#sorry if there's typos i have fake nails on right now lol
nextinline-if · 2 years
How would the ro's react after a nasty fight with mc and mc giving them the cold shoulder?
ugh i didn't do a great job but this is passable. thanks for the ask anon <3
Constantine: You've been ignoring him for 45 hours, 11 minutes, and 34 seconds. Yep. He's keeping track. How could he not? He only longs to hear your voice, even your angry voice would do.
How could I be so stupid? he thinks. What if MC never talks to me again? His heart races at that thought. It would be unbearable - as if your cold shoulder isn't already.
He writes you an apology letter and slips it under your door. In the letter, he asks you to meet him when dusk arrives.
Minutes pass. He starts to think you aren't coming. But then he hears your footsteps and when his blue gaze lands on your face, his shoulders sag in relief.
He hands you a bouquet of flowers. Bluebells. You raise an eyebrow at him. Constantine rubs the back of his neck and looks away. "I remember that you said your parents always gave these to each other after a fight because they symbolize gratitude." His eyes find yours again. "I just wanted you to know that I'm grateful for you."
Felix: You want to give him the cold shoulder? Fine, whatever. He doesn't care. Not at all. That's why he's been in the kitchen for six hours baking everything he's ever noticed you enjoy. Because he definitely does not care. It's not like he laid awake all night missing you. Only for James to tell him this morning that you'd barely eaten anything since your fight. That won't do, he thinks.
Felix enlists Anna's help to enact his plan. He sneaks into your room and fills your dinner table with the spread of freshly baked food, everything from appetizers to dessert. Then he leaves a note for you: "Ignore me if you want but you better eat. I mean it."
And you do eat. With a grin on your face. Then you send a servant to fetch Felix. He eagerly rushes to your room... only to find that you've fallen asleep with a full stomach. Still, a smile sits on his face as he grabs a blanket to drape over you.
Margaret: If it was anyone else, she wouldn't care. But being ignored by you? It makes her stomach turn. But that fight was pretty bad and Margaret knows it must have added more stress onto your already overwhelmed shoulders.
So she waits. And waits. And waits... it's an agonizing week of you avoiding her like the plague. She's never experienced a sadness so profound. Is this it then? she wonders. Is MC done with me? She knew this day would come - when you would decide that she isn't worth your time anymore.
She decides to go on a work trip far away. Danger calls to her. And she needs it. She can't stand being so close to you yet so far away. She can't stand the thought that you, too, have abandoned her. But as she's preparing her horse, you run out to her.
She freezes at the sound of her name rolling off your tongue. She knows that it's a bad idea, but she casts a hopeful glance over her shoulder. "Don't go," you tell her. And so she doesn't.
F: F isn't bothered by your cold shoulder. They went five years without you. Without knowing if your paths would intertwine again. So, they give you space until you're ready to talk.
And in the meantime, they write a lot of poetry. And drink a lot of wine. And rant to Felix while drunk about how they always fuck up a good thing.
And see, Felix gets tired of it. Quickly. So he begs you to talk to F again. After you make Felix grovel for a good hour, you depart to find F and make-up.
They're none the wiser as to Felix's intervention.
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ahjustroza · 3 years
Do you have any hcs abt Last Legacy modern au?
Sorry for the wait! I just write very slow 🥺😭 btw I am still writing other requests! I'll post them as soon as I finish writing ✨😌😏 And YES I still take requests😏😏😏
Lol btw I haven't played the catboy Felix tale yet but found his delicious CG. Also, there might be typos etc. My dyslexia was a hoe for the last couple of days (・_・
Last Legacy Modern Au Headcanons
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Lmao the first time you went to his place you faced with an ancient-looking old computer that he found in a garage sale
"It still works"
"Sage with its monitor alone you can heat your entire house in winter"
"Aye, but I don't have to use that to get heated if you catch my drift."
