#sorry if i went off on a ramble again here heh
Diabolik Lovers LOST EDEN ー Ruki Maniac [08]
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ー The scene starts in the entrance hall
Ruki: Well then, this is Azusa’s share. Don’t you dare spill it on the way back.
Kou: Don’t worry, leave it to me! I won’t let it get into Yuma-kun’s hands!
Yuma: Aahn!? The fuck does that mean!?
Yui: Fufu. Be careful on the way back, okay? Give Azusa-kun our regards too.
Yuma: Ahー ...Yeah, we’ll tell him.
Ruki: Feel free to come back if something happens. I’ll also...try to return soon.
Kou: Mmh. We’re all waiting for you.
Yuma: ...Make sure to come back, ‘kay? Both of ya.
ー The scene shifts to the guest room
Yui: They went back home. It feels a little lonely now but...It was fun, wasn’t it?
Ruki: Right.
Yui: Are you sure we shouldn’t have gone back with them?
Ruki: It’s fine. If I were to go back now, I’m sure that one day I’ll find myself here again.
I’ll only go home after I’ve definitely solved this issue. 
Yui: I see...If that’s what you decided for yourself, then I’m sure you did the right thing. 
Ruki: There’s something I have to say not only to Yuma and the others, but to you as well. ...I’m sorry.
Yui: Oh no. I should say sorry too.
Not only did I pester you with all of my questions, but I even followed you here of my own accord...
Ruki: It’s fine. I’m sure that I would have never even considered relying on someone else if you hadn’t.
Right now...I kind of regret not seeking your help a bit sooner.
Yui: I’d be happy if you would but...I understand how you feel, really.
I believe it takes a lot of courage to be able to show your weakness to others. Especially for someone like you, who always seems to be on top of their game.
Ruki: Hah...You’re making it sound like I’m a weakling. 
Yui: T-That’s not true! ...I guess I just want you to realize that it’s okay to be weak at times.
If not, there’s kind of no point in me being with you.
Ruki: ...Right.
→ Embrace him (❦)
Yui: Ruki-kun...May I for a sec?
Ruki: Hm?
ー She hugs him
Ruki: ...What has gotten into you all of a sudden?
Yui: I kind of wanted to do this. ...Are you mad?
Ruki: Silly girl. ...Which guy would feel upset when the girl he loves embraces him? 
→ Pat his head
Yui: ( I wonder...Would he get upset if I were to pat his head? But I want to right now. )
ー Yui moves closer
Ruki: ...What are you playing at?
Yui: S-Sorry. You didn’t like that?
Ruki: No...It’s not bad. I do think you’re being a little cheeky though. Besides, if you want to cheer me upーー
Yui: ...!
Ruki: I’d much rather you’d embrace me instead. We’re no little children after all. 
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On certain CGs, little black roses will appear on the screen. If you click on them, you get an extra line of dialogue.
“You really are a natural at making me soft.”
“You are the one who taught me the concept of relying on people. ...I suppose I should thank you for that.”
Ruki: ...I guess I might be a weakling after all.
Hearing you say that it’s okay to be weak at times seems to have lifted a huge pressure off my chest.
...Yui. Having someone like you by my side is truly a saving grace.
Yui: (  ...Ruki-kun truly is someone who always tries to be strong. )
( He has established himself as someone who needs to keep it together for the sake of those around him. )
( I wonder if we learnt to hold our own weight a little more, would this lower the pressure on him...? )
I should make it so you can rely on me more as well, huh? 
Ruki: Heh...I suppose I’ll wait without getting my hopes up too high. Well, I guess it’d be a good start if you would no longer refer to what I say as ‘difficult’.
Yui: I-I’ll try my best...
Ruki: I’m joking. ...Just having you listen to me ramble helps me unwind. 
The only other thing I need is to feel you close to me like this...and also...Nn...
Yui: Nn...
Ruki: ...for you to accept my weak self, and embrace it. That’s all.
Yui: I will...accept you no matter who you are. I’ve told you before, haven’t I?
Ruki: ...Even if I were to pin you down right now?
Yui: Yeah...I will love you, no matter what you do to me.
Ruki: ...If you insist, I suppose I will have to live up to your expectations. You won’t complain even if I’m a little rough with you, right?
Yui: ...Go ahead. 
