#sorry if this is hard to read I’ve never made one of these before 💔
coulrology · 10 months
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Relationship chart for the St. Epiderm kiddos 🫰
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liminalweirdo · 2 years
from the fanfic writer emoji ask thing you reblogged a couple days ago: 🏆😈🛒🤡💔✅🤲🏻
🏆 What's your most popular fic?
I wasn’t 100% sure how to answer this, whether I should use hits or kudos to determine popularity on ao3 but kudos felt more valid, so definitely I love your bones is my most popular, which is a shyan fic I wrote for Buzzfeed Unsolved way back in 2017. (simpler times)
😈 Has there been a point in a story where you did something just to be playfully mean to your readers?
I don’t really do this? I definitely write a lot of angst and sad stuff, but it’s never just to be playfully mean. I personally don’t like gratuitous hurt in fic, so if I write hard/sad stuff it has to have a place in the plot for me personally, otherwise it goes. (Sometimes it finds its way into another story, though).
🛒 What are some common things you incorporate in your fics? Themes, feels, scenes, imagery, etc.
I definitely do this. The way I describe light, mental illness is a common theme, queerness and particularly queered sex (particularly in straight or straight-passing pairings). I think I have a lot of water imagery. Yeah. Also probably roadtrips. And any time I can add the spooky, I will. :D
🤡 What's a line, scene, or exchange you've written that made you laugh?
Haha, oh no. I always think the stuff I write is really funny but then I worry that it isn’t funny to anyone else. Zach’s line (in I’m fine and you’re fine) where he says he wanted to be a teacher bc he’s less hot than Ms. Barron so he won’t be distracting made me laugh a lot. I just hope it actually works in the fic.
💔 Is there a fic of yours that broke your heart?
Oh, always. Maelstrom (shyan, BFU. Roadtrips, mental illness, belonging) is the first one that comes to mind, always followed by the Real Sad Fic Theory Number 7 (shyan + zombies = misery). When you close your eyes, is it hell you see? is another sad-times fave (sad queer kids, trying to fall in love with the wrong person). And maybe He Doesn’t Like You because over the years I’ve somehow become fond of Ginger Snaps’s Trina Sinclair.
✅ What's something that appears in your fics over and over and over again, even if you don't mean to?
Light descriptions, cats, roadtrips, ghosts.
🤲🏻 Would you please share a snippet of a wip?
This is from my Super Dark Times fic I’m fine and you’re fine:
Josh is mostly quiet, sitting at the end of Zach’s kitchen table with a mostly untouched cup of coffee while Zach rush around making sure he does actually have everything. He’s reading the back of the cereal box Zach had taken out for breakfast and forgot to put back, one elbow up on the table, face in his hand, almost like a wall between himself and Zach in a way that sort of puts a pit in Zach’s stomach, but he doesn’t have time for something like this now. They were fine last night.
And this is from an untitled wip for a (gen) Lev and Abby fic in TloU:
It feels like the ground tips sideways beneath him, sometimes, with the drop of the braid down Abby’s back instead of it being wound and tucked and pinned tight. Lev’s hair is longer than it was in their Seattle days, but Abby always makes sure they cut it before it gets too long, and that means… something. It means something that the kitchen scissors they took in the last city take up space and weight in her backpack that could be used for other things. A skinning knife, an extra flashlight, fishing hooks. She keeps the scissors. She cuts his hair with hands that are gentle if unskilled, and her carefulness almost hurts sometimes more than the scars cut into his cheeks.
(Also, for anyone still waiting on my Fo4 fic, he's a demon — he's a devil — he's a doll I wanted to include a snippet but I didn’t have one in showable condition haha, but, I haven’t forgotten about it! And I’m sorry it’s taking so long.)
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If it's too much I apologize. I was wondering what made you start writing. I have been working up the nerve to get back into writing, but to no sucess. I guess I have been out of touch for so long.
Oh! It’s not too much, no need to apologize! I’m sorry if I don’t make any sense though I have a fever and I’m like, rambling lmao
So basically I’ve always liked writing but I wasn’t very good at it. I mostly wrote fiction or journal entries. I only wrote fanfiction for a game called My Candy Love when I was like 14 lol Then I moved on to other games that had a bigger fanbase and kind of stopped writing fanfiction. I kept writing personal things for a while but eventually I stopped? Like I would write ideas for a story or stuff like that but nothing beyond that. I do love creating new OCs so in a way I kept writing by coming up with character backgrounds or headcanons for them.
Then I started playing QB and idk, this game has a fanbase way smaller than the other games I play and Poppy wasn’t an official LI so despite seeing a lot of incredible fanfiction and fanart, I still wanted more LMFAO
It was the first time that I had to write the content I wanted to see and that made me SICK to my stomach because I hadn’t written anything in over five years and also I had never tried writing fanfiction in english before. So the simple answer is that I had a very specific AU in mind, I hadn’t found any other fanfiction with a similar premise and decided to write my own (even though I’d much rather have someone else write it for me lol) it was basically a “I'm gonna throw up why do I have to be the one to create the content I wish to see in the world 💔💔💔” moment for me LMFAO
There was a point in my life where I wanted to become a published author, but like I’ve said, I’ve never been that good at writing so I kinda gave up on that idea. I think I could be a good editor or pretty decent at brainstorming ideas, but that’s it lol
I also dealt with depression and things like that for a long time so I can totally understand the feeling of wanting to start writing again but finding it hard. I wish I had a better answer but for me it was just. an hyper fixation that got out of control. I probably wouldn’t have started writing again if this fandom was bigger and had more fanfic authors. (Side note: the authors that are in this fandom, though, are top notch. Literally. So so talented, its insane.)
What I did notice though is that when you stop thinking about it and just start writing whatever comes to mind, it’s easier. Like most of my fanfics started with a specific dialogue/scene I had in mind and then I made a story that revolved around that idea. Even Ground started with the closet scene, In Spite Of Me started with Poppy’s realization moment and Baby It’s Cold Outside started with the vague concept of Poppy being stood up by someone important to her. I know it’s not great advice but… idk, if you have a dialogue in mind just write it down and see where it takes you. Maybe the rest of the plot will come to you right away, or maybe it will take a few days. But writing anything at all is progress, I think. In a way it’s kind of like riding a bike lol you’ll know what to do, even if it’s been a while! Good luck, I’m excited to read whatever you end up writing if you ever want to share! ❤️❤️
I wish I had better advice but I don’t even consider myself a writer jskdkdkf im just. picking words and arranging them in a way that kinda makes sense but not really 💀😂 BUT YOU’VE GOT THIS ANON!! I BELIEVE IN YOU
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