Remus shoulder.
-My fault. He blowned, barely audible.
Remus had put is other arm under Sirius knees and was now caring him, bridal style, to the castle. Sirius crying on the crack of is shoulder. Body limp and shaken with the spasms of is sobbing.
- "No, it's not! They can try to maltreat the Sorting hat if they're unhappy with your house! You are such a good guy padfoot... The kindest. You help me over and over, so many times. Being good IS good...You don't deserve that! Do you get it?! "
-"hmm, Sirius hummed. I'm c-cold... Is eyes closed
-"Don't worry, I'm taking care of you. A quick bath in the perfect bathroom, a piece of cake, and a good night and day of sleep. How does it sounds? "
- "Good, re'lly good... You never want me in this bathroom... " Sirius say has he's eyes closed slowly.
-"No. I don't want us to get throw out of Hogwarts. Not the same." He smiled gently
. "But here and now, the only thing that I care of, is you", he thought.
Remus had succeed to carry his armed friend to the prefect bathroom. Sirius switching conscious/unconscious until Remus begin to remove his clothes.
-"wht'p'ning?R you doin'? "He seemed totally lost but stop fighting as soon as he heard is friend say:
-"Hey, it's me. We are going to take you in a nice, warm, bubbly bath and then, I put you to bed . Is it still ok? "
-"k'. "Sirius whispered, a weak smile cracking on is face.
Once the werewolf had finely took off the wet and cold cloths( difficult task as the animagus was totally wasn't helping).
He carry Sirius on the gigantic bathtub.
Taking his friend under his back and neck, he let is friend sink quietly and only support his head out of water.
Body nicely enveloped in the hot water.
The boy was half asleep on Remus arms, and still, his muscles was so strained...
What the hell did Sirius had been through this time?
- "Can you... Talk?... "Asked weakly Sirius. Not even bothering opening his eyes.
-"Can I-? About what?" He interogates tenderly.
-"Donno... Whatever you wan..."
-"Yes, of course." Remus smiled gently.
And so he started Narrate all the things he could think of before telling him some fairy tails of is childhood.
Sirius was slowly relaxing on the soft voice. Totally trusting is friend's grisp. Color coming back on is face as he warmed up.
Sirius had fallen asleep. Arms and legs floating freely on the warm water. His head heavily inked in the werewolf hands.
Remus let is friend take some real rest for half an hour.
Twiddling is hair; Looking at is relax face. They never hurt is face. A son beaten wasn't really the reflection of a good and pure family...
He detailed Sirius body . He had some hematomas all over. Traces of fist, feet, belt, cuts...everywhere...everyehere a wizard's robe would cover up.
He felt so sorry, so powerless, angry and guilty for having fun this evening, not taking the measure of his best friend condition.
He needed Sirius to eat something, he barely touched is plate earlier and he was so thin... Not in a good way....
-"Hey budy... Wake up. Time to eat a little and sleep...in a bed." He was softly moving Sirius's body in the water.
This one blench heavily. Head going under the water as Remus, surprised, hadn't the time to catch him.
Remus took him under the armpits and raised him over the surface.
He literally looked like a lost, wet puppy. Looking at him with incomprehension.
-"Sorry Sirius! Didn't mean to frighten you! "
Sirius stand up, scrubbing is eyes.
-" 't's okay... What are we doing here?" Asked Sirius after noticing were he was.
He seemed more awake and alert than Remus had seen him since he had find him.
-"What do you remember?" Asked Remus.
-"Gone out for a stroll and fall... I think. "
-"Damn, that's a lot of explanation to do then. "
He explain to him what had just happen as he helped him out of the water.
-"And you didn't think about bringing warm clothes? You disappoint me Monny." Quipped Sirius to play down what Remus had just tolled him.
Remus gently wrapped him up in his coat and the cloak with a soft smile. Sirius try to walk to the door. Unsteady steps after unsteady steps.
-"Gonna carry you on my back. Come on." He said as he lawer himself down in front of is friend.
The animagus hesitated. He really didn't want to disturb his best friend even more.
Remus advanced to him and pick is frail body to is arms, bridal style once more.
-"Hey!" Sirius rebelled weakly." It's hurts... "
he put him back down
-"Sorry! Where? Ribs?... "
-"Yes." Sirius nod has he was putting his hand over his floating ribs, without touching them.
Remus take is wand and exerced the spell that he had seen Sirius do to him after a full moon.
-Better? Remus asked.
-Yeah... Sorry to bothering you Re'... Sorry.
-"Stop it, will you? We are friends, aren't we? Now come here." Remus said has he was carry him again.
He didn't struggle this time and put his head at rest on of his friends. Remus holding him firmly.
They were back in the dormitory in no time. Sitting on Remus bed.
-"Not hungry... Stomach hurt... Sorry. " Said Sirius guilt in his voice has he was refusing a cookie that Remus's mom made.
-"Stop apologizes... Lord, now I get why you always tell me that! None of this is your fault so I don't need you to apologize... Need you to get better...'kay'? "
-" 'kay." Respond Sirius with an honest smile. Cheeks blushing a little.
-"At least put this on your mouth and let it melt. You doesn't even have to chew." Remus told him, tending some chocolates.
-"Thanks Moony..." He opened his mouth.
Remus smiled, cut 3 square and put them gently on is friend tongue. He wait and did it again. To the third proposal, Sirius shook is head tu refuse.
-"Alright then, time to sleep." Remus said has he gently guide Sirius back on his bed.
-"Don't... Don't wanna sleep alone... "
-"I know. We are in my bed... "Remus said has he pulled the curtains around them. He lied down next to his friend. Softly brushing and twiddling his hair
-"Now close your pretty eyes and get some sleep. You need to rest..."
"And so do I" He add, has Sirius had already fallen asleep. A sweet smile on his face.
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