Ruki: Hah...You’ve become rather skilled at seducing me. ...Come here.
Ruki: What makes you think I’d treat you roughly? I’m terrified that you will run out of love for a weakling such as myself after all.
I’ll be gentle with you. So, stay with me...Nn...
Yui: ( I’ll be with you...No matter who you are, Iーー )
For a few days afterwards, Ruki-kun’s expression showed a sense of peace (穏やか). 
I wonder if it’s because for the first time in a while,
he got to spend some time with his precious family.
While there were still times where he appeared lost in thought,
he no longer showed any signs of distress,
like he would before.
I just hope, that nothing else bad happens.
However, that wish of mine was in vain.
One night, there was a knock on the door,
revealing a certain message,
who would once again throw Ruki-kun’s emotions into disarray (かき乱す).
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novelist-becca · 2 years
Give me reasons to believe (that you would do the same for me): chapter 1
Fandom: The Owl House
Rating: T
Relationships: Eda & Luz
Summary: After what happened in the warehouse, Eda and Luz have a talk. Title is from the song Gone Gone Gone by Philip Phillips.
PS: part of this was inspired by one of @edenihira’s fics!
The assortment of boxes next to the triple bunk bed had King and Luz scrambling over to find their stuff with Eda following suit.
  Well, King more so than Luz. The girl was too tired from that day. Everything just…happened so suddenly.
  Luz sat idly next to Eda as she went through the boxes, pulling out anything important. 
  At some point she smiled and pulled out King’s stuffed rabbit, which he hugged excitedly before running off. 
  Then Eda took out a certain box. The same one she suggested Luz find earlier. 
  “Look what else is in here.” Eda smiled and handed it to the girl next to her. She stifled a laugh at the disgusted shudder that came out of Luz. 
  (What was on the label was either stored elsewhere or thrown out. She didn’t care.)
  She watched with a smile as the girl’s eyes widened at the blue wood revealed to her. 
  “It’s the…palistrom wood!” she gasped. 
  “I thought you might wanna carve your palisman.” Eda said, pulling a carving knife out of her hair and nudging it towards Luz. “What do ya say?”
  After everything they’ve been through, even with the nightmare of a fight in the warehouse that neither of them wanted to happen again, this felt earned. Eda didn’t forget what she said when she first handed her kid the gift in her room. 
  Whatever she needs, she’s here .
  However, Luz frowned and looked away from the box in her lap. 
  “I shouldn’t.”
  “The Day of Unity is in two days. I-I have to focus o-on stopping Belos, and-” 
  The kid’s rambling was cut off and she whimpered as Eda tugged her into her arms and close to her chest. 
  She was still getting used to giving hugs again. But if she was going to give one to Luz, the least she could do is pour all her love into it. Which was exactly what she did. Eda squeezed her kid gently but firmly, as if to make sure she was real and safe. 
  The embrace conveyed many things.
  I’m sorry for not being honest with you earlier. 
  You’re safe now.
  I still love you.
  Eda found herself lingering on the hug, but whether it was so her subconscious knew the girl was safe, or that was just how much she wanted to comfort Luz, she didn’t know. Or care. 
  Maybe it was both. 
  She owed Luz so many apologies, so many hugs…
  “You goob,” Eda said gently. “Hey, this isn’t all on you.” Luz stayed still in her arms, stiffly resting her cheek on the witch’s shoulder, and curling into herself slightly. Eda also didn’t miss the trembling in her shoulders. 
  “Yeah! We have teammates now!” King piped up. “Meow meow!”
  “What if the palisman doesn’t like me?” Luz said with resignation in her voice. Like she was so sure that her palisman would be born hating her. 
  Eda hated how resigned she looked. Luz acted as if she hadn’t “earned” this, or she wasn’t “worthy” enough. 
  What the hell caused her to be like this?
  King looked at her, deadpan. “By my count, you’ve befriended more enemies than I have claws on my paw.”
  Eda let go of Luz. “Plenty of demons and witches would’ve ditched this rock already.” She turned to the kid with a determined smile. “But you keep learning, and you keep fighting, what’s not to like huh?” 
  A blush dusted Luz’s nose and cheeks, and she smiled at Eda with shiny eyes.