Let me give you a concept: thrift store dates
You took him to a thrift store once and thought it might be fun
But at the moment you entered the store Sage found a damn fake fur jacket and gold sunglasses
He will buy anything with a famous brand logo and say it is original and is an antique
But he'll only do that to annoy people
Sage cares about his looks but doesn't go crazy about it
Before dating you he just lived his life like a street kid like in cyberpunk 2077
Sage and Tulsi grew up in slums and then Sage got an apartment so that Tulsi could grow up in a safe environment
He didn't go to college but made sure that Tulsi did
Sage basically works as a mercenary in the modern au as well
He travels a lot and has to disappear for a looong long time
Tulsi is used to it but you aren't
Once you two are in a relationship and he feels ready to settle down he might get a job closeby to your shared house
You made him realize that he needs his family around him
And now he is not alone to carry all the burden by himself
He knows that if he can't make it in time you will be there to help out Tulsi or take care of all the work for him
He feels lighter around you
Also, he makes many people jealous on the streets lol
Whenever you two are on a date no one can believe that you, a literal divine being, could look at a Boku no pico catboy maid-sama man like him.
He is also jealous of you
But never possessive
He likes to send you out of context memes in the worst possible times ever
Like you got Luigi and Mario animations, doing the waltz, with the Britney Spears' Toxic song during the busiest hour of your shift
He also texted "This us"
The audacity
Sage would also LOVE video games
Especially Final Fantasy games
But he suck at playing them so he makes you play instead
And he'll give instructions too
"I saw a checkpoint in the other room babe,"
"Love, I gotta run away from the boss right now."
"It's not the boss, bosses have their boss rooms. This is an obstacle"
Sage also suck at filing taxes
So good luck with that
I can see Sage having PTSD treatments because of his traumatized childhood and the life he had to live until now after settling down with you
You convinced him to go to therapy and Tulsi backed you up
So he will take medications every day
At first, you had to remind him a lot, but then he just made it an addiction and now doesn't need reminders
He was never happier and finally had a taste of a healthy and caring relationship with you
He is also not so terrible with putting the IKEA furniture together.
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He got expelled from Harvard.
Then his rich father had to convince the headmaster to reconsider the decision and Felix ended up with suspension instead smh
Felix's grades are great but he has disciplinary issues
I can see him majoring in criminal justice and mortuary science
Or maybe just mortuary science
Escell was very disappointed in him.
He is also famous for dating with the valedictorian among Harvard graduates
Then they broke up and you yeeted yourself in his life
Or he yeeted himself to your arms
He literally dramatically fell one day and you happened to be close to catch him
Then the Titanic music played in the background with the slow summer rain fell down to your heads
You are hot so he was flustered
Like he internally screamed when he fell in your arms
Or shall I say fell in love?
You two then started as friends since not too later he found out that he might actually have a chance with you after you mentioned your love of video games and romance books
After starting to date he confessed that he has an AO3 account asddgf
Rime was a burden too
He was the one who broke Felix's heart
But still wanted him to only love him and him alone
Then you were like
"Hoe listen to me..."
Rime hot
But no
Felix cried until morning the day you fist fought Rime in the grocery store parking lot
Scylla secretly approved your determination that day and watched the fight afar
Escell got drunk and Florian came home the day after for everyone's explanations
The deeper your relationship got the more a part of his family you become
I mean every Friday it was now a routine that Felix and you attended family dinner
No one even asks anymore they just put your plate down and Escell hides his most expensive wine bottles from everyone
Felix is not good to live in his own house though
He always lived with someone in the house so he wasn't alone
When you moved into the same house with him Felix was relieved
You two will be emos together and watch fifty shades of grey movies during the quarantine
Please ask Felix if he thinks the movie is interesting, he will avoid you all day long
Then become a blanket burrito at night lmao
Oh btw he might tell you random facts about mortuary
Like you are in the shower and he comes in to brush his teeth
Then he'll tell you a fact you didn't have to know then leave
"Truly fascinating, if you ask me."
He is also the type to text you from the other side of the room
Or call you from the other room to ask you if you can bring him something to eat
Felix would also love to go to the farmers' market too
"Finally some quality food."
Whenever you two go on a vacation together
lmao someone ALWAYS takes his hand and reads his palm
Only to be ended up getting scolded and getting a proper palm reading from Felix
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Call her and ask if she wants drive tru
"Love, it is thREE IN THE MORNING, I have work tomorrow-"
"So two? Or nah?"
"Get a coffee."
Actually, she wants a cookie but won't admit it
She knows you'll get her a cookie
You always get her a cookie with coffee
Anisa might be a great investigator if you ask me
If not a detective or a police chief or lieutenant
But I think she would work in law enforcement
Or she might also start her own company and rise as well
Unlike Sage and Felix, Anisa will not live in the same house with you before she decides to settle down for good
It's not because she doesn't want you around her
But because she is always at work and doesn't want to leave everything to you to handle at home
But she is always with you on her day offs
Will call you once a day at least
Text you during her breaks or whenever she can
If you can show up at her workplace during the lunch break she will take you to the nearest coffee shop
"Their coffee is not nearly as good as yours, but among other shops, this is the most drinkable one."
