#sorry if the lore looks kind of wonky in a nutshell zenkichi just wants his daughter to be stronger than him and help around
hauntingmiser · 24 days
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( warning : disturbing stuff view discretion is advised and tw : mentions of sewer slide? ( Idk????) cuz I went hard on the lore so I'm very sorry. )
sad fact : ever since he was born his family has been hunted down by humans due to misinformation, gaslighting and discrimination so his mother raised him and she told him to stay strong and bold for her sake and she died because of her wounds being mad lethal many years later after that incident he met his wife and 8 months later they had akane
Some years later while him and his wife were basically swimming around his wife got impaled in the head by a harpoon and zenkichi saw her corpse getting dragged into a boat he was heartbroken and traumatized at the same time not knowing the hunters were coming for him so he grabbed his daughter and swam fast as he could
until he found a naval mine area and the hunters got scared and retreated because they do not want to get blown up
after that zenkichi felt sad and afraid and he fears that all of this hunting will repeat again with akane when she gets older and she'll be captured by humans and be killed just like his wife
so he was now in a vegetative state went up to those naval mines and tried to touch them but something stopped him
It wasn't somebody's voice....
it was his mind speaking to him about his memories and everything if he wasted away his own life then his mother and his wife won't be avenged and there killer won't be put to justice
Zenkichi after his mind spoke to him after realizing his decision he says angrily
"what am I doing!?.....I have a daughter on the line!...I-I can't do this!"
So he backed up away from those sea mines and went to the cave and hugged his daughter and he promised himself that he will protect akane and teach her how to hunt and gather
so she can be strong just like her ancestors and her mother
and find the killer that killed his wife.
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