  “Thanks, Eda,” she sniffled. Then she picked up the box, touched by the words. “I think I’m ready to carve, heh,” 
  “...uh, you’re gonna show me how to do this, right?” Luz asked sheepishly after a pregnant silence.
  Eda rolled her eyes playfully. “Well, duh, my dad taught me the ropes.” she took the wood out and scooted away. “Here - let’s make sure we have some space. Lay the wood here…”
  “Are you gonna carve meeeee?” King teased.
  “Calm down, King,” Eda responded. Then she picked up the knife and gave Luz her full attention. 
  “Now, let’s take it slow.” Eda began. “We’ve got all the time in the world.”
  Even if that wasn’t entirely true, it was nice to think so tonight.
  By the time Luz had gotten the hang of the carving knife (which wasn’t long), half of the CATTs members had gone to bed. (See: different sections of the hut occupied by cots)
  Now, Eda was supervising over her shoulder as she carefully moved the blade up and down the wood. After a few minutes, she managed to form a smooth surface at the top. She had an idea of what to carve, and she’d save it as a surprise later. 
  The witch told her that one of the keys to carving a palisman is to not think too hard about what you’re carving. 
  “Let your hands do the work,” she said.
  Eda had to hold Luz’s hands while she clutched the knife, and guide her movements so she wouldn’t cut herself. Normally, Luz would laugh or protest, insisting that she wasn’t helpless. But… after today, she was far too tired to argue with Eda. 
  In fact, she never wanted to fight with Eda, ever again. Ever.
  Even if the fight was still fresh in her mind. 
  In fact, she was surprised Eda was still smiling at her and giving her hugs after that.
  From the running, the chasing, the falling…
  (She was pretty sure she got hurt somewhere during that fall. She couldn’t stop rolling her shoulders.)
  The way Eda didn’t even shout at her when they fought, even though Luz was the one who argued, the one who tried to run and accuse, and-
  Luz was pulled out of her spiral by a sting on her finger. Looking down, she noticed a thin line of blood on her index finger. 
  Clumsily, she took her hands off the wood and pinched the skin, wincing. 
  “Kid? Oh, shit- hang on,” Eda exclaimed softly when she noticed what happened. 
  “W-wait -'' Luz tried and failed to protest when Eda pulled out a box of the colorful band-aids.
  “Look, you’ve already carved half the wood. Least you can do is take a break, ‘kay? We can finish in the morning.” Eda insisted. 
  “But - oh, okay…” Luz relented and placed the half-carved wood back in the box, and allowed the witch to wrap up her finger. She winced again at the pain in her side, hoping Eda wouldn’t notice.
  See? No wonder Eda tried to send you away, all you do is get yourself hurt—
  “Luz?” Eda tapped her shoulder. “Oi. You good?” 
  “Hmm? O-oh, yeah, I’m fine,” 
  “No, you’re not. You keep making a face.” 
  She rolled her shoulder again and looked away.
  “Luz? Are you hurt anywhere else?” Eda came a little closer, but made no move to touch her. “You can trust me. I want to help you.”
  No, I can’t tell her… I can’t.
  …But it hurts so much .
  Luz turned back around and placed a hand on her side.
  “I… it’s my side. And my shoulder, it really hurts.” She rasped.
  Eda’s face turned more concerned. “Is it alright if I see?” 
  Reluctantly, Luz nodded, took off the jacket, and gingerly lifted up her shirt. Guilt pooled in her gut when she saw the witch’s eyes widen, and she looked away once more. 
  So, it’s that bad.
  “Shit, kid, what happened?” Eda exclaimed before getting whatever healing supplies she could find in the hideout. When she came back, she sat down and motioned for the girl to come closer. Luz inhaled sharply at the sudden cold sting.
  “Sorry, sorry,” Eda said quickly before pressing down more gently. After a while, Luz got used to it and started to relax. “Good thing we still have the healing ointment…” Then, she asked a question Luz very much did not want to answer. 
  “Who did this?”
  Luz tensed again, feeling tears well up behind her eyes. 
  “Was it one of the coven guards? Did you get jostled too much in the carriage?” 
  “No… i-it was…it was you.” 
  “Wh-when you recalled Owlbert, I fell, and I hit the crates. And… I think I might’ve also gotten the scrapes, a-and hit my head when you broke the ice glyph.” Luz didn’t like remembering this. “I guess I didn’t know it was this bad until my adrenaline wore off.”