She will spoil you during your dates!
She likes to see you smile and will do anything for you to have a good time with her
So expect sweets, movie nights, amusement park dates, or just traveling during both of your yearly week/month offs/breaks
She won't admit it but likes it when you try to match your clothes with hers
She will know your favorite everythings lol
Take her to a dinner date and she will be so happy and feel spoiled
She will let you paint her nails
Let you get all the hot water in the shower
Will let you wear her clothes
Pillow fights are allowed every now and then
When she gets sick she'll try to power through but likes it when you baby her
Whenever you get sick she will try to not fuss over you but every 15 minutes she'll ask to take you to see a doctor
She is a cereal gal
You might have to drag her to bed many nights because she will take work at home
Oh my god, do play dungeons and dragons with her
If you visited somewhere she has never been she will ask a lot of questions about your trip
Likes to binge a tv series you two found online
Also enjoys just silent but comfortable moments with you
When you read your book she will gaze at you
All heart eyes
Will put her favorite picture of you two as her profile picture in her social media accounts
Will like your every post
Never leaves you on read/seen
She will either give you a proper text or just let you know that she is busy at the moment
Also if you come home later than her she will ask if you want her to prepare anything special you want for dinner
otherwise, she'll do dishes that you both like anyway
If she is late, she'll call you to ask if you need anything from the grocery store, etc.
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fbfh · 3 years
aranged marriage with hayes grier chapter to: what the heck?!!!!!!!!!
wc: 400
genre: bad
summary: you find out you have to get engaged to hayes right now, and your best friend comes over to help you get ready again in spite of the fact that you got ready like an hour ago but it's fine cause makeover scenes are always great.
warnings: really bad grammar and typos, god awful writing, ed sh*eran mention, child backpacks, author's notes in the middle of the fic
a/n: spot the dwigt moment!
Also all of the "author self insert as y/ns best friend" thing is fake, my name is not skylar and I don't look like zooey deschanel. This is a period piece and i had to get in character so it gets a little meta lol.
i'm sorry to hayes and zooey. I can't stop reading Bad Fanfiction about magcon and one direction and 5sos from 2013 pls help me this is so fucking funny to me I can't stop
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“Theirs one more thing my mom. says sounding serious “we need you to get ready”.
“For what?” i question. It took me to long to respond because I was staring into hayeses dreamy eyes.
“Were throwing an engagement gala for you two. Te guests are allready ready.” Hays’s dad says.
“WHAT?! “ i yell for the millionth time tonight. A maid comes into the room and leads us upstairs and into… hayes’s room. I gasp softly and prettily. I turn to him. “I’ll do this on one condition.” I say seroius and sassy. Hayes asks what and I tell him.
“I want to call my friend.”
‘What is this prison?” he asks. I give him a huff. “Yes.” I say all sassy.
I pull out my phone and call my bffl skylar (a/n: dats me! :)) skylar has long wavy dark brown hair that goes down all the way to her butt and thick bangs like zoey dishinelle (idk how it’s spelled haha) she’s always on her iphone and sending me cool nail art she posts on pinterest. She knows whats going on with everyone and is my best friend i could ever ask for.
“OMG girl i’ll be there in 20 minutes!” skylar says. Shes so loyal. Before you know it skylar is banging open the door and running around the house calling my name.
“Kstie!” she yells ignoring the maids trying to show her around. Hayse should get some security. “y/n! Where are you! Ed sheeran sucks!”
“He does not!” i yell back and she opens the door.
“Knew id find you like that” she says with a smirk. Whenever we get lost in the mall or something which actually happens a lot we start yelling that the other persons favorite singer sucks. Mine is ed sheerin hers is black vail brides. Hay, whatever works. All friends have a system. Its ether that or put her on a leash. Or one of those kids backpacks you can put a leash on. I gues syou could put a leash on any back pack but sky says backpacks are totally out. I said out where and she gave me a sarcastic look.
“Whatsgoingonyouseemedsoworriedonthephoneareyouokay… oh…” she says fubakkt seeing gates
“I’m fine sky” i laugh. “But…” i look away pentient
“But what” she asks more worried than ive ever seen her.