  “Oh, kid…” Eda sounded so sad . “I’m so sorry.” 
  “It’s fine,” Luz said quietly. 
  “It’s really not fine. I swear, I didn’t mean to,” Eda’s voice was shaking a bit.
  “I was the one who tried to run from you.” 
  “Don’t you dare blame yourself for this, Luz, you’re hurt!” Eda whisper-shouted. “You know I care!”
  “Not to mention I’m the one who did it…” the witch mumbled under her breath as she finished treating the wounds. Luz said nothing. 
  When the bandages were wrapped snug around Luz’s middle, and an ice pack was given for her head, she scooted backwards until her back was against the wall next to the bunk bed. Eda did the same.
  “Listen…” Eda began. “About what happened earlier, I, uh…” she trailed off. 
  Luz tensed at the reminder, and unfortunately, Eda noticed. 
  “If you don’t wanna talk ‘bout it, that’s fine, but-“ 
  “I’m sorry,” Luz muttered. 
  “Huh? Couldn’t hear ya there…” 
  “I’m sorry!” Luz repeated, burying her face in her hands. “I was stupid.” 
  “No no no, stop that, what are you talking about?” Eda reached for her good shoulder and rubbed, attempting reassurance. 
  “Don’t act like you don’t know, Eda!” Luz tried to keep her voice down, clearly not wanting to wake the other residents, but it was hard to keep her voice from wavering. 
  “You were trying to send me away to protect me, and I was reckless, again. I promise, I’ll do whatever you say from now on.” Luz said through unshed tears.
  “Kid, no, I know that’s not how you really feel. I know I hurt you.” Eda responded.
  The multi-color mosaic of bruises on her kid’s skin made her feel bad enough. She already knew there was turmoil going on inside that brain of hers, too. 
  Part of her wanted to justify sending her and King away, and going behind her back, and lying to her, but that would be wrong, and the coward’s way out. Obviously. 
  The tearful accusations that she saw Luz as weak, or useless, or a burden, tore through her heart. Of course, she though the fucking world of Luz. She never wanted to hurt her, wanted to give her a better childhood than she herself had as a witchling.
  Alas, she did hurt her. 
  “I know that’s not how you really feel,” Eda repeated. “Talk to me.”
  Luz threw up her hands, relenting. “Fine. You wanna know? I felt betrayed. When I heard you talking to Raine, I thought you had given up on me. I thought you tricked me. I thought that you were lying every time you said you were proud of me, you tried sending me away just like my mom did, and I thought I had become too much of a burden, again. 
  “I didn’t just think you still underestimated me. I thought something had changed for you to start hating me. Like something was wrong with me,”
  “Hey, shh, there is nothing wrong with-”
  Maybe it was because I helped Belos in the past, or-or that I caused too much trouble for you…” she buried her hands in her hair. 
  “I’m just… so sick of being scared that people will leave me! First my mom, then Amity, and now you ! I was so scared you were getting rid of me, like my nightmares were coming true. And it just hurts so much!” 
  More guilt pooled in Eda’s gut. She knew about those, and yet, she still tried to go through with it.
  By the time Luz was done rambling, tears were starting to form, and she seemed to have run out of steam.
  “So… if it means not being sent away, I’ll follow your lead, I swear.” 
  Eda stared down at her hands, trying to think of how to respond to that. The accusations tore through her like a knife. The idea of hating this kid or blaming her for anything made her feel ill.
  I really did mess her up.
  “Luz… honey, I want you to know that I would never want to get rid of you. Ever. You are so important to me.” She said slowly. “Also, - and I will keep telling you this - Belos wasn’t your fault.” 
  “Am I really?” Luz replied with a hint of surprise that broke Eda’s heart.
  “Absolutely. I hate that you can’t see that. But… I suppose I’m partially to blame for that. I broke your trust, didn’t I?”
  The kid didn’t respond, but Eda knew the answer anyway.
  “I still want you to know, the reason I did all that? I wanted to keep you and King safe. I couldn’t live with myself if something happened to you.”
  “... I know.”
  “Look,” Eda reached for the good shoulder again. “I know you want to help, and I appreciate it, but this isn’t like your stories where the superpowered kids stop the bad guys. This is much bigger than that.”
  Luz huffed and smirked. “Heh. Yeah, I guess you’re right…"
  “Uh-huh.” Eda nodded. “But even still, I shouldn’t have lied and went behind your back. Or even used my harpy form against you. I ended up scaring you shitless instead, and… did this to you. And for that, I’m very sorry. I hope you can trust me again.” 
  Luz sniffled and leaned on the witch’s shoulder. “I forgive you,” she murmured. “Just please don’t leave again, I don’t wanna lose you too… I can't do this alone.”
  "Hey. Who said anything about doing this alone?" Eda reciprocated and gently squeezed. “You won’t. For what it’s worth, you are one of the strongest witches I know, and I will always be proud of you. I am so honored to have had you under my wing for this long. You cracked this old lady’s heart wide open, you know?”
  “You’re not that old,” Luz mumbled with a snort.
  “Aw, you flatter me,” The witch scoffed, then softened again. “I’ll always do my best to protect you, okay?” 
  Luz nuzzled into the woman’s shoulder. 
  “For what it’s worth… I already feel safe with you.”
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kindestegg · 1 year
HELLO I AM MOTH FROM TOH RETIREMENT HOME DISCORD!! I would like to know what you think about the collector's stuff!!!
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this surprised me so much!! i expected them to lean more into their anger but it rly was just that one nightmare sequence that they still felt bad about, plus the weird huge games was them ACTIVELY TRYING!! and OH MY GOD OH MY GOD SEE I WAS RIGHT THEY LOVE TITANS SO MUCH!! THEY GREW UP AROUND THEM FOR A BIT! THEY KNOW ABOUT TITAN ANATOMY AND CULTURE! THEM PLAYING WITH THE BABIES WAS NOT A ONE OFF THING! AND HE FEELS SAD!
but i am conflicted! i did NOT expect them to go with the direction that colly doesnt understand the implications of death, n my god did he get traumatized even further by having to experience seeing it happen to someone he was jsut starting to care about first hand. AND THEN OH MY GOD. KING JUMPING IN TO SAVE HIM??? THE WAY THAT THEY SHUT DOWN ANY DOUBTS THEY LIKED EACH OTHER?? MULTIPLE TIMES??: KING SAYING HE WANTED TO SEE HIM AGAIN?? WHAAAAAT!
its just so. oh my god colly is SO loving he has such a GIANT heart full of kindness n he just never GOT to use it until someone gave him the chance n showed him how!! the fucking CALLBACK to luz holding the portal together with him holding the archive house together!! the way he was literally LOSING HIS POWERS and yet he STILL went out of his way to help! SO SELFLESS LITERALLY!
the implication they built the portal even! and he either was around to say hi or he explicitly programmed it with a greeting!! THATS SO CUTE! and they visit! OFTEN! like a little passing comet! thats a prediction i had... one of my very first about collys fate actually! a traveling star, coming back once in a while to see the planet hes most attached to! i do wonder if eventually later hell settle into staying after the "growing up"... heh... samsa pointed out my teen colly n king fics can still work... (king is like 12-14 here depending how u read his age, my fics have him n colly be around 16 so!)
well uhm sorry i am losing gas i can barely think!! i need time time time... see you in a while?
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gingeredmink · 3 months
here i am with the second ask like i said. name of the .flow fansong is OUT OF SORTS by OrgansDotOrg on youtube (.) com /watch?v=FFMt_ACOUdM
short but sweet! seeing people in the comments talking about .flow filled me with life, ngl. and i will admit this might be my own bias but it kinda feels like a spiritual successor to ghost and pals's oxidation and dream monsters? definitely not intentionally one, but something about the rhythm, and the way the lyrics use imagery to try and get things about .flow across... idk food for thought.