I look up at her avoiding her eyes.
“I… i - i’m… getting married.’
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peblezq · 6 years
Older!Richie Tozier x Older!Eddie Kaspbrak
SPOILER ALERT! Do not read this if you haven't read the book “IT” by Stephen King! I don't wanna ruin the end for you if you don't already know how it ends.
This is my own version of the ending of “IT”, but in the movie universe. So basically, this is how I think IT: Chapter 2 (2019) should end… a whole year before it even comes out, lmao
Hi! I deleted my fanfiction side-blog because I’m a self-concious moron, so I’m gonna post this on my main blog.
This idea has been floating in my head for a while now, so I wrote it down.
I wanted to write an alternate ending to the novel “IT” by Stephen King, but it’s in the movie universe; so The Losers Club are kids in the 1980s, and adults in the 2010s.
This is a rewrite of the second - and final - battle against Pennywise. I changed a lot of stuff about the battle to fit into the movie universe, however, I kept some references from the book and mini series scattered in here :)
I’m just gonna start right in the middle of the battle scene because there’s no need for me to write the entire book before this, lol.
Sorry if there’s any typos or grammatical errors. I only read through this once before posting, haha.
Story starts below the cut! I hope you guys like it :)
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The tunnels of the sewer were darker and murkier than they remembered. The rancid stench hit all of their senses like a hundred busses driving on the freeway and hitting a single tree. The blood and bruises on the five remaining losers are just the tip of the iceberg to the pain that they feel. The fear impaled each of them in every way that it possibly could. How did they conquer this thing before? How the hell did they beat IT?
Eddie can feel his lungs collapsing on him like he's left floundering in the ice-cold water of the Atlantic Ocean. He struggles to gasp for air as each loser is preoccupied with their own fear.
Just as Eddie is reaching for his inhaler, he feels a hand grab his with the plastic tube of placebo medication. He looks up, startled, but then quickly eases his tense shoulders as he makes eye contact with none other than Trashmouth Richie.
His brown doe eyes are still prominent and huge, even without his thick frames to magnify them. Blood drips when the corners of his lips lift ever so slightly, revealing a small, but powerful smile. Eddie’s heartbeat thumps so hard that he might have a stroke with the way his blood is flowing through his veins right now. He drops the puffer and folds his hands around Richie’s, returning the smile. All of the losers suddenly notice what's happening, and they all join in, holding hands and suddenly feeling less afraid than before.
The moment is stolen away when Pennywise swipes a large tentacle arm to separate them, throwing each loser to a separate wall in the room. Eddie sees Richie fall on his face, crushing his nose and wailing in pain. He sees his other friends, all grown up and vulnerable as they all scream and groan in pain. He sees his puffer, lying on the cold sewer floor not too far from Pennywise. He frowns, furrowing his eyebrows in concentration as he struggles to crawl over to it. If he thought he couldn't breathe before, he was truly kidding himself. His chest feels like three knives are stuck in various places. One in the back, one in the side, and one close to his heart. As he collapsed on the moist cement, he determined his ribs must be cracked from the sudden impact against the wall.
The gashes on his face start to sting as salty tears roll into them. He pushes himself up, his arms and legs shaking violently as he stumbles to a crouching position. He quickly determines he cannot walk to his desired location fast enough, so he settles for crawling again. He reaches out and grabs the cold, plastic and metal tube with fake medicine, ignoring the fact that the cut on his forearm is coating it in his thick red velvet of blood. Eddie stumbles to his feet, vaguely hearing his friend’s desperate screams for him to stop.
“Eddie!! Watch out!” Beverly croaks out in a hoarse scream. Eddie ducks, stumbling backwards as he does so whilst feeling a rush of air above him before standing up as straight as he can. He notices Pennywise's other arm swoops back in the opposite direction, but he doesn't even flinch. He just glares at the clown as he steps back, avoiding the impact before quickly pulling up his medicine in front of the clown from Hell. Pennywise frowns and starts to charge at Eddie, causing an uproar of screams behind him from his beloved friends.
“It's time to take your meds, asshole!” Eddie belts hoarsely as he squeezes the contents of the medication onto Pennywise's face. The clown stumbles backwards, holding ITs face as it shrieks out in pain. All the losers quiet themselves immediately as IT lowers its hands, revealing half of the clowns face to be melted and burnt. Pennywise sneers at Eddie, its melted mouth drooping as it does so.