AYE NICE! [Clickable link for those that don't wanna copy pasta]
This is really cool! God feel you there, seeing yn/fg content and other fans out in the wild is such a joyous experience. Think it's cause it's such a niche it's always a surprise to find out someone else has heard of it. That sorta, "YOU KNOW ABOUT THIS? I THOUGHT I WAS THE ONLY ONE! I'M SO HAPPY THERE ARE OTHERS" thing. Especially considering a lot of these games haven't seen any new material for years and probably never will, it's nice knowing there's others that were affected as much as you and still care for it. seeing how many people get excited for lolrust's anniversary streams is like that too heh
Hmmm, can see why you'd say that. Know nothing of either artist but it wouldn't be surprising if Ghost was an inspiration for Organs. Will throw out there, this sorta theater/carnival vibe seems to be fairly common in English Vocaloid songs [though i have next to no knowledge so it could just be me happening to get these songs a lot or something]. Plus writing lyrics that reference things in a way that isn't too literal or vague while fitting to a rhyme/rhythm is difficult, and you only have so much to work with in a game like .flow [esp since it has such a strong central theme, if that's the right wording for it]
I'm no lyricist by any means but have messed around with writing some and tho it'd be an entirely different genre [its me, if I ever make a .flow fansong song it's gonna sound like MIW] I could see how trying to get them to reference the game would result in it sounding similar-ish. Ex:
Hell is my home, my own room will be my tomb Chained to machinery meant to save me, yet all it does is keep the nightmare going. - Cut off my limbs and let this rotten blood stain the concrete The white hospital walls are just an illusion [can't you see the flowers cover graves?] The demon I fought down so long takes its grip and starts to seethe I'm no longer a person, just a fucking disease
As said, tis hard to make references without being too literal while still making sure you have enough there for people to be able to figure out what you're talking about heh.
buuuut yeah, really cool song and could absolutely see it at least being an indirect/accidental spiritual successor to Oxidation. Also huge thank you for sharing both song and album!! There's so much incredible fanwork out there that slips under the radar I am more than happy to try to get stuff more attention, plus I honestly love hearing other people talk about or sharing things they like ◠⸜⸝◠
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9, 12, 23!
9. opinion on brown eyes?
I LOVE brown eyes!! they're so pretty, they're like lil mounds of earth and gold and it's amazing! But maybe I'm being biased since I have brown eyes myself lolol!
But when I was in elementary and middle school, I used to be VERY insecure about my eye color (and hair color) since they are naturally brown (well, depending on who I ask, the answer changes from hazel to brown so I don't rlly know heh)
That was due to the girls in my school that would bully, try to be fake-friends with me, and/or would just be favored over me and a few other students most of the time having blonde hair and blue eyes at that time
Luckily, the insecurity wore off when I entered my freshman year of high school so now I'm pretty happy with my eyes and hair being brown!
12. whats a turn off you look for before you start officially dating someone
If our values don't align, we want WAY different things for our lives and are on two different pathways that we wanna take, or our beliefs are just too different!
For example, I tend to avoid right-winged/conservative people (I mean, my whole family does since we're all pretty left leaning, my dad hates the right lol), people who are the usual isms and ists out there (like, I'm not dealing with no nazi, racist bullshit or anything similar to that), or even if they don't want kind in the future since I obvs do want to have kids and a family of my own one day
At least, those are my turn offs said in the most simple terms I can use!
23. have you ever been in love?
I was deeply in love with my very first boyfriend I had from my first year of middle school all the way to freshman year of high school. He was an autistic boy who went to the same Special Ed Homeroom and some classes that I did (and was very in MLP G4, Apex Twin and Jet Set Radio)
He was shy and awkward but also very kind, funny, and was super fun to talk to and we were able to gush about our interests to each other, drew art for each other, and I felt like he was the only one at that time that actually understood me since we were
Due to distance and and his super strict mom (they were an Asian family) that didn't like me much, after the summer and going to separate high schools in my sophomore year, we were never able to speak to each other again, so we were kinda forced to breakup by the world lol
And I was also in love with an ex that I had an online long distance relationship for a little over two years when I was 16-18 (I was 3-4 years younger than they were), we also made lots of art for each other, supported each other at the worst times of our lives, and promised each other than we would be able to meet and begin a deeper relationship outside of the internet someday
But then around May of the two year mark, they told me that they realized a small bit ago (it was like weeks prior from I remember them telling me) that they were aro and that they didn't want to be in a relationship with me anymore but still wanted to be friends
Let's just say I didn't take it well, at all since I felt it was plopped onto me outta the blue, was caught off guard, and I was in school at the time it was happening. It was not a good day....
Thank you soso much Beetle for sending this in, it was so much fun to answer these intriguing kind of questions! Also sorry for rambling for so long lol!
I hope I see you in here again and that you have an awesome evening!!
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