Eddie’s sudden adrenaline rush allows him to punch the clown in the face, causing it to fly backwards. Eddie stumbles forward, ready to shoot more medicine on ITs face. Pennywise jumps up, grabbing Eddie as IT slowly grows and shifts into a half spider-mantis-clown nightmare. ITs jaw breaks open, pulling more and more as thousands of rows of sharp teeth reveal themselves to Eddie. The losers start to scream in horror again while Eddie's body goes limp as he catches a glimpse of ITs deadlights at the back of ITs throat.
Ben, Bill and Richie try to help Eddie, but the freeze as they too catch a glimpse of ITs deadlights. Beverly shields her eyes and searches around herself in a panic, trying to find some sort of weapon. The nail-gun that Mike provided them with glimmers in the corner of her eyes, and she quickly stumbles towards it. She picks it up, readies the trigger, and climbs the piping beside the creature. She pushes the end of the gun to its heart and pulls the trigger, causing it to screech out in pain.
The three men on the ground blink and stumble out of their trance whilst IT throws Eddie as it stumbles backwards. Eddie smacks against the cement wall, a loud crack echoes with the impact before he rolls onto the floor. Every loser hurries to his aid, falling on their knees as they gingerly check his pulse.
“Eddie!” Richie cautiously holds Eddie’s face as tears begin to cloud his vision. “Eddie Spaghetti…”
“Don't...call...me...that…” Eddie sputters out, violently coughing up blood to punctuate the end of his sentence. The four remaining losers can't help but smile in this bittersweet moment.
Eddie barely notices the others since his vision is slowly blacking out, only showing Richie’s face in the centre of his pinhole-vision. He attempts to smile at his friend, but it seems to distort Richie’s features, causing him to frown pitifully at Eddie.
“You...looked...better...with...glasses…” Eddie comments.
“And you look like shit,” Richie jokes. “You've seriously seen better days, my friend,” he adds, forcing his lips to form into a faint smile.
“Beep...beep…” Eddie starts coughing again, slightly leaning over to spit his blood away from his friend’s face. Eddie tries another smile, but he knows it looks crooked and forced. He leaves it anyways, willing to spend his remaining energy on this moment.
Richie’s breathing suddenly becomes shallow as the situation sinks in. His hands, still gingerly holding Eddie's face, starts to tremble. He suddenly becomes very aware of his close proximity to Eddie, and to his pounding heartbeat skipping occasionally. His fear builds up, but it's barely for the clown anymore. Richie does not want to lose Eddie. Not again. Not ever.
Richie acts impulsively, knowing that this could very possibly be the last chance he gets to do this. He leans over to close the gap between him and Eddie, locking lips with him. Eddie’s eyes widen for a moment before he gently closes them, leaning into the kiss as best as he can from lying on the ground. Richie smiles into the kiss as he tilts his head to deepen it without hurting Eddie too much.
Ben blinks, completely dumbfounded. He respectfully leans back to not invade their moment. Beverly and Bill lean back as well, but they smile endearingly after the initial shock eases away. Ben’s lips soon tug into a smile moments later.
Richie tastes his and Eddie’s blood in the kiss, but he doesn't care. Richie suddenly feels weak, trembling hands grab onto his hair, pulling him down even more. Eddie suddenly winces in pain, causing Richie to quickly peel away from Eddie.
“Sorry!” Richie blubbered out nervously, feeling like a child again.
“I've… wanted… to do that… for a long… time…” Eddie responded, ignoring Richie’s apology.
Eddie’s eyes started to close, but Richie wasn't having it. “No! No, goddammit, you are not dying on me today!” Richie belted. The three other losers notice Pennywise behind them, sluggishly stumbling towards them for another round.
“Don't…  be… afraid,” Eddie coughs, “and kill… that fucking… clown…” Eddie forces one last smile before letting out a long, slow breath.
“No, Eddie!” Richie yells.
“Ed's!” Richie tries again.
“Eddie Spaghetti?” Richie’s voice becomes quiet as Eddie doesn't respond. Eddie’s muscles have become slack, and his lips are parted ever so slightly. Richie blinks, and Eddie is thirteen again. His skin is smooth with no sign of ageing wrinkles, and his hair lush and full of life again. Richie is a child again, too. He’s suddenly wearing his glasses, and the sounds of his friends' voices are their voices from their childhood.
“Richie!” Bill yells from behind.
“Richie, its up!”
“It’s coming, Richie!”
Richie can't even decipher whose voice is who anymore as they scream for his help. He cradles Eddie’s face and whispers, “I've always loved you, Ed’s.”
Richie sluggishly stands up and turns around, his eyebrows furrowed and his lips pulled into a thin line. He glares at Pennywise who still has a partially melted face from Eddie’s puffer. ‘Don't be afraid,’ Eddie’s voice echoes in Richie's head as he marches towards the demon clown, filled with anger and determination. The losers are not kids anymore, and they’re here to kill this clown.
“First, you kill Stanley,” Richie’s voice is dark, somewhat startling his friends as he marches in front of them. “Then you almost killed Mike,” Richie leans forward and picks up the axe that he dropped a long time ago. “And then you killed Eddie,” Pennywise tilts its head, smugly raising the un-melted eyebrow. “Now I'm gonna return the favour, asshole!” Richie lifts the axe and swings it, slicing off Pennywise’s arm in one swift motion.
“I'm gonna fucking kill you!” Richie screams as he continues swinging the axe at the clown. Black tar sprays out of each gash and floats up in the air above IT as the shapeshifting alien stumbles backwards. The other losers take swings on the clown themselves with pieces of pipery from the sewer floors, impaling it and smacking it with double the force each time.
They get IT to the ground, not showing mercy as they continue to attack the beast. All of them fight with a fire in their eyes that hasn't been lit since childhood.
Richie slices the chest cavity of Pennywise, barely flinching as its black blood sprays all over him. The four remaining losers drop their weapons and kneel beside the creature. They each claw into the monster, ignoring its shriek of pain as they dig deeper inside of IT. They hear cracking and slurping noises as they bury their hands deeper until they find the large cavity they were looking for. They grab the heart together and rip it out with their bare hands.
They keep pulling as they notice a cord attached to the heart, and they rip it right out, revealing the physical form of ITs deadlights. They throw the heart onto the cement and Ben stomps on it, causing it to burst out its gooey black tar blood.
They stare at it for a while as the children and Bill’s wife slowly float down. Bill hurries to her aid whilst Ben and Beverly head towards Eddie. Richie continues to glare at the corpse of the monster, feeling completely numb.
Suddenly, Ben’s desperate voice cries out, “I feel a pulse!”
They emerge from the depths of the sewers, squinting as they make contact with daylight. Bill adjusts his unconscious wife over his shoulder whilst Richie does the same with Eddie. They all continue to rush towards their cars and they immediately head to the hospital.
Bill’s wife is fine, but she hasn't spoken a word since the incident. The doctors say that the shock of the traumatic event has silenced her, and they can't tell if she will ever speak again.
News on Eddie hasn't come back yet, and Richie can't stop pacing. All he can think about is every moment in his teens after their summer fighting IT. He remembers how every day, the kids slowly drifted apart from each other. He remembers when Ben moved away, and how they rarely saw Mike since he was homeschooled, and how Stanley made new friends that didn't irritate him as much. Stan did still talk to them from time to time, and he said goodbye at the start of summer when they all moved away for college. Richie didn't go to college, he just moved to Los Angeles and auditioned for many talent agencies until he got accepted. He then auditioned for Saturday Night Live, and the rest is history now.
Richie sits down, nervously shaking his leg as he ponders how different his life could've been if he just picked up the damn phone and called his friends once in a while. The only friend he even saw between graduation and now was Bill. Richie never approached Bill, but he saw him at one or two movie premiers with his actress wife - who may be scarred for life now since she just had to come here instead of listening to Bill’s warnings to steer her away from danger.
‘Such a stubborn lady, but I guess that’s why Bill fell in love with her,’ Richie muses to himself as he rests his chin on his hands. His thighs feel like they might become numb if he keeps the pressure he’s using with his elbows right now. Richie pushes his hands further up his face, covering his features as he groans in pain. ‘I probably should've seen a doctor. Every-fucking-thing hurts.’
Richie starts thinking about his relationships - or rather, lack thereof - throughout his adult life. He dated one girl - an actress he worked on a rom-com with in his twenties - but that lasted for maybe a month because their relationship was too public. They were constantly pestered by paparazzi, and they rarely spent time with each other outside of their press tour. He realized that their relationship wasn't real when the buzz from their movie died down a bit. It was all an accidental publicity stunt on their parts. They parted ways on good terms, and they're still good friends to this day, still working on the odd film with each other now and again.
Richie only ever had hookups after that, and he didn't enjoy any of them. He sighs, realizing that all this time, there was one person he secretly wanted to spend the rest of his life with, but it took a battle with the demon clown from his past to have this epiphany.
‘I'm a grown-ass, middle-aged man, and I just now realized that I was suppressing romantic feelings for my childhood best friend? Fuck that. I am not gay!’ Richie groans again, rubbing circles in his temples and he closes his eyes. ‘I did kiss him though. That's...pretty gay.’
“Hey, you should really see a doctor.” Bev’s voice startles Richie, causing him to sit up and look over at her like a deer caught in headlights. ‘God, I hope I didn't say any of that out loud.’
“No, I'm fine,” Richie snaps. He awkwardly looks away, feeling guilty for snapping at her. “I'll leave the medical resources for the people who actually fucking need it.”
“There are plenty of doctors here, Rich. You're not going to stop anyone from saving Eddie,” Beverly sighs, sitting down beside him. “And you do need a doctor, too. You may not be dying at the moment, but you're clearly in a lot of pain.”
“I don't care,” Richie mutters, slouching as he glares at the opposite wall. “I'm not seeing a doctor until I know that Eddie is okay.”
Beverly sighs again, looking off to the side before looping her arm around Richie and resting her head against his shoulder. Richie glances at her over his shoulder and smiles at the floor. “You're hurting my neck,” Richie mumbles under his breath, his smirk more prominent now.
“I don't care. I'm going to sit here like this with you until we know that Eddie is okay,” Beverly replies with a bittersweet smile.
Richie finishes by tightening his tie. He briefly smiles at himself in the mirror. He turns around when he sees Beverly walk in the reflection behind him. He watches her as she examines him, smiling and patting down his shoulders.
“You look great, Rich,” Beverly compliments with a bashful smile.
“Thanks, Bev.”
She pauses. “They’re all waiting for you outside,” she says with a small smile.
“Yeah, yeah,” Richie takes one last look at himself in the mirror, dusting his suit jacket and adjusting his tie one last time. “I always show up fashionably late to any event.”
“This isn’t just another one of your movie premieres, Rich,” Beverly pouts with a raised eyebrow. Richie sighs, suddenly becoming rather fond of his shoes.
“I hope we all continue to stay in touch after all of this...” Richie’s voice falls, and he clears his throat nervously.
“Me too,” Beverly replies, smiling brightly. Richie faces her, and she pulls him into a tight hug. He holds her just as tightly, suddenly feeling the tears overwhelm him.
“Dammit,” Richie mumbles as he wipes his tears over her shoulder. “Don’t tell anyone I cried.”
Beverly pulls back and wipes the second tear that escaped his eyes. “I promise.” He wipes her escaped tear and they give each other quick smiles before walking out of the room. Richie and Beverly meet Ben, Bill, BIll’s silent wife, and Mike in the hallway outside of the room. They all walk close together into the cathedral, and they meet the gazes of all the people who ever knew Eddie Kaspbrak. They all walk slowly, trying to avoid eye contact with anyone as they head for the front of the church. They try to ignore the whispers of people wondering who they all were and how the losers even knew Eddie. Many of them glared, knowing they must be the old friends he went off to visit - and who they believe caused his demise.
The five remaining losers - plus Bills wife - make it to the open casket. They all look down at Eddie’s features that have been touched up to look presentable. Richie’s eyes are stuck on the cleaned and stitched gash on Eddie’s cheek, remembering the blood no longer oozing from it as Eddie took his final breaths. His eyes then fell to his lips. They’re pale and cracked, and there’s no trace that they were ever coated in his own blood. Richie ponders that Eddie’s lips no longer look as soft as they felt when Eddie was still alive. Richie blinks when he realizes that his own tear hit Eddie’s nose, and he quickly started rubbing at his own face, trying to rid himself of them.
All of the losers joined hands and leaned in around Richie, protecting him like a forcefield. They all loved Eddie, but Richie’s love for Eddie was so much more, and every remaining loser learned that the moment Richie kissed him.
“Why did you have to die?” Was all that Richie was able to croak out that day before his best friend - his soulmate - was buried